This is rough implementation of chip 8 emulator. for more details about CHIP8.
- Taking input from keys.
- Timer for sound and delay.
- resize and scale of display
- runner for the program.
- maybe also make it a wasm program.
This is our CPU, the process is kind of simple. Load a program into memory, read an opcode from it, perform the matching operation.
opcode: u16, //2byte long
v: [u8; 16], //16 8 bit registers, will be called as V[0], V[1] .... last register is reserved.
i: u16, // 16 bit register
sound: u8,
delay: u8, // sound and delay decrease if not 0 at rate of 60Hz
pc: usize, // program counter -> stores the currently executing address
sp: usize, //pointer to top of stack.
memory: [u8; 4096], // 4kb memory :)
stack: [u16; 16], // our friendly old stack
pub keystrokes: [bool; 16], //so apparently chip 8 has 16 keys
pub display: [[bool;64]; 32] //gonna admit this is much better than [][]
keystrokes, sound and delay don't do anything for now, except I needed to declare them to implement the opcodes.
Hammster for the suggestion of building this and his help during it. direct-gui.