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Emma Doyle emmeowzing
Lead DevOps Engineer @ SBE Vision; Founder @premiscale

SBE Vision, Inc.; PremiScale, Inc. Boston, MA

Hwansoo Kim pueding
Focusing on Rust, Cloud Native, and ML with Python. I really appreciate all of you and things around me.
Jamie jamiecore
DevOps | DevSecOps | Platform | Infrastructure


Erik Dietrich erikdietrich
Recovering consultant, cosmopolitan drifter, CEO @hit-subscribe

Hit Subscribe Digital Nomad

Rod E rodebrahimi
entrepreneur, yc & mit alumnus

Cambridge, MA / Huntington Beach, CA

Omer Sen omerfsen
DevOps and DevSecOps

Serra Consultancy Services Ltd London

Souyama sansmoraxz
Archmage 魔法使い Still learning new things


Tachun Wu tachunwu
Ex-Google DSC Lead / Brobridge Software Eng Founder of Rainforest

Awareness Labs Taoyuan

Mateusz Szostok mszostok
doin' cloud-native stuff. ex-@kyma-project | ex-@kubernetes | ex-@capactio

@kubeshop Poland