The program converts JSON to CEF. This was built to generate CEF events to be passed to arcsight from Metron. Download the contents and perform mvn install.
java -classpath jsontocef-V1.1.jar
- CefWriter cf = new CefWriter(Path json to cef property file)
- String CEFDATA = cf.jsonToCef(String jsondata);
argument1: path to json to cef properties file.
argument2: path or array of json objects. multiline json is not supported.
argument4: output directory to write cef file.
The program can run as individual job or can be called.
By default the program will look for below fields for CEF HEADERS
- CEF Version - hardcoded to be "CEF:0"
- deviceVendor
- deviceProduct
- deviceVersion
- deviceEvent
- Name
- severity
CEF:0|deviceVendor|deviceProduct|deviceVersion|deviceEvent|Name|severity| If your JSON field names for headers are different than above, you can modify the code in between lines 141-156