/** @class ENGINE SourceForge github geointapps gitlab
ENGINE implements hyperthreaded workflows to both stateless and stateful engines of TYPE
py | js | sh | opencv | mat | csh | r | octave
at ENGINE[TYPE]. Engines are controlled via the following methods (restful http endpoints):
POST advance/setp/insert a stateful engine
PUT compile/init/update a stateful engine
DELETE deallocate/kill/delete a stateful engine
GET execute/read/select a stateless engines
Stateful engines are supported by the step, init and kill methods, and are passed TAU event tokens:
TAU.i = [{tau}, ...] = events arriving to engine's input port
TAU.o = [{tau}, ...] = events departing from engine's output port
TAU.p = {port1: {...}, ... port2: {...}, ... sql: {...} }
TAU.port = engine's in/out port to step
TAU.thread = engine's 0-base thread counter
where input/output port parameters and engine code are taken from the Vars and Code engine context at workflow initialization, and where sql is a mysql database connector.
Each event token contains the following default fields (they can be freely interpretted and extended by the engine):
job = "" = Current job thread N.N...
work = 0 = Anticipated/delivered data volume (dims bits etc)
disem = "" = Disemination channel for this event
classif = "" = Classification of this event
cost = "" = Billing center
policy = "" = Data retention policy
status = 0 = Status code
value = 0 = Flow calculation
Stateless engines are supported by the read method, and are passed the following parameters:
TAU.i = {tau} = input event sinked to an engine
TAU.o = {tau} = output event sourced from an engine
TAU.p = {sql: {...}, query: {...} }
where the query hash will contain the url parameters.
In addition to geoClient config paramaters, geoEngine accepts the config parameters:
jobspath path to prefix to a tau.job
app{...} crud interface to virtual tables
Clone from one of the repos.
ENGINE is configured and started like this:
var TOTEM = require("../dsvar").config({
key: value, // set key
"key.key": value, // indexed set
"key.key.": value, // indexed append
OBJECT: [ function (){}, ... ], // add OBJECT prototypes
Function: function () {} // add chained initializer callback
}, function (err) {
console.log( err ? "something evil happended" : "Im running");
where its configuration keys follow the ENUM copy() conventions and are described in its PRM.
The examples below are provided in TOTEM's test.js unit tester.
var ENGINE = require("../engine");
var TOTEM = require("../totem");
Trace( "A Totem+Engine client has been created", {
a_tau_template: ENGINE.tau("somejob.pdf"),
engine_errors: ENGINE.error,
get_endpts: TOTEM.reader,
my_paths: TOTEM.paths
var TOTEM = require("../totem");
TOTEM.config({}, function (err) {
Trace( err || "Started but I will now power down" );
var ENGINE = require("../engine").config({
thread: TOTEM.thread
var TOTEM = require("../totem").config({
"byType.": {
chipper: function Chipper(req,res) {
res( 123 );
mysql: {
var ENGINE = require("../engine").config({
thread: TOTEM.thread
var TOTEM = require("../totem").config({
"byType.": {
test: function Chipper(req,res) {
var itau = [ENGINE.tau()];
var otau = [ENGINE.tau()];
switch (req.query.config) {
case "cv": // program and step haar opencv machine
parm = {
tau: [],
ports: {
frame: {},
helipads: {scale:0.05,dim:100,delta:0.1,hits:10,cascade:["c1/cascade"]},
faces: {scale:0.05,dim:100,delta:0.1,hits:10,cascade:["haarcascade_frontalface_alt","haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses"]}
itau[0].job = "test.jpg";
for (var n=0,N=1;n<N;n++) // program N>1 to test reprogram
console.log(`INIT[${n}] = `, ENGINE.opencv("opencv.Me.Thread1","setup",parm));
for (var n=0,N=5;n<N;n++) // step N>1 to test multistep
console.log(`STEP[${n}] = `, ENGINE.opencv("opencv.Me.Thread1","frame",itau));
// returns badStep if the cascades were undefined at the program step
console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.opencv("opencv.Me.Thread1","helipads",otau));
// python machines fail with "cant find forkpty" if "import cv2" attempted
case "py1": // program python machine
parm = {
tau: [{job:"redefine on run"}],
ports: {
pgm = `
print 'Look mom - Im running python!'
print tau
tau = [{'x':[11,12],'y':[21,22]}]
// By default python attempts to connect to mysql.
// So, if mysql service not running or mysql.connector module not found, this will not run.
console.log({py:pgm, ctx: parm});
console.log("INIT = ", ENGINE.python("py1.thread",pgm,parm));
case "py2": // program and step python machine
parm = {
tau: [{job:"redefine on run"}],
ports: {
frame: {},
faces: {scale:1.01,dim:100,delta:0.1,hits:10,cascade:["haarcascade_frontalface_alt","haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses"]}
itau[0].job = "test.jpg";
pgm = `
print 'Look mom - Im running python!'
def frame(tau,parms):
print parms
return -101
def helipads(tau,parms):
print parms
return -102
def faces(tau,parms):
print parms
return -103
console.log({py:pgm, ctx: parm});
console.log("INIT = ", ENGINE.python("py2.Me.Thread1",pgm,parm));
// reprogramming ignored
//console.log("INIT = ", ENGINE.python("py2.Me.Thread1",pgm,parm));
for (var n=0,N=1; n<N; n++)
console.log(`STEP[${n}] = `, ENGINE.python("py2.Me.Thread1","frame",itau));
console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.python("py2.Me.Thread1","helipads",otau));
case "py3": // program and step python machine string with reinit along the way
parm = {
tau: [{job:"redefine on run"}],
ports: {
frame: {},
faces: {scale:1.01,dim:100,delta:0.1,hits:10,cascade:["haarcascade_frontalface_alt","haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses"]}
itau[0].job = "test.jpg";
pgm = `
print 'Look mom - Im running python!'
def frame(tau,parms):
print parms
return -101
def helipads(tau,parms):
print parms
return -102
def faces(tau,parms):
print parms
return -103
console.log({py:pgm, ctx: parm});
console.log("INIT = ", ENGINE.python("py3",pgm,parm));
console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.python("py3","frame",itau));
// reprogramming ignored
//console.log("REINIT = ", ENGINE.python("py3",pgm,parm));
//console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.python("py3","frame",itau));
case "js": // program and step a js machine string
parm = {
ports: {
frame: {},
faces: {scale:1.01,dim:100,delta:0.1,hits:10,cascade:["haarcascade_frontalface_alt","haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses"]}
itau[0].job = "test.jpg";
pgm = `
CON.log('Look mom - Im running javascript!');
function frame(tau,parms) {
CON.log("here I come to save the day");
return 0;
function helipads(tau,parms) {
return 101;
function faces(tau,parms) { return 102; }
console.log({py:pgm, ctx: parm});
console.log("INIT = ", ENGINE.js("mytest",pgm,parm));
// frame should return a 0 = null noerror
console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.js("mytest","frame",itau));
// helipads should return a 101 = badload error
console.log("STEP = ", ENGINE.js("mytest","helipads",otau));
res( "thanks!" );
mysql: {
}, function (err) {
Trace( "Unit test my engines with /test?config=cv | py1 | py2 | py3 | js" );
var ENGINE = require("../engine").config({
thread: TOTEM.thread