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Releases: munterfi/hereR

hereR 0.6.0

06 Jan 10:54
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  • Update route_matrix() from Routing API v7.2 (calculatematrix) to Matrix Routing API v8 (see #87).
  • Update isoline() from Routing API v7.2 (calculateisoline) to Isoline Routing API v8 (see #87).
  • Update route() from Routing API v7.2 (calculateroute) to Routing API v8, which brings the elevation to the route geometries (closes #87). Note: Arrival time is not yet supported.
  • Return ISO state and country code in geocode() with the updated API v7.2 as it did with the previous API v6 (closes #98).
  • Deprecate parameters mode and type in route(), route_matrix() and isoline(), use transport_mode and routing_mode instead.
  • Fix parsing of timezones in connection() and intermodal_route() (closes #94).
  • Fix not conditional use of suggested packages in vignettes (closes #101).
  • Fix issue with delimiter for POST requests by changing it from a space " " to a space pipe combination " | " (closes #102).
  • Added contribution guidelines, code of conduct and issue templates.

hereR 0.5.2

26 Nov 19:37
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  • Send timezone offset in requests to the HERE APIs to avoid server-side conversion to local timezone (closes #85).
  • Added option to return alternative results in geocode(). The alternative locations are ranked according to the order received from the Geocoder API (closes #83 and #81).

hereR 0.5.1

23 Oct 17:49
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  • Fix of the request generation for the Geocoder API: Removal of the & in front of the apiKey argument in the url (closes #73 and #74).

hereR 0.5.0

18 Sep 16:05
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  • Upgrade Geocoder API version used in geocode() from v6.2 to v7 (closes #52). Note: The argument autocomplete is defunct and the argument addresses is deprecated, use address instead.
  • Change default geometry in the return value of geocode() to position coordinates (display position) and return access coordinates (navigation position) as additional column in well-known text format (closes #53).
  • Consistent columns in the return value of geocode() and reverse_geocode() independent of the input address level (closes #58).
  • Upgrade Geocoder API version used in reverse_geocode() from v6.2 to v7. Note: The argument landmarks is defunct.
  • Replace Geocoder API Autocomplete v6.2 with Geocoder API Autosuggest v7. Note: The function autocomplete() is defunct, please use autosuggest().
  • Upgrade Public Transit API version used in connection() and station() from v3 to v8 (closes #62). Note: Now the geometries (LINESTRING) of the pedestrian sections are also included in the public transport routes returned by connection().
  • Sign in to and add badge to track code quality.
  • Defunct set_proxy() and unset_proxy(). Use a global proxy configuration for R in ~/.Renviron instead.

hereR 0.4.1

24 Aug 11:13
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  • Change example and API mock data for intermodal_route() from Berlin to Switzerland, as the service is now also available there.
  • Force {mapview} to use 'classical' leaflet/htmlwidgets rendering (which embeds data directly in the html) and not the file format 'flatgeobuf' in vignette building (see #54).
  • Temporarily deactivate all maps in the vignettes to solve the issues on CRAN (closes #54). With the next release of {mapview} >= v2.9.1 on CRAN the maps will be reactivated.

hereR 0.4.0

06 Jul 06:57
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  • Changed CI from Travis to GitHub actions.
  • Added automated pkgdown page build after pull requests and commits on master.
  • Extended test coverage on defunct function calls.
  • Added sf argument to geocode() function. If TRUE, the default, an {sf}
    object is returned, if FALSE a data.frame with lng and lat columns.
    (@dpprdan, #44)
  • Intermodal Routing API: Routes The new feature intermodal_route() adds support for requesting intermodal routes between given pairs of locations.

hereR 0.3.3

20 Apr 21:40
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  • Added set_verbose() function to define (for the current R session) if the hereR package
    should message information about the number of requests sent and data received (default = FALSE).
  • Reactivate maps with multiple layers since the mapview issue 271 is fixed.
  • lwgeom no longer exports st_make_valid(), but sf does. Therefore lwgeom is moved from the package dependencies to the suggestions (see #38).

hereR 0.3.2

29 Mar 21:51
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  • Defunct the deprecated traffic() function, which has been replaced by the functions flow() and incident().
  • Recreated package test data, api mocks and examples with sf 0.9-0 (see #36).
  • Increased the dependency on the sf package to version 0.9-0 due to a different CRS handling (for more information about the changes in sf, see here). Note: Older versions of the sf package are no longer supported.
  • Temporarily deactivated maps with multiple layers until the mapview issue 271 is fixed.

hereR 0.3.1

29 Jan 16:52
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  • There are no more missing M:N route combinations in the the edge list returned by route_matrix() (see #30).
  • All lengths of origin and destination are now accepted as input in route_matrix() (see #31).
  • Added two new functions flow() and incident() to access traffic flow and incidents from the Traffic API. Deprecated the traffic() function.
  • Reduced the dependent version of R from 3.5.0 to 3.3.0 as the package is still functional but runs on more systems.

hereR 0.3.0

07 Jan 18:56
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  • HERE has updated the authentication process and changed from APP_ID and APP_CODE to a single API_KEY. Therefore set_auth() and unset_auth() are defunct and replaced by set_key() and unset_key() (see #23).
    NOTE: .Deprecated() was skipped because the API endpoints have also changed. After updating to a version greater than 0.2.1 the authentication must be adjusted.
  • Added a minimum jam factor filter to traffic(..., product = "flow"). Now it is possible to only retrieve flow information of severe congestion with a jam factor greater than min_jam_factor, which speeds up requests.
  • Public Transit API: Transit route The new feature connection() implements requesting the most efficient and relevant transit connections between given pairs of locations.
  • Public Transit API: Find stations nearby The new feature station() retrieves nearby public transit stations with corresponding line information.
  • Package cosmetics: Renamed the start parameter to origin and unified the utilization of the datetime and arrival parameters in route(), route_matrix(), isoline() and connection().
  • Adjusted the handling of datetime objects in the requests: All c("POSIXct", "POSIXt") inputs for the requests (mostly departure) are converted to UTC using .encode_datetime() and the responses are parsed and returned in the input timezone (or if missing: Sys.timezone()) using .parse_datetime() (see #28).
  • Added @import sf to the package documentation to ensure sf objects are handled correctly.
  • Added departure and arrival datetime column to the return value of route(), route_matrix() and isoline().
  • Removed data.table object type from function return values. New: Pure data.frame or sf, data.frame because this integrates better with other packages (e.g. the overline2() function from the stplanr package).