[BUG] Unable to build the source code #162
Categorizes issue or PR as related to a bug.
Indicates an issue or PR lacks a `triage/foo` label and requires one.
What version of crane are you running, and what are your clutsters+platform
What did you expect to happen?
build must happen with the below command:
go build -o crane main.go
My go version is go version go1.22.3 windows/amd64
What actually happened?
Error encountered
Please include any relevant logs or errors
------error snippet ---
go: downloading github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5
go: downloading github.com/ghodss/yaml v1.0.0
cmd\apply\apply.go:9:2: github.com/konveyor/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/konveyor/crane-lib/@v/v0.0.8.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
internal\file\file_helper.go:11:2: github.com/sirupsen/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/sirupsen/logrus/@v/v1.8.1.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
internal\file\file_helper.go:12:2: k8s.io/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/k8s.io/apimachinery/@v/v0.24.2.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
internal\file\file_helper.go:13:2: sigs.k8s.io/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/sigs.k8s.io/yaml/@v/v1.3.0.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
internal\flags\global_flags.go:5:2: github.com/spf13/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/spf13/cobra/@v/v1.5.0.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
internal\flags\global_flags.go:6:2: github.com/spf13/[email protected]: Get "https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/spf13/viper/@v/v1.12.0.zip": net/http: TLS handshake timeout
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: