The EDV server can be built from within the cmd/edv-rest
directory with go build
Start the edv server with ./edv-rest start [flags]
Parameters can be set by command line arguments or environment variables:
--auth-server-url string The URL of the authorization server. Required if using GNAP authorization. Ignored otherwise. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_AUTH_SERVER_URL
--auth-type string Comma-separated list of the types of authorization to enable. Authorization is server-wide, not per-vault. Possible values [GNAP] [ZCAP]. If GNAP and ZCAP are both enabled, then a client may authorize themselves with either one (rather than the two stacking on top of each other). If no options are specified, then no authorization will be required. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_AUTH_TYPE
-c, --config-database-name string The name of the main database where data vault configurations will be stored. Defaults to "configurations" if not set Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DOCUMENT_DATABASE_NAME
--cors-enable string Enable cors. Possible values [true] [false]. Defaults to false if not set. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_CORS_ENABLE
-p, --database-prefix string An optional prefix to be used for the names for all databases. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DATABASE_PREFIX
-s, --database-retrieval-page-size string Number of entries within each page when doing bulk operations within underlying databases. Larger values provide better performance at the expense of memory usage. This option is ignored if the database type is mem. Default: 100. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DATABASE_PAGE_SIZE
-o, --database-timeout string Total time in seconds to wait until the database is available before giving up. Default: 30 seconds. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DATABASE_TIMEOUT
-t, --database-type string The type of database to use internally in the EDV. Supported options: mem, couchdb, mongodb. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DATABASE_TYPE
-r, --database-url string The URL (or connection string) of the database. Not needed if using memstore. For CouchDB, include the username:password@ text if required. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DATABASE_URL
--did-domain string URL to the did consortium's domain. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DID_DOMAIN
-d, --document-database-name string The name of the database where encrypted documents will be stored. Defaults to "documents" if not set Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_DOCUMENT_DATABASE_NAME
--gnap-signing-key string The path to the private key to use when signing GNAP introspection requests. Required if using GNAP authorization. Ignored otherwise. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_GNAP_SIGNING_KEY
-h, --help help for start
-u, --host-url string URL to run the edv instance on. Format: HostName:Port. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_HOST_URL
--localkms-secrets-database-prefix string An optional prefix to be used when creating and retrieving the underlying KMS secrets database. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_LOCALKMS_SECRETS_DATABASE_PREFIX
--localkms-secrets-database-type string The type of database to use for storing KMS secrets for Keystore. Supported options: mem, couchdb, mongodb Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_LOCALKMS_SECRETS_DATABASE_TYPE
--localkms-secrets-database-url string The URL (or connection string) of the database for KMS secrets. Not needed if using in-memory storage. For CouchDB, include the username:password@ text if required. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_LOCALKMS_SECRETS_DATABASE_URL
-l, --log-level string Logging level to set. Supported options: critical, error, warning, info, debug.Defaults to "info" if not set. Setting to "debug" may adversely impact performance. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_LOG_LEVEL
--tls-cacerts stringArray Comma-separated list of CA certs path. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_TLS_CACERTS
--tls-cert-file string TLS certificate file. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_TLS_CERT_FILE
--tls-key-file string TLS key file. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_TLS_KEY_FILE
--tls-systemcertpool string Use system certificate pool. Possible values [true] [false]. Defaults to false if not set. Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_TLS_SYSTEMCERTPOOL
--with-extensions string Enables features that are extensions of the spec. If set, must be a comma-separated list of some or all of the following possible values: [Batch]. If not set, then no extensions will be used and the EDV server will be strictly conformant with the spec. These can all be safely enabled without breaking any core EDV functionality or non-extension-aware clients.Alternatively, this can be set with the following environment variable: EDV_EXTENSIONS
(If both the command line argument and environment variable are set for a parameter, then the command line argument takes precedence)
$ cd cmd/edv-rest
$ go build
$ ./edv-rest start --host-url localhost:8071 --database-type couchdb --database-url admin:password@localhost:5984 --database-prefix edvprefix --with-extensions ReturnFullDocumentsOnQuery,Batch --log-level debug