Unix (trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, developed starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie.
Initially intended for use inside the Bell System, AT&T licensed Unix to outside parties from the late 1970s, leading to a variety of both academic and commercial variants of Unix from vendors such as the University of California, Berkeley (BSD), Microsoft (Xenix), IBM (AIX) and Sun Microsystems (Solaris). AT&T finally sold its rights in Unix to Novell in the early 1990s, which then sold its Unix business to the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) in 1995, but the UNIX trademark passed to the industry standards consortium The Open Group, which allows the use of the mark for certified operating systems compliant with the Single UNIX Specification (SUS). Among these is Apple's macOS, which is the Unix version with the largest installed base as of 2014.
Many Unix-like operating systems have arisen over the years, of which Linux is the most popular, having displaced SUS-certified Unix on many server platforms since its inception in the early 1990s. Android, the most widely used mobile operating system in the world, is in turn based on Linux.
- Munics -> Multiplexed Information and Computing Service)
- Unics -> UNiplexed Information and Computing Service)
Why were operating systems needed?
The earliest computers were mainframes that lacked any form of operating system. Each user had sole use of the machine for a scheduled period of time and would arrive at the computer with program and data, often on punched paper cards and magnetic or paper tape. The program would be loaded into the machine, and the machine would be set to work until the program completed or crashed. Programs could generally be debugged via a control panel using dials, toggle switches and panel lights.
As machines became more powerful the time to run programs diminished, and the time to hand off the equipment to the next user became large by comparison. Accounting for and paying for machine usage moved on from checking the wall clock to automatic logging by the computer. Run queues evolved from a literal queue of people at the door, to a heap of media on a jobs-waiting table, or batches of punch-cards stacked one on top of the other in the reader, until the machine itself was able to select and sequence which magnetic tape drives processed which tapes.
IBM (manufacturer of most computers) was slow to introduce operating systems: General Motors produced General Motors OS in 1955 and GM-NAA I/O in 1956 for use on its own IBM computers; and in 1962 Burroughs Corporation released MCP and General Electric introduced GECOS, in both cases for use by their customers.
The first operating systems for IBM computers were written by IBM customers who did not wish to have their very expensive machines sitting idle while operators set up jobs manually, and so they wanted a mechanism for maintaining a queue of jobs.
Through the 1950s, many major features were pioneered in the field of operating systems, including batch processing, input/output interrupt, buffering, multitasking, spooling, runtime libraries, link-loading, and programs for sorting records in files. These features were included or not included in application software at the option of application programmers, rather than in a separate operating system used by all applications.
Symbolic languages, assemblers, and compilers were developed for programmers to translate symbolic program-code into machine code that previously would have been hand-encoded. Later machines came with libraries of support code on punched cards or magnetic tape, which would be linked to the user's program to assist in operations such as input and output. This was the genesis of the modern-day operating system; however, machines still ran a single job at a time. At Cambridge University in England the job queue was at one time a washing line from which tapes were hung with different colored clothes-pegs to indicate job-priority.
OS/360 (an IBM OS from the mid 60s) pioneered the concept that the operating system keeps track of all of the system resources that are used, including program and data space allocation in main memory and file space in secondary storage, and file locking during update. When the process is terminated for any reason, all of these resources are re-claimed by the operating system.
"Much of my work has come from being lazy. I didn't like writing programs, and so, when I was working on the IBM 701, writing programs for computing missile trajectories, I started work on a programming system to make it easier to write programs." -- John Backus
John Backus (creator of first high-level language- FORTRAN, Backus-Naur Form) said in the 1954 summer session at MIT that "By time-sharing, a big computer could be used as several small ones; there would need to be a reading station for each user". However, the computers (IBM 704), were not powerful enough to implement such a system. In June 1959, Christopher Strachey published a paper "Time Sharing in Large Fast Computers" at the UNESCO Information Processing Conference in Paris, where he envisaged a programmer debugging a program at a console (like a teletype) connected to the computer, while another program was running in the computer at the same time. Debugging programs was an important problem at that time, because with batch processing, it then often took a day from submitting a changed code, to getting the results. John McCarthy wrote a memo about that at MIT, after which a preliminary study committee and a working committee were established at MIT, to develop time-sharing. The committees envisaged many users using the computer at the same time, decided the details of implementing such system at MIT, and started the development of the system.
The French government awarded Alexander Graham Bell $10,000 for the invention of the telephone; which Bell used to fund the Volta Laboratory. In 1925, the engineering department of the American Telephone & Telegraph company and Western Electric Laboratories consolidated to form a seperate entity; ownership of which was shared by AT&T and Western Electric.
8 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to people for work completed at Bell Labs. Noteably, in 1947 the transistor was invented my John Bardeen, Walter Houser Brattain, and William Bradford Shockley. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie were awarded in in the early 80s for their work on operating system theory and for developing Unix.
Dates are when development work first started; not release date.
Pre history (tools for calculation, harnessing electric logic, processing one program):
- (2300BC, 600BC, 500BC, 200BC) Abacus -> Mesopotamian, Persian, Greek, Chinese
- (1642) Pascal's calulator
- (1786,1823) Difference Machine & Difference Engine -> J.H. Muller (engineer in Hessian army), Charles Babage
- (1835) Analytical Engine -> Charles Babage & Ada Lovelace (gears, cogs, wheels)
- (1907) Vacuum tube
- (1940) Plugboards (vacuum tubes replacing mechanical relays)
- (1947) Transistor
- (1958) Integrated circuit
(batch processing -> multiprogramming -> time sharing)
- (1957) Atlas Supervisor & BESYS (Bell Operating System)
- (1961) Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS)
- (1964) Multics
- (1969) UNIX -> (1978) *BSD -> (1987) Mach -> (2000) Darwin
- (1985) Plan 9
- (1987) Minix
- (1991) Linux
- (1996) Inferno
The Unix philosophy, originated by Ken Thompson, is a set of cultural norms and philosophical approaches to minimalist, modular software development. Unix developers were important in bringing the concepts of modularity and reusability into software engineering practice, spawning a "software tools" movement.
Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate old programs by adding new "features".
Expect the output of every program to become the input to another, as yet unknown, program. Don't clutter output with extraneous information. Avoid stringently columnar or binary input formats. Don't insist on interactive input.
Design and build software, even operating systems, to be tried early, ideally within weeks. Don't hesitate to throw away the clumsy parts and rebuild them.
Use tools in preference to unskilled help to lighten a programming task, even if you have to detour to build the tools and expect to throw some of them out after you've finished using them.
Small is beautiful.
Make each program do one thing well.
Build a prototype as soon as possible.
Choose portability over efficiency.
Store data in flat text files.
Use software leverage to your advantage.
Use shell scripts to increase leverage and portability.
Avoid captive user interfaces.
Make every program a filter.
Under development from the mid 80s til mid 90s, Plan 9 was the Bell Labs successor to UNIX, meant to clean up many of UNIX's loose threads, such as "everything is a file" and inter process communication.
Under computing threat from Sun, with the Java processor, Java OS, Java Virtual Machine (Write Once Run Anywhere), and Java language, Bell Labs discontinued Plan 9 to start on a competing computing platform. Similar to Plan 9 but with two noteable features: a virtual machine called Dis, and a new programming language called Limbo.
Microkernel. Slow to adapt new features. Meant as a teaching system. Strictly implements POSIX.
Monolithic kernel. Fast to adapt new features.
Key words and prases: time-sharing, operating system, file system, command language, PDP-11
- First version: assembly on a PDP-7
- Second version: assembly on a PDP-11/20
- Third version: C on a PDP-11/40 & /45
Since Feb 1971, 40 installations have been put into service. Unix can run on hardware costing as little as $40k ($210k in 2017).
- hierarchical file system, incorporating demountable volumes
- compatible file, device, and interprocess communication
- ability to initial asynchronous processes
- system command language selectable on a per-use basis
- over 100 subsystems including a dozen languages
Most "real" uses are the formatting of patent applications and other textual data, as well as collection and processing of data from switching machines (being AT&T Bell Labs), but Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie's use is manualy for research in operating systems, languages, computer networks, and other topics in computer science.
The major programs available under UNIX are: assembler, text editor based on QED, linking loader, symbolic debugger, compiler for a language called C, an interpreter for BASIC, a text formatting program, a Fortran compiler, a Snobol interpreter, a top-down compiler (TMG), a bottom-u compiler (YACC), a form letter generator, a macro processor, and a permuted index program. (But wait there's more!) there is laos a host of maintenance, utility, recreation, and novelty programs.
The PDP-11/45 is a 16-bit word computer with 144kb of core memory (RAM). UNIX kernel occupies 42K bytes at runtime. The system however includes a large number of device drivers and enjoys generous allotment of space of I/O buffers and system tables.
The PDP-11/45 has 1mb of fixed-head disk, used for file system storage and memory swapping, and four moving-head disk drives which each proved 2.5mb. There is a console typewriter, a 14 variable-speed communication interface, a line printer, a Picturephone interface, a voice response unit, a voice synthesizer, a digital switching network, and a satellite PDP-11/20 which generates vectors, curves, and characters on a Tektronix 611 storage-tube display.
The majority of the language is written in C language. Early versions were written in assembly language. The size of the new system is about 30% greater than the old system, however, the new system is not only much easier to understand and modify, but also includes multiprogramming and the ability to share reentrant code amongst serveral user programs.
The most important job of UNIX is to provide a file system.
No particular structure. Files of text consist simply of string of characters, with lines demarcated by the new-line character. Binary programs are sequences of words as they will appear in core memory when the program starts executing.
A few user programs manipulate files with more structure: the assembler generates and the loader expects an object file in a particular format. However the structure of files is controlled by the programs which use them, not by the system.
Directories provide the mapping between the names of files and the files themselves, and thus induce a structure on the file system as a whole.
A directory behaves exactly like an ordinary except that it cannot be written on by unpriviledged programs, so that the system controls the contents of directories. The starting point for the file system is the root. A system directory contains all the programs privded for general use; that is, all the commands.
Files are named by sequences of 14 or fewer characters. Directory names are seperated by slashes "/". A file may appear in serveral directories under possibly different names, a process called linking. A file does not exist within a particular directory; the directory entry for a file consists merely of its name and a pointer to the file. Thus, a file exists independently of any directory entry. A file will be made to disappear when the last link to it disappears.
Special files constitute the most unusual feature of the UNIX file system. Each I/O device supported by UNIX is associated with at least oone such file. Special files are read and written just like ordinary files, but requests to reach or write result in activation of the associated device. The special files reside in /dev. Special files exist for a communication line. There are three benefits to this I/O approach: file and device I/O are as similar as possible; file and device names have the same syntax and meaning, so a program expecting a file name as an argument can be passed as a device name; finally, special files are subject to the same protection as regular files.
A given for new files is a set of seven protection bits (note now it is 9, for including the group). Six independently specifcy read, write, and execute permission for the owner of the file and for all other users.
-rwxrwxr-- user group bytes date time filename
The seventh bit is the set-user-id bit, or a way to give non-priviledged users access and permissions to programs that typically require root privileges (ie changing your own login password).
The super-user is exempt from the usual constrains on file access
To open a file for writing or reading
filep = open(name, flag)
=> returns file descriptor, to be used to identify subsequent calls to read/write
There are no user-visible locks in the file system, nor are there restrictions on the number of users who may have a file open for reading or writing; so it is possible to have a file become scrambled when two users write on it simultaneously; however in practice, difficulties do not arise. We take the view that locaks are neither necessary nor sufficient, in our environment, to prevent interference between users of the same file.
Once a file is open (system interrupt), the following calls may be used: n = read(filep, buffer, count) n = write(filep, buffer, count)
To do random (direct access) I/O, it is only necessary to move the the read or write pointer to the appropriate location in the file: location = seek(filep, base, offset)
A directory entry contains only a name for the associated file and a pointer to the file itself. The pointer is an integer called the "i-number" (for index number) of the file. When the file is accessed, its i-number is used as an index into the system table (called the i-list). The entry thereby found (the file's i-node) contains the description of the file:
- its owner
- its protection bits
- the physical disk or tape address for the file contents
- its size
- time of last modification
- the number of links to the file
- a bit indicating whether the file is a directory
- a bit indicating whether the file is a special files
- a bit indicating whether the file is "large" or "small"
The purpose of the open or create system calls is to turn the path name given by the user into an i-number by searching the named directories; once the file is open, its device, i-number, and read/write pointer are stored in a system table indexed by the file descriptor returned by open or create.
When a file is created, an i-node is allocated for it and a directory entry is made which contains the name of the file and its i-node number. Making a link involves created a directory entry with the new name, and copying the i-number from the orignal file entry, and incrementing the link-count field of the i-node. Removing a file is done by decrementing the link-count of the i-node specified by its directory entry and erasing the directory entry. If the link-count drops to 0, the disk blocks in the file are freed and the i-node is deallocated.
To the user, both reading and writing of files appear to be synchronous and unbuffered. That is immediately after a return from a read call the data are available, and converseley after a write the user's workspace may be reused. In fact the system maintains a rather complicated buffring mechanism which reduces greatly the number of I/O operations required to access a file.
UNIX will search its buffers to see where the disk block currently resides in core memory; if not, it will be read in from the device. A program that reads or writes in units of 512 bytes has an advantage over a program which reads or writes a single byte at a time, but the gain is not immense; it comes mainly from the avoidance of system overhead.
The notion of the i-list is an unusual feature of UNIX. In practice, this method has proved quite reliable and easy to deal with. It permits a quite simple and rapid algorithm for checking the consistency of a file system, for example, from verification that hte portions of each device contains useful information and those free to be allocated are disjoin and together exhaust the space of the device. This algorithm is independent of the directory heirarchy, since it needs to only scan the linearly- organized i-list.
A question arises of who is to be charged for the space of a file. The current version of UNIX avoids the issue by not charging any fees at all.
Timings were made of the assembly of a 7,621-line program. The assembly was run alone on the machine; total wall-clock time was 35.9 sec, for a rate of 212 lines per second. Time was deviced as fillows: 63.5% assembler execution time, 16.5% system overhead, 20% disk wait time. We are generally satisified with the overall performance of the system.
An image is a computer execution environment-> a core image, general register values, status of open files, current directory, and the like. An image is a psuedo computer.
A process is the execution of an image. While the processor is executing on behalf of a process, the image must reside in core; the process remains in core unless the appearance of an active, higher-priority process forces it to be swapped out to the fixed-head disk. The user-core part of an image is divided into three logical segments: the non-writable text segment begins at location 0 of virtual address space. At the first 8K byte boundary above the text segment begins the writable data segment. Starting at the highest address and growing down is the stack segment, which grows downward as the hardware's stack pointer fluctuates.
processid = fork(label)
When fork is executed, it splits into two independently executing processes. The two processes have two independent copies of the original core image, and share any open files. The processes differ only in that one is considered the parent process.
filep = pipe()
Processes may communicate with related processes using the same system "read" and "write" calls that are used for file system I/O. The above call returns a file descriptor and creates an interprocess channel called a "pipe". This channel, like other open files, is passed from parent to child in the image by the "fork" call.
execute(file, arg1, arg2, ..., argn)
Another major system primative is invoked by the above system calls, which request the system to read in and execute the program named by "file", passing it string arguments "arg1", "arg2", ..., "argn". All the code and data in the process using execute are replaced from the file, but open files, current director, and interprocess relationships are unaltered. If the call fails, for example because "file" could not be found or its execute permission was not set, does a return take place from the execute primative; resembling a "jump" machine instruction rather than a subroutine call.
The above system call terminates a process, destroys its image, closes its open files, and generally obliterates it.
Communication with UNIX is carried on with the aid of a program called the Shell. The Shell is a command line interpreter: it reads lines typed by the user and interpreters them as requests to execute other programs. In the simplist form, a command consists of the command name followed by arguments to the command, seperated by spaces:
command arg1 arg2 ...argn
A file with the name command is sought; if command is found, it is brought into
core and executed. If command cannot be found, the Shell prefixes the string /bin
to the command and attempts again to find the file. Director /bin
contains all
the commands intended to be generally used.
Programs executed by the Shell start off with two open files which have file descriptors 0 and 1. File 1 is open for writing and is best understood as the standard output file. This file is the user's typewriter. File 0 starts off open for reading, and programs which wish to read messages typed by the user usually read from this file.
ls >there
This command create a file called "there" and places the listing of directory files there.
ed <script
This command interprets "script" as a file of editor commands; thus <script
"take input from 'script'". Although the file name following a < or > appears to
be an argument to the command, it is in fact interpreted by the Shell and is not
passed to the command at all; thus no special coding to handle I/O redirection is
needed within each command.
ls | pr -2 | opr
This is an extention of the standard I/O notion is used to direct output from one command to the input of another.
This process could have been carried out more clumsily by:
ls >tmp1
pr -2 <tmp1 >tmp2
opr <tmp2
rm tmp1 tmp2
Another feature provided by the Shell is multitasking. Commands need not be on different lines; instead they may be interpreted by semicolons.
ls; ed
/usr/home/some-complex-script &
mail Mary
A related feature is more interesting. If a command is followed by "&", the Shell will not wait for the command to finish before prompting again; instead, it is ready immediately to accept a new command.
source >output & ls >files &
(date; ls) >x &
The Shell is itself a command, and may be called recursively. Suppose a file called "tryout" contains the lines:
as source
mv a.out testprog
sh <tryout
This would called the Shell sh
to execute the commands sequentially.
The PDP-11 hardware detects a number of program faults, such as references to nonexistant memory, unimplemented instructions, and odd addresses used where an even address is required. These fualts cause the procesor to trap to a system routine. When an illegal action is caught, the system terminates and writes the user's image on file "core" in the current directory. A debugger can then be used.
Programs that are looping, which produce unwanted output or about which the user has second thoughts, may be halted by the use of the interrupt signal, which is generated by typing the "delete" character. This signal simply cuases the program to cease execution without producing a core image file. These hardware-generated faults and the interrupt and quit signals can, by request, be either ignored or caught by the process. For exmaple, the Shell ignores quits to prevent a quit from logging the user out. The editor catches interrupts and returs to its command level, which is useful for stopping long printouts without losing work in process.
Perhaps paradoxically, the success of UNIX is largely due to the fact it was not designed to meet any predefinited objectives. The first version was written when Thompson, dissatisfied with the available computer facilities, discovered a little- used system PDP-7 and set out to create a more hospitable environment. This personal effort was sufficiently successful to gain the interest of Ritchie and others, and later to justify the acquisition of the PDP-11/20, specifically to support a text editing and formatting system. Our goals throughout the effort was always concerned with building a comfortable relationship with the machine and exploring ideas and inventions in operating systems. Three considerations which influenced the design of UNIX are visible in retrospect.
First, we naturally designed the system to make it easy to write, test, and run programs. The most important expression of our desire for programming convenience was that the system was arranged for interactive use, even though the original version only supported one user.
Second, there have alwayse been severe size constrains on the system and its software. Given the partiality antagonistic desires for reasonable efficiency and expressive power, the size constraint has encouraged not only economy but a certain elegance of design. This may be a thinly designed version of "salvation thorugh suffering" philosophy.
Third, the system was able to maintain itself. If designers of a system are forced to use that system, they quickly become aware of its functional and superficial deficiencies and are strongly motivated to correct them before it is too late.
The process control scheme and command interface have proved both convenient and efficient. Since the Shell operates as an ordinary, swappable user program, it consumers no wired-down space in the system proper and it may be made as powerful as desired at listtle cost, in particular, given the framework in which the Shell executes as a process which spawns other processes to perform commands, the notions of I/O redirection, background processes, command files, and user-selectable system interfaces all become essentially trivial to implment.
The success of UNIX lies not so much in new inventions but rather in the full exploitation of a carefully selected set of fertile ideas, and especially in showing that they can be keys to the implementation of a small yet powerful operating system.
The fork operation, essentially as we implemented it, was present in the Berkeley time-sharing system. On a number of points Thompson and Ritchie were influenced by Multics, which suggested the particular form of the I/O system calls and both the name of the Shell and its general functions, The notion that the Shell should create a process for each command was also suggested to us by the early design of Multics, although in that system it was later dropped for efficiency reasons. A similar scheme is used by TENEX.
- 72 user population
- 14 maximum simultaneous users
- 300 directories
- 4,400 files
- 34,000 512-byte secondary storage blocks useed
15.7% C compiler 15.2% users’ programs 11.7% editor 5.8% Shell (used as a command, including command times) 5.3% chess 3.3% list directory 3.1% document formatter 1.6% backup dumper 1.8% assembler (others - Fortran compiler, copy file, remove file, etc)
15.3% editor 9.6% list directory 6.3% remove file 6.3% C compiler 6.0% concatenate/print file 6.0% users’ programs 3.3% list people logged on system 3.2% rename/move file 3.1% file status 1.8% library maintainer 1.8% document formatter 1.6% execute another command conditionally (others - debugger, shell [used as a command], list processes executing)
There has been loss of a file system (one disk out of five) caused by software inability to cope with a hardware problem causing repeated power fail traps. A "crash" is an unscheduled system reboot or halt. There is about one crash every other day; about two-thirds are caused by hardware-related difficulties such as power dips and inexplicable processor interrupts to random locations. The remainder are software failures. The longest uninterrupted up time was about two weeks. Total update time has bee nabout 98% of our 24hr / 365 day schedule.