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File metadata and controls

228 lines (158 loc) · 13.3 KB

CS3DP Management Survey

Summary of Results

These are quick summaries of the initial results to the CS3DP Data Management survey.

  1. Raw response data is in the CS3DP Management group folder
  2. Intermediate step: Made sure column headers & values were aligned
  3. R-Scripts to generate or edit this doc are in this github repo



  • What kind of 3D data do you produce or host? *
Group 3D Laser Born-digital CT Scanning Lidar scanning Other Photogrammetry Structured Light
Creator 5 3 6 4 1 12 4
Repository 4 14 3 3 2 11 1
Both 10 6 7 6 1 21 9
Other 2 1 1 2 1 1 1


  • Repository Institution Type: What type of institution houses/maintains the repository? *
Group 4 Archive/Library Commercial organization Governmental organization Museum Non-profit Other University department/center
Repository 2 13 1 6 4 4
Both 1 10 1 1 7 1 1 11


  • Repository Information: In what year did you or your institution begin creating, managing, and/or archiving 3D data? *
Group Before 1990 1990-1994 1995-1999 2000-2004 2005-2009 2010-2014 2015-2019
Creator 2 4 10
Repository 1 1 1 1 5 7
Both 1 1 2 1 4 10
Other 1 1 1


  • Repository Information: Is your repository 3D-specific? - Selected Choice *
Group No Yes
Repository 16 3
Both 17 4


  • Domain Scope: Is your repository subject-specific? - Selected Choice *
Group No Yes
Repository 10 7
Both 15 5


  • Repository Information: Approximately how many 3D datasets do you have in your collection? (Where one dataset corresponds to one metadata record) *
Group 0 1-5 6-10 11-25 26-75 76-150 151+
Creator 2 2 4 7
Repository 2 5 2 1 7 1
Both 1 3 2 1 2 10
Other 1


  • Access: Are these datasets shared online or through a repository? - Selected Choice *
Group No Some are Yes
Creator 4 7 3


  • User: In what areas does your 3D data meet user needs? *
Group architectural drawings) 3D Printing Art Augmented Reality Commercial Conservation/Preservation Education (Higher Ed.) Education (K-12) General Public Government/Policy Other Recreational/Hobbyist Research Technical Documentation (e.g. engineering Virtual Reality
Creator 3 5 4 3 7 6 1 4 2 3 13 3 4
Repository 3 5 3 1 4 8 3 10 1 1 3 9 3 7
Both 2 14 8 9 1 12 13 6 11 1 5 15 2 12
Other 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


  • Cost Considerations: Does your repository charge to upload 3D data? *
Group No Sometimes Yes
Repository 14 1 2
Both 15 2


  • Cost Considerations: What is your pricing model? *
Group Resp n
Repository Basic charge is $5/file with 10 MB alotted to each file. 1
Both Depends if we deposit with UK archaeology data service as well. They have a calculator for records. 1
Both internal vs external, also depending on funding source 1


  • Cost Considerations: How is your data archiving funded? *
Group Grants Institutional Support Other Personal Investment/Self-funded
Creator 5 8 1 5
Repository 6 13 1
Both 4 13 1 2
Other 1


  • Cost Considerations: How is your data creation funded? *
Group Grants Institutional Support Other Personal Investment/Self-funded
Creator 9 11 2
Repository 8 9 1
Both 10 11 2 2
Other 1 1


  • Financial Model: How do you plan for long-term costs? *
Group Charge at-cost (data-contributor pays) Charge at-cost (user pays) Endowment Institutional support Other
Creator 1 1 1 10 4
Repository 2 3 12 2
Both 1 2 12 2
Other 1


  • Staffing: How many persons/FTE (full-time equivalent) do you employ to maintain the repository & its functions? *
Group <1 1-3 4-9 10+
Repository 3 7 3 1
Both 7 4 3 1


  • Staffing: How many persons create 3D data in your organization/department? *
Group <1 1-3 4-9 10+
Creator 3 2 4 5
Repository 4 6 2
Both 1 8 3 2
Other 1


  • Preservation Platform: What system(s) are you using to store/manage your data? - Selected Choice *
Group etc.) Morphosource 3d party vendor (e.g.) Dataverse Hard drives Open source option (Fedora/Samvera) Other Server setup Software package/s
Creator 4 4 4 10 1 2 6 1
Repository 6 6 6 4 2 8 4
Both 5 5 5 5 1 2 9
Other 1


  • Data Package Structure: What items are contained in the Delivery Information Packages (the downloadable files) offered by your repository? (select all that apply) - Selected Choice *
Group Both raw and derivative files Other The derivatives The derivatives or final versions The raw data files
Repository 8 1 1 1 2
Both 5 1 4 4


  • Saved Files: What files do you preserve? (select all that apply) - Selected Choice *
Group but keep raw files offline Both raw and derivative files Other The derivatives The derivatives or final versions The raw data files
Creator 2 9 1 2 3 3


  • File Naming: What file naming conventions/systems do you use? - Selected Choice *
Group Date Other Text-based Title of Model Unique Identifier
Creator 2 2 8 8
Both 2 4 3 7


  • File Formats: What file formats do you use? *
Creator 2 1 1 3 11 3 10 1 6 1 3


  • File Formats: Do you have specific format requirements? (see examples here). *
Group No Yes
Repository 7 6
Both 8 7


  • File Formats: What file formats does your repository accept? *
Group All of the above gITF OBJ Other PLY PTS PTX STL WRL - VRML X3D ZTL
Repository 4 1 5 3 3 3
Both 2 4 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1