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Message Catalog

Andrea Gazzarini edited this page Apr 17, 2015 · 9 revisions

Each message produced by SolRDF has the following format :


Where :

  • DATE is the date and time at which the message was added
  • PRIORITY is the priority level. Could be one of the following : DEBUG, WARN, INFO, ERROR, FATAL
  • MESSAGE-ID if : is the message unique identifier (e.g. SOLRDF-000086)
  • MESSAGE is the log message

For example

2014-01-15 17:05:42,105 DEBUG <SOLRDF-00090> : Switching to Hybrid mode.

The following table lists the whole message catalog. Being SolRDF a work in progress, this catalog is frequently updated.

00086 E Detected invalid facet ranges (low bound: %s, high bound: %s) The request contains invalid facet range query bounds (start and / or end). Check the facet.range.start and facet.range.end parameters. See Range Faceting for more information.
00087 E Detected a range facet infinite loop (gap negative? math overflow?). Check the parameter. See Range Faceting for more information.
00088 E range facet infinite loop; gap is either zero, or too small relative start/end and caused underflow (gap:%, low bound: %s, high bound: %s) The request contains invalid facet range query bounds (start and / or end). Check the facet.range.start and facet.range.end parameters. See Range Faceting for more information.
00089 E Unable to range facet on field %s (not a Trie Double or Date Field). Shouldn't never occur because the target field is internally and automatically selected. Did you change the SolRDF Schema?
00090 D Switching to Hybrid mode. The system will switch and execute the request in Hybrid mode,as it detected some "trigger" parameter (e.g. facet, sort, rows, start)
00091 E Query or QueryExecution cannot be null. A request didn't produce any SPARQL Query or execution. This is an internal system error. Check your logs, the stacktrace should give a clear explanation of what happened.
00092 D Query type %s, incoming Accept header is %s, applied Content-type is %s Informational message about the incoming query, requested and negotiated content-type.
00093 D Incoming GraphStoreProtocol %s request on %s Graph. Information message about an incoming graph store protocol request.
00094 D Content-type of the incoming stream: %s Informs about the content type of the incoming stream to be indexed.
00095 E Unsupported / Unknown Content-type: %s The request contains an unsupported or unknown content-type.
00096 D Incoming stream with Content-type %s has been associated with %s Informs about the association between the incoming stream and an appropriate Triples or Quads loader.
00097 D New Bulk Loader registry entry: %s => %s Informs about a new association (between a content type and a Quads / Triples Loader) that has been registered on the Bulk Loader.
00098 D New Bulk Loader registry entry: %s => %s Informs about a new association (between a content type and a Quads / Triples Loader) that has been registered on the Update Handler.
00099 E Invalid (empty or null) query. The SPARQL 1.1 Update handler received a request without a valid query. Check your request.
00100 E Invalid facet method %s for facet object query %s An invalid facet.method for a given query has been specified in request.
00101 E facet.prefix is not supported on numeric types. The facet.prefix parameter cannot be applied to facet object queries that select a numeric object.
00102 E Unable to compute facets for object query %s on field %s. An error has occurred while computing facets for a given query. Check your logs, the stacktrace should give a clear explanation of what happened.
00103 E Unable to parse date expression %s The request contains a parameter which is not a valid literal or a valid date math expression.