Simple django app for unicode encoding and decoding of local languages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Simple django app for unicode encoding and decoding of local languages. Input is taken from the user (Input can contain any vernacular language) A function is defined to validate the input email. Then a function is written to encode the input. Then the encoded input is stored in the database.
At the time of displaying the details of user. The user encoded data is taken
from database and then decoded using idna
and then displayed to user.
- idna
- django
To take vernacular language as input and accept and validate it. Then after validation store it in the database.
Input is taken from the user (Input can contain any vernacular language) Then a function is written to encode the input.
The encoding of email input was showing error because of "@"
symbol so we had to slice and then
encode and then concatenate the string to store in database.