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859 lines (486 loc) · 53.3 KB

File metadata and controls

859 lines (486 loc) · 53.3 KB

Change Log (vs-deploy)

14.0.0 (April 13th, 2018; Visual Studio Code 1.22)

13.0.0 (January 6th, 2018; npm packages)

12.1.1 (December 27th, 2017; Deploy Reloaded)

12.0.4 (December 21st, 2017; package.json)

12.0.3 (December 5th, 2017; bugfixes)

  • bugfixes

12.0.2 (December 1st, 2017; bugfixes)

  • bugfixes

12.0.1 (November 27th, 2017; switch target, multi root support and module updates)

11.1.0 (November 20th, 2017; finished multi root support)

  • added extension.deploy.selectWorkspace, which can change between workspaces now

10.0.0 (October 14th, 2017; multi root support)

9.34.1 (October 8th, 2017; placeholders in arguments of 'open' operations)

  • added usePlaceholdersInArguments for open deploy operations

9.33.0 (October 5th, 2017; placeholders in SFTP targets)

9.32.6 (October 4th, 2017; brazilian portuguese translation)

9.32.5 (September 27th, 2017; french translation)

9.32.4 (September 18th, 2017; french translation)

9.32.3 (August 21st, 2017; SFTP private key format)

  • added privateKeySourceFormat and privateKeyTargetFormat settings for SFTP targets, that can define the input and output format of a private key

9.31.0 (August 21st, 2017; prompt target)

  • added handleAs property for entries in a prompt target, which can define in what data type to convert the user's input to

9.30.0 (August 12th, 2017; output results of SFTP commands)

  • can output results of SFTP server commands defined in beforeUpload, closing, connected and uploaded settings now

9.29.0 (August 11th, 2017; deactivate deploy on change at startup)

  • added timeToWaitBeforeActivateDeployOnChange setting, which can freeze 'deploy on change' feature for a specific number of milliseconds, after config has been (re)loaded

9.28.1 (July 21st, 2017; brazilian portuguese translation)

9.27.0 (July 3rd, 2017; spanish translation)

9.26.1 (June 16th, 2017; SFTP)

  • added updateModesOfDirectories setting for sftp targets, which indicates if a value in modes property should also be applied to the directory of a file or not
  • bugfixes in sftp target when setting file mode after a file has been uploaded

9.25.0 (June 12th, 2017; russian translation)

9.24.2 (June 11th, 2017; sync when open)

  • displaying message in output channel when synching a file when opening it now
  • bugfixes

9.23.0 (June 11th, 2017; sync when open)

9.22.0 (June 11th, 2017; fastCheckOnSync)

9.21.0 (June 11th, 2017; prompt targets)

9.20.1 (June 10th, 2017; sync when open and prompt targets)

9.19.0 (June 10th, 2017; russian translation)

9.18.3 (June 5th, 2017; prompt target)

  • added new prompt target, which asks the user for a list of settings that will be applied to one or more other targets

9.17.0 (June 5th, 2017; folder mappings)

9.16.0 (June 4th, 2017; password prompts)

9.15.1 (June 4th, 2017; bugfixes and password prompt for SFTP)

  • fixed bug when deploying of a single file failed
  • password box is shown now if no password is defined in SFTP target ... this behavior can be changed by setting promptForPassword to (false)

9.14.0 (June 1st, 2017; french translation)

9.13.2 (May 31st, 2017; CoffeeScript)

9.12.0 (May 31st, 2017; load settings from external files)

  • added loadFrom for packages and targets, which can define a path to an external JSON file with data to use as base settings for the underlying objects

9.11.0 (May 29th, 2017; dropbox, settings and placeholders)

  • added alwaysShowPackageList setting that indicates if package list is shown, even if there is only 1 entry
  • added alwaysShowTargetList setting that indicates if target list is shown, even if there is only 1 entry
  • added username and password settings for HTTP target operations
  • added build-in placeholders EOL, hostName, tempDir, userName
  • added runBuildTaskOnStartup which defines if command (build task) should be run on startup or not
  • added runGitPullOnStartup, which defines if git.pull command should be run on startup or not
  • added password and passwordAlgorithm settings for dropbox targets, that can be used to encrypt/decrypt files before they will be uploaded / after have been downloaded
  • lots of code improvements

9.10.0 (May 28th, 2017; new list target)

  • added list target, that lets the user select an entry by the GUI, which contains settings for one or more other target

9.9.1 (May 28th, 2017; http target operations)

9.8.0 (May 28th, 2017; environment variables)

9.7.0 (May 22nd, 2017; speed up check for newer files)

  • improved speed of checking for newer files

9.6.0 (May 21st, 2017; french translation)

9.5.0 (May 18th, 2017; inherit settings)

  • added inheritFrom for packages and targets, that can define the name(s) of one or more other items from where to inherit settings from

9.4.0 (May 18th, 2017; russian translation)

9.3.0 (May 17th, 2017; package settings)

  • added showForDeploy for packages, that defines if underlying package is visible in GUI when user wants to deploy files
  • added showForPull for packages, that defines if underlying package is visible in GUI when user wants to pull files

9.2.0 (May 17th, 2017; ignore files)

  • files that are part of ignore setting will not be pulled anymore

9.1.1 (May 13th, 2017; extended HTTP target)

  • thanks to owenfarrell, who added new encodeUrlValues and submitFile settings to http target to control the submission of a file and its contents
  • bugfixes

9.0.0 (May 11th, 2017; glob patterns, compilers and package updates)

8.17.0 (May 3rd, 2017; environment variables / settings for VSCode process)

  • added env setting, which can define settings for the environment of the current process, like additional environment variables, now

8.16.0 (April 29th, 2017; apply values to packages and targets)

  • added applyValuesTo settings for packages and targets, that define objects with lists of property names and their values that should be applied to the underlying setting object

8.15.0 (April 29th, 2017; execute commands on FTP server)

8.14.0 (April 28th, 2017; execute commands on SFTP server)

8.13.0 (April 28th, 2017; placeholder support for SFTP private key file paths)

8.12.0 (April 27th, 2017; execute commands on SFTP server)

8.11.0 (April 27th, 2017; custom permissions for SFTP uploaded files)

  • added modes setting for sftp targets, that can define one or more chmod access permission values for target files on the server

8.10.0 (April 26th, 2017; placeholder support for SFTP agents)

8.9.0 (April 19th, 2017; check for newer files before deploy)

8.8.0 (April 16th, 2017; additional possible sources for iterator targets)

  • can also use sources like ftp:// or sftp:// for each and map targets now

8.7.0 (April 16th, 2017; map target)

  • added map target, which is similar to each, but with other value handling

8.6.0 (April 16th, 2017; ignore files for deployment)

  • added optional global ignore setting that can define a list of pattern of files which should NOT be deployed, even if a deployment is trying to be started for them

8.5.0 (April 16th, 2017; templates and examples from (S)FTP)

8.4.0 (April 16th, 2017; required extension version for example / template files and items)

8.3.0 (April 15th, 2017; scripts can be implemented much easier now)

8.2.0 (April 15th, 2017; code improvements)

  • improved execution of (internal) deploy commands

8.1.0 (April 15th, 2017; open HTML documents from scripts)

8.0.0 (April 15th, 2017; examples and new 'each')

  • can access repositories of examples and templates from editor now, by pressing F1 and selecting the command Deploy: Open example / template ... you can post and share own examples in that issue
  • added each target type

7.26.0 (April 12th, 2017; data transformation)

7.25.0 (April 5th, 2017; faster file checks for deploy on save / change)

  • added fastCheckOnChange for packages, that can define if a "faster" file check should be used for deploy on change
  • added fastCheckOnSave for packages, which can define if a "faster" file check should be used for "deploy on save" feature
  • showWarningsForNonExistingTargets setting also works for package buttons now

7.24.0 (April 2nd, 2017; passwords for hosts and remote targets)

7.23.0 (April 2nd, 2017; buttons for packages)

7.22.0 (April 2nd, 2017; buttons for packages)

7.21.0 (April 2nd, 2017; REST API and cron jobs)

  • added startApi setting to start a REST API provided by extensions like vs-rest-api
  • added startCronJobs setting to start cron jobs handled by extensions like vs-cron

7.20.0 (April 2nd, 2017; global events)

7.19.0 (April 2nd, 2017; global events)

7.18.0 (April 1st, 2017; imports and custom name)

  • can define external config files that can be imported/merged into the data defined in settings.json
  • can define custom machine name in settings now

7.17.0 (March 31th, 2017; script values)

  • can also use scripts for providing values now
  • added detail settings for packages and targets, which can be used to show additional information in the GUI, e.g.

7.16.0 (March 31th, 2017; if settings)

  • added if properties for packages, targets and files, that can define via JavaScript code if item is available or not

7.15.0 (March 30th, 2017; alternate FTP engine)

7.14.0 (March 29th, 2017; cancellation of FTP deployments)

  • improved cancellation of FTP deployments
  • added connTimeout, pasvTimeout and keepalive properties for ftp targets

7.13.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders)

7.12.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders)

7.11.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders)

7.10.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders)

7.9.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders for commands)

7.8.0 (March 26th, 2017; placeholders)

7.7.0 (March 25th, 2017; placeholders from files)

7.6.0 (March 25th, 2017; placeholders from environment vars)

7.5.0 (March 25th, 2017; placeholders for zip targets)

7.4.0 (March 25th, 2017; values and placeholders)

7.3.0 (March 25th, 2017; platform specific packages and targets)

  • added platforms setting for packages and targets, which can define for which platform an item is for

7.2.0 (March 23rd, 2017; content type for Azure and S3)

  • content type is detected (and submitted) for files that are deployed to Azure blob storages now ... this behavior can be changed by setting the contentType or detectMime properties in the target(s)
  • added contentType property for S3 bucket targets, which can define the mime type for all files explicit

7.1.0 (March 20th, 2017; WebDeploy)

  • added runInTerminal property for webdeploy target operations, that indicates if the tool should be executed in VS Code integrated terminal instead in the external shell

7.0.0 (March 18th, 2017; run in terminal)

  • added runInTerminal settings for app targets and open target operations, that indicates if applications should be executed in VS Code integrated terminal instead in the external shell

6.3.0 (March 17th, 2017; diff before deploy)

  • added diffBeforeDeploy property for targets, that indicates if a diff should be made BEFORE a file is being to be deployed

6.2.0 (March 16th, 2017; compare files)

  • can compare local files with remote ones in a diff window now

6.1.0 (March 11th, 2017; russian translation)

  • sag3ll0 updated russian translation

6.0.0 (March 11th, 2017; Pull / download files)

Today there is a new big major release that supports pulling / downloading files from the following targets:

5.34.1 (March 9th, 2017; Gitter)

5.34.0 (March 9th, 2017; use files of deployment for compilers)

  • added useFilesOfDeployment property for compiler operations, which indicates if files for deployment will be used as source, when not defined explicit

5.33.0 (March 4th, 2017; result button in status bar)

  • added more information for result button in status bar (s. issue #42)

5.32.0 (March 3rd, 2017; readyTimeout setting for sftp targets)

5.31.0 (March 1st, 2017; russian translation)

  • added russian translation (thanks to sag3ll0!)
  • if you would like to submit another translation, have a look at that issue

5.30.0 (February 28th, 2017; french translation)

  • added french translation (thanks to neiobaf!)
  • if you would like to submit another translation, have a look at that issue

5.29.0 (February 25th, 2017; sftp targets)

5.28.0 (February 25th, 2017; ssh agents)

5.27.0 (February 14th, 2017; Pug support)

5.26.0 (February 14th, 2017; exclude 'node_modules' folder and hide packages and targets in GUI)

  • added noNodeModules property for packages to exclude node_modules/** by default
  • added isHidden property for packages and targets for hiding those items in the GUI (but they are still available)

5.25.0 (February 14th, 2017; get targets command)

  • added (invisible) command extension.deploy.getTargets to get targets via this command

5.24.0 (February 14th, 2017; deploy command)

  • added (invisible) command extension.deploy.filesTo to deploy files via this command

5.23.0 (February 14th, 2017; REST API)

5.22.0 (February 5th, 2017; UglifyJS)

5.21.0 (February 4th, 2017; sharing data between scripts)

5.20.0 (February 4th, 2017; deploy on save)

5.19.1 (February 3th, 2017; deploy on change)

5.19.0 (January 31th, 2017; deploy via context)

5.18.0 (January 31th, 2017; deploy via event)

  • added global event deploy.deployFiles
  • added global event deploy.deployFiles.complete
  • added global event deploy.deployFiles.error
  • added global event deploy.deployFiles.success
  • added deployFiles() that can be used in scripts to deploy files

5.17.0 (January 29th, 2017; global events)

  • added global event deploy.deployOnChange.toggle
  • added global event deploy.deployOnSave.toggle

5.16.0 (January 29th, 2017; global events)

  • added ScriptArguments which extends all script based arguments and contextes with features like emitting global events
  • added emitGlobal to DeployContext
  • added global events deploy.deployOnChange.disable and deploy.deployOnChange.enable
  • added global events deploy.deployOnSave.disable and deploy.deployOnSave.enable

5.15.0 (January 27th, 2017; custom filename for ZIP files)

  • added fileName option for zip targets, that can be used to define a custom output filename

5.14.0 (January 22nd, 2017; Generic / script based compiler support)

5.13.0 (January 21st, 2017; TypeScript compiler support)

5.12.0 (January 21st, 2017; compiler operations, like LESS)

  • added compile deploy operation type, that is currently able to compile .less files

5.11.0 (January 21st, 2017; Visual Studio Code command deploy operations)

  • added submitContext, that defines if a context object should be submitted as first argument to a vscommand deploy operation or not

5.10.0 (January 20th, 2017; state data for additional commands)

5.9.0 (January 20th, 2017; isCancelling() method readded)

5.8.0 (January 20th, 2017; convert CR+LF to LF when deploying to SFTP)

  • added unix setting for SFTP targets that can control if Windows text files should be converted to UNIX format, e.g.

5.7.0 (January 19th, 2017; addtional, custom commands for Visual Studio Code)

  • added commands that can define additional script based commands for Visual Studio Code

5.6.0 (January 19th, 2017; startup commands)

  • added startupCommands that can define Visual Studio Code commands that should be run on startup

5.5.0 (January 19th, 2017; execute Visual Studio Code commands)

  • can execute any available VSCode command via operations now

5.3.2 (January 17th, 2017; fixed fatal bug)

5.3.0 (January 17th, 2017; SQL)

5.2.1 (January 17th, 2017; cancel deployments)

  • fixed cancellation of deployments

5.2.0 (January 17th, 2017; cancel deployments)

  • improved cancellation of deployments

5.1.0 (January 17th, 2017; open files on startup)

  • added open setting property

5.0.0 (January 17th, 2017; cancel deployments)

  • improved cancellation of deployments

4.22.0 (January 16th, 2017; display loaded plugins and network info)

  • added displayLoadedPlugins and displayNetworkInfo settings

4.21.0 (January 14th, 2017; (S)FTP improvements)

  • improved speed when deploying to SFTP or FTP servers

4.20.0 (January 14th, 2017; warning if already running)

  • removed warn popups for single files, that are being deployed several times

4.19.0 (January 6th, 2017; warning if already running)

  • now showing popup if a deployment is currently running, to prevent running deployments several times

4.18.0 (January 6th, 2017; improved deployment)

  • add showDeployResultInStatusBar setting that can display a button in the status bar after deployment has been finished
  • improved deploy status bar button
  • fixed cancellation of deployments in (s)ftp plugins

4.17.0 (January 6th, 2017; full IntelliSense support for settings.json)

4.16.0 (January 5th, 2017; deploy on change)

4.15.0 (January 5th, 2017; empty DropBox folder)

4.14.0 (January 5th, 2017; DropBox support)

4.13.0 (January 4th, 2017; script support for "before" and "after" deploy actions)

4.12.0 (January 4th, 2017; global variables)

4.11.0 (January 4th, 2017; supress deploy host popups)

  • added showPopupOnSuccess for deploy hosts, which can set to (false) if no popup should be shown if a host has started / stopped successfully

4.10.0 (January 4th, 2017; data transformation)

4.9.0 (January 3th, 2017; validate remote files)

  • can define a script for a deploy host now, which validates a received file

4.8.0 (January 3th, 2017; deploy hosts)

4.7.0 (January 2th, 2017; visibility and sortability of packages and targets)

  • added hideIf and showIf properties for targets, which can control the visibilty of targets by package name(s)
  • extended sortOrder properties for packages and targets, which can contain object instead of number and define own sort values for machines

4.6.0 (December 31th, 2016; Web Deploy)

4.5.0 (December 30th, 2016; tag support for remote targets)

  • added optional tag setting for remote targets, that sends this value with each remote JSON file message

4.4.0 (December 30th, 2016; deploy on save behavior for packages)

4.3.0 (December 30th, 2016; app targets)

  • added submitFileList and wait settings for app targets

4.2.0 (December 30th, 2016; deploy on save behavior)

4.1.1 (December 29th, 2016; hints for new installed versions)

  • now showing info popup (once) if new version of extension is installed (can be disabled by disableNewVersionPopups setting)

4.0.0 (December 29th, 2016; translations and deploy via context menu)

3.31.0 (December 26th, 2016; Amazon S3 buckets)

  • automatic detection and definition of MIME types for files that are uploaded to Amazon S3 buckets

3.30.0 (December 24th, 2016; Amazon S3 bucket credentials)

3.29.0 (December 23th, 2016; Azure blob storages)

3.28.0 (December 23th, 2016; Amazon S3 buckets)

3.27.0 (December 23th, 2016; Amazon S3 buckets)

3.26.0 (December 23th, 2016; suppress popup on successful deploy)

  • added showPopupOnSuccess to global settings that can be set to (false) if no popup should be appear after a successful deployment

3.24.0 (December 21th, 2016; package and target filtering)

  • added clearOutputOnStartup to global settings that can be set to (true) if output window should be cleared on startup
  • added isFor property for packages and targets that filter the items by hostname(s)

3.22.0 (December 20th, 2016; quick deployment)

3.19.0 (December 20th, 2016; before deploy actions)

  • actions can be defined in a target now before a deployment starts

3.18.0 (December 20th, 2016; explicit targets for packages)

  • can define a list of one or more explicit targets for a package now

3.16.0 (December 19th, 2016; remote targets)

3.13.0 (December 18th, 2016; pipelines)

3.11.0 (December 18th, 2016; batches)

  • added batch target type

3.7.0 (December 17th, 2016; require() in deploy contextes)

3.6.0 (December 17th, 2016; cancel deployments)

  • deployments can be cancelled now

3.5.0 (December 17th, 2016; open output window settings)

  • added openOutputOnDeploy global setting that be set to (false) if output window should be opened when a deployment starts
  • added openOutputOnStartup global setting that be set to (false) if output window should be opened on startup

3.4.0 (December 16th, 2016; mappings)

  • can use folder mappings in targets now

2.6.0 (December 14th, 2016; http)

  • added http target type

2.3.0 (December 12th, 2016; directories for remote hosts)

  • can define output directories for remote targets now

2.1.0 (December 11th, 2016; ZIP files)

  • added zip target type

2.0.0 (December 11th, 2016; deploy to other VS Code editors)

1.8.0 (December 11th, 2016; scripts)

1.6.0 (December 11th, 2016; deploy on save)

1.5.0 (December 10th, 2016; additional modules)

1.4.0 (December 10th, 2016; sort packages and targets in GUI)

  • can set sortOrder property for packages and targets to sort them in the GUI now

1.3.0 (December 10th, 2016; external executables)

  • added app target type

1.2.0 (December 10th, 2016; after deploy events)

1.1.0 (December 10th, 2016; auto selecting packages and targets)

1.0.0 (December 10th, 2016)

  • first stable release