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Rechard Lu Rechardluxry

Shenzhen University Shenzhen

Chen Zhiqiang thisparticle
Ph.D. student in The University of Hong Kong
Aniss Bessalah anissbslh
Computer Engineering Student Member at @ETIC-Club

ETIC Algeria, Algiers

Jame Theerawath Jaramyy
Master student at Information Science and Technology (IST), VISTEC.

iRAP Robot

Rubén J.R. rubenjr0
Computer Science Engineering student at University of Málaga

Málaga, Spain

Med Tiouti MedX1736
22 Years Old; Final Year Student At Esi-Algiers; Research Intern At Citi-Lab INSA De LYON

Tlemcen - Algeria

CaptainKilo cheerlucy
OOOOlfactory interface toolkits contributor.

Tsinghua Univ. Beijng

Ulises C: uwulises
Mechanical Engineer \\ I like robots, 3D printing & CNC machining c:

Universidad de Chile Chile

Xuyang ZHAO SeanZsya
A master's student interested in autonomous exploration & Lidar-SLAM.

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

Souhaib Louda souhaiblou
PhD Student (Mobile Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence)

Ferhat Abbas University of Setif 1 Setif, Algeria

Annamalai RaMathuZen
Control Undergrad at NIT-T . SPIDER R&D(Robotics) @SpiderNitt . GNU/Linux User

Spider R&D Trichy, India

Ragesh Ramachandran ipa-rar
Robotics Engineer - DevOps and Cloud systems (ROS2, Ansible, Terraform)

@node-robotics Node Robotics, Stuttgart

NEU-Junshun soul0knight
Lidar SLAM/Sensor Fusion/Robotics

Northeastern University China

Michalis Logothetis mlogoth

IknowHow SA Athens, Greece

Ian Zhang IanBoyanZhang
Learning to design chips
Grandzxw Grandzxw
PhD candidate at HIT. Point Cloud Segmentation, Place Recognition and Multi-robot System

Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen

A bug that doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Wuhan University Wuhan & Chongqing

Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

Hu Zhu zhuhu00
PhD Student at HK PolyU & Eastern Institute for Advanced Study.