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Connect a Philips Hue bridge via MQTT. Get notified about state changes. Change the state of lights and groups via MQTT commands.


  • Supposed to run as Linux service.
  • Discover your Hue bridges.
  • Create app token to access your Hue bridge.
  • Switch and dims lights and groups.
  • No bridge polling. This hue-mqtt-bridge gets notified via events.


  • Sensors are not supported yet.
  • Colors are not supported yet.
  • Only Linux systems supported.



Python 3 ...

sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python3-wheel -y

Prepare python environment

cd /opt
sudo mkdir hue-mqtt-bridge
sudo chown <user>:<user> hue-mqtt-bridge  # type in your user
git clone hue-mqtt-bridge

cd hue-mqtt-bridge
python3 -m venv venv

# activate venv
source ./venv/bin/activate

# check python version >= 3.8
python --version

# install required packages
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
# or: pip install --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt


# prepare a configuration. this is a partly iterative process. 
cp ./hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml.sample ./hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml
# edit your `hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml`. see also comments there.

# the embedded json schema may contain additional information
./ --json-schema

# security concerns: make sure, no one can read the stored passwords
chmod 600 ./hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml

# see further command line options
./ --help

# discover your Hue bridge 
./ --discover

# create an app key to access your Hue bridge. you will have to press the Hue button.
./ --create-app-key

# write ip and app token to config file 

# explore your lights, groups and sensors. 'explore' will also compare your configuration with the Hue items.
./ --explore --config-file ./hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml

# run
./ --print-log-console --config-file ./hue-mqtt-bridge.yaml
# abort with ctrl+c


# testing - listing to configured topics
mosquitto_sub -h $SERVER -d -t test/hue/<your-thing>/#

# testing - switch your thing
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t test/hue/<your-thing>/cmd -m on
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t test/hue/<your-thing>/cmd -m off
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t test/hue/<your-thing>/cmd -m toggle

# testing - dim your thing (%)
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t test/hue/<your-thing>/cmd -m 50

State messages looks like:

  "brightness": 57, 
  "id": "6be8b5a9-8e1c-4565-ad13-e111b0c6c8ed", 
  "name": "sleeping_light", 
  "status": "on", 
  "timestamp": "2022-03-13T21:38:29+01:00", 
  "type": "light"

Register as systemd service

# prepare your own service script based on hue-mqtt-bridge.service.sample
cp ./hue-mqtt-bridge.service.sample ./hue-mqtt-bridge.service

# edit/adapt path's and user in hue-mqtt-bridge.service
vi ./hue-mqtt-bridge.service

# install service
sudo cp ./hue-mqtt-bridge.service /etc/systemd/system/
# alternativ: sudo cp ./hue-mqtt-bridge.service.sample /etc/systemd/system//hue-mqtt-bridge.service
# after changes
sudo systemctl daemon-reload

# start service
sudo systemctl start hue-mqtt-bridge

# check logs
journalctl -u hue-mqtt-bridge
journalctl -u hue-mqtt-bridge --no-pager --follow --since "5 minutes ago"

# enable autostart at boot time
sudo systemctl enable hue-mqtt-bridge.service

Additional infos

MQTT broker related infos

If no messages get logged check your broker.

sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

# prepare credentials
SERVER="<your server>"

# start listener
mosquitto_sub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/#

# send single message
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/test -m "test_$(date)"

# just as info: clear retained messages
mosquitto_pub -h $SERVER -d -t smarthome/test -n -r -d

Maintainer & License

MIT © Raul Rosenlöcher

The code is available at GitHub.


Controls a Philips Hue bridge via MQTT







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