- Docker (Get Docker)
- Azure CLI (Get az CLI)
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in VS Code (or your preferred IDE)
- Create a file named
in the root directory of your project - To build the image, the Dockerfile should contain the following instructions (docs)
- Set the base image to
- Run the command
apk add --no-cache python3 g++ make
to install some packages - Set the working directory to
for any following command in the dockerfile - Copy all files from the current context of the Dockerfile to the current working directory
- Run the command
yarn install --production
to install all the application dependencies - Set the default command for a starting container to
node src/index.js
- the running container should listen on port 3000
- Set the base image to
- Build the Image and tag it with "getting-started:1.0" (in case you are building on ARM use
--platform linux/amd64
flag) - Create an ACR in Azure
az login
&az account show
to check if you are in the right subscription- Create a resource group with
az group create --name container-gettingstarted-<shortname> --location westeurope --tags purpose=handson
- Create an ACR with
az acr create --resource-group container-gettingstarted-<shortname> --name container0gettingstarted0<shortname> --sku Basic --admin-enabled
- check the output and write down the "loginServer" value
- log in to the ACR after creation with
az acr login --name container0gettingstarted0<shortname>
- Re-tag the image with
- Push the image to the ACR (
docker push
command) - Deploy the image to Azure Container Apps.
- (Optional) Execute the following commands to upgrade your Azure CLI
az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
- Create an ACA environment with
az containerapp env create --name getting-started-aca --resource-group container-gettingstarted-<shortname> --location westeurope
- Deploy your image to the ACA environment (find the credentials of your ACR in Azure) with
az containerapp create --name <name> --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --environment <AcaEnvName> --image <loginServer>/<imageName:tag> --target-port <port> --ingress 'external' --query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn --registry-server <loginServer> --registry-username <loginUsername> --registry-password <loginPassword>
- Copy the URL from the output and verify that your app is online
- (Optional) Execute the following commands to upgrade your Azure CLI