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1118 lines (878 loc) · 67.7 KB

Change log

8.0.6 (08/16/2022 - )

8.0.5 (07/28/2022 - 08/15/2022)

  • mock: fixed MockRedis.list().range(), with negative start or stop

    only impact unit test

  • mongo: update driver to 4.7.1
  • kafka: update to 3.2.1
  • kafka: removed KafkaConfig.publish(messageClass) without topic support

    it proved not useful to support dynamic topic, topic better be designed like table, prefer static naming / typing over dynamic if really need something like request/replay, fan-in / fan-out pattern, still can be implemented in explicit way

  • monitor: monitoring kafka topic/message type changes
  • mongo: improve entity decoding

    use switch to replace if on field matching

8.0.4 (07/10/2022 - 07/27/2022)

  • log-collector: stricter request validation
  • mongo: add connection pool stats metrics
  • db: add experimental postgresql support

    many new db products use postgres compatible driver, e.g. GCloud AlloyDB, CockroachDB PostgreSQL lacks of many features we are using with MySQL, 1. affected rows, 2. QueryInterceptor to track no index used sql

  • search: clear ForEach scroll once process done
  • http: update undertow to 2.2.18
  • search: update es to 8.3.2
  • kafka: mark LONG_CONSUMER_DELAY as error if delay is longer than 15 mins

    currently MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG = 30 mins, larger delay will trigger rebalance and message resending system should be designed to process polling messages fast

8.0.3 (06/22/2022 - 07/08/2022)

  • mongo: update driver to 4.6.0
  • warning: removed @DBWarning, replaced with @IOWarning

    e.g. @IOWarning(operation="db", maxOperations=2000, maxElapsedInMs=5000, maxReads=2000, maxTotalReads=10_000, maxTotalWrites=10_000)

  • kafka: updated default long consumer delay threshold from 60s to 30s
  • mongo: supports BigDecimal (map to mongo Decimal128 type)
  • mongo: supports LocalDate (map to String)
  • monitor: for critical errors, use 1 min as timespan (only send one alert message per min for same kind error)

    in reality, ongoing critical error may flush slack channel, 1 min timespan is good enough to bring attention, and with lesser messages

  • redis: supports SortedSet.remove()

8.0.2 (06/02/2022 - 06/17/2022) !!! @DBWarning is replaced with @IOWarning on 8.0.3, better upgrade to next version

  • db: redesign db max operations, removed Database.maxOperations(), introduced @DBWarning

    one service may mix multiple type of workload, some could be async and call db many times while others API needs to be sync and responsive with new design, it allows to specify warning threshold in granular level currently @DBWarning only support Controller/WS method, MessageHandler method, and executor task inherits from parent @DBWarning

  • db: reduced default LONG_TRANSACTION threshold from 10s to 5s, log commit/rollback elapsed time

8.0.0 (05/19/2022 - 05/31/2022) !!! breaking changes

  • json: expose JSONMapper.builder() method to allow app create its own JSON parser

    e.g. to parse external json with custom DeserializationFeature/MapperFeature

  • search: add validation, document class must not have default values

    with partialUpdate, it could override es with those default values

  • search: update and partialUpdate return if target doc is updated

    refer to

  • log-processor: action forward supports ignoring actions
  • db: query.count() and query.projectOne() honor sort/skip/limit !!! behavior changed !!! is designed to be syntax sugar, to make it easier to construct single table SQL (ORM is not design goal) since it supports groupBy() projectOne() project(), now we removed all customized rules, it degraded to plain SQL builder if you uses query.count(), it's better not set skip/limit/orderBy before that with this, projection works as intended, e.g. query.limit(1); query.projectOne("col1, col2", View.class); results in "select col1, col2 from table limit 1"

7.10.8 (05/16/2022 - 05/19/2022)

  • log-processor: action forward supports by result

    e.g. only forward OK actions

  • json: disabled ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS, to make it stricter

    thru JSONMapper.disable(MapperFeature.ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS) previously, [""] will convert [null] if target type is List

  • search: put detailed error in SearchException
  • kafka: update to 3.2.0
  • db: query.project() renamed to query.projectOne(), added query.project() to return List !!!

    should be easy to fix with compiler errors

7.10.7 (04/29/2022 - 05/12/2022)

  • log-collector: make http().maxForwardedIPs() read property "sys.http.maxForwardedIPs"

    so it can be configured by env

  • stats: replace cpu usage with JDK built-in OperatingSystemMXBean.getProcessCpuLoad()

    since jdk 17, java is aware of container, refer to

  • rate-limit: update rate control config api to make it more intuitive

    e.g. add("group", 10, 5, Duration.ofSeconds(1)) keeps 10 permits at most, fills 5 permits every second e.g. add("group", 20, 10, Duration.ofMinutes(5)) keeps 20 permits at most, fills 10 permits every 5 minutes

  • search: added retryOnConflict on UpdateRequest to handle
  • search: added partialUpdate
  • db: mysql jdbc driver updated to 8.0.29 !!! framework depends on mysql api, must use matched jdbc driver
  • search: update es to 8.2.0

7.10.6 (04/19/2022 - 04/28/2022)

  • db: tweak gcloud iam auth provider expiration time, make CancelQueryTaskImpl be aware of gcloud auth provider
  • db: tweak query timeout handling

    increase db socket timeout, to make MySQL cancel timer (CancelQueryTaskImpl) has more room to kill query

  • http: update undertow to 2.2.17

    UNDERTOW-2041 Error when X-forwarded-For header contains ipv6 address with leading zeroes UNDERTOW-2022 FixedLengthStreamSourceConduit must overwrite resumeReads

  • monitor: collect ES cpu usage

    added highCPUUsageThreshold in monitor es config

  • httpClient: verify hostname with trusting specific cert !!! behavior changed, check carefully

    previously, HTTPClient.builder().trust(CERT) will use empty hostname verifier now, only trustAll() will bypass hostname verifying, so right now if you trust specific cert, make sure you have CN/ALT_NAME matches the dns name (wildcard domain name also works)

  • httpClient: retry aware of maxProcessTime

    for short circuit, e.g. heavy load request causes remote service busy, and client timeout triggers more retry requests, to amplify the load

  • es: support refresh on bulk request

    to specify whether auto refresh after bulk request

  • es: added timeout in search/complete request
  • es: added DeleteByQuery
  • es: added perf trace for elasticSearch.refreshIndex
  • monitor: treat high disk usage as error

    disk full requires immediate attention to expand

  • action: use id as correlationId for root action

    to make kibana search easier, e.g. search by correlationId will list all actions log-processor action diagram also simplified

7.10.5 (04/01/2022 - 04/14/2022)

  • search: truncate es request log

    bulk index request body can be huge, to reduce heap usage

  • db: support gcloud IAM auth

    gcloud mysql supported IAM service account auth, to use access token instead of user/password set db user to "iam/gcloud" to use gcloud iam auth

  • monitor: add retry on kube client

    to reduce failures when kube cluster upgrades by cloud

  • http: removed http().httpPort() and http().httpsPort(), replaced with http().listenHTTP(host) and http().listenHTTPS(host)

    replaced sys.http.port, sys.https.port with sys.http.listen and sys.https.listen host are in "host:port" format, e.g. or 8080 (equivalent to with cloud env, all envs have same dns/service name, so to simplify properties config, it's actually better to setup dns name to minic cloud in local e.g. set "customer-service" to in local dns, and hardcode "https://customer-service" as customerServiceURL

  • log-collector: refer to above, use sys.http.listen and sys.https.listen env if needed
  • kafka: redesigned /_sys/ controller, now they are /_sys/kafka/topic/:topic/key/:key/publish and /_sys/kafka/topic/:topic/key/:key/handle

    publish is to publish message to kafka, visible to all consumers handle is to handle the message on the current pod, not visible to kafka, just call handler to process the message (manual recovery or replay message)

7.10.4 (03/15/2022 - 03/31/2022)

  • maven: deleted old published version older than 7.9.0
  • redis: replaced ZRANGEBYSCORE with ZRANGE, requires redis 6.2 !!!
  • redis: for list.pop always use "LPOP count" to simplify, requires redis 6.2 !!!
  • redis: added RedisSortedSet.popMin
  • redis: improved RedisSortedSet.popByScore concurrency handling
  • kafka: collect producer kafka_request_size_max, collect kafka_max_message_size

    stats.kafka_request_size_max is from kafka producer metrics, which is compressed size (include key/value/header/protocol), broker size config "message.max.bytes" should be larger than this action.stats.kafka_max_message_size is uncompressed size of value bytes, (kafka().maxRequestSize() should be larger than this)

  • log-processor: added stat-kafka_max_message_size vis, added to kafka dashboard
  • log-processor: updated stat-kafka_request_size vis, added max request size
  • log: limit max size of actionLog.context() to 5000 for one key

    warn with "CONTEXT_TOO_LARGE" if too many context values

  • log: tweaked action log/trace truncation

    increased max request size to 2M check final action log json bytes before sending to log-kafka, if it's more than 2M, print log to console, and truncate context/trace with snappy compression, it's generally ok with broker message.max.bytes=1M in worst case, we can set log-kafka message.max.bytes=2M will review the current setup and potentially adjust in future

7.10.3 (02/25/2022 - 03/14/2022)

  • db: fix: revert previous update UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_RESULT warning if updated row is 0
  • executor: log task class in trace to make it easier to find the corresponding code of executor task
  • log-processor: update action-* context dynamic index template to support dot in context key

    it's not recommended putting dot in action log context key

  • log-processor: kibana json updated for kibana 8.1.0

    TSVB metrics separate left axis bug fixed, so to revert GC diagrams back

  • search: update es to 8.1.0

    BTW: ES cannot upgrade a node from version [7.14.0] directly to version [8.1.0], upgrade to version [7.17.0] first.

  • mongo: updated driver to 4.5.0

    removed mapReduce in favor of aggregate, it's deprecated by mongo 5.0
    refer to

7.10.2 (02/11/2022 - 02/23/2022)

  • scheduler: replaced jobExecutor with unlimited cached thread pool

    no impact with regular cases, normally scheduler-service in one application should only send kafka message this change is mainly to simplify test service or non-global jobs (e.g. no need to put real logic to Executors in Job)

  • jre: published neowu/jre:17.0.2
  • search: update es to 8.0.0

    Elastic dropped more modules from this version, now we have to include transport-netty4, mapper-extras libs and it doesn't provide standard way of integration test, refer to elastic/elasticsearch#55258 opensearch is doing opposite,

  • db: updated batchInsertIgnore, batchUpsert, batchDelete return value from boolean[] to boolean

    this is drawback of MySQL thin driver, though expected behavior with batch insert ignore (or insert on duplicate key), MySQL thin driver fills entire affectedRows array with same value, java.sql.Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO if updated count > 0 refer to com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeBatchedInserts Line 758 if you need to know result for each entity, you have to use single operation one by one (Transaction may help performance a bit)

  • db: mysql jdbc driver updated to 8.0.28

    one bug fixed: After calling Statement.setQueryTimeout(), when a query timeout was reached, a connection to the server was established to terminate the query, but the connection remained open afterward. With this fix, the new connection is closed after the query termination. (Bug #31189960, Bug #99260)

  • known bugs:

    db, due to use affected rows (not found rows), if repository updates entity without any change, it warns with UNEXPECTED_UPDATE_RESULT, please ignore this, will fix in next version

7.10.1 (12/13/2021 - 02/11/2022)

  • search: update to es 7.17.0, high level rest client is deprecated, migrated to elasticsearch java client !!! Query API changed

    refer to the new API in my opinion abused java lambda, which added lots accidental complexity, and not jvm/gc friendly (although the bottleneck of es call usually is not on java side),
    in many cases it's actually much harder to use compare to old HLRC

  • maven-repo: deleted all 6.x version except 6.13.9

    recommend to upgrade to latest version

  • monitor: support pagerduty (thanks Ajax for the contribution !!!)
  • log: set kafka log appender "enable.idempotence" to false

    since kafka 3.0.0, enable.idempotence is default to true, and it overrides "acks" to "all" so this is set back to previous behavior, which means possible duplicate log messages if there is connection error

  • api: allow using custom-built httpClient into api().createClient()

    for regression ajax test use case, it can use stateful httpClient(enabled cookies)

  • json: JSON.class won't allow null as json string or instance, to make sure always return non-null result

    generally we never use "null" as json text, and it was triggering Intellij's warning (dereference of JSON.from() may produce NullPointerException)

  • cache: removed redisLocal support, now cache only supports local or redis store

    RedisLocalCacheStore (use pubsub to evict in memory keys) is not as useful as expected, and it also assumes cache redis is shared across services it violates "share nothing" design principle, based on our experience, only few places requires high performance of local/in-memory cache for those places, we can simply use local cache and kafka message to invalidate cache and performance of redis cache is fast enough, usually 100 redis calls per action took less than 10ms cache().add(name).local() for local store, for sensitive data or performance reason

  • db: removed DBConfig.maxOperations() (default is 2000), added Database.maxOperations(threshold)

    in real application, only very few actions do large number of db operations (e.g. replay, sync), so added per action basis threshold

  • db: check "*" for execute sql as well, for case like "insert into table select * from table"
  • log: tweak trace log truncation, and added defensive logic to print actionLog/trace to console, if it's larger than kafka maxRequestSize
  • kafka: update kafka to 3.1.0

7.9.3 (11/23/2021 - 12/10/2021)

  • monitor: improve kube pod monitor error message for "Unschedulable" condition
  • action: fixed webserviceClient/messagePublisher/executor only pass trace header when trace = cascade
  • action: redesigned maxProcessTime behavior, use http client timeout and shutdown time out as benchmark

    for executor task actions, use SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT as maxProcessTime for kafka listener, use SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT as maxProcessTime for each message handling (just for warning purpose), ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG is still 30min for http handler, use request timeout header or HTTPConfig.maxProcessTime(), (default to 30s) for scheduler job, use 10s, scheduler job should be fast, generally just sending kafka message

  • db: updated "too many db operations" check

    if within maxProcessTime, it logs warning with error code TOO_MANY_DB_OPERATIONS, otherwise throws error not break if critical workload generates massive db operations, and still protect from infinite loop by mistake

  • db: added stats.db_queries to track how many db queries (batch operation counts as 1 perf_stats.db operation)

    log-processor / kibana.json is updated with new diagram

7.9.2 (11/03/2021 - 11/22/2021)

  • db: validate timestamp param must be after 1970-01-01 00:00:01

    with insert ignore, out of range timestamp param will be converted to "0000-00-00 00:00:00" into db, and will trigger "Zero date value prohibited" error on read refer to Data conversions that would trigger errors abort the statement if IGNORE is not specified. With IGNORE, invalid values are adjusted to the closest values and inserted; warnings are produced but the statement does not abort. current we only check > 0, make trade off between validating TIMESTAMP column type and keeping compatible with DATETIME column type most likely the values we deal with from external systems are lesser (e.g. nodejs default year is 1900, it converts 0 into 1900/01/01 00:00:00) if it passes timestamp after 2038-01-19 03:14:07 (Instant.ofEpochSecond(Integer.MAX_VALUE)), it will still trigger this issue on MySQL so on application level, if you can not ensure the range of input value, write your own utils to check before assigning

  • jre: 17.0.1 released, published "neowu/jre:17.0.1"
  • app: added external dependency checking before startup

    it currently checks kafka, redis/cache, mongo, es to be ready (not db, generally we use managed db service created before kube cluster) in kube env, during node upgrading or provision, app pods usually start faster than kafka/redis/other stateful set (e.g. one common issue we see is that scheduler job failed to send kafka message) by this way, app pods will wait until external dependencies ready, it will fail to start if not ready in 30s log kafka appender still treat log-kafka as optional for es, it checks http://es:9200/_cluster/health?local=true

  • http: Request.hostName() renamed to Request.hostname() to keep consistent with other places !!! breaking change but easy to fix
  • action: replaced ActionLogContext.trace() to ActionLogContext.triggerTrace(boolean cascade)

    for audit context, we may not want to trace all correlated actions, with this way we can tweak the scope of tracing

  • app: startupHooks introduced 2 stages (initialize and start), removed lazy init for kafka producer / elasticsearch / mongo

    since client initialize() will be called during startup, it removes lazy init to simplify if you want to call Mongo/ElasticSearch directly (e.g. local arbitrary main method), call initialize() before using

  • log-processor: removed elasticsearch appender support

    in prod env, we use null log appender for log-processor, since log-processor is stable, and not necessary to double the amount of action logs in log-es if anything wrong happened, error output of log-processor is good enough for troubleshooting

7.9.1 (10/22/2021 - 11/03/2021)

  • site: StaticDirectoryController will normalize path before serving the requested file, to prevent controller serving files outside content directory

    it's not recommended serving static directory or file directly through java webapp, better use CDN + static bucket or put Nginx in front of java process to server /static

  • db: use useAffectedRows=true on mysql connection, return boolean for update/delete/upsert !!! pls read this carefully

    refer to the MySQL affected rows means the row actually changed, e.g. sql like update table set column = 'value' where id = 'id', the affected row = 0 means either id not found or column value is set to its current values (no row affected) so if you want to use update with optimistic lock or determine whether id exists, you can make one column always be changed, like set updatedTime = now()

  • db: added Repository.upsert() and Repository.batchUpsert()

    upsert is using "insert on duplicate key update", a common use case is data sync !!! due to HSQL doesn't support MySQL useAffectedRows=true behavior, so upsert always return true we may create HSQL upsert impl to support unit test if there is need in future (get by id then create or update approach)

  • db: Repository update and delete operations return boolean to indicate whether updated

    normally we expect a valid PK when updating by PK, if there is no row updated, framework will log warning, and the boolean result is used by app code to determine whether break by throwing error

  • db: removed DBConfig.batchSize() configuration

    with recent MySQL server and jdbc driver, it is already auto split batch according to max_allowed_packet refer to com.mysql.cj.AbstractPreparedQuery.computeBatchSize and MySQL prefers large batch as the default max_allowed_packet value is getting larger

  • db: mysql jdbc driver updated to 8.0.27
  • redis: added Redis.list().trim(key, maxSize)

    to make it easier to manage fixed length list in redis

7.9.0 (09/29/2021 - 10/21/2021) !!! only support java 17

  • jdk: updated to JDK 17

    for local env, it's easier to use intellij builtin way to download SDK, or go to adoptium (renamed from adoptopenjdk) doesn't provide JRE docker image anymore, you should build for yourself (or use JDK one if you don't mind image size) refer to docker/jre folder, here it has slimmed jre image for generic core-ng app

  • message: make Message.get() more tolerable, won't fail but log as error if key is missing or language is null

    use first language defined in site().message() if language is null return key and log error if message key is missing, with integration test context, still throw error if key is missing, to make message unit test easier to write

  • http: update undertow to 2.2.12
  • actionLog: added ActionLogContext.trace() to trigger trace log

    e.g. to integrate with external services, we want to track all the request/response for critical actions recommended way is to use log-processor forward all action log messages to application kafka then to create audit-service, consume the action log messages, save trace to designated location (Cloud Storage Service)

  • action: removed ActionLogContext.remainingProcessTime(), and httpClient retryInterceptor won't consider actionLog.remainingProcessTimeInNano

    it's not feasible to adapt time left before making external call (most likely http call with timeout), due to http call is out of control (e.g. take long to create connection with external site), or external sdk/client not managed by framework so it's better to careful plan in advance for sync chained http calls maxProcessTime mechanism will be mainly used for measurement/visibility purpose (alert if one action took too long, close to maxProcessTime)

7.8.2 (09/20/2021 - 09/28/2021)

  • java: target to Java 16

    since all projects are on java 16 for long time, this should not be issue, will update to java 17 LTS soon

  • kafka: update client to 3.0.0
  • es: update to 7.15.0
  • db: added "boolean partialUpdate(T entity, String where, Object... params)" on Repository, to support updating with optimistic lock

    to clarify, Repository.update() must be used carefully, since it's update all columns to bean fields, regardless it's null in actual project, common use cases generally are like to update few columns with id or optimistic lock, so always prefer partialUpdate over update for accumulated update (like set amount = amount + ?), it's still better use Database.execute() + plain sql

  • db: updated Repository.batchInsertIgnore to return boolean[], to tell exactly whether each entity was inserted successfully

7.8.1 (08/19/2021 - 09/14/2021)

  • db: batchInsert returns Optional<long[]> for auto incremental PK
  • db: update mysql driver to 8.0.26
  • httpClient: support client ssl auth
  • site: removed Session.timeout(Duration), it proved not useful, for app level remember me, it's better handle in app level with custom token
  • redis: support password auth for redis/cache
  • ws: added WebContext.responseCookie to allow WS to assign cookie to response

7.8.0 (08/04/2021 - 08/17/2021) !!! breaking changes, pls read details

  • es: update to 7.14.0
  • log-processor: kibana 7.14 added duration human precise formatter, updated all time fields of index pattern

    must update kibana/es to 7.14 to use this version of log-processor

  • api: always publish /_sys/api, for internal api change monitoring
  • api: added /_sys/api/message to publish message definition, for future message change monitoring
  • error: refactored ErrorResponse and AJAXErrorResponse, !!! changed ErrorResponse json field from "error_code" to "errorCode"

    !!! for consistency, it breaks contract, it's transparent if both client/server upgrade to same framework version, ErrorResponse only be used when client is from coreng if client uses old version of framework, RemoteServiceException will not have errorCode ErrorResponse is renamed to InternalErrorResponse, AJAXErrorResponse is renamed to ErrorResponse

  • api: changed system property "sys.publishAPI.allowCIDR" to "sys.api.allowCIDR", !!! update if this is used

7.7.5 (07/20/2021 - 07/26/2021)

  • mongo: updated driver to 4.3.0
  • action: added ActionLogContext.remainingProcessTime() for max time left for current action, to control external calling timeout or future get with timeout
  • http: update undertow to 2.2.9

7.7.4 (06/23/2021 - 07/16/2021)

  • site: added Session.timeout(Duration), to allow application set different timeout

    e.g. use cases are like longer mobile app session expiration time, or "remember me" feature

  • http: disabled okHTTP builtin retryOnConnectionFailure, use RetryInterceptor to log all connection failures explicitly, more failure case handling

7.7.3 (06/14/2021 - 06/22/2021)

  • log: fixed error when third-party lib calls slf4f logger with empty var args (Azure SDK)
  • executor: updated way to print canceled tasks during shutdown (with JDK16, it cannot access private field of internal JDK classes)
  • log-processor: add first version of action flow diagram, pass actionId to visualize entire action flow with all related _id and correlation_id

    e.g. https://localhost:8443/diagram/action?actionId=7A356AA3B1A5C6740794

7.7.2 (06/03/2021 - 06/14/2021)

  • monitor: fixed overflowed vmRSS value, use long instead of int
  • api: added "app" in APIDefinitionResponse
  • monitor: api config json schema changed !!!

    changed from map to List, to simplify config. it requires the latest framework, refers to above

          "api": {
            "services": ["https://website", "https://backoffice"]

7.7.1 (05/25/2021 - 06/02/2021)

  • log-processor/kibana: added http server/client dashboard and visualizations (http / dns / conn / reties / delays)
  • http: added "action.stats.http_delay" to track time between http request start to action start (time spent on HTTPIOHandler) added action.stats.request_body_length/action.stat.response_body_length to track
  • httpClient: track request/response body length thru perf_stats.http.write_entries/read_entries
  • db: fixed insertIgnore reports write_entries wrong, mysql 8.0 return SUCCESS_NO_INFO (-2) if insert succeeds

7.7.0 (04/26/2021 - 05/25/2021)

  • api: replaced /_sys/api, to expose more structured api info

    one purpose is to create api monitoring, to alert if api breaks backward compatibility !!! for ts client code generator, refer to

  • redis: support pop with multiple items

    !!! only be supported since redis 6.2, use latest redis docker image if you use this feature pop without count still uses old protocol, so it's optional to upgrade redis

  • monitor: support to monitor api changes, alert config json schema changed !!!

    refer to ext/monitor/src/test/resources/monitor.json, ext/monitor/src/test/resources/alert.json for example config !!! alert config -> channels changed, to support one channel with multiple matchers, e.g.

      "notifications": [
          {"channel": "backendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]}},
          {"channel": "backendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["event"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendWarnChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "WARN", "errorCodes": ["API_CHANGED"], "indices": ["stat"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["event"]}},
          {"channel": "frontendErrorChannel", "matcher": {"severity": "ERROR", "errorCodes": ["API_CHANGED"], "indices": ["stat"]}},
          {"channel": "additionalErrorCodeChannel", "matcher": {"apps": ["product-service"], "errorCodes": ["PRODUCT_ERROR"]}}
  • log-processor: updated kibana objects to be compatible with kibana 7.12.0, rebuild objects with kibana object builder

    refer to core-ng-demo-project/kibana-generator

  • es: update to 7.13.0, updated ElasticSearch.putIndexTemplate impl to use new PutComposableIndexTemplateRequest

    !!! refer to must update index template format to match new API, refer to ext/log-processor/src/main/resources/index/action-index-template.json as example

7.6.15 (04/13/2021 - 04/25/2021)

  • log-processor: support to forward action-log/event to another kafka for data warehouse sink

    !!! env vars are now starts with APP_, e.g. APP_KIBANA_URL, APP_KIBANA_BANNER (needs to update existing config) configure by env APP_LOG_FORWARD_CONFIG, kube example:

        - name: APP_LOG_FORWARD_CONFIG
          value: |
                  "kafkaURI": "kafka-0.kafka",
                  "action": {
                      "topic": "action",
                      "apps": ["website", "mobile-api"],
                      "ignoreErrorCodes": ["FORBIDDEN", "PATH_NOT_FOUND", "UNAUTHORIZED", "METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"]
  • log-processor: arch diagram supports excludes query param

    generally many lines are caused by backend-test-service or regression-test-service, now it can be excluded to simplify diagram e.g. https://localhost:8443/diagram/arch?excludes=backend-test-service,regression-test-service

  • internal: support java 16

    still will be released under java 15, runtime can update to java 16 first (build server, app docker base image) !!! to use adoptopenjdk/openjdk16:alpine-jre, must add following to your Dockerfile, the kafka/snappy lib requires it to load native lib RUN apk add --no-cache gcompat

  • kafka: update to 2.8.0

    2.8.0 client works fine with 2.7.0 broker in docker/kafka docker compose, it shows kafka kraft preview usage, kafka without zookeeper

  • monitor: add kafka used disk metrics / dashboard, alert

    added "highDiskSizeThreshold" in kafka monitor config, use absolute size, not percentage refer to ext/monitor/src/test/resources/monitor.json to example config

7.6.14 (03/18/2021 - 04/13/2021)

  • search: update es to 7.12.0
  • action: change error "action log context value too long" to warning
  • mongo: MongoMigration supports overwriting property by env
  • es: ElasticSearchMigration supports overwriting property by env
  • log-processor: generate system arch diagram

    call https://log-processor:8443/diagram/arch?hours=24, use port-forward in kube env, hours param is optional click nodes and edges to show extra info in tooltip

7.6.13 (03/01/2021 - 03/18/2021)

  • mongodb: update driver to 4.2.2
  • search: update es to 7.11.2

    since 7.11, elasticsearch no longer publishes OSS version, refer to docker/es for latest es/kibana configures. codelibs stopped to publish modules we use, so we publish them under core.framework.elasticsearch.module. (refer to pls update gradle maven repo setting as following

      repositories {
          maven {
              url ''
              content {
                  includeGroupByRegex 'core\\.framework.*'
  • db: allow using "multiply operator" (not wildcard) in sql, e.g. select column*3 from table

7.6.12 (02/02/2021 - 03/01/2021)

  • cache: for redis local cache, handle exception as warning if redis is not accessible
  • http: parse content-type value case insensitively

    refer to treat, "Application/json" same as "application/json"

  • rate: fix concurrent requests might cause negative timeElapsed bug

7.6.11 (01/26/2021 - 02/01/2021)

  • http: change max allowed url length from 1000 to 2000

    Microsoft Azure AD oauth call back url may have long query param, by considering browser limitation/search engine/CDN/etc, to use 2000 as default setting

  • redis: add hyperLogLog support

7.6.10 (01/18/2021 - 01/25/2021)

  • api: for max process time, webservice will consider both http client timeout and remaining process time of current action
  • monitor: support multiple alert channels
  • es: update to 7.10.2
  • http: collect http server active requests to reflect how many active requests are in process (to analyze performance with cpu usage, worker thread pool size and etc)

7.6.9 (01/04/2021 - 01/15/2021)

  • contentType: according to RFC and iana, application/json should not have charset, and use utf8 as default charset.

    refer to,

  • http: introduced HTTPConfig.maxProcessTime(), to specify client timeout or cloud lb backend timeout,

    for default value, http uses 30s for initial request, kafka listener uses 30mins for whole polled batch. maxProcessTime will be passed to subsequent sync action thru "timeout" http header, via WebServiceClient http client retry will consider time left from max process time action will check for slow process if took more than 80% max process time

  • http: added HTTPConfig.maxEntitySize(), to specify max body size and multipart file upload size

7.6.8 (12/21/2020 - 12/30/2020)

  • kafka: update to 2.7.0 !!! kafka client causes high cpu issue with 2.5/2.6, refer to
  • validation: added @Digits, constricts maximum number of integral/fractional digits
  • log: SQLParams/HTTPHeader truncate long string param
  • db: added Repository.batchInsertIgnore(entities)

7.6.7 (12/08/2020 - 12/17/2020)

  • http: update undertow to 2.2.3
  • httpClient: support fallback dns cache, to reduce intermittent dns resolving failures for external domains
  • log-processor: support JOB_INDEX_OPEN_DAYS, JOB_INDEX_RETENTION_DAYS env to configure how long to keep log index open and when to delete
  • redis: improve error handling by validating all input before sending data
  • log: fixed kafka log appender not sending failed_to_start error, if exception was thrown by configure()
  • db: validate params of batch operations must not be empty

7.6.4 (11/19/2020 - 12/07/2020)

  • kafka: update snappy-java to, (according to release note, there is small performance improvement)
  • kafka: added kafka().maxRequestSize() to configure max request size, this setting must be consistent with broker
  • stat: track and warn on java process high vmRSS usage, for docker OOMKill cases better enable -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary with detailed usage report
  • diagnostic: added /_sys/proc to report process info (mainly memory usage of java process) on linux
  • http: improve error message on query/form/json bean parsing, return generic message with 400 for vulnerability scanning

7.6.3 (11/16/2020 - 11/19/2020)

  • module: DBConfig.repository() returns repository object, to make it easier to extend, same applied to es search type and mongo collection
  • http: tweak http request/response logging to gracefully handle vulnerability scan request from internet
  • json: update jackson to 2.11.3 es lib still depends on jackson-dataformat 2.10.4, it can be safely ignored if not use smile/yml/cbor
  • mysql: update driver to 8.0.22, disabled mysql connection cleanup thread, !!! must update mysql driver to 8.0.22 as framework uses type referring to set system property.

7.6.2 (10/30/2020 - 11/12/2020)

  • redis: support zadd with multiple keys and rangeByScore
  • monitor: improve kube pod monitor error message, to provide better error message if pod was killed in the middle
  • es: update to 7.10.0

7.6.1 (10/15/2020 - 10/29/2020)

  • http: httpClient does not read response body if status code is 204
  • executor: improve warning for task rejection/cancellation during shutdown
  • db: added Repository.insertIgnore(entity) to handle duplicate key / constraint violation cases without catching UncheckedSQLException
  • redis: added initial zset support

7.6.0 (09/30/2020 - 10/13/2020) !!! only support java 15

  • java: update to java 15, please make sure to upgrade build/jenkins and all docker runtime to 14 before upgrading framework !!! recommended to use adoptopenjdk/openjdk15:alpine-jre for docker image
  • http: api client extends keep alive duration to 5 mins to improve internal api calls, track resolving dns and establishing connection performance
  • http: set jdk networkaddress.cache.ttl/networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl to 300/0 by default
  • http: track action.stats.http_retries for http client retries
  • cache: renamed stats.cache_hit/miss to cache_hits/misses, !!! log processor kibana index updated accordingly.

7.5.12 (09/23/2020 - 09/29/2020)

  • http: ForbiddenException supports errorCode, ipv4AccessControl throws forbiddenException with IP_ACCESS_DENIED error code
  • es: update to 7.9.2
  • search: add searchConfig.maxResultWindow() to specify max window size

7.5.11 (09/17/2020 - 09/21/2020)

  • log: use CORE_APP_NAME instead of APP_NAME env var to override appName APP_NAME shadowed by gradle application plugin linux start script
  • kafka: renamed stats.consumer_lag to stats.consumer_delay and updated kibana dashboard !!! please update to latest log-processor to refresh log es indices.
  • executor: track task delay via stats.task_delay, indicator of whether thread pool is queuing
  • executor: log task actionId in parent trace to improve visibility
  • http: update undertow to 2.2.0

7.5.10 (09/07/2020 - 09/16/2020)

  • log: moved action.cpu_time to action.stats.cpu_time !!! please update to latest log-processor to refresh log es indices.
  • log: added action.stats.http_content_length to track http body size
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.9.0
  • executor: improved future.get(), report both action and id on exception, to help troubleshooting

7.5.8 (09/03/2020 - 09/07/2020)

  • api: WebServiceClientInterceptor will process onResponse before validateResponse, let interceptor see error http response as well
  • es: update to 7.9.1
  • inject: check if any bean has @Inject field but not autowired e.g. someone may pass a manually created object into api().service(), but later someone else may add @Inject field in serviceImpl and failed to realize bind() was not used

7.5.7 (08/30/2020 - 09/03/2020)

  • json: disable to deserialize ordinal number to enum (the default setting of jackson is not strict)
  • api: use generic error message when webservice client or controller failed to deserialize json !!! not to leak too much internal info to public, e.g. jackson return all possible enums in error message.
  • httpClient: HTTPClient.builder().trust(CERT) to add system trusted issuers as well
  • stats: collect cpu usage after the startup, to ignore high cpu usage during startup

7.5.5 (08/24/2020 - 08/30/2020)

  • stats: updated cpu usage calculation to support docker (overhead improved compare to previous impl which used threading time) !!! due to within java, there is no way to get exact cpu shares, in kube env, better to put cpu limit as integer, like 1000m or 2000m !!! to keep it simple, retrieve available cpu count by java API (Runtime.getAvailableProcessors()), and not going hard way e.g. read "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/cpu.shares".
  • stats: collect thread dump via if cpu usage is high
  • httpClient: support request level connectTimeout and timeout (read/write)
  • log: unified BytesLogParam and JSONLogParam, to make cache returned log maskable

7.5.4 (07/31/2020 - 08/24/2020)

  • kafka: rollback kafka java client to 2.4.1 !!! is not fully fixed.
  • es: update to 7.9.0
  • monitor: support more flexible notification config, allow notifying certain slack channel based on matching criteria !!! pls update monitor config similar like
    "ignoreErrors": [
        {"apps": ["website"], "errorCodes": ["PATH_NOT_FOUND"], "severity": "WARN"}
    "criticalErrors": [
        {"errorCodes": ["FAILED_TO_START", "POD_FAILURE"]}
    "kibanaURL": "http://kibana:5601",
    "channels": {
        "actionWarnChannel": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]},
        "actionErrorChannel": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["trace", "stat"]},
        "eventWarnChannel": {"severity": "WARN", "indices": ["event"]},
        "eventErrorChannel": {"severity": "ERROR", "indices": ["event"]},
        "additionalErrorCodeChannel": {"apps": ["product-service"], "errorCodes": ["PRODUCT_ERROR"]}
  • db: disallow single quote (') in sql, this is to enforce prepared statement, not allowing concat string values indirectly into dynamic sql !!! make sure to review all exiting usages, query.where(), etc, !!! this also disallows function usage, like IFNULL(column, 'default'), but in our design, we prefer to simplify in first place, by either saving exact needed data, or handle in java code
  • db: query.where(condition) enclose the condition with parentheses if it has OR operator
  • monitor: added es_gc stats for es monitor
  • monitor: added kafka monitor (heap/gc/network), and kibana visualizations
  • stats: tweak kibana field format, update kibana bytes fields with better formatting
  • stats: simplify stats key for jvm_gc and es_gc update consumer_lag_in_ms to nanoseconds
    !!! pls use same version of monitor/log-processor and framework.
  • test: added mockito builtin MockitoExtension via mockito-junit-jupiter, removed framework one !!! old org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) is deprecated, use @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
  • redis: update redis config to support different port other than 6379 potentially to use Envoy as redis proxy, by considering the future of service mesh and isito development refer to it does not support SCAN/PUBSUB command yet, so the usage is kind of limited. e.g. partition redis db, or remote only cache other options are like managed redis service, e.g. gcloud memorystore the official one moves slowly,
  • cache: cache config api changed !!! replace cache().local() cache().remote() back to cache().add() !!! for multiple level caching, use cache().add().local()

7.5.1 (07/23/2020 - 07/31/2020)

  • utils: add Sets.newEnumSet and Maps.newEnumMap shortcuts
  • httpClient: remove HTTPClientBuilder.tlsVersions(), jdk 14.0.2 fixed TLSv1.3 issues refer to, golang/go#35722
  • ide: added javax.annotation.Nullable to improve IDE/Intellij nullability analysis, no runtime impaction.
  • ws: update channel interface to be generic typing, only support bean message for client/server
  • es: update to 7.8.1

7.4.14 (07/13/2020 - 07/23/2020)

  • redis: change expiration precision from second to milliseconds
  • shutdown: give resources at least 1s to terminate gracefully
  • log: add info context to stat document, for collecting additional info, mainly for monitor (pls update log-processor/monitor to latest)

7.4.13 (07/09/2020 - 07/13/2020)

  • cache: optimize local cache performance
  • cache: add cache tracking, includes stats.cache_size, stats.cache_hit and stats.cache_miss
  • log-collector: add validation for request, max error message size to 1000, max action size to 200, max error code size to 200

7.4.12 (06/29/2020 - 07/09/2020)

  • cache: support 2 level cache !!! with redis configured, cache().local() will be using local + redis 2 levels cache, and using redis channel to notify invalidated keys !!! cache().local() should be used in performance sensitive area with high hit rate, to reduce number of redis commands overhead (but to increase JVM GC burden) !!! cache().remote() keeps old behavior.
  • httpClient: disallowed new HTTPClientBuilder(), use HTTPClient.builder()

7.4.11 (06/19/2020 - 06/29/2020)

  • es: update to 7.8.0
  • ws: reduce warnings on sending message to closed channel (occurs on sending message before channel close listener finish)
  • kafka: kafka producer/consumer will be created after startup and wait until kafka uri is resolvable in kube env, this improves recovery time if both kafka and app recreated at same time, and this make kafka has same behavior of other db (mysql/redis/etc)

7.4.10 (06/10/2020 - 06/18/2020)

  • monitor: tweak kube monitor pod not ready error message
  • stats: track jvm_non_heap_used by default
  • cache: gracefully handle incompatible json structure from redis, to avoid clearing cache keys manually
  • inject: remove method injection support !!! from the actual usage, only method injection use case is to do init with dependencies we don't want to put in fields, but generally we prefer calling init method explicitly in modules to make review easier.

7.4.9 (06/04/2020 - 06/09/2020)

  • http: for static content controllers, convert client abort exception to warning (still better use CDN/Storage solution to serve static resources)
  • log-collector: ignore sendBeacon request with empty body, (browser/privacy/plugin may impact sendBeacon's behavior)
  • ws: support limitRate for websocket message listener
  • ws: return appropriated close code according to exception type
  • es: update to 7.7.1

7.4.8 (05/26/2020 - 06/02/2020)

  • monitor: fix kube monitor false alert with too many restarts
  • shutdown: support env SHUTDOWN_DELAY_IN_SEC / SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC to fine control graceful shutdown in kube env (check source to see details)

7.4.7 (05/25/2020 - 05/25/2020)

  • db: rename suppress flag method to Database.suppressSlowSQLWarning
  • monitor: use app/action/errorCode as group, show one group every 4 hours

7.4.6 (5/22/2020 - 5/25/2020)

  • config: moved site().publishAPI() to api().publishAPI(), sys property key ("sys.publishAPI.allowCIDR") remains same
  • site: if called site(), then User-Agent and Referrer will be logged in action log context
  • kafka: log key in action context for bulk message handler
  • db: warning for sql queries not using index or using bad index, for expected queries, use following to disable Database.suppressSlowSQLWarning(true) Database.suppressSlowSQLWarning(false) !!! requires mysql jdbc driver 8.0+, recommend to use same or higher version referred by the framework.
  • monitor: fixed kube 1.16 TLSv1.3 issues (workaround to downgrade to TLSv1.2, and wait newer version of JDK) refer to, golang/go#35722

7.4.5 (5/19/2020 - 5/22/2020)

  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.7.2
  • mongo: for unit test, start test mongo server on random port, to avoid multiple tests running on same server

7.4.4 (5/13/2020 - 5/18/2020)

  • validation: removed @Length, replaced with @Size (now @Size works with string/list/map), to simplify and follow style of javax.validation.constraints !!! replace all @Length with @Size
  • es: update to 7.7.0
  • kafka: added uri parser, to support kafka uri without port (now it doesn't require port in url in all db/kafka/redis/mongo/es)
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.7.0

7.4.3 (5/8/2020 - 5/13/2020)

  • httpClient: simplify form post masking handling and log uri instead of complete requestURI
  • validator: make default message more user friendly

7.4.2 (4/27/2020 - 5/8/2020)

  • mongo: update driver to 4.0.2
  • httpClient: support to trust specific https cert
  • http: removed undertow HTTP metrics undertow is using jboss threading and EnhancedQueueExecutor, there is overhead to collect stats with jmx, and they are not critical stats
  • redis: start preparing for Redis6/RESP3 (later version may requires redis 6)
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.6.0
  • httpClient: mask form body param
  • monitor: monitor failed pod in kube namespaces
  • monitor: support monitor es cluster !!! (list) changes to, only need to connect to one of cluster node to get all nodes info
  • es: support cluster to have multiple hosts in as comma separated (4/24/2020)

  • http: improve x-forwarded-for parser to support rfc7239, as Azure AG will use ipv4:port format in x-forwarded-for header
  • kafka: rollback kafka client to 2.4.1, java-kafka 2.5.0 client driver causes cpu 100% during startup/rebalance if kafka server is not available or slow !!! due to behavior change of org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.pull -> updateAssignmentMetadataIfNeeded

7.4.1 (4/16/2020 - 4/23/2020)

  • kafka: update to 2.5.0
  • kafka: removed maxRequestSize config, as 1M is good enough for our projects, and is fixed on 2.5.0
  • db: add characterEncoding=utf-8 to driver properties by default, can be override by jdbc url
  • http: update undertow to 2.1.0

7.4.0 (4/1/2020 - 4/14/2020) !!! only support java 14

  • java: update to java 14, please make sure to upgrade build/jenkins and all docker runtime to 14 before upgrading framework
  • http: updated built-in https self sign cert if you encounter chrome error for accessing localhost, open chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost to enable this flag
  • crypto: removed AES/RSA/Signature support cryptography is hard to get right and algorithm/best practice changes over time, for cloud env, always to use KMS (gcloud/aws/azure) the default impl is not considered as best practice, so we removed it from the framework there is no way to encapsulate simple/non-intrusive API to cover all cases, e.g. with CHACHA20-POLY1305 or AES-GCM, it requires managing and sharing nonce/IV, like either put IV as part of cipher text, or share in different channel, and IV should be different every time with RSA or X25519 it still needs to encrypt a symmetric key to encrypt final content
  • es: update to 7.6.2
  • db: added max operations per action check (default is 5000), to protect bad impl (e.g. infinite loop with db calls) or bad practice (make action too long for zero-down time release)
  • db: added errorType (INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) in UncheckedSQLException, to support catch duplicate key exception in business logic
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.5.0
  • http: !!! start http server on https:8443 by default if not specifying sys.http.port and sys.https.port currently all services use https/h2, make sure you set sys.http.port to start http listener if needed, e.g. with Azure AG -> http/8080 website since AG doesn't support self-signed cert make sure to update health-check of the latest monitor/log-processor to HTTPS:8443 (3/25/2020 - 4/1/2020)

  • db: added, params) shortcut to build dynamic "where in clause"
  • log-collector: added param app.cookies to collect specific cookies from request. (this is due to safari expires localStorage and cookies write by js, only way to long term track is thru first party cookie)

7.3.11 (3/23/2020 - 3/25/2020)

  • kafka: set to 5ms by default to improve batching under load
  • security: add X-Frame-Options in WebSecurityInterceptor

7.3.10 (3/12/2020 - 3/19/2020)

  • log: increase max length of error message to 1000, to show more info if needed in notification
  • log-collector: app.allowedOrigins checks root domain (endsWith) to simplify config, e.g. allows
  • db: removed db().encryptedPassword() config, as it recommend to use cloud provider such as KMS to encrypt/decrypt
  • kafka: update to 2.4.1

7.3.9 (3/8/2020 - 3/11/2020)

  • es: update to 7.6.1
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.4.1
  • executor: support submitting task without parent action, for more flexible process flow with 3rd party lib, e.g. gcloud pub/sub or other long running process outside framework

7.3.8 (2/19/2020 - 3/3/2020)

  • session: add domain (request.domain or cookieSpec.domain if specified) to session redis key, to prevent hijack sessionId from different domain if shared session redis
  • bean: report error if @Inject is used on static fields/methods which is unintended usage

7.3.7 (2/18/2020 - 2/19/2020)

  • api: when mark @Deprecated in API method, it won't show in /_sys/api and log warn if called
  • monitor: add action in alert message
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.4.0

7.3.6 (2/7/2020 - 2/17/2020)

  • monitor: add host in alert message for stats, change message format to make it easier to copy/paste to kibana search box
  • db: not allow put @NotNull on @PrimaryKey, and validate assigned id must not be null on inserting
  • es: update to 7.6.0
  • mongo: update driver to 3.12.1

7.3.5 (1/30/2020 - 2/6/2020)

7.3.4 (1/29/2020 - 1/30/2020)

7.3.3 (1/22/2020 - 1/23/2020)

  • log: replaced "server_ip" with "host" field in action/stat log
  • stat: warn on high cpu usage and heap usage

7.3.2 (1/17/2020 - 1/22/2020)

  • db: change query.count() to return long instead of int
  • monitor: added monitor to alert for action/event (will add more features like redis/es check, sanity/deep health check)
  • log: replace "server_ip" with "host" field in action/stat log, (only on log-processor as first step), more friendly in kube env added "result" / "error_code" / "error_message" to stat log, for future monitoring support

7.3.1 (12/20/2019 - 1/15/2020)

  • es: update to 7.5.1
  • kafka: use null as key if not specified, since from kafka 2.4.0 it supports sticky partitioning, refer to refer to org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner set producer max request size to match broker default setting
  • log-collector: validate size with max=900k

7.3.0 (12/11/2019 - 12/18/2019)

  • kafka: update to 2.4.0
  • cache: support use both local and remote cache, local cache is for rarely changed but frequently accessed data !!! cache().add() renamed to cache().remote() !!! by default local cache uses 10% max heap !!! carefully use local cache on prod as it may not refreshed in time, use message to notify if worth

7.2.2 (12/02/2019 - 12/09/2019)

  • es: update to 7.5.0
  • httpClient: fixed CookieManager not deleting removed cookie from response

7.2.1 (11/20/2019 - 12/02/2019)

  • scheduler: change Job interface to execute(JobContext context), to provide scheduledTime to job, !!! since it's easy migration, framework doesn't make it backward compatible (e.g. support old/new methods in job interface), pls just change all job classes)
  • log-collector: update default to https:8443, gcloud lb accepts self-sign cert, so to use h2 by default, for other cloud/env, use kube env SYS_HTTP_PORT: 8080 to define http listener if needed
  • json: update jackson to 2.10.1, refer to

7.2.0 (11/17/2019 - 11/20/2019) !!! only support java 13, update docker/build server first before migration !!!

  • project: updated source/target to java 13
  • kafka: warn when consumer lag is too long, default is 60s
  • ws: support wsContext.all() to return all channels set default text message max size to 10M support register listener with clientMessageClass and serverMessageClass (type safety, one ws path only allow one client message class and one server message class)
  • api: updated WebServiceClientInterceptor to support both onRequest/onResponse

7.1.8 (11/8/2019 - 11/16/2019)

  • http: convert "UT000128: Remote peer closed connection before all data could be read" exception to warn with errorCode=FAILED_TO_READ_HTTP_REQUEST this could be happen in event collector, the browser/app may be terminated before finish sending events, which causes UT000128
  • shutdown: allow use env SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC to define shutdown timeout corresponding to kube terminationGracePeriodSeconds, (default is still 25s)
  • http: request.requestURL() will be x-forwarded-host aware (for proxy with different domain in front of site, e.g. Azure AppGateway with different domain)
  • log: updated actionLog context/stats/perf_stats names to snake cases for consistency also refer to update log-processor will update kibana config automatically
  • kafka: added actionLog stat.consumer_lag_in_ms to record lag between producer and consumer

7.1.7 (11/4/2019 - 11/6/2019)

  • es: update to 7.4.2
  • log-collector: allow client to use navigator.sendBeacon() with content-type=text/plain to bypass CORS check (due to navigator.sendBeacon doesn't preflight)

7.1.6 (10/24/2019 - 11/3/2019)

  • kafka: update to 2.3.1
  • es: update to 7.4.1
  • search: update ElasticSearch.createIndex to ElasticSearch.putIndex, to support create index or update mappings, for es migration

7.1.5 (10/21/2019 - 10/23/2019)

  • log-collector: supports stats to collect performance data
  • session: added SessionContext.invalidate(key, value) to support kick out specific login user (10/17/2019 - 10/21/2019)

  • action: added app:start/app:stop action to track app container life cycle (e.g. killed/recreated by kube accidentally)
  • api: exposed api().createClient() to allow create multiple instance of api client with different service url
  • httpClient: tweak retry condition for connect timeout
  • log-collector: allow post for navigator.sendBeacon()
  • log-collector: index event time as @timestamp, use received_time for received time on server side

7.1.3 (10/16/2019)

  • http: remove forcing TLSv1.2 as latest JDK already fixed TLSv1.3 issue
  • http: update XNIO to 3.7.6, monitor work queue size and busy thread size, for visibility under heavy load

7.1.2 (10/8/2019 - 10/15/2019)

  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.2.2
  • db: to check connection validity before using, e.g. when gcloud SQL does maintenance, connections will be closed on server side
  • websocket: support onClose message handling, and track open/close in action log
  • websocket: support send bean, register by http().bean()

7.1.1 (10/7/2019 - 10/8/2019)

  • log-processor: set log-es default to 1 shard and 10s refresh interval
  • search: add keep alive setting in es high level java client
  • http: support X_FORWARDED_HOST header for external LB (Azure App Gateway)

7.1.0 (10/1/2019 - 10/7/2019) !!! Action Log format changed, must update both core-ng and log-processor to same version !!!

action-log will be sent to new topic (action-log-v2), to avoid error during transition, only impact could be some old action-log is not indexed which is minor

  • log: support put multiple values in same action log context, to make bulk handler / api easier to track, ActionLogContext.get(key) returns List now
  • log-collector: add errorMessage field in event, to keep consistent with action log
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.2.0
  • search: update es to 7.4.0

7.0.3 (9/4/2019 - 9/19/2019)

  • log-processor: log-processor will import kibana objects during start, set env KIBANA_URL and KIBANA_BANNER in kube env to enable only support kibana 7.3.1+
  • search: support track total hits

7.0.2 (9/3/2019 - 9/4/2019)

  • httpClient: added callTimeout as last timeout defense, as in prod env we encountered http client handing with timeout set java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE at[email protected]/Native Method) at[email protected]/Unknown Source) at[email protected]/Unknown Source) at[email protected]/Unknown Source) at at okio.AsyncTimeout$source$ at okio.RealBufferedSource.indexOf(RealBufferedSource.kt:349) at okio.RealBufferedSource.readUtf8LineStrict(RealBufferedSource.kt:222) at okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1ExchangeCodec.readHeaderLine(Http1ExchangeCodec.kt:210) at okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1ExchangeCodec.readResponseHeaders(Http1ExchangeCodec.kt:181) at okhttp3.internal.connection.Exchange.readResponseHeaders(Exchange.kt:105) at okhttp3.internal.http.CallServerInterceptor.intercept(CallServerInterceptor.kt:82) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:112) at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:87)

7.0.1 (8/28/2019 - 8/30/2019)

  • scheduler: support hourly trigger
  • redis: support set().size()

7.0.0 (8/9/2019 - 8/27/2019) !!! only support jdk 12, recommended to update to 6.13.9 and all runtime to adoptopenjdk-12 before updating to 7.0.0 !!!

  • project: updated source/target to java 12
  • db: drop oracle support, only support mysql to simplify

6.13.9 (8/8/2019) !!! this is the last version for JDK 11, update to this version then start update all JDK runtime to 12+ !!!

  • config: update controller inspector to adapt to JDK 12+

6.13.8 (8/1/2019 - 8/6/2019)

  • http: support allow/deny large ip ranges (only support ipv4 for now)
  • search: update es to 7.3.0 (7/29/2019 - 8/1/2019)

  • bean: support LocalTime type in JSON/QueryParam (Cache/ES/Kafka/API)
  • property: module property overriding will check whether key is defined in property file first, to prevent env may have keys not in property file causes unexpected behavior of runtime

6.13.5 (7/24/2019 - 7/26/2019)

  • http: clientIp parser validates ip in x-forwarded-for header
  • http: when request contains invalid cookies char, log cookies header and return 400
  • config: module.bind() will return overridden bean if any

6.13.4 (7/23/2019)

  • redis: support set().pop()

6.13.3 (7/22/2019)

  • mongo: support mongo migration
  • lib: various lib update

6.13.2 (7/16/2019 - 7/19/2019)

  • kafka: inject messagePublisher as mock in integration-test, to make it easier to verify

6.13.1 (7/4/2019 - 7/15/2019)

  • db: add Query.groupBy
  • http: load session as late as possible, so for sniffer/scan request with sessionId, it won't call redis every time even for 404/405

6.13.0 (6/26/2019 - 7/1/2019)

  • search: update es to 7.2.0
  • search: fixed: to support multiple es integration jobs run on same build server
  • kafka: update to 2.3.0
  • httpClient: update okHTTP to 4.0.0 (6/19/2019)

  • httpClient: make charset parsing more robust, some charset values have a version attribute.

6.12.8 (6/12/2019 - 6/17/2019)

  • log-collector: stripe on parsing app.allowedOrigins config
  • log: add sessionHash in ActionLogContext to improve data analytic
  • httpClient: make okHTTP use default ConnectionSpec to be able to connect to most servers

6.12.7 (5/23/2019 - 6/6/2019)

  • search: update es to 7.1.1
  • classpath/properties: check if there are multiple resources with same name in different jars (within same classapth)
  • kafka: update to 2.2.1

6.12.6 (5/20/2019 - 5/21/2019)

  • http: update okHTTP to 3.14.2
  • search: (bug) ElasticSearchMigration throws exception on failure

6.12.5 (5/7/2019 - 5/13/2019)

  • log-processor: support sys.log.appender to configure whether index log-processor action logs, by default it's empty (to configure by env in kube) console -> output to console elasticsearch -> index directly to elasticsearch
  • search: update es to 7.0.1
  • cache: throw exception if loader returns null when called cache.get(key, loader)
  • site: not set csp by default, in case application may generate it dynamically, (and even with static setting, it's set by explicitly anyway)

6.12.4 (4/17/2019 - 4/25/2019)

  • mongo: fix: unit test to support multiple test mongo servers on different ports
  • search: fix: elasticsearch local test conflicts with mongo java server
  • json: explicitly defined ZonedDateTime/LocalDateTime format, to make it more strict to comply with ES and js, (put 3 digits for nano fraction)

6.12.3 (4/9/2019 - 4/17/2019)

  • http: update okHTTP to 3.14.1
  • search: update es to 7.0.0, change index.flush to index.refresh (those 2 are different in ES)
  • sys: supports allowCIDRs in 2 formats, 1) cidr,cidr 2) name1: cidr, cidr; name2: cidr

6.12.2 (4/2/2019 - 4/9/2019)

  • http: update undertow to 2.0.20
  • search: update es to 6.7.1
  • test: added assertEnumClass(class1).hasAllConstantsOf(class2)
  • http: update http().bean() to accept only one class (for simplification), support register enum
  • http: revert okHTTP to 3.12.2 due to square/okhttp#4875
  • log: tweak trace log, still attempt to show warning if reached max trace length (to limit overall trace within 900k)

6.12.1 (4/1/2019)

  • kafka: fix kafka producer metrics can be NaN

6.12.0 (3/18/2019 - 4/1/2019)

  • log: added log-collector to collect event from JS
  • api: RemoteServiceException uses original error message e.g. website->svc1->svc2, website will be able to display error message from svc2
  • kafka: update to 2.2.0
  • http: update okHTTP to 3.14.0
  • search: update es to 6.7.0
    !!! ES is forcing one index can only have one type (and naming it as "_doc"), you may need to rebuild index when upgrading to latest, refer to elastic/elasticsearch#38270

6.11.2 (3/6/2019 - 3/15/2019)

  • json: introduced Bean class to (de)serialize json with strict class type and bean validation, keep JSON loose to adapt any classes
  • redis: support hash increaseBy
  • cache: validate value from cache to prevent stale data

6.11.1 (2/8/2019 - 2/27/2019) !!! this version has behavior and config API changes

  • db: not allowing db entity with default value, due to it may cause undesired behavior on partialUpdate, ("new entity() -> change fields -> updatePartial(entity)" will update those fields with default value since they are not null)
  • cache: stop supporting value and List (considered as bad practice, better wrap with class for maintenance)
    removed to register Cache with name in CacheConfig, as it's generally for value type
  • validator: simplify validator, use field name as part of error key (actual use cases use JS to validate anyway, if there is actual need, may add @Label to customize the error key)
  • http: body bean must be registered via http().bean(), this only applies to beans used by raw controllers directly e.g. http().route(POST, "/ajax", bind(AJAXController.class)::ajax); http().bean(RequestBean.class, ResponseBean.class);
  • search: update ES to 6.6.1
  • db: close connection if statement is already closed due to previous error

6.10.10 (1/16/2019 - 1/31/2019)

  • mongo: support enum as map key to be consistent with other subsystem
  • json: JSON.fromJSON/toJSON added validation for app beans
  • search: update ES to 6.6.0

6.10.9 (1/7/2019 - 1/16/2019)

  • cookies: support SameSite attribute, and make SessionId cookie SameSite to prevent CSRF
  • bean: support enum as Map key (mongo document is not supported yet)

6.10.8 (1/2/2019 - 1/4/2019)

  • executor: use "TASK_REJECTED" error code when rejecting task during shutdown
  • session: always try to save session even if on exception flow, in case of invalidate session or pass generated session id