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Shujath Khan shujathkhan
Stitching reality and the virtual world with ❤, 🎧 and 👨‍💻

HelloFresh Berlin

Hiep Le hieple7985
ICT Manager, Builder, Solopreneur

Builder Virtual Remote

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Ramzi Malhas ramzimalhas
my mission is to augment human intelligence. 👾

🏗️ @Life-Hackers-inc Dubai

Alexey Potapov 4lexbit

Biometric Vision Almaty, Kazakhstan

Md. Rejwar Rahman Rifat rejwar
Standing before the world and kneeling before ALLAH.

In your Heart🫀

João Paulo Carvalho jjpaulo2
Back End Engineer. Python lover. Cloud solutions architect.

@digesto / @jusbrasil Blumenau, Brasil

Otabek Najimov NajimovOtabek
ML engineer

HumbleBee AI South Korea

Naeem BuxLife
Let's have fun!

@BuxlifeCentral @CIECT South Africa

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Charles-A. Francisco charlesfranciscodev
Software Engineering | ML Infrastructure

@Capgemini Canada 🇨🇦

Shailesh Pandit shaileshpandit141
Crafting Innovative Web Solutions with Python, Django, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript | Building Seamless User Experiences.


Kiarash Ghosts6
Select *From life Where "you are happy"
Saurabh Pujari saurabh0719
Software engineer


Michael Jester mjester93
Full Stack Web Developer


Cihat SALİK cihat
Junior Software Engineer
