- Improve KubeSphere console URL when updating KubeSphere console (#52, @wnxn)
- Forbid to set QingCloud image registry as registry mirror (#62, @wnxn)
- Autoscale node in a QKE cluster (#58, @zheng1)
- Remove parameters about private image registry (#63, @wnxn)
- Rename resource group (#67, @wnxn)
- Install KubeSphere only v2.0.2 (#68, @wnxn)
- Remove Harbor and Gitlab images from KVM (#68, @wnxn)
- Add NeonSAN storage class at supported zone (#75, @wnxn)
- Access Kubernetes through EIP (#75, @wnxn)
- Add installation KubeSphere option (#75, @wnxn)
- Add regex in insecure regitry (#75, @wnxn)
- Install arping (#82, @wnxn)
- Remove images with latest tag (#90, @wnxn)
- Add NFS client provisioner helm chart (#89, @wnxn)
- Add node affinity on ks docs and prometheus (#112, @wnxn)
- Display Kubeconfig on QingCloud console (#108, @wnxn)
- Restart control plane after renewing certs (#110, @wnxn)
- Enable kube and system reserved resource (#105, @wnxn)
- Enable Docker log rotation (#122, @wnxn)
- Disable reload command when init cluster (#130, @wnxn)
- Update Cloud Controller Manager to v1.3.6 (#133, @wnxn)
- Fix updating KVM to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64 bit(bionic1x64c) (#60, @wnxn)
- Fix installing Ceph RBD, Glusterfs, NFS client (#53, @wnxn)
- Fix supporting '-' in hosts domain regex (#66, @wnxn)
- Fix updating max pods on nodes (#86, @wnxn)
- Fix keep log day not working (#89, @wnxn)
- Fix renewing Apiserver certification after updating Kubernetes EIP (#94, @wnxn)
- Fix audit log file path regex (#95, @wnxn)
- Fix failed to create link when init cluster (#129, @wnxn)