I’m a transgender Canadian immigrant who grew up in Minnesota.
I spent 14 years working in consumables retail, 9 of which I was either a supervisor or manager. A major focus in my supervisory roles was team training and sales leadership, particularly with Total Wine. I left retail to work for Toyota on the assembly line with the intention of saving up to attend a software engineering bootcamp.
In May 2022 I left Toyota and enrolled at Flatiron School. I recently graduated from their Software Engineering program where I learned to code in vanilla JS, the React library, Ruby/SQL fundamentals, and the Rails framework though I view programming as a never ending educational opportunity. We learned the foundational tools of software development such as version control (Git/Github), creating RESTful APIs, basic computer science concepts like time and space complexity and Big O notation, front-end and back-end best practices, and Test Driven Development (using Jest and Rspec).
I want to take my past experiences in customer facing retail and sales team training, and the Toyota Way of continuous improvement and J-I-T pull manufacturing and leverage those experiences to develop as a software engineer and add value to a company and team.
- 🌍 I'm based in Seattle, WA(flexible)
- 🖥️ See my portfolio at discover-aliebrubaker.net/
- ✉️ You can contact me at [email protected]
- 🧠 I'm learning Node.js/ExpressJS/MongoDB/mongoose
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on nearly anything code related
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