From a0e6b162d65f54a100e387cb66b5c1bb8f2b4483 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Sciple Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 12:53:46 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Loc strings --- src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json | 742 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json | 740 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json | 748 ++++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json | 740 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json | 740 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json | 740 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json | 746 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json | 738 +++++++++++++------------ src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json | 744 +++++++++++++------------ 9 files changed, 3482 insertions(+), 3196 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json index 118e091a00..b800d0cde4 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/de-DE/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(J/N) Den Team Explorer Everywhere-Lizenzbedingungen jetzt zustimmen?", + "AccessDenied": "Zugriff verweigert.", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Zugriff beim Festlegen der Wiederherstellungsoptionen des Diensts verweigert.", + "AddAgentFailed": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Agents. Versuchen Sie es erneut, oder drücken Sie STRG+C, um den Vorgang zu beenden.", + "AddBuildTag": "Buildtag hinzufügen", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "configure machine group tags for agent? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Der Agent wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "AgentExit": "Der Agent wird in Kürze für das Update beendet.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Der Agent ist nicht konfiguriert.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "Agent-Pool", + "AgentName": "Agent-Name", + "AgentReplaced": "Der Agent wurde erfolgreich ersetzt.", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Der Agent wird hinter dem Proxyserver ausgeführt: \"{0}\"", + "AgentVersion": "Aktuelle Agent-Version: \"{0}\"", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Der Pool {0} enthält bereits einen Agent mit dem Namen {1}.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Der Agent kann nicht konfiguriert werden, weil er bereits konfiguriert ist. Führen Sie zum erneuten Konfigurieren des Agents zuerst \"config.cmd remove\" oder \"./ remove\" aus.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "\"{0}\" muss angegeben werden.", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] ist kein erkannter Befehl für die Artefaktbefehlserweiterung. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Artefakts von {0}.", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Nicht unterstützter Artefaktspeicherort: \"{0}\".", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Der Artefaktspeicherort ist erforderlich.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "Der Artefaktname ist erforderlich.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Der Artefakttyp ist erforderlich.", + "AssociateArtifact": "Artefakt zuordnen", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Das Artefakt {0} wurde dem Build {1} zugeordnet.", + "AttachFileNotExist": "Die Datei (Typ: {0}, Name: {1}): {2} kann nicht angefügt werden. Die Datei ist nicht vorhanden.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Die Anlage wird übersprungen, weil sie die maximal zulässige Größe überschreitet: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Es wurde erfolglos mithilfe der Git-Befehlszeile versucht, \"http.extraheader\" aus der Git-Konfiguration zu entfernen. Es wird versucht, die Git-Konfigurationsdatei direkt zu ändern, um die Anmeldeinformationen zu entfernen.", + "AuthenticationType": "Authentifizierungstyp", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] ist kein erkannter Befehl für die Buildbefehlserweiterung. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "Die Buildnummer ist erforderlich.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "Das Buildtag \"{0}\" wurde nicht erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "BuildTagRequired": "Ein Buildtag ist erforderlich.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "Der Build \"{0}\" weist jetzt die folgenden Tags auf: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Der übergeordnete Zeitachsendatensatz eines vorhandenen Zeitachsendatensatzes kann nicht geändert werden.", + "CannotFindHostName": "Der VSTS-Kontoname aus der Server-URL wurde nicht gefunden: \"{0}\"", + "CanNotFindService": "Der Dienst {0} wurde nicht gefunden.", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "Die Berechtigung \"LogonAsService\" kann für den Benutzer {0} nicht erteilt werden.", + "CanNotSkipTask": "Ein bereits gestarteter Task kann nicht übersprungen werden.", + "CanNotStartService": "Der Dienst kann nicht gestartet werden. Überprüfen Sie die Protokolle auf weitere Details.", + "CanNotStopService": "Der Dienst {0} kann nicht rechtzeitig beendet werden.", + "CannotUploadFile": "Die Datei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, weil kein Speicherort angegeben wurde.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "Die Zusammenfassungsdatei kann nicht hochgeladen werden. Der Speicherort der Zusammenfassungsdatei wurde nicht angegeben.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Das Feld \"Klassenverzeichnisse\" wurde nicht angegeben. Das Feld \"Klassendateienverzeichnisse\" ist für ein Projekt mit mehreren Modulen zum Generieren von Code Coverage-Berichten erforderlich.", + "Cleanup": "Bereinigung nach dem Auftrag", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Die Wiederholungsversuche der OAuth-Tokenanforderung wurden beendet. Ausnahme nach {0} Sekunden.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Fehler beim Aktivieren von Code Coverage, weil die angegebene Builddatei \"{0}\" leer ist. Geben Sie eine gültige Builddatei an, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] ist kein erkannter Befehl für die Taskbefehlserweiterung. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "Es wurden keine Code Coverage-Daten gefunden. Überprüfen Sie die Buildfehler/-warnungen, um weitere Details abzurufen.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "{0}-Code Coverage für \"{1}\" wurde erfolgreich aktiviert.", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Das Veröffentlichen von Code Coverage funktioniert nur für \"build\".", + "CollectionName": "Sammlungsname", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\"{0}\" enthält das Protokollierungsbefehl-Schlüsselwort \"##vso\", ist aber kein zulässiger Befehl. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate, um potenzielle Syntaxfehler ggf. zu beheben (", + "CommandNotFound": "Die Befehlserweiterung für ##vso[{0}.command] wurde nicht gefunden. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "Der Befehl \"{0}\" kann nicht erfolgreich verarbeitet werden. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "ConnectingToServer": "Verbindung mit dem Server wird hergestellt...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "Verbinden", + "ConnectToServer": "Die Verbindung mit dem Server wird hergestellt.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "Der Dienst \"{0}\" konnte nicht gelöscht werden.", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Der Pfad der Protokolldatei wurde nicht angegeben, oder die Datei ist nicht vorhanden: \"{0}\"", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Der Dateipfad der Markdownzusammenfassung wurde nicht angegeben, oder die Datei ist nicht vorhanden: \"{0}\"", + "Deleting": "\"{0}\" wird gelöscht.", + "DeletingCredentials": "\".credentials\" wird entfernt.", + "DeletingSettings": "Der Agent wird entfernt.", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Die Berechtigung zum Lesen des Verzeichnisinhalts ist für \"{0}\" und jedes höhere Verzeichnis in der Hierarchie erforderlich. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Das Verzeichnis \"{0}\" ist leer. Dem Buildartefakt \"{1}\" wird nichts hinzugefügt.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "Verzeichnis nicht gefunden: \"{0}\".", + "DownloadAgent": "Der aktuelle Agent wird heruntergeladen.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "Artefakte herunterladen", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Fehler beim Herunterladen von Artefakten: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "Der Task wird heruntergeladen: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "Auf den Abschluss der Ausführung des aktuellen Auftrags wird gewartet.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "Geben Sie einen gültigen Wert für {0} ein.", + "ErrorOccurred": "Fehler: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen von Code Coverage-Dateien. Fehler: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "Endbenutzer-Lizenzbestimmungen", + "Failed": "Fehler: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Fehler beim Löschen des temporären Verzeichnisses \"{0}\". {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "Fehler beim Anwenden von Tags auf den Agent. Versuchen Sie es noch mal, oder beenden Sie den Vorgang mit STRG-C. Alternativ können Sie zur Webseite der Computergruppe wechseln, um Tags hinzuzufügen.", + "FailedToConnect": "Fehler beim Herstellen der Verbindung. Versuchen Sie es erneut, oder drücken Sie STRG+C, um den Vorgang zu beenden.", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Fehler beim Löschen der temporären Inlineskriptdatei \"{0}\". {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "Fehler bei der Suche nach der Computergruppe. Versuchen Sie es noch mal, oder drücken Sie STRG-C zum Beenden.", + "FailedToFindPool": "Fehler beim Suchen nach dem Poolnamen. Versuchen Sie es erneut, oder drücken Sie STRG+C, um den Vorgang zu beenden.", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Fehler beim Sperren der Datenbank zum Schreiben.", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "Fehler beim Öffnen des Dienststeuerungs-Managers.", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Fehler beim Öffnen des Dienststeuerungs-Managers.", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen der Testergebnisse: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "Fehler beim Lesen von {0}. Fehler: {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Fehler beim Ersetzen des Agents. Versuchen Sie es erneut, oder drücken Sie STRG+C, um den Vorgang zu beenden.", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "\"{0}\" kann nicht aus der Git-Konfiguration entfernt werden. Um die Anmeldeinformationen zu entfernen, führen Sie \"git config --unset-all {0}\" vom Repositorystamm \"{1}\" aus.", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Die Datei konnte nicht auf den Server kopiert werden. StatusCode = {0}: {1}. Quelldateipfad: {2}. Serverzielpfad: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "Die Datei \"{0}\" ist nicht vorhanden, oder es kann nicht darauf zugegriffen werden.", + "FileNotFound": "Die Datei wurde nicht gefunden: \"{0}\".", + "FileUploadCancelled": "Der Dateiupload wurde während des Hochladens der Datei abgebrochen: \"{0}\".", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Ausführliche Uploadablaufverfolgung für die nicht hochgeladene Datei: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "Fehler beim Hochladen von \"{0}\" aufgrund von \"{1}\".", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "Fehler beim Dateiupload auch nach Wiederholungsversuch.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} Dateien konnten nicht hochgeladen werden. Wiederholen Sie den Vorgang für diese Dateien nach einer Minute.", + "FileUploadFinish": "Datei: \"{0}\" hat {1} Millisekunden benötigt, um den Upload abzuschließen.", + "FileUploadProgress": "Dateien gesamt: {0}, verarbeitete Dateien: {1} ({2} %)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "\"{0}\" wird hochgeladen ({1} %)", + "FileUploadRetry": "Der Wiederholungsversuch {0} für nicht hochgeladene Dateien wird gestartet.", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Dateiupload nach {0} Sekunden wiederholen.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "Der Dateiupload war nach einem Wiederholungsversuch erfolgreich.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "Der Dateiupload war erfolgreich.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generiert das Updateskript und führt es aus.", + "GetSources": "Quellen abrufen", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "Gruppe: {0} ist nicht vorhanden.", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "Interner Fehler. Details: Es wurde(n) ein ungültiger Build oder ungültige Code Coverage-Tools bereitgestellt. Buildtool = \"{0}\". Code Coverage-Tool = \"{1}\". ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "Ungültiges Build-XML \"{0}\". Fehler \"{1}\" beim Analysieren der Datei. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Datei wohlgeformt ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Ungültige Eingabe für das Feld \"Klassendateienverzeichnis\". Die Eingabe darf kein regulärer Ausdruck und kein Dateipfad sein. \"Klassendateienverzeichnis\" akzeptiert eine durch Kommas getrennte Liste von Klassenverzeichnissen.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "Der Klasseneinschluss-/-ausschlussfilter \"{0}\" ist ungültig. Geben Sie einen gültigen Filter an, und versuchen Sie es erneut. Beispiel: \"+:com.*\", \"+:org.*\".", + "InvalidCommandArg": "Das Befehlsargument \"{0}\" enthält mindestens eines der folgenden ungültigen Zeichen: \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "Der Befehl weist keinen gültigen Ergebniswert auf.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "Die Dauer jedes Testlaufs wird für die Zeitberechnung verwendet, weil das aus der Testergebnisdatei abgerufene maximale Abschlussdatum {0} größer als das Mindeststartdatum {1} ist.", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Für {0} wurde eine ungültige Konfiguration angegeben. Die unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration wird beendet.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "Die Dauer jedes Testlaufs wird für die Zeitberechnung verwendet, weil ein ungültiges Datumsformat aus der Ergebnisdatei abgerufen wurde: {0} (Startdatum: {1}, Abschlussdatum: {2})", + "InvalidFileFormat": "Ungültiges Dateiformat.", + "InvalidGroupName": "Ungültiger Gruppenname: {0}", + "InvalidMember": "Ein neuer Member konnte einer lokalen Gruppe nicht hinzugefügt werden, weil der Member den falschen Kontotyp aufweist. Wenn Sie die Konfiguration für einen Domänencontroller ausführen, können integrierte Computerkonten lokalen Gruppen nicht hinzugefügt werden. Sie müssen stattdessen ein Domänenbenutzerkonto verwenden.", + "InvalidResultFiles": "Ungültige Ergebnisdatei. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Ergebnisformat der Datei \"{0}\" mit dem Testergebnisformat \"{1}\" übereinstimmt.", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Das Quellverzeichnis kann nicht abgerufen werden. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "Der Wert für \"{0}\" kann nicht aus der Zusammenfassungsdatei \"{1}\" abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Zusammenfassungsdatei wohlgeformt ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Es wurden ungültige Windows-Anmeldeinformationen eingegeben. Versuchen Sie es erneut, oder drücken Sie STRG+C, um den Vorgang zu beenden.", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Der Parameter \"IsMultiModule\" ist nicht verfügbar. Das Projekt wird als ein Projekt mit einem Modul behandelt.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Der Auftrag {1} wurde mit folgendem Ergebnis abgeschlossen: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "Ausführen des Agents mithilfe von Convenience Cmd oder Skriptwrappern der Shell.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "Ausgeben von Agent-Versionsinformationen:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --version und config.cmd --commit", + "Unix: ./ --version und ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Anzeigen von Befehlszeilenhilfe:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix: ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Konfigurieen des Agents und Beenden:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd [Argumente] [Optionen]", + "Unix: ./ [Argumente] [Optionen]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", - "Unix : ./ remove", + "Aufheben der Konfiguration des Agents:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove", + "Unix: ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Interaktives Ausführen des Agents (muss konfiguriert sein):", + "Win: .\\run.cmd [Argumente] [Optionen]", + "Unix: ./ [Argumente] [Optionen]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "Argumente für die Konfiguration:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url Die URL des Servers. Beispiele:", + " oder http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth Der Authentifizierungstyp. Gültige Optionen sind \"PAT\" (persönliches Zugriffstoken),", + " \"Negotiate\" (Kerberos oder NTLM) und \"Integrated\" (Windows-Standardanmeldeinformationen).", + "--pool Der Name des Pools, den der Agent verwenden soll.", + "--agent Der Agent-Name.", + "--work Das Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem die Auftragsdaten gespeichert werden.", + " Der Standardwert ist \"work\" unter dem Stamm des Agent-Verzeichnisses.", + " Das Arbeitsverzeichnis befindet sich im Besitz des angegebenen Agents und sollte nicht von mehreren Agents gemeinsam verwendet werden.", + "--windowslogonaccount Der Kontoname für die Windows-Anmeldung, wenn die Option \"runasservice\" ausgewählt wird (nur für Windows).", + "--windowslogonpassword Das Kontokennwort für die Windows-Anmeldung, wenn die Option \"runasservice\" ausgewählt wird (nur für Windows).", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "Argumente zum Entfernen:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth Der Authentifizierungstyp. Gültige Optionen sind \"PAT\" (persönliches Zugriffstoken),", + " \"Negotiate\" (Kerberos oder NTLM) und \"Integrated\" (Windows-Standardanmeldeinformationen).", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "Optionen:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration. Es wird keine Eingabeaufforderung angezeigt.", + " Alle Antworten müssen über die Befehlszeile bereitgestellt werden.", + "--acceptteeeula Akzeptiert die TEE-Endbenutzer-Lizenzbedingungen (nur für Linux and OSX).", + "--replace Ersetzt den Agent in einem Pool. Wenn ein anderer Agent", + " unter diesem Namen lauscht, tritt ein Fehler mit einem Konflikt auf.", + "--runasservice Konfiguriert den Agent als Dienst (nur für Windows, Administratorberechtigung zum Konfigurieren eines Windows-Diensts erforderlich).", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "Argumente nach Authentifizierungstyp:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token Daten des persönlichen Zugriffstokens. Fügen Sie den Wert am besten ein.", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "Aushandeln:", + "--username \"domäne\\benutzername\" oder UPN.", + "--password Das Windows-Kontokennwort.", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "Integrated: Nimmt keine weiteren Argumente an.", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration und Beispiele für das Aufheben der Konfiguration:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "Denken Sie daran, den Rückgabecode zu überprüfen, wenn unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration verwendet wird.", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für VSTS mit PAT-Authentifizierung", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für lokalen TFS mit integrierter (Windows) und (Linux/OSX) Aushandlungsauthentifizierung", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMÄNE\\BENUTZER_NAME --password MeinKennwort --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für VSTS mit PAT-Authentifizierung und Ersetzen des vorhandenen Agents durch den gleichen Agent-Namen", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für VSTS mit PAT-Authentifizierung und Angeben des Agent-Arbeitsverzeichnisses", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für lokalen TFS mit integrierter Authentifizierung und Konfigurieren des Agents als Windows-Dienst, der als NetworkService ausgeführt wird", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für lokalen TFS mit integrierter Authentifizierung und Konfigurieren des Agents als Windows-Dienst, der als Domänenkonto ausgeführt wird", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMÄNE\\BENUTZER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "Unbeaufsichtigte Konfiguration für VSTS mit PAT-Authentifizierung", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix: ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "Unbeaufsichtigtes Aufheben der Konfiguration für lokalen TFS mit integrierter (Windows) und (Linux/OSX) Aushandlungsauthentifizierung", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix: ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMÄNE\\BENUTZER_NAME --password MeinKennwort", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Lauschen auf Aufträge", + "LocalClockSkewed": "Die Uhr des lokalen Computers ist möglicherweise nicht synchron mit dem Server und weicht um mehr als fünf Minuten ab. Synchronisieren Sie die Uhr mit der Domänen- oder Internetuhrzeit, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "Name der Computergruppe", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "MachineGroup nicht gefunden: \"{0}\"", + "MachineGroupTags": "Durch Kommas getrennte Liste der Tags (z.B. tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "Die Tags wurden erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} ist nicht vorhanden.", + "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 oder höher ist erforderlich.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": ".NET Framework x64 4.6 oder höher ist erforderlich.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 oder höher ist nicht installiert.", + "", + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 ist erforderlich, um TFVC-Repositorys zu synchronisieren. Für die Git-Synchronisierung wird diese Komponente nicht benötigt." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Die mindestens erforderliche Git-Version ist \"{0}\". Ihre Git-Version (\"{1}\") ist \"{2}\".", + "MissingAgent": "Der Agent ist nicht mehr auf dem Server vorhanden. Konfigurieren Sie den Agent neu.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Die Taskanlagendatei kann nicht hochgeladen werden, weil kein Speicherort angegeben wurde oder die Anlagendatei nicht auf dem Datenträger vorhanden ist.", + "MissingAttachmentName": "Die Taskanlage kann nicht hinzugefügt werden. Der Anlagenname wurde nicht angegeben.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "Die Taskanlage kann nicht hinzugefügt werden. Der Anlagentyp wurde nicht angegeben.", + "MissingConfig": "Es kann keine Verbindung mit dem Server hergestellt werden, weil Konfigurationsdateien fehlen. Das Entfernen des Agents vom Server wird übersprungen.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Der Zeitachsendatensatz kann nicht aktualisiert werden. Die ID des Zeitachsendatensatzes wurde nicht angegeben.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Die Cobertura-Indexdatei wird geändert.", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Ein Name ist für diesen neuen Zeitachsendatensatz erforderlich.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Administratorrechte werden zum Konfigurieren des Agents als Windows-Dienst benötigt.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Benötigt Administratorrechte für das Aufheben der Konfiguration des Agents, der als Windows-Dienst ausgeführt wird.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Das Netzwerkdienstkonto wurde nicht gefunden.", + "NoArtifactsFound": "In der Version \"{0}\" sind keine Artefakte verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass ein Artefakt mit der Version veröffentlicht wird, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Die Anlage wird übersprungen, weil sie die maximal zulässige Größe überschreitet oder auf dem Datenträger nicht verfügbar ist: {0}", + "NotLinux": "Diese Agent-Version wurde für Linux erstellt. Installieren Sie einen geeigneten Build für Ihr Betriebssystem.", + "NotOSX": "Diese Agent-Version wurde für OSX erstellt. Installieren Sie einen geeigneten Build für Ihr Betriebssystem.", + "NotWindows": "Diese Agent-Version wurde für Windows erstellt. Installieren Sie einen geeigneten Build für Ihr Betriebssystem.", + "OperationFailed": "Fehler beim Ausführen von Vorgang \"{0}\" mit dem Rückgabecode \"{1}\".", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Der übergeordnete Zeitachsendatensatz wurde nicht für diesen neuen Zeitachsendatensatz erstellt.", + "Password": "Kennwort", + "PathNotExist": "Der Pfad ist nicht vorhanden: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "Persönliches Zugriffstoken", + "PlatformNotSupport": "Das Ausführen des Agents auf dieser Plattform wird nicht unterstützt. Die aktuelle Plattform ist {0}, der Agent wurde für {1} erstellt.", + "PoolNotFound": "Agent-Pool nicht gefunden: {0}", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell ist nicht installiert. Mindestens erforderliche Version: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Der Taskausführungshandler wird vorbereitet.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Der {0}-Umgebungsvariablen wird das Verzeichnis vorangestellt, das \"{1}\" enthält.", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "Voraussetzungen", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Der Prozess wurde mit dem Exitcode {0} beendet, und {1} Fehler wurden in den Fehlerdatenstrom geschrieben.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Der Prozess wurde mit dem Exitcode \"{0}\" beendet.", + "ProcessExitCode": "Der Exitcode {0} wurde vom Prozess zurückgegeben: Dateiname \"{1}\", Argumente \"{2}\".", + "ProjectName": "Projektname", + "Prompt0": "{0} eingeben", + "Prompt0Default1": "Geben Sie {0} ein (Drücken Sie die EINGABETASTE, um {1}).", + "PSScriptError": "Das PowerShell-Skript wurde mit {0} Fehlern abgeschlossen.", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "Code Coverage veröffentlichen", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "\"{0}\" wurde als Artefakt \"{1}\" veröffentlicht.", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Code Coverage-Zusammenfassungsdaten werden für den TFS-Server veröffentlicht.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Code Coverage-Dateien werden für den TFS-Server veröffentlicht.", + "PublishingTestResults": "Testergebnisse für den Testlauf \"{0}\" werden veröffentlicht.", + "PublishTestResults": "Testergebnisse veröffentlichen", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Arbeitsbereichsinformationen werden abgerufen.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent-Verbindungsfehler: {1}. Wiederholungsversuch alle {2} Sekunden, bis eine erneute Verbindung hergestellt wurde.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent erneut verbunden.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Die Code Coverage-Zusammenfassung wird aus \"{0}\" gelesen.", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Agent registrieren", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Fehler beim Umbenennen von {0} in {1} beim Veröffentlichen von Code Coverage-Dateien für {2}. Innere Ausnahme: {3}", + "Replace": "Ersetzen? (J/N)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] ist kein erkannter Befehl für die Taskbefehlserweiterung. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "Das Artefakt weist keine gültigen Containerdetails auf: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "Das Artefakt enthält keine Containerdetails: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Die erforderlichen Informationen zum Herunterladen des Artefakts wurden nicht gefunden.", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "Das Artefaktverzeichnis ist nicht vorhanden: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Das verknüpfte Artefakt {0} vom Typ {1} wird heruntergeladen...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Das verknüpfte Artefakt \"{0}\" wurde heruntergeladen.", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Fehler beim Erstellen der Anforderung zum Herunterladen des Artefakts von folgender URL: {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "Das Artefakt enthält keine Dateien zum Herunterladen.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "Das Buildartefakt \"{0}\" stimmt mit keinem Benennungsmuster überein. Der Download wird übersprungen.", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Das Verzeichnis \"{0}\" ist nicht vorhanden. Fallback auf das übergeordnete Verzeichnis: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Der Download der Artefakte wurde abgeschlossen.", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release Management unterstützt den Download des Artefakttyps \"{0}\" in der aktuellen Version nicht.", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "Die Artefaktversion mit der ID {0} gehört nicht zur verknüpften Artefaktquelle mit der ID {1}.", + "RMCachingAllItems": "Alle Elemente im Dateicontainer werden zwischengespeichert...", + "RMCachingComplete": "Die Zwischenspeicherung wurde abgeschlossen. ({0} ms)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "Elemente werden unter \"{0}\" im Dateicontainer zwischengespeichert...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Das Artefaktverzeichnis wurde bereinigt: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Das Artefaktverzeichnis wird bereinigt: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Der Containerelementtyp \"{0}\" wird nicht unterstützt.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "Der Containerelementpfad beginnt nicht mit {0}: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Timeout der Anforderung nach {0} Sekunden. Ruhezustand {1} Sekunden und erneuter Versuch. Anforderung: {2}{3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[Datei] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Die erforderlichen Informationen im Auftrag zum Herunterladen des benutzerdefinierten Artefakts wurden nicht gefunden: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Herunterladen von Artefakten.", + "RMDownloadComplete": "Der Download ist abgeschlossen.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Artefakt wird aus einer Dateifreigabe heruntergeladen: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Die Artefakte werden vom Jenkins-Server heruntergeladen.", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} abgelegte Dateien: {1} heruntergeladen, {2} leer", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB heruntergeladen mit {1} KB/s. Downloadzeit: {2}. Paralleles Downloadlimit: {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "Es wurden keine Downloadtasks in {0} Minuten abgeschlossen. Verbleibende Taskstatus:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} Task(s).", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "Es wird sichergestellt, dass der Artefaktordner \"{0}\" vorhanden und ///bereinigt ist.", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Die verfügbaren Umgebungsvariablen finden Sie unten. Beachten Sie, dass auf diese Umgebungsvariablen im Task (in der ReleaseDefinition) verwiesen werden kann, indem \"_\" durch \".\" ersetzt wird. Auf die Umgebungsvariable \"AGENT_NAME\" kann z. B. mithilfe von \"Agent.Name\" in der ReleaseDefinition verwiesen werden: {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Fehler beim Herunterladen von {0}: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "Fehler beim Download: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "Artefakte können nicht über einen OSX- oder Linux-Agent aus einer Dateifreigabe heruntergeladen werden. Sie können Artefakte vom Server herunterladen oder einen Windows-Agent verwenden.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "Timeout des Tasks \"FetchEngine.GetFileAsync\" nach {0} Minute(n).", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Die erforderlichen Informationen im Auftrag zum Herunterladen des Team Foundation Git-Artefakts wurden nicht gefunden.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Die erforderlichen Informationen im Auftrag zum Herunterladen des GitHub-Artefakts wurden nicht gefunden: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Empfangene Jenkins-Artefaktdetails", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Die erforderlichen Informationen im Auftrag zum Herunterladen des Jenkins-Artefakts wurden nicht gefunden: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "Auftragsname: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "Kein Artefakt mit dem relativen Pfad gefunden: \"{0}\"", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "Im Build {0} sind keine Artefakte vorhanden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Build ein Artefakt veröffentlicht, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Das Abrufen von Artefakteninformationen vom Jenkins-Server wird vorbereitet.", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "Der Download des Artefakts wird vorbereitet: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Das Abrufen der Liste der verfügbaren Artefakte aus dem Build wird vorbereitet.", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Der Download von {0} wird erneut versucht. Fehler: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Empfangene GitHub-Artefaktdetails", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} verbleibende Downloads.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Der Download wird wiederholt...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Der Artefaktdownload wird gestartet...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release Management unterstützt den Download des Datenstromtyps \"{0}\" in der aktuellen Version nicht.", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Die erforderlichen Informationen im Auftrag zum Herunterladen des Team Foundation-Versionskontrollartefakts wurden nicht gefunden.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Der Artefaktdownload wird basierend auf der angegebenen Einstellung übersprungen.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "Die RSA-Schlüsseldatei \"{0}\" wurde nicht gefunden.", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "Agent als Dienst ausführen? (J/N)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Auftrag wird ausgeführt: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Einstellungen wurden gespeichert.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "Nach Toolfunktionen wird gesucht.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "Sie befinden sich im selbst verwalten Git-Anmeldeinformationenmodus. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Agent-Hostcomputer alle Git-Authentifizierungsherausforderungen umgehen kann.", + "ServerTarpit": "Der Auftrag wird zurzeit vom Server gedrosselt. Möglicherweise treten bei der Zeilenausgabe der Konsole, bei Statusberichten des Auftrags und bei Aufgabenprotokolluploads Verzögerungen auf.", + "ServerUrl": "Server-URL", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "Der Dienst ist bereits vorhanden: {0}. Er wird ersetzt.", + "ServiceConfigured": "Der Dienst {0} wurde erfolgreich konfiguriert.", + "ServiceInstalled": "Der Dienst {0} wurde erfolgreich installiert.", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Der Dienst {0} hat die Wiederherstellungsoption erfolgreich festgelegt.", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Der Dienst {0} wurde erfolgreich gestartet.", + "SessionCreateFailed": "Fehler beim Erstellen der Sitzung. {0}", + "SessionExist": "Eine Sitzung für diesen Agent ist bereits vorhanden.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "Wiederholungsversuche für SessionConflictException nach {0} Sekunden dauernden Wiederholungsversuchen beenden.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "Fehler bei Git-Checkout im flachen Repository, dies liegt möglicherweise daran, dass der Git-Abruf der Tiefe \"{0}\" nicht den Befehl \"{1}\" zum Checkout umfasst. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", + "Skipping": "Nicht vorhanden. Wird übersprungen. ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Der Quellanbieter für das Artefakt vom Typ {0} wurde nicht gefunden.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Das Feld \"Quellverzeichnisse\" wurde nicht angegeben. Geben Sie gültige Quellverzeichnisse an, damit Code Coverage-Berichte hervorgehobenen Quellcode einschließen, und versuchen Sie es erneut.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Das Feld \"Quellverzeichnisse\" wurde nicht angegeben. Das Feld \"Quellverzeichnisse\" ist für ein Projekt mit mehreren Modulen erforderlich, damit Code Coverage-Berichte hervorgehobenen Quellcode einschließen.", + "StepTimedOut": "Timeout des Tasks.", + "Success": "Erfolgreich: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Keine Quellrepository-Endpunkte können den unterstützten Quellanbietern zugeordnet werden.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Es wurde kein unterstützter Taskausführungshandler gefunden. Unterstützte Handler: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Branch {0} wurde für Repository {1} bei Revision {2} ausgecheckt.", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "Der leere relative Serverpfad wird \"{0}\" zugeordnet.", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "Die Datei \"{0}\" ist bereits vorhanden.", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Es wurde ein falscher relativer Pfad \"{0}\" angegebenen.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Die doppelte Zuordnung für den lokalen Pfad \"{0}\" wird ignoriert.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Die doppelte Zuordnung für den Serverpfad \"{0}\" wird ignoriert.", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "Die gesamte Zuordnungsgruppe wird ignoriert. Der Vorgang wird mit der vollständigen Branchzuordnung fortgesetzt.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "Ein installiertes svn-Befehlszeilenprogramm wurde nicht gefunden.", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "Das Repository wird synchronisiert: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] ist kein erkannter Befehl für die Taskbefehlserweiterung. Ziehen Sie die Dokumentation zu Rate (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "Für das Erstellen von Quellen aus einem TFVC-Repository muss die Zustimmung zu den Team Explorer Everywhere-Endbenutzer-Lizenzbestimmungen erfolgen. Dieser Schritt ist für das Erstellen von Quellen aus Git-Repositorys nicht erforderlich.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Eine Kopie der Team Explorer Everywhere-Endbenutzer-Lizenzbestimmungen finden Sie hier:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "Die Agent-Verbindung wird getestet.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "Verbleibende Testergebnisse: {0}. Testlauf-ID: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "Für den Auftrag ist eine Gesamtverzögerung von {0} Sekunden aufgrund von Serverdrosslung aufgetreten.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "{0} Dateien werden hochgeladen.", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Der Typ ist für diesen neuen Zeitachsendatensatz erforderlich.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Der Artefakttyp kann nicht aus dem Artefaktspeicherort abgeleitet werden: {0}.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "Die Testergebnisse können nicht archiviert werden: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Die Legacy-Buildnachverfolgungskonfiguration kann nicht analysiert werden. Stattdessen wird in neues Buildverzeichnis erstellt. Das vorherige Verzeichnis kann in einem nicht zurückgenommenen Zustand verbleiben. Legacykonfigurationsinhalte: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "Zuerst Konfiguration des Diensts gemäß aufheben", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "Zuerst Konfiguration des Diensts gemäß aufheben", + "UninstallingService": "Der Dienst wird entfernt.", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Das Code Coverage-Tool \"{0}\" wird nicht unterstützt.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "Unbekannte Eingabeargumente für die Befehlszeile: {0}. Informationen zur Syntax finden Sie unter .\\config.cmd --help or ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "Der Agent wird vom Server entfernt.", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "Buildnummer aktualisieren", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Buildnummer auf {0} für den Build {1} aktualisieren", + "UpdateInProgress": "Das Agent-Update wird ausgeführt. Fahren Sie den Agent nicht herunter.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Damit Ihre Git-Erfahrung optimiert wird, sollten Sie ein Upgrade von Git mindestens auf die Version \"{0}\" ausführen. Ihre aktuelle Git-Version ist \"{1}\".", + "UploadArtifact": "Artefakt hochladen", + "UploadToFileContainer": "\"{0}\" in Dateicontainer hochladen: \"{1}\"", + "UserName": "Benutzername", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Die Variable \"{0}\" kann nicht erweitert werden. Es wurde ein Zirkelverweis gefunden.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Die Variable \"{0}\" kann nicht erweitert werden. Die maximale Erweiterungstiefe ({1}) wurde überschritten.", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "\"LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe\" wurde mit folgendem Rückgabecode abgeschlossen: {0}.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "Warten, bis der Dienst beendet wird...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "Das für den Dienst zu verwendende Benutzerkonto.", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Das Kennwort für das Konto {0}.", + "WorkFolderDescription": "Arbeitsordner", + "Y": "J" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json index 118e091a00..4a33c51f04 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/es-ES/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(S/N) ¿Acepta ahora el contrato de licencia de Team Explorer Everywhere?", + "AccessDenied": "Acceso denegado", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Acceso denegado al establecer las opciones de recuperación del servicio.", + "AddAgentFailed": "No se pudo agregar el agente. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir.", + "AddBuildTag": "Agregar etiqueta de compilación", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "¿Configurar las etiquetas del grupo de máquinas para el agente? (S/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "El agente se agregó correctamente.", + "AgentExit": "El agente se cerrará en breve para someterse a una actualización.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "El agente no se ha configurado.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "grupo de agentes", + "AgentName": "nombre de agente", + "AgentReplaced": "El agente se reemplazó correctamente.", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "El agente se está ejecutando detrás del servidor del proxy: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentVersion": "Versión de agente actual: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "El grupo {0} ya contiene un agente con el nombre {1}.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "No se puede configurar el agente porque ya está configurado. Para volver a configurar el agente, ejecute primero \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 o \u0027./ remove\u0027.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 debe especificarse.", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] no es un comando reconocido para la extensión del comando Artifact. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Error al descargar el artefacto desde {0}.", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Ubicación de artefacto no admitida: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "La ubicación del artefacto es obligatoria.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "El nombre del artefacto es obligatorio.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "El tipo de artefacto es obligatorio.", + "AssociateArtifact": "Asociar artefacto", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Artefacto asociado {0} con compilación {1}", + "AttachFileNotExist": "No se puede asociar (type:{0} name:{1}) el archivo: {2}. El archivo no existe.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Omitiendo archivo adjunto ya que excede del tamaño máximo permitido: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Se hizo un intento sin éxito mediante la línea de comandos de Git para quitar \"http.extraheader\" de la configuración de Git. Se va a intentar modificar el archivo de configuración de Git directamente para quitar la credencial.", + "AuthenticationType": "tipo de autenticación", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] no es un comando reconocido para la extensión del comando Build. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "El número de compilación es obligatorio.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "La etiqueta de compilación \u0027{0}\u0027 no se agregó correctamente.", + "BuildTagRequired": "La etiqueta de compilación es obligatoria.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "La compilación \u0027{0}\u0027 tiene ahora las siguientes etiquetas: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "No se puede cambiar el registro de la escala de tiempo principal de un registro de escala de tiempo existente.", + "CannotFindHostName": "No se encuentra el nombre de cuenta de VSTS en la dirección URL de servidor: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CanNotFindService": "No se puede encontrar el servicio {0}.", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "No se puede conceder permiso de LogonAsService al usuario {0}.", + "CanNotSkipTask": "No se puede omitir una tarea que ya se ha iniciado.", + "CanNotStartService": "No se puede iniciar el servicio. Compruebe los registros para más información.", + "CanNotStopService": "No se puede detener el servicio {0} de manera oportuna.", + "CannotUploadFile": "No se puede cargar el archivo porque no se ha especificado la ubicación.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "No se puede cargar el archivo de resumen. No se ha especificado la ubicación del archivo de resumen.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "No se ha especificado el campo de directorios de clase. El campo de directorios de archivos de clase es obligatorio para que un proyecto de varios módulos genere los informes de cobertura de código.", + "Cleanup": "Registrar limpieza de trabajos", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Se detuvo el reintento de la excepción de solicitud del token de OAuth después de {0} segundos.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Error al habilitar la cobertura de código porque el archivo de compilación proporcionado \u0027{0}\u0027 está vacío. Proporcione un archivo de compilación válido y vuelva a intentarlo.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] no es un comando reconocido para la extensión del comando Task. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No se encontraron datos de cobertura. Compruebe los errores o advertencias de compilación para más información.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "La cobertura de código \u0027{0}\u0027 se habilitó correctamente para \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "La cobertura de código de publicación solo funciona para \u0027compilación\u0027.", + "CollectionName": "Nombre de la colección", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contiene la palabra clave del comando de registro \u0027##vso\u0027, pero no es un comando legal. Consulte la documentación de referencia para corregir cualquier posible error de sintaxis (", + "CommandNotFound": "No se puede encontrar la extensión del comando para ##vso[{0}.command]. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "No se puede procesar correctamente el comando \u0027{0}\u0027. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "ConnectingToServer": "Conectando al servidor...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "Conectar", + "ConnectToServer": "Conectando al servidor.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "No se puede eliminar el servicio \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "La ruta de acceso del archivo de registro no se ha proporcionado o el archivo no existe: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "La ruta de acceso del archivo de resumen Markdown no se ha proporcionado o el archivo no existe : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "Eliminando: {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": "Quitando .credentials", + "DeletingSettings": "Quitando .agent", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Se requiere permiso para leer el contenido del directorio para \u0027{0}\u0027 y cada directorio por encima en la jerarquía. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "El directorio \u0027{0}\u0027 está vacío. No se agregará nada en el artefacto de compilación \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "Directorio no encontrado: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "DownloadAgent": "Descargando el agente más reciente.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "Descargar artefactos", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Error al descargar los artefactos: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "Descargando tarea: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "Esperando a que el trabajo actual termine de ejecutarse.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "Escriba un valor válido para {0}.", + "ErrorOccurred": "Error: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error al publicar archivos de cobertura de código. Error: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "Contratos de licencia para el usuario final", + "Failed": "Con error: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Error al eliminar el directorio temporal \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "No se pudieron aplicar etiquetas al agente. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir. También puede ir a la página web del grupo de máquinas para agregar etiquetas", + "FailedToConnect": "Error al conectar. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir.", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Error al eliminar el archivo de script insertado temporal \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "No se pudo encontrar el grupo de máquinas. Inténtelo de nuevo o presione Ctrl+C para salir", + "FailedToFindPool": "Error al encontrar el nombre del grupo. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir.", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Error al bloquear la base de datos del servicio para escritura", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "Error al abrir el Administrador de control de servicios", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Error al abrir el Administrador de control de servicios.", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Error al publicar los resultados de pruebas: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "Error al leer {0}. Error : {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Error al reemplazar el agente. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir.", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "No se puede quitar \"{0}\" de la configuración de Git. Para quitar la credencial, ejecute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" desde la raíz del repositorio \"{1}\".", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "No se puede copiar el archivo al servidor StatusCode={0}: {1}. Ruta de acceso del archivo de origen: {2}. Ruta de acceso del servidor de destino: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "El archivo \u0027{0}\u0027 no existe o no es accesible.", + "FileNotFound": "Archivo no encontrado: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "FileUploadCancelled": "La carga de archivos se ha cancelado durante la carga del archivo: \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Seguimiento de carga detallado del archivo que no se puede cargar: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "Error al cargar \u0027{0}\u0027 debido a \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "Error al cargar el archivo incluso después de reintentarlo.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "No se pudieron cargar {0} archivos, inténtelo de nuevo tras un minuto.", + "FileUploadFinish": "El archivo: \u0027{0}\u0027 tarda {1} milisegundos en finalizar la carga", + "FileUploadProgress": "Total de archivos: {0} ---- Archivos procesados: {1} ({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Cargando \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "Iniciar el reintento {0} de carga de los archivos con error.", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Reintentar la carga de archivos después de {0} segundos.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "La carga de archivos se completó correctamente tras el reintento.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "La carga de archivos se completó correctamente.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Genera y ejecuta el script de actualización.", + "GetSources": "Obtener orígenes", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "El grupo: {0} no existe", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "Error interno. Detalles: Se proporcionó una compilación no válida o una herramienta de cobertura de código. Herramienta de compilación = \u0027{0}\u0027. Herramienta de cobertura = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "xml de compilación \u0027{0}\u0027 no válido. Se produjo un error \u0027{1}\u0027 al analizar el archivo. Asegúrese de que el archivo proporcionado está bien formado y vuelva a intentarlo.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Entrada no válida para el campo \u0027Directorio de archivos de clase\u0027. No debe ser una expresión regular o una ruta de acceso. \u0027Directorio de archivos de clase\u0027 acepta una lista separada por comas de directorios de clase.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "El filtro de inclusión o exclusión de clase \u0027{0}\u0027 no es válido. Proporcione un filtro válido y vuelva a intentarlo. Ejemplo: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "El argumento del comando \u0027{0}\u0027 contiene uno o varios de los caracteres no válidos siguientes: \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "El comando no tiene un valor de resultado válido.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "La duración de cada serie de pruebas se usará para calcular el tiempo, ya que la fecha de finalización máxima {0} obtenida del archivo de resultados de pruebas es mayor que la fecha de inicio mínima {1}.", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Se proporcionó una configuración no válida a {0}. Finalizando la configuración no atendida.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "La duración de cada serie de pruebas se usará para calcular el tiempo, ya que se obtuvo un formato de fecha no válido del archivo de resultados: {0} (Fecha de inicio {1}. Fecha de finalización: {2})", + "InvalidFileFormat": "Formato de archivo no válido.", + "InvalidGroupName": "Nombre de grupo no válido - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "No se puedo agregar un nuevo miembro a un grupo local porque el miembro tiene un tipo de cuenta erróneo. Si está realizando la configuración en un controlador de dominio, las cuentas de la máquina integradas no se podrán agregar a los grupos locales. Debe usar en cambio una cuenta de usuario de dominio.", + "InvalidResultFiles": "Archivo de resultados no válido. Asegúrese de que el formato de resultados del archivo \u0027{0}\u0027 coincide con el formato de resultados de pruebas \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "No se puede obtener el directorio de origen. Póngase en contacto con el administrador para más información.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "No se puede recuperar el valor de \u0027{0}\u0027 desde el archivo de resumen \u0027{1}\u0027. Compruebe que el archivo de resumen está bien formado y vuelva a intentarlo.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Se especificaron credenciales de Windows no válidas. Vuelva a intentarlo o presione Ctrl-C para salir.", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "El parámetro IsMultiModule no está disponible. El proyecto se considera un único proyecto de módulo.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Trabajo {1} completado con resultado: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", + "Agente de Visual Studio Team Services", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "Ejecute el agente con los contenedores de scripts de shell o comando correspondientes.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "Imprimir la información de versión del agente:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version y config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version y ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Mostrar la ayuda de la línea de comandos:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Configurar el agente y salir:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [argumentos] [opciones]", + "Unix : ./ [argumentos] [opciones]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", + "Desconfigurar el agente:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Ejecutar el agente de forma interactiva (debe estar configurado):", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [argumentos] [opciones]", + "Unix : ./ [argumentos] [opciones]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "Argumentos para la configuración:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url Dirección URL del servidor. Ejemplos:", + " o http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth Tipo de autenticación. Las opciones válidas son PAT (token de acceso personal),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos o NTLM) e Integrated (credenciales predeterminadas de Windows).", + "--pool Nombre del grupo al que se une el agente.", + "--agent Nombre del agente.", + "--work Directorio de trabajo donde se almacenan los datos del trabajo.", + " El valor predeterminado es _work en la raíz del directorio del agente.", + " El directorio de trabajo es propiedad de un agente determinado y no debe compartirse entre varios agentes.", + "--windowslogonaccount Nombre de cuenta de inicio de sesión de Windows si se elige la opción runasservice (solo en Windows).", + "--windowslogonpassword Contraseña de la cuenta de inicio de sesión de Windows si se elige la opción runasservice (solo en Windows).", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "Argumentos para la desconfiguración:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth Tipo de autenticación. Las opciones válidas son PAT (token de acceso personal),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos o NTLM) e Integrated (credenciales predeterminadas de Windows).", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "Opciones:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended Configuración desatendida. El sistema no le preguntará.", + " Todas las respuestas deben proporcionarse en la línea de comandos.", + "--acceptteeeula Acepta el contrato de licencia de usuario final TEE (solo en Linux y OSX).", + "--replace Reemplaza el agente en un grupo. Si otro agente está escuchando", + " por ese nombre, o bien da error por un conflicto.", + "--runasservice Configura el agente como servicio (solo en Windows, necesita permisos de administrador para configurar el servicio de Windows).", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "Argumentos por tipo de autenticación:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token Datos del token de acceso personal. Mejor pegar el valor.", "", "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "--username dominio\\nombreDeUsuario o UPN.", + "--password contraseña de la cuenta de Windows.", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "Integrated: no requiere argumentos adicionales.", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "Ejemplos de configuración y desconfiguración desatendidas:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "No olvide comprobar el código devuelto cuando use configuración desatendida.", + "Configuración desatendida para VSTS con autenticación PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente", + "", + "Configuración desatendida para TFS local con autenticación integrada (Windows) y negociada (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://miServidorTFSlocal:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent miagente", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://miServidorTFSlocal:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMINIO\\NOMBRE_DE_USUARIO --password MiContraseña --pool default --agent miagente", + "", + "Configuración desatendida para VSTS con autenticación PAT y reemplazo de un agente que ya existía con el mismo nombre", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente --replace", + "", + "Configuración desatendida para VSTS con autenticación PAT y especificación del directorio de trabajo del agente", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente --work D:\\directorio_de_trabajo_del_agente", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent miagente --work usr/local/directorio_de_trabajo_del_agente", + "", + "Configuración desatendida para TFS local con autenticación integrada y configuración del agente como servicio de Windows para ejecutarlo como NetworkService", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://miServidorTFSlocal:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent miagente --runasservice", + "", + "Configuración desatendida para TFS local con autenticación integrada y configuración del agente como servicio de Windows para ejecutarlo como cuenta de dominio", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://miServidorTFSlocal:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent miagente --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMINIO\\NOMBRE_DE_USUARIO --windowslogonpassword MiContraseña", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "Desconfiguración desatendida para VSTS con autenticación PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "Desconfiguración desatendida para TFS local con autenticación integrada (Windows) y negociada (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMINIO\\NOMBRE_DE_USUARIO --password MiContraseña", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Esperando los trabajos", + "LocalClockSkewed": "Es posible que el reloj del equipo local no esté sincronizado con la hora del servidor con una diferencia de más cinco minutos. Sincronice el reloj con la hora del dominio o de Internet e inténtelo de nuevo.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "Nombre del grupo de máquinas", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "No se encontró MachineGroup: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "Lista de etiquetas separadas por comas (p. ej., etiqueta1,etiqueta2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "Las etiquetas se agregaron correctamente.", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "El miembro: {0} no existe.", + "MinimumNetFramework": "Se requiere .NET Framework x64 4.5 o superior.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "Se requiere .NET Framework x64 4.6 o superior.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + "No está instalado .NET Framework x64 4.6 o superior.", + "", + ".Se requiere NET Framework x64 4.6 o superior para sincronizar repositorios TFVC. No es necesario para sincronizar repositorios GIT." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La versión mínima requerida de Git es \u0027{0}\u0027, su versión de Git (\u0027{1}\u0027) es \u0027{2}\u0027", + "MissingAgent": "El agente ya no existe en el servidor. Vuelva a configurar el agente.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "No se puede cargar el archivo de datos adjuntos de la tarea, la ubicación del archivo de datos adjuntos no se ha especificado o el archivo de datos adjuntos no existe en el disco.", + "MissingAttachmentName": "No se pueden agregar datos adjuntos de tarea, no se ha indicado el nombre del dato adjunto.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "No se pueden agregar datos adjuntos de tarea, no se ha indicado el tipo del dato adjunto.", + "MissingConfig": "No se puede conectar al servidor, porque faltan los archivos de configuración. Omitiendo la eliminación del agente desde el servidor.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "No se puede actualizar el registro de escala de tiempo, porque no se ha proporcionado el id. de registro.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modificando el archivo Cobertura Index", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Se requiere un nombre para este nuevo registro de escala de tiempo.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Se requieren privilegios de administrador para configurar el agente como servicio de Windows.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Se necesitan privilegios de administrador para anular la configuración del agente que se ejecuta como servicio de Windows.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "No se puede encontrar la cuenta de servicio de red.", + "NoArtifactsFound": "No hay artefactos disponibles en la versión \u0027{0}\u0027. Asegúrese de que se ha publicado un artefacto con la versión e inténtelo de nuevo.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Omitiendo los datos adjuntos porque exceden del tamaño máximo permitido o no están disponibles en el disco: {0}.", + "NotLinux": "Esta versión del agente está compilada para Linux. Instale una compilación correcta para el sistema opertivo.", + "NotOSX": "Esta versión del agente está compilada para OSX. Instale una compilación correcta para el sistema opertivo.", + "NotWindows": "Esta versión del agente está compilada para Windows. Instale una compilación correcta para el sistema opertivo.", + "OperationFailed": "Error: Error de operación {0} con código de retorno {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "No se creó el registro de escala de tiempo principal para este nuevo registro de escala de tiempo.", + "Password": "contraseña", + "PathNotExist": "La ruta de acceso no existe: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "token de acceso personal", + "PlatformNotSupport": "No se admite la ejecución del agente en esta plataforma. La plataforma actual es {0} y se ha compilado para {1}.", + "PoolNotFound": "Grupo de agentes no encontrado: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell no está instalado. Versión mínima obligatoria: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparando el controlador de la ejecución de tareas.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Anteponiendo la variable de entorno {0} con el directorio que contiene \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "Requisitos previos", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "El proceso se completó con código de salida {0} y se escribieron {1} errores en el flujo de error.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "El proceso se completó con código de salida {0}.", + "ProcessExitCode": "Código de salida {0} devuelto en el proceso: nombre de archivo \u0027{1}\u0027, argumentos \u0027{2}\u0027.", + "ProjectName": "Nombre de proyecto", + "Prompt0": "Escriba {0}.", + "Prompt0Default1": "Escriba {0} (presione Entrar para {1}).", + "PSScriptError": "El script de PowerShell se completó con {0} errores.", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publicar cobertura de código", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Publicado \u0027{0}\u0027 como artefacto \u0027{1}\u0027", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publicando datos de resumen de cobertura en el servidor TFS.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publicando archivos de cobertura de código en el servidor TFS.", + "PublishingTestResults": "Publicando resultados de prueba para la ejecución de prueba \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "PublishTestResults": "Publicar resultados de la prueba", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Consultando información del área de trabajo.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Error de conexión de agente: {1}. Reintentando cada {2} segundos hasta que se reconecte.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agente reconectado.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Leyendo el resumen de cobertura de código de \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Registrar agente", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Error al cambiar el nombre de \u0027{0}\u0027 a \u0027{1}\u0027 al publicar archivos de cobertura de código para \u0027{2}\u0027. Excepción interna: \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "¿Reemplazar? (S/N)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] no es un comando reconocido para la extensión del comando Task. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "El artefacto no tiene detalles de contenedor válidos: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "El artefacto no contiene detalles de contenedor: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "No se puede encontrar la información obligatoria para descargar el artefacto.", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "El directorio del artefacto no existe: {0}.", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Descargando artefacto vinculado {0} de tipo {1}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Artefacto vinculado descargado {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Error al crear la solicitud para descargar el artefacto desde la dirección URL: {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "El artefacto no contiene archivos para descargar.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "El artefacto de compilación \u0027{0}\u0027 no coincide con ningún patrón de nomenclatura, omitiendo la descarga.", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "El directorio \u0027{0}\u0027 no existe. Retrocediendo al directorio principal: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Descarga de artefactos finalizada", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "La administración de versiones no admite la descarga del tipo de artefacto {0} en la versión actual.", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "La versión del artefacto con id. {0} no pertenece al origen del artefacto vinculado con id. {1}.", + "RMCachingAllItems": "Almacenando en caché todos los elementos del contenedor de archivos...", + "RMCachingComplete": "Almacenamiento en caché completo. ({0} ms)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "Almacenando en caché los elementos bajo \u0027{0}\u0027 del contenedor de archivos...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Se ha limpiado el directorio de artefactos: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Limpiando directorio de artefactos: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "El tipo de elemento de contenedor \u0027{0}\u0027 no se admite.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "La ruta de acceso del elemento del contenedor de archivos no empieza por {0}: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Se agotó el tiempo de espera de la solicitud tras {0} segundos; se va a entrar en modo de suspensión durante {1} segundos y se intentará de nuevo. Solicitud: {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[Archivo] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "No se encuentra la información requerida en el trabajo para descargar el artefacto personalizado: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Error inesperado al descargar artefactos", + "RMDownloadComplete": "Descarga completada.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Descargando artefacto del recurso compartido de archivos: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Descargando artefactos del servidor Jenkins", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} archivos colocados: {1} descargados, {2} vacíos", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB descargados a {1} KB/seg. Tiempo de descarga: {2}. Límite de descarga paralela: {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No se han completado tareas de descarga en {0} minutos. Estados de las tareas que quedan:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} tareas.", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "Ensuring artifact folder {0} exists and is clean.", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "A continuación se muestran las variables de entorno. Tenga en cuenta que se puede hacer referencia a estas variables de entorno en la tarea (in the ReleaseDefinition) reemplazando \"_\" por \".\". Por ejemplo, se puede hacer referencia a la variable de entorno AGENT_NAME mediante Agent.Name en ReleaseDefinition: {0}.", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error al descargar {0}: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "Error al descargar: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "No se pueden descargar artefactos de un recurso compartido de archivos mediante un agente OSX o Linux. Puede descargar artefactos del servidor o usar un agente de Windows.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "Se agotó el tiempo de espera de la tarea FetchEngine.GetFileAsync tras {0} minutos.", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "No se encuentra la información requerida en el trabajo para descargar el artefacto Git de Team Foundation.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "No se puede encontrar la información obligatoria en el trabajo para descargar el artefacto GitHub: {0}.", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Recibidos detalles del artefacto Jenkins", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "No se puede encontrar la información obligatoria en el trabajo para descargar el artefacto Jenkins: {0}.", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "Nombre de trabajo: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No se encontró el artefacto con ruta de acceso relativa: \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No hay artefactos disponibles en la compilación {0}. Asegúrese de que la compilación publica un artefacto y vuelva a intentarlo.", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparándose para obtener la información de artefactos desde el servidor Jenkins", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparándose para la descarga del artefacto: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparándose para obtener la lista de artefactos disponibles desde la compilación", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Reintentando la descarga de {0}. Error: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Detalles del artefacto de GitHub recibidos", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} descargas restantes.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Reintentando descarga...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Iniciando la descarga de artefactos...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "La administración de versiones no admite la descarga del tipo de secuencia {0} en la versión actual", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "No se encuentra la información requerida en el trabajo para descargar el artefacto de Control de versiones de Team Foundation.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Omitiendo la descarga de artefactos basándose en la configuración especificada.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "No se encontró el archivo de clave RSA {0}.", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "¿Ejecutar agente como servicio? (S/N)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Ejecutando el trabajo: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Configuración guardada.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "Examinando las funcionalidades de la herramienta.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "Se encuentra en modo de autoadministrar las credenciales de Git. Asegúrese de que el equipo host del agente puede omitir cualquier desafío de autenticación de Git.", + "ServerTarpit": "El trabajo está actualmente limitado por el servidor. Puede experimentar retrasos en la salida de la línea de consola, la creación de informes sobre el estado del trabajo y las cargas del registro de tareas.", + "ServerUrl": "Dirección URL del servidor", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "El servicio ya existe: {0}, se sustituirá", + "ServiceConfigured": "El servicio {0} se configuró correctamente.", + "ServiceInstalled": "El servicio {0} se instaló correctamente", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "El servicio {0} estableció correctamente la opción de recuperación", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "El servicio {0} se inició correctamente.", + "SessionCreateFailed": "No se pudo crear la sesión. {0}", + "SessionExist": "Ya existe una sesión para este agente.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "Detenga el reintento de SessionConflictException después de reintentarlo durante {0} segundos.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "Error de desprotección de GIT en el repositorio superficial. Puede que sea debido a que la búsqueda de GIT con la profundidad \u0027{0}\u0027 no incluye el compromiso de desprotección \u0027{1}\u0027. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", + "Skipping": "No existe. Omitiendo.", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "No se encuentra el proveedor de origen para el artefacto de tipo {0}", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "No se especificó el campo de directorios de origen. Especifique directorios de origen válidos para que los informes de cobertura de código incluyan código fuente resaltado y vuelva a intentarlo.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "No se especificó el campo de directorios de origen. Se requiere el campo de directorios de origen para un proyecto de varios módulos para que los informes de cobertura de código incluyan el código fuente resaltado.", + "StepTimedOut": "La tarea agotó el tiempo de espera.", + "Success": "Correcto: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "No se puede hacer coincidir ningún punto de extremo de repositorio de origen con ninguno de los proveedores de origen admitidos.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "No se encontró el controlador de ejecución de tareas admitido. Controladores admitidos: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Se extrajo la rama {0} del repositorio {1} en la revisión {2}.", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "La ruta de acceso relativa del servidor está asignada a \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "El archivo {0} ya existe.", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Ruta de acceso relativa incorrecta \u0027{0}\u0027 especificada.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignorando la asignación duplicada para la ruta de acceso local={0}", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignorando la asignación duplicada para la ruta de acceso del servidor={0}", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "Se ignoró el conjunto de asignación completo. Continuando con la asignación total de ramas.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "No se puede encontrar la utilidad de línea de comandos svn.", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "Sincronizando repositorio: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] no es un comando reconocido para la extensión de comando Task. Consulte la documentación de referencia (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "La compilación de orígenes desde un repositorio TFVC requiere la aceptación del Contrato de licencia de usuario final de Team Explorer Everywhere. Este paso no se necesita para compilar orígenes desde repositorios Git.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Se puede encontrar una copia del Contrato de licencia de Team Explorer Everywhere en:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "Probando conexión del agente.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "Resultados de prueba restantes: {0}. Id. de ejecución de prueba: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "El trabajo ha experimentado un total de {0} segundos de retraso provocados por la limitación del servidor.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "Cargando {0} archivos", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "El tipo es obligatorio para este nuevo registro de escala de tiempo.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "No se puede inferir el tipo del artefacto a partir de la ubicación de artefacto: {0}.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "No se pueden archivar los resultados de la prueba: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "No se puede analizar la configuración de seguimiento de compilación heredada. Se creará en su lugar un nuevo directorio de compilación. El directorio anterior puede quedar en un estado no reclamado. Contenido de la configuración heredada: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "Desconfigure primero el servicio como se indica en", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "Desconfigure primero el servicio como se indica en", + "UninstallingService": "Quitando servicio", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "No se admite la herramienta de cobertura de código \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "Argumentos de entrada de la línea de comandos no reconocidos: \u0027{0}\u0027. Para ver el uso, consulte: .\\config.cmd --help o ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "Quitando agente del servidor", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "Actualizar número de compilación", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Actualizar número de compilación {0} para la compilación {1}", + "UpdateInProgress": "Actualización del agente en curso, no lo apague.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "A fin de disfrutar de una mejor experiencia de Git, actualice su Git a la versión más reciente \u0027{0}\u0027, su versión de Git actual es \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "UploadArtifact": "Cargar artefacto", + "UploadToFileContainer": "Cargar \u0027{0}\u0027 en el contenedor de archivos: \u0027{1}\u0027", + "UserName": "nombre de usuario", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "No se puede expandir la variable \u0027{0}\u0027. Se detectó una referencia cíclica.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "No se puede expandir la variable \u0027{0}\u0027. Se excedió la profundidad máxima de expansión ({1}).", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe se completó con código de retorno: {0}.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "Esperando que se detenga el servicio...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "Cuenta de usuario que se utilizará para el servicio", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Contraseña para la cuenta {0}", + "WorkFolderDescription": "carpeta de trabajo", + "Y": "S" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json index 118e091a00..0ad6714337 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/fr-FR/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(O/N) Accepter le contrat de licence Team Explorer Everywhere maintenant ?", + "AccessDenied": "Accès refusé", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Accès refusé durant la définition des options de récupération du service.", + "AddAgentFailed": "Échec de l\u0027ajout de l\u0027agent. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "AddBuildTag": "Ajouter une étiquette de build", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "configurer les balises du groupe d\u0027ordinateurs pour l\u0027agent ? (O/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Ajout réussi de l\u0027agent", + "AgentExit": "L\u0027agent va s\u0027arrêter dans peu de temps pour une mise à jour.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "L\u0027agent n\u0027est pas configuré.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "pool d\u0027agents", + "AgentName": "nom de l\u0027agent", + "AgentReplaced": "Remplacement réussi de l\u0027agent", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "L\u0027agent s\u0027exécute derrière le serveur proxy \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentVersion": "Version actuelle de l\u0027agent : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Le pool {0} contient déjà un agent nommé {1}.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Impossible de configurer l\u0027agent, car il est déjà configuré. Pour reconfigurer l\u0027agent, exécutez d\u0027abord \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 ou \u0027./ remove\u0027.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 doit être spécifié.", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] n\u0027est pas une commande reconnue pour l\u0027extension de commande d\u0027artefact. Consultez la documentation (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Échec du téléchargement de l\u0027artefact à partir de {0}.", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Emplacement de l\u0027artefact non pris en charge : {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "L\u0027emplacement de l\u0027artefact est obligatoire.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "Le nom de l\u0027artefact est obligatoire.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Le type de l\u0027artefact est obligatoire.", + "AssociateArtifact": "Associer un artefact", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Association effectuée de l\u0027artefact {0} à la build {1}", + "AttachFileNotExist": "Impossible de joindre (type : {0}, nom : {1}) le fichier : {2}. Le fichier n\u0027existe pas.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "La pièce jointe est ignorée, car elle dépasse la taille maximale autorisée : {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Échec de la tentative d\u0027utilisation de la ligne de commande git pour supprimer \"http.extraheader\" de la configuration de git. Tentative de modification directe du fichier config de git pour supprimer les informations d\u0027identification.", + "AuthenticationType": "type d\u0027authentification", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] n\u0027est pas une commande reconnue pour l\u0027extension de commande de build. Consultez la documentation (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "Le numéro de build est obligatoire.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "L\u0027étiquette de build \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027a pas été correctement ajoutée.", + "BuildTagRequired": "L\u0027étiquette de build est obligatoire.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "La build \u0027{0}\u0027 a maintenant les étiquettes suivantes : {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Impossible de changer l\u0027enregistrement de chronologie parent d\u0027un enregistrement de chronologie existant.", + "CannotFindHostName": "Le nom du compte VSTS est introuvable à partir de l\u0027URL du serveur : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CanNotFindService": "Le service {0} est introuvable", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "Impossible d\u0027accorder l\u0027autorisation LogonAsService à l\u0027utilisateur {0}", + "CanNotSkipTask": "Impossible d\u0027ignorer une tâche déjà commencée.", + "CanNotStartService": "Impossible de démarrer le service. Pour plus d\u0027informations, consultez les journaux.", + "CanNotStopService": "Impossible d\u0027arrêter le service {0} dans le délai imparti.", + "CannotUploadFile": "Impossible de charger le fichier, car son emplacement n\u0027est pas spécifié.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "Impossible de charger le fichier de résumé, car son emplacement n\u0027est pas spécifié.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Le champ des répertoires de classe n\u0027est pas spécifié. Le champ des répertoires de fichiers de classe est nécessaire pour permettre à un projet à plusieurs modules de générer des rapports de couverture du code.", + "Cleanup": "Nettoyage post-travail", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Arrêt des nouvelles tentatives de demande de jeton OAuth après {0} secondes, en raison d\u0027une exception.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Échec de l\u0027activation de la couverture du code, car le fichier de build fourni, \u0027{0}\u0027, est vide. Fournissez un fichier de build valide, puis réessayez.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] n\u0027est pas une commande reconnue pour l\u0027extension de commande de tâche. Consultez la documentation (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "Données de couverture introuvables. Pour plus d\u0027informations, consultez les erreurs/avertissements de build.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Activation réussie de la couverture du code \u0027{0}\u0027 pour \u0027{1}\u0027", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "La publication de la couverture du code fonctionne uniquement pour \u0027build\u0027.", + "CollectionName": "Nom de la collection", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contient le mot clé de commande de journalisation \u0027##vso\u0027, mais il ne s\u0027agit pas d\u0027une commande conforme. Consultez la documentation pour corriger les erreurs de syntaxe potentielles (", + "CommandNotFound": "Extension de commande introuvable pour ##vso[{0}.command]. Consultez la documentation (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "Impossible de traiter la commande \u0027{0}\u0027 correctement. Consultez la documentation (", + "ConnectingToServer": "Connexion au serveur...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connecter", + "ConnectToServer": "Connexion au serveur.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "Impossible de supprimer le service \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Le chemin du fichier journal n\u0027est pas fourni, ou le fichier n\u0027existe pas : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Le chemin du fichier de résumé Markdown n\u0027est pas fourni, ou le fichier n\u0027existe pas : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "Suppression de {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": "Suppression de .credentials", + "DeletingSettings": "Suppression de .agent", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "L\u0027autorisation d\u0027accès en lecture au contenu du répertoire est nécessaire pour \u0027{0}\u0027 et chaque répertoire supérieur de la hiérarchie. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Le répertoire \u0027{0}\u0027 est vide. Rien n\u0027est ajouté pour générer l\u0027artefact \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "Répertoire introuvable : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "DownloadAgent": "Téléchargement du dernier agent.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "Télécharger les artefacts", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Échec du téléchargement des artefacts : {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "Téléchargement de la tâche : {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "Attente de la fin d\u0027exécution du travail actuel.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "Entrez une valeur valide pour {0}.", + "ErrorOccurred": "Une erreur s\u0027est produite : {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Une erreur s\u0027est produite durant la publication des fichiers de couverture du code. Erreur : {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "Contrats de Licence Utilisateur Final", + "Failed": "Échec : ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Échec de la suppression du répertoire temporaire \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "Échec de l\u0027application des balises à l\u0027agent. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter. Vous pouvez aussi accéder à la page web du groupe d\u0027ordinateurs pour ajouter des balises", + "FailedToConnect": "Échec de la connexion. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Échec de la suppression du fichier de script inline temporaire \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "Groupe d\u0027ordinateurs introuvable. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "FailedToFindPool": "Échec de la localisation du nom de pool. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Échec du verrouillage de l\u0027accès en écriture à la base de données du service", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "Échec de l\u0027ouverture du Gestionnaire de contrôle des services", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Échec de l\u0027ouverture du Gestionnaire de contrôle des services", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Échec de la publication des résultats des tests : {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "Échec de la lecture de {0}. Erreur : {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Échec du remplacement de l\u0027agent. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "Impossible de supprimer \"{0}\" de la configuration de git. Pour supprimer les informations d\u0027identification, exécutez \"git config --unset-all {0}\" à partir de la racine du dépôt \"{1}\".", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Impossible de copier un fichier vers le serveur. StatusCode={0} : {1}. Chemin du fichier source : {2}. Chemin de serveur cible : {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "Le fichier \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027existe pas ou n\u0027est pas accessible.", + "FileNotFound": "Fichier introuvable : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "FileUploadCancelled": "Le chargement de fichier a été annulé durant le chargement du fichier : \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Trace de chargement détaillée du fichier n\u0027ayant pas pu être chargé : {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "Échec du chargement de \u0027{0}\u0027. Cause : \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "Échec du chargement de fichier même après une nouvelle tentative.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} fichiers n\u0027ont pas pu être chargés. Réessayez de charger ces fichiers dans une minute.", + "FileUploadFinish": "Le chargement du fichier \u0027{0}\u0027 a pris {1} millisecondes", + "FileUploadProgress": "Fichier total : {0} ---- Fichier traité : {1} ({2} %)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Chargement de \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1} %)", + "FileUploadRetry": "Échec de la nouvelle tentative n° {0} de chargement des fichiers.", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Réessayez de charger les fichiers après {0} secondes.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "Chargement de fichier réussi après une nouvelle tentative.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "Chargement de fichier réussi.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Générez et exécutez le script de mise à jour.", + "GetSources": "Obtenir des sources", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "Le groupe {0} n\u0027existe pas", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "Une erreur interne s\u0027est produite. Détails : l\u0027outil de génération ou de couverture du code fourni est non valide. Outil de génération = \u0027{0}\u0027. Outil de couverture = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "Fichier xml build non valide : \u0027{0}\u0027. L\u0027erreur \u0027{1}\u0027 s\u0027est produite durant l\u0027analyse du fichier. Vérifiez que le fichier fourni est bien formé, puis réessayez.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Entrée non valide pour le champ \u0027Répertoire de fichiers de classe\u0027. Il ne doit pas s\u0027agir d\u0027une expression régulière ou d\u0027un chemin de fichier. Le champ \u0027Répertoire de fichiers de classe\u0027 accepte les listes de répertoires de classe sous forme de valeurs séparées par des virgules.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "Le filtre d\u0027inclusion/exclusion de classe \u0027{0}\u0027 est non valide. Fournissez un filtre valide, puis réessayez. Exemple : +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "L\u0027argument de commande \u0027{0}\u0027 contient un ou plusieurs des caractères non valides suivants : \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "La commande a une valeur de résultat non valide.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "La durée de chaque série de tests va être utilisée pour calculer le temps approprié, car la date de fin maximale {0} obtenue à partir du fichier de résultats des tests est postérieure à la date de début minimale {1}", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Configuration non valide fournie pour {0}. Arrêt de la configuration sans assistance.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "La durée de chaque série de tests va être utilisée pour calculer le temps approprié, car un format de date non valide a été obtenu à partir du fichier de résultats : {0} (date de début : {1}, date de fin : {2}", + "InvalidFileFormat": "Format de fichier non valide.", + "InvalidGroupName": "Nom de groupe non valide - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "Impossible d\u0027ajouter un nouveau membre à un groupe local, car le type de compte du membre est incorrect. Si vous effectuez la configuration sur un contrôleur de domaine, vous ne pouvez pas ajouter des comptes de machines intégrés à des groupes locaux. Vous devez utiliser un compte d\u0027utilisateur de domaine à la place", + "InvalidResultFiles": "Fichier de résultats non valide. Vérifiez que le format résultant du fichier \u0027{0}\u0027 correspond au format des résultats des tests \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Impossible d\u0027obtenir le répertoire source. Contactez votre administrateur pour plus d\u0027informations.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "Impossible de récupérer la valeur de \u0027{0}\u0027 dans le fichier de résumé \u0027{1}\u0027. Vérifiez que le fichier de résumé est bien formé, puis réessayez.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Des informations d\u0027identification Windows non valides ont été entrées. Réessayez ou appuyez sur Ctrl+C pour quitter", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Le paramètre IsMultiModule n\u0027est pas disponible. Le projet est considéré comme un projet à un seul module.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u} : fin du travail {1}. Résultat : {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", + "Agent Visual Studio Team Services", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "Exécutez l\u0027agent à l\u0027aide des wrappers de script cmd ou d\u0027interpréteur de commandes.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "Imprimer les informations relatives à la version de l\u0027agent :", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version et config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version et ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Afficher l\u0027aide de la ligne de commande :", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Configurer l\u0027agent et quitter la configuration :", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", - "Unix : ./ remove", + "Annuler la configuration de l\u0027agent :", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", + "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Exécuter l\u0027agent de manière interactive (configuration obligatoire) :", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "Arguments de configuration :", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url URL du serveur. Exemples :", + " ou http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth Type d\u0027authentification. Les options valides sont PAT (jeton d\u0027accès personnel),", + " Négocier (Kerberos ou NTLM) et Intégrée (informations d\u0027identification par défaut de Windows)", + "--pool Nom du pool que l\u0027agent doit rejoindre", + "--agent Nom de l\u0027agent", + "--work Répertoire de travail où sont stockées les données du travail.", + " Par défaut, il s\u0027agit de _work sous la racine du répertoire de l\u0027agent.", + " Le répertoire de travail appartient à un agent spécifique, il ne doit pas être partagé entre plusieurs agents.", + "--windowslogonaccount Nom du compte d\u0027ouverture de session Windows si l\u0027option runasservice est choisie (uniquement sur Windows)", + "--windowslogonpassword Mot de passe du compte d\u0027ouverture de session Windows si l\u0027option runasservice est choisie (uniquement sur Windows)", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "Arguments de suppression :", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth Type d\u0027authentification. Les options valides sont PAT (jeton d\u0027accès personnel),", + " Négocier (Kerberos ou NTLM) et Intégrée (informations d\u0027identification par défaut de Windows)", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "Options :", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended Configuration sans assistance. Vous n\u0027êtes pas sollicité.", + " Toutes les réponses doivent être fournies sur la ligne de commande.", + "--acceptteeeula Permet d\u0027accepter le Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final TEE. (Uniquement sur Linux et OSX)", + "--replace Permet de remplacer l\u0027agent dans un pool. Si un autre agent est à l\u0027écoute", + " de ce nom, un conflit se produit.", + "--runasservice Permet de configurer l\u0027agent en tant que service. (Uniquement sur Windows. Une autorisation d\u0027administrateur est nécessaire pour configurer le service Windows)", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "Arguments par type d\u0027authentification :", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "PAT :", + "--token Données du jeton d\u0027accès personnel. Il est préférable de coller la valeur.", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "Négocier :", + "--username domaine\\nom_utilisateur ou UPN", + "--password mot de passe du compte Windows", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "Intégrée : n\u0027accepte aucun argument supplémentaire", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "Exemples de configuration sans assistance et d\u0027annulation de configuration :", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "N\u0027oubliez pas de vérifier le code de retour quand vous utilisez la configuration sans assistance", + "Configuration sans assistance pour VSTS avec authentification PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Configuration sans assistance pour une instance TFS locale avec authentification de type intégrée (Windows) et de type négocier (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAINE\\NOM_UTILISATEUR --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Configuration sans assistance pour VSTS avec authentification PAT et remplacement de l\u0027agent existant par un agent ayant le même nom", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "Configuration sans assistance pour VSTS avec authentification PAT et spécification du répertoire de travail de l\u0027agent", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "Configuration sans assistance pour une instance TFS locale avec authentification intégrée et configuration de l\u0027agent en tant que service Windows exécuté dans le cadre d\u0027un compte NetworkService", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "Configuration sans assistance pour une instance TFS locale avec authentification intégrée et configuration de l\u0027agent en tant que service Windows exécuté dans le cadre d\u0027un compte de domaine", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAINE\\NOM_UTILISATEUR --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "Annulation de configuration sans assistance pour VSTS avec authentification PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003cjeton\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "Annulation de configuration sans assistance pour une instance TFS locale avec authentification de type intégrée (Windows) et de type négocier (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\NOM_UTILISATEUR --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u} : à l\u0027écoute des travaux", + "LocalClockSkewed": "L\u0027horloge de la machine locale est peut-être désynchronisée de plus de cinq minutes par rapport à l\u0027heure du serveur. Synchronisez votre horloge avec l\u0027heure du domaine ou l\u0027heure Internet, puis réessayez.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "Nom du groupe d\u0027ordinateurs", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "MachineGroup introuvable : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "Liste de balises séparées par une virgule (par ex., balise1,balise2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "Balises ajoutées", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "Le membre {0} n\u0027existe pas", + "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 ou une version ultérieure est nécessaire.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "Le .NET Framework x64 4.6 ou ultérieur est nécessaire.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + "Le .NET Framework x64 4.6 ou ultérieur n\u0027est pas installé.", + "", + "Le .NET Framework x64 4.6 ou ultérieur est nécessaire pour synchroniser les dépôts TFVC. Il n\u0027est pas nécessaire pour synchroniser les dépôts Git." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La version minimale nécessaire de git est la version \u0027{0}\u0027, votre version de git (\u0027{1}\u0027) correspond à la version \u0027{2}\u0027", + "MissingAgent": "L\u0027agent n\u0027existe plus sur le serveur. Reconfigurez l\u0027agent.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Impossible de charger le fichier joint de la tâche, car son emplacement n\u0027est pas spécifié, ou le fichier joint n\u0027existe pas sur le disque", + "MissingAttachmentName": "Impossible d\u0027ajouter la pièce jointe de la tâche, car son nom n\u0027est pas fourni.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "Impossible d\u0027ajouter la pièce jointe de la tâche, car son type n\u0027est pas fourni.", + "MissingConfig": "Connexion impossible au serveur, car les fichiers config sont manquants. La suppression de l\u0027agent du serveur est ignorée.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Impossible de mettre à jour l\u0027enregistrement de chronologie, car son ID n\u0027est pas fourni.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modification du fichier d\u0027index Cobertura", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", - "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Le nom de ce nouvel enregistrement de chronologie est obligatoire.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Vous devez disposer de privilèges d\u0027administrateur pour configurer l\u0027agent en tant que service Windows.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Vous devez disposer de privilèges d\u0027administrateur pour annuler la configuration de l\u0027agent s\u0027exécutant en tant que service Windows.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Le compte de service réseau est introuvable", + "NoArtifactsFound": "Aucun artefact n\u0027est disponible dans la version \u0027{0}\u0027. Vérifiez qu\u0027un artefact est publié avec la version, puis réessayez.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "La pièce jointe est ignorée, car elle dépasse la taille maximale autorisée ou n\u0027est pas disponible sur le disque : {0}", + "NotLinux": "La version de cet agent est générée pour Linux. Installez la build appropriée pour votre système d\u0027exploitation.", + "NotOSX": "La version de cet agent est générée pour OSX. Installez la build appropriée pour votre système d\u0027exploitation.", + "NotWindows": "La version de cet agent est générée pour Windows. Installez la build appropriée pour votre système d\u0027exploitation.", + "OperationFailed": "Erreur : échec de l\u0027opération {0}. Code de retour : {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "L\u0027enregistrement de chronologie parent n\u0027a pas été créé pour ce nouvel enregistrement de chronologie.", + "Password": "mot de passe", + "PathNotExist": "Chemin inexistant : {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "jeton d\u0027accès personnel", + "PlatformNotSupport": "L\u0027exécution de l\u0027agent sur cette plateforme n\u0027est pas prise en charge. La plateforme actuelle est {0} et a été générée pour {1}.", + "PoolNotFound": "Pool d\u0027agents introuvable : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell n\u0027est pas installé. Version minimale nécessaire : {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Préparation du gestionnaire d\u0027exécution des tâches.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Préfixation de la variable d\u0027environnement {0} avec le répertoire contenant \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "Prérequis", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Le processus s\u0027est achevé avec le code de sortie {0}. {1} erreur(s) écrite(s) dans le flux d\u0027erreurs.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Le processus s\u0027est achevé avec le code de sortie {0}.", + "ProcessExitCode": "Code de sortie {0} retourné à partir du processus : nom de fichier \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", + "ProjectName": "Nom du projet", + "Prompt0": "Entrez {0}", + "Prompt0Default1": "Entrez {0} (appuyez sur Entrée pour {1})", + "PSScriptError": "Le script PowerShell s\u0027est achevé avec {0} erreurs.", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publier la couverture du code", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Publication effectuée de \u0027{0}\u0027 en tant qu\u0027artefact \u0027{1}\u0027", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publication des données de synthèse de la couverture sur le serveur TFS.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publication des fichiers de couverture du code sur le serveur TFS.", + "PublishingTestResults": "Publication des résultats des tests sur la série de tests \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PublishTestResults": "Publier les résultats des tests", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Interrogation des informations sur l\u0027espace de travail.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u} : erreur de connexion de l\u0027agent : {1}. Nouvelle tentative toutes les {2} secondes jusqu\u0027à la reconnexion.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u} : agent reconnecté.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Lecture du résumé de la couverture du code à partir de \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Inscrire l\u0027agent", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Échec du renommage de \u0027{0}\u0027 en \u0027{1}\u0027 durant la publication des fichiers de couverture du code pour \u0027{2}\u0027. Exception interne : \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "remplacer ? (O/N)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] n\u0027est pas une commande reconnue pour l\u0027extension de commande de tâche. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "L\u0027artefact n\u0027a pas de détails valides concernant le conteneur : {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "L\u0027artefact ne dispose pas des détails concernant le conteneur : {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact sont introuvables", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "Le répertoire d\u0027artefacts n\u0027existe pas : {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Téléchargement de l\u0027artefact lié {0} de type {1}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Téléchargement effectué de l\u0027artefact lié {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Échec de création de la requête de téléchargement d\u0027artefact à partir de l\u0027URL : {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "L\u0027artefact ne contient aucun fichier à télécharger.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "L\u0027artefact de build \u0027{0}\u0027 ne correspond pas aux modèles d\u0027affectation de noms. Le téléchargement est ignoré", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Le répertoire \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027existe pas. Retour au répertoire parent : {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Fin du téléchargement des artefacts", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release Management ne prend pas en charge le téléchargement du type d\u0027artefact {0} dans la version actuelle", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "La version d\u0027artefact ayant l\u0027ID {0} ne fait pas partie de la source d\u0027artefact liée ayant l\u0027ID {1}.", + "RMCachingAllItems": "Mise en cache de tous les éléments du conteneur de fichiers...", + "RMCachingComplete": "Mise en cache effectuée. ({0} ms)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "Mise en cache des éléments situés sous \u0027{0}\u0027 dans le conteneur de fichiers...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Nettoyage effectué du répertoire d\u0027artefacts : {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Nettoyage du répertoire d\u0027artefacts : {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Le type d\u0027élément de conteneur \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027est pas pris en charge.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "Le chemin des éléments du conteneur de fichiers ne commence pas par {0} : {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "La requête a expiré après {0} secondes. Une nouvelle tentative aura lieu après un passage en veille de {1} secondes. Requête : {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[Fichier] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact personnalisé sont introuvables dans le travail : {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Une erreur inattendue s\u0027est produite durant le téléchargement des artefacts", + "RMDownloadComplete": "Téléchargement terminé.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Téléchargement de l\u0027artefact à partir du partage de fichiers : {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Téléchargement des artefacts à partir du serveur Jenkins", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} fichier(s) placé(s) : {1} téléchargé(s), {2} vide(s)", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} Mo téléchargés à {1} Ko/s. Temps de téléchargement : {2}. Limite de téléchargement parallèle : {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "Aucune tâche de téléchargement n\u0027a été effectuée en {0} minutes. États des tâches restantes :", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} tâche(s).", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "Vérification de l\u0027existence de l\u0027artefact {0} et de son état (propre ou non).", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Les variables d\u0027environnement disponibles se trouvent ci-dessous. Vous pouvez faire référence à ces variables d\u0027environnement dans la tâche (dans ReleaseDefinition) en remplaçant le trait de soulignement \"_\" par un point \".\" ; par exemple, vous pouvez faire référence à la variable d\u0027environnement AGENT_NAME en utilisant Agent.Name dans ReleaseDefinition : {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Erreur de téléchargement de {0} : {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "Une erreur s\u0027est produite durant le téléchargement : {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "Impossible de télécharger les artefacts à partir d\u0027un partage de fichiers à l\u0027aide de l\u0027agent OSX ou Linux. Vous pouvez télécharger l\u0027artefact à partir du serveur ou utiliser un agent Windows.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "La tâche FetchEngine.GetFileAsync a expiré après {0} minute(s).", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact Team Foundation Git sont introuvables dans le travail.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact GitHub sont introuvables dans le travail : {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Détails de l\u0027artefact Jenkins reçus", + "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId : {0}", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact Jenkins sont introuvables dans le travail : {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "Nom du travail : {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "Artefact introuvable avec le chemin relatif suivant : \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "Aucun artefact n\u0027est disponible dans la build {0}. Vérifiez que la build publie un artefact, puis réessayez", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Préparation de la récupération des informations relatives aux artefacts à partir du serveur Jenkins", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "Préparation du téléchargement de l\u0027artefact : {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Préparation de la récupération de la liste des artefacts disponibles à partir de la build", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Nouvelle tentative de téléchargement de {0}. Erreur : {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Détails de l\u0027artefact GitHub reçus", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} téléchargements restants.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Nouvelle tentative de téléchargement...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Démarrage du téléchargement des artefacts...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release Management ne prend pas en charge le téléchargement du type de flux {0} dans la version actuelle", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Les informations nécessaires au téléchargement de l\u0027artefact Team Foundation Version Control sont introuvables dans le travail.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Le téléchargement de l\u0027artefact est ignoré conformément au paramètre spécifié.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "Le fichier de clé RSA {0} est introuvable", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "exécuter l\u0027agent en tant que service ? (O/N)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u} : travail en cours d\u0027exécution : {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u} : paramètres enregistrés.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "Analyse des fonctionnalités de l\u0027outil.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "Vous êtes en mode de gestion autonome des informations d\u0027identification git. Vérifiez que votre machine hôte agent peut contourner la demande d\u0027authentification git.", + "ServerTarpit": "Le travail est limité par le serveur. Vous risquez d\u0027être confronté à des retards au niveau de la sortie de la ligne de console, du compte-rendu de l\u0027état des travaux et des chargements du journal des tâches.", + "ServerUrl": "URL du serveur", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "Le service existe déjà : {0}. Il va être remplacé", + "ServiceConfigured": "Le service {0} est configuré correctement", + "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} correctement installé", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Le service {0} a correctement défini l\u0027option de récupération", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Le service {0} a démarré correctement", + "SessionCreateFailed": "Échec de la création de la session. {0}", + "SessionExist": "Il existe déjà une session pour cet agent.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "Arrêtez les nouvelles tentatives sur SessionConflictException après {0} secondes.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "Échec de Git checkout sur le dépôt superficiel, git fetch avec la profondeur \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027inclut peut-être pas la validation checkout \u0027{1}\u0027. Consultez la documentation (", + "Skipping": "N\u0027existe pas. Ignoré ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Le fournisseur de source est introuvable pour l\u0027artefact de type {0}", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Le champ des répertoires sources n\u0027est pas spécifié. Spécifiez des répertoires sources valides pour permettre aux rapports de couverture du code d\u0027inclure le code source mis en surbrillance, puis réessayez.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Le champ des répertoires sources n\u0027est pas spécifié. Le champ des répertoires sources est nécessaire dans un projet à plusieurs modules pour permettre aux rapports de couverture du code d\u0027inclure le code source mis en surbrillance.", + "StepTimedOut": "La tâche a expiré.", + "Success": "Réussite : ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Impossible de faire correspondre les points de terminaison de dépôt source avec l\u0027un des fournisseurs de source pris en charge.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Le gestionnaire d\u0027exécution de tâches pris en charge est introuvable. Gestionnaires pris en charge : {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Extraction effectuée de la branche {0} pour le dépôt {1} à la révision {2}", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "Le chemin de serveur relatif vide est mappé à \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "Le fichier \u0027{0}\u0027 existe déjà", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Chemin relatif incorrect \u0027{0}\u0027 spécifié.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignorer le mappage dupliqué pour le chemin local={0}", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignorer le mappage dupliqué pour le chemin serveur={0}", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "L\u0027ensemble du jeu de mappages est ignoré. Poursuite du mappage de branche complet.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "L\u0027utilitaire en ligne de commande svn installé est introuvable", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "Synchronisation du dépôt : {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] n\u0027est pas une commande reconnue pour l\u0027extension de commande de tâche. Consultez la documentation (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "La génération de sources à partir d\u0027un dépôt TFVC nécessite l\u0027acceptation du Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final de Team Explorer Everywhere. Cette étape n\u0027est pas nécessaire pour la génération de sources à partir de dépôts Git.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Une copie du contrat de licence de Team Explorer Everywhere se trouve sur :", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "Test de connexion de l\u0027agent.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "Résultats des tests restants : {0}. ID de série de tests : {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "Le travail a subi un retard total de {0} secondes en raison d\u0027une limitation du serveur.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "Chargement de {0} fichiers", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Le type de ce nouvel enregistrement de chronologie est obligatoire.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Impossible de déduire le type d\u0027artefact à partir de l\u0027emplacement d\u0027artefact : {0}.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "Impossible d\u0027archiver les résultats des tests : {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Impossible d\u0027analyser la configuration du suivi de build héritée. Un répertoire de build va être créé à la place. Le répertoire antérieur peut rester dans un état de non-récupération. Contenu de la configuration héritée : {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "Annulez d\u0027abord la configuration du service en suivant les indications sur", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "Annulez d\u0027abord la configuration du service en suivant les indications sur", + "UninstallingService": "Suppression du service", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "L\u0027outil de couverture du code \u0027{0}\u0027 n\u0027est pas pris en charge.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "Arguments d\u0027entrée de ligne de commande non reconnus : \u0027{0}\u0027. Pour plus d\u0027informations sur l\u0027utilisation, consultez : .\\config.cmd --help ou ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "Suppression de l\u0027agent à partir du serveur", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "Mettre à jour le numéro de build", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Mettre à jour le numéro de build vers {0} pour la build {1}", + "UpdateInProgress": "Mise à jour de l\u0027agent en cours d\u0027exécution. N\u0027arrêtez pas l\u0027agent.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Pour améliorer l\u0027expérience utilisateur de Git, mettez à niveau Git vers la version \u0027{0}\u0027 au minimum. Vous avez la version \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "UploadArtifact": "Charger un artefact", + "UploadToFileContainer": "Charger \u0027{0}\u0027 vers le conteneur de fichiers : \u0027{1}\u0027", + "UserName": "nom d\u0027utilisateur", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Impossible de développer la variable \u0027{0}\u0027. Une référence cyclique a été détectée.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Impossible de développer la variable \u0027{0}\u0027. La profondeur de développement maximale ({1}) a été dépassée.", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "Fin de l\u0027exécution de LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe avec le code de retour : {0}.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "Attente de l\u0027arrêt du service...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "Compte d\u0027utilisateur à employer pour le service", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Mot de passe du compte {0}", + "WorkFolderDescription": "dossier de travail", + "Y": "O" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json index 118e091a00..276c5216a8 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/it-IT/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(S/N) Accettare ora il contratto di licenza di Team Explorer Everywhere?", + "AccessDenied": "Accesso negato", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Accesso negato durante l\u0027impostazione delle opzioni di ripristino del servizio.", + "AddAgentFailed": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l\u0027agente. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "AddBuildTag": "Aggiungi tag di compilazione", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "configurare i tag di gruppi di computer per l\u0027agente? (S/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "L\u0027agente è stato aggiunto", + "AgentExit": "Tra poco l\u0027agente verrà chiuso per eseguire l\u0027aggiornamento.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "L\u0027agente non è configurato.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "pool di agenti", + "AgentName": "nome dell\u0027agente", + "AgentReplaced": "L\u0027agente è stato sostituito", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "L\u0027agente in esecuzione è protetto dal server proxy: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentVersion": "Versione corrente dell\u0027agente: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Il pool {0} contiene già un agente denominato {1}.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Non è possibile configurare l\u0027agente perché è già configurato. Per riconfigurarlo, eseguire prima \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 oppure \u0027./ remove\u0027.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "È necessario specificare \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] non è un comando riconosciuto per l\u0027estensione del comando artifact. Vedere la documentazione (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Non è stato possibile scaricare l\u0027artefatto da {0}.", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Percorso dell\u0027artefatto non supportato: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Il percorso dell\u0027artefatto è obbligatorio.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "Il nome dell\u0027artefatto è obbligatorio.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Il tipo dell\u0027artefatto è obbligatorio.", + "AssociateArtifact": "Associa artefatto", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "L\u0027artefatto {0} è stato associato alla compilazione {1}", + "AttachFileNotExist": "Non è possibile allegare il file {2} (tipo {0} nome {1}). Il file non esiste.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "L\u0027allegato verrà ignorato perché supera la dimensione massima consentita: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Il tentativo di usare la riga di comando GIT per rimuovere \"http.extraheader\" dal file di configurazione GIT non è riuscito. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di modificare direttamente il file di configurazione GIT per rimuovere la credenziale.", + "AuthenticationType": "tipo di autenticazione", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] non è un comando riconosciuto per l\u0027estensione del comando build. Vedere la documentazione (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "Il numero di build è obbligatorio.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "Il tag di compilazione \u0027{0}\u0027 non è stato aggiunto.", + "BuildTagRequired": "Il tag di compilazione è obbligatorio.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "Alla compilazione \u0027{0}\u0027 sono ora associati i tag seguenti: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Non è possibile modificare il record della sequenza temporale padre di un record della sequenza temporale esistente.", + "CannotFindHostName": "Non è stato trovato alcun nome dell\u0027account VSTS dall\u0027URL del server: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CanNotFindService": "Il servizio {0} non è stato trovato", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "Non è possibile concedere l\u0027autorizzazione LogonAsService all\u0027utente {0}", + "CanNotSkipTask": "Non è possibile ignorare un\u0027attività già avviata.", + "CanNotStartService": "Non è possibile avviare il servizio. Per altri dettagli, vedere i log", + "CanNotStopService": "Non è possibile arrestare tempestivamente il servizio {0}.", + "CannotUploadFile": "Non è possibile caricare il file perché non ne è stato specificato il percorso.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "Non è possibile caricare il file di riepilogo perché non ne è stato specificato il percorso.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Il campo delle directory dei file di classe non è specificato. Questo campo è necessario per consentire a un progetto composto da più moduli di generare i report di code coverage.", + "Cleanup": "Pulizia post processo", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "I tentativi di eccezione per la richiesta del token OAuth sono stati arrestati dopo {0} secondi.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Non è stato possibile abilitare il code coverage perché il file di compilazione specificato \u0027{0}\u0027 è vuoto. Specificarne uno valido e riprovare.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] non è un comando riconosciuto per l\u0027estensione del comando task. Vedere la documentazione (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "Non sono stati trovati dati di code coverage. Per altre informazioni, verificare gli errori o gli avvisi di compilazione.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "L\u0027abilitazione del code coverage di \u0027{0}\u0027 per \u0027{1}\u0027 è riuscita", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "La pubblicazione del code coverage funziona solo per \u0027build\u0027.", + "CollectionName": "Nome della raccolta", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contiene la parola chiave del comando di registrazione \u0027##vso\u0027, ma non è un comando valido. Per correggere eventuali possibili errori di sintassi, vedere la documentazione (", + "CommandNotFound": "L\u0027estensione del comando per ##vso[{0}.command] non è stata trovata. Vedere la documentazione (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "Non è possibile elaborare il comando \u0027{0}\u0027. Vedere la documentazione (", + "ConnectingToServer": "Connessione al server...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connetti", + "ConnectToServer": "Connessione al server.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il servizio \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Il percorso file di log non è stato specificato oppure il file non esiste: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Il percorso del file di riepilogo markdown non è stato specificato oppure il file non esiste: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "Eliminazione: {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": "Rimozione del file con estensione credentials", + "DeletingSettings": "Rimozione del file con estensione agent", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "L\u0027autorizzazione per leggere il contenuto delle directory è obbligatoria per \u0027{0}\u0027 e per ogni directory di livello superiore nella gerarchia. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "La directory \u0027{0}\u0027 è vuota. Non verrà aggiunto nulla all\u0027artefatto di compilazione \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory non trovata: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "DownloadAgent": "Download dell\u0027agente più recente.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "Scarica artefatti", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Il download degli artefatti non è riuscito: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "Download dell\u0027attività: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "In attesa del completamento dell\u0027esecuzione del processo corrente.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "Immettere un valore valido per {0}.", + "ErrorOccurred": "Si è verificato un errore: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Si è verificato un errore durante la pubblicazione dei file di code coverage. Errore: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "Contratti di licenza con l\u0027utente finale", + "Failed": "Non riuscita: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la directory temporanea \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "Non è stato possibile applicare tag all\u0027agente. Riprovare oppure premere CTRL+C per uscire. In alternativa, per aggiungere i tag, è possibile passare alla pagina Web del gruppo di computer", + "FailedToConnect": "Non è stato possibile connettersi. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file script inline temporaneo \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "Il nome del gruppo di computer non è stato trovato. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "FailedToFindPool": "Il nome del pool non è stato trovato. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Non è stato possibile bloccare il database del servizio per la scrittura", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "Non è stato possibile aprire Gestione controllo servizi", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Non è stato possibile aprire Gestione controllo servizi", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Non è stato possibile pubblicare i risultati del test: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "Non è stato possibile leggere {0}. Errore: {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Non è stato possibile sostituire l\u0027agente. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "Non è possibile rimuovere \"{0}\" dal file di configurazione GIT. Per rimuovere la credenziale, eseguire \"git config --unset-all {0}\" dalla radice del repository \"{1}\".", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Non è possibile copiare i file nel server. Codice di stato={0}: {1}. Percorso del file di origine: {2}. Percorso del server di destinazione: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "Il file \u0027{0}\u0027 non esiste o non è accessibile.", + "FileNotFound": "File non trovato: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "FileUploadCancelled": "Il caricamento dei file è stato annullato durante il caricamento del file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Traccia dettagliata di caricamento per il file che non è stato caricato: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "Non è stato possibile caricare \u0027{0}\u0027 a causa di \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "Il caricamento del file non è riuscito anche dopo il nuovo tentativo.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} file non sono stati caricati. Ripetere l\u0027operazione tra qualche minuto.", + "FileUploadFinish": "Il file \u0027{0}\u0027 ha impiegato {1} millisecondi per completare il caricamento", + "FileUploadProgress": "Totale file: {0} ---- File elaborato: {1} ({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Caricamento di \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "Avvia il tentativo {0} per i file non caricati.", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Riavvia il caricamento dei file dopo {0} secondi.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "Il caricamento dei file è riuscito dopo il nuovo tentativo.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "Il caricamento dei file è riuscito.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Genera ed esegue lo script di aggiornamento.", + "GetSources": "Ottieni origini", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "Il gruppo {0} non esiste", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "Si è verificato un errore interno. Dettagli: lo strumento di compilazione o di code coverage specificato non è valido. Strumento di compilazione = \u0027{0}\u0027. Strumento di code coverage = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "Il codice XML di compilazione \u0027{0}\u0027 non è valido. Si è verificato l\u0027errore \u0027{1}\u0027 durante l\u0027analisi del file. Assicurarsi che il file specificato sia ben formato e riprovare.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "L\u0027input specificato nel campo \u0027Directory file di classe\u0027 non è valido. Non deve essere un\u0027espressione regolare o un percorso file. Il campo \u0027Directory file di classe\u0027 accetta un elenco di directory di classe delimitate da virgole.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "Il filtro di inclusione/esclusione classi \u0027{0}\u0027 non è valido. Specificare un filtro valido e riprovare. Esempio: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "L\u0027argomento \u0027{0}\u0027 del comando contiene uno o più dei caratteri non validi seguenti: \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "Il valore del risultato del comando non è valido.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "Per il calcolo del tempo verrà usata la durata di ogni esecuzione dei test perché il valore della data di completamento massima {0} ottenuta dal file dei risultati del test è maggiore di quello della data di inizio minima {1}", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "La configurazione specificata per {0} non è valida. La configurazione automatica verrà terminata.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "Per il calcolo del tempo verrà usata la durata di ogni esecuzione dei test perché il formato della data ottenuto dal file di risultati {0} non è valido. Data di inizio: {1}. Data di completamento: {2}", + "InvalidFileFormat": "Il formato di file non è valido.", + "InvalidGroupName": "Nome di gruppo non valido - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere un nuovo membro perché il tipo di account del membro è errato. Se si intende eseguire la configurazione in un controller di dominio, non è possibile aggiungere account computer predefiniti a gruppi locali, ma è necessario usare un account utente di dominio", + "InvalidResultFiles": "Il file di risultati non è valido. Assicurarsi che il formato dei risultati del file \u0027{0}\u0027 corrisponda a quello dei risultati del test \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Non è possibile ottenere la directory di origine. Per altre informazioni, contattare l\u0027amministratore.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "Non è possibile recuperare il valore per \u0027{0}\u0027 dal file di riepilogo \u0027{1}\u0027. Verificare che il file di riepilogo sia ben formato e riprovare.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Le credenziali di Windows immesse non sono valide. Riprovare o premere CTRL+C per uscire", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Il parametro IsMultiModule non è disponibile. Il progetto verrà considerato come composto da un unico modulo.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: il processo {1} è stato completato con il risultato {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", + "Agente di Visual Studio Team Services", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "Consente di eseguire l\u0027agente usando i i wrapper di servizio per script shell o cmd.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "Per stampare le informazioni sulla versione dell\u0027agente:", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --version e config.cmd --commit", + "Unix: ./ --version e ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Per visualizzare la Guida della riga di comando:", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix: ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Per configurare l\u0027agente e uscire:", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd [argomenti] [opzioni]", + "Unix: ./ [argomenti] [opzioni]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", - "Unix : ./ remove", + "Per annullare la configurazione dell\u0027agente:", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd remove", + "Unix: ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Per eseguire l\u0027agente in modalità interattiva (deve essere configurato):", + "Windows: .\\run.cmd [argomenti] [opzioni]", + "Unix: ./ [argomenti] [opzioni]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "Argomenti di config:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url URL del server. Esempi:", + " o http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth Tipo di autenticazione. Le opzioni valide sono PAT (token di accesso personale),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos o NTLM) e Integrated (credenziali predefinite di Windows)", + "--pool Nome del pool a cui aggiungere l\u0027agente", + "--agent Nome dell\u0027agente", + "--work Directory di lavoro in cui sono archiviati i dati del processo.", + " L\u0027impostazione predefinita è _work sotto la radice della directory dell\u0027agente.", + " La directory di lavoro appartiene a un agente specifico e non deve essere condivisa tra più agenti.", + "--windowslogonaccount Nome dell\u0027account di accesso di Windows se viene scelta l\u0027opzione runasservice (solo in Windows)", + "--windowslogonpassword Password dell\u0027account di accesso di Windows se viene scelta l\u0027opzione runasservice (solo in Windows)", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "Argomenti di remove:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth Tipo di autenticazione. Le opzioni valide sono PAT (token di accesso personale),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos o NTLM) e Integrated (credenziali predefinite di Windows)", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "Opzioni:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended Configurazione automatica. Non verrà visualizzata alcuna richiesta.", + " Tutte le risposte devono essere fornite alla riga di comando.", + "--acceptteeeula Accetta il contratto di licenza con l\u0027utente finale di TEE (solo in Linux e OSX)", + "--replace Sostituisce l\u0027agente in un pool. Se è in ascolto un altro agente", + " con lo stesso nome, si verificherà un conflitto.", + "--runasservice Configura l\u0027agente come servizio (solo in Windows è necessaria l\u0027autorizzazione di amministratore per configurare il servizio di Windows)", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "Argomenti per tipo di autenticazione:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token Dati del token di accesso personale. È preferibile incollare il valore.", "", "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "--username Dominio\\nome utente o UPN", + "--password Password dell\u0027account Windows", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "Integrated: non accetta altri argomenti", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "Esempi di operazioni automatiche di configurazione e annullamento della configurazione:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "Non dimenticare di controllare il codice restituito quando si usa la configurazione automatica", + "Configurazione automatica per VSTS con autenticazione PAT", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Configurazione automatica per TFS locale con autenticazione integrata (Windows) e con negoziazione (Linux/OSX)", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Configurazione automatica per VSTS con autenticazione PAT e sostituzione dell\u0027agente esistente con lo stesso nome di agente", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "Configurazione automatica per VSTS con autenticazione PAT e specifica della directory di lavoro dell\u0027agente", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "Configurazione automatica per TFS locale con autenticazione integrata e configurazione dell\u0027agente come servizio di Windows eseguito come servizio di rete", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "Configurazione automatica per TFS locale con autenticazione integrata e configurazione dell\u0027agente come servizio di Windows eseguito come account di dominio", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "Annullamento della configurazione automatico per VSTS con autenticazione PAT", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix: ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "Annullamento della configurazione automatico per TFS locale con autenticazione integrata (Windows) e con negoziazione (Linux/OSX)", + "Windows: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix: ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: in ascolto dei processi", + "LocalClockSkewed": "L\u0027orologio del computer locale potrebbe non essere sincronizzato con l\u0027ora del server e la differenza potrebbe essere superiore a cinque minuti. Sincronizzare l\u0027orologio con l\u0027ora di dominio o Internet, quindi riprovare.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "Nome del gruppo di computer", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "Gruppo di computer non trovato: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "Elenco di tag delimitati da virgole (ad esempio, tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "I tag sono stati aggiunti", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "Il membro {0} non esiste", + "MinimumNetFramework": "È richiesto .NET Framework x64 4.5 o versione successiva.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "È richiesto .NET Framework x64 4.6 o versione successiva.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 o versione successiva non è installato.", + "", + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 o versione successiva è obbligatorio per la sincronizzazione dei repository del controllo della versione di Team Foundation, ma non per quella dei repository GIT." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "La versione minima richiesta di GIT è \u0027{0}\u0027, mentre la versione di GIT (\u0027{1}\u0027) corrente è \u0027{2}\u0027", + "MissingAgent": "L\u0027agente non esiste più nel server. Riconfigurarlo.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Non è possibile caricare il file allegato dell\u0027attività perché non ne è stato specificato il percorso o il file allegato non esiste nel disco", + "MissingAttachmentName": "Non è possibile aggiungere l\u0027allegato dell\u0027attività perché non ne è stato specificato il nome.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "Non è possibile aggiungere l\u0027allegato dell\u0027attività perché non ne è stato specificato il tipo.", + "MissingConfig": "Non è possibile connettersi al server perché mancano i file di configurazione. La rimozione dell\u0027agente dal server verrà ignorata.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Non è possibile aggiornare il record della sequenza temporale perché non ne è stato specificato l\u0027ID.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifica del file di indice di Cobertura", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Per questo nuovo record della sequenza temporale è richiesto un nome.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Per configurare l\u0027agente come servizio di Windows, sono necessari i privilegi di amministratore.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Per annullare la configurazione dell\u0027agente eseguito come servizio di Windows, sono necessari i privilegi di amministratore.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "L\u0027account del servizio di rete non è stato trovato", + "NoArtifactsFound": "Nella versione \u0027{0}\u0027 non è disponibile alcun artefatto. Assicurarsi che con la versione sia pubblicato un artefatto e riprovare.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "L\u0027allegato verrà ignorato perché supera la dimensione massima consentita o non è disponibile sul disco: {0}", + "NotLinux": "Questa versione dell\u0027agente è compilata per Linux. Installare una build corretta per il sistema operativo usato.", + "NotOSX": "Questa versione dell\u0027agente è compilata per OS X. Installare una build corretta per il sistema operativo usato.", + "NotWindows": "Questa versione dell\u0027agente è compilata per Windows. Installare una build corretta per il sistema operativo usato.", + "OperationFailed": "Errore: l\u0027operazione {0} non è riuscita. Codice restituito: {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Non è stato creato il record della sequenza temporale padre per questo nuovo record della sequenza temporale.", "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", + "PathNotExist": "Il percorso {0} non esiste", + "PersonalAccessToken": "token di accesso personale", + "PlatformNotSupport": "L\u0027esecuzione dell\u0027agente in questa piattaforma non è supportata. La piattaforma corrente è {0} ed è stata compilata per {1}.", + "PoolNotFound": "Il pool di agenti non è stato trovato: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell non è installato. Versione minima richiesta: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparazione del gestore per l\u0027esecuzione delle attività.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Alla variabile di ambiente {0} verrà anteposta la directory che contiene \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "Prerequisiti", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Il processo è stato completato. È stato restituito il codice di uscita {0} e sono stati scritti {1} errori nel flusso di errori.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Il processo è stato completato con il codice di uscita {0}.", + "ProcessExitCode": "Il processo con nome file \u0027{1}\u0027 e argomenti \u0027{2}\u0027 ha restituito il codice di uscita {0}.", + "ProjectName": "Nome del progetto", + "Prompt0": "Immettere {0}", + "Prompt0Default1": "Immettere {0} (premere INVIO per {1})", + "PSScriptError": "Lo script PowerShell è stato completato con {0} errori.", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "Pubblica code coverage", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "\u0027{0}\u0027 è stato pubblicato come artefatto \u0027{1}\u0027", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Pubblicazione dei dati di riepilogo del code coverage nel server TFS.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Pubblicazione dei file di code coverage nel server TFS.", + "PublishingTestResults": "Pubblicazione dei risultati del test per l\u0027esecuzione dei test \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PublishTestResults": "Pubblica risultati del test", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Richiesta delle informazioni sull\u0027area di lavoro.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: errore di connessione dell\u0027agente: {1}. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo ogni {2} secondi fino alla riconnessione.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: l\u0027agente è stato riconnesso.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Lettura del riepilogo di code coverage da \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Registra agente", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "La ridenominazione di \u0027{0}\u0027 in \u0027{1}\u0027 non è riuscita durante la pubblicazione dei file di code coverage per \u0027{2}\u0027. Eccezione interna: \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "sostituire? (S/N)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] non è un comando riconosciuto per l\u0027estensione del comando task. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "L\u0027artefatto non contiene dettagli validi sui contenitori: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "L\u0027artefatto non contiene dettagli sui contenitori: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto non sono state trovate", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "La directory degli artefatti non esiste: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Download dell\u0027artefatto collegato {0} di tipo {1}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "L\u0027artefatto collegato {0} è stato scaricato", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Non è stato possibile creare la richiesta di download dell\u0027artefatto dall\u0027URL: {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "L\u0027artefatto non contiene file da scaricare.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "L\u0027artefatto di compilazione \u0027{0}\u0027 non corrisponde ad alcun criterio di denominazione. Il download verrà ignorato", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "La directory \u0027{0}\u0027 non esiste. Verrà eseguito il fallback alla directory padre: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Il download degli artefatti è terminato", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release Management non supporta il download del tipo di artefatto {0} nella versione corrente", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "La versione dell\u0027artefatto con ID {0} non appartiene all\u0027origine artefatto collegata con ID {1}.", + "RMCachingAllItems": "Memorizzazione nella cache di tutti gli elementi presenti nel contenitore di file...", + "RMCachingComplete": "Memorizzazione nella cache completata. ({0} ms)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "Memorizzazione nella cache degli elementi in \u0027{0}\u0027 presenti nel contenitore di file...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "La directory {0} degli artefatti è stata pulita", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Pulizia della directory {0} degli artefatti", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Il tipo \u0027{0}\u0027 dell\u0027elemento contenitore non è supportato.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "Il percorso dell\u0027elemento contenitore di file non inizia con {0}: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Si è verificato il timeout della richiesta dopo {0} secondi. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo dopo una sospensione di {1} secondi. Richiesta: {2} {3}", "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", - "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Nel processo non sono state trovate le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto personalizzato: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il download degli artefatti", + "RMDownloadComplete": "Download completato.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Download dell\u0027artefatto dalla condivisione file: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Download degli artefatti dal server Jenkins", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} file inseriti: {1} scaricato/i, {2} vuoto/i", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB scaricati a {1} KB/sec. Tempo di download: {2}. Limite per download in parallelo: {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "Non è stata completata alcuna attività di download in {0} minuti. Stati delle attività rimanenti:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} attività.", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "Verifica dell\u0027esistenza e della pulizia della cartella degli artefatti {0}.", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Le variabili di ambiente disponibili sono elencate di seguito. È possibile farvi riferimento nell\u0027attività sostituendo \"_\" con \".\" nella definizione di versione. Ad esempio, è possibile fare riferimento alla variabile di ambiente AGENT_NAME usando Agent.Name nella definizione di versione: {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Si è verificato un errore durante il download di {0}: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "Si è verificato un errore durante il download: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "Non è possibile scaricare artefatti da una condivisione file con un agente OSX o Linux. È possibile scaricare l\u0027artefatto dal server o usare un agente Windows.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "Si è verificato il timeout dell\u0027attività FetchEngine.GetFileAsync dopo {0} minuto/i.", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Nel processo non sono state trovate le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto GIT di Team Foundation.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Nel processo non sono state trovate le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto di GitHub: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "I dettagli degli artefatti Jenkins sono stati ricevuti", + "RMJenkinsBuildId": "ID compilazione: {0}", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Nel processo non sono state trovate le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto di Jenkins: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "Nome processo: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun artefatto con percorso relativo: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "Nella compilazione {0} non è disponibile alcun artefatto. Assicurarsi che la compilazione pubblichi un artefatto e riprovare", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Sono in corso le operazioni di preparazione per ottenere le informazioni sugli artefatti dal server Jenkins", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparazione del download dell\u0027artefatto: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Sono in corso le operazioni di preparazione per ottenere l\u0027elenco degli artefatti disponibili dalla compilazione", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di download di {0}. Errore: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "I dettagli degli artefatti GitHub sono stati ricevuti", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} download rimanenti.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Nuovo tentativo di download...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Avvio del download degli artefatti...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release Management non supporta il download del tipo di flusso {0} nella versione corrente", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Nel processo non sono state trovate le informazioni necessarie per scaricare l\u0027artefatto di controllo della versione di Team Foundation.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Il download degli artefatti verrà ignorato in base all\u0027impostazione specificata.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "Il file di chiave RSA {0} non è stato trovato", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "eseguire l\u0027agente come servizio? (S/N)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: esecuzione del processo {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: le impostazioni sono state salvate.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "Analisi delle funzionalità degli strumenti.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "È attiva la modalità di gestione automatica delle credenziali GIT. Assicurarsi che il computer host dell\u0027agente sia in grado di ignorare eventuali richieste di autenticazione GIT.", + "ServerTarpit": "Il processo è attualmente limitato dal server. È possibile riscontrare ritardi nell\u0027output della riga di comando, nella creazione di report sullo stato dei processi e nei caricamenti dei log delle attività.", + "ServerUrl": "URL server", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "Il servizio {0} esiste già e verrà sostituito", + "ServiceConfigured": "Il servizio {0} è configurato", + "ServiceInstalled": "Il servizio {0} è stato installato", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Il servizio {0} ha impostato l\u0027opzione di ripristino", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Il servizio {0} è stato avviato", + "SessionCreateFailed": "Non è stato possibile creare la sessione. {0}", + "SessionExist": "Esiste già una sessione per questo agente.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "I tentativi su SessionConflictException verranno interrotti dopo {0} secondi.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "Il comando git checkout non è riuscito su un repository superficiale. Questo problema potrebbe essersi verificato perché git fetch con profondità \u0027{0}\u0027 non include il commit di estrazione \u0027{1}\u0027. Vedere la documentazione (", + "Skipping": "Non esiste. Verrà ignorato ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun provider di origine per l\u0027artefatto di tipo {0}", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Il campo delle directory di origine non è specificato. Specificare directory di origine valide per consentire l\u0027inclusione di codice sorgente evidenziato nei report di code coverage e riprovare.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Il campo delle directory di origine non è specificato. Questo campo è necessario per consentire a un progetto composto da più moduli di includere codice sorgente evidenziato nei report di code coverage.", + "StepTimedOut": "Timeout dell\u0027attività.", + "Success": "Riuscita: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Non è possibile associare nessuno degli endpoint dei repository di origine con uno dei provider di origine supportati.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun gestore di esecuzione attività supportato. Gestori supportati: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Il ramo {0} per il repository {1} alla revisione {2} è stato estratto", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "È stato eseguito il mapping del percorso server relativo vuoto a \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "Il file {0} esiste già", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Il percorso relativo specificato \u0027{0}\u0027 non è corretto.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Il mapping duplicato per il percorso locale {0} verrà ignorato", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Il mapping duplicato per il percorso server {0} verrà ignorato", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "L\u0027intero set di mapping viene ignorato. Si procederà con il mapping completo dei rami.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "Non è stata trovata l\u0027utilità da riga di comando svn installata", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "Sincronizzazione del repository: {0} (SVN)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] non è un comando riconosciuto per l\u0027estensione del comando task. Vedere la documentazione (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "Per la compilazione di origini da un repository del controllo della versione di Team Foundation è necessario accettare il contratto di licenza con l\u0027utente finale di Team Explorer Everywhere. Questo passaggio non è obbligatorio per la compilazione di origini da repository GIT.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Per una copia del contratto di licenza con l\u0027utente finale di Team Explorer Everywhere, vedere:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "Test della connessione agente.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "Risultati del test rimanenti: {0}. ID esecuzione dei test: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "Per il processo sono stati riscontrati in totale {0} secondi di ritardo causato dalla limitazione del server.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "Caricamento di {0} file", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Per questo nuovo record della sequenza temporale è richiesto un tipo.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Non è possibile dedurre il tipo di artefatto dalla posizione dell\u0027artefatto: {0}.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "Non è possibile archiviare i risultati del test: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Non è possibile analizzare la configurazione di verifica delle compilazioni legacy. Verrà creata una nuova directory di compilazione. La directory precedente potrebbe rimanere in uno stato non recuperato. Contenuto della configurazione legacy: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "Annullare prima la configurazione del servizio in base alle istruzioni fornite nella pagina all\u0027indirizzo", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "Annullare prima la configurazione del servizio in base alle istruzioni fornite nella pagina all\u0027indirizzo", + "UninstallingService": "Rimozione del servizio", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Lo strumento di code coverage \u0027{0}\u0027 non è supportato.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "Gli argomenti di input della riga di comando non sono stati riconosciuti: \u0027{0}\u0027. Per l\u0027utilizzo fare riferimento a .\\config.cmd --help o a ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "Rimozione dell\u0027agente dal server", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "Aggiorna il numero di build", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Aggiorna il numero di build a {0} per la build {1}", + "UpdateInProgress": "È in corso l\u0027aggiornamento dell\u0027agente. Non arrestare l\u0027agente.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Per ottimizzare l\u0027esperienza GIT, aggiornare GIT almeno alla versione \u0027{0}\u0027. La versione corrente di GIT è \u0027{1}\u0027.", + "UploadArtifact": "Carica artefatto", + "UploadToFileContainer": "Carica \u0027{0}\u0027 nel contenitore di file \u0027{1}\u0027", + "UserName": "nome utente", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Non è possibile espandere la variabile \u0027{0}\u0027. È stato rilevato un riferimento ciclico.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Non è possibile espandere la variabile \u0027{0}\u0027. È stata superata la profondità di espansione massima ({1}).", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe è stato completato. Codice restituito: {0}.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "In attesa dell\u0027arresto del servizio...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "Account utente da usare per il servizio", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password per l\u0027account {0}", + "WorkFolderDescription": "cartella di lavoro", + "Y": "S" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json index 118e091a00..11ec1712a8 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ja-JP/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(はい/いいえ) 今すぐ Team Explorer Everywhere ライセンス契約に同意しますか?", + "AccessDenied": "アクセスが拒否されました", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "サービス回復オプションの設定中にアクセスが拒否されました。", + "AddAgentFailed": "エージェントの追加に失敗しました。 もう一度やり直すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "AddBuildTag": "ビルド タグを追加します", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "エージェント用のコンピューター グループのタグを構成しますか? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "エージェントが正常に追加されました", + "AgentExit": "エージェントはまもなく、更新のために終了します。", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "エージェントが構成されていません。", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "エージェント プール", + "AgentName": "エージェント名", + "AgentReplaced": "エージェントが正常に置き換えられました", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "エージェントがプロキシ サーバーの背後で実行されています: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentVersion": "現在のエージェントのバージョン: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "プール {0} には名前 {1} のエージェントが既に含まれています。", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "エージェントは既に構成済みなので構成できません。エージェントを再構成するには、最初に \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 か \u0027./ remove\u0027 を実行してください。", + "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 を指定する必要があります。", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] は、Artifact コマンド拡張の認識されたコマンドではありません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "{0} から成果物をダウンロードできませんでした。", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "成果物の場所がサポートされていません: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "成果物の場所が必要です。", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "成果物の名前が必要です。", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "成果物の種類が必要です。", + "AssociateArtifact": "成果物を関連付ける", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "ビルド {1} と関連付けられた成果物 {0}", + "AttachFileNotExist": "ファイル {2} (種類:{0} 名前:{1}) を添付できません。ファイルが存在しません。", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "添付ファイルが最大許容サイズ {0} を超えたため、添付をスキップしています", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Git コマンド ラインを使用して git config から \"http.extraheader\" を削除しようとして成功しませんでした。資格情報を削除するために、git config ファイルを直接変更しようとしています。", + "AuthenticationType": "認証の種類", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] は、Build コマンド拡張の認識されたコマンドではありません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "BuildNumberRequired": "ビルド番号が必要です。", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "ビルド タグ \u0027{0}\u0027 が正常に追加されませんでした。", + "BuildTagRequired": "ビルド タグが必要です。", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "現在、ビルド \u0027{0}\u0027 には次のタグがあります: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "既存のタイムライン レコードの親タイムライン レコードを変更できません。", + "CannotFindHostName": "サーバー URL に VSTS アカウント名が見つかりません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CanNotFindService": "サービス {0} が見つかりません", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "LogonAsService アクセス許可をユーザー {0} に付与できません", + "CanNotSkipTask": "既に開始されているタスクはスキップできません。", + "CanNotStartService": "サービスを開始できません。詳細については、ログを確認してください。", + "CanNotStopService": "適切な時間内にサービス {0} を停止できません。", + "CannotUploadFile": "ファイルの場所が指定されていないため、ファイルをアップロードできません。", + "CannotUploadSummary": "概要ファイルをアップロードできません。概要ファイルの場所が指定されていません。", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "クラス ディレクトリのフィールドが指定されていません。マルチ モジュール プロジェクトでコード カバレッジ レポートを生成するためには、クラス ファイルのディレクトリ フィールドが必要です。", + "Cleanup": "ポスト ジョブのクリーンアップ", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "OAuth トークン要求例外の再試行は {0} 秒後に停止しました。", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "指定されたビルド ファイル \u0027{0}\u0027 が空であるため、コード カバレッジを有効にできませんでした。有効なビルド ファイルを指定して、もう一度やり直してください。", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] は、Task コマンド拡張の認識されたコマンドではありません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "カバレッジ データが見つかりません。詳細については、ビルド エラー/警告を確認してください。", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "\u0027{1}\u0027 の \u0027{0}\u0027 コード カバレッジが正常に有効にされました", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "コード カバレッジの発行は \u0027build\u0027 でのみ機能します。", + "CollectionName": "コレクション名", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 にログ コマンド キーワード \u0027##vso\u0027 が含まれていますが、これは有効なコマンドではありません。潜在的な構文エラーを修正するには、ドキュメント ( を参照してください。", + "CommandNotFound": "##vso[{0}.command] のコマンド拡張が見つかりません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "CommandProcessFailed": "コマンド \u0027{0}\u0027 を正常に処理できません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "ConnectingToServer": "サーバーに接続しています ...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "接続", + "ConnectToServer": "サーバーに接続しています。", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "サービス \u0027{0}\u0027 を削除できませんでした", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "ログ ファイルのパスが指定されていないか、ファイルが存在しません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "マークダウン概要ファイルのパスが指定されていないか、ファイルが存在しません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "削除中: {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": ".credentials を削除しています", + "DeletingSettings": ".agent を削除しています", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "\u0027{0}\u0027 と上位階層の各ディレクトリにはディレクトリ コンテンツの読み取りアクセス許可が必要です。{1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "ディレクトリ \u0027{0}\u0027 は空です。ビルド成果物 \u0027{1}\u0027 に追加するものはありません。", + "DirectoryNotFound": "ディレクトリが見つかりません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "DownloadAgent": "最新のエージェントをダウンロードしています。", + "DownloadArtifacts": "成果物をダウンロードする", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "成果物のダウンロードに失敗しました: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "タスクをダウンロードしています: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "現行ジョブの実行の終了を待機しています。", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "{0} の有効な値を入力してください。", + "ErrorOccurred": "エラーが発生しました: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "コード カバレッジ ファイルの発行中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "使用許諾契約書", + "Failed": "失敗: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "一時ディレクトリ \u0027{0}\u0027 の削除に失敗しました。{1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "エージェントにタグを適用できませんでした。もう一度試すか、Ctrl + C キーで終了してください。または、コンピューター グループの Web ページでタグを追加することもできます", + "FailedToConnect": "接続に失敗しました。もう一度やり直すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "一時インライン スクリプト ファイル \u0027{0}\u0027 の削除に失敗しました。{1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "コンピューター グループが見つかりませんでした。もう一度試すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "FailedToFindPool": "プール名が見つかりませんでした。もう一度やり直すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "サービス データベースの書き込みをロックできませんでした", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "サービス コントロール マネージャーを開けませんでした", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "サービス コントロール マネージャーを開けませんでした", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "テスト結果を発行できませんでした: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "{0} の読み取りに失敗しました。エラー : {1}。", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "エージェントの置き換えに失敗しました。もう一度やり直すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "git config から \"{0}\" を削除できません。資格情報を削除するには、リポジトリのルート \"{1}\" から \"git config --unset-all {0}\" を実行してください。", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "ファイルをサーバーにコピーできません。StatusCode={0}: {1}。ソース ファイルのパス: {2}。ターゲット サーバーのパス: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "ファイル {0} は存在しないか、アクセスできません。", + "FileNotFound": "ファイルが見つかりません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "FileUploadCancelled": "次のファイルのアップロード中にファイル アップロードが取り消されました: \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "アップロードできなかったファイルの詳細なアップロード トレース: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "\u0027{1}\u0027 のために \u0027{0}\u0027 をアップロードできません。", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "再試行後もファイルをアップロードできませんでした。", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} 個のファイルをアップロードできませんでした。1 分後にこれらのファイルのアップロードを再試行します。", + "FileUploadFinish": "ファイル \u0027{0}\u0027 のアップロードを完了するのに {1} ミリ秒かかりました", + "FileUploadProgress": "合計ファイル: {0} ---- 処理されたファイル: {1} ({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "\u0027{0}\u0027 をアップロードしています ({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "{0} 個の失敗したファイルのアップロードの再試行を開始します。", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "{0} 秒後にファイルのアップロードを再試行します。", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "再試行後にファイルのアップロードに成功しました。", + "FileUploadSucceed": "ファイルのアップロードに成功しました。", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "更新スクリプトを生成して実行します。", + "GetSources": "ソースを取得する", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "グループ {0} が存在しません", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "内部エラーが発生しました。詳細: 無効なビルドまたはコード カバレッジ ツールが指定されました。ビルド ツール = \u0027{0}\u0027。カバレッジ ツール = \u0027{1}\u0027。", + "InvalidBuildXml": "ビルドの xml \u0027{0}\u0027 が無効です。ファイルの解析中にエラー \u0027{1}\u0027 が発生しました。指定したファイルの形式が正しいことを確認して、もう一度やり直してください。", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "\u0027クラス ファイル ディレクトリ\u0027 フィールドの入力が無効です。正規表現またはファイル パスではありません。\u0027クラス ファイル ディレクトリ\u0027 は、クラス ディレクトリのコンマ区切り一覧を受け付けます。", + "InvalidClassFilter": "クラス包含/除外フィルター \u0027{0}\u0027 が無効です。有効なフィルターを指定して、もう一度やり直してください。例 : +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "コマンド引数 \u0027{0}\u0027 に次の無効な文字が 1 つ以上含まれています: \"、\\r、\\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "コマンドに有効な結果の値がありません。", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "テスト結果ファイルから取得した完了日の最大値 {0} が開始日の最小値 {1} より大きいので、各テストの実行期間が時間の計算に使用されます。", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "{0} に対して指定された構成が無効です。無人構成を終了しています。", + "InvalidDateFormat": "結果ファイルから取得した日付形式が無効なので、各テストの実行期間が時間の計算に使用されます: {0} (開始日: {1}、完了日: {2}", + "InvalidFileFormat": "無効なファイル形式です。", + "InvalidGroupName": "無効なグループ名 - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "新しいメンバーは、アカウントの種類が間違っているため、ローカル グループに追加できませんでした。ドメイン コントローラーで構成する場合、ビルトイン コンピューター アカウントをローカル グループに追加することはできません。代わりに、ドメイン ユーザー アカウントを使用する必要があります", + "InvalidResultFiles": "結果ファイルが無効です。ファイル \u0027{0}\u0027 の結果形式が \u0027{1}\u0027 テストの結果形式と一致することを確認してください。", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "ソース ディレクトリを取得できません。詳細については、管理者に問い合わせてください。", + "InvalidValueInXml": "概要ファイル \u0027{1}\u0027 から \u0027{0}\u0027 の値を取得できません。概要ファイルの形式が正しいことを確認して、もう一度やり直してください。", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "無効な Windows 資格情報が入力されました。もう一度やり直すか、Ctrl+C を押して終了してください", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "パラメーター IsMultiModule は使用できません。単一のモジュール プロジェクトとしてプロジェクトを検討してください。", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: ジョブ {1} が完了しました。結果: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", + "Visual Studio Team Services エージェント", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "コンビニエンス コマンドまたはシェル スクリプトのラッパーを使用してエージェントを実行します。", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "エージェント バージョン情報を印刷します。", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version および config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version および ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "コマンド ライン ヘルプを表示します。", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "エージェントと出口を構成します。", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", + "エージェントの構成を解除します。", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "エージェントを対話的に実行します (構成が必要です)。", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "引数を構成します。", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url サーバーの URL。例:", + " または http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth 認証の種類。有効なオプションは PAT (個人用アクセス トークン)、", + " ネゴシエート (Kerberos または NTLM) および統合 (既定の Windows 資格情報)", + "--pool エージェントが参加するプール名", + "--agent エージェント名", + "--work ジョブ データを保管する作業ディレクトリ。", + " 既定では、エージェント ディレクトリのルートの下にある _work です。", + " 作業ディレクトリは特定のエージェントが所有し、複数のエージェントが共有すべきではありません。", + "--windowslogonaccount runasservice オプションが選択されている場合の Windows ログオン アカウント名 (Windows のみ)", + "--windowslogonpassword runasservice オプションが選択されている場合の Windows ログオン アカウントのパスワード (Windows のみ)", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "引数を削除します。", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth 認証の種類。有効なオプションは PAT (個人用アクセス トークン)、", + " ネゴシエート (Kerberos または NTLM)、統合 (既定の Windows 資格情報)", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "オプション:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended 自動実行構成。プロンプトが表示されません。", + " 応答すべてをコマンド ラインで指定する必要があります。", + "--acceptteeeula TEE 使用許諾契約書に同意します。(Linux と OSX のみ)", + "--replace プールで対象エージェントを置換します (同じ名前の別のエージェントが", + " リッスンしている場合、または競合により開始時にエラーが生じる場合)。", + "--runasservice エージェントをサービスとして構成します。(Windows のみ。Windows サービスを構成するには管理者アクセス権が必要です)", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "認証の種類別の引数:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token 個人用アクセス トークン データ。値を貼り付けるのに最適です。", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "ネゴシエート:", + "--username ドメイン\\ユーザー名、または UPN", + "--password Windows アカウント パスワード", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "統合: 追加引数は取りません", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "自動実行構成と構成解除の例:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "自動実行構成を使用する場合には戻りコードを忘れずに確認してください", + "PAT 認証を使用した VSTS 用の自動実行構成", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "統合 (Windows) 認証およびネゴシエート (Linux/OSX) 認証を使用したオンプレミス用の自動実行構成", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "PAT 認証を使用した VSTS 用の自動実行構成と、同じエージェント名の既存のエージェントの置換", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "PAT 認証を使用した VSTS 用の自動実行構成とエージェント作業ディレクトリの指定", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "統合認証を使用したオンプレミス TFS 用の自動実行構成と Windows サービス (NetworkService) として実行するエージェントの構成", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "統合認証を使用したオンプレミス TFS 用の自動実行構成とドメイン アカウントで実行する Windows サービスとしてのエージェントの構成", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "PAT 認証を使用した VSTS 用の自動実行構成の解除", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "統合 (Windows) 認証およびネゴシエート (Linux/OSX) 認証を使用したオンプレミス TFS 用の自動実行構成の解除", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: ジョブをリッスンしています", + "LocalClockSkewed": "ローカル コンピューター のクロックがサーバー時刻と同期しておらず、その差が 5 分を超えている可能性があります。クロックをドメインの時刻かインターネットの時刻と同期してから、もう一度お試しください。", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "コンピューター グループ名", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "MachineGroup が見つかりません: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "タグのコンマ区切りの一覧 (例: tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "タグが正常に追加されました", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "メンバー {0} が存在しません", + "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 以上が必要です。", + "MinimumNetFramework46": ".NET Framework x64 4.6 以上が必要です。", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 以上がインストールされていません。", + "", + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 以上では TFVC リポジトリを同期する必要があります。Git リポジトリを同期する必要はありません。" + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "必要な GIT の最小バージョンは \u0027{0}\u0027 で、ご使用の GIT (\u0027{1}\u0027) バージョンは \u0027{2}\u0027 です", + "MissingAgent": "エージェントは現在サーバー上に存在していません。エージェントを再構成してください。", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "タスクの添付ファイルをアップロードできません。添付ファイルの場所が指定されていないか、添付ファイルがディスクに存在しません", + "MissingAttachmentName": "タスクの添付ファイルを追加できません。添付ファイル名が指定されていません。", + "MissingAttachmentType": "タスクの添付ファイルを追加できません。添付ファイルの種類が指定されていません。", + "MissingConfig": "config ファイルが見つからないため、サーバーに接続できません。サーバーからのエージェントの削除をスキップしています。", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "タイムライン レコードを更新できません。タイムライン レコード ID が指定されていません。", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Cobertura インデックス ファイルを変更しています", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "この新しいタイムラインのレコードの名前が必要です。", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "エージェントを Windows サービスとして構成するには、管理者特権が必要です。", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Windows サービスとして実行中のエージェントの構成を解除するには、管理者特権が必要です。", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "ネットワーク サービス アカウントが見つかりません", + "NoArtifactsFound": "バージョン \u0027{0}\u0027 で利用できる成果物がありません。成果物がこのバージョンで発行されたか確認してから、もう一度お試しください。", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "添付ファイルが最大許容サイズを超えるかディスク {0} で使用できないため、添付をスキップしています", + "NotLinux": "このエージェントのバージョンは Linux 用に構築されています。お使いの OS に適切なビルドをインストールしてください。", + "NotOSX": "このエージェントのバージョンは OSX 用に構築されています。OS の適切なビルドをインストールしてください。", + "NotWindows": "このエージェントのバージョンは Windows 用に構築されています。OS の適切なビルドをインストールしてください。", + "OperationFailed": "エラー: 操作 {0} はリターン コード {1} で失敗しました", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "この新しいタイムライン レコードに対して、親タイムライン レコードが作成されていません。", + "Password": "パスワード", + "PathNotExist": "パスが存在しません: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "個人用アクセス トークン", + "PlatformNotSupport": "このプラットフォームでのエージェントの実行はサポートされていません。現在のプラットフォームは {0} であり、{1} 用に構築されたものです。", + "PoolNotFound": "エージェント プールが見つかりませんでした: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell がインストールされていません。最低限必要なバージョン: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "タスク実行ハンドラーを準備しています。", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "\u0027{1}\u0027 を含むディレクトリを {0} 環境変数の前に付加しています。", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "前提条件", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "プロセスが終了コード {0} で完了し、{1} 件のエラーがエラー ストリームに書き込まれました。", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "プロセスが終了コード {0} で完了しました。", + "ProcessExitCode": "プロセスから終了コード {0} が返されました: ファイル名 \u0027{1}\u0027、引数 \u0027{2}\u0027。", + "ProjectName": "プロジェクト名", + "Prompt0": "{0} を入力する", + "Prompt0Default1": "{0} を入力する ({1} の場合は、Enter キーを押します)", + "PSScriptError": "PowerShell スクリプトが完了しましたが、{0} 件のエラーが発生しました。", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "コード カバレッジを発行する", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "\u0027{0}\u0027 を成果物 \u0027{1}\u0027 として発行しました", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "カバレッジの集計データを TFS サーバーに発行しています。", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "コード カバレッジ ファイルを TFS サーバーに発行しています。", + "PublishingTestResults": "テスト結果をテストの実行 \u0027{0}\u0027 に発行しています", + "PublishTestResults": "テスト結果を発行する", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "ワークスペースの情報を照会しています。", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: エージェントの接続エラー: {1}。再接続されるまで {2} 秒ごとに再試行しています。", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: エージェントが再接続されました。", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "\u0027{0}\u0027 からコード カバレッジの概要を読み取っています", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "エージェントを登録する", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "\u0027{2}\u0027 のコード カバレッジ ファイルを発行中に \u0027{0}\u0027 を \u0027{1}\u0027 に名前変更できませんでした。内部例外: \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "置き換えますか? (はい/いいえ)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] は、Task コマンド拡張の認識されたコマンドではありません。TODO: DOC (リンク)", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "成果物に有効なコンテナーの詳細情報がありません: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "成果物にコンテナーの詳細情報が含まれていません: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "成果物のダウンロードに必要な情報が見つかりません", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "成果物のディレクトリが存在しません: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "種類 {1} のリンクされた成果物 {0} をダウンロードしています...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "リンクされた成果物 {0} をダウンロードしました", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "次のURL からの成果物のダウンロード要求を作成できませんでした: {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "ダウンロードするファイルが成果物に含まれていません。", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "ビルドの成果物 \u0027{0}\u0027 がいずれの名前付けパターンとも一致しません。ダウンロードをスキップしています", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "ディレクトリ \u0027{0}\u0027 は存在しません。親ディレクトリにフォールバックしています: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "成果物のダウンロードが完了しました", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "現在のバージョンでは、リリース管理は成果物の種類 {0} のダウンロードをサポートしていません", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "ID が {0} の成果物のバージョンは、ID が {1} のリンクされた成果物のソースに属していません。", + "RMCachingAllItems": "ファイル コンテナー内のすべてのアイテムをキャッシュしています...", + "RMCachingComplete": "キャッシュが完了しました。({0} ミリ秒)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "ファイル コンテナー内の \u0027{0}\u0027 に属するアイテムをキャッシュしています...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "除去済みの成果物のディレクトリ: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "除去中の成果物のディレクトリ: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "コンテナー アイテムの種類 \u0027{0}\u0027 はサポートされていません。", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "ファイル コンテナー アイテムのパスの先頭が {0} ではありません: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "要求は {0} 秒後にタイムアウトになりました。{1} 秒間休止してから再試行しています。要求: {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[ファイル] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "カスタム成果物をダウンロードするために必要な情報がジョブの中に見つかりません: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "成果物のダウンロード中に予期しないエラーが発生しました", + "RMDownloadComplete": "ダウンロードが完了しました。", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "ファイル共有 {0} から成果物をダウンロードしています", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Jenkins サーバーから成果物をダウンロードしています", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} 個のファイルが配置済み: {1} 個がダウンロード済み、{2} 個が空", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB を {1} KB/秒でダウンロードしました。ダウンロード時間: {2}。同時ダウンロードの制限: {3}。", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "{0} 分間に完了したダウンロード タスクはありません。残りのタスクの状態:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} 個のタスク。", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "成果物フォルダー {0} が存在し、クリーンであることを確認しています ", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "使用できる環境変数は以下のとおりです。 これらの環境変数は、\"_\" を \".\" と置き換えるとタスク (ReleaseDefinition 内) で参照できます。たとえば、AGENT_NAME 環境変数は ReleaseDefinition {0} 内の Agent.Name を使用して参照できます。", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "{0} のダウンロード中にエラーが発生しました: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "ダウンロード中にエラーが発生しました: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "OSX または Linux エージェントを使用してファイル共有からアーティファクトをダウンロードできません。アーティファクトはサーバーからダウンロードするか、Windows エージェントを使用できます。", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync タスクが {0} 分後にタイムアウトになりました。", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Team Foundation Git の成果物をダウンロードするために必要な情報がジョブの中に見つかりません。", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "GitHub の成果物をダウンロードするために必要な情報がジョブに見つかりません: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Jenkins 成果物の詳細を取得しました", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Jenkins の成果物をダウンロードするために必要な情報がジョブに見つかりません: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "ジョブ名: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "相対パス \u0027{0}\u0027 では成果物が見つかりません", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "ビルド {0} で使用できる成果物はありません。ビルドが成果物を発行中であることを確認して、もう一度やり直してください", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Jenkins サーバーから成果物情報を取得する準備をしています", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "成果物をダウンロードする準備をしています: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "ビルドから使用可能な成果物の一覧を取得する準備をしています", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "{0} のダウンロードを再試行しています。エラー: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "受信した GitHub の成果物の詳細", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} 個のダウンロードが残っています。", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "ダウンロードを再試行しています...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "成果物のダウンロードを開始しています...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "現在のバージョンでは、リリース管理はストリームの種類 {0} のダウンロードをサポートしていません", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Team Foundation バージョン管理の成果物をダウンロードするために必要な情報がジョブの中に見つかりません。", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "指定した設定に基づいて成果物のダウンロードをスキップしています。", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA キー ファイル {0} が見つかりませんでした", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "エージェントをサービスとして実行しますか? (はい/いいえ)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: 実行中のジョブ: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: 設定が保存されました。", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "ツール機能をスキャンしています。", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "自己管理 Git 資格情報モードになっています。エージェント ホスト コンピューターが Git 認証チャレンジをバイパスできることを確認してください。", + "ServerTarpit": "現在サーバー側でジョブが調整されています。コンソール行の出力、ジョブ状態のレポート、タスク ログのアップロードで遅延が発生する可能性があります。", + "ServerUrl": "サーバー URL", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "サービスが既に存在しています: {0}。それは置換されます。", + "ServiceConfigured": "サービス {0} は正常に構成されました", + "ServiceInstalled": "サービス {0} が正常にインストールされました", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "サービス {0} で回復オプションが正常に設定されました", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "サービス {0} は正常に開始されました", + "SessionCreateFailed": "セッションの作成に失敗しました。{0}", + "SessionExist": "このエージェントとのセッションが既に存在します。", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "{0} 秒間再試行した後、SessionConflictException の再試行を停止します。", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "浅いリポジトリでの Git チェックアウトに失敗しました。これは、深度 \u0027{0}\u0027 の Git のフェッチにチェックアウトのコミット \u0027{1}\u0027 が含まれていないためと考えられます。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", + "Skipping": "存在しません。スキップしています ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "種類が {0} の成果物のソース プロバイダーが見つかりません", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "ソース ディレクトリのフィールドが指定されていません。強調表示したソース コードが含まれるようにコード カバレッジ レポートの有効なソース ディレクトリを指定して、もう一度やり直してください。", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "ソース ディレクトリのフィールドが指定されていません。強調表示したソース コードを含むコード カバレッジ レポートのマルチ モジュール プロジェクトの場合、ソース ディレクトリのフィールドが必要です。", + "StepTimedOut": "タスクがタイムアウトしました。", + "Success": "成功: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "ソース リポジトリ エンドポイントとサポートされているソース プロバイダーで一致するものはありません。", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "サポートされているタスクの実行ハンドラーが見つかりません。サポートされているハンドラー: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "リビジョン {2} のリポジトリ {1} のチェックアウトされた分岐 {0}", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "空の相対サーバー パスが \u0027{0}\u0027 にマップされています。", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "ファイル {0} は既に存在します", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "無効な相対パス \u0027{0}\u0027 が指定されました。", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "ローカル パス={0} の重複するマッピングを無視しています", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "サーバー パス={0} の重複するマッピングを無視しています", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "マッピング設定全体が無視されます。完全な分岐マッピングを続行しています。", + "SvnNotInstalled": "インストール済みの svn コマンド ライン ユーティリティが見つかりません", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "リポジトリを同期しています: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] は、Task コマンド拡張の認識されたコマンドではありません。ドキュメント ( を参照してください", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "TFVC リポジトリからソースを構築するには、Team Explorer Everywhere の使用許諾契約書に同意する必要があります。この手順は、Git リポジトリからソースを構築する場合は必要ありません。", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Team Explorer Everywhere ライセンス契約のコピーはこちらでご確認いただけます:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", + "TestAgentConnection": "エージェントの接続をテストしています。", + "TestResultsRemaining": "テスト結果の残り: {0}。テストの実行 ID: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "サーバー側の調整のために、ジョブに合計 {0} 秒の遅延が生じています。", + "TotalUploadFiles": "{0} 個のファイルをアップロードしています", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "この新しいタイムライン レコードには、種類が必要です。", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "成果物の場所 {0} から成果物の種類を推測できません。", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "テスト結果をアーカイブできません: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "レガシのビルド追跡構成を解析できません。代わりに新しいビルド ディレクトリが作成されます。以前のディレクトリは回収されない状態のまま残される場合があります。レガシ構成のコンテンツ: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": " に従って、最初にサービスの構成を解除します", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": " に従って、最初にサービスの構成を解除します", + "UninstallingService": "サービスを削除しています", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "コード カバレッジ ツール \u0027{0}\u0027 はサポートされていません。", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "認識されないコマンド ライン入力引数: \u0027{0}\u0027。使用法については、.\\config.cmd --help または ./ --help を参照してください", + "UnregisteringAgent": "エージェントをサーバーから削除しています", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "ビルド番号を更新する", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "ビルド番号をビルド {1} の {0} に更新する", + "UpdateInProgress": "エージェントの更新中です。エージェントをシャットダウンしないでください。", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Git の動作を改善するには、Git をバージョン \u0027{0}\u0027 以上にアップグレードしてください。現在の Git のバージョンは \u0027{1}\u0027 です。", + "UploadArtifact": "成果物をアップロードする", + "UploadToFileContainer": "\u0027{0}\u0027 をファイル コンテナー \u0027{1}\u0027 にアップロードする", + "UserName": "ユーザー名", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "変数 \u0027{0}\u0027 を展開できません。循環参照が検出されました。", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "変数 \u0027{0}\u0027 を展開できません。展開の深さの上限 ({1}) を超えました。", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe は、リターン コード {0} で完了しました。", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "サービスが停止するのを待機しています...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "サービスに使用するユーザー アカウント", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "アカウント {0} のパスワード", + "WorkFolderDescription": "作業フォルダー", "Y": "Y" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json index 118e091a00..8a5473fbda 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ko-KR/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) 지금 Team Explorer Everywhere 사용권 계약에 동의하십니까?", + "AccessDenied": "액세스가 거부됨", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "서비스 복구 옵션을 설정하는 동안 액세스가 거부되었습니다.", + "AddAgentFailed": "에이전트를 추가하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl+C\u0026gt;를 눌러 끝내세요.", + "AddBuildTag": "빌드 태그 추가", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "에이전트에 대한 컴퓨터 그룹 태그를 구성하시겠습니까? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "에이전트를 추가했습니다.", + "AgentExit": "에이전트가 업데이트를 위해 잠시 후에 종료됩니다.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "에이전트가 구성되지 않았습니다.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "에이전트 풀", + "AgentName": "에이전트 이름", + "AgentReplaced": "에이전트를 바꿨습니다.", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "에이전트가 프록시 서버 \u0027{0}\u0027 뒤에서 실행되고 있습니다.", + "AgentVersion": "현재 에이전트 버전: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "{0} 풀에 이미 이름이 {1}인 에이전트가 포함되어 있습니다.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "에이전트가 이미 구성되어 있으므로 구성할 수 없습니다. 에이전트를 다시 구성하려면 먼저 \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 또는 \u0027./ remove\u0027를 실행하세요.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027을(를) 지정해야 합니다.", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}]는 아티팩트 명령 확장에 대해 인식되는 명령이 아닙니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "{0}에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "지원되지 않는 아티팩트 위치: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "아티팩트 위치가 필요합니다.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "아티팩트 이름이 필요합니다.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "아티팩트 형식이 필요합니다.", + "AssociateArtifact": "아티팩트 연결", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "빌드 {1}과(와) 연결된 아티팩트 {0}", + "AttachFileNotExist": "{2} 파일을 첨부할 수 없습니다(형식:{0} 이름:{1}). 파일이 없습니다.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "첨부 파일이 허용된 최대 크기({0})를 초과하므로 첨부 파일을 건너뜁니다.", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "git 명령줄을 사용하여 git 구성에서 \"http.extraheader\"를 제거하지 못했습니다. git 구성 파일을 직접 수정하여 자격 증명을 제거하려고 시도합니다.", + "AuthenticationType": "인증 형식", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}]는 빌드 명령 확장에 대해 인식되는 명령이 아닙니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "BuildNumberRequired": "빌드 번호가 필요합니다.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "빌드 태그 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 추가되지 않았습니다.", + "BuildTagRequired": "빌드 태그가 필요합니다.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "빌드 \u0027{0}\u0027에 지금 다음 태그가 있습니다. {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "기존 타임라인 레코드의 부모 타임라인 레코드를 변경할 수 없습니다.", + "CannotFindHostName": "서버 URL \u0027{0}\u0027에서 VSTS 계정 이름을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "CanNotFindService": "{0} 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "사용자 {0}에게 LogonAsService 권한을 부여할 수 없습니다.", + "CanNotSkipTask": "이미 시작된 작업은 건너뛸 수 없습니다.", + "CanNotStartService": "서비스를 시작할 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 확인하세요.", + "CanNotStopService": "적절한 시간 내에 {0} 서비스를 중지할 수 없습니다.", + "CannotUploadFile": "파일 위치가 지정되어 있지 않아서 파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "요약 파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 요약 파일 위치가 지정되지 않았습니다.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "클래스 디렉터리 필드가 지정되지 않았습니다. 코드 검사 보고서를 생성하려면 여러 모듈 프로젝트에 대해 클래스 파일 디렉터리 필드가 필요합니다.", + "Cleanup": "작업 정리 후", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "{0}초 후에 OAuth 토큰 요청 예외 다시 시도를 중지했습니다.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "제공된 빌드 파일 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 비어 있으므로 코드 검사를 사용할 수 없습니다. 유효한 빌드 파일을 제공하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}]는 작업 명령 확장에 대해 인식되는 명령이 아닙니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "검사 데이터가 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 빌드 오류/경고를 확인하세요.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "\u0027{1}\u0027에 대해 \u0027{0}\u0027 코드 검사를 사용했습니다.", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "코드 검사 게시는 \u0027빌드\u0027에 대해서만 작동합니다.", + "CollectionName": "컬렉션 이름", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027에 로깅 명령 키워드 \u0027##vso\u0027가 포함되지만 올바른 명령이 아닙니다. 설명서를 참조하여 있을 수 있는 구문 오류를 수정하세요(", + "CommandNotFound": "##vso[{0}.command]에 대한 명령 확장을 찾을 수 없습니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "CommandProcessFailed": "\u0027{0}\u0027 명령을 처리할 수 없습니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "ConnectingToServer": "서버에 연결하는 중...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "연결", + "ConnectToServer": "서버에 연결 중입니다.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "\u0027{0}\u0027 서비스를 삭제할 수 없습니다.", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "로그 파일 경로를 제공하지 않았거나 파일이 없습니다. \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown 요약 파일 경로를 제공하지 않았거나 파일이 없습니다. \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "{0} 삭제 중", + "DeletingCredentials": ".credentials를 제거하는 중", + "DeletingSettings": ".agent를 제거하는 중", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "디렉터리 콘텐츠를 읽을 수 있는 권한이 \u0027{0}\u0027 및 계층 구조에서 위에 있는 각 디렉터리에 필요합니다. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "\u0027{0}\u0027 디렉터리가 비어 있습니다. 빌드 아티팩트 \u0027{1}\u0027에 아무것도 추가되지 않습니다.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "\u0027{0}\u0027 디렉터리를 찾을 수 없음", + "DownloadAgent": "최신 에이전트를 다운로드 중입니다.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "아티팩트 다운로드", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "아티팩트 다운로드 실패: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "작업 다운로드 중: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "현재 작업 실행이 완료될 때까지 기다리는 중입니다.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "{0}에 대해 유효한 값을 입력하세요.", + "ErrorOccurred": "오류 발생: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "코드 검사 파일을 게시하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "최종 사용자 사용권 계약", + "Failed": "실패:", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "임시 디렉터리 \u0027{0}\u0027을(를) 삭제하지 못했습니다. {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "에이전트에 태그를 적용하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl-C\u0026gt;를 눌러 종료하세요. 또는 컴퓨터 그룹 웹 페이지로 이동하여 태그를 추가할 수도 있습니다.", + "FailedToConnect": "연결하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl+C\u0026gt;를 눌러 끝내세요.", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "임시 인라인 스크립트 파일 \u0027{0}\u0027을(를) 삭제하지 못했습니다. {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "컴퓨터 그룹을 찾지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl-C\u0026gt;를 클릭하여 종료하세요.", + "FailedToFindPool": "풀 이름을 찾지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl+C\u0026gt;를 눌러 끝내세요.", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "쓰기 위해 서비스 데이터베이스를 잠그지 못했습니다.", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "서비스 제어 관리자를 열지 못했습니다.", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "서비스 제어 관리자를 열지 못했습니다.", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "테스트 결과를 게시하지 못했습니다. {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "{0}을(를) 읽지 못했습니다. 오류: {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "에이전트를 바꾸지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl+C\u0026gt;를 눌러 끝내세요.", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "git 구성에서 \"{0}\"을(를) 제거할 수 없습니다. 자격 증명을 제거하려면 \"{1}\" 리포지토리 루트에서 \"git config --unset-all {0}\"을(를) 실행하세요.", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "서버에 파일을 복사할 수 없음 StatusCode={0}: {1}. 소스 파일 경로: {2}. 대상 서버 경로: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "\u0027{0}\u0027 파일이 없거나 액세스할 수 없습니다.", + "FileNotFound": "\u0027{0}\u0027 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "FileUploadCancelled": "\u0027{0}\u0027 파일을 업로드하는 동안 파일 업로드가 취소되었습니다.", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "업로드하지 못한 파일에 대한 자세한 업로드 추적입니다. {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "\u0027{1}\u0027(으)로 인해 \u0027{0}\u0027을(를) 업로드하지 못했습니다.", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "다시 시도한 후에도 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0}개의 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 잠시 후 이러한 파일을 다시 시도하세요.", + "FileUploadFinish": "\u0027{0}\u0027 파일의 업로드를 완료하는 데 {1}밀리초가 걸렸습니다.", + "FileUploadProgress": "전체 파일: {0} ---- 처리된 파일: {1}({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "\u0027{0}\u0027 업로드 중({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "{0}개의 실패한 파일 업로드 다시 시도를 시작하세요.", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "{0}초 후에 파일 업로드를 다시 시도하세요.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "다시 시도한 후에 파일을 업로드했습니다.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "파일을 업로드했습니다.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "업데이트 스크립트를 생성하고 실행하세요.", + "GetSources": "소스 가져오기", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "{0} 그룹이 없습니다.", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "내부 오류가 발생했습니다. 세부 정보: 잘못된 빌드 또는 코드 검사 도구를 제공했습니다. 빌드 도구 = \u0027{0}\u0027. 검사 도구 = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "빌드 xml \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 파일 구문을 분석하는 중 \u0027{1}\u0027 오류가 발생했습니다. 제공한 파일의 형식이 올바른지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "\u0027클래스 파일 디렉터리\u0027 필드에 대한 입력이 잘못되었습니다. 정규식 또는 파일 경로일 수 없습니다. \u0027클래스 파일 디렉터리\u0027는 쉼표로 구분된 클래스 디렉터리 목록을 허용합니다.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "클래스 포함/제외 필터 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 유효한 필터를 제공하고 다시 시도하세요. 예: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "명령 인수 \u0027{0}\u0027에 다음과 같은 잘못된 문자가 하나 이상 포함되어 있습니다. \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "명령에 유효한 결과 값이 없습니다.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "테스트 결과 파일에서 가져온 최대 완료된 날짜 {0}이(가) 최소 시작 날짜 {1}보다 크므로 각 테스트 실행 기간은 시간 계산에 사용됩니다.", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "{0}에 대해 제공한 구성이 잘못되었습니다. 무인 구성을 종료합니다.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "결과 파일 {0}에서 가져온 날짜 형식이 잘못되었으므로 각 테스트 실행 기간이 시간 계산에 사용됩니다(시작 날짜: {1}, 완료된 날짜: {2}).", + "InvalidFileFormat": "잘못된 파일 형식입니다.", + "InvalidGroupName": "잘못된 그룹 이름 - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "멤버의 계정 유형이 잘못되었기 때문에 새 멤버를 로컬 그룹에 추가할 수 없습니다. 도메인 컨트롤러에서 구성하는 경우 기본 제공 컴퓨터 계정을 로컬 그룹에 추가할 수 없습니다. 대신 도메인 사용자 계정을 사용해야 합니다.", + "InvalidResultFiles": "결과 파일이 잘못되었습니다. 파일 \u0027{0}\u0027의 결과 형식이 \u0027{1}\u0027 테스트 결과 형식과 일치하는지 확인하세요.", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "소스 디렉터리를 가져올 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 관리자에게 문의하세요.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "\u0027{1}\u0027 요약 파일에서 \u0027{0}\u0027에 대한 값을 검색할 수 없습니다. 요약 파일의 형식이 올바른지 확인한 후 다시 시도하세요.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "잘못된 Windows 자격 증명을 입력했습니다. 다시 시도하거나 \u0026lt;Ctrl+C\u0026gt;를 눌러 끝내세요.", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "매개 변수 IsMultiModule을 사용할 수 없습니다. 프로젝트를 단일 모듈 프로젝트로 고려합니다.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: {1} 작업이 완료되었습니다. 결과: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", + "Visual Studio Team Services 에이전트", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "편리한 cmd나 셸 스크립트 래퍼를 사용하여 에이전트를 실행합니다.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "에이전트 버전 정보를 출력합니다.", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version 및 config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version 및 ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "명령줄 도움말을 표시합니다.", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "에이전트를 구성하고 종료합니다.", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", + "에이전트를 구성 해제합니다.", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "에이전트를 대화형으로 실행합니다(구성해야 함).", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "인수 구성:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url 서버의 URL입니다. 예:", + " 또는 http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth 인증 유형입니다. 유효한 옵션은 PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰),", + " 협상(Kerberos 또는 NTLM) 및 통합(Windows 기본 자격 증명)입니다.", + "--pool 에이전트가 참여할 풀 이름입니다.", + "--agent 에이전트 이름입니다.", + "--work 작업 데이터가 저장되는 작업 디렉터리입니다.", + " 기본값으로 에이전트 디렉터리 루트 아래의 _work가 사용됩니다.", + " 작업 디렉터리는 지정된 에이전트가 소유하며 여러 에이전트 간에 공유되어서는 안 됩니다.", + "--windowslogonaccount runasservice 옵션을 선택한 경우 Windows 로그온 계정 이름입니다(Windows에서만 해당).", + "--windowslogonpassword runasservice 옵션을 선택한 경우 Windows 로그온 계정 암호입니다(Windows에서만 해당).", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "인수 제거:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth 인증 유형입니다. 유효한 옵션은 PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰),", + " 협상(Kerberos 또는 NTLM) 및 통합(Windows 기본 자격 증명)입니다.", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "옵션:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended 무인 구성입니다. 메시지가 표시되지 않습니다.", + " 명령줄에 모든 답변을 제공해야 합니다.", + "--acceptteeeula TEE 최종 사용자 사용권 계약에 동의합니다(Linux 및 OSX에서만 해당).", + "--replace 풀의 에이전트를 교체합니다. 다른 에이전트가 해당 이름으로 수신하는 경우", + " 충돌이 발생하며 실패합니다.", + "--runasservice 에이전트를 서비스로 구성합니다(Windows에서만 해당하며, Windows 서비스를 구성하려면 관리자 권한이 필요함).", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "인증 유형별 인수:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token 개인용 액세스 토큰 데이터입니다. 값을 붙여넣는 것이 가장 좋습니다.", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "협상:", + "--username domain\\username 또는 UPN", + "--password windows 계정 암호", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "통합: 추가 인수를 사용하지 마세요.", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "무인 구성 및 구성 해제 예:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "무인 구성을 사용할 경우 반환 코드를 확인해야 합니다.", + "PAT 인증을 사용한 VSTS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "통합(Windows) 및 (Linux/OSX) 협상 인증을 사용한 온-프레미스 TFS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "PAT 인증을 사용하고 기존 에이전트를 같은 에이전트 이름으로 바꾸는 VSTS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "PAT 인증을 사용하고 에이전트 작업 디렉터리를 지정하는 VSTS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "통합 인증을 사용하고 에이전트를 NetworkService로 실행되는 Windows 서비스로 구성하는 온-프레미스 TFS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "통합 인증을 사용하고 도메인 계정으로 실행되는 Windows 서비스로 에이전트를 구성하는 온-프레미스 TFS에 대한 무인 구성", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "PAT 인증을 사용한 VSTS에 대한 무인 구성 해제", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "통합(Windows) 및 (Linux/OSX) 협상 인증을 사용한 온-프레미스 TFS에 대한 무인 구성 해제", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: 작업 수신 중", + "LocalClockSkewed": "로컬 컴퓨터의 클록이 서버 시간과 5분 넘게 동기화되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 클록을 도메인 또는 인터넷 시간과 동기화하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "컴퓨터 그룹 이름", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "MachineGroup을 찾을 수 없습니다. \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "쉼표로 구분된 태그 목록(예: tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "태그가 추가되었습니다.", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "{0} 멤버가 없음", + "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 이상이 필요합니다.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": ".NET Framework x64 4.6 이상이 필요합니다.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 이상이 설치되어 있지 않습니다.", + "", + "TFVC 리포지토리를 동기화하려면 .NET Framework x64 4.6 이상이 필요합니다. Git 리포지토리를 동기화하는 데는 필요하지 않습니다." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "필요한 최소 git 버전은 \u0027{0}\u0027이며, 사용 중인 git(\u0027{1}\u0027) 버전은 \u0027{2}\u0027입니다.", + "MissingAgent": "에이전트가 서버에 더 이상 존재하지 않습니다. 에이전트를 다시 구성하세요.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "작업 첨부 파일을 업로드할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 위치를 지정하지 않았거나 첨부 파일이 디스크에 없습니다.", + "MissingAttachmentName": "작업 첨부 파일을 추가할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 이름을 제공하지 않았습니다.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "작업 첨부 파일을 추가할 수 없습니다. 첨부 파일 형식을 제공하지 않았습니다.", + "MissingConfig": "구성 파일이 없으므로 서버에 연결할 수 없습니다. 서버에서 에이전트 제거를 건너뜁니다.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "타임라인 레코드를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 타임라인 레코드 ID를 제공하지 않았습니다.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Cobertura 인덱스 파일 수정 중", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "이 새 타임라인 레코드의 이름이 필요합니다.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "에이전트를 Windows 서비스로 구성하려면 관리자 권한이 필요합니다.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Windows 서비스로 실행 중인 에이전트의 구성을 취소하려면 관리자 권한이 필요합니다.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "네트워크 서비스 계정을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "NoArtifactsFound": "\u0027{0}\u0027 버전에서 사용할 수 있는 아티팩트가 없습니다. 아티팩트가 해당 버전으로 게시되었는지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "첨부 파일이 허용된 최대 크기를 초과하거나 디스크에서 사용할 수 없으므로 첨부 파일을 건너뜁니다. {0}", + "NotLinux": "이 에이전트 버전은 Linux용으로 빌드되었습니다. OS에 대해 올바른 빌드를 설치하세요.", + "NotOSX": "이 에이전트 버전은 OSX용으로 빌드되었습니다. OS에 대해 올바른 빌드를 설치하세요.", + "NotWindows": "이 에이전트 버전은 Windows용으로 빌드되었습니다. OS에 대해 올바른 빌드를 설치하세요.", + "OperationFailed": "오류: {0} 작업에 실패했으며 반환 코드는 {1}입니다.", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "이 새 타임라인 레코드에 대해 부모 타임라인 레코드가 생성되지 않았습니다.", + "Password": "암호", + "PathNotExist": "{0} 경로가 없습니다.", + "PersonalAccessToken": "개인용 액세스 토큰", + "PlatformNotSupport": "이 플랫폼에서 에이전트 실행이 지원되지 않습니다. 현재 플랫폼은 {0}이며 {1}용으로 빌드되었습니다.", + "PoolNotFound": "\u0027{0}\u0027 에이전트 풀을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell이 설치되지 않았습니다. 필요한 최소 버전: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "작업 실행 처리기를 준비 중입니다.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "\u0027{1}\u0027을(를) 포함하는 디렉터리 앞에 {0} 환경 변수를 추가하는 중입니다.", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "필수 조건", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "프로세스가 완료되었으며 종료 코드는 {0}이고 {1}개의 오류가 오류 스트림에 기록되었습니다.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "프로세스가 완료되었으며 종료 코드는 {0}입니다.", + "ProcessExitCode": "프로세스에서 종료 코드 {0}이(가) 반환되었습니다. 파일 이름 \u0027{1}\u0027, 인수 \u0027{2}\u0027.", + "ProjectName": "프로젝트 이름", + "Prompt0": "{0} 입력", + "Prompt0Default1": "{0} 입력({1}에 대해 \u0026lt;Enter\u0026gt; 키 누름)", + "PSScriptError": "PowerShell 스크립트를 완료했지만 오류가 {0}개 있습니다.", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "코드 검사 게시", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "아티팩트 \u0027{1}\u0027(으)로 \u0027{0}\u0027 게시함", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "TFS 서버에 검사 요약 데이터를 게시하는 중입니다.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "TFS 서버에 코드 검사 파일을 게시하는 중입니다.", + "PublishingTestResults": "테스트 실행 \u0027{0}\u0027에 대한 테스트 결과를 게시하는 중", + "PublishTestResults": "테스트 결과 게시", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "작업 영역 정보를 쿼리 중입니다.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: 에이전트 연결 오류: {1}. 다시 연결될 때까지 {2}초마다 다시 시도합니다.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: 에이전트가 다시 연결되었습니다.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "\u0027{0}\u0027에서 코드 검사 요약을 읽는 중", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "에이전트 등록", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "\u0027{2}\u0027에 대한 코드 검사 파일을 게시하는 동안 \u0027{0}\u0027의 이름을 \u0027{1}\u0027(으)로 바꾸지 못했습니다. 내부 예외: \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "바꾸시겠습니까? (Y/N)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}]는 작업 명령 확장에 대해 인식되는 명령이 아닙니다. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "아티팩트에 유효한 컨테이너 세부 정보가 없습니다. {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "아티팩트에 컨테이너 세부 정보가 없습니다. {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "아티팩트를 다운로드하기 위해 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "{0} 아티팩트 디렉터리가 없습니다.", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "{1} 형식의 연결된 아티팩트 {0}을(를) 다운로드하는 중...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "연결된 아티팩트 {0}을(를) 다운로드했습니다.", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "URL {0}에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하려는 요청을 만들지 못했습니다.", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "아티팩트에 다운로드할 파일이 없습니다.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "빌드 아티팩트 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 명명 패턴과 일치하지 않으므로 다운로드를 건너뜁니다.", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "디렉터리 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 없습니다. 부모 디렉터리 {1}(으)로 대체됩니다.", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "아티팩트 다운로드가 완료되었습니다.", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "현재 버전의 Release Management에서는 아티팩트 형식 {0}의 다운로드를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "ID가 {0}인 아티팩트 버전이 ID가 {1}인 연결된 아티팩트 소스에 속하지 않습니다.", + "RMCachingAllItems": "파일 컨테이너에 있는 모든 항목을 캐시하는 중...", + "RMCachingComplete": "캐싱이 완료되었습니다. ({0}ms)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "파일 컨테이너의 \u0027{0}\u0027 아래에 있는 항목을 캐시하는 중...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "{0} 아티팩트 디렉터리를 정리했습니다.", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "{0} 아티팩트 디렉터리를 정리 중입니다.", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "컨테이너 항목 종류 \u0027{0}\u0027은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "파일 컨테이너 항목 경로가 {0}: {1}(으)로 시작하지 않습니다.", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "{0}초 후에 요청 시간이 초과되었습니다. {1}초 동안 중지한 후 다시 시도합니다. 요청: {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[파일] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "작업에서 사용자 지정 아티팩트 {0}을(를) 다운로드하는 데 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "아티팩트를 다운로드하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "RMDownloadComplete": "다운로드가 완료되었습니다.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "파일 공유에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하는 중: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Jenkins 서버에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하는 중", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0}개의 배치된 파일: {1}개 다운로드됨, {2}개 비어 있음", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{1}KB/초의 속도로 {0}MB를 다운로드했습니다. 다운로드 시간: {2}. 병렬 다운로드 제한: {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "{0}분 후에 완료된 다운로드 작업이 없습니다. 남은 작업 상태:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1}개의 작업.", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "아티팩트 폴더 {0}이(가) 있고 정리되어 있는지 확인하는 중입니다.", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "사용 가능한 환경 변수는 다음과 같습니다. \"_\"을 \".\"로 대체하여 ReleaseDefinition의 작업에서 환경 변수를 참조할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 ReleaseDefinition에서 Agent.Name을 사용하여 AGENT_NAME 환경 변수를 참조할 수 있습니다. {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "{0}을(를) 다운로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "다운로드 중 오류가 발생했습니다. {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "OSX 또는 Linux 에이전트를 사용하여 파일 공유에서 아티팩트를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 서버에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하거나 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync 작업이 {0}분 후에 시간 초과되었습니다.", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "작업에서 Team Foundation Git 아티팩트를 다운로드하는 데 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "GitHub 아티팩트를 다운로드하기 위해 작업에서 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다. {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Jenkins 아티팩트 세부 정보를 검색했습니다.", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Jenkins 아티팩트를 다운로드하기 위해 작업에서 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다. {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "작업 이름: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "상대 경로가 \u0027{0}\u0027인 아티팩트가 없습니다.", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "빌드 {0}에서 사용 가능한 아티팩트가 없습니다. 빌드가 아티팩트를 게시하는지 확인하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Jenkins 서버에서 아티팩트 정보를 가져오기 위해 준비 중", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "아티팩트 다운로드 준비 중: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "빌드에서 사용 가능한 아티팩트 목록을 가져오기 위해 준비 중", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "{0}의 다운로드를 다시 시도하고 있습니다. 오류: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "GitHub 아티팩트 세부 정보를 검색했습니다.", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0}개의 다운로드가 남았습니다.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "다운로드를 다시 시도하는 중...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "아티팩트 다운로드를 시작하는 중...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "릴리스 관리는 현재 버전에서 스트림 형식 {0}의 다운로드를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "작업에서 Team Foundation 버전 제어 아티팩트를 다운로드하는 데 필요한 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "지정된 설정에 따라 아티팩트 다운로드를 건너뜁니다.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA 키 파일 {0}이(가) 없습니다.", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "에이전트를 서비스로 실행하시겠습니까? (Y/N)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: 작업 실행 중: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: 설정이 저장되었습니다.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "도구 기능을 검색하는 중입니다.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "git 자격 증명 자체 관리 모드입니다. 에이전트 호스트 컴퓨터가 모든 git 인증 요청을 건너뛸 수 있는지 확인하세요.", + "ServerTarpit": "현재 작업이 서버에 의해 제한되고 있습니다. 콘솔줄 출력, 작업 상태 보고 및 작업 로그 업로드에서 지연이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "ServerUrl": "서버 URL", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "{0} 서비스는 이미 있으며 대체됩니다.", + "ServiceConfigured": "{0} 서비스가 구성되었습니다.", + "ServiceInstalled": "{0} 서비스를 설치했습니다.", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "{0} 서비스에서 복구 옵션을 설정했습니다.", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "{0} 서비스를 시작했습니다.", + "SessionCreateFailed": "세션을 만들지 못했습니다. {0}", + "SessionExist": "이 에이전트의 세션이 이미 존재합니다.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "{0}초 동안 다시 시도한 후 SessionConflictException에서 다시 시도를 중지합니다.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "단순 복사 리포지토리에서 git checkout이 실패했습니다. 수준이 \u0027{0}\u0027인 git fetch가 체크 아웃 커밋 \u0027{1}\u0027을(를) 포함하지 않기 때문입니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", + "Skipping": "존재하지 않습니다. 건너뜁니다.", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "{0} 형식의 아티팩트에 대한 소스 공급자를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "소스 디렉터리 필드가 지정되지 않았습니다. 코드 검사 보고서에 대해 유효한 소스 디렉터리를 지정하여 강조 표시된 소스 코드를 포함하고 다시 시도하세요.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "소스 디렉터리 필드가 지정되지 않았습니다. 강조 표시된 소스 코드를 포함하려면 코드 검사 보고서의 여러 모듈 프로젝트에 대해 소스 디렉터리 필드가 필요합니다.", + "StepTimedOut": "작업 시간이 초과되었습니다.", + "Success": "성공:", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "소스 리포지토리 끝점을 지원되는 소스 공급자와 일치할 수 없습니다.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "지원되는 작업 실행 처리기가 없습니다. 지원되는 처리기: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "수정 버전 {2}에서 리포지토리 {1}에 대한 분기 {0}을(를) 확인했습니다.", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "비어 있는 상대 서버 경로가 \u0027{0}\u0027(으)로 매핑됩니다.", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "{0} 파일이 이미 있습니다.", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "잘못된 상대 경로 \u0027{0}\u0027이(가) 지정되었습니다.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "로컬 경로({0})에 대한 중복 매핑을 무시합니다.", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "서버 경로({0})에 대한 중복 매핑을 무시합니다.", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "전체 매핑 설정이 무시되었습니다. 전체 분기 매핑을 계속합니다.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "설치된 svn 명령줄 유틸리티를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "리포지토리 동기화: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}]는 작업 명령 확장에 대해 인식되는 명령이 아닙니다. 설명서(를 참조하세요.", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "TFVC 리포지토리의 소스를 작성하려면 Team Explorer Everywhere 최종 사용자 사용권 계약에 동의해야 합니다. 이 단계는 Git 리포지토리의 소스를 작성하는 데에는 필요하지 않습니다.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Team Explorer Everywhere 사용권 계약은 다음에서 찾을 수 있습니다.", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", + "TestAgentConnection": "에이전트 연결을 테스트 중입니다.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "남은 테스트 결과: {0}. 테스트 실행 ID: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "서버 제한으로 인해 작업에서 총 {0}초의 지연이 발생했습니다.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "{0}개의 파일 업로드 중", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "이 새 타임라인 레코드에 대해 형식이 필요합니다.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "{0} 아티팩트 위치에서 아티팩트 형식을 유추할 수 없습니다.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "테스트 결과를 보관할 수 없습니다. {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "레거시 빌드 추적 구성을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 대신 새 빌드 디렉터리가 생성됩니다. 이전 디렉터리가 회수되지 않은 상태로 남아 있을 수 있습니다. 레거시 구성 내용: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "먼저에 따라 서비스를 구성 해제합니다.", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "먼저에 따라 서비스를 구성 해제합니다.", + "UninstallingService": "서비스 제거 중", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "코드 검사 도구 \u0027{0}\u0027은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "\u0027{0}\u0027은(는) 인식할 수 없는 명령줄 입력 인수입니다. 사용법을 보려면 .\\config.cmd --help 또는 ./ --help를 참조하세요.", + "UnregisteringAgent": "서버에서 에이전트를 제거하는 중", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "빌드 번호 업데이트", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "빌드 {1}에 대해 빌드 번호를 {0}(으)로 업데이트", + "UpdateInProgress": "에이전트 업데이트가 진행 중입니다. 에이전트를 종료하지 마세요.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Git 환경을 개선하려면 Git을 최신 버전 \u0027{0}\u0027(으)로 업그레이드하세요. 현재 git 버전은 \u0027{1}\u0027입니다.", + "UploadArtifact": "아티팩트 업로드", + "UploadToFileContainer": "\u0027{1}\u0027 파일 컨테이너로 \u0027{0}\u0027 업로드", + "UserName": "사용자 이름", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "\u0027{0}\u0027 변수를 확장할 수 없습니다. 순환 참조가 검색되었습니다.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "\u0027{0}\u0027 변수를 확장할 수 없습니다. 최대 확장 범위({1})를 초과했습니다.", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe가 완료되었으며 반환 코드는 {0}입니다.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "서비스가 중지되기를 기다리는 중...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "서비스에 사용할 사용자 계정", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "{0} 계정의 암호", + "WorkFolderDescription": "작업 폴더", "Y": "Y" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json index 118e091a00..3ad3a9e6ed 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/ru-RU/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(Да/Нет) Принять лицензионное соглашение Team Explorer Everywhere?", + "AccessDenied": "Отказано в доступе", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Доступ запрещен при задании параметров восстановления службы.", + "AddAgentFailed": "Не удалось добавить агент. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода.", + "AddBuildTag": "Добавить тег сборки", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "настроить теги групп компьютеров для агента? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Агент успешно добавлен", + "AgentExit": "Агент вскоре завершит работу, чтобы обновиться.", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Агент не настроен.", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "пул агентов", + "AgentName": "имя агента", + "AgentReplaced": "Агент успешно заменен", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Агент выполняется за прокси-сервером: \"{0}\"", + "AgentVersion": "Текущая версия агента: \"{0}\"", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Пул {0} уже содержит агент с именем {1}.", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Не удается настроить агент, так как он уже настроен. Чтобы перенастроить агент, сначала выполните команду config.cmd remove или ./ remove.", + "ArgumentNeeded": "Требуется указать \"{0}\".", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] не распознается в качестве команды для расширения команды Artifact. Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Не удалось скачать артефакт из \"{0}\".", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Неподдерживаемое расположение артефакта: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Требуется указать расположение артефакта.", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "Требуется указать имя артефакта.", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Требуется указать тип артефакта.", + "AssociateArtifact": "Связать артефакт", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Артефакт \"{0}\" связан со сборкой \"{1}\"", + "AttachFileNotExist": "Не удается вложить файл (тип: \"{0}\", имя: \"{1}\"): {2}. Файл не существует.", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Выполняется пропуск вложения, так как им превышен максимально допустимый размер: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "Неудачная попытка удалить http.extraheader из конфигурации Git с помощью командной строки Git. Выполняется попытка изменить файл конфигурации Git напрямую, чтобы удалить учетные данные.", + "AuthenticationType": "тип аутентификации", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] не распознается в качестве команды для расширения команды Build. Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "Требуется указать номер сборки.", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "Не удалось добавить тег сборки \"{0}\".", + "BuildTagRequired": "Требуется указать тег сборки.", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "Сборка \"{0}\" имеет следующие теги: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Не удается изменить родительскую запись существующей записи временной шкалы.", + "CannotFindHostName": "Невозможно найти имя учетной записи VSTS в URL-адресе сервера: \"{0}\"", + "CanNotFindService": "Не удается найти службу \"{0}\"", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "Не удается предоставить разрешение LogonAsService пользователю \"{0}\"", + "CanNotSkipTask": "Невозможно пропустить задачу, которая уже запущена.", + "CanNotStartService": "Не удается запустить службу. Подробности см. в журналах.", + "CanNotStopService": "Невозможно остановить службу {0} вовремя.", + "CannotUploadFile": "Не удается отправить файл, так как расположение файла не указано.", + "CannotUploadSummary": "Не удается отправить файл сводки, так как расположение файла сводки не указано.", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Поле каталогов классов не определено. Поле каталогов с файлами классов требуется для проекта с несколькими модулями для создания отчетов об объеме протестированного кода.", + "Cleanup": "Очистка после выполнения задания", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Исключение \"Повторные попытки запроса токена OAuth прекращены\" по истечении {0} с.", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Не удалось включить оценку объема протестированного кода, так как предоставленный файл сборки \"{0}\" пуст. Укажите допустимый файл сборки и повторите попытку.", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] не распознается в качестве команды для расширения команды Task. Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "Данные об объеме протестированного кода не найдены. Подробности см. в сообщениях об ошибках и предупреждениях сборки.", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Оценка объема протестированного кода \"{0}\" для \"{1}\" успешно включена", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Публикация информации об объеме протестированного кода работает только для \"build\".", + "CollectionName": "Название коллекции", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\"{0}\" содержит ключевое слово команды ведения журнала \"##vso\", но оно не является правильной командой. Ознакомьтесь с документацией, чтобы выявить и исправить любые возможные ошибки в синтаксисе (", + "CommandNotFound": "Не удается найти расширение команды для ##vso[{0}.command]. Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "Не удалось обработать команду \"{0}\". Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", + "ConnectingToServer": "Подключение к серверу...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "Подключение", + "ConnectToServer": "Подключение к серверу.", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "Не удалось удалить службу \"{0}\"", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Путь к файлу журнала не указан, или файл не существует: \"{0}\"", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Путь к файлу сводки Markdown не указан, или файл не существует: \"{0}\"", + "Deleting": "Удаление \"{0}\"", + "DeletingCredentials": "Удаление CREDENTIALS-файла", + "DeletingSettings": "Удаление AGENT-файла", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Разрешение на чтение содержимого каталога требуется для \"{0}\" и каждого каталога до верхнего уровня иерархии. {1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Каталог \"{0}\" пуст. В артефакт сборки \"{1}\" ничего не будет добавлено.", + "DirectoryNotFound": "Каталог не найден: \"{0}\"", + "DownloadAgent": "Скачивание последней версии агента.", + "DownloadArtifacts": "Скачать артефакты", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Сбой при скачивании артефактов: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "Скачивание задачи: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "Ожидание завершения текущего задания.", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "Введите допустимое значение для \"{0}\".", + "ErrorOccurred": "Произошла ошибка: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "При публикации файлов с данными об объеме протестированного кода возникла ошибка: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "Лицензионные соглашения", + "Failed": "Сбой: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Не удалось удалить временный каталог \"{0}\". {1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "Не удалось применить теги к агенту. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода. Кроме того, вы можете перейти на веб-страницу групп компьютеров, чтобы добавить теги.", + "FailedToConnect": "Не удалось подключиться. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода.", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Не удалось удалить временный встроенный файл скрипта \"{0}\". {1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "Не удалось найти группу компьютеров. Повторите попытку или нажмите CTRL+C для выхода.", + "FailedToFindPool": "Не удалось найти имя пула. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода.", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Не удалось заблокировать запись в базу данных службы", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "Не удалось открыть диспетчер служб", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Не удалось открыть диспетчер служб", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Не удалось опубликовать результаты теста: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "Не удалось считать \"{0}\". Ошибка: {1}.", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Не удалось заменить агент. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода.", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "Не удалось удалить \"{0}\" из конфигурации git. Чтобы удалить учетные данные, выполните команду \"git config --unset-all {0}\" в корне репозитория \"{1}\".", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Не удалось скопировать файл на сервер. Код состояния (StatusCode) — {0}: {1}. Путь к исходному файлу: \"{2}\". Путь на целевом сервере: \"{3}\"", + "FileDoesNotExist": "Файл \"{0}\" не существует или не доступен.", + "FileNotFound": "Файл не найден: \"{0}\"", + "FileUploadCancelled": "Отправка файла была отменена во время передачи файла: \"{0}\".", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Данные трассировки при отправке для файла, который не удалось отправить: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "Не удалось отправить \"{0}\". Причина: \"{1}\".", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "Не удалось отправить файл даже после повторной попытки.", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "Не удалось отправить файлы ({0}); повторите попытку через минуту.", + "FileUploadFinish": "Для завершения отправки файла \"{0}\" потребовалось {1} мс", + "FileUploadProgress": "Всего файлов: {0}. ---- Обработано файлов: {1} ({2} %)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Отправка \"{0}\" ({1} %)", + "FileUploadRetry": "Запуск следующей попытки отправки файлов, которые не удалось передать (номер {0}).", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Повторная попытка отправки файла через {0} с.", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "Файл успешно отправлен после повторной попытки.", + "FileUploadSucceed": "Файл успешно отправлен.", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Создание и выполнение скрипта обновления.", + "GetSources": "Получить исходные коды", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "Группа \"{0}\" не существует", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "Произошла внутренняя ошибка. Подробности: указано недопустимое средство сборки или средство оценки объемов протестированного кода. Средство сборки — \"{0}\". Средство оценки объемов протестированного кода — \"{1}\". ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "Недопустимый XML-файл сборки \"{0}\". Произошла ошибка \"{1}\" при анализе файла. Убедитесь, что предоставленный файл имеет правильный формат, и повторите попытку.", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Недопустимые входные данные для поля \"Каталог файлов классов\". Входные данные не должны быть регулярным выражением или путем к файлу. В поле \"Каталог файлов классов\" допускается список каталогов с запятой в качестве разделителя.", + "InvalidClassFilter": "Фильтр \"Включение и исключение классов\" \"{0}\" недопустим. Укажите допустимый фильтр и повторите попытку. Пример: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "Аргумент \"{0}\" команды содержит один из следующих недопустимых символов (или несколько): \", \\r, \\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "Команда не имеет допустимого значения результата.", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "Продолжительность каждого тестового запуска будет использоваться для расчета времени, так как максимальная дата завершения ({0}), полученная из файла результатов теста, больше, чем минимальная дата начала ({1})", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Для \"{0}\" указана недопустимая конфигурация. Завершение автоматической настройки.", + "InvalidDateFormat": "Продолжительность каждого тестового запуска будет использоваться для расчета времени, так как из файла результатов получен недопустимый формат даты: \"{0}\" (дата начала: \"{1}\", дата завершения: \"{2}\").", + "InvalidFileFormat": "Формат файла недопустим.", + "InvalidGroupName": "Недопустимое имя группы — {0}", + "InvalidMember": "Не удалось добавить нового члена в локальную группу, так как член имеет неверный тип учетной записи. Если идет настройка контроллера домена, то встроенные учетные записи компьютера не могут быть добавлены в локальные группы. Вместо этого необходимо использовать учетную запись пользователя домена.", + "InvalidResultFiles": "Недопустимый файл результатов. Проверьте, соответствует ли формат результатов в файле \"{0}\" формату результатов теста \"{1}\".", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Не удается получить исходный каталог. Обратитесь к администратору за дополнительными сведениями.", + "InvalidValueInXml": "Не удалось извлечь значение для \"{0}\" из файла сводки \"{1}\". Убедитесь, что файл сводки имеет правильный формат и повторите попытку.", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Введены недопустимые учетные данные Windows. Повторите попытку или нажмите клавиши CTRL+C для выхода.", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Параметр IsMultiModule недоступен. Проект будет рассматриваться как одномодульный.", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: задание \"{1}\" завершено с результатом \"{2}\"", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", - "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", + "Агент Visual Studio Team Services", + "(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation)", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "Запустите агент, используя удобные оболочки сценария оболочки или командной строки.", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "Печать сведений о версии агента:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version и config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version и ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Вывод справки по командной строке:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Настройка агента и выход:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [аргументы] [параметры]", + "Unix : ./ [аргументы] [параметры]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", + "Отмена настройки агента:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "Запуск агента в интерактивном режиме (необходимо настроить):", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [аргументы] [параметры]", + "Unix : ./ [аргументы] [параметры]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "Аргументы настройки:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url URL-адрес сервера. Примеры:", + " или http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth Тип проверки подлинности. Допустимые варианты: PAT (личный маркер доступа),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos или NTLM) и Integrated (учетные данные Windows по умолчанию).", + "--pool Имя пула, к которому присоединяется агент.", + "--agent Имя агента", + "--work Рабочий каталог, в котором хранятся данные задания.", + " Значение по умолчанию: _work в корне каталога агента.", + " Рабочий каталог принадлежит конкретному агенту и не может совместно использоваться несколькими агентами.", + "--windowslogonaccount Имя учетной записи Windows для входа, если выбран параметр runasservice (только для Windows).", + "--windowslogonpassword Пароль для учетной записи Windows для входа, если выбран параметр runasservice (только для Windows).", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "Аргументы удаления:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth Тип проверки подлинности. Допустимые варианты: PAT (личный маркер доступа),", + " Negotiate (Kerberos или NTLM) и Integrated (учетные данные Windows по умолчанию).", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "Параметры:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended Автоматическая настройка. Запросы не будут отображаться.", + " Все ответы должны быть указаны в командной строке.", + "--acceptteeeula Принятие лицензионного соглашения конечного пользователя TEE (только для Linux и OSX).", + "--replace Замена агента в пуле. Если другой агент осуществляет прослушивание", + " и имеет это же имя, то произойдет сбой в его работе по причине конфликта.", + "--runasservice Настройка агента как службы (только для Windows, для настройки служб Windows требуются права администратора).", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "Аргументы по типу проверки подлинности:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token Данные личного маркера доступа. Наиболее оптимальный вариант — вставить значение.", "", "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "--username домен\\имя пользователя или UPN", + "--password Пароль учетной записи Windows", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "Integrated: не требует дополнительных аргументов", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "Примеры автоматической настройки и отмены настройки:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "Автоматическая настройка. Рекомендуется проверять коды возврата.", + "Автоматическая настройка для VSTS с типом проверки подлинности PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Автоматическая настройка для локальной версии TFS с типом проверки подлинности Integrated (Windows) и Negotiate (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "Автоматическая настройка для VSTS с типом проверки подлинности PAT и заменой существующего агента агентом с тем же именем", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "Автоматическая настройка для VSTS с типом проверки подлинности PAT и указанием рабочего каталога агента", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "Автоматическая настройка для локальной версии TFS с интегрированной проверкой подлинности и настройкой агента как службы Windows, выполняемой как NetworkService", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "Автоматическая настройка для локальной версии TFS с интегрированной проверкой подлинности и настройкой агента как службы Windows, выполняемой как учетная запись домена", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "Автоматическая настройка для VSTS с типом проверки подлинности PAT", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "Автоматическая настройка для локальной версии TFS с типом проверки подлинности Integrated (Windows) и Negotiate (Linux/OSX)", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", - "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", - "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: ожидание заданий", + "LocalClockSkewed": "Возможно, часы локального компьютера не синхронизированы с временем сервера, и время отличается более, чем на пять минут. Синхронизируйте часы с временем вашего домена или временем Интернета и повторите попытку.", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "Название группы компьютеров", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "Группа компьютеров (MachineGroup) не найдена: \"{0}\".", + "MachineGroupTags": "Список тегов, разделенный запятыми (например, tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "Теги успешно добавлены.", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "Член \"{0}\" не существует", + "MinimumNetFramework": "Требуется 64-разрядная (x64) платформа .NET Framework 4.5 или более поздней версии.", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "Требуется платформа .NET Framework x64 версии 4.6 или более поздней.", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + "Платформа .NET Framework x64 версии 4.6 или более поздней не установлена.", + "", + "Эта платформа необходима для синхронизации с репозиториями TFVC и не требуется для синхронизации с репозиториями Git." + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Минимальная обязательная версия Git — \"{0}\"; ваша версия Git ({1}) — \"{2}\"", + "MissingAgent": "Агент больше не существует на сервере. Настройте агент повторно.", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "Не удается отправить файл вложения задачи, так как расположение файла вложения не указано или файл не существует на диске", + "MissingAttachmentName": "Не удается добавить вложение для задачи; имя вложения не указано.", + "MissingAttachmentType": "Не удается добавить вложение для задачи; тип вложения не указан.", + "MissingConfig": "Не удается подключиться к серверу, так как отсутствуют файлы конфигурации. Выполняется пропуск удаления агента с сервера.", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Не удается обновить запись временной шкалы, так как идентификатор записи временной шкалы не указан.", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Изменение файла индекса Cobertura", + "N": "Н", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Требуется указать имя для этой новой записи временной шкалы.", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Для настройки агента в качестве службы Windows требуются права администратора.", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "Для отмены настройки агента, запущенного в качестве службы Windows, нужны права администратора.", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Не удается найти учетную запись сетевой службы", + "NoArtifactsFound": "Артефакты недоступны в версии \"{0}\". Убедитесь, что артефакт опубликован с версией, и повторите попытку.", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Выполняется пропуск вложения, так как им превышен максимально допустимый размер или оно не доступно на диске: {0}", + "NotLinux": "Эта версия агента создана для Linux. Установите правильную сборку для своей операционной системы.", + "NotOSX": "Эта версия агента создана для OSX. Установите правильную сборку для своей операционной системы.", + "NotWindows": "Эта версия агента создана для Windows. Установите правильную сборку для своей операционной системы.", + "OperationFailed": "Ошибка: сбой операции \"{0}\" с кодом возврата {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Родительская запись временной шкалы не была создана для этой новой записи временной шкалы.", + "Password": "пароль", + "PathNotExist": "Путь не существует: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "личный маркер доступа", + "PlatformNotSupport": "Запуск агента на этой платформе не поддерживается. Текущая платформа — \"{0}\", а агент создан для \"{1}\".", + "PoolNotFound": "Пул агентов не найден: \"{0}\"", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell не установлен. Минимальная требуемая версия: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Подготовка обработчика выполнения задач.", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Добавление в начало переменной среды \"{0}\" каталога, содержащего \"{1}\".", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "Необходимые компоненты", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Процесс завершен с кодом выхода {0} и имеет следующее число ошибок, записанных в поток ошибок: {1}.", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Процесс завершен с кодом выхода {0}.", + "ProcessExitCode": "Процесс возвратил код выхода {0}. Имя файла: \"{1}\", аргументы: \"{2}\".", + "ProjectName": "Название проекта", + "Prompt0": "Введите \"{0}\"", + "Prompt0Default1": "Введите \"{0}\" (нажмите клавишу ВВОД для \"{1}\")", + "PSScriptError": "Скрипт PowerShell выполнен с ошибками ({0} шт.).", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "Опубликовать информацию об объеме протестированного кода", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Объект \"{0}\" опубликован в качестве артефакта \"{1}\"", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Публикация сводных данных об объеме протестированного кода на сервер TFS.", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Публикация файлов с информацией об объеме протестированного кода на сервер TFS.", + "PublishingTestResults": "Публикация результатов теста в тестовый запуск \"{0}\"", + "PublishTestResults": "Публикация результатов теста", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Запрос данных о рабочей области.", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: ошибка при подключении агента: {1}. Выполняется повтор каждые {2} с, пока не будет выполнено повторное подключение.", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: агент повторно подключен.", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Чтение сводки об объеме протестированного кода из \"{0}\"", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Регистрация агента", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Сбой переименования \"{0}\" в \"{1}\" при публикации файлов с данными об объеме протестированного кода для \"{2}\". Внутреннее исключение: \"{3}\".", + "Replace": "заменить? ([Д]а/[Н]ет)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] не распознается в качестве команды для расширения команды Task. TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "Для артефакта отсутствуют допустимые данные о контейнере: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "Для артефакта отсутствуют данные о контейнере: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Не удается найти данные, требуемые для скачивания артефакта.", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "Каталог артефактов не существует: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Скачивание связанного артефакта \"{0}\" типа {1}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Связанный артефакт \"{0}\" скачан", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Не удалось создать запрос на скачивание артефакта по URL-адресу: {0}.", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "Артефакт не содержит файлы для скачивания.", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "Артефакт сборки \"{0}\" не соответствует какому-либо шаблону именования, выполняется пропуск скачивания", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Каталог \"{0}\" не существует. Выполняется возврат в родительский каталог: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Скачивание артефактов завершено", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Система управления выпусками не поддерживает скачивание артефакта типа \"{0}\" в текущей версии", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "Версия артефакта с ИД \"{0}\" не принадлежит связанному источнику артефактов с ИД \"{1}\".", + "RMCachingAllItems": "Кэширование всех элементов в контейнере файлов...", + "RMCachingComplete": "Кэширование завершено ({0} мс).", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "Кэширование элементов в \"{0}\" в контейнере файлов...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Очищен каталог артефактов: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Выполняется очистка каталога артефактов: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Тип элемента контейнера \"{0}\" не поддерживается.", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "Путь к элементу контейнера файлов не начинается с \"{0}\": {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Время ожидания запроса истекло через {0} с. Ожидание перед повторной попыткой: {1} с. Запрос: {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[Файл] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Невозможно найти обязательные данные в задании для скачивания настраиваемого артефакта: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Произошла непредвиденная ошибка при скачивании артефактов", + "RMDownloadComplete": "Скачивание завершено.", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Скачивание артефактов из общего файлового ресурса: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Скачивание артефактов с сервера Jenkins", + "RMDownloadProgress": "Размещено файлов: {0}; скачано: {1}, пустых: {2}", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "Скачано {0} МБ при скорости {1} КБ/с. Потрачено времени: {2}. Ограничение на параллельные потоки скачивания: {3}.", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "Нет задач скачивания, выполненных в течение {0} мин. Состояние остальных задач:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \tзадач: {1}.", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "Проверка того, существует ли папка {0} и пуста ли она.", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Доступные переменные среды приведены ниже. Обратите внимание, что на эти переменные среды можно сослаться в задаче (в ReleaseDefinition), заменив \"_\" на \".\", например на переменную среды AGENT_NAME можно сослаться с помощью Agent.Name в ReleaseDefinition: {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Ошибка при скачивании \"{0}\": {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "Произошла ошибка при скачивании: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "Не удалось скачать артефакты из общего файлового ресурса при помощи агента для OS X или Linux. Вы можете скачать артефакт с сервера или воспользоваться агентом для Windows.", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "Истекло время ожидания задачи FetchEngine.GetFileAsync (прошло {0} мин).", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Невозможно найти обязательные данные в задании для скачивания артефакта Git Team Foundation.", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Не удается найти данные в задании, требуемые для скачивания артефакта GitHub: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Данные об артефакте Jenkins получены", + "RMJenkinsBuildId": "Идентификатор сборки: {0}", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Не удается найти данные в задании, требуемые для скачивания артефакта Jenkins: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "Имя задания: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "Не найдено артефактов с относительным путем \"{0}\"", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "В сборке \"{0}\" нет артефактов. Проверьте, публикует ли сборка артефакт, и повторите попытку.", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Идет подготовка к получению данных о артефактах с сервера Jenkins", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "Идет подготовка к скачиванию артефакта: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Идет подготовка к получению списка доступных артефактов из сборки", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Повторная попытка скачивания \"{0}\". Ошибка: {1}.", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Данные об артефакте GitHub получены", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "Осталось скачать (файлов): {0}.", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Повторная попытка скачивания...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Запуск скачивания артефактов...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Управление выпусками не поддерживает скачивание типа потока \"{0}\" в текущей версии", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Не удается найти обязательные данные в задании для скачивания артефакта системы управления версиями Team Foundation.", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Выполняется пропуск скачивания артефактов на основании указанных настроек.", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "Файл ключа RSA \"{0}\" не найден", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "запустить агент в качестве службы? ([Д]а/[Н]ет)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: выполнение задания: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: настройки сохранены.", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "Изучение возможностей средства.", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "Используется режим самостоятельного управления учетными данными Git. Убедитесь, что компьютер, на котором размещается агент, может обходить любые запросы проверки подлинности Git.", + "ServerTarpit": "Сейчас задание регулируется сервером. Могут возникать задержки при выводе данных в строке консоли, передаче данных о состоянии заданий и отправке журналов задач.", + "ServerUrl": "URL-адрес сервера", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "Служба уже существует: {0}; она будет заменена", + "ServiceConfigured": "Служба \"{0}\" успешно настроена", + "ServiceInstalled": "Служба \"{0}\" успешно установлена", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Для службы \"{0}\" успешно задан вариант восстановления", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Служба \"{0}\" успешно запущена", + "SessionCreateFailed": "Не удалось создать сеанс. {0}", + "SessionExist": "Сеанс для этого агента уже существует.", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "Остановить выполнение повторных попыток при SessionConflictException после очередной повторной попытки на {0} с.", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "Сбой при получении данных для изменения из Git в неполном репозитории, это может быть вызвано тем, что получение данных для изменения в Git с глубиной \"{0}\" не включает фиксацию получения для изменения \"{1}\". Обратитесь к документации (", + "Skipping": "Не существует. Выполняется пропуск ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Невозможно найти поставщик источника для артефакта типа \"{0}\"", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Поле исходных каталогов не определено. Укажите допустимые исходные каталоги для отчетов об объеме протестированного кода для включения выделенного исходного кода и повторите попытку.", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Поле исходных каталогов не определено. Поле исходных каталогов требуется для проекта с несколькими модулями для включения выделенного исходного кода в отчеты об объеме протестированного кода.", + "StepTimedOut": "Истекло время ожидания для задачи.", + "Success": "Успешно выполнено: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Не удалось сопоставить исходные конечные точки репозитория с конечными точками поддерживаемых исходных поставщиков.", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Поддерживаемый обработчик выполнения задач не найден. Поддерживаемые обработчики: \"{0}\".", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Ветвь \"{0}\" для репозитория \"{1}\" в редакции \"{2}\" получена для изменения", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "Пустой относительный путь на сервере сопоставлен с \"{0}\".", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "Файл \"{0}\" уже существует", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Указан неверный относительный путь к \"{0}\".", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Пропуск повторяющихся сопоставлений для локального пути: {0}", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Пропуск повторяющихся сопоставлений для пути на сервере: {0}", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "Весь набор сопоставления игнорируется. Операция будет продолжена с полным сопоставлением ветви.", + "SvnNotInstalled": "Не удается найти установленную служебную программу командной строки svn", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "Синхронизация репозитория: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] не распознается в качестве команды для расширения команды Task. Ознакомьтесь с документацией (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "Для привязки источников из репозитория TFVC требуется принять лицензионное соглашение Team Explorer Everywhere. Этот шаг не требуется для привязки источников из репозиториев Git.", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Копию лицензионного соглашения Team Explorer Everywhere можно найти по адресу:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "Проверка подключения агента.", + "TestResultsRemaining": "Оставшиеся результаты теста: {0}. Идентификатор тестового запуска: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "Общее время задержки задания, вызванное регулированием сервера, составило {0} с.", + "TotalUploadFiles": "Отправка файлов: {0}", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Требуется указать тип для этой новой записи временной шкалы.", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Не удается вывести тип артефакта из расположения артефактов: {0}.", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "Не удается архивировать результаты теста: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Не удается проанализировать устаревшую конфигурацию отслеживания сборок. Вместо этого будет создан новый каталог сборки. Предыдущий каталог можно оставить в том виде, в каком он сейчас есть. Содержимое устаревшей конфигурации: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "Сначала отмените настройку службы, как описано на странице", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "Сначала отмените настройку службы, как описано на странице", + "UninstallingService": "Удаление службы", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Средство оценки объемов протестированного кода \"{0}\" не поддерживается.", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "Неизвестные входные аргументы командной строки: \"{0}\". Для получения справки выполните команду: .\\config.cmd --help или ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "Удаление агента с сервера", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "Изменение номера сборки", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Изменение номера сборки на \"{0}\" для сборки \"{1}\"", + "UpdateInProgress": "Выполняется обновление агента, не завершайте его работу.", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "Чтобы получить доступ к более эффективным функциям Git, обновите Git как минимум до версии \"{0}\" (текущая версия — \"{1}\").", + "UploadArtifact": "Отправить артефакт", + "UploadToFileContainer": "Отправка \"{0}\" в контейнер файлов \"{1}\"", + "UserName": "имя пользователя", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Не удается развернуть переменную \"{0}\". Обнаружена циклическая ссылка.", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Не удается развернуть переменную \"{0}\". Превышена максимальная глубина расширения ({1}).", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe завершен с кодом возврата: {0}.", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "Ожидание остановки службы...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "Учетная запись пользователя, которую требуется использовать для службы", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Пароль для учетной записи \"{0}\"", + "WorkFolderDescription": "рабочая папка", + "Y": "Д" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json index 118e091a00..00b59af161 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-CN/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,423 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "是否现在接受 Team Explorer Everywhere 许可协议? (是/否)", + "AccessDenied": "访问被拒绝", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "设置服务恢复选项时拒绝访问。", + "AddAgentFailed": "未能添加代理。请重试或按 Ctrl-C 退出", + "AddBuildTag": "添加版本标记", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "是否为代理配置计算机组标记? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "已成功添加代理", + "AgentExit": "代理将短暂退出以进行更新。", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "未配置代理。", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "代理池", + "AgentName": "代理名称", + "AgentReplaced": "已成功替换代理", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "代理正在代理服务器后面运行:“{0}”", + "AgentVersion": "当前代理版本:“{0}”", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "池 {0} 已包含名为 {1} 的代理。", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "无法配置此代理,因为已配置。要重新配置此代理,请首先运行 \"config.cmd remove\" 或 \"./ remove\"。", + "ArgumentNeeded": "必须指定“{0}”。", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] 不属于已识别的项目命令扩展的命令。请参阅参考文档(", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "未能从 {0} 下载项目。", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "不支持项目位置: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "项目位置必填。", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "项目名称必填。", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "项目类型必填。", + "AssociateArtifact": "关联项目", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "已将项目 {0} 与生成 {1} 关联", + "AttachFileNotExist": "无法附加(类型:{0} 名称:{1})文件: {2}。文件不存在。", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "正在跳过附件,因为它超出了允许的最大大小: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "尝试使用 git 命令行从 git 配置中删除 \"http.extraheader\" 失败。试图直接修改 git 配置文件以删除凭据。", + "AuthenticationType": "身份验证类型", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] 不属于已识别的生成命令扩展的命令。请参阅参考文档(", + "BuildNumberRequired": "版本编号必填。", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "未成功添加版本标记“{0}”。", + "BuildTagRequired": "版本标记必填。", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "现在,版本“{0}”拥有下列标记: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "无法更改现有时间线记录的父时间线记录。", + "CannotFindHostName": "无法从以下服务器 URL 找到 VSTS 帐户名称:“{0}”", + "CanNotFindService": "找不到服务 {0}", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "无法将 LogonAsService 权限授予用户 {0}", + "CanNotSkipTask": "无法跳过已开始的任务。", + "CanNotStartService": "无法启动该服务。请查看日志以获取更多详细信息。", + "CanNotStopService": "无法及时停止服务 {0}。", + "CannotUploadFile": "无法上传文件,因为未指定文件位置。", + "CannotUploadSummary": "无法上传摘要文件,因为未指定摘要文件位置。", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "未指定类目录字段。对于多模块项目,类文件目录字段必填,以生成代码覆盖率报告。", + "Cleanup": "发布作业清理", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "{0} 秒后,停止重试 OAuth 令牌请求异常。", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "未能启用代码覆盖率,因为提供的生成文件“{0}”为空。请提供有效的生成文件并重试。", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] 不属于已识别的任务命令扩展的命令。请参阅参考文档(", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "未找到覆盖率数据。有关详细信息,请查看生成错误/警告。", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "已成功启用“{1}”的“{0}”代码覆盖率", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "发布代码覆盖率仅适用于“生成”。", + "CollectionName": "集合名称", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "“{0}”包含日志记录命令关键字“##vso”,但它不是合法的命令。请参阅文档以修复任何可能的语法错误(", + "CommandNotFound": "找不到 ##vso[{0}.command] 的命令扩展。请参阅文档(", + "CommandProcessFailed": "无法成功处理命令“{0}”。请参阅文档(", + "ConnectingToServer": "正在连接到服务器...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "连接", + "ConnectToServer": "正在连接到服务器。", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "无法删除服务“{0}”", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "未提供日志文件路径或文件不存在:“{0}”", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "未提供标记摘要文件路径或文件不存在:“{0}”", + "Deleting": "正在删除: {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": "正在删除 .credentials", + "DeletingSettings": "正在删除 .agent", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "对于“{0}”和层次结构中的每个目录,读取目录内容的权限是必需的。{1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "目录“{0}”为空。没有要添加到生成项目“{1}”的内容。", + "DirectoryNotFound": "找不到目录:“{0}”", + "DownloadAgent": "正在下载最新的代理。", + "DownloadArtifacts": "下载项目", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "下载项目失败: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "正在下载任务: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "等待当前作业完成运行。", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "为 {0} 输入一个有效值。", + "ErrorOccurred": "发生了错误: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "发布代码覆盖率文件时出错。错误: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "最终用户许可协议", + "Failed": "失败: ", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "删除临时目录“{0}”失败。{1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "未能向代理应用标记。请重试或按 ctrl-c 退出。此外,还可转到计算机组网页添加标记", + "FailedToConnect": "连接失败。请重试或按 Ctrl-C 退出", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "删除临时内联脚本文件“{0}”失败。{1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "未能找到计算机组。再次尝试或按 ctrl-c 退出", + "FailedToFindPool": "未能找到池名称。请重试或按 Ctrl-C 退出", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "无法将服务数据库锁定为“写入”", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "无法打开服务控制管理器", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "未能打开服务控制管理器", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "未能发布测试结果: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "读取 {0} 失败。错误: {1}。", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "替换代理失败。请重试或按 Ctrl-C 退出", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "无法从 git 配置中删除“{0}”。若要删除凭据,请从存储库根路径“{1}”中执行 \"git config --unset-all {0}\"。", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "无法将文件复制到服务器 StatusCode={0}: {1}。源文件路径: {2}。目标服务器路径: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "文件“{0}”不存在或不可访问。", + "FileNotFound": "找不到文件:“{0}”", + "FileUploadCancelled": "上传文件“{0}”期间已取消文件上传。", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "无法上传的文件的详细信息上传跟踪: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "由于“{1}”,无法上传“{0}”。", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "重试后仍无法上传文件。", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} 个文件上传失败,请一分钟后重试。", + "FileUploadFinish": "文件“{0}”花了 {1} 毫秒才完成上传", + "FileUploadProgress": "文件总计: {0} ---- 已处理文件: {1} ({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "正在上传“{0}”({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "开始第 {0} 此重试失败的文件上传。", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "{0} 秒后重试文件上传。", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "重试后文件上传成功。", + "FileUploadSucceed": "文件上传成功。", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "生成并执行更新脚本。", + "GetSources": "获取资源", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "组: {0} 不存在", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "发生内部错误。详情: 提供的生成或代码覆盖率工具无效。生成工具 =“{0}”。覆盖率工具 =“{1}”。 ", + "InvalidBuildXml": "无效的生成 xml“{0}”。分析文件时发生错误“{1}”。请确保提供的文件格式正确并重试。", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "“类文件目录”字段的输入无效。它不应该为正则表达式或文件路径。“类文件目录”接受以逗号分隔的类目录列表。", + "InvalidClassFilter": "类包含/排除筛选器“{0}”无效。请提供有效的筛选器并重试。示例: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "命令参数“{0}”包含一个或多个以下无效字符: \"、\\r、\\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "命令没有有效的结果值。", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "每个测试运行的持续时间将用作时间计算,因为从测试结果文件获取的最晚完成日期 {0} 晚于最早开始日期 {1}。", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "为 {0} 提供的配置无效。正在终止无人参与配置。", + "InvalidDateFormat": "每个测试运行的持续时间将用作时间计算,因为从测试结果文件获得的日期格式无效: {0} (开始日期: {1},完成日期: {2}", + "InvalidFileFormat": "文件格式无效。", + "InvalidGroupName": "无效的组名称 - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "无法将新成员添加到本地组,因为该成员的帐户类型有误。如果你是在域控制器中进行配置,则无法将内置计算机帐户添加到本地组。必须改用域用户帐户", + "InvalidResultFiles": "无效的结果文件。请确保文件“{0}”的结果格式匹配“{1}”测试结果格式。", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "无法获取资源目录。有关详细信息,请联系你的管理员。", + "InvalidValueInXml": "无法从摘要文件“{1}”中检索“{0}”的值。请验证摘要文件的格式是否正确并重试。", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "输入的窗口凭据无效。请重试或按 Ctrl-C 退出", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "参数 IsMultiModule 不可用。请将该项目视为单一模块项目。", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: 作业 {1} 已完成,结果为: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ - "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", - "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", + "Visual Studio Team Services 代理", + "版权所有(c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "使用方便 cmd 或 shell 脚本包装器运行代理。", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "打印代理版本信息:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --version 和 config.cmd --commit", + "Unix : ./ --version 和 ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "显示命令行帮助:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix : ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "配置代理并退出:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", + "取消配置代理:", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove", "Unix : ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "以交互方式运行代理(必需配置):", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [arguments] [options]", + "Unix : ./ [arguments] [options]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "配置参数:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url 服务器的 URL。示例:", + " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth 身份验证类型。有效选项有 PAT (个人访问令牌)、", + " 协商(Kerberos 或 NTLM)和集成(Windows 默认凭据)", + "--pool 要加入的代理的池名称", + "--agent 代理名称", + "--work 存储作业数据的工作目录。", + " 默认为代理目录根目录下的 _work。", + " 工作目录为给定代理所有,不应在多个代理间共享。", + "--windowslogonaccount 选择 runasservice 选项时的 Windows 登录帐户名(仅限 Windows)", + "--windowslogonpassword 选择 runasservice 选项时的 Windows 登录帐户密码(仅限 Windows)", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "删除参数:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth 身份验证类型。有效选项有 PAT (个人访问令牌)、", + " 协商(Kerberos 或 NTLM)和集成(Windows 默认凭据)", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "选项:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended 无人参与的配置。不会进行提示。", + " 必需向命令行提供所有答案。", + "--acceptteeeula 接受 TEE 最终用户许可协议(仅限 Linux 和 OSX)", + "--replace 替换池中代理。如果列出了同名代理,", + " 可能因冲突而故障。", + "--runasservice 配置代理即服务。(仅限 Windows,需具有管理权限才能配置 Windows 服务)", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "参数(按身份验证类型):", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token 个人访问令牌数据。最好通过粘贴输入值。", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "协商:", + "--username domain\\username 或 UPN", + "--password Windows 帐户密码", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "集成: 不接受其他任何参数", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "无人参与的配置或未配置的示例:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "使用无人参与的配置时请记得检查返回代码", + "使用 PAT 身份验证进行无人参与的 VSTS 配置", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "\r\\使用集成(Windows)和(Linux/OSX)协商身份验证进行无人参与的本地 TFS 配置", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "使用 PAT 身份验证进行无人参与的 VSTS 配置,并将现有代理替换为同一代理名称", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "使用 PAT 身份验证进行无人参与的 VSTS 配置,并指定代理工作目录", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "使用集成身份验证进行无人参与的本地 TFS 配置,并将 Windows 服务即代理配置为以 NetworkService 身份运行", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "使用集成身份验证进行无人参与的本地 TFS 配置,并将 Windows 服务即代理配置为以域帐户身份运", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "使用 PAT 身份验证进行无人参与的 VSTS 配置", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "\r\\使用集成(Windows)和(Linux/OSX)协商身份验证进行无人参与的本地 TFS 配置", + "Win : .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: 侦听作业", + "LocalClockSkewed": "本地计算机的时钟可能与服务器的时间不同步(超过五分钟)。请将时钟与域的时间或 Internet 的时间同步,然后重试。", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "计算机组名称", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "MachineGroup 未找到:“{0}”", + "MachineGroupTags": "逗号分隔的标记列表(例如 tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "已成功添加标记", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "成员: {0} 不存在", + "MinimumNetFramework": "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.5 或更高版本。", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.6 或更高版本。", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + ".NET Framework x64 4.6 或更高版本未安装。", + "", + "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.6 或更高版本来同步 TFVC 存储库。同步 Git 存储库无此要求。" + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "最低要求的 git 版本是“{0}”, 你的 git (“{1}”)版本是“{2}”", + "MissingAgent": "该代理不再存在于服务器上。请重新配置该代理。", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "无法上传任务附件文件,未指定附件文件位置或附件文件不在磁盘上", + "MissingAttachmentName": "无法添加任务附件,未提供附件名称。", + "MissingAttachmentType": "无法添加任务附件,未提供附件类型。", + "MissingConfig": "无法连接到服务器,因为缺少配置文件。正在跳过从服务器中删除代理。", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "无法更新时间线记录,未提供时间线记录 ID。", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "正在修改 Cobertura 索引文件", "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "需提供此新时间线记录的名称。", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "将代理配置为 Windows 服务需要管理员权限。", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "需要管理员特权来取消作为 Windows 服务而运行的代理的配置。", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "找不到网络服务帐户", + "NoArtifactsFound": "版本“{0}”中无可用项目。请确保项目在该版本下发布并重试。", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "正在跳过附件,因为它超出了允许的最大大小或在磁盘上不可用: {0}", + "NotLinux": "此代理版本适用于 Linux。请为你的操作系统安装正确的版本。", + "NotOSX": "此代理版本适用于 OSX。请为你的操作系统安装正确的版本。", + "NotWindows": "此代理版本适用于 Windows。请为你的操作系统安装正确的版本。", + "OperationFailed": "错误: 操作 {0} 失败,返回代码为 {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "尚未为此新的时间线记录创建父时间线记录。", + "Password": "密码", + "PathNotExist": "路径不存在: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "个人访问令牌", + "PlatformNotSupport": "不支持在此平台运行该代理。当前平台为 {0},适用于 {1}。", + "PoolNotFound": "未找到代理池:“{0}”", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "未安装 PowerShell。要求的最低版本: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "正在准备任务执行处理程序。", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "使用包含“{1}”的目录挂起 {0} 环境变量。", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "先决条件", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "进程已完成,退出代码为 {0},并且有 {1} 个错误写入了错误流。", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "进程已完成,退出代码为 {0}。", + "ProcessExitCode": "从进程返回了退出代码 {0}: 文件名称“{1}”,参数“{2}”。", + "ProjectName": "项目名称", + "Prompt0": "输入 {0}", + "Prompt0Default1": "输入 {0} (对于 {1} 按 Enter)", + "PSScriptError": "PowerShell 脚本已完成,收到 {0} 个错误。", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "发布代码覆盖率", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "已将“{0}”发布为项目“{1}”", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "正在将覆盖率摘要数据发布到 TFS 服务器。", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "正在将代码覆盖率文件发布到 TFS 服务器。", + "PublishingTestResults": "正在向测试运行“{0}”发布测试结果", + "PublishTestResults": "发布测试结果", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "查询工作区信息。", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: 代理连接错误: {1}。 每隔 {2} 秒重试,直到重新连接为止。", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: 已重新连接代理。", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "正在读取“{0}”中的代码覆盖率摘要", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "注册代理", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "为“{2}”发布代码覆盖率文件时,将“{0}”重命名为“{1}”失败。内部异常:“{3}”", + "Replace": "替换? (是/否)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] 不属于任务命令扩展的识别命令。TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "该项目没有有效的容器详细信息: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "该项目不包含容器详细信息: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "找不到下载项目所需的信息", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "项目目录不存在: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "正在下载类型为 {1} 的链接的项目 {0}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "已下载链接的项目 {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "未能创建从 URL {0} 下载项目的请求", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "项目不包含任何要下载的文件。", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "生成项目“{0}”不匹配任何命名模式,正在跳过下载", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "目录“{0}”不存在。正在回退到父目录: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "已完成项目下载", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "当前版本中,发布管理不支持项目类型 {0} 的下载", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "ID 为 {0} 的项目版本不属于 ID 为 {1} 的链接的项目源。", + "RMCachingAllItems": "正在缓存文件容器中的所有项目...", + "RMCachingComplete": "缓存完成。({0} 毫秒)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "正在缓存文件容器中“{0}”下的项目...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "已清理项目目录: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "正在清除项目目录: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "不支持容器项目类型“{0}”。", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "文件容器项路径不以 {0} 开头: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "{0} 秒后请求超时;睡眠 {1} 秒,然后再次尝试。请求: {2} {3}", "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "作业中找不到下载自定义项目 {0} 所需的信息", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "下载项目时发生意外错误", + "RMDownloadComplete": "下载完毕。", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "正在从文件共享下载项目: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "正在从 Jenkins 服务器下载项目", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} 个已处理的文件: {1} 个已下载,{2} 个为空", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "已下载 {0} MB({1} KB/秒)。下载时间: {2}。并行下载限制: {3}。", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "{0} 分钟内无下载任务完成。保留任务状态:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} 个任务。", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "确保项目文件夹 {0} 存在且无内容。", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "以下是可用的环境变量。请注意,可以在任务(在 ReleaseDefinition 中)中通过将“_”替换为“.”引用这些环境变量,如: 可以在 ReleaseDefinition 中使用 Agent.Name 引用 AGENT_NAME 环境变量: {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "下载 {0} 时出错: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "下载期间发生错误: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "无法使用 OSX 或 Linux 代理从文件共享下载项目。可从服务器下载项目或使用 Windows 代理。", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync 任务在 {0} 分钟后超时。", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "作业中找不到下载 Team Foundation Git 项目所需的信息。", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "作业中找不到下载 GitHub 项目所需的信息: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "收到 Jenkins 项目详细信息", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "作业中找不到下载 Jenkins 项目所需的信息: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "作业名称: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "找不到相对路径为:“{0}” 的项目", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "生成 {0} 中无可用项目。请确保该生成正在发布项目并重试", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "正在准备从 Jenkins 服务器获取项目信息", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "正在准备下载项目: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "正在准备从生成中获取可用项目列表", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "正在重新尝试下载 {0}。错误: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "收到 GitHub 项目详细信息", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "剩余 {0} 个下载。", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "正在重新尝试下载...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "开始项目下载...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "当前版本中,发布管理不支持下载流类型 {0}", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "作业中找不到下载 Team Foundation 版本控制项目所需的信息。", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "将根据指定设置跳过项目下载。", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "未找到 RSA 密钥文件 {0}", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "是否将代理作为服务运行? (是/否)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: 运行作业: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: 设置已保存。", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "正在扫描工具功能。", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "你正处于自我管理 git 凭据模式。请确保你的代理主机可以不使用任何 git 身份验证质询。", + "ServerTarpit": "当前,服务器正在阻止此作业。控制台行输出、作业状态报告和任务日志上传可能出现延迟。", + "ServerUrl": "服务器 URL", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "服务已存在: {0},该服务将被替换", + "ServiceConfigured": "已成功配置服务 {0}", + "ServiceInstalled": "已成功安装服务 {0}", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "已成功设置服务 {0} 的恢复选项", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "已成功启动服务 {0}", + "SessionCreateFailed": "未能创建会话。{0}", + "SessionExist": "已存在此代理的会话。", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "重试 {0} 秒后,出现 SessionConflictException 时停止重试。", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "卷影存储库上的 GIT 签出失败,这可能是因为深度为“{0}”的 GIT 提取不包含签出提交“{1}”。请参考文档(", + "Skipping": "不存在。正在跳过 ", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "找不到类型为 {0} 的项目的源提供程序", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "未指定源目录字段。请为代码覆盖率报告指定有效的源目录,将突出显示的源代码包括在内,然后重试。", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "未指定源目录字段。对于多模块项目而言,必须指定源目录,代码覆盖率报告才能将突出显示的源代码包括在内。", + "StepTimedOut": "任务已超时。", + "Success": "已成功: ", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "无法将任何源存储库终结点与任何支持的源提供程序进行匹配。", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "找不到支持的任务执行处理程序。受支持的处理程序为: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "修订 {2} 时,已查看存储库 {1} 的分支 {0}", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "空相对服务器路径已映射到“{0}”。", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "文件“{0}”已经存在", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "指定的相对路径“{0}”不正确。", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "正在忽略本地路径={0}的复制映射", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "正在忽略服务器路径={0}的复制映射", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "已忽略整个映射集。使用完整分支映射继续操作。", + "SvnNotInstalled": "找不到已安装的 svn 命令行实用工具", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "正在同步存储库: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] 不是任务命令扩展的识别命令。请参阅参考文档(", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "从 TFVC 存储库生成源要求接受 Team Explorer Everywhere 最终用户许可协议。本步骤不是从 Git 存储库生成源所必需的。", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "可在以下位置找到 Team Explorer Everywhere 许可协议的副本:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", + "TestAgentConnection": "正在测试代理连接。", + "TestResultsRemaining": "剩余测试结果: {0}。测试运行 ID: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "因服务器调整,该作业已发生 {0} 秒延迟。", + "TotalUploadFiles": "正在上传 {0} 个文件", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "需提供此新时间线记录的类型。", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "无法从后列项目位置推导出项目类型: {0}。", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "无法存档测试结果: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "无法分析旧的生成跟踪配置。将另外新建生成目录。之前的目录可能处于未声明状态。旧的配置内容: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "首先根据 取消配置服务", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "首先根据 取消配置服务", + "UninstallingService": "正在删除服务", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "不支持代码覆盖率工具“{0}”。", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "无法识别的命令行输入参数:“{0}”。相关用法请参考: .\\config.cmd --help 或 ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "正在从服务器删除代理", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "更新版本号", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "将版本 {1} 的版本号更新到 {0}", + "UpdateInProgress": "正在进行代理更新,请不要关闭代理。", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "为了获得更好的 Git 体验,请至少将你的 Git 升级到版本“{0}”,git 的当前版本是“{1}”。", + "UploadArtifact": "上传项目", + "UploadToFileContainer": "将“{0}”上传到文件容器:“{1}”", + "UserName": "用户名", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "无法展开变量“{0}”。检测到循环引用。", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "无法展开变量“{0}”。已超出最大展开深度({1})。", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe 已完成,返回代码为: {0}。", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "正在等待服务停止...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "要用于服务的用户帐户", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "帐户 {0} 的密码", + "WorkFolderDescription": "工作文件夹", "Y": "Y" } diff --git a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json index 118e091a00..81384b9ea4 100644 --- a/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json +++ b/src/Misc/layoutbin/zh-TW/strings.json @@ -1,393 +1,425 @@ { - "AcceptTeeEula": "(Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now?", - "AccessDenied": "Access Denied", - "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "Access Denied while setting service recovery options.", - "AddAgentFailed": "Failed to add the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "AddBuildTag": "Add Build Tag", - "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "Successfully added the agent", - "AgentExit": "Agent will exit shortly for update.", - "AgentIsNotConfigured": "Agent is not configured.", - "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "agent pool", - "AgentName": "agent name", - "AgentReplaced": "Successfully replaced the agent", - "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "Agent is running behind proxy server: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentVersion": "Current agent version: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "Pool {0} already contains an agent with name {1}.", - "AlreadyConfiguredError": "Cannot configure the agent because it is already configured. To reconfigure the agent, run \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 or \u0027./ remove\u0027 first.", - "ArgumentNeeded": "\u0027{0}\u0027 has to be specified.", - "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] is not a recognized command for Artifact command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "Failed to download the artifact from {0}.", - "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "Unsupport artifact location: {0}", - "ArtifactLocationRequired": "Artifact location is required.", - "ArtifactNameRequired": "Artifact Name is required.", - "ArtifactTypeRequired": "Artifact Type is required.", - "AssociateArtifact": "Associate Artifact", - "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "Associated artifact {0} with build {1}", - "AttachFileNotExist": "Can\u0027t attach (type:{0} name:{1}) file: {2}. File does not exist.", - "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size: {0}", - "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "An unsuccessful attempt was made using git command line to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. Attempting to modify the git config file directly to remove the credential.", - "AuthenticationType": "authentication type", - "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] is not a recognized command for Build command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "BuildNumberRequired": "Build number is required.", - "BuildTagAddFailed": "Build tag \u0027{0}\u0027 was not added successfully.", - "BuildTagRequired": "Build tag is required.", - "BuildTagsForBuild": "Build \u0027{0}\u0027 has following tags now: {1}", - "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "Can\u0027t change parent timeline record of an existing timeline record.", - "CanNotFindService": "Cannot find service {0}", - "CanNotFindSystemd": "Cannot find if systemd is installed", - "CanNotGrantPermission": "Cannot grant LogonAsService permission to the user {0}", - "CanNotStartService": "Cannot start the service. Check the logs for more details.", - "CanNotStopService": "Cannot stop the service {0} in a timely fashion. Please stop the service and reconfigure again.", - "CannotUploadFile": "Cannot upload file because file location is not specified.", - "CannotUploadSummary": "Cannot upload summary file, summary file location is not specified.", - "CanNotVerifyLogonAccountPassword": "Cannot verify if the password entered is valid", - "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Class directories field is not specified. Class files directories field is required for a multi module project to generate code coverage reports.", - "Cleanup": "Post Job Cleanup", - "ClockSkewStopRetry": "Stopped retrying OAuth token request exception after {0} seconds.", - "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "Failed to enable code coverage because the build file provided \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Provide a valid build file and try again.", - "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", - "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "No coverage data found. Check the build errors/warnings for more details.", - "CodeCoverageEnabled": "Successfully enabled \u0027{0}\u0027 code coverage for \u0027{1}\u0027", - "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "Publishing code coverage works only for \u0027build\u0027.", - "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 contains logging command keyword \u0027##vso\u0027, but it\u0027s not a legal command. Please reference documentaion to fix any potentially syntax error (", - "CommandNotFound": "Can\u0027t find command extension for ##vso[{0}.command]. Please reference documentaion (", - "CommandProcessFailed": "Unable to process command \u0027{0}\u0027 successfully. Please reference documentaion (", - "ConfiguredAsRunAsService": "Agent is configured to run as service.", - "ConnectingToServer": "Connecting to server ...", - "ConnectSectionHeader": "Connect", - "ConnectToServer": "Connecting to the server.", - "CouldNotRemoveService": "Could not delete service \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "Log file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "Markdown summary file path is not provided or file doesn\u0027t exist: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "Deleting": "Deleting: {0}", - "DeletingCredentials": "Removing .credentials", - "DeletingSettings": "Removing .agent", - "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "Permission to read the directory contents is required for \u0027{0}\u0027 and each directory up the hierarchy. {1}", - "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "DirectoryNotFound": "Directory not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "DownloadAgent": "Downloading latest agent.", - "DownloadArtifacts": "Download Artifacts", - "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "Downloading artifacts failed: {0}", - "DownloadingTask0": "Downloading task: {0}", - "EnsureJobFinished": "Waiting for current job finish running.", - "EnterValidValueFor0": "Enter a valid value for {0}.", - "ErrorOccurred": "An error occurred: {0}", - "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "Error occurred while publishing code coverage files. Error: {0}", - "EulasSectionHeader": "End User License Agreements", - "Failed": "Failed: ", - "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "Failed to delete temporary directory \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToConnect": "Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "Failed to delete temporary inline script file \u0027{0}\u0027. {1}", - "FailedToFindPool": "Failed to find pool name. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailedToLockServiceDB": "Failed to Lock Service Database for Write", - "FailedToOpenSCM": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToOpenSCManager": "Failed to Open Service Control Manager", - "FailedToPublishTestResults": "Failed to publish test results: {0}", - "FailedToReadFile": "Failed to read {0}. Error : {1}.", - "FailedToReplaceAgent": "Failed to replace the agent. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "FailToRemoveCredFromConfig": "Unable to remove \"http.extraheader\" from the git config. To remove the credential, execute \"git config --unset-all {0}\" from the repository root \"{1}\".", - "FileContainerUploadFailed": "Unable to copy file to server StatusCode={0}: {1}. Source file path: {2}. Target server path: {3}", - "FileDoesNotExist": "File \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist or is not accessible.", - "FileNotFound": "File not found: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "FileUploadCancelled": "File upload has been cancelled during upload file: \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "FileUploadDetailTrace": "Detail upload trace for file that fail to upload: {0}", - "FileUploadFailed": "Fail to upload \u0027{0}\u0027 due to \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "File upload failed even after retry.", - "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} files failed to upload, retry these files after a minute.", - "FileUploadFinish": "File: \u0027{0}\u0027 took {1} milliseconds to finish upload", - "FileUploadProgress": "Total file: {0} ---- Processed file: {1} ({2}%)", - "FileUploadProgressDetail": "Uploading \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", - "FileUploadRetry": "Start retry {0} failed files upload.", - "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "Retry file upload after {0} seconds.", - "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "File upload succeed after retry.", - "FileUploadSucceed": "File upload succeed.", - "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "Generate and execute update script.", - "GetSources": "Get Sources", - "GroupDoesNotExists": "Group: {0} does not Exist", - "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "An internal error occurred. Details: Invalid build or code coverage tool provided. Build tool = \u0027{0}\u0027. Coverage tool = \u0027{1}\u0027. ", - "InvalidBuildXml": "Invalid build xml \u0027{0}\u0027. Error \u0027{1}\u0027 occured while parsing the file. Ensure the file provided is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "Invalid input for \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 field. It should not be a regular expression or a file path. \u0027Class Files Directory\u0027 accepts comma seperated list of class directories.", - "InvalidClassFilter": "Class Inclusion/Exclusion filter \u0027{0}\u0027 is invalid. Provide a valid filter and try again. Example : +:com.*,+:org.*", - "InvalidCommandArg": "Command argument \u0027{0}\u0027 contains one or more of the following invalid characters: \", \\r, \\n", - "InvalidCommandResult": "Command doesn\u0027t have valid result value.", - "InvalidCompletedDate": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, Maximum Completed Date {0} obtained from test results file is greater than Minimum Start Date {1}", - "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "Invalid configuration provided for {0}. Terminating unattended configuration.", - "InvalidDateFormat": "Duration of each test run will be used for time calculation as, invalid date format obtained from results file: {0} (Start Date: {1}, Completed Date: {2}", - "InvalidGroupName": "Invalid Group Name - {0}", - "InvalidMember": "A new member could not be added to a local group because the member has the wrong account type. If you are configuring on a domain controller, built-in machine accounts cannot be added to local groups. You must use a domain user account instead", - "InvalidResultFiles": "Invalid results file. Make sure the result format of the file \u0027{0}\u0027 matches \u0027{1}\u0027 test results format.", - "InvalidSourceDirectory": "Unable to get source directory. Contact your administrator for more information.", - "InvalidValueInXml": "Unable to retreive value for \u0027{0}\u0027 from the summary file \u0027{1}\u0027. Verify the summary file is well-formed and try again.", - "InvalidWindowsCredential": "Invalid windows credentials entered. Try again or ctrl-c to quit", - "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "Parameter IsMultiModule is not available. Considering the project as a single module project.", - "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: Job {1} completed with result: {2}", + "AcceptTeeEula": "(是/否) 現在就接受 Team Explorer Everywhere 授權合約嗎? ", + "AccessDenied": "存取遭拒", + "AccessDeniedSettingRecoveryOption": "設定服務復原選項時存取遭拒。", + "AddAgentFailed": "無法新增代理程式。請再試一次或按 Ctrl-C 結束", + "AddBuildTag": "新增組建標籤", + "AddMachineGroupTagsFlagDescription": "要設定代理程式的電腦群組標籤嗎? (Y/N)", + "AgentAddedSuccessfully": "已成功新增代理程式", + "AgentExit": "代理程式將短暫存在供更新使用。", + "AgentIsNotConfigured": "未設定代理程式。", + "AgentMachinePoolNameLabel": "代理程式集區", + "AgentName": "代理程式名稱", + "AgentReplaced": "已成功取代代理程式", + "AgentRunningBehindProxy": "代理程式落後 Proxy 伺服器: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentVersion": "目前代理程式版本: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "AgentWithSameNameAlreadyExistInPool": "集區 {0} 已包含名為 {1} 的代理程式。", + "AlreadyConfiguredError": "代理程式已設定,因此無法加以設定。若要重新設定代理程式,請先執行 \u0027config.cmd remove\u0027 或 \u0027./ remove\u0027。", + "ArgumentNeeded": "必須指定 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "ArtifactCommandNotFound": "##vso[artifact.{0}] 對 Artifact 命令擴充功能而言不是已辨識的命令。請參考文件 (", + "ArtifactDownloadFailed": "無法從 {0} 下載成品。", + "ArtifactLocationNotSupport": "不支援的成品位置: {0}", + "ArtifactLocationRequired": "需要成品位置。", + "ArtifactNameRequired": "需要成品名稱。", + "ArtifactTypeRequired": "需要成品類型。", + "AssociateArtifact": "建立與成品的關聯", + "AssociateArtifactWithBuild": "已建立成品 {0} 與組建 {1} 的關聯", + "AttachFileNotExist": "檔案不存在,所以無法附加 (類型:{0} 名稱:{1}) 檔案: {2}。", + "AttachmentExceededMaximum": "正在略過附件,因為其超過允許的大小上限: {0}", + "AttemptRemoveCredFromConfig": "嘗試從 GIT 組態使用 GIT 命令列移除 \"http.extraheader\" 失敗。正在嘗試直接修改 GIT 組態檔以移除認證。", + "AuthenticationType": "驗證類型", + "BuildCommandNotFound": "##vso[build.{0}] 對 Build 命令擴充功能而言不是已辨識的命令。請參考文件 (", + "BuildNumberRequired": "需要組建編號。", + "BuildTagAddFailed": "未成功新增組建標記 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "BuildTagRequired": "需要組建標記。", + "BuildTagsForBuild": "組建 \u0027{0}\u0027 現在具有下列標記: {1}", + "CannotChangeParentTimelineRecord": "無法變更現有時間軸記錄的父時間軸記錄。", + "CannotFindHostName": "在伺服器 URL \u0027{0}\u0027 中找不到 VSTS 帳戶名稱", + "CanNotFindService": "找不到服務 {0}", + "CanNotGrantPermission": "無法將 LogonAsService 權限授與使用者 {0}", + "CanNotSkipTask": "無法跳過已啟動的工作。", + "CanNotStartService": "無法啟動服務。請檢查記錄檔取得詳細資料。", + "CanNotStopService": "無法及時停止服務 {0}。", + "CannotUploadFile": "因為未指定檔案位置,所以無法上傳檔案。", + "CannotUploadSummary": "未指定摘要檔位置,所以無法上傳摘要檔。", + "ClassDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "未指定類別目錄欄位。多模組專案需要類別檔案目錄欄位,才能建立程式碼涵蓋範圍報表。", + "Cleanup": "作業清除後", + "ClockSkewStopRetry": "已在 {0} 秒後停止重試 OAuth 權杖要求例外狀況。", + "CodeCoverageBuildFileIsEmpty": "因為提供的組建檔案 \u0027{0}\u0027 為空白,所以無法啟用程式碼涵蓋範圍。請提供有效的組建檔案並再試一次。", + "CodeCoverageCommandNotFound": "##vso[codecoverage.{0}] 對 Task 命令擴充功能而言不是已辨識的命令。請參考文件 (", + "CodeCoverageDataIsNull": "找不到任何涵蓋範圍資料。請檢查組建錯誤/警告取得詳細資料。", + "CodeCoverageEnabled": "已成功啟用 \u0027{1}\u0027 的 \u0027{0}\u0027 程式碼涵蓋範圍", + "CodeCoveragePublishIsValidOnlyForBuild": "僅為 \u0027build\u0027 發行程式碼涵蓋範圍工作。", + "CollectionName": "集合名稱", + "CommandKeywordDetected": "\u0027{0}\u0027 包含的記錄命令關鍵字 \u0027##vso\u0027 不是合法的命令。請參考文件以修正任何潛在的語法錯誤 (", + "CommandNotFound": "找不到 ##vso[{0}.command] 的命令擴充功能。請參考文件 (", + "CommandProcessFailed": "無法成功處理命令 \u0027{0}\u0027。請參考文件 (", + "ConnectingToServer": "正在連線到伺服器...", + "ConnectSectionHeader": "連線", + "ConnectToServer": "正在連接至伺服器。", + "CouldNotRemoveService": "無法刪除服務 \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomLogDoesNotExist": "未提供記錄檔路徑或檔案不存在: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "CustomMarkDownSummaryDoesNotExist": "未提供 Markdown 摘要檔路徑或檔案不存在: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "Deleting": "正在刪除: {0}", + "DeletingCredentials": "正在移除 .credentials", + "DeletingSettings": "正在移除 .agent", + "DirectoryHierarchyUnauthorized": "\u0027{0}\u0027 及階層上的每個目錄都需要目錄內容的讀取權限。{1}", + "DirectoryIsEmptyForArtifact": "目錄 \u0027{0}\u0027 為空白。不會將任何項目新增至組建成品 \u0027{1}\u0027。", + "DirectoryNotFound": "找不到目錄: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "DownloadAgent": "正在下載最新代理程式。", + "DownloadArtifacts": "下載成品", + "DownloadArtifactsFailed": "下載成品失敗: {0}", + "DownloadingTask0": "正在下載工作: {0}", + "EnsureJobFinished": "正在等候目前的作業結束執行。", + "EnterValidValueFor0": "請為 {0} 輸入有效的值。", + "ErrorOccurred": "發生錯誤: {0}", + "ErrorOccurredWhilePublishingCCFiles": "發行程式碼涵蓋範圍檔案時發生錯誤。錯誤: {0}", + "EulasSectionHeader": "終端使用者授權合約", + "Failed": "失敗:", + "FailedCleaningupRMArtifactDirectory": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027.", + "FailedDeletingTempDirectory0Message1": "無法刪除暫存目錄 \u0027{0}\u0027。{1}", + "FailedToAddTags": "無法將標籤套用至代理程式。請再試一次或按 Ctrl+C 結束。您也可以前往電腦群組網頁以新增標籤", + "FailedToConnect": "無法連線。請再試一次或按 Ctrl-C 結束", + "FailedToDeleteTempScript": "無法刪除暫存內嵌指令碼檔 \u0027{0}\u0027。{1}", + "FailedToFindMachineGroup": "找不到電腦群組。請再試一次或按 ctrl-c 結束", + "FailedToFindPool": "找不到集區名稱。請再試一次或按 Ctrl-C 結束", + "FailedToLockServiceDB": "無法鎖定服務資料庫進行寫入", + "FailedToOpenSCM": "無法開啟服務控制管理員", + "FailedToOpenSCManager": "無法開啟服務控制管理員", + "FailedToPublishTestResults": "無法發行測試結果: {0}", + "FailedToReadFile": "無法讀取 {0}。錯誤: {1}。", + "FailedToReplaceAgent": "無法取代代理程式。請再試一次或按 Ctrl-C 結束", + "FailToRemoveGitConfig": "無法從 GIT 組態移除 \"{0}\"。若要移除認證,請從儲存機制根路徑 \"{1}\" 執行 \"git config --unset-all {0}\"。", + "FileContainerUploadFailed": "無法將檔案複製到伺服器 StatusCode={0}: {1}。來源檔案路徑: {2}。目標伺服器路徑: {3}", + "FileDoesNotExist": "檔案 \u0027{0}\u0027 不存在或無法存取。", + "FileNotFound": "找不到檔案: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "FileUploadCancelled": "上傳檔案期間已取消檔案上傳: \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "FileUploadDetailTrace": "無法上傳檔案的上傳追蹤詳細資料: {0}", + "FileUploadFailed": "因 \u0027{1}\u0027 而無法上傳 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "FileUploadFailedAfterRetry": "檔案上傳重試後仍然失敗。", + "FileUploadFailedRetryLater": "{0} 個檔案無法上傳,請於一分鐘後重試這些檔案。", + "FileUploadFinish": "檔案: \u0027{0}\u0027 花了 {1} 毫秒完成上傳", + "FileUploadProgress": "檔案總計: {0} ---- 處理的檔案: {1} ({2}%)", + "FileUploadProgressDetail": "正在上傳 \u0027{0}\u0027 ({1}%)", + "FileUploadRetry": "第 {0} 次重試上傳檔案失敗。", + "FileUploadRetryInSecond": "在 {0} 秒後重試檔案上傳。", + "FileUploadRetrySucceed": "檔案上傳重試後成功。", + "FileUploadSucceed": "檔案上傳成功。", + "GenerateAndRunUpdateScript": "產生並執行更新指令碼。", + "GetSources": "取得來源", + "GroupDoesNotExists": "群組 {0} 不存在", + "InvalidBuildOrCoverageTool": "發生內部錯誤。詳細資料: 提供的組建或程式碼涵蓋範圍工具無效。組建工具 = \u0027{0}\u0027。涵蓋範圍工具 = \u0027{1}\u0027。", + "InvalidBuildXml": "組建 XML \u0027{0}\u0027 無效。剖析檔案 \u0027{1}\u0027 時發生錯誤。請確定提供的檔案語式正確,並再試一次。", + "InvalidClassFilesDirectory": "[類別檔案目錄] 欄位的輸入無效。不應為規則運算式或檔案路徑。[類別檔案目錄] 接受類別目錄的逗號分隔清單。", + "InvalidClassFilter": "類別包含/排除篩選 \u0027{0}\u0027 無效。請提供有效的篩選並再試一次。範例: +:com.*,+:org.*", + "InvalidCommandArg": "命令引數 \u0027{0}\u0027 包含下列一或多個無效的字元: \"、\\r、\\n", + "InvalidCommandResult": "命令不具有效的結果值。", + "InvalidCompletedDate": "因為從測試結果檔案取得的最晚完成日期 {0} 大於最早開始日期 {1},所以在計算時間時,將會計入每個測試回合的持續時間", + "InvalidConfigFor0TerminatingUnattended": "替 {0} 提供的組態無效。正在終止自動組態。", + "InvalidDateFormat": "因為從結果檔案取得的日期格式無效,所以在計算時間時,將會計入每個測試回合的持續時間: {0} (開始日期: {1},完成日期: {2}", + "InvalidFileFormat": "檔案格式無效。", + "InvalidGroupName": "群組名稱無效 - {0}", + "InvalidMember": "因為成員的帳戶類型錯誤,所以無法將新的成員新增至本機群組。如果您在網域控制站進行設定,則內建機器帳戶無法新增至本機群組。您必須改為使用網域使用者帳戶", + "InvalidResultFiles": "結果檔案無效。請確定檔案 \u0027{0}\u0027 的結果格式與 \u0027{1}\u0027 測試結果格式相符。", + "InvalidSourceDirectory": "無法取得來源目錄。請連絡您的管理員取得詳細資訊。", + "InvalidValueInXml": "無法從摘要檔 \u0027{1}\u0027 擷取 \u0027{0}\u0027 的值。請驗證摘要檔語式正確並再試一次。", + "InvalidWindowsCredential": "輸入的 Windows 認證無效。請再試一次或按 Ctrl-C 結束", + "IsMultiModuleParameterNotAvailable": "參數 IsMultiModule 無法使用。正在將專案作為單一模組專案考量。", + "JobCompleted": "{0:u}: 作業 {1} 已完成,結果為: {2}", "ListenerHelp": [ "Visual Studio Team Services Agent", "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation", "", - "Run from the directory above the bin agent folder to allow for updates", + "使用慣用的命令或 Shell 指令碼包裝函式執行代理程式。", "", - "Alternatively, you can run the convenience cmd or shell script wrappers.", - "Arguments will be passed along", + "列印代理程式版本的資訊:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --version 與 config.cmd --commit", + "Unix: ./ --version 與 ./ --commit", "", - "Win : run.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "顯示命令列說明:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --help", + "Unix: ./ --help", "", - "Command to configure:", - "Win : config.cmd [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", - "Unix : ./ [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "設定代理程式與跳出:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd [引數] [選項]", + "Unix: ./ [引數] [選項]", "", - "Command to uninstall:", - "Win : config.cmd remove", - "Unix : ./ remove", + "取消設定代理程式:", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove", + "Unix: ./ remove", "", - "usage:", - "bin/Agent.Listener [command(s)] [arguments] [options]", + "以互動方式執行代理程式 (必須加以設定):", + "Win : .\\run.cmd [引數] [選項]", + "Unix: ./ [引數] [選項]", "", - "It is common to just run Agent or Agent.Listener with no arguments for an interactive configuration.", - "You will be prompted and walked through all options.", "", - "", - "Commands:", + "設定引數:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "(none) Interactively configure and then run the agent.", - " You will be prompted for data.", - "configure Configure the agent and exit.", - "remove Unconfigure the agent.", - "run Runs the agent interactively. must be configured.", + "--url 伺服器的 URL。範例:", + " 或 http://onprem:8080/tfs", + "--auth 驗證類型。有效的選項包括 PAT (個人存取權杖)、", + " 交涉 (Kerberos 或 NTLM) 與整合式 (Windows 的預設認證)", + "--pool 代理程式要加入的集區名稱", + "--agent 代理程式名稱", + "--work 作業資料儲存所在的工作目錄。", + " 預設值為代理程式目錄之根目錄下的 _work。", + " 工作目錄為指定的代理程式所有,不應提供給多個代理程式共用。", + "--windowslogonaccount 若選擇 runasservice 選項,即為 Windows 登入帳戶名稱 (僅限 Windows)", + "--windowslogonpassword 若選擇 runasservice 選項,即為 Windows 登入帳戶密碼 (僅限 Windows)", "", "", - "Configure Arguments:", + "移除引數:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--url URL of the server. Examples:", - " or http://onprem:8080/tfs", - "--agent Agent name", - "--pool Pool name for agent to join", - "--windowslogonaccount Windows logon account name if runasservice option is chosen", - "--windowslogonpassword Windows logon account password if runasservice option is chosen", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", - "--work Work directory where job data is stored.", - " Defaults to _work under the root of the agent directory.", - " Work directory is owned by a given agent and should not share between multiple agents.", + "--auth 驗證類型。有效的選項包括 PAT (個人存取權杖)、", + " 交涉 (Kerberos 或 NTLM) 與整合式 (Windows 的預設認證)", "", - "Remove Arguments:", - "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--auth Authentication type. Valid options are PAT (Personal Access Token),", - " Negotiate (Kerberos or NTLM), Integrated (Windows default credentials) and", - " ALT (Alternate Credentials)", "", - "Options:", + "選項:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "--version Print the version", - "--help Display command line help", - "--unattended Unattended config. You will not be prompted.", - " All answers must be supplied to the command line.", - "--nostart Do not start the agent after interactive configuration.", - "--runasservice Configure the agent as service", - "--replace Replace the agent in a pool. If another agent is listening", - " by that name, it will start failing with a conflict.", + "--unattended 自動設定。將不會提供提示。", + " 所有答案皆必須在命令列上提供。", + "--acceptteeeula 接受 TEE 終端使用者授權合約 (僅限 Linux 與 OSX)", + "--replace 取代集區中的代理程式。如有同名的代理程式正在接聽,", + " 其將會因為衝突而失敗。", + "--runasservice 將代理程式設定為服務 (僅限 Windows,而且須具備系統管理員權限,才能設定 Windows 服務)", "", "", - "Arguments by Auth Type:", + "驗證類型的引數:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", "PAT:", - "--token Personal Access Token data. Best to paste value in.", + "--token 個人存取權杖資料。建議貼上值。", "", - "Negotiate:", - "--username domain\\username or UPN", - "--password windows account password", + "交涉:", + "--username 網域\\使用者名稱或 UPN", + "--password Windows 帳戶的密碼", "", - "Integrated: does not take any additional arguments", + "整合式: 不接受其他任何引數", "", - "ALT:", - "--username alternate username", - "--password alternate password", "", - "Examples:", + "自動設定與取消設定的範例:", "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------", - "Run with no arguments to start. will configure if not configured yet.", - "$ bin/Agent.Listener", + "使用自動設定時,請務必檢查傳回碼", + "自動設定 VSTS 使用 PAT 驗證", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "自動設定內部部署 TFS 使用整合式 (Windows) 與交涉 (Linux/OSX) 驗證", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent", + "Unix: ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Negotiate --username DOMAIN\\USER_NAME --password MyPassword --pool default --agent myagent", + "", + "自動設定 VSTS 使用 PAT 驗證,並以相同的代理程式名稱取代現有的代理程式", + "Win : .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --replace", + "", + "自動設定 VSTS 使用 PAT 驗證,並指定代理程式的工作目錄", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work D:\\agent_work", + "Unix : ./ --unattended --acceptteeeula --url --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e --pool default --agent myagent --work usr/local/agent_work", + "", + "自動設定內部部署 TFS 使用整合式驗證,並將代理程式設定成 Windows 服務,以 NetworkService 的身分執行", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice", + "", + "自動設定內部部署 TFS 使用整合式驗證,並將代理程式設定為 Windows 服務,以網域帳戶的身分執行", + "Win: .\\config.cmd --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --auth Integrated --pool default --agent myagent --runasservice --windowslogonaccount 網域\\使用者名稱 --windowslogonpassword MyPassword", "", - "Unattend configuration. Remember to check return codes", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth PAT --token o4u5... --work D:\\agent_work", - "bin/Agent.Listener run", + "自動設定 VSTS 使用 PAT 驗證", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", + "Unix: ./ remove --unattended --auth PAT --token \u003ctoken\u003e", "", - "Unattend configuration for on-premise TFS with integrated (windows) and (Linux/OSX) negotiate authentication", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth integrated", - "bin/Agent.Listener configure --unattended --url http://mylocaltfsserver:8080/tfs --agent myagent --pool default --nostart --acceptteeeula --auth negotiate --username DEV-BOX\\developer --password MyPassword" + "自動設定內部部署 TFS 使用整合式 (Windows) 與交涉 (Linux/OSX) 驗證", + "Win: .\\config.cmd remove --unattended --auth Integrated", + "Unix : ./ remove --unattended --auth Negotiate --username 網域\\使用者名稱 --password MyPassword", + "" ], - "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: Listening for Jobs", - "LocalClockSkewed": "The local machine\u0027s clock may be out of sync with the server time by more than five minutes. Please sync your clock with your domain or internet time and try again.", - "MemberDoesNotExists": "Member: {0} does not Exist", - "MinimumNetFramework": ".NET Framework x64 4.5 or higher is required.", - "MinRequiredGitVersion": "Min required git version is \u0027{0}\u0027, your git (\u0027{1}\u0027) version is \u0027{2}\u0027", - "MissingAgent": "The agent no longer exists on the server. Please reconfigure the agent.", - "MissingAttachmentFile": "Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk", - "MissingAttachmentName": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment name is not provided.", - "MissingAttachmentType": "Can\u0027t add task attachment, attachment type is not provided.", - "MissingConfig": "Cannot connect to server, because config files are missing. Skipping removing agent from the server.", - "MissingTimelineRecordId": "Can\u0027t update timeline record, timeline record id is not provided.", - "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "Modifying Cobertura Index file", - "N": "N", - "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Name is required for this new timeline record.", - "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "Needs Administrator privileges for configuring agent as windows service.", - "NetworkServiceNotFound": "Cannot find network service account", - "NoArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the version \u0027{0}\u0027. Make sure that an artifact is published with the version and try again.", - "NoSpaceOnDisk": "Skipping attachment as it exceeded the maximum allowed size or not available on disk: {0}", - "NotLinux": "This Agent version is built for Linux. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotOSX": "This Agent version is built for OSX. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "NotWindows": "This Agent version is built for Windows. Please install a correct build for your OS.", - "OperationFailed": "Error: Operation {0} failed with return code {1}", - "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "Parent timeline record has not been created for this new timeline record.", - "Password": "password", - "PathNotExist": "Path not exist: {0}", - "PersonalAccessToken": "personal access token", - "PlatformNotSupport": "Running the agent on this platform is not supported. The current platform is {0} and it was built for {1}.", - "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "PowerShell is not installed. Minimum required version: {0}", - "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "Preparing task execution handler.", - "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "Prepending {0} environment variable with directory containing \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "Process completed with exit code {0} and had {1} error(s) written to the error stream.", - "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "Process completed with exit code {0}.", - "ProcessExitCode": "Exit code {0} returned from process: file name \u0027{1}\u0027, arguments \u0027{2}\u0027.", - "Prompt0": "Enter {0}", - "Prompt0Default1": "Enter {0} (press enter for {1})", - "PSScriptError": "PowerShell script completed with {0} errors.", - "PublishCodeCoverage": "Publish code coverage", - "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "Published \u0027{0}\u0027 as artifact \u0027{1}\u0027", - "PublishingCodeCoverage": "Publishing coverage summary data to TFS server.", - "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "Publishing code coverage files to TFS server.", - "PublishingTestResults": "Publishing test results to test run \u0027{0}\u0027", - "PublishTestResults": "Publish test results", - "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "Querying workspace information.", - "QueueConError": "{0:u}: Agent connect error: {1}. Retrying every {2} seconds until reconnected.", - "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: Agent reconnected.", - "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "Reading code coverage summary from \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "Register Agent", - "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "Renaming \u0027{0}\u0027 to \u0027{1}\u0027 failed while publishing code coverage files for \u0027{2}\u0027. Inner Exception: \u0027{3}\u0027", - "Replace": "replace? (Y/N)", - "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. TODO: DOC aka link", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "The artifact does not have valid container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "The artifact does not contain container details: {0}", - "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "Cannot find the required information to download the artifact", - "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "The artifact directory does not exist: {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "Downloading linked artifact {0} of type {1}...", - "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "Downloaded linked artifact {0}", - "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "Failed to create request to download artifact from URL: {0}", - "RMArtifactEmpty": "Artifact does not contain any files to download.", - "RMArtifactFolderCreated": "Created artifact folder {0}", - "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "The build artifact \u0027{0}\u0027 does not match any naming patterns, skipping download", - "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "Directory \u0027{0}\u0027 does not exist. Falling back to parent directory: {1}", - "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "Finished artifacts download", - "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of artifact type {0} in the current version", - "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "The artifact version with ID {0} does not belong to the linked artifact source with ID {1}.", - "RMCachingAllItems": "Caching all items in the file container...", - "RMCachingComplete": "Caching complete. ({0} ms)", - "RMCachingContainerItems": "Caching items under \u0027{0}\u0027 in the file container...", - "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaned artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "Cleaning artifacts directory: {0}", - "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "Container Item type \u0027{0}\u0027 not supported.", - "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "File container item path doesn\u0027t start with {0}: {1}", - "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "Request timed out after {0} seconds; sleeping for {1} seconds and attempting again. Request: {2} {3}", - "RMCopyingFile": "[File] {0} =\u003e {1}", - "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Custom artifact: {0}", - "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "Unexpected error occurred while downloading artifacts", - "RMDownloadComplete": "Download complete.", - "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "Downloading artifact from file share: {0}", - "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "Downloading the artifacts from Jenkins server", - "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} placed file(s): {1} downloaded, {2} empty", - "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "{0} MB downloaded at {1} KB/sec. Download time: {2}. Parallel download limit: {3}.", - "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "No download tasks have completed in {0} minutes. Remaining task statuses:", - "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} task(s).", - "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing \"_\" with \".\" e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: {0}", - "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "Error downloading {0}: {1}", - "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "An error occurred during download: {0}", - "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync task timed out after {0} minute(s).", - "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Git artifact.", - "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the GitHub artifact: {0}", - "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "Received Jenkins Artifact Details", + "ListenForJobs": "{0:u}: 正在接聽作業", + "LocalClockSkewed": "本機電腦的時鐘可能與伺服器時間不同步,相差超過五分鐘。請將您的時鐘與網域或網際網路時間同步後再試一次。", + "LocalSystemAccountNotFound": "Cannot find local system account", + "MachineGroupName": "電腦群組名稱", + "MachineGroupNotFound": "找不到 MachineGroup: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "MachineGroupTags": "逗點分隔的標籤清單 (例如 tag1,tag2)", + "MachineGroupTagsAddedMsg": "已成功新增標籤", + "MemberDoesNotExists": "成員 {0} 不存在", + "MinimumNetFramework": "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.5 或更新版本。", + "MinimumNetFramework46": "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.6 (含) 以上版本。", + "MinimumNetFrameworkTfvc": [ + "未安裝 .NET Framework x64 4.6 (含) 以上版本。", + "", + "需要 .NET Framework x64 4.6 (含) 以上版本,才能同步 TFVC 保存庫。同步 Git 保存庫則不需要。" + ], + "MinRequiredGitVersion": "需要的最小 GIT 版本為 \u0027{0}\u0027,您的 GIT (\u0027{1}\u0027) 版本為 \u0027{2}\u0027", + "MissingAgent": "伺服器上不再有代理程式存在。請重新設定代理程式。", + "MissingAttachmentFile": "未指定工作附件檔案位置,或是磁碟上不存在附件檔案,所以無法上傳附件檔案", + "MissingAttachmentName": "未提供附件名稱,所以無法新增工作附件。", + "MissingAttachmentType": "未提供附件類型,所以無法新增工作附件。", + "MissingConfig": "因為遺漏組態檔,所以無法連線至伺服器。正在略過從伺服器移除代理程式。", + "MissingTimelineRecordId": "未提供時間軸記錄識別碼,所以無法更新時間軸記錄。", + "ModifyingCoberturaIndexFile": "正在修改 Cobertura 索引檔案", + "N": "否", + "NameRequiredForTimelineRecord": "此新時間軸記錄需要名稱。", + "NeedAdminForConfigAgentWinService": "需要系統管理員權限,以將代理程式當作 Windows 服務進行設定。", + "NeedAdminForUnconfigWinServiceAgent": "需要管理員權限,才能將作為 Windows 服務執行的代理程式取消設定。", + "NetworkServiceNotFound": "找不到網路服務帳戶", + "NoArtifactsFound": "版本 \u0027{0}\u0027 中沒有任何可用的成品。請確認已使用該版本發行成品後再試一次。", + "NoSpaceOnDisk": "正在略過附件,因為其超過允許的大小上限或在磁碟上無法使用: {0}", + "NotLinux": "此代理程式版本是針對 Linux 所建置。請為您的 OS 安裝正確的組建。", + "NotOSX": "此代理程式版本是針對 OSX 所建置。請為您的 OS 安裝正確的組建。", + "NotWindows": "此代理程式版本是針對 Windows 所建置。請為您的 OS 安裝正確的組建。", + "OperationFailed": "錯誤: 作業 {0} 失敗,傳回碼為 {1}", + "ParentTimelineNotCreated": "尚未替此新時間軸記錄建立父時間軸記錄。", + "Password": "密碼", + "PathNotExist": "路徑不存在: {0}", + "PersonalAccessToken": "個人存取權杖", + "PlatformNotSupport": "不支援在此平台上執行代理程式。目前平台為 {0},其為針對 {1} 所建置。", + "PoolNotFound": "找不到代理程式集區: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PowerShellNotInstalledMinVersion0": "未安裝 PowerShell。所需的最小版本: {0}", + "PrepareTaskExecutionHandler": "正在準備工作執行處理常式。", + "Prepending0WithDirectoryContaining1": "正於 {0} 環境變數前加上包含 \u0027{1}\u0027 的目錄。", + "PrerequisitesSectionHeader": "必要條件", + "ProcessCompletedWithCode0Errors1": "處理序已完成,結束代碼為 {0},但有 {1} 個錯誤寫入錯誤資料流。", + "ProcessCompletedWithExitCode0": "處理序已完成,結束代碼為 {0}。", + "ProcessExitCode": "從處理序傳回結束代碼 {0}: 檔案名稱 \u0027{1}\u0027、引數 \u0027{2}\u0027。", + "ProjectName": "專案名稱", + "Prompt0": "請輸入 {0}", + "Prompt0Default1": "請輸入 {0} (請為 {1} 按 Enter)", + "PSScriptError": "PowerShell 指令碼完成,但有 {0} 個錯誤。", + "PublishCodeCoverage": "發行程式碼涵蓋範圍", + "PublishedCodeCoverageArtifact": "已將 \u0027{0}\u0027 作為成品 \u0027{1}\u0027 發行", + "PublishingCodeCoverage": "正在將涵蓋範圍摘要資料發行至 TFS 伺服器。", + "PublishingCodeCoverageFiles": "正在將程式碼涵蓋範圍檔案發行至 TFS 伺服器。", + "PublishingTestResults": "正在將測試結果發行至測試回合 \u0027{0}\u0027", + "PublishTestResults": "發行測試結果", + "QueryingWorkspaceInfo": "正在查詢工作區資訊。", + "QueueConError": "{0:u}: 代理程式連線錯誤: {1}。現正每 {2} 秒重試一次,直到重新連線為止。", + "QueueConnected": "{0:u}: 代理程式已重新連線。", + "ReadingCodeCoverageSummary": "正在從 \u0027{0}\u0027 讀取程式碼涵蓋範圍摘要", + "RegisterAgentSectionHeader": "註冊代理程式", + "RenameIndexFileCoberturaFailed": "發行 \u0027{2}\u0027 的程式碼涵蓋範圍檔案時,無法將 \u0027{0}\u0027 重新命名為 \u0027{1}\u0027。內部例外狀況: \u0027{3}\u0027", + "Replace": "取代嗎? (是/否)", + "ResultsCommandNotFound": "##vso[results.{0}] 對 Task 命令擴充功能而言不是已辨識的命令。TODO: DOC aka link", + "RetryingRMArtifactCleanUp": "Failed to cleanup Release\u0027s artifact directory \u0027{0}\u0027 with an exception {1}. Retrying the cleanup of Release artifact directory.", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsInvaidError": "成品沒有有效的容器詳細資料: {0}", + "RMArtifactContainerDetailsNotFoundError": "成品未包含容器詳細資料: {0}", + "RMArtifactDetailsIncomplete": "找不到所需的資訊,無法下載成品", + "RMArtifactDirectoryNotFoundError": "成品目錄不存在: {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadBegin": "正在下載類型為 {1} 的連結成品 {0}...", + "RMArtifactDownloadFinished": "已下載連結成品 {0}", + "RMArtifactDownloadRequestCreationFailed": "無法建立從 URL下載成品的要求: {0}", + "RMArtifactEmpty": "成品未包含任何供下載的檔案。", + "RMArtifactMatchNotFound": "組建成品 \u0027{0}\u0027 不符合任何命名模式,正在略過下載", + "RMArtifactNameDirectoryNotFound": "目錄 \u0027{0}\u0027 不存在。將回到父目錄: {1}", + "RMArtifactsDownloadFinished": "已完成成品下載", + "RMArtifactTypeNotSupported": "發行管理不支援在目前的版本下載成品類型 {0}", + "RMArtifactVersionNotBelongToArtifactSource": "識別碼為 {0} 的成品版本不屬於識別碼為 {1} 的連結成品來源。", + "RMCachingAllItems": "正在快取檔案容器中的所有項目...", + "RMCachingComplete": "快取完成。({0} 毫秒)", + "RMCachingContainerItems": "正在快取檔案容器中 \u0027{0}\u0027 下的項目...", + "RMCleanedUpArtifactsDirectory": "已清除成品目錄: {0}", + "RMCleaningArtifactsDirectory": "正在清除成品目錄: {0}", + "RMContainerItemNotSupported": "不支援容器項目類型 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "RMContainerItemPathDoesnotExist": "檔案容器項目路徑的開頭不是 {0}: {1}", + "RMContainerItemRequestTimedOut": "要求在 {0} 秒後逾時; 將會睡眠 {1} 秒後再次嘗試。要求: {2} {3}", + "RMCopyingFile": "[檔案] {0} =\u003e {1}", + "RMCustomEndpointNotFound": "在作業中找不到必要的資訊,無法下載自訂成品: {0}", + "RMDownloadArtifactUnexpectedError": "下載成品時發生未預期錯誤", + "RMDownloadComplete": "下載完成。", + "RMDownloadingArtifactFromFileShare": "正在從檔案共用下載成品: {0}", + "RMDownloadingJenkinsArtifacts": "正在從 Jenkins 伺服器下載成品", + "RMDownloadProgress": "{0} 個已放置的檔案: {1} 個已下載,{2} 個為空白", + "RMDownloadProgressDetails": "已下載 {0} MB (速率為每秒 {1} KB)。下載時間: {2}。平行下載限制: {3}。", + "RMDownloadTaskCompletedStatus": "沒有任何下載工作在 {0} 分鐘內完成。剩餘工作的狀態:", + "RMDownloadTaskStates": " {0}: \t{1} 個工作。", + "RMEnsureArtifactFolderExistsAndIsClean": "請確認成品資料夾 {0} 存在並已清空。", + "RMEnvironmentVariablesAvailable": "以下為可用的環境變數。請注意,這些環境變數可透過以 \"_\" 代替 \".\" 在工作 (在 ReleaseDefinition 中) 參考。例如可在 ReleaseDefinition 中使用 Agent.Name 參考 AGENT_NAME 環境變數: {0}", + "RMErrorDownloadingContainerItem": "下載 {0} 時發生錯誤: {1}", + "RMErrorDuringArtifactDownload": "下載期間發生錯誤: {0}", + "RMFileShareArtifactErrorOnNonWindowsAgent": "無法使用 OSX 或 Linux 代理程式從檔案共用下載成品。您可以從伺服器下載成品或使用 Windows 代理程式。", + "RMGetFileAsyncTimedOut": "FetchEngine.GetFileAsync 工作於 {0} 分鐘後逾時。", + "RMGitEndpointNotFound": "在作業中找不到必要的資訊,無法下載 Team Foundation Git 成品。", + "RMGitHubEndpointNotFound": "在作業中找不到所需的資訊,無法下載 GitHub 成品: {0}", + "RMGotJenkinsArtifactDetails": "已接收 Jenkins 成品詳細資料", "RMJenkinsBuildId": "BuildId: {0}", - "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Jenkins artifact: {0}", - "RMJenkinsJobName": "Job Name: {0}", - "RMNoArtifactsFound": "No artifact found with relative path: \u0027{0}\u0027", - "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "No artifacts are available in the build {0}. Make sure that the build is publishing an artifact and try again", - "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "Preparing to get artifacts info from Jenkins server", - "RMPreparingToDownload": "Preparing to download artifact: {0}", - "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "Preparing to get the list of available artifacts from build", - "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "Re-attempting download of {0}. Error: {1}", - "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "Received GitHub artifact Details", - "RMRemainingDownloads": "{0} downloads remaining.", - "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "Retrying download...", - "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "Starting artifacts download...", - "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "Release management does not support download of stream type {0} in the current version", - "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "Cannot find required information in the job to download the Team Foundation Version Control artifact.", - "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "Skipping artifact download based on the setting specified.", - "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "RSA key file {0} was not found", - "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "run agent as service? (Y/N)", - "RunningJob": "{0:u}: Running job: {1}", - "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: Settings Saved.", - "ScanToolCapabilities": "Scanning for tool capabilities.", - "SelfManageGitCreds": "You are in self manage git creds mode. Make sure your agent host machine can bypass any git authentication challenge.", - "ServerTarpit": "The job is currently being throttled by the server. You may experience delays in console line output, job status reporting, and task log uploads.", - "ServerUrl": "server URL", - "ServiceAlreadyExists": "The service already exists: {0}, it will be replaced", - "ServiceConfigured": "Service {0} successfully configured", - "ServiceInstalled": "Service {0} successfully installed", - "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "Service {0} successfully set recovery option", - "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "Service {0} started successfully", - "SessionCreateFailed": "Failed to create session. {0}", - "SessionExist": "A session for this agent already exists.", - "SessionExistStopRetry": "Stop retry on SessionConflictException after retried for {0} seconds.", - "ShouldBeAdmin": "Access denied. Please make sure to run the command as an administrator.", - "Skipping": "Does not exist. Skipping ", - "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "Can not find source provider for artifact of type {0}", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "Source directories field is not specified. Specify valid source directories for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code and try again.", - "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "Source directories field is not specified. Source directories field is required for a multi module project for code coverage reports to include highlighted source code.", - "StepTimedOut": "The task has timed out.", - "Success": "Succeeded: ", - "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "Unable to match any source repository endpoints with any of the supported source providers.", - "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "Supported task execution handler not found. Supported handlers: {0}", - "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "Checked out branch {0} for repository {1} at revision {2}", - "SvnEmptyServerPath": "The empty relative server path is mapped to \u0027{0}\u0027.", - "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "The file {0} already exists", - "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "Incorrect relative path \u0027{0}\u0027 specified.", - "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for local path={0}", - "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "Ignoring duplicate mapping for server path={0}", - "SvnMappingIgnored": "The entire mapping set is ignored. Proceeding with the full branch mapping.", - "SvnNotInstalled": "Can\u0027t find installed svn command line utility", - "SvnSyncingRepo": "Syncing repository: {0} (Svn)", - "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] is not a recognized command for Task command extension. Please reference documentaion (", + "RMJenkinsEndpointNotFound": "在作業中找不到所需的資訊,無法下載 Jenkins 成品: {0}", + "RMJenkinsJobName": "作業名稱: {0}", + "RMNoArtifactsFound": "相對路徑找不到成品: \u0027{0}\u0027", + "RMNoBuildArtifactsFound": "組建 {0} 中沒有任何可用的成品。請確定組建正在發佈成品並再試一次", + "RMPrepareToGetFromJenkinsServer": "正在準備從 Jenkins 伺服器取得成品資訊", + "RMPreparingToDownload": "正在準備下載成品: {0}", + "RMPreparingToGetBuildArtifactList": "正在準備從組建取得可用的成品清單", + "RMReAttemptingDownloadOfContainerItem": "正在重新嘗試下載 {0}。錯誤: {1}", + "RMReceivedGithubArtifactDetails": "已接收 GitHub 成品詳細資料", + "RMRemainingDownloads": "剩餘 {0} 個下載。", + "RMRetryingArtifactDownload": "正在重試下載...", + "RMStartArtifactsDownload": "正在開始成品下載...", + "RMStreamTypeNotSupported": "發行管理在目前的版本中不支援下載資料流類型 {0}", + "RMTfsVCEndpointNotFound": "在作業中找不到必要的資訊,無法下載 Team Foundation 版本控制成品。", + "RMUserChoseToSkipArtifactDownload": "正在略過根據指定之設定的成品下載。", + "RSAKeyFileNotFound": "找不到 RSA 金鑰檔 {0}", + "RunAgentAsServiceDescription": "將代理程式作為服務執行? (是/否)", + "RunningJob": "{0:u}: 正在執行作業: {1}", + "SavedSettings": "{0:u}: 已儲存設定。", + "ScanToolCapabilities": "正在掃描工具功能。", + "SelfManageGitCreds": "您正處於自我管理 GIT 認證模式。請確認您的代理程式主機電腦可略過任何 GIT 驗證挑戰。", + "ServerTarpit": "伺服器目前正為此作業進行節流處理。您可能會在主控台程式行輸出、作業狀態回報及工作記錄上傳時遇到延遲。", + "ServerUrl": "伺服器 URL", + "ServiceAlreadyExists": "服務已存在: {0},將加以取代", + "ServiceConfigured": "已成功設定服務 {0}", + "ServiceInstalled": "已成功安裝服務 {0}", + "ServiceRecoveryOptionSet": "服務 {0} 已成功設定復原選項", + "ServiceStartedSuccessfully": "已成功啟動服務 {0}", + "SessionCreateFailed": "無法建立工作階段。{0}", + "SessionExist": "此代理程式的工作階段已存在。", + "SessionExistStopRetry": "重試 {0} 秒過後,停止重試 SessionConflictException。", + "ShallowCheckoutFail": "淺層保存庫的 GIT 簽出失敗,起因可能是深度為 \u0027{0}\u0027 的 GIT 擷取並未包含簽出認可 \u0027{1}\u0027。請參考文件 (", + "Skipping": "不存在。正在略過", + "SourceArtifactProviderNotFound": "無法為類型 {0} 的成品找到來源提供者", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecified": "未指定來源目錄欄位。請指定有效的來源目錄,使程式碼涵蓋範圍報表能包含反白顯示的原始程式碼,並再試一次。", + "SourceDirectoriesNotSpecifiedForMultiModule": "未指定來源目錄欄位。多模組專案需要來源目錄欄位,才能使程式碼涵蓋範圍報表包含反白顯示的原始程式碼。", + "StepTimedOut": "工作已逾時。", + "Success": "成功:", + "SupportedRepositoryEndpointNotFound": "無法比對任何來源存放庫端點與任何受支援的來源提供者。", + "SupportedTaskHandlerNotFound": "找不到受支援的工作執行處理常式。支援的處理常式: {0}", + "SvnBranchCheckedOut": "已修訂 {2} 簽出存放庫 {1} 的分支 {0}", + "SvnEmptyServerPath": "空白相對伺服器路徑對應至 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "SvnFileAlreadyExists": "檔案 \u0027{0}\u0027 已存在", + "SvnIncorrectRelativePath": "指定的相對路徑 \u0027{0}\u0027 不正確。", + "SvnMappingDuplicateLocal": "正在略過本機路徑 ={0} 的重複對應", + "SvnMappingDuplicateServer": "正在略過伺服器路徑 ={0} 的重複對應", + "SvnMappingIgnored": "已略過整個對應集合。繼續執行完整分支對應。", + "SvnNotInstalled": "找不到安裝的 svn 命令列公用程式", + "SvnSyncingRepo": "正在同步存放庫: {0} (Svn)", + "TaskCommandNotFound": "##vso[task.{0}] 對 Task 命令擴充功能而言不是已辨識的命令。請參考文件 (", "TeeEula": [ - "Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.", + "需要接受 Team Explorer Everywhere 終端使用者授權合約,才能從 TFVC 存放庫建立來源。從 GIT 存放庫建立來源則不需要此步驟。", "", - "A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:", + "Team Explorer Everywhere 授權合約的複本可於此處取得:", " {0}" ], - "TestAgentConnection": "Testing agent connection.", - "TestResultsRemaining": "Test results remaining: {0}. Test run id: {1}", - "TotalThrottlingDelay": "The job has experienced {0} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.", - "TotalUploadFiles": "Uploading {0} files", - "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "Type is required for this new timeline record.", - "UnableResolveArtifactType": "Can\u0027t infer artifact type from artifact location: {0}.", - "UnableToArchiveResults": "Unable to archive the test results: {0}", - "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "Unable to parse the legacy build tracking configuration. A new build directory will be created instead. The previous directory may be left in an unreclaimed state. Legacy configuration contents: {0}", - "UninstallingService": "Removing service", - "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "Code coverage tool \u0027{0}\u0027 is not supported.", - "UnregisteringAgent": "Removing agent from the server", - "UpdateBuildNumber": "Update Build Number", - "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "Update build number to {0} for build {1}", - "UpdateInProgress": "Agent update in progress, do not shutdown agent.", - "UpgradeToLatestGit": "In order to get better Git experience, upgrade your Git to at least version \u0027{0}\u0027, your current git version is \u0027{1}\u0027.", - "UploadArtifact": "Upload Artifact", - "UploadToFileContainer": "Upload \u0027{0}\u0027 to file container: \u0027{1}\u0027", - "UserName": "user name", - "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. A cyclical reference was detected.", - "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "Unable to expand variable \u0027{0}\u0027. The max expansion depth ({1}) was exceeded.", - "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe completed with return code: {0}.", - "WaitForServiceToStop": "Waiting for service to stop...", - "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "User account to use for the service", - "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "Password for the account {0}", - "WorkFolderDescription": "work folder", - "Y": "Y" + "TestAgentConnection": "正在測試代理程式連線。", + "TestResultsRemaining": "測試結果剩餘: {0}。測試回合識別碼: {1}", + "TotalThrottlingDelay": "作業遇到伺服器節流造成的延遲,總計 {0} 秒。", + "TotalUploadFiles": "正在上傳 {0} 個檔案", + "TypeRequiredForTimelineRecord": "此新時間軸記錄需要類型。", + "UnableResolveArtifactType": "無法從成品位置推斷成品類型: {0}。", + "UnableToArchiveResults": "無法封存測試結果: {0}", + "UnableToParseBuildTrackingConfig0": "無法剖析舊版組建追蹤組態。將改為建立新的組建目錄。先前的目錄可能會維持非已回收狀態。舊版組態內容: {0}", + "UnconfigureOSXService": "請先依照 所述取消服務的設定", + "UnconfigureServiceDService": "請先依照 所述取消服務的設定", + "UninstallingService": "正在移除服務", + "UnknownCodeCoverageTool": "不支援程式碼涵蓋範圍工具 \u0027{0}\u0027。", + "UnrecognizedCmdArgs": "無法識別的命令列輸入引數: \u0027{0}\u0027。如需使用方式,請參閱: .\\config.cmd --help 或 ./ --help", + "UnregisteringAgent": "正在從伺服器移除代理程式", + "UpdateBuildNumber": "更新組建編號", + "UpdateBuildNumberForBuild": "將組建 {1} 的組建編號更新至 {0}", + "UpdateInProgress": "代理程式更新進行中,請勿關閉代理程式。", + "UpgradeToLatestGit": "為獲得更佳的 GIT 體驗,請將您的 GIT 升級為最新版本 \u0027{0}\u0027,您目前的 GIT 版本為 \u0027{1}\u0027。", + "UploadArtifact": "上傳成品", + "UploadToFileContainer": "將 \u0027{0}\u0027 上傳至檔案容器: \u0027{1}\u0027", + "UserName": "使用者名稱", + "Variable0ContainsCyclicalReference": "無法展開變數 \u0027{0}\u0027。偵測到循環參考。", + "Variable0ExceedsMaxDepth1": "無法展開變數 \u0027{0}\u0027。已超過展開深度上限 ({1})。", + "VSTSHostNonZeroReturn": "LegacyVSTSPowerShellHost.exe 已完成,傳回碼為: {0}。", + "WaitForServiceToStop": "正在等候服務結束...", + "WindowsLogonAccountNameDescription": "要用於服務的使用者帳戶", + "WindowsLogonPasswordDescription": "帳戶 {0} 的密碼", + "WorkFolderDescription": "工作資料夾", + "Y": "是" }