We cannot guarantee the availability of the components. If you know other components, please let us know by filing an issue. Thank you :-)
Name | Properties | Price | Link | Tested |
28YBJ-48 | DC 5V 4 Phase 5 Wire Stepper Motor With ULN2003 Driver Board | 5€ | Amazon | Yes |
28BYJ-48 | DC 5V 4 Phase 5 Wire Stepper Motor With ULN2003 Driver Board | 6€ | reichelt.de | Yes |
XY Stage | Micro stepping motor cross platform | 4 € | Aliexpress | Yes |
Z-Focus | stepper motor micro electromagnet DIY motor driver board | 3€ | Aliexpress | No |
Name | Properties | Price | Link | Tested |
Ball Magnets | 5mm, Neodym, 100 | 15€ | Amazon | Yes |
Ball Magnets | 5mm, Neodym, 100 | 12€ | Amazon | No |
Ball Magnets | 5mm, Neodym, price per piece | 0,29-0,47€ | magnetmax.de | Yes |
Ball Magnets | 5mm, Neodym, 216 pieces | 20€ | ebay.de/itm/216-Neodym-Kugelmagnete-D5mm-D7mm-D10mm-GOLD-SILVER-BLACK-NICKEL-NdFeB/372719170845?hash=item56c7cb351d:m:mj8zDp5AN1PxzUDiyJu1Rsg | Yes |
Ball Magnets | 5mm, Neodym, price per piece | 0,36€ | magnetladen.de | Yes |
IMPORTANT: Not all screws are magnetic!
It is very important to buy the right screws - the M3 screws need to attach to the magnets and therefore it is crucial that they are magnetic. STAINLESS STEEL IS GENERALLY NOT A MAGNETIC MATERIAL. THE SCREWS HAVE TO BE MADE OF GALVANIZED STEEL. If you want to know more about why not all steel is magnetic you can read about it here. Unfortunately, the DIN 912 / ISO 4762 screws that we propose can be made of both and you can frequently find both at the same vendor.
The take-home message is: The M3 screws have be made of galvanized steel and never stainless steel!
For people from the US you can purchase these "black" screws see Discussions #83.
Name | Properties | Price | Link | Tested |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×8, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | Amazon | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×12, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | Amazon | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×8, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×12, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×18, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
M2/M3/M4 Kit | Stainless Steel - non-magnetic! Screws, Nuts, Bolts and Washers | 32€ | Amazon | Yes |
Hexagon socket set screw with truncated cone | M3×25, 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
Worm screws | M3×5, magnetic, 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×8, magnetic (!), 50 pieces | 14€ | Amazon | No |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×12, magnetic (!), 50 pieces | 14€ | Amazon | No |
M3 nut | 100 pieces | 7€ | Amazon | No |
M3×30 screw | Stainless Steel - non-magnetic! 10 pieces | 3€ | Amazon | No |
M5×8 set screw | Galvanized steel, hexagon socket, 500 pieces | 15€ | Würth | Yes |
Din 912 Cylindrical | M3×18, magnetic (!), 500 pieces | 15€ | [Amazon US](https://www.amazon.com/Socket-Screws-Bolts-Thread-100pcs/dp/B07CNFTK99/ref=sr_1_3?crid=RGIT53K9LFC8&keywords=100pcs%2BM3%2Bx%2B12mm%2B12.9&qid=1649551524&s=industrial&sprefix=100pcs%2Bm3%2Bx%2B12mm%2B12.9%2Cindustrial%2C109&sr=1-3&th=1 |
) | Yes
Name | Properties | Price | Link | Tested |
Bosch 603.9A8.006 IXO V Basic 3.6 | Carton Cordless Screwdriver, 100 W, 3.6 V | 45€ | Amazon | Yes |
Box for FullBOX | 395 x 295 x 106 mm | 13€ | online-werkzeughandel.de | Yes |