Skeleton project including Behat, Dusk, Reverb and Jetstream + Inertia/Vue + SSR
- Clone the repo
- Create a database of your liking and configure it. Defaults to sqlite.
cp .env.example .env
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
Update your .env file for Reverb
On your local machine you might have to set verify_peer for Push to false REVERB_VERIFY=false
Create a .env.testing file if you want. Behat sets the environment to testing.
php artisan test
php artisan dusk
Start ssr rendering: php artisan inertia:start-ssr
Start the queue worker: php artisan queue:work
In a different terminal run php artisan reverb:start --debug --host="" --hostname="skeleton.test"
In a different terminal run npm run dev
or npm run build
if you're not planning on making changes