What's Changed
- Bumped rook by @liranmauda in #1365
- Added BucketLogging type to enable different types of bucket logging by @achouhan09 in #1362
- Nsfs : Default resources on hci odf by @aspandey in #1366
- Using PVC in place for storageclass provided by user for guaranteed logging by @achouhan09 in #1373
- Bumped rook by @liranmauda in #1377
- Generate and mount certificates for the MCG STS service by @Neon-White in #1370
- Modify nsfs default pvc yaml file by @aspandey in #1378
- Validations for BucketLoggingPVC in case of guaranteed bucket logging by @achouhan09 in #1368
- Bump github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #1372
- Binding bucket logging pvc and path to core and endpoint pods by @achouhan09 in #1371
- Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7 by @dependabot in #1383
- Fix the VolumeMount path for bucket logging by @achouhan09 in #1385
- Checking for pvc only if BucketLoggingPVC is not nil by @achouhan09 in #1390
- Fixing SCC issues for bucket logging by @jackyalbo in #1391
- Keep using psql 12 if failed upgrading to psql15 by @dannyzaken in #1396
- Implement operator support for pool ownership by @bernerhat in #1393
- backport into 5.17 by @liranmauda in #1409
- [backport into 5.17] Backports into 5.17 by @liranmauda in #1421
- [Bakport to 5.17] added annotation to CSV capabilities="Seamless Upgrades" by @dannyzaken in #1424
- [Backport to 5.17] Fix serviceAccount for noobaa-core by @jackyalbo in #1431
- [Backport 5.17] Remove hardcoded namespace from rolebinding by @tangledbytes in #1442
- Backport to 5.17 by @jackyalbo in #1453
Full Changelog: v5.16.0...v5.17.0