UC2-GIT - This is the main repository. This one right here.
UC2-Software-GIT - This repository hosts all necessary software for the UC2 project.
uc2-configurator - (in development) webapp that allows for easily downloading relevant stl files for the uc2 system
UC2_project_template - If you're starting a separate UC2-based project, please document it in a repository that follows this structure.
UC2_openSIM - This is the repository for the openSIM project which integrates structured illumination microscopy into the UC2-system.
UC2_openISM - This is the repository for the openISM project which integrates a laser-scanning module for image-scanning microscopy (ISM) to the UC2-system.
UC2-MicronStage - UC2 micrometer stage
UC2-Hi2 - This device is intended to help you use a very simple GRBL-based Arduino Shield controlled by a Raspberry Pi/Nvidia Jetson to automatically image a multiwell plate to with a UC2-based microscope.
UC2_Fluorescence_microscope - This is the repository for the laser-based fluorescence microscope with infinity optics. It is capable to acquire Time-Lapse videos from living cells inside an incubator.
UC2-Ptycho - A first attempt to create a UC2 system that is creating Ptychography Data
UC2_openKOEHLER - This is the repository for the openKOEHLER project which integrates an adaptive diaphragm (e.g. variable effective light-source plane) in Koehler configuration into the UC2-system.
UC2-AR-RECOGNITION - Recognition models and tests used for the AR-recognition framework. This repository will be fused into the final AR-repo once enough development is done.
UC2-AR-APP - All AR app related stuff will come in here.
UC2-ImJoy-Plugins - This is a collection of ImJoy Plugins which could be used for the UC2 Framework.
UC2-Hackathon - 2nd Photonics Days Makethon: Digital concept for university internships in physics and optics