template, use ByteBuffer[] for performance?
impl own json bind by referring https://github.com/json-iterator/java and https://github.com/ngs-doo/dsl-json with annotation processor?
framework error (queue listener, background task error, custom scheduler trigger) forward to kafka?
redis using ping/pong to validate connection? for zero downtime upgrading e.g. with gcloud memory store
use adminClient to check kafka ready? or retry sending message?
kafka: is static membership (group.instance.id) useful within stateful set?
log: use es data stream + ILM to rotate index? and is time series data stream (TSDS) useful (only for metrics data)
not able to close index, only delete, and can simplify log processor and ES interface (no need to support "index" param in all requests) to use TSDS, convert statMessage into pure metrics, and make error/info into action? https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/tsds.html or framework should manage time based index by itself?
db: update "on duplicated key" values() syntax,
The use of VALUES() to refer to the new row and columns is deprecated beginning with MySQL 8.0.20, and is subject to removal in a future version of MySQL.
support sse with POST?
track if undertow improved leak with virtual threads https://github.com/undertow-io/undertow/blob/main/core/src/main/java/io/undertow/server/DefaultByteBufferPool.java
track okHTTP fixed pin issue with virtual threads (looks like needs to wait until 5.0.0 released) square/okhttp#8284
log diagram, fix d3 tooltip (generate separated json, and make d3 tooltip show other non-HTML info)
change kafka compression to zstd? as it is production ready and widely used