Display auto rotation device
Auto Pivot using Arduino
Pivtino automatically rotates the display screen through serial communication with PC.
pip install pyserial
pip install pypiwin32
BlunoBeetle, MPU6050 or
Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v, MPU6050, HC-06
serialDic={'5':'5','6':'6'} # You should put your Arduino serial number in this dictionary.
def waitForSerialInit():
#print("\n=Currently available Arduino Uno devices=")
while True:
for arduino in serial.tools.list_ports.comports():
if arduino.vid == 9025 and arduino.pid == 67: # Arduino Uno vid & pid
# This program uses the vid & pid of Adunino Uno.
# For this reason, you need to modify it with your device.
Add the shortcut to the startup program.
root : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
edit? baud rate and rename some variables
import win32 using DEVMODE(Structures) add def rotateTO()
# Changing Screen Orientation Programmatically
def rotateTO(rotateDic):
display_num = 0 # display 1
device = win32.EnumDisplayDevices(None,display_num)
dm = win32.EnumDisplaySettings(device.DeviceName,win32con.ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS)
if 0 != dm:
dm.PelsWidth, dm.PelsHeight = dm.PelsHeight, dm.PelsWidth
dm.DisplayOrientation = int(rotateDic/90)
iRet = win32.ChangeDisplaySettings(dm, 0);
if win32con.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL != iRet:
print("Failed(Already) to rotate "+str(rotateDic)+" degrees")
return win32.ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(device.DeviceName,dm)
referred from Changing Screen Orientation Programmatically and ChangeDisplaySettingsExA function
No longer using additional third-party application(display.exe)
From now on, waitForSerialInit () function will automatically find the Arduino Uno devices.
Added Arduino Pro Mini version of PivotIno. There is not much change in source code.
Added def macAddfinder(): This function finds com-port using MAC-address of the Bluetooth module.
def macAddfinder():
dev = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
for com in dev:
port.append((com.device, com.hwid))
macAddress = "201807130C23"
for device in port:
if macAddress in str(device[1]):
result= str(device[0])
#print("\nBluetooth MAC Address is [" + macAddress + "]\nDevice detected serial ports:")
return result
It will be merged with other functions. Because of delay :(
Changes were made by Heejoong Kim (in 2019)