Note on plugin versions and ACA-Py: To avoid a confusing pseudo-lock-step release, this plugin is versioned independent of ACA-Py. Plugin releases will follow standard semver but each release will also be tagged with a mapping to an ACA-Py version with the format
corresponds to the ACA-Py version supported andJ
is an incrementing number for each new plugin release that targets the same version of ACA-Py.You should look for the most recent release tagged with the version of ACA-Py you are using (with the highest value for
This marks the first official release of the Aries Cloud Agent - Python Toolbox Plugin. This Plugin implements the protocols defined by the Aries Toolbox. For details of the protocols added to ACA-Py by this plugin, see the Toolbox Documentation
This version is compatible with ACA-Py 0.6.0.