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Documents the steps necessary to install my macOS setup


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My macOS Setup

Documents the steps necessary to install my macOS setup. Most of the focus will be on command line tools. This document is entirely opinionated to myself. Feel free to borrow or detract from it as much as you'd like.

System Preferences



  1. Set "Appearance" to "Dark".
  2. Set "Default web browser" to "Google Chrome".


  1. Set "Size" to a reasonably small value.


  1. Set "Minimize windows using" to "Scale effect".
  2. Enable "Minimize windows into application icon".
  3. Enable "Automatically hide and show the Dock".


  1. Enable "Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom" under "Zoom".

Security & Privacy

  1. Enable "Use your Apple Watch to unlock apps and your Mac" under "General".


  1. Maximize speed for "Key Repeat" and minimize "Delay Until Repeat" under "Keyboard".


  1. Add keyboard shortcuts to improve switching between desktops under "Shortcuts" -> "Mission Control":


  1. Set "Show Spotlight search" to OPTION+Space:



  1. Enable "Tap to click" in "Point & Click".
  2. Disable "Scroll direction: Natural" in "Scroll & Zoom".


  1. Increase scaled resolution:


  1. Enable Night Shift:




Alfred is an productivity and efficiency tool that mirrors and expands the capabilities of Spotlight.

  1. Go to and download Alfred.
  2. Install the app, following the steps in the installer.
  3. Open Alfred Preferences and set the following:
    • General -> Check "Launch Alfred at login".
    • General -> Set "Alfred Hotkey" to CMD+Space.
    • Appearance -> Set to "Alfred Dark".


Rectangle is a windowing tool (based on Spectacle) that supports moving and resizing windows via keyboard shortcuts.

  1. Install with Homebrew:
    $ brew install --cask rectangle
  2. Open the app (via Spotlight) and follow the setup steps:


  1. Open Preferences and set the following:
    • Enable "Hide menu bar icon".
    • Enable "Check for updates automatically".


iTerm2 is a feature-rich replacement for Terminal.

  1. Go to and download iTerm2.
  2. Install the app, following the steps in the installer.
  3. Download the "Afterglow" Color Preset from
  4. Open iTerm2 Preferences and set the following:
    • Profiles -> General -> Set "Working Directory" to "Reuse previous..."
    • Profiles -> Colors -> Import and use the "Afterglow" preset.
    • Profiles -> Terminal -> Enable "Unlimited scrollback"

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight source-code and text editor.


  1. Go to and download VSCode on macOS
  2. Install the app, following the steps in the installer.


  1. Install support for 'code' from the command line via CMD+P > Install 'code'...:


  1. Set VSCode as your default editor in ~/.zshrc:
    # Setup for default editor
    export EDITOR='code'
    export VISUAL='code'
  2. (Optional) Install Atom One Dark Theme extension and enable the color theme: CMD+SHIFT+X -> "Atom One Dark Theme" -> "Install"
  3. (Optional) Install Babel JavaScript extension to support better syntax highlighting for modern JavaScript (React/JSX, Flow, GraphQL, etc.)
  4. (Optional) Install ESLint extension for IDE integration.
  5. (Optional) Add some reasonable exclusions and editor configuration in settings.json:
    • Open Settings with CMD+P -> > Open Settings (JSON)
    "editor.formatOnType": true,
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
        "source.fixAll": true
    "files.exclude": {
        "**/.git": true
    "search.exclude": {
        "**/.git": true



Homebrew is a package manager for macOS.

  1. Install Homebrew:
    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


zsh is a feature-rich shell with lots of features above and beyond the default bash shell.

Note: since macOS 10.15 Catalina, zsh is the default shell for your machine. For users created before their machine's upgrade to Catalina, they may still be using bash.

  1. Install Zsh:
    $ brew install zsh
  2. Step through first-time configuration and select the option which creates a blank .zshrc file:
    $ zsh

    (0) Exit, creating the file ~/.zshrc containing just a comment. That will prevent this function being run again.

  3. Set zsh to be your preferred login shell:
    $ chsh -s $(which zsh)

If you exit and reload your terminal, it should load into zsh.


Install Prezto, a configuration framework for zsh that enriches the command line interface environment with defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, and prompt themes.

  1. Install Prezto
    $ git clone --recursive "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto"
  2. Generate a new Zsh configuration by copying the files below:
    • First, delete the .zshrc file we generated above:
      $ rm -rf ~/.zshrc
    • And copy the preset configuration from Prezto:
      // ~/.zshrc
      setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
      for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^; do
          ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
      If the above causes an error (file already exists), instead replace it with:
      // ~/.zshrc
      source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/init.zsh"
  3. Add some modules to your .zpreztorc config file:
    # Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).
    # The order matters.
    zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
        'environment' \
        'terminal' \
        'editor' \
        'history' \
        'directory' \
        'spectrum' \
        'utility' \
        'completion' \
        'git' \
        'prompt' \
        'syntax-highlighting' \

If you exit and reload your terminal, it should load Prezto.

Command line tools


Volta is a viable alternative to nvm that simplifies version management for your tools. Check it out at

  1. Install Volta:
    $ curl | bash
  2. Install Node.js:
    $ volta install node
  3. Ensure that node is available:
    $ node --version



While Git is already be installed, it is possible that it is out of date. You can verify this by running git --version.

If your git is out of date, you can install an instance separate from the once that comes bundled from Apple.

  1. Install
$ brew install git
$ brew link --overwrite git

In the future, we can upgrade with brew upgrade git.


Add some reasonable aliases:

  1. Open ~/.gitconfig.
  2. Add some reasonable aliases to improve your developer experience:
        alias = !git config --list | grep 'alias' | sort
        co = !git checkout $* && echo "Checked out:"
        st = !git status
        cp = !git cherry-pick
        p = !git fetch --tags --all && git pull --rebase
        pp = !git p && git push
        last = !git log -1 HEAD
        wipe = !git clean -xfd && git reset HEAD --hard
  3. (Optional) Add some extra, less generalized options:
        pr = "!f() { git fetch -fu ${2:-$(git remote |grep ^upstream || echo origin)} refs/pull/$1/head:pr/$1 && git checkout pr/$1; }; f"
        editor = code --wait
        excludesfile = /Users/amsmith/.gitignore

GitHub integration

Follow the Mac steps outlined in GitHub's Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent guide.


Fasd is a command-line productivity booster that offers quick access to files and directories.

  1. Install Fasd:

    $ brew install fasd
  2. Add initialization code to ~/.zshrc:

    // ~/.zshrc
    eval "$(fasd --init zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install)"

    Note that fasd --init auto also includes posix-alias which has been removed here. This would add all of the built-in alises. As I tend not to use them all, I've cherry picked only those I want below.

  3. (Optional) Add some helpful alises (some require fzf):

    // ~/.zshrc
    eval "$(fasd --init zsh-hook zsh-ccomp zsh-ccomp-install zsh-wcomp zsh-wcomp-install)"
    alias a='fasd -a' # find all (files + directories)
    alias f='fasd -f' # find files
    # function to execute built-in cd
    fasd_cd() {
        if [ $# -le 1 ]; then
            local dir="$(fasd -d -l "$@" | fzf)"
            [ ! -z "$dir" ] && cd $dir
            local _fasd_ret="$(fasd -e 'printf %s' "$@")"
            [ -z "$_fasd_ret" ] && return
            [ -d "$_fasd_ret" ] && cd "$_fasd_ret" || printf %s\n "$_fasd_ret"
    alias j='fasd_cd -d' # cd to directory

Try out some of these alises with with j <KEYWORD>, a <KEYWORD>, and f <KEYWORD>. Providing a keyword is optional for each of these. Check out j for how we can chain our commands with fzf.


Tig is a text-mode interface for git.

  1. Install Tig:
    $ brew install tig

Try it out with tig while in a git repository.


ripgrep is a highly performant command-line oriented search tool similar to grep.

  1. Install ripgrep:
    $ brew install ripgrep

Try it out with rg <PATTERN>.


fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder.

  1. Install fzf:
    $ brew install fzf
  2. (Optionally) Install useful key bindings and fuzzy completion:
    $ $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
    • Note: this will generate ~/.fzf.** files and modify your ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc.
    • Check out junegunn/fzf#62 if you run into issues with key bindings.

Try it out with fzf.

Note to safely uninstall, use the provided uninstall script:

$ git clone [email protected]:junegunn/fzf.git
$ cd fzf
$ ./uninstall
$ brew uninstall fzf


ranger is a console file manager.

  1. Install ranger:
    $ brew install ranger
  2. (Optional) Alias ranger as ra.
    // ~/.zshrc
    alias ra='ranger'
  3. (Optional) Add custom commands:
    • Copy default configuration to ~/.config/ranger:
    $ ranger --copy-config=all
    • Add command to open Visual Studio Code with :code <FILE>:
    # ~/.config/ranger/
    class code(Command):
    Opens current directory in VSCode
    def execute(self):
        dirname =
        remainder =
        codecmd = ["code", dirname + os.sep + remainder]
    • Add command to open Finder in the current directory with :finder:
    # ~/.config/ranger/
    class finder(Command):
        Present selected files in finder
        def execute(self):
  'open .', flags='f')

Try it out with ranger.

A few useful key bindings:

  • i: Inspect the current file in a bigger window.
  • SHIFT+e: Edit the current file in $VISUAL otherwise $EDITOR otherwise "vim".
  • SHIFT+s: Change our shell's directory to match that of ranger and exit.


prettyping is a visual wrapper around the standard ping tool.

  1. Install prettyping:
    $ brew install prettyping
  2. (Optional) Alias prettyping as ping.
    // ~/.zshrc
    alias ping='prettyping --nolegend'

Try it out with prettyping <URL>.


ncdu is a disk usage analyzer alternative to du.

  1. Install ncdu:
    $ brew install ncdu
  2. (Optional) Setup an alias for ncdu:
    // ~/.zshrc
    alias du='ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules'

Try it out with ncdu or du (if aliased).


tldr is a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages.

  1. Install tldr:
    $ brew install tldr

Try it out with tldr <COMMAND>.


fd is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.

  1. Install fd:
    $ brew install fd
  2. (Optional) Setup an alias to chain together fd and fzf to improve the default cd functionality:
    // ~/.zshrc
    _cd() {
        if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
            local dir="$(fd -t d | fzf)"
            [ ! -z "$dir" ] && cd $dir
            cd $@
    alias cd='_cd'

Try it out with fd <PATTERN>.

A few useful options:

  • fd -e <EXTENSION> // e.g. fd -e js: filter search results by their file extensions.
  • fd -f <FILE_TYPE> // eg. fd -t f: filter search results by type (files, directories, symlinks, executables, etc.)


jq is a command-line JSON processor, similar to sed but for JSON data.

  1. Install jq:
    $ brew install jq


Documents the steps necessary to install my macOS setup







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