A system to monitor platform for new entries of given queries and sends email alerts when new results found.
- Rails - 5.x.x
- Sidekiq - 6.x.x
- Redis
- SQLite
- Tableau
- Shodan
- Install RVM
- Install Ruby 2.7.x
- Use Ruby 2.7.x
- Clone Project
- bundle install
rails db:migrate
- Copy sample config files and setup values
- Start webserver:
rails s
- Start Sidekiq process:
bundle exec sidekiq
- Start console:
rails c
- Add Queries to Monitor:
MonitoringQuery.create(:platform_id => 1, :params => {"type" => "authors", "query" => "ankit"}, :interval => 1.hour.to_i, :state => MonitoringQuery::State::VALID)
MonitoringQuery.create(:platform_id => 1, :params => {"type" => "vizzes", "query" => "ankit"}, :interval => 1.hour.to_i, :state => MonitoringQuery::State::VALID)
MonitoringQuery.create(:platform_id => 2, :params => {"query" => "ankit"}, :interval => 1.hour.to_i, :state => MonitoringQuery::State::VALID)
# To test from console
action = MonitoringAction.create(:monitoring_query_id => 1, :state => MonitoringAction::State::INITIALIZED)
- From console:
- Check logs in sidekiq workers
- Preview sample emails at:
- Check sidekiq status at:
This is a very basic functioning prototype. Lots of scope of improvements. Most of things were written considering time of implementation in mind.