Releases: stm32duino/Arduino_Core_STM32
Arduino Core for STM32 1.2.0
This release includes:
- Added support of:
- BluePill F103C8 (Basic support, no USB)
- MapleMini F103CB (Basic support, no USB)
- Fixed build failed on Windows if path contains space.
- Update c++ compilation standard to 2014 from 2011
- Moved from CMSIS 4.5.0 to 5.3.0
- HAL Drivers and CMSIS updated:
- STM32F4xx HAL Drivers to v1.7.4
- STM32F7xx HAL Drivers to v1.2.5
- STM32F7xx CMSIS to v1.2.2
- STM32L1xx CMSIS to v2.2.3
- STM32L4xx HAL Drivers to v1.8.2
- STM32L4xx CMSIS to v1.4.2
- Arduino compatibility:
- Ax pin definition is now inline with Arduino style
- Defining NUM_DIGITAL_PINS and NUM_ANALOG_INPUTS as literals
- Specify the ARM GCC version in platforms.txt (thanks @sandeepmistry)
- Add LoRa pins definition for B-L072Z-LRWAN1. LoRa Radio tested thanks arduino-LoRa library.
- Removed LwIP option file from the core (lwipopts.h)
A default one is provided with STM32Ethernet library.
Add a file named "STM32lwipopts.h" in the sketch folder could be used instead of the default config. - Several clean and other fixes ...
Several components libraries are available on stm32duino organization.
They are also available through the Arduino library manager. Search for STM32duino ;)
Release versioning has been changed from date versioning to semantic one. See Release Versioning change
known issues
- I2C: Several issue raised around I2C and related to IT mode implementation, see #217
Arduino Core for STM32 1.1.1
This release includes:
Added support of:
- Nucleo F446RE
- Nucleo-L031K6 (thanks @silviooliva )
Added ability to bind std:function on interrupts
Added _Error_Handler(const char *, int)
Added FreeRTOS support
Added new HardwareSerial constructor using pin number
Added setXXX methods to change used pins of Wire or SPI instances:
Example to change pins used by Wire instance (by default use defined SDA/SCL ):Wire.setSDA(A4); Wire.setSCL(PC2); Wire.begin();
Example to change pins used by SPI instance (by default use defined MISO/MOSI/SCK):
SPI.setMOSI(22); SPI.setMISO(PA3); SPI.begin();
Added recipe.hooks feature to override gcc options thanks a file named "build_opt.h" in the sketch directory.
Allow to redefine core Exception handler
Enhance DEBUG_UART feature (used by printf)
Improve micros() accuracy using SysTick COUNTFLAG
Improve SPI library code clarity
Provide access to Low Layer (LL) drivers
Fixed build issue when USART1 or USART2 is not defined
Fixed L4 ADC read issue
Several clean and other fixes ...
Several components libraries are available on stm32duino organization.
They are also available through the Arduino library manager. Search for STM32duino ;)
known issues
- Build failed on Windows if path contains space.
See #204
Note: Old release was 2018.1.18
Arduino Core for STM32 1.1.0
This release includes:
- Added support of:
- Enabled FPU Single Precision (SP)
- Update HAL/CMSIS Drivers for F0, F2, F4, F7, L0, L1, L4
- Added missing U(S)ART peripherals management
- Serialx instance now generic
- Added missing -g option for debug
- Use STL C++ instead of macro
- Use interrupt mode for I2C transfers
- Wire Rx/Tx buffers are now dynamically allocated (min size: BUFFER_LENGTH)
- Disabled Core callback feature (Use -DCORE_CALLBACK to enable it)
- Several other fixes ...
Several components libraries created on stm32duino organization.
They are available through the Arduino library manager. Search for STM32duino ;)
Note: Old release was 2017.11.24
Arduino Core for STM32 1.0.1
This release includes:
- Add support of the B-L475E-IOT01A
- Add optimization menu: Allow change optimization option (default: Os)
- Add HAL_SYSTICK_IRQHandler() call, allow use of HAL_SYSTICK_Callback() weak function
- Improve pulseIn(): finer resolution
- Servo library: Align with official one and fix issue on all STM32 series. PR opened: arduino-libraries/Servo#10
- Fix SPI CS pin trouble if use CS pin other than Arduino digital pins
- Minor fixes
Several components libraries created on stm32duino organization. Those components are mainly available on the B-L475E-IOT01A. They will be available through the Arduino library manager soon.
Note: Old release was 2017.9.22
Arduino Core for STM32 1.0.0
This release includes:
- Ethernet support (Nucleo-F429Zi and STM32F746G-DISCOVERY)
Required to install STM32Ethernet and LwIP libraries through the Library manager - Update HAL Drivers for F1, F3 and L4
- Update I2C for F1 series. (slave)
- Add Nucleo-L152RE board
- Extend pin name usage, PXn could now be used as Dx
- Extend compatibility by adding several macro (register access):
- Removed custom libraries:
- Firmata: release 2.5.7 include STM32 support
- LiquidCrystal: use official version at least 1.05
- SD: now available through the Library manager (STM32SD)
- FatFs: now available through the Library manager
- TFT: use official version. Required arduino-libraries/TFT/pull/11
- WiFi: use official version
- Minor fixes
Note: Old release was 2017.8.31
Arduino Core for STM32 0.2.1
Minor bug fixes
New boards:
- Nucleo F401RE
- Nucleo F411RE
Merged from old F1 core:
Note: Old release was STM32-2017.8.4
Arduino Core for STM32 0.2.0
Several bug fixes
New boards:
- Nucleo F207ZG
- Nucleo F030R8
- Nucleo L432KC
Merged from old F1 core:
- Nucleo F103RB
Note: Old release was STM32-2017.7.13
Arduino Core for STM32 0.1.1
This release includes:
- Minor bug fixing.
- Add SD with FatFs (usable with DISCO_F746NG)
- Add print method for int64_t and uint64_t
Note: Old release was STM32-2017.6.2
Arduino Core for STM32 0.1.0
First release of the Arduino Core for STM32
Boards available:
Note: Old release was STM32-2017.5.12