apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: run
type: bindings.cron
- name: schedule
value: "@every 3s"
For more information about this binding see the Dapr docs
Dapr cron binding demo in go
. To use run it, first start the service
dapr run --app-id cron-binding-demo \
--protocol http \
--app-port 8080 \
--components-path ./config \
go run *.go
Deploy and wait for the pod to be ready
kubectl apply -f k8s/component.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml
kubectl rollout status deployment/cron-binding-demo
If you have changed an existing component, make sure to reload the deployment and wait until the new version is ready
kubectl rollout restart deployment/cron-binding-demo
kubectl rollout status deployment/cron-binding-demo
Follow logs to view schedule firing
kubectl logs -l app=cron-binding-demo -c daprd -f
Depending on the frequency you used there may not be an entry right away but you should see something similar to this
"msg":"next run: 59m59.629538771s",
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This software is released under the MIT