This namespace provides a query visualization engine to help documenting and debugging complex queries defined via the query DSL provided by this module.
The visualizer transforms query specs into the Graphviz DOT format and can then be exported (via Graphviz) into a number of image formats:
# general graphviz command line usage to export as PNG
dot -Tpng -o qviz.png
# or SVG
dot -Tsvg -o qviz.svg
This example query shows most of the features of the query visualizer:
;; 1) match transitive mother relationships (w/ depth 2-4)
;; 2) exclude rels to descendant "ex:P100"
;; 3) match names for entities
;; 4) optionally match descendant's DOB (only if before given date)
;; 5) collected all DOBs into new result var
;; 6) inject new result var ?res using string formatting
;; 7) pre-bind/restrict possible values for ?p
;; 8) order, group and select vars
(->> '{:q [{:path [?p ["foaf:mother"] ?d] :min 2 :max 4}
{:minus [[?p "foaf:mother" "ex:P100"]]}
{:where [[?p "foaf:name" ?pname]]}
{:where [[?d "foaf:name" ?dname]]}
{:optional [[?d "ex:dob" ?dob]]
:filter (< ?dob #inst "2000-01-01")}]
:aggregate {?birthdays (agg-collect ?dob)}
:bind {?rel (str ?pname " -> " ?dname)}
:values {?p #{"ex:P1" "ex:P2"}}
:group-by ?p
:order ?d
:select [?p ?d ?rel ?birthdays]}
(spit ""))
- Each subquery creates a cluster
- All query variables (qvars) highlighted to better distinquish from literals
- Selected qvars highlighted in stronger color
subqueries shown as dashed arcs- In
subqueries the path part itself is represented as additional cluster (w/ range attribs) - Result subtractions (
subqueries) shown as red arcs - Query/sub-query options shown in grey and their expressions linked to all related qvars
Note: See the DSL namespace for a detailed description of the overall query spec and options.
The Lehigh University Benchmark is one of the standard benchmarks in the RDF world. Here’re visualize some the benchmark queries (converted from SPARQL).
First off, with default configuration (vertical layout, default colors):
(->> '{:prefixes {"ub" ""}
:q [{:where [[?x "rdf:type" "ub:GraduateStudent"]
[?y "rdf:type" "ub:University"]
[?z "rdf:type" "ub:Department"]
[?x "ub:memberOf" ?z]
[?z "ub:subOrganizationOf" ?y]
[?x "ub:undergraduateDegreeFrom" ?y]]}]}
(spit ""))
The following example modifies the default config to use horizontal layout and different colors:
(->> '{:prefixes {"ub" ""}
:select [?x ?z]
:q [{:where [[?x "rdf:type" "ub:Student"]
[?y "rdf:type" "ub:Faculty"]
[?z "rdf:type" "ub:Course"]
[?x "ub:advisor" ?y]
[?y "ub:teacherOf" ?z]
[?x "ub:takesCourse" ?z]]}]}
(-> default-config
(update :prelude conj "rankdir=LR;")
(assoc-in [:qvars :color] "#6699cc")
(assoc-in [:select :color] "#0099cc")))
(spit ""))
(defn query->graphviz
(query->graphviz default-config q))
([config q]
(let [qvars (into {} (map #(vector % (:qvars config))) (unique-qvars q))
sel (set (let [sel (:select q)]
(if (or (nil? sel) (= :* sel))
(keys qvars)
(if (sequential? sel) sel [sel]))))
qvars (reduce
(fn [acc k] (update acc k merge (:select config)))
qvars sel)
ctx (-> (reduce
#(transform-sub-query % {} config %2)
[qvars []] (:q q))
(transform-query-options {} config q))
nodes (map #(apply make-node %) (first ctx))
body (concat ["digraph g {"] (:prelude config) nodes (peek ctx) ["}"])]
(str/join "\n" body))))
(defn unique-qvars
[q] (into #{} (d/filter-tree ff/qvar? (if (sequential? q) q [q]))))
(defn entity-attribs
(let [attribs (->> attribs
(filter val)
(map (fn [[k v]] (str (name k) "=\"" v \")))
(str/join ", "))]
(if (seq attribs) (str "[" attribs "]") attribs)))
(defn make-node
[id attribs] (format "\"%s\"%s;" id (entity-attribs attribs)))
(defn make-edge
([a b attr] (format "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"%s;" a b attr))
([a b c attr] (format "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" -> \"%s\"%s;" a b c attr)))
(defn transform-item
[x] (if (number? x) (str "num" x) x))
(defn transform-pattern
[[qvars out] attribs pattern _]
(let [[s p o] (mapv transform-item pattern)]
(if (ff/qvar? (nth pattern 1))
[(update qvars p merge {:style "" :fontcolor (get-in qvars [p :color])})
(conj out (make-edge s p o (entity-attribs attribs)))]
(conj out (make-edge s o (entity-attribs (update attribs :label str p))))])))
(defn transform-path-pattern
[[qvars out] attribs [s path o] q]
(let [s (transform-item s)
o (transform-item o)
ids (repeatedly (count path) gensym)
path-opts (let [len (count path)]
(merge {:min len :max len} (select-keys q [:min :max])))
path-id (str "cluster_" (gensym))
attr-id (gensym)
attribs (entity-attribs attribs)]
(-> out
(conj (str "subgraph " path-id " {"))
(conj (str "label=\"" path-opts "\";"))
(into (map #(make-node % {:label %2}) ids path))
(conj "}")
#_(conj (make-node attr-id {:label path-opts :color "#999999"}))
#_(conj (make-edge
(first ids) attr-id
(entity-attribs {:ltail path-id :color "#999999" :weight 0.5})))
(map (fn [[a b]] (format "\"%s\" -> \"%s\"%s;" a b attribs)))
(partition 2 1 (d/wrap-seq ids s o))))]))
(defn transform-query-expr
[[qvars out] attribs config opt expr]
(let [id (gensym)
label (str/replace (pr-str expr) "\"" "\\\"")
config (or (config opt) (:expr config))
attribs (entity-attribs (assoc config :label opt))
out (conj out (make-node id (assoc config :label label)))]
(into out (map #(make-edge % id attribs)) (unique-qvars expr))]))
(defn transform-query-expr-map
[ctx attribs config opt expr-map]
(let [config (or (config opt) (:expr config))]
(fn [[qvars out] [k v]]
(let [id (gensym)
label (str/replace (pr-str v) "\"" "\\\"")
attribs (entity-attribs (assoc config :label opt))
out (conj out (make-node id (assoc config :label label)))
uniques (unique-qvars v)
out (into out (map #(make-edge % id attribs)) uniques)
out (if-not (uniques k)
(conj out (make-edge id k attribs))
[qvars out]))
ctx expr-map)))
(defn transform-query-options
[ctx attribs config q]
(fn [ctx [opt f]] (if-let [expr (q opt)] (f ctx attribs config opt expr) ctx))
ctx {:filter transform-query-expr
:order transform-query-expr
:group-by transform-query-expr
:bind transform-query-expr-map
:aggregate transform-query-expr-map
:values transform-query-expr-map
:select transform-query-expr}))
(defn cluster
[[qvars out] type f]
(let [[qvars out'] (f [qvars []])]
(-> out
(conj (str "subgraph cluster_" (gensym) " {"))
(conj (str "label=\"" type "\";"))
(into out')
(conj "}"))]))
(defn cluster-sub-query
([ctx attribs config q type]
(cluster-sub-query ctx attribs config transform-pattern q type))
([ctx attribs config ptx q type]
ctx type
(fn [ctx]
(-> (reduce #(ptx % attribs %2 q) ctx (type q))
(transform-query-options attribs config q))))))
(defn transform-sub-query
[ctx attribs config q]
(fn [type]
(= :where type)
(cluster-sub-query ctx attribs config q type)
(= :minus type)
(let [attribs (assoc attribs :color "red" :label (str type "\\n"))]
(cluster-sub-query ctx attribs config q type))
(= :path type)
(let [attribs (assoc attribs :label (str type "\\n"))]
ctx attribs config transform-path-pattern
(update q :path (fn [p] [p]))
(#{:optional :union} type)
(let [attribs (assoc attribs :style "dashed" :label (str type "\\n"))]
(cluster-sub-query ctx attribs config q type))
:else nil))
(keys q)))
(def default-config
{:prelude ["node[color=black,style=filled,fontname=Inconsolata,fontcolor=white,fontsize=9];"
:qvars {:color "#cc99cc"}
:select {:color "#cc0099"}
:expr {:color "#999999"}})
[ :as f]
[ :as ff]
[ :as d]
[clojure.string :as str]))