oneVPL v2.8
New in this release:
- Introduced MFX_FOURCC_ABGR16F FourCC for 16-bit float point (per channel) 4:4:4 ABGR format.
- Clarified the mfxExtMasteringDisplayColourVolume::DisplayPrimariesX, mfxExtMasteringDisplayColourVolume::DisplayPrimariesY for the video processing usage.
- Added MFX_CONTENT_NOISY_VIDEO in ContentInfo definition.
- Added Camera Processing API for Camera RAW data.
- Introduced hint to disable external video frames caching for GPU copy.
- Clarified usage of mfxExtMasteringDisplayColourVolume::InsertPayloadToggle and mfxExtContentLightLevelInfo::InsertPayloadToggle during decode operations.
- Fixed multiple spelling errors.
- Experimental API: introduced mfxExtMBQP::Pitch value for QP map defined in mfxExtMBQP.
- Clarified when MFXEnumImplementations() may be called for implementation capabilities query.
- Added table with filenames included in the dispatcher’s search process.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Experimental API table to note that mfxExtRefListCtrl and MFX_EXTBUFF_UNIVERSAL_REFLIST_CTRL were moved to production in version 2.8.