A. Puntos por resolver el puzle
B. Tiempo empleado
Si resuelves el puzle en menos de un minuto, obtendrás una bonificación de puntuación (que mejorará cuanto menos tiempo hayas empleado).
C. Dificultad del puzle
Los tangrams pueden ser fáciles o difíciles, dependiendo del número de puntos exteriores del tangram
D. Dificultad de la partida
La dificultad de la partida puede ser fácil o normal, representando por ejemplo un puzle con o sin piezas internas
E. Cantidad de pistas empleadas
1) Los \"tans\" o piezas no pueden solaparse.
2) Cada \"tan\" debe estar conectado o unido, al menos, con otro \"tan\"
3) La anchura y la altura del tangram creado no puede exceder la anchura y altura del cuadrado que hay en el tablero
4) El nombre del tangram no puede estar vacío",
+ "TutoCategoryNameTitle": "Nombre de categoría",
+ "TutoCategoryNameContent": "Escribe el nombre de la nueva categoría",
+ "TutoNewPuzzleTitle": "Nuevo puzle",
+ "TutoNewPuzzleContent": "Haz clic aquí para crear un nuevo puzle de tangram",
+ "TutoEditPuzzleTitle": "Editar puzle",
+ "TutoEditPuzzleContent": "Haz clic aquí para editar el puzle elegido",
+ "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle": "Borrar puzle",
+ "TutoDeletePuzzleContent": "Haz clic aquí para borrar el puzle elegido",
+ "TutoEditCategoryTitle": "Editar categoría",
+ "TutoEditCategoryContent": "Haz clic aquí para editar la categoría actual",
+ "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle": "Borrar categoría",
+ "TutoDeleteCategoryContent": "Haz clic aquí para borrar la categoría actual y todos los puzles incluidos en ella",
+ "DataAnimals": "Animales",
+ "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs": "Letras, números, signos",
+ "DataPeople": "Gente",
+ "DataGeometrical": "Figuras geométricas",
+ "DataUsualObjects": "Objetos comunes",
+ "DataBoats": "Barcos",
+ "DataMiscellaneous": "Misceláneos",
+ "DataRandom": "Aleatorios",
+ "Dataswan": "Cisne",
+ "DataCat": "Gato",
+ "DataBird": "Pájaro",
+ "DataCrow2": "Cuervo 2",
+ "DataRabbit": "Conejo",
+ "DataHorse": "Caballo",
+ "DataCamel": "Camello",
+ "DataWhale": "Ballena",
+ "DataVulture": "Buitre",
+ "DataCatLying": "Gato acostado",
+ "DataKangaroo": "Canguro",
+ "DataCrow": "Cuervo",
+ "DataMoonfish": "Pez luna",
+ "DataBear": "Oso",
+ "DataSparrow": "Gorrión",
+ "DataDog": "Perro",
+ "DataTurtle": "Tortuga",
+ "DataPigeon": "Paloma",
+ "DataCrab": "Cangrejo",
+ "DataRat": "Rata",
+ "DataButterfly": "Mariposa",
+ "DataElephant": "Elefante",
+ "DataTurkey": "Pavo",
+ "DataHeron": "Garza",
+ "DataLetterA": "Letra A",
+ "DataLetterB": "Letra B",
+ "DataLetterC": "Letra C",
+ "DataLetterD": "Letra D",
+ "DataLetterE": "Letra E",
+ "DataLetterF": "Letra F",
+ "DataLetterG": "Letra G",
+ "DataLetterH": "Letra H",
+ "DataLetterI": "Letra I",
+ "DataLetterJ": "Letra J",
+ "DataLetterK": "Letra K",
+ "DataLetterL": "Letra L",
+ "DataLetterM": "Letra M",
+ "DataLetterN": "Letra N",
+ "DataLetterO": "Letra O",
+ "DataLetterP": "Letra P",
+ "DataLetterQ": "Letra Q",
+ "DataLetterR": "Letra R",
+ "DataLetterS": "Letra S",
+ "DataLetterT": "Letra T",
+ "DataLetterU": "Letra U",
+ "DataLetterV": "Letra V",
+ "DataLetterW": "Letra W",
+ "DataLetterX": "Letra X",
+ "DataLetterY": "Letra Y",
+ "DataLetterZ": "Letra Z",
+ "DataOne": "Uno",
+ "DataTwo": "Dos",
+ "DataThree": "Tres",
+ "DataFour": "Cuatro",
+ "DataFive": "Cinco",
+ "DataSix": "Seis",
+ "DataSeven": "Siete",
+ "DataEight": "Ocho",
+ "DataNine": "Nueve",
+ "DataZero": "Cero",
+ "DataArrow": "Flecha",
+ "DataArrow2": "Flecha 2",
+ "DataTripleArrow": "Flecha triple",
+ "DataDoubleArrow": "Flecha doble",
+ "DataSkater": "Patinador",
+ "DataOffering": "Ofrecimiento",
+ "DataBeSitting": "Persona sentada",
+ "DataDriver": "Conductor",
+ "DataWaiter": "Camarero",
+ "DataGoalkeeper": "Portero",
+ "DataLady": "Señora",
+ "DataJump": "Saltador",
+ "DataDayDreamer": "Soñador",
+ "DataRunner": "Corredor",
+ "DataNurse": "Enfermera",
+ "DataKicking": "Pateador",
+ "DataAngler": "Pescador",
+ "DataSprinter": "Deportista",
+ "DataDancer": "Bailarín",
+ "DataHorseRider": "Jinete",
+ "DataSitting": "Persona sentada",
+ "DataSoccer": "Futbolista",
+ "DataAcrobat": "Acróbata",
+ "DataJockey": "Jockey",
+ "DataFreeflyer": "Caída libre",
+ "Datasquare": "Cuadrado",
+ "DataHexagon": "Hexágono",
+ "DataTrapezoid": "Trapezoide",
+ "DataIncompleteParallelogram": "Paralelogramo incompleto",
+ "DataParallelogram": "Paralelogramo",
+ "DataDataConcavePolygon": "Polígono cóncavo",
+ "DataTriangle": "Triángulo",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle2": "Triángulo incompleto 2",
+ "DataIncompleterectangle": "Rectángulo incompleto",
+ "DataPentagon": "Pentágono",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare": "Cuadrado incompleto",
+ "DataOctagon": "Octágono",
+ "DataPentagon2": "Pentágono 2",
+ "DataHexagon2": "Hexágono 2",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare2": "Cuadrado incompleto 2",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare3": "Cuadrado incompleto 3",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare4": "Cuadrado incompleto 4",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare5": "Cuadrado incompleto 5",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare6": "Cuadrado incompleto 6",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle": "Triángulo incompleto",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle3": "Triángulo incompleto 3",
+ "DataShirt": "Camisa",
+ "DataCandle": "Vela",
+ "DataTeapot": "Teapot",
+ "DataIron": "Plancha",
+ "DataShoe": "Zapato",
+ "DataKey": "Llave",
+ "DataPinwheel": "Molinillo",
+ "DataSpanner": "Llave inglesa",
+ "DataUrn": "Urna",
+ "DataWaterPistol": "Pistola de agua",
+ "DataBowl": "Cuenco",
+ "DataDagger": "Daga",
+ "DataChair": "Silla",
+ "DataWrench": "Llave de tuerca",
+ "DataWateringCan": "Regadera",
+ "DataBoot": "Bota",
+ "DataTrowel": "Espátula",
+ "DataVase": "Florero",
+ "DataCrown": "Corona",
+ "DataLaboratoryFlask": "Frasco de laboratorio",
+ "DataKettle": "Hervidor",
+ "DataHelmet": "Casco",
+ "DataGlass": "Vaso",
+ "DataSchooner": "Goleta",
+ "DataSampan": "Canoa china",
+ "DataTugboat": "Remolcadora",
+ "DataTrawler": "Arrastrero",
+ "DataSubmarine": "Submarino",
+ "DataDestroyer": "Destructor",
+ "DataBarge": "Barcaza",
+ "DataAirboat": "Hidrodeslizador",
+ "DataGundalow": "Gundalow",
+ "DataOilTanker": "Petrolero",
+ "DataCoble": "Coble",
+ "DataCabinCruiser": "Crucero de cabina",
+ "DataNarrowboat": "Barco estrecho",
+ "DataFishingBoat": "Barco de pesca",
+ "DataRunabout": "Transbordador",
+ "DataPagoda": "Pagoda",
+ "DataMountain": "Montaña",
+ "DataPlane": "Avión",
+ "Datahelicopter": "Helicóptero",
+ "DataHeart": "Corazón",
+ "DataApple": "Manzana",
+ "DataHelicopter3": "Helicóptero 3",
+ "DataStairway": "Escaleras",
+ "DataHelicopter2": "Helicóptero 2",
+ "DataStar": "Estrella",
+ "DataIgloo": "Iglú",
+ "DataBridge": "Puente",
+ "DataGateway": "Entrada",
+ "DataMusicalNote": "Nota musical",
+ "DataTree": "Árbol",
+ "DataShoppingCart": "Carrito de compra"
diff --git a/activities/Tangram.activity/locales/fr.json b/activities/Tangram.activity/locales/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7480859b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activities/Tangram.activity/locales/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ "SecondsAgo": "A l'instant",
+ "Ago": "il y a {{time}}",
+ "Minutes_one": "minute",
+ "Minutes_other": "minutes",
+ "Hours_one": "heure",
+ "Hours_other": "heures",
+ "Days_one": "jour",
+ "Days_other": "jours",
+ "Weeks_one": "semaine",
+ "Weeks_other": "semaines",
+ "Months_one": "mois",
+ "Months_other": "mois",
+ "Years_one": "an",
+ "Years_other": "ans",
+ "Anytime": "N'importe quand",
+ "Today": "Aujourd'hui",
+ "SinceYesterday": "Depuis hier",
+ "PastWeek": "Depuis une semaine",
+ "PastMonth": "Depuis un mois",
+ "PastYear": "Depuis une année",
+ "UserJoined": "{{name}} a rejoint",
+ "UserLeft": "{{name}} est parti",
+ "Network": "Réseau",
+ "View": "Mode Éditer/Jouer",
+ "Random": "Aléatoire",
+ "Timer": "Minuteur",
+ "DifficultyLevel": "Niveau de difficulté",
+ "Category": "Catégorie Tangrams",
+ "NewCategory": "Cliquez ici pour créer une nouvelle catégorie",
+ "Hint": "Conseil",
+ "Tutorial": "Tutorial",
+ "Fullscreen": "Plein écran",
+ "Unfullscreen": "Ecran normal",
+ "Stop": "Stop",
+ "HintsUsed": "Conseils utilisés",
+ "Score": "Score",
+ "TotalScore": "Score Total:",
+ "TotalTime": "Temps Total:",
+ "NewTitle": "Nouvelle catégorie",
+ "Confirm": "Confirmer",
+ "Cancel": "Annuler",
+ "Title": "Titre",
+ "Rank": "Classement",
+ "User": "Utilisateur",
+ "NoTimer": "Pas de minuterie",
+ "EasyLevel": "Niveau facile",
+ "MediumLevel": "Niveau moyen",
+ "Easy": "Facile",
+ "Hard": "Moyen",
+ "ValidPuzzle": "Forme valide",
+ "InvalidShape": "Forme incorrecte",
+ "InvalidName": "Nom incorrect",
+ "TangramDifficulty": "Difficulté Tangram",
+ "MyTangram": "Mon Tangram",
+ "TutoPrev": "Préc",
+ "TutoNext": "Suiv",
+ "TutoEnd": "Fin",
+ "TutoExplainTitle": "Activité Tangram",
+ "TutoExplainContent": "Bienvenue dans l'activité Tangram. Tangram est le fameux jeu traditionnel chinois dont le but est d'arranger sept pièces pour reconstituer une des formes proposées",
+ "TutoAboutTitle": "Modes de jeu",
+ "TutoAboutContent": "Vous pouvez jouer en mode solo ou en mode multi-joueur. En mode solo, vous avez la possibilité d'activer/désactiver un minuteur alors qu'en mode multi joueur, le minuteur est toujours actif. Quand le minuteur et désactivé, vous devez résoudre un seul Tangram alors que lorsque le minuteur est activé, vous devez résoudre le plus de Tangrams possibles dans le temps prévu",
+ "TutoEachPuzzleTitle": "Tangram",
+ "TutoEachPuzzleContent": "A chaque tour, vous devez reconstituer un tangram. En utilisant les 7 pièces, vous devez reconstituer la forme proposée sachant que chaque pièce ne peut être utilisée qu'une seule fois et que les pièces ne peuvent pas se chevaucher",
+ "TutoTangramCategoryTitle": "Catégories",
+ "TutoTangramCategoryContent": "Ce menu vous permet de voir toutes catégories de tangram à résoudre",
+ "TutoBoardTitle": "Plateau",
+ "TutoBoardContent": "Ceci est le plateau de jeu. Vous disposez ici de 7 tans ou pièces et pouvez visualiser la forme cible.
Vous pouvez glisser/déposer les pièces pour les déplacer. Vous pouvez cliquer ou toucher les pièces pour les faire pivoter. ",
+ "TutoKeyBoardTitle": "Contrôle au clavier",
+ "TutoKeyBoardContent": "Vous pouvez aussi contrôler les pièces en utilisant le clavier.
Sélectionner/Déselectionner Déplacer Pivoter ",
+ "TutoRefreshTitle": "Rafraîchir",
+ "TutoRefreshContent": "Cliquez ici pour Rafraîchir le jeu et remettre les pièces à leur positions initiales",
+ "TutoPassTitle": "Passer",
+ "TutoPassContent": "Si vous n'arrivez pas à résoudre le tangram vous pouvez passer pour en avoir un autre",
+ "TutoSettingViewTitle": "Mode Éditer",
+ "TutoSettingViewContent": "Vous pouvez Modifier/Supprimer un tangram au catégorie de la liste. Vous pouvez aussi créer un nouveau tangram ou une catégorie",
+ "TutoScoreTitle": "Score",
+ "TutoScoreContent": "Si vous résolvez le tangram, l'ordinateur va calculer votre score. L'objectif est d'obtenir le meilleur score. Cela dépend de:
A. Points pour résoudre le tangram
B. Temps pris
Si vous résolvez le tangram en moins d'1 min, vous aurez un bonus (dépendant du temps pris pour résoudre le tangram). Plus vous résolvez le tangram vite, plus votre score sera élevé
C. Difficulté du Tangram
Les Tangrams peuvent être faciles ou difficiles en fonction du nombre d'arêtes externes de la forme
D. Niveau de Difficulté
Le Niveau de Difficulté peut être Facile ou Moyen i.e forme cible découpée ou pleine
E. Nombre de Conseils utilisés
Moins vous utilisez de conseils meilleur est votre score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
+ "TutoHintTitle": "Conseil",
+ "TutoHintContent": "Cliquez ici pour obtenir un conseil de l'ordinateur. ATTENTION !! Cela vous pénalisera d'utiliser le conseil. Si vous utilisez un conseil pour chaque emplacement, vous obtiendrez un score de 0",
+ "TutoLevelTitle": "Niveau de Difficulté",
+ "TutoLevelContent": "Choisissez le Niveau de difficulté. Il y a 2 niveaux: - Facile où l'emplacement de toutes les pièces est visible et Moyen où vous ne voyez que la silhouette du tangram à résoudre",
+ "TutoTimerTitle": "Minuteur",
+ "TutoTimerContent": "Vous pouvez activer/désactiver le mode minuteur ici",
+ "TutoGameActionsTitle": "Actions de Jeu",
+ "TutoGameActionsContent": "Ici vous trouvez les boutons d'action comme \"Redémarrer\", \"Passer\", \"Rafraîchir\". \"Rafraîchir\" remet toutes les pièces à leurs positions initiales",
+ "TutoViewTitle": "Mode",
+ "TutoViewContent": "Cliquez ici pour changer le mode i.e. Éditer/Jouer",
+ "TutoRandomPlayTitle": "Jeu Aléatoire",
+ "TutoRandomPlayContent": "Cliquez pour Jouer avec un Tangram aléatoire",
+ "TutoRandomButtonTitle": "Tangrams Aléatoires",
+ "TutoRandomButtonContent": "Cliquez pour générer des Tangrams aléatoirement",
+ "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle": "Indicateur Forme Valide",
+ "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent": "Cet indicateur permet de valider que la forme est correcte ou incorrecte",
+ "TutoResultTitle": "Ecran de Résultats",
+ "TutoResultContent": "Sur cet écran vous pouvez voir les solutions de tous les tangrams que vous avez commencé à résoudre",
+ "TutoTangramCardTitle": "Carte",
+ "TutoTangramCardContent": "Chaque Carte affiche les informations sur le tangram que vous avez eu à résoudre",
+ "TutoClockInfoTitle": "Temps écoulé",
+ "TutoClockInfoContent": "Ceci indique le temps que vous avez utilisé pour résoudre ce tangram spécifique",
+ "TutoScoreInfoTitle": "Score",
+ "TutoScoreInfoContent": "Ceci indique le score que vous avez obtenu pour ce tangram spécifique",
+ "TutoRestartTitle": "Redémarrer",
+ "TutoRestartContent": "Cliquez ici pour redémarrer le jeu",
+ "TutoPaginationTitle": "Pagination",
+ "TutoPaginationContent": "Ceci affiche le numéro du tangram où vous êtes et le nombre total de tangram que vous avez tentés de résoudre. Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans la liste avec les boutons précédent/suivant",
+ "TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle": "Pagination",
+ "TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent": "Ceci affiche le numéro de page dans le tableau des scores avec votre classement. Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans le classement en utilisant les boutons précédent/suivant",
+ "TutoLeaderboardMainTitle": "Tableau des scores",
+ "TutoLeaderboardMainContent": "Ceci est le tableau des scores avec le classement des utilisateurs qui jouent contre vous",
+ "TutoGoBackTitle": "Retour Arrière",
+ "TutoGoBackContent": "Retour Arrière",
+ "TutoPlayViewTitle": "Vue Jouer",
+ "TutoPlayViewContent": "Dans cet écran, cliquez simplement sur un tangram pour essayer de le résoudre",
+ "TutoNewCategoryTitle": "Nouvelle Catégorie",
+ "TutoNewCategoryContent": "Cliquez ici pour Créer une Nouvelle Catégorie",
+ "TutoBoardEditorTitle": "Plateau d'édition",
+ "TutoBoardEditorContent": "Ceci est le plateau d'édition où vous pouvez arranger les pièces ensembles pour former un Tangram valide",
+ "TutoValidPuzzleTitle": "Forme Valide",
+ "TutoValidPuzzleContent": "Pour qu'un tangram soit valide, il faut:
1) Qu'il n'y ait pas de pièces qui se chevauchent
2) Que toutes les pièces soient connectées ou accolées à au moins une autre pièce
3) Que la largeur et la longueur du tangram créé ne soit pas supérieures à la largeur et la longueur du cadre dans le plateau
4) Que le nom du tangram ne soit pas vide",
+ "TutoCategoryNameTitle": "Nom Categorie",
+ "TutoCategoryNameContent": "Entrez le nom de la nouvelle catégorie",
+ "TutoNewPuzzleTitle": "Nouveau Tangram",
+ "TutoNewPuzzleContent": "Cliquez ici pour créer un nouveau tangram",
+ "TutoEditPuzzleTitle": "Modifier Tangram",
+ "TutoEditPuzzleContent": "Cliquez ici pour modifier ce tangram",
+ "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle": "Supprimer Tangram",
+ "TutoDeletePuzzleContent": "Cliquez ici pour supprimer ce tangram",
+ "TutoEditCategoryTitle": "Modifier Catégorie",
+ "TutoEditCategoryContent": "Cliquez ici pour Modifier la catégorie actuelle",
+ "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle": "Supprimer Catégorie",
+ "TutoDeleteCategoryContent": "CLiquez ici pour Supprimer la catégorie actuelle et tous les tangrams qu'elle contient",
+ "DataAnimals": "Animaux",
+ "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs": "Lettres, chiffres, signes",
+ "DataPeople": "Personnages",
+ "DataGeometrical": "Formes Géométriques",
+ "DataUsualObjects": "Objets usuels",
+ "DataBoats": "Bateaux",
+ "DataMiscellaneous": "Divers",
+ "DataRandom": "Aléatoire",
+ "Dataswan": "Cygne",
+ "DataCat": "Chat",
+ "DataBird": "Oiseau",
+ "DataCrow2": "Corbeau 2",
+ "DataRabbit": "Lapin",
+ "DataHorse": "Cheval",
+ "DataCamel": "Chameau",
+ "DataWhale": "Baleine",
+ "DataVulture": "Vautour",
+ "DataCatLying": "Chat couché",
+ "DataKangaroo": "Kangourou",
+ "DataCrow": "Corbeau",
+ "DataMoonfish": "Poisson-Lune",
+ "DataBear": "Ours",
+ "DataSparrow": "Moineau",
+ "DataDog": "Chien",
+ "DataTurtle": "Tortue",
+ "DataPigeon": "Pigeon",
+ "DataCrab": "Crabe",
+ "DataRat": "Rat",
+ "DataButterfly": "Papillon",
+ "DataElephant": "Éléphant",
+ "DataTurkey": "Dinde",
+ "DataHeron": "Héron",
+ "DataLetterA": "Lettre A",
+ "DataLetterB": "Lettre B",
+ "DataLetterC": "Lettre C",
+ "DataLetterD": "Lettre D",
+ "DataLetterE": "Lettre E",
+ "DataLetterF": "Lettre F",
+ "DataLetterG": "Lettre G",
+ "DataLetterH": "Lettre H",
+ "DataLetterI": "Lettre I",
+ "DataLetterJ": "Lettre J",
+ "DataLetterK": "Lettre K",
+ "DataLetterL": "Lettre L",
+ "DataLetterM": "Lettre M",
+ "DataLetterN": "Lettre N",
+ "DataLetterO": "Lettre O",
+ "DataLetterP": "Lettre P",
+ "DataLetterQ": "Lettre Q",
+ "DataLetterR": "Lettre R",
+ "DataLetterS": "Lettre S",
+ "DataLetterT": "Lettre T",
+ "DataLetterU": "Lettre U",
+ "DataLetterV": "Lettre V",
+ "DataLetterW": "Lettre W",
+ "DataLetterX": "Lettre X",
+ "DataLetterY": "Lettre Y",
+ "DataLetterZ": "Lettre Z",
+ "DataOne": "Un",
+ "DataTwo": "Deux",
+ "DataThree": "Trois",
+ "DataFour": "Quatre",
+ "DataFive": "Cinq",
+ "DataSix": "Six",
+ "DataSeven": "Sept",
+ "DataEight": "Huit",
+ "DataNine": "Neuf",
+ "DataZero": "Zéro",
+ "DataArrow": "Flèche",
+ "DataArrow2": "Flèche 2",
+ "DataTripleArrow": "Triple Flèche",
+ "DataDoubleArrow": "Double Flèche",
+ "DataSkater": "Skateur",
+ "DataOffering": "Mendiant",
+ "DataBeSitting": "Assis",
+ "DataDriver": "Conducteur",
+ "DataWaiter": "Serveur",
+ "DataGoalkeeper": "Gardien de but",
+ "DataLady": "Dame",
+ "DataJump": "Sauteur",
+ "DataDayDreamer": "Rêveur",
+ "DataRunner": "Coureur",
+ "DataNurse": "Infirmière",
+ "DataKicking": "Buteur",
+ "DataAngler": "Pêcheur",
+ "DataSprinter": "Sprinteur",
+ "DataDancer": "Danceur",
+ "DataHorseRider": "Cavalier",
+ "DataSitting": "Assis",
+ "DataSoccer": "Footaballeur",
+ "DataAcrobat": "Acrobate",
+ "DataJockey": "Jockey",
+ "DataFreeflyer": "Parachutiste",
+ "Datasquare": "Carré",
+ "DataHexagon": "Hexagone",
+ "DataTrapezoid": "Trapèze",
+ "DataIncompleteParallelogram": "Parallélogramme Incomplet",
+ "DataParallelogram": "Parallélogramme",
+ "DataDataConcavePolygon": "Polygone Concave",
+ "DataTriangle": "Triangle",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle2": "Triangle 2 Incomplet",
+ "DataIncompleterectangle": "Rectangle Incomplet",
+ "DataPentagon": "Pentagone",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare": "Carré Incomplet",
+ "DataOctagon": "Octogone",
+ "DataPentagon2": "Pentagone 2",
+ "DataHexagon2": "Hexagone 2",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare2": "Carré Incomplet 2",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare3": "Carré Incomplet 3",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare4": "Carré Incomplet 4",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare5": "Carré Incomplet 5",
+ "DataIncompleteSquare6": "Carré Incomplet 6",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle": "Triangle Incomplet",
+ "DataIncompleteTriangle3": "Triangle Incomplet 3",
+ "DataShirt": "T-Shirt",
+ "DataCandle": "Bougie",
+ "DataTeapot": "Bouilloire",
+ "DataIron": "Fer à repasser",
+ "DataShoe": "Chaussure",
+ "DataKey": "Clé",
+ "DataPinwheel": "Toupie",
+ "DataSpanner": "Clé",
+ "DataUrn": "Urne",
+ "DataWaterPistol": "Pistolet à eau",
+ "DataBowl": "Bol",
+ "DataDagger": "Dague",
+ "DataChair": "Chaise",
+ "DataWrench": "Clé à molette",
+ "DataWateringCan": "Arrosoir",
+ "DataBoot": "Botte",
+ "DataTrowel": "Truelle",
+ "DataVase": "Vase",
+ "DataCrown": "Couronne",
+ "DataLaboratoryFlask": "Fiole de laboratoire",
+ "DataKettle": "Bouilloire",
+ "DataHelmet": "Casque",
+ "DataGlass": "Verre",
+ "DataSchooner": "Goélette",
+ "DataSampan": "Sampan",
+ "DataTugboat": "Remorqueur",
+ "DataTrawler": "Chalutier",
+ "DataSubmarine": "Sous-marin",
+ "DataDestroyer": "Destroyer",
+ "DataBarge": "Barge",
+ "DataAirboat": "Hydroglisseur",
+ "DataGundalow": "Gundalow",
+ "DataOilTanker": "Pétrolier",
+ "DataCoble": "Coble",
+ "DataCabinCruiser": "Bateau de croisière",
+ "DataNarrowboat": "Péniche",
+ "DataFishingBoat": "Bateau de pêche",
+ "DataRunabout": "Bateau à moteur",
+ "DataPagoda": "Pagode",
+ "DataMountain": "Montagne",
+ "DataPlane": "Avion",
+ "Datahelicopter": "Hélicoptère",
+ "DataHeart": "Coeur",
+ "DataApple": "Pomme",
+ "DataHelicopter3": "Hélicoptère 3",
+ "DataStairway": "Escalier",
+ "DataHelicopter2": "Hélicoptère 2",
+ "DataStar": "Étoile",
+ "DataIgloo": "Igloo",
+ "DataBridge": "Pont",
+ "DataGateway": "Passerelle",
+ "DataMusicalNote": "Note de musique",
+ "DataTree": "Arbre",
+ "DataShoppingCart": "Chariot de supermarché"
diff --git a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/en.po b/activities/Tangram.activity/po/en.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca265460..000000000
--- a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/en.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1513 +0,0 @@
-#. extracted from ../locale.ini
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: Fri May 07 2021 23:01:38 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
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-#: SecondsAgo
-msgctxt "SecondsAgo"
-msgid "Seconds ago"
-msgstr "Seconds ago"
-#. Do not translate {{time}}
-#: Ago
-msgctxt "Ago"
-msgid "{{time}} ago"
-msgstr "{{time}} ago"
-#: Minutes_one
-msgctxt "Minutes_one"
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minute"
-#: Minutes_other
-msgctxt "Minutes_other"
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutes"
-#: Hours_one
-msgctxt "Hours_one"
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "hour"
-#: Hours_other
-msgctxt "Hours_other"
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "hours"
-#: Days_one
-msgctxt "Days_one"
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "day"
-#: Days_other
-msgctxt "Days_other"
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "days"
-#: Weeks_one
-msgctxt "Weeks_one"
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "week"
-#: Weeks_other
-msgctxt "Weeks_other"
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "weeks"
-#: Months_one
-msgctxt "Months_one"
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-msgstr "month"
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-msgid "months"
-msgstr "months"
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-msgstr "year"
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-msgstr "years"
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-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Anytime"
-#: Today
-msgctxt "Today"
-msgid "Today"
-msgstr "Today"
-#: SinceYesterday
-msgctxt "SinceYesterday"
-msgid "Since yesterday"
-msgstr "Since yesterday"
-#: PastWeek
-msgctxt "PastWeek"
-msgid "Past week"
-msgstr "Past week"
-#: PastMonth
-msgctxt "PastMonth"
-msgid "Past month"
-msgstr "Past month"
-#: PastYear
-msgctxt "PastYear"
-msgid "Past year"
-msgstr "Past year"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserJoined
-msgctxt "UserJoined"
-msgid "{{name}} joined"
-msgstr "{{name}} joined"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserLeft
-msgctxt "UserLeft"
-msgid "{{name}} left"
-msgstr "{{name}} left"
-#: Network
-msgctxt "Network"
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Network"
-#: View
-msgctxt "View"
-msgid "Play/Setting View"
-msgstr "Play/Setting View"
-#: Random
-msgctxt "Random"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Random"
-#: Timer
-msgctxt "Timer"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: DifficultyLevel
-msgctxt "DifficultyLevel"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Difficulty Level"
-#: Category
-msgctxt "Category"
-msgid "Tangrams Category"
-msgstr "Tangrams Category"
-#: NewCategory
-msgctxt "NewCategory"
-msgid "Create new category"
-msgstr "Create new category"
-#: Hint
-msgctxt "Hint"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Hint"
-#: Tutorial
-msgctxt "Tutorial"
-msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: Fullscreen
-msgctxt "Fullscreen"
-msgid "Fullscreen"
-msgstr "Fullscreen"
-#: Unfullscreen
-msgctxt "Unfullscreen"
-msgid "Unfullscreen"
-msgstr "Unfullscreen"
-#: Stop
-msgctxt "Stop"
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: HintsUsed
-msgctxt "HintsUsed"
-msgid "Hints Used"
-msgstr "Hints Used"
-#: Score
-msgctxt "Score"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TotalScore
-msgctxt "TotalScore"
-msgid "Total Score:"
-msgstr "Total Score:"
-#: TotalTime
-msgctxt "TotalTime"
-msgid "Total Time:"
-msgstr "Total Time:"
-#: NewTitle
-msgctxt "NewTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "New Category"
-#: Confirm
-msgctxt "Confirm"
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirm"
-#: Cancel
-msgctxt "Cancel"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancel"
-#: Title
-msgctxt "Title"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Title"
-#: Rank
-msgctxt "Rank"
-msgid "Rank"
-msgstr "Rank"
-#: User
-msgctxt "User"
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "User"
-#: NoTimer
-msgctxt "NoTimer"
-msgid "No Timer"
-msgstr "No Timer"
-#: EasyLevel
-msgctxt "EasyLevel"
-msgid "Easy Level"
-msgstr "Easy Level"
-#: MediumLevel
-msgctxt "MediumLevel"
-msgid "Medium Level"
-msgstr "Medium Level"
-#: Easy
-msgctxt "Easy"
-msgid "Easy"
-msgstr "Easy"
-#: Hard
-msgctxt "Hard"
-msgid "Hard"
-msgstr "Hard"
-#: ValidPuzzle
-msgctxt "ValidPuzzle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle"
-#: InvalidShape
-msgctxt "InvalidShape"
-msgid "Invalid Shape"
-msgstr "Invalid Shape"
-#: InvalidName
-msgctxt "InvalidName"
-msgid "Invalid Name"
-msgstr "Invalid Name"
-#: TangramDifficulty
-msgctxt "TangramDifficulty"
-msgid "Tangram Difficulty"
-msgstr "Tangram Difficulty"
-#: MyTangram
-msgctxt "MyTangram"
-msgid "My Tangram"
-msgstr "My Tangram"
-#: TutoPrev
-msgctxt "TutoPrev"
-msgid "Prev"
-msgstr "Prev"
-#: TutoNext
-msgctxt "TutoNext"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Next"
-#: TutoEnd
-msgctxt "TutoEnd"
-msgid "End"
-msgstr "End"
-#: TutoExplainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Activity"
-msgstr "Tangram Activity"
-#: TutoExplainContent
-msgctxt "TutoExplainContent"
-msgid "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-msgstr "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-#: TutoAboutTitle
-msgctxt "TutoAboutTitle"
-msgid "Game modes"
-msgstr "Game modes"
-#: TutoAboutContent
-msgctxt "TutoAboutContent"
-msgid "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-msgstr "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle"
-msgstr "Puzzle"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleContent"
-msgid "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-msgstr "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Category"
-msgstr "Tangram Category"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryContent"
-msgid "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-msgstr "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-#: TutoBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardTitle"
-msgid "Board"
-msgstr "Board"
-#: TutoBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardContent"
-msgid "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-msgstr "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-#: TutoKeyBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardTitle"
-msgid "KeyBoard Controls"
-msgstr "KeyBoard Controls"
-#: TutoKeyBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardContent"
-msgid "You can control tans using keyboard also.Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-msgstr "You can control tans using keyboard also.Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-#: TutoRefreshTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshTitle"
-msgid "Refesh"
-msgstr "Refesh"
-#: TutoRefreshContent
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshContent"
-msgid "Click to Refresh the game tans position and move them back to their initial positions"
-msgstr "Click to Refresh the game tans position and move them back to their initial positions"
-#: TutoPassTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPassTitle"
-msgid "Pass"
-msgstr "Pass"
-#: TutoPassContent
-msgctxt "TutoPassContent"
-msgid "If you are unable to solve the puzzle you can pass the current puzzle and move to another one"
-msgstr "If you are unable to solve the puzzle you can pass the current puzzle and move to another one"
-#: TutoSettingViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewTitle"
-msgid "Setting View"
-msgstr "Setting View"
-#: TutoSettingViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewContent"
-msgid "You can Edit / Delete the particular tangram puzzle or category from the list. You can also create new tangram Puzzle or category and add the same to your puzzle set"
-msgstr "You can Edit / Delete the particular tangram puzzle or category from the list. You can also create new tangram Puzzle or category and add the same to your puzzle set"
-#: TutoScoreTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreContent"
-msgid "If you solve the puzzle, you will get the calculated score. You should try to maximize the score. It will depend upon:
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-msgstr "If you solve the puzzle, you will get the calculated score. You should try to maximize the score. It will depend upon:
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-#: TutoHintTitle
-msgctxt "TutoHintTitle"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Hint"
-#: TutoHintContent
-msgctxt "TutoHintContent"
-msgid "Click this to get a hint from the computer. WARNING!! There will be a penalty on using hint. If you use hints for all six or seven tans then you will get 0 score"
-msgstr "Click this to get a hint from the computer. WARNING!! There will be a penalty on using hint. If you use hints for all six or seven tans then you will get 0 score"
-#: TutoLevelTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLevelTitle"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Difficulty Level"
-#: TutoLevelContent
-msgctxt "TutoLevelContent"
-msgid "Choose the Difficulty level. There are two Levels:- Easy where All the outlines and inner outlines of all the tans would be visible and Medium where only silhouette of the target tangram would be visible"
-msgstr "Choose the Difficulty level. There are two Levels:- Easy where All the outlines and inner outlines of all the tans would be visible and Medium where only silhouette of the target tangram would be visible"
-#: TutoTimerTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTimerTitle"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: TutoTimerContent
-msgctxt "TutoTimerContent"
-msgid "Choose Timer. You can disable/enable the timer here"
-msgstr "Choose Timer. You can disable/enable the timer here"
-#: TutoGameActionsTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsTitle"
-msgid "Game Actions"
-msgstr "Game Actions"
-#: TutoGameActionsContent
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsContent"
-msgid "Here you have Game Actions buttons like \"Restart\", \"Pass\", \"Refresh\". \"Refresh\" will move back all of your tans to initial positions"
-msgstr "Here you have Game Actions buttons like \"Restart\", \"Pass\", \"Refresh\". \"Refresh\" will move back all of your tans to initial positions"
-#: TutoViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoViewTitle"
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "View"
-#: TutoViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoViewContent"
-msgid "Click To Change The view i.e. Play/Setting view"
-msgstr "Click To Change The view i.e. Play/Setting view"
-#: TutoRandomPlayTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayTitle"
-msgid "Random Play"
-msgstr "Random Play"
-#: TutoRandomPlayContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayContent"
-msgid "Click To Play With Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Click To Play With Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoRandomButtonTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonTitle"
-msgid "Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoRandomButtonContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonContent"
-msgid "Click To Generate Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Click To Generate Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle Indicator"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle Indicator"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent"
-msgid "This will indicate if the puzzle you created is valid or invalid"
-msgstr "This will indicate if the puzzle you created is valid or invalid"
-#: TutoResultTitle
-msgctxt "TutoResultTitle"
-msgid "Results screen"
-msgstr "Results screen"
-#: TutoResultContent
-msgctxt "TutoResultContent"
-msgid "On this screen you can see Solutions of the puzzles you have attempted in Timer Mode"
-msgstr "On this screen you can see Solutions of the puzzles you have attempted in Timer Mode"
-#: TutoTangramCardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle Card"
-msgstr "Puzzle Card"
-#: TutoTangramCardContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardContent"
-msgid "Each Card will show you the info about the puzzle you have encountered in the game.If You have solved the puzzle then you will see your solution of the puzzle otherwise you will see computer's solution"
-msgstr "Each Card will show you the info about the puzzle you have encountered in the game.If You have solved the puzzle then you will see your solution of the puzzle otherwise you will see computer's solution"
-#: TutoClockInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoTitle"
-msgid "Time taken"
-msgstr "Time taken"
-#: TutoClockInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the time taken to solve the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "This will show the time taken to solve the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoScoreInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the score you got in the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "This will show the score you got in the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoRestartTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRestartTitle"
-msgid "Restart"
-msgstr "Restart"
-#: TutoRestartContent
-msgctxt "TutoRestartContent"
-msgid "Click here to restart the game"
-msgstr "Click here to restart the game"
-#: TutoPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the puzzle number you are at and the total puzzles you have attempted. You can move to next/previous puzzles by the controls given"
-msgstr "This will show the puzzle number you are at and the total puzzles you have attempted. You can move to next/previous puzzles by the controls given"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the page number of the leaderboard rankings you are at. You can move to next/previous rankings by the controls given"
-msgstr "This will show the page number of the leaderboard rankings you are at. You can move to next/previous rankings by the controls given"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainTitle"
-msgid "Leaderboard screen"
-msgstr "Leaderboard screen"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainContent"
-msgid "Here you can see the rankings and score of the users competiting with you"
-msgstr "Here you can see the rankings and score of the users competiting with you"
-#: TutoGoBackTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackTitle"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Go Back"
-#: TutoGoBackContent
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackContent"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Go Back"
-#: TutoPlayViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewTitle"
-msgid "Play View"
-msgstr "Play View"
-#: TutoPlayViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewContent"
-msgid "You can click on any puzzle to solve the same"
-msgstr "You can click on any puzzle to solve the same"
-#: TutoNewCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "New Category"
-#: TutoNewCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Create New Category"
-msgstr "Click here to Create New Category"
-#: TutoBoardEditorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorTitle"
-msgid "Editor board"
-msgstr "Editor board"
-#: TutoBoardEditorContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorContent"
-msgid "This is the Editor board where you can arrange the pieces together to form a Valid tangram"
-msgstr "This is the Editor board where you can arrange the pieces together to form a Valid tangram"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleContent"
-msgid "For a puzzle to be a valid puzzle:
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-msgstr "For a puzzle to be a valid puzzle:
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-#: TutoCategoryNameTitle
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameTitle"
-msgid "Category Name"
-msgstr "Category Name"
-#: TutoCategoryNameContent
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameContent"
-msgid "Enter the name of your new category"
-msgstr "Enter the name of your new category"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "New Puzzle"
-msgstr "New Puzzle"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Edit Puzzle"
-msgstr "Edit Puzzle"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Delete Puzzle"
-msgstr "Delete Puzzle"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoEditCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Edit Category"
-msgstr "Edit Category"
-#: TutoEditCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Edit current Category"
-msgstr "Click here to Edit current Category"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Delete Category"
-msgstr "Delete Category"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-msgstr "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-#: DataAnimals
-msgctxt "DataAnimals"
-msgid "Animals"
-msgstr "Animals"
-#: DataLetters,Numbers,Signs
-msgctxt "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs"
-msgid "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-msgstr "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-#: DataPeople
-msgctxt "DataPeople"
-msgid "People"
-msgstr "People"
-#: DataGeometrical
-msgctxt "DataGeometrical"
-msgid "Geometrical"
-msgstr "Geometrical"
-#: DataUsualObjects
-msgctxt "DataUsualObjects"
-msgid "Usual Objects"
-msgstr "Usual Objects"
-#: DataBoats
-msgctxt "DataBoats"
-msgid "Boats"
-msgstr "Boats"
-#: DataMiscellaneous
-msgctxt "DataMiscellaneous"
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Miscellaneous"
-#: DataRandom
-msgctxt "DataRandom"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Random"
-#: Dataswan
-msgctxt "Dataswan"
-msgid "swan"
-msgstr "swan"
-#: DataCat
-msgctxt "DataCat"
-msgid "Cat"
-msgstr "Cat"
-#: DataBird
-msgctxt "DataBird"
-msgid "Bird"
-msgstr "Bird"
-#: DataCrow2
-msgctxt "DataCrow2"
-msgid "Crow 2"
-msgstr "Crow 2"
-#: DataRabbit
-msgctxt "DataRabbit"
-msgid "Rabbit"
-msgstr "Rabbit"
-#: DataHorse
-msgctxt "DataHorse"
-msgid "Horse"
-msgstr "Horse"
-#: DataCamel
-msgctxt "DataCamel"
-msgid "Camel"
-msgstr "Camel"
-#: DataWhale
-msgctxt "DataWhale"
-msgid "Whale"
-msgstr "Whale"
-#: DataVulture
-msgctxt "DataVulture"
-msgid "Vulture"
-msgstr "Vulture"
-#: DataCatLying
-msgctxt "DataCatLying"
-msgid "Cat Lying"
-msgstr "Cat Lying"
-#: DataKangaroo
-msgctxt "DataKangaroo"
-msgid "Kangaroo"
-msgstr "Kangaroo"
-#: DataCrow
-msgctxt "DataCrow"
-msgid "Crow"
-msgstr "Crow"
-#: DataMoonfish
-msgctxt "DataMoonfish"
-msgid "Moonfish"
-msgstr "Moonfish"
-#: DataBear
-msgctxt "DataBear"
-msgid "Bear"
-msgstr "Bear"
-#: DataSparrow
-msgctxt "DataSparrow"
-msgid "Sparrow"
-msgstr "Sparrow"
-#: DataDog
-msgctxt "DataDog"
-msgid "Dog"
-msgstr "Dog"
-#: DataTurtle
-msgctxt "DataTurtle"
-msgid "Turtle"
-msgstr "Turtle"
-#: DataPigeon
-msgctxt "DataPigeon"
-msgid "Pigeon"
-msgstr "Pigeon"
-#: DataCrab
-msgctxt "DataCrab"
-msgid "Crab"
-msgstr "Crab"
-#: DataRat
-msgctxt "DataRat"
-msgid "Rat"
-msgstr "Rat"
-#: DataButterfly
-msgctxt "DataButterfly"
-msgid "Butterfly"
-msgstr "Butterfly"
-#: DataElephant
-msgctxt "DataElephant"
-msgid "Elephant"
-msgstr "Elephant"
-#: DataTurkey
-msgctxt "DataTurkey"
-msgid "Turkey"
-msgstr "Turkey"
-#: DataHeron
-msgctxt "DataHeron"
-msgid "Heron"
-msgstr "Heron"
-#: DataLetterA
-msgctxt "DataLetterA"
-msgid "Letter A"
-msgstr "Letter A"
-#: DataLetterB
-msgctxt "DataLetterB"
-msgid "Letter B"
-msgstr "Letter B"
-#: DataLetterC
-msgctxt "DataLetterC"
-msgid "Letter C"
-msgstr "Letter C"
-#: DataLetterD
-msgctxt "DataLetterD"
-msgid "Letter D"
-msgstr "Letter D"
-#: DataLetterE
-msgctxt "DataLetterE"
-msgid "Letter E"
-msgstr "Letter E"
-#: DataLetterF
-msgctxt "DataLetterF"
-msgid "Letter F"
-msgstr "Letter F"
-#: DataLetterG
-msgctxt "DataLetterG"
-msgid "Letter G"
-msgstr "Letter G"
-#: DataLetterH
-msgctxt "DataLetterH"
-msgid "Letter H"
-msgstr "Letter H"
-#: DataLetterI
-msgctxt "DataLetterI"
-msgid "Letter I"
-msgstr "Letter I"
-#: DataLetterJ
-msgctxt "DataLetterJ"
-msgid "Letter J"
-msgstr "Letter J"
-#: DataLetterK
-msgctxt "DataLetterK"
-msgid "Letter K"
-msgstr "Letter K"
-#: DataLetterL
-msgctxt "DataLetterL"
-msgid "Letter L"
-msgstr "Letter L"
-#: DataLetterM
-msgctxt "DataLetterM"
-msgid "Letter M"
-msgstr "Letter M"
-#: DataLetterN
-msgctxt "DataLetterN"
-msgid "Letter N"
-msgstr "Letter N"
-#: DataLetterO
-msgctxt "DataLetterO"
-msgid "Letter O"
-msgstr "Letter O"
-#: DataLetterP
-msgctxt "DataLetterP"
-msgid "Letter P"
-msgstr "Letter P"
-#: DataLetterQ
-msgctxt "DataLetterQ"
-msgid "Letter Q"
-msgstr "Letter Q"
-#: DataLetterR
-msgctxt "DataLetterR"
-msgid "Letter R"
-msgstr "Letter R"
-#: DataLetterS
-msgctxt "DataLetterS"
-msgid "Letter S"
-msgstr "Letter S"
-#: DataLetterT
-msgctxt "DataLetterT"
-msgid "Letter T"
-msgstr "Letter T"
-#: DataLetterU
-msgctxt "DataLetterU"
-msgid "Letter U"
-msgstr "Letter U"
-#: DataLetterV
-msgctxt "DataLetterV"
-msgid "Letter V"
-msgstr "Letter V"
-#: DataLetterW
-msgctxt "DataLetterW"
-msgid "Letter W"
-msgstr "Letter W"
-#: DataLetterX
-msgctxt "DataLetterX"
-msgid "Letter X"
-msgstr "Letter X"
-#: DataLetterY
-msgctxt "DataLetterY"
-msgid "Letter Y"
-msgstr "Letter Y"
-#: DataLetterZ
-msgctxt "DataLetterZ"
-msgid "Letter Z"
-msgstr "Letter Z"
-#: DataOne
-msgctxt "DataOne"
-msgid "One"
-msgstr "One"
-#: DataTwo
-msgctxt "DataTwo"
-msgid "Two"
-msgstr "Two"
-#: DataThree
-msgctxt "DataThree"
-msgid "Three"
-msgstr "Three"
-#: DataFour
-msgctxt "DataFour"
-msgid "Four"
-msgstr "Four"
-#: DataFive
-msgctxt "DataFive"
-msgid "Five"
-msgstr "Five"
-#: DataSix
-msgctxt "DataSix"
-msgid "Six"
-msgstr "Six"
-#: DataSeven
-msgctxt "DataSeven"
-msgid "Seven"
-msgstr "Seven"
-#: DataEight
-msgctxt "DataEight"
-msgid "Eight"
-msgstr "Eight"
-#: DataNine
-msgctxt "DataNine"
-msgid "Nine"
-msgstr "Nine"
-#: DataZero
-msgctxt "DataZero"
-msgid "Zero"
-msgstr "Zero"
-#: DataArrow
-msgctxt "DataArrow"
-msgid "Arrow"
-msgstr "Arrow"
-#: DataArrow2
-msgctxt "DataArrow2"
-msgid "Arrow 2"
-msgstr "Arrow 2"
-#: DataTripleArrow
-msgctxt "DataTripleArrow"
-msgid "Triple Arrow"
-msgstr "Triple Arrow"
-#: DataDoubleArrow
-msgctxt "DataDoubleArrow"
-msgid "Double Arrow"
-msgstr "Double Arrow"
-#: DataSkater
-msgctxt "DataSkater"
-msgid "Skater"
-msgstr "Skater"
-#: DataOffering
-msgctxt "DataOffering"
-msgid "Offering"
-msgstr "Offering"
-#: DataBeSitting
-msgctxt "DataBeSitting"
-msgid "Be Sitting"
-msgstr "Be Sitting"
-#: DataDriver
-msgctxt "DataDriver"
-msgid "Driver"
-msgstr "Driver"
-#: DataWaiter
-msgctxt "DataWaiter"
-msgid "Waiter"
-msgstr "Waiter"
-#: DataGoalkeeper
-msgctxt "DataGoalkeeper"
-msgid "Goal keeper"
-msgstr "Goal keeper"
-#: DataLady
-msgctxt "DataLady"
-msgid "Lady"
-msgstr "Lady"
-#: DataJump
-msgctxt "DataJump"
-msgid "Jump"
-msgstr "Jump"
-#: DataDayDreamer
-msgctxt "DataDayDreamer"
-msgid "Day Dreamer"
-msgstr "Day Dreamer"
-#: DataRunner
-msgctxt "DataRunner"
-msgid "Runner"
-msgstr "Runner"
-#: DataNurse
-msgctxt "DataNurse"
-msgid "Nurse"
-msgstr "Nurse"
-#: DataKicking
-msgctxt "DataKicking"
-msgid "Kicking"
-msgstr "Kicking"
-#: DataAngler
-msgctxt "DataAngler"
-msgid "Angler"
-msgstr "Angler"
-#: DataSprinter
-msgctxt "DataSprinter"
-msgid "Sprinter"
-msgstr "Sprinter"
-#: DataDancer
-msgctxt "DataDancer"
-msgid "Dancer"
-msgstr "Dancer"
-#: DataHorseRider
-msgctxt "DataHorseRider"
-msgid "Horse Rider"
-msgstr "Horse Rider"
-#: DataSitting
-msgctxt "DataSitting"
-msgid "Sitting"
-msgstr "Sitting"
-#: DataSoccer
-msgctxt "DataSoccer"
-msgid "Soccer"
-msgstr "Soccer"
-#: DataAcrobat
-msgctxt "DataAcrobat"
-msgid "Acrobat"
-msgstr "Acrobat"
-#: DataJockey
-msgctxt "DataJockey"
-msgid "Jockey"
-msgstr "Jockey"
-#: DataFreeflyer
-msgctxt "DataFreeflyer"
-msgid "Freeflyer"
-msgstr "Freeflyer"
-#: Datasquare
-msgctxt "Datasquare"
-msgid "square"
-msgstr "square"
-#: DataHexagon
-msgctxt "DataHexagon"
-msgid "Hexagon"
-msgstr "Hexagon"
-#: DataTrapezoid
-msgctxt "DataTrapezoid"
-msgid "Trapezoid"
-msgstr "Trapezoid"
-#: DataIncompleteParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteParallelogram"
-msgid "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-#: DataParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataParallelogram"
-msgid "Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Parallelogram"
-#: DataDataConcavePolygon
-msgctxt "DataDataConcavePolygon"
-msgid "Concave Polygon"
-msgstr "Concave Polygon"
-#: DataTriangle
-msgctxt "DataTriangle"
-msgid "Triangle"
-msgstr "Triangle"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle2"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle2"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle2"
-#: DataIncompleterectangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleterectangle"
-msgid "Incomplete rectangle"
-msgstr "Incomplete rectangle"
-#: DataPentagon
-msgctxt "DataPentagon"
-msgid "Pentagon"
-msgstr "Pentagon"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare"
-msgid "Incomplete Square"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square"
-#: DataOctagon
-msgctxt "DataOctagon"
-msgid "Octagon"
-msgstr "Octagon"
-#: DataPentagon2
-msgctxt "DataPentagon2"
-msgid "Pentagon 2"
-msgstr "Pentagon 2"
-#: DataHexagon2
-msgctxt "DataHexagon2"
-msgid "Hexagon 2"
-msgstr "Hexagon 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare2"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 2"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare3"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 3"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 3"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare4
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare4"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 4"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 4"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare5
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare5"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 5"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 5"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare6
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare6"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 6"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 6"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle3"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-#: DataShirt
-msgctxt "DataShirt"
-msgid "Shirt"
-msgstr "Shirt"
-#: DataCandle
-msgctxt "DataCandle"
-msgid "Candle"
-msgstr "Candle"
-#: DataTeapot
-msgctxt "DataTeapot"
-msgid "Teapot"
-msgstr "Teapot"
-#: DataIron
-msgctxt "DataIron"
-msgid "Iron"
-msgstr "Iron"
-#: DataShoe
-msgctxt "DataShoe"
-msgid "Shoe"
-msgstr "Shoe"
-#: DataKey
-msgctxt "DataKey"
-msgid "Key"
-msgstr "Key"
-#: DataPinwheel
-msgctxt "DataPinwheel"
-msgid "Pinwheel"
-msgstr "Pinwheel"
-#: DataSpanner
-msgctxt "DataSpanner"
-msgid "Spanner"
-msgstr "Spanner"
-#: DataUrn
-msgctxt "DataUrn"
-msgid "Urn"
-msgstr "Urn"
-#: DataWaterPistol
-msgctxt "DataWaterPistol"
-msgid "Water Pistol"
-msgstr "Water Pistol"
-#: DataBowl
-msgctxt "DataBowl"
-msgid "Bowl"
-msgstr "Bowl"
-#: DataDagger
-msgctxt "DataDagger"
-msgid "Dagger"
-msgstr "Dagger"
-#: DataChair
-msgctxt "DataChair"
-msgid "Chair"
-msgstr "Chair"
-#: DataWrench
-msgctxt "DataWrench"
-msgid "Wrench"
-msgstr "Wrench"
-#: DataWateringCan
-msgctxt "DataWateringCan"
-msgid "Watering Can"
-msgstr "Watering Can"
-#: DataBoot
-msgctxt "DataBoot"
-msgid "Boot"
-msgstr "Boot"
-#: DataTrowel
-msgctxt "DataTrowel"
-msgid "Trowel"
-msgstr "Trowel"
-#: DataVase
-msgctxt "DataVase"
-msgid "Vase"
-msgstr "Vase"
-#: DataCrown
-msgctxt "DataCrown"
-msgid "Crown"
-msgstr "Crown"
-#: DataLaboratoryFlask
-msgctxt "DataLaboratoryFlask"
-msgid "Laboratory Flask"
-msgstr "Laboratory Flask"
-#: DataKettle
-msgctxt "DataKettle"
-msgid "Kettle"
-msgstr "Kettle"
-#: DataHelmet
-msgctxt "DataHelmet"
-msgid "Helmet"
-msgstr "Helmet"
-#: DataGlass
-msgctxt "DataGlass"
-msgid "Glass"
-msgstr "Glass"
-#: DataSchooner
-msgctxt "DataSchooner"
-msgid "Schooner"
-msgstr "Schooner"
-#: DataSampan
-msgctxt "DataSampan"
-msgid "Sampan"
-msgstr "Sampan"
-#: DataTugboat
-msgctxt "DataTugboat"
-msgid "Tugboat"
-msgstr "Tugboat"
-#: DataTrawler
-msgctxt "DataTrawler"
-msgid "Trawler"
-msgstr "Trawler"
-#: DataSubmarine
-msgctxt "DataSubmarine"
-msgid "Submarine"
-msgstr "Submarine"
-#: DataDestroyer
-msgctxt "DataDestroyer"
-msgid "Destroyer"
-msgstr "Destroyer"
-#: DataBarge
-msgctxt "DataBarge"
-msgid "Barge"
-msgstr "Barge"
-#: DataAirboat
-msgctxt "DataAirboat"
-msgid "Airboat"
-msgstr "Airboat"
-#: DataGundalow
-msgctxt "DataGundalow"
-msgid "Gundalow"
-msgstr "Gundalow"
-#: DataOilTanker
-msgctxt "DataOilTanker"
-msgid "Oil Tanker"
-msgstr "Oil Tanker"
-#: DataCoble
-msgctxt "DataCoble"
-msgid "Coble"
-msgstr "Coble"
-#: DataCabinCruiser
-msgctxt "DataCabinCruiser"
-msgid "Cabin Cruiser"
-msgstr "Cabin Cruiser"
-#: DataNarrowboat
-msgctxt "DataNarrowboat"
-msgid "Narrowboat"
-msgstr "Narrowboat"
-#: DataFishingBoat
-msgctxt "DataFishingBoat"
-msgid "Fishing Boat"
-msgstr "Fishing Boat"
-#: DataRunabout
-msgctxt "DataRunabout"
-msgid "Runabout"
-msgstr "Runabout"
-#: DataPagoda
-msgctxt "DataPagoda"
-msgid "Pagoda"
-msgstr "Pagoda"
-#: DataMountain
-msgctxt "DataMountain"
-msgid "Mountain"
-msgstr "Mountain"
-#: DataPlane
-msgctxt "DataPlane"
-msgid "Plane"
-msgstr "Plane"
-#: Datahelicopter
-msgctxt "Datahelicopter"
-msgid "helicopter"
-msgstr "helicopter"
-#: DataHeart
-msgctxt "DataHeart"
-msgid "Heart"
-msgstr "Heart"
-#: DataApple
-msgctxt "DataApple"
-msgid "Apple"
-msgstr "Apple"
-#: DataHelicopter3
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter3"
-msgid "Helicopter 3"
-msgstr "Helicopter 3"
-#: DataStairway
-msgctxt "DataStairway"
-msgid "Stairway"
-msgstr "Stairway"
-#: DataHelicopter2
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter2"
-msgid "Helicopter 2"
-msgstr "Helicopter 2"
-#: DataStar
-msgctxt "DataStar"
-msgid "Star"
-msgstr "Star"
-#: DataIgloo
-msgctxt "DataIgloo"
-msgid "Igloo"
-msgstr "Igloo"
-#: DataBridge
-msgctxt "DataBridge"
-msgid "Bridge"
-msgstr "Bridge"
-#: DataGateway
-msgctxt "DataGateway"
-msgid "Gateway"
-msgstr "Gateway"
-#: DataMusicalNote
-msgctxt "DataMusicalNote"
-msgid "Musical Note"
-msgstr "Musical Note"
-#: DataTree
-msgctxt "DataTree"
-msgid "Tree"
-msgstr "Tree"
-#: DataShoppingCart
-msgctxt "DataShoppingCart"
-msgid "Shopping Cart"
-msgstr "Shopping Cart"
diff --git a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/es.po b/activities/Tangram.activity/po/es.po
deleted file mode 100644
index b9faeb709..000000000
--- a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/es.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1507 +0,0 @@
-#. extracted from ../locale.ini
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: Fri May 07 2021 23:01:38 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 2.16\n"
-#: SecondsAgo
-msgctxt "SecondsAgo"
-msgid "Seconds ago"
-msgstr "Hace unos segundos"
-#. Do not translate {{time}}
-#: Ago
-msgctxt "Ago"
-msgid "{{time}} ago"
-msgstr "Hace {{time}}"
-#: Minutes_one
-msgctxt "Minutes_one"
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minuto"
-#: Minutes_other
-msgctxt "Minutes_other"
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutos"
-#: Hours_one
-msgctxt "Hours_one"
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "hora"
-#: Hours_other
-msgctxt "Hours_other"
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "horas"
-#: Days_one
-msgctxt "Days_one"
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "día"
-#: Days_other
-msgctxt "Days_other"
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "días"
-#: Weeks_one
-msgctxt "Weeks_one"
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "semana"
-#: Weeks_other
-msgctxt "Weeks_other"
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "semanas"
-#: Months_one
-msgctxt "Months_one"
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "mes"
-#: Months_other
-msgctxt "Months_other"
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "meses"
-#: Years_one
-msgctxt "Years_one"
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "año"
-#: Years_other
-msgctxt "Years_other"
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "años"
-#: Anytime
-msgctxt "Anytime"
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Cualquier momento"
-#: Today
-msgctxt "Today"
-msgid "Today"
-msgstr "Hoy"
-#: SinceYesterday
-msgctxt "SinceYesterday"
-msgid "Since yesterday"
-msgstr "Desde ayer"
-#: PastWeek
-msgctxt "PastWeek"
-msgid "Past week"
-msgstr "La semana pasada"
-#: PastMonth
-msgctxt "PastMonth"
-msgid "Past month"
-msgstr "El mes pasado"
-#: PastYear
-msgctxt "PastYear"
-msgid "Past year"
-msgstr "El año pasado"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserJoined
-msgctxt "UserJoined"
-msgid "{{name}} joined"
-msgstr "{{name}} se ha unido"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserLeft
-msgctxt "UserLeft"
-msgid "{{name}} left"
-msgstr "{{name}} se ha desconectado"
-#: Network
-msgctxt "Network"
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Network"
-#: View
-msgctxt "View"
-msgid "Play/Setting View"
-msgstr "Jugar/Editar"
-#: Timer
-msgctxt "Timer"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: DifficultyLevel
-msgctxt "DifficultyLevel"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Nivel de dificultad"
-#: Category
-msgctxt "Category"
-msgid "Tangrams Category"
-msgstr "Categoría de tangrams"
-#: NewCategory
-msgctxt "NewCategory"
-msgid "Create new category"
-msgstr "Crear una nueva categoría"
-#: Hint
-msgctxt "Hint"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Pista"
-#: Tutorial
-msgctxt "Tutorial"
-msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: Fullscreen
-msgctxt "Fullscreen"
-msgid "Fullscreen"
-msgstr "Pantalla completa"
-#: Unfullscreen
-msgctxt "Unfullscreen"
-msgid "Unfullscreen"
-msgstr "Modo ventana"
-#: Stop
-msgctxt "Stop"
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: HintsUsed
-msgctxt "HintsUsed"
-msgid "Hints Used"
-msgstr "Pistas usadas"
-#: Score
-msgctxt "Score"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Puntuación"
-#: TotalScore
-msgctxt "TotalScore"
-msgid "Total Score:"
-msgstr "Total Score:"
-#: TotalTime
-msgctxt "TotalTime"
-msgid "Total Time:"
-msgstr "Tiempo total:"
-#: NewTitle
-msgctxt "NewTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "Nueva categoría"
-#: Confirm
-msgctxt "Confirm"
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmar"
-#: Cancel
-msgctxt "Cancel"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancelar"
-#: Title
-msgctxt "Title"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Título"
-#: Rank
-msgctxt "Rank"
-msgid "Rank"
-msgstr "Clasificación"
-#: User
-msgctxt "User"
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "Usuario"
-#: NoTimer
-msgctxt "NoTimer"
-msgid "No Timer"
-msgstr "No Timer"
-#: EasyLevel
-msgctxt "EasyLevel"
-msgid "Easy Level"
-msgstr "Nivel fácil"
-#: MediumLevel
-msgctxt "MediumLevel"
-msgid "Medium Level"
-msgstr "Nivel normal"
-#: Easy
-msgctxt "Easy"
-msgid "Easy"
-msgstr "Fácil"
-#: Hard
-msgctxt "Hard"
-msgid "Hard"
-msgstr "Difícil"
-#: ValidPuzzle
-msgctxt "ValidPuzzle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Puzle válido"
-#: InvalidShape
-msgctxt "InvalidShape"
-msgid "Invalid Shape"
-msgstr "Forma no válida"
-#: InvalidName
-msgctxt "InvalidName"
-msgid "Invalid Name"
-msgstr "Nombre no válido"
-#: TangramDifficulty
-msgctxt "TangramDifficulty"
-msgid "Tangram Difficulty"
-msgstr "Dificultad de tangram"
-#: MyTangram
-msgctxt "MyTangram"
-msgid "My Tangram"
-msgstr "Mi tangram"
-#: TutoPrev
-msgctxt "TutoPrev"
-msgid "Prev"
-msgstr "Ant"
-#: TutoNext
-msgctxt "TutoNext"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Sig"
-#: TutoEnd
-msgctxt "TutoEnd"
-msgid "End"
-msgstr "Fin"
-#: TutoExplainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Activity"
-msgstr "Actividad \"Tangram\""
-#: TutoExplainContent
-msgctxt "TutoExplainContent"
-msgid "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-msgstr "Bienvenido a la actividad \"Tangram\". El \"tangram\" es un juego clásico chino, en el que el objetivo es reorganizar siete piezas para obtener diferentes formas"
-#: TutoAboutTitle
-msgctxt "TutoAboutTitle"
-msgid "Game modes"
-msgstr "Modos de juego"
-#: TutoAboutContent
-msgctxt "TutoAboutContent"
-msgid "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-msgstr "Puedes jugar a este juego en el modo de un jugador o en multijugador. En el modo de un jugador, tendrás la opción de activar/desactivar el contador de tiempo, mientras que en el modo multijugador este contador siempre estará activo. Si no hay contador, tendrás un puzle o pregunta por partida, mientras que cuando tengas un contado, tendrás que resolver más de una de estas actividades"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle"
-msgstr "Puzle"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleContent"
-msgid "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-msgstr "En cada puzle o pregunta, recibirás una forma o tangram determinado. Usando las 7 piezas iniciales (que no podrás usar más de una vez y que no pueden superponerse), tendrás que crear esa forma final"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Category"
-msgstr "Categoría de tangram"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryContent"
-msgid "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-msgstr "Estas son las diferentes categorías que puedes escoger para los tangrams a resolver"
-#: TutoBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardTitle"
-msgid "Board"
-msgstr "Tablero"
-#: TutoBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardContent"
-msgid "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-msgstr "Este es tu tablero de juego. Tienes tus 7 \"tans\" o piezas a usar, y también podrás ver la figura que debes construir. Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-msgstr "También podrás controlar tus \"tans\" usando el teclado.
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.
C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-msgstr "Si resuelves el puzle, obtendrás la puntuación que se mostrará en pantalla. Trata de maximizar dicha puntuación, lo cual dependerá de:
A. Puntos por resolver el puzle
B. Tiempo empleado
Si resuelves el puzle en menos de un minuto, obtendrás una bonificación de puntuación (que mejorará cuanto menos tiempo hayas empleado).
C. Dificultad del puzle
Los tangrams pueden ser fáciles o difíciles, dependiendo del número de puntos exteriores del tangram
D. Dificultad de la partida
La dificultad de la partida puede ser fácil o normal, representando por ejemplo un puzle con o sin piezas internas
E. Cantidad de pistas empleadas
Cuantas menos pistas uses, mayor será tu puntuación
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-msgstr "Para que un puzle sea válido:
1) Los \"tans\" o piezas no pueden solaparse.
2) Cada \"tan\" debe estar conectado o unido, al menos, con otro \"tan\"
3) La anchura y la altura del tangram creado no puede exceder la anchura y altura del cuadrado que hay en el tablero
4) El nombre del tangram no puede estar vacío"
-#: TutoCategoryNameTitle
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameTitle"
-msgid "Category Name"
-msgstr "Nombre de categoría"
-#: TutoCategoryNameContent
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameContent"
-msgid "Enter the name of your new category"
-msgstr "Escribe el nombre de la nueva categoría"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "New Puzzle"
-msgstr "Nuevo puzle"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-msgstr "Haz clic aquí para crear un nuevo puzle de tangram"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Edit Puzzle"
-msgstr "Editar puzle"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Haz clic aquí para editar el puzle elegido"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Delete Puzzle"
-msgstr "Borrar puzle"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Haz clic aquí para borrar el puzle elegido"
-#: TutoEditCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Edit Category"
-msgstr "Editar categoría"
-#: TutoEditCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Edit current Category"
-msgstr "Haz clic aquí para editar la categoría actual"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Delete Category"
-msgstr "Borrar categoría"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-msgstr "Haz clic aquí para borrar la categoría actual y todos los puzles incluidos en ella"
-#: DataAnimals
-msgctxt "DataAnimals"
-msgid "Animals"
-msgstr "Animales"
-#: DataLetters,Numbers,Signs
-msgctxt "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs"
-msgid "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-msgstr "Letras, números, signos"
-#: DataPeople
-msgctxt "DataPeople"
-msgid "People"
-msgstr "Gente"
-#: DataGeometrical
-msgctxt "DataGeometrical"
-msgid "Geometrical"
-msgstr "Figuras geométricas"
-#: DataUsualObjects
-msgctxt "DataUsualObjects"
-msgid "Usual Objects"
-msgstr "Objetos comunes"
-#: DataBoats
-msgctxt "DataBoats"
-msgid "Boats"
-msgstr "Barcos"
-#: DataMiscellaneous
-msgctxt "DataMiscellaneous"
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Misceláneos"
-#: DataRandom
-msgctxt "DataRandom"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Aleatorios"
-#: Dataswan
-msgctxt "Dataswan"
-msgid "swan"
-msgstr "Cisne"
-#: DataCat
-msgctxt "DataCat"
-msgid "Cat"
-msgstr "Gato"
-#: DataBird
-msgctxt "DataBird"
-msgid "Bird"
-msgstr "Pájaro"
-#: DataCrow2
-msgctxt "DataCrow2"
-msgid "Crow 2"
-msgstr "Cuervo 2"
-#: DataRabbit
-msgctxt "DataRabbit"
-msgid "Rabbit"
-msgstr "Conejo"
-#: DataHorse
-msgctxt "DataHorse"
-msgid "Horse"
-msgstr "Caballo"
-#: DataCamel
-msgctxt "DataCamel"
-msgid "Camel"
-msgstr "Camello"
-#: DataWhale
-msgctxt "DataWhale"
-msgid "Whale"
-msgstr "Ballena"
-#: DataVulture
-msgctxt "DataVulture"
-msgid "Vulture"
-msgstr "Buitre"
-#: DataCatLying
-msgctxt "DataCatLying"
-msgid "Cat Lying"
-msgstr "Gato acostado"
-#: DataKangaroo
-msgctxt "DataKangaroo"
-msgid "Kangaroo"
-msgstr "Canguro"
-#: DataCrow
-msgctxt "DataCrow"
-msgid "Crow"
-msgstr "Cuervo"
-#: DataMoonfish
-msgctxt "DataMoonfish"
-msgid "Moonfish"
-msgstr "Pez luna"
-#: DataBear
-msgctxt "DataBear"
-msgid "Bear"
-msgstr "Oso"
-#: DataSparrow
-msgctxt "DataSparrow"
-msgid "Sparrow"
-msgstr "Gorrión"
-#: DataDog
-msgctxt "DataDog"
-msgid "Dog"
-msgstr "Perro"
-#: DataTurtle
-msgctxt "DataTurtle"
-msgid "Turtle"
-msgstr "Tortuga"
-#: DataPigeon
-msgctxt "DataPigeon"
-msgid "Pigeon"
-msgstr "Paloma"
-#: DataCrab
-msgctxt "DataCrab"
-msgid "Crab"
-msgstr "Cangrejo"
-#: DataRat
-msgctxt "DataRat"
-msgid "Rat"
-msgstr "Rata"
-#: DataButterfly
-msgctxt "DataButterfly"
-msgid "Butterfly"
-msgstr "Mariposa"
-#: DataElephant
-msgctxt "DataElephant"
-msgid "Elephant"
-msgstr "Elefante"
-#: DataTurkey
-msgctxt "DataTurkey"
-msgid "Turkey"
-msgstr "Pavo"
-#: DataHeron
-msgctxt "DataHeron"
-msgid "Heron"
-msgstr "Garza"
-#: DataLetterA
-msgctxt "DataLetterA"
-msgid "Letter A"
-msgstr "Letra A"
-#: DataLetterB
-msgctxt "DataLetterB"
-msgid "Letter B"
-msgstr "Letra B"
-#: DataLetterC
-msgctxt "DataLetterC"
-msgid "Letter C"
-msgstr "Letra C"
-#: DataLetterD
-msgctxt "DataLetterD"
-msgid "Letter D"
-msgstr "Letra D"
-#: DataLetterE
-msgctxt "DataLetterE"
-msgid "Letter E"
-msgstr "Letra E"
-#: DataLetterF
-msgctxt "DataLetterF"
-msgid "Letter F"
-msgstr "Letra F"
-#: DataLetterG
-msgctxt "DataLetterG"
-msgid "Letter G"
-msgstr "Letra G"
-#: DataLetterH
-msgctxt "DataLetterH"
-msgid "Letter H"
-msgstr "Letra H"
-#: DataLetterI
-msgctxt "DataLetterI"
-msgid "Letter I"
-msgstr "Letra I"
-#: DataLetterJ
-msgctxt "DataLetterJ"
-msgid "Letter J"
-msgstr "Letra J"
-#: DataLetterK
-msgctxt "DataLetterK"
-msgid "Letter K"
-msgstr "Letra K"
-#: DataLetterL
-msgctxt "DataLetterL"
-msgid "Letter L"
-msgstr "Letra L"
-#: DataLetterM
-msgctxt "DataLetterM"
-msgid "Letter M"
-msgstr "Letra M"
-#: DataLetterN
-msgctxt "DataLetterN"
-msgid "Letter N"
-msgstr "Letra N"
-#: DataLetterO
-msgctxt "DataLetterO"
-msgid "Letter O"
-msgstr "Letra O"
-#: DataLetterP
-msgctxt "DataLetterP"
-msgid "Letter P"
-msgstr "Letra P"
-#: DataLetterQ
-msgctxt "DataLetterQ"
-msgid "Letter Q"
-msgstr "Letra Q"
-#: DataLetterR
-msgctxt "DataLetterR"
-msgid "Letter R"
-msgstr "Letra R"
-#: DataLetterS
-msgctxt "DataLetterS"
-msgid "Letter S"
-msgstr "Letra S"
-#: DataLetterT
-msgctxt "DataLetterT"
-msgid "Letter T"
-msgstr "Letra T"
-#: DataLetterU
-msgctxt "DataLetterU"
-msgid "Letter U"
-msgstr "Letra U"
-#: DataLetterV
-msgctxt "DataLetterV"
-msgid "Letter V"
-msgstr "Letra V"
-#: DataLetterW
-msgctxt "DataLetterW"
-msgid "Letter W"
-msgstr "Letra W"
-#: DataLetterX
-msgctxt "DataLetterX"
-msgid "Letter X"
-msgstr "Letra X"
-#: DataLetterY
-msgctxt "DataLetterY"
-msgid "Letter Y"
-msgstr "Letra Y"
-#: DataLetterZ
-msgctxt "DataLetterZ"
-msgid "Letter Z"
-msgstr "Letra Z"
-#: DataOne
-msgctxt "DataOne"
-msgid "One"
-msgstr "Uno"
-#: DataTwo
-msgctxt "DataTwo"
-msgid "Two"
-msgstr "Dos"
-#: DataThree
-msgctxt "DataThree"
-msgid "Three"
-msgstr "Tres"
-#: DataFour
-msgctxt "DataFour"
-msgid "Four"
-msgstr "Cuatro"
-#: DataFive
-msgctxt "DataFive"
-msgid "Five"
-msgstr "Cinco"
-#: DataSix
-msgctxt "DataSix"
-msgid "Six"
-msgstr "Seis"
-#: DataSeven
-msgctxt "DataSeven"
-msgid "Seven"
-msgstr "Siete"
-#: DataEight
-msgctxt "DataEight"
-msgid "Eight"
-msgstr "Ocho"
-#: DataNine
-msgctxt "DataNine"
-msgid "Nine"
-msgstr "Nueve"
-#: DataZero
-msgctxt "DataZero"
-msgid "Zero"
-msgstr "Cero"
-#: DataArrow
-msgctxt "DataArrow"
-msgid "Arrow"
-msgstr "Flecha"
-#: DataArrow2
-msgctxt "DataArrow2"
-msgid "Arrow 2"
-msgstr "Flecha 2"
-#: DataTripleArrow
-msgctxt "DataTripleArrow"
-msgid "Triple Arrow"
-msgstr "Flecha triple"
-#: DataDoubleArrow
-msgctxt "DataDoubleArrow"
-msgid "Double Arrow"
-msgstr "Flecha doble"
-#: DataSkater
-msgctxt "DataSkater"
-msgid "Skater"
-msgstr "Patinador"
-#: DataOffering
-msgctxt "DataOffering"
-msgid "Offering"
-msgstr "Ofrecimiento"
-#: DataBeSitting
-msgctxt "DataBeSitting"
-msgid "Be Sitting"
-msgstr "Persona sentada"
-#: DataDriver
-msgctxt "DataDriver"
-msgid "Driver"
-msgstr "Conductor"
-#: DataWaiter
-msgctxt "DataWaiter"
-msgid "Waiter"
-msgstr "Camarero"
-#: DataGoalkeeper
-msgctxt "DataGoalkeeper"
-msgid "Goal keeper"
-msgstr "Portero"
-#: DataLady
-msgctxt "DataLady"
-msgid "Lady"
-msgstr "Señora"
-#: DataJump
-msgctxt "DataJump"
-msgid "Jump"
-msgstr "Saltador"
-#: DataDayDreamer
-msgctxt "DataDayDreamer"
-msgid "Day Dreamer"
-msgstr "Soñador"
-#: DataRunner
-msgctxt "DataRunner"
-msgid "Runner"
-msgstr "Corredor"
-#: DataNurse
-msgctxt "DataNurse"
-msgid "Nurse"
-msgstr "Enfermera"
-#: DataKicking
-msgctxt "DataKicking"
-msgid "Kicking"
-msgstr "Pateador"
-#: DataAngler
-msgctxt "DataAngler"
-msgid "Angler"
-msgstr "Pescador"
-#: DataSprinter
-msgctxt "DataSprinter"
-msgid "Sprinter"
-msgstr "Deportista"
-#: DataDancer
-msgctxt "DataDancer"
-msgid "Dancer"
-msgstr "Bailarín"
-#: DataHorseRider
-msgctxt "DataHorseRider"
-msgid "Horse Rider"
-msgstr "Jinete"
-#: DataSitting
-msgctxt "DataSitting"
-msgid "Sitting"
-msgstr "Persona sentada"
-#: DataSoccer
-msgctxt "DataSoccer"
-msgid "Soccer"
-msgstr "Futbolista"
-#: DataAcrobat
-msgctxt "DataAcrobat"
-msgid "Acrobat"
-msgstr "Acróbata"
-#: DataJockey
-msgctxt "DataJockey"
-msgid "Jockey"
-msgstr "Jockey"
-#: DataFreeflyer
-msgctxt "DataFreeflyer"
-msgid "Freeflyer"
-msgstr "Caída libre"
-#: Datasquare
-msgctxt "Datasquare"
-msgid "square"
-msgstr "Cuadrado"
-#: DataHexagon
-msgctxt "DataHexagon"
-msgid "Hexagon"
-msgstr "Hexágono"
-#: DataTrapezoid
-msgctxt "DataTrapezoid"
-msgid "Trapezoid"
-msgstr "Trapezoide"
-#: DataIncompleteParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteParallelogram"
-msgid "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Paralelogramo incompleto"
-#: DataParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataParallelogram"
-msgid "Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Paralelogramo"
-#: DataDataConcavePolygon
-msgctxt "DataDataConcavePolygon"
-msgid "Concave Polygon"
-msgstr "Polígono cóncavo"
-#: DataTriangle
-msgctxt "DataTriangle"
-msgid "Triangle"
-msgstr "Triángulo"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle2"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle2"
-msgstr "Triángulo incompleto 2"
-#: DataIncompleterectangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleterectangle"
-msgid "Incomplete rectangle"
-msgstr "Rectángulo incompleto"
-#: DataPentagon
-msgctxt "DataPentagon"
-msgid "Pentagon"
-msgstr "Pentágono"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare"
-msgid "Incomplete Square"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto"
-#: DataOctagon
-msgctxt "DataOctagon"
-msgid "Octagon"
-msgstr "Octágono"
-#: DataPentagon2
-msgctxt "DataPentagon2"
-msgid "Pentagon 2"
-msgstr "Pentágono 2"
-#: DataHexagon2
-msgctxt "DataHexagon2"
-msgid "Hexagon 2"
-msgstr "Hexágono 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare2"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 2"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare3"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 3"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto 3"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare4
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare4"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 4"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto 4"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare5
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare5"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 5"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto 5"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare6
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare6"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 6"
-msgstr "Cuadrado incompleto 6"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle"
-msgstr "Triángulo incompleto"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle3"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-msgstr "Triángulo incompleto 3"
-#: DataShirt
-msgctxt "DataShirt"
-msgid "Shirt"
-msgstr "Camisa"
-#: DataCandle
-msgctxt "DataCandle"
-msgid "Candle"
-msgstr "Vela"
-#: DataTeapot
-msgctxt "DataTeapot"
-msgid "Teapot"
-msgstr "Tetera"
-#: DataIron
-msgctxt "DataIron"
-msgid "Iron"
-msgstr "Plancha"
-#: DataShoe
-msgctxt "DataShoe"
-msgid "Shoe"
-msgstr "Zapato"
-#: DataKey
-msgctxt "DataKey"
-msgid "Key"
-msgstr "Llave"
-#: DataPinwheel
-msgctxt "DataPinwheel"
-msgid "Pinwheel"
-msgstr "Molinillo"
-#: DataSpanner
-msgctxt "DataSpanner"
-msgid "Spanner"
-msgstr "Llave inglesa"
-#: DataUrn
-msgctxt "DataUrn"
-msgid "Urn"
-msgstr "Urna"
-#: DataWaterPistol
-msgctxt "DataWaterPistol"
-msgid "Water Pistol"
-msgstr "Pistola de agua"
-#: DataBowl
-msgctxt "DataBowl"
-msgid "Bowl"
-msgstr "Cuenco"
-#: DataDagger
-msgctxt "DataDagger"
-msgid "Dagger"
-msgstr "Daga"
-#: DataChair
-msgctxt "DataChair"
-msgid "Chair"
-msgstr "Silla"
-#: DataWrench
-msgctxt "DataWrench"
-msgid "Wrench"
-msgstr "Llave de tuerca"
-#: DataWateringCan
-msgctxt "DataWateringCan"
-msgid "Watering Can"
-msgstr "Regadera"
-#: DataBoot
-msgctxt "DataBoot"
-msgid "Boot"
-msgstr "Bota"
-#: DataTrowel
-msgctxt "DataTrowel"
-msgid "Trowel"
-msgstr "Espátula"
-#: DataVase
-msgctxt "DataVase"
-msgid "Vase"
-msgstr "Florero"
-#: DataCrown
-msgctxt "DataCrown"
-msgid "Crown"
-msgstr "Corona"
-#: DataLaboratoryFlask
-msgctxt "DataLaboratoryFlask"
-msgid "Laboratory Flask"
-msgstr "Frasco de laboratorio"
-#: DataKettle
-msgctxt "DataKettle"
-msgid "Kettle"
-msgstr "Hervidor"
-#: DataHelmet
-msgctxt "DataHelmet"
-msgid "Helmet"
-msgstr "Casco"
-#: DataGlass
-msgctxt "DataGlass"
-msgid "Glass"
-msgstr "Vaso"
-#: DataSchooner
-msgctxt "DataSchooner"
-msgid "Schooner"
-msgstr "Goleta"
-#: DataSampan
-msgctxt "DataSampan"
-msgid "Sampan"
-msgstr "Canoa china"
-#: DataTugboat
-msgctxt "DataTugboat"
-msgid "Tugboat"
-msgstr "Remolcadora"
-#: DataTrawler
-msgctxt "DataTrawler"
-msgid "Trawler"
-msgstr "Arrastrero"
-#: DataSubmarine
-msgctxt "DataSubmarine"
-msgid "Submarine"
-msgstr "Submarino"
-#: DataDestroyer
-msgctxt "DataDestroyer"
-msgid "Destroyer"
-msgstr "Destructor"
-#: DataBarge
-msgctxt "DataBarge"
-msgid "Barge"
-msgstr "Barcaza"
-#: DataAirboat
-msgctxt "DataAirboat"
-msgid "Airboat"
-msgstr "Hidrodeslizador"
-#: DataGundalow
-msgctxt "DataGundalow"
-msgid "Gundalow"
-msgstr "Gundalow"
-#: DataOilTanker
-msgctxt "DataOilTanker"
-msgid "Oil Tanker"
-msgstr "Petrolero"
-#: DataCoble
-msgctxt "DataCoble"
-msgid "Coble"
-msgstr "Coble"
-#: DataCabinCruiser
-msgctxt "DataCabinCruiser"
-msgid "Cabin Cruiser"
-msgstr "Crucero de cabina"
-#: DataNarrowboat
-msgctxt "DataNarrowboat"
-msgid "Narrowboat"
-msgstr "Barco estrecho"
-#: DataFishingBoat
-msgctxt "DataFishingBoat"
-msgid "Fishing Boat"
-msgstr "Barco de pesca"
-#: DataRunabout
-msgctxt "DataRunabout"
-msgid "Runabout"
-msgstr "Transbordador"
-#: DataPagoda
-msgctxt "DataPagoda"
-msgid "Pagoda"
-msgstr "Pagoda"
-#: DataMountain
-msgctxt "DataMountain"
-msgid "Mountain"
-msgstr "Montaña"
-#: DataPlane
-msgctxt "DataPlane"
-msgid "Plane"
-msgstr "Avión"
-#: Datahelicopter
-msgctxt "Datahelicopter"
-msgid "helicopter"
-msgstr "Helicóptero"
-#: DataHeart
-msgctxt "DataHeart"
-msgid "Heart"
-msgstr "Corazón"
-#: DataApple
-msgctxt "DataApple"
-msgid "Apple"
-msgstr "Manzana"
-#: DataHelicopter3
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter3"
-msgid "Helicopter 3"
-msgstr "Helicóptero 3"
-#: DataStairway
-msgctxt "DataStairway"
-msgid "Stairway"
-msgstr "Escaleras"
-#: DataHelicopter2
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter2"
-msgid "Helicopter 2"
-msgstr "Helicóptero 2"
-#: DataStar
-msgctxt "DataStar"
-msgid "Star"
-msgstr "Estrella"
-#: DataIgloo
-msgctxt "DataIgloo"
-msgid "Igloo"
-msgstr "Iglú"
-#: DataBridge
-msgctxt "DataBridge"
-msgid "Bridge"
-msgstr "Puente"
-#: DataGateway
-msgctxt "DataGateway"
-msgid "Gateway"
-msgstr "Entrada"
-#: DataMusicalNote
-msgctxt "DataMusicalNote"
-msgid "Musical Note"
-msgstr "Nota musical"
-#: DataTree
-msgctxt "DataTree"
-msgid "Tree"
-msgstr "Árbol"
-#: DataShoppingCart
-msgctxt "DataShoppingCart"
-msgid "Shopping Cart"
-msgstr "Carrito de compra"
diff --git a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/fr.po b/activities/Tangram.activity/po/fr.po
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b96386a..000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1513 +0,0 @@
-#. extracted from ../locale.ini
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
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-"POT-Creation-Date: Fri May 07 2021 23:01:38 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n"
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-#: SecondsAgo
-msgctxt "SecondsAgo"
-msgid "Seconds ago"
-msgstr "A l\'instant"
-#. Do not translate {{time}}
-#: Ago
-msgctxt "Ago"
-msgid "{{time}} ago"
-msgstr "il y a {{time}}"
-#: Minutes_one
-msgctxt "Minutes_one"
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minute"
-#: Minutes_other
-msgctxt "Minutes_other"
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutes"
-#: Hours_one
-msgctxt "Hours_one"
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "heure"
-#: Hours_other
-msgctxt "Hours_other"
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "heures"
-#: Days_one
-msgctxt "Days_one"
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "jour"
-#: Days_other
-msgctxt "Days_other"
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "jours"
-#: Weeks_one
-msgctxt "Weeks_one"
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "semaine"
-#: Weeks_other
-msgctxt "Weeks_other"
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "semaines"
-#: Months_one
-msgctxt "Months_one"
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "mois"
-#: Months_other
-msgctxt "Months_other"
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "mois"
-#: Years_one
-msgctxt "Years_one"
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "an"
-#: Years_other
-msgctxt "Years_other"
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "ans"
-#: Anytime
-msgctxt "Anytime"
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "N'importe quand"
-#: Today
-msgctxt "Today"
-msgid "Today"
-msgstr "Aujourd'hui"
-#: SinceYesterday
-msgctxt "SinceYesterday"
-msgid "Since yesterday"
-msgstr "Depuis hier"
-#: PastWeek
-msgctxt "PastWeek"
-msgid "Past week"
-msgstr "Depuis une semaine"
-#: PastMonth
-msgctxt "PastMonth"
-msgid "Past month"
-msgstr "Depuis un mois"
-#: PastYear
-msgctxt "PastYear"
-msgid "Past year"
-msgstr "Depuis une année"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserJoined
-msgctxt "UserJoined"
-msgid "{{name}} joined"
-msgstr "{{name}} a rejoint"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserLeft
-msgctxt "UserLeft"
-msgid "{{name}} left"
-msgstr "{{name}} est parti"
-#: Network
-msgctxt "Network"
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Réseau"
-#: View
-msgctxt "View"
-msgid "Play/Setting View"
-msgstr "Mode Éditer/Jouer"
-#: Random
-msgctxt "Random"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Aléatoire"
-#: Timer
-msgctxt "Timer"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Minuteur"
-#: DifficultyLevel
-msgctxt "DifficultyLevel"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Niveau de difficulté"
-#: Category
-msgctxt "Category"
-msgid "Tangrams Category"
-msgstr "Catégorie Tangrams"
-#: NewCategory
-msgctxt "NewCategory"
-msgid "Create new category"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour créer une nouvelle catégorie"
-#: Hint
-msgctxt "Hint"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Conseil"
-#: Tutorial
-msgctxt "Tutorial"
-msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: Fullscreen
-msgctxt "Fullscreen"
-msgid "Fullscreen"
-msgstr "Plein écran"
-#: Unfullscreen
-msgctxt "Unfullscreen"
-msgid "Unfullscreen"
-msgstr "Ecran normal"
-#: Stop
-msgctxt "Stop"
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: HintsUsed
-msgctxt "HintsUsed"
-msgid "Hints Used"
-msgstr "Conseils utilisés"
-#: Score
-msgctxt "Score"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TotalScore
-msgctxt "TotalScore"
-msgid "Total Score:"
-msgstr "Score Total:"
-#: TotalTime
-msgctxt "TotalTime"
-msgid "Total Time:"
-msgstr "Temps Total:"
-#: NewTitle
-msgctxt "NewTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "Nouvelle catégorie"
-#: Confirm
-msgctxt "Confirm"
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirmer"
-#: Cancel
-msgctxt "Cancel"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Annuler"
-#: Title
-msgctxt "Title"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Titre"
-#: Rank
-msgctxt "Rank"
-msgid "Rank"
-msgstr "Classement"
-#: User
-msgctxt "User"
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "Utilisateur"
-#: NoTimer
-msgctxt "NoTimer"
-msgid "No Timer"
-msgstr "Pas de minuterie"
-#: EasyLevel
-msgctxt "EasyLevel"
-msgid "Easy Level"
-msgstr "Niveau facile"
-#: MediumLevel
-msgctxt "MediumLevel"
-msgid "Medium Level"
-msgstr "Niveau moyen"
-#: Easy
-msgctxt "Easy"
-msgid "Easy"
-msgstr "Facile"
-#: Hard
-msgctxt "Hard"
-msgid "Hard"
-msgstr "Moyen"
-#: ValidPuzzle
-msgctxt "ValidPuzzle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Forme valide"
-#: InvalidShape
-msgctxt "InvalidShape"
-msgid "Invalid Shape"
-msgstr "Forme incorrecte"
-#: InvalidName
-msgctxt "InvalidName"
-msgid "Invalid Name"
-msgstr "Nom incorrect"
-#: TangramDifficulty
-msgctxt "TangramDifficulty"
-msgid "Tangram Difficulty"
-msgstr "Difficulté Tangram"
-#: MyTangram
-msgctxt "MyTangram"
-msgid "My Tangram"
-msgstr "Mon Tangram"
-#: TutoPrev
-msgctxt "TutoPrev"
-msgid "Prev"
-msgstr "Préc"
-#: TutoNext
-msgctxt "TutoNext"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Suiv"
-#: TutoEnd
-msgctxt "TutoEnd"
-msgid "End"
-msgstr "Fin"
-#: TutoExplainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Activity"
-msgstr "Activité Tangram"
-#: TutoExplainContent
-msgctxt "TutoExplainContent"
-msgid "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-msgstr "Bienvenue dans l'activité Tangram. Tangram est le fameux jeu traditionnel chinois dont le but est d'arranger sept pièces pour reconstituer une des formes proposées"
-#: TutoAboutTitle
-msgctxt "TutoAboutTitle"
-msgid "Game modes"
-msgstr "Modes de jeu"
-#: TutoAboutContent
-msgctxt "TutoAboutContent"
-msgid "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez jouer en mode solo ou en mode multi-joueur. En mode solo, vous avez la possibilité d'activer/désactiver un minuteur alors qu'en mode multi joueur, le minuteur est toujours actif. Quand le minuteur et désactivé, vous devez résoudre un seul Tangram alors que lorsque le minuteur est activé, vous devez résoudre le plus de Tangrams possibles dans le temps prévu"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle"
-msgstr "Tangram"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleContent"
-msgid "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-msgstr "A chaque tour, vous devez reconstituer un tangram. En utilisant les 7 pièces, vous devez reconstituer la forme proposée sachant que chaque pièce ne peut être utilisée qu'une seule fois et que les pièces ne peuvent pas se chevaucher"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Category"
-msgstr "Catégories"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryContent"
-msgid "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-msgstr "Ce menu vous permet de voir toutes catégories de tangram à résoudre"
-#: TutoBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardTitle"
-msgid "Board"
-msgstr "Plateau"
-#: TutoBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardContent"
-msgid "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-msgstr "Ceci est le plateau de jeu. Vous disposez ici de 7 tans ou pièces et pouvez visualiser la forme cible.Vous pouvez glisser/déposer les pièces pour les déplacer. Vous pouvez cliquer ou toucher les pièces pour les faire pivoter. "
-#: TutoKeyBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardTitle"
-msgid "KeyBoard Controls"
-msgstr "Contrôle au clavier"
-#: TutoKeyBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardContent"
-msgid "You can control tans using keyboard also.Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-msgstr "Vous pouvez aussi contrôler les pièces en utilisant le clavier.Sélectionner/Déselectionner Déplacer Pivoter "
-#: TutoRefreshTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshTitle"
-msgid "Refesh"
-msgstr "Rafraîchir"
-#: TutoRefreshContent
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshContent"
-msgid "Click to Refresh the game tans position and move them back to their initial positions"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour Rafraîchir le jeu et remettre les pièces à leur positions initiales"
-#: TutoPassTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPassTitle"
-msgid "Pass"
-msgstr "Passer"
-#: TutoPassContent
-msgctxt "TutoPassContent"
-msgid "If you are unable to solve the puzzle you can pass the current puzzle and move to another one"
-msgstr "Si vous n'arrivez pas à résoudre le tangram vous pouvez passer pour en avoir un autre"
-#: TutoSettingViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewTitle"
-msgid "Setting View"
-msgstr "Mode Éditer"
-#: TutoSettingViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewContent"
-msgid "You can Edit / Delete the particular tangram puzzle or category from the list. You can also create new tangram Puzzle or category and add the same to your puzzle set"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez Modifier/Supprimer un tangram au catégorie de la liste. Vous pouvez aussi créer un nouveau tangram ou une catégorie"
-#: TutoScoreTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreContent"
-msgid "If you solve the puzzle, you will get the calculated score. You should try to maximize the score. It will depend upon:
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-msgstr "Si vous résolvez le tangram, l'ordinateur va calculer votre score. L'objectif est d'obtenir le meilleur score. Cela dépend de:
A. Points pour résoudre le tangram
B. Temps pris
Si vous résolvez le tangram en moins d'1 min, vous aurez un bonus (dépendant du temps pris pour résoudre le tangram). Plus vous résolvez le tangram vite, plus votre score sera élevéC. Difficulté du Tangram
Les Tangrams peuvent être faciles ou difficiles en fonction du nombre d'arêtes externes de la forme
D. Niveau de Difficulté
Le Niveau de Difficulté peut être Facile ou Moyen i.e forme cible découpée ou pleine
E. Nombre de Conseils utilisés
Moins vous utilisez de conseils meilleur est votre score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-#: TutoHintTitle
-msgctxt "TutoHintTitle"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Conseil"
-#: TutoHintContent
-msgctxt "TutoHintContent"
-msgid "Click this to get a hint from the computer. WARNING!! There will be a penalty on using hint. If you use hints for all six or seven tans then you will get 0 score"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour obtenir un conseil de l'ordinateur. ATTENTION !! Cela vous pénalisera d'utiliser le conseil. Si vous utilisez un conseil pour chaque emplacement, vous obtiendrez un score de 0"
-#: TutoLevelTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLevelTitle"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Niveau de Difficulté"
-#: TutoLevelContent
-msgctxt "TutoLevelContent"
-msgid "Choose the Difficulty level. There are two Levels:- Easy where All the outlines and inner outlines of all the tans would be visible and Medium where only silhouette of the target tangram would be visible"
-msgstr "Choisissez le Niveau de difficulté. Il y a 2 niveaux: - Facile où l'emplacement de toutes les pièces est visible et Moyen où vous ne voyez que la silhouette du tangram à résoudre"
-#: TutoTimerTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTimerTitle"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Minuteur"
-#: TutoTimerContent
-msgctxt "TutoTimerContent"
-msgid "Choose Timer. You can disable/enable the timer here"
-msgstr "Vous pouvez activer/désactiver le mode minuteur ici"
-#: TutoGameActionsTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsTitle"
-msgid "Game Actions"
-msgstr "Actions de Jeu"
-#: TutoGameActionsContent
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsContent"
-msgid "Here you have Game Actions buttons like \"Restart\", \"Pass\", \"Refresh\". \"Refresh\" will move back all of your tans to initial positions"
-msgstr "Ici vous trouvez les boutons d'action comme \"Redémarrer\", \"Passer\", \"Rafraîchir\". \"Rafraîchir\" remet toutes les pièces à leurs positions initiales"
-#: TutoViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoViewTitle"
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Mode"
-#: TutoViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoViewContent"
-msgid "Click To Change The view i.e. Play/Setting view"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour changer le mode i.e. Éditer/Jouer"
-#: TutoRandomPlayTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayTitle"
-msgid "Random Play"
-msgstr "Jeu Aléatoire"
-#: TutoRandomPlayContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayContent"
-msgid "Click To Play With Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Cliquez pour Jouer avec un Tangram aléatoire"
-#: TutoRandomButtonTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonTitle"
-msgid "Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Tangrams Aléatoires"
-#: TutoRandomButtonContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonContent"
-msgid "Click To Generate Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Cliquez pour générer des Tangrams aléatoirement"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle Indicator"
-msgstr "Indicateur Forme Valide"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent"
-msgid "This will indicate if the puzzle you created is valid or invalid"
-msgstr "Cet indicateur permet de valider que la forme est correcte ou incorrecte"
-#: TutoResultTitle
-msgctxt "TutoResultTitle"
-msgid "Results screen"
-msgstr "Ecran de Résultats"
-#: TutoResultContent
-msgctxt "TutoResultContent"
-msgid "On this screen you can see Solutions of the puzzles you have attempted in Timer Mode"
-msgstr "Sur cet écran vous pouvez voir les solutions de tous les tangrams que vous avez commencé à résoudre"
-#: TutoTangramCardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle Card"
-msgstr "Carte"
-#: TutoTangramCardContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardContent"
-msgid "Each Card will show you the info about the puzzle you have encountered in the game.If You have solved the puzzle then you will see your solution of the puzzle otherwise you will see computer's solution"
-msgstr "Chaque Carte affiche les informations sur le tangram que vous avez eu à résoudre"
-#: TutoClockInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoTitle"
-msgid "Time taken"
-msgstr "Temps écoulé"
-#: TutoClockInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the time taken to solve the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Ceci indique le temps que vous avez utilisé pour résoudre ce tangram spécifique"
-#: TutoScoreInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the score you got in the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Ceci indique le score que vous avez obtenu pour ce tangram spécifique"
-#: TutoRestartTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRestartTitle"
-msgid "Restart"
-msgstr "Redémarrer"
-#: TutoRestartContent
-msgctxt "TutoRestartContent"
-msgid "Click here to restart the game"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour redémarrer le jeu"
-#: TutoPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the puzzle number you are at and the total puzzles you have attempted. You can move to next/previous puzzles by the controls given"
-msgstr "Ceci affiche le numéro du tangram où vous êtes et le nombre total de tangram que vous avez tentés de résoudre. Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans la liste avec les boutons précédent/suivant"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the page number of the leaderboard rankings you are at. You can move to next/previous rankings by the controls given"
-msgstr "Ceci affiche le numéro de page dans le tableau des scores avec votre classement. Vous pouvez vous déplacer dans le classement en utilisant les boutons précédent/suivant"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainTitle"
-msgid "Leaderboard screen"
-msgstr "Tableau des scores"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainContent"
-msgid "Here you can see the rankings and score of the users competiting with you"
-msgstr "Ceci est le tableau des scores avec le classement des utilisateurs qui jouent contre vous"
-#: TutoGoBackTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackTitle"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Retour Arrière"
-#: TutoGoBackContent
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackContent"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Retour Arrière"
-#: TutoPlayViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewTitle"
-msgid "Play View"
-msgstr "Vue Jouer"
-#: TutoPlayViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewContent"
-msgid "You can click on any puzzle to solve the same"
-msgstr "Dans cet écran, cliquez simplement sur un tangram pour essayer de le résoudre"
-#: TutoNewCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "Nouvelle Catégorie"
-#: TutoNewCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Create New Category"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour Créer une Nouvelle Catégorie"
-#: TutoBoardEditorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorTitle"
-msgid "Editor board"
-msgstr "Plateau d'édition"
-#: TutoBoardEditorContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorContent"
-msgid "This is the Editor board where you can arrange the pieces together to form a Valid tangram"
-msgstr "Ceci est le plateau d'édition où vous pouvez arranger les pièces ensembles pour former un Tangram valide"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Forme Valide"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleContent"
-msgid "For a puzzle to be a valid puzzle:
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-msgstr "Pour qu'un tangram soit valide, il faut:
1) Qu'il n'y ait pas de pièces qui se chevauchent
2) Que toutes les pièces soient connectées ou accolées à au moins une autre pièce
3) Que la largeur et la longueur du tangram créé ne soit pas supérieures à la largeur et la longueur du cadre dans le plateau
4) Que le nom du tangram ne soit pas vide"
-#: TutoCategoryNameTitle
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameTitle"
-msgid "Category Name"
-msgstr "Nom Categorie"
-#: TutoCategoryNameContent
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameContent"
-msgid "Enter the name of your new category"
-msgstr "Entrez le nom de la nouvelle catégorie"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "New Puzzle"
-msgstr "Nouveau Tangram"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour créer un nouveau tangram"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Edit Puzzle"
-msgstr "Modifier Tangram"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour modifier ce tangram"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Delete Puzzle"
-msgstr "Supprimer Tangram"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour supprimer ce tangram"
-#: TutoEditCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Edit Category"
-msgstr "Modifier Catégorie"
-#: TutoEditCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Edit current Category"
-msgstr "Cliquez ici pour Modifier la catégorie actuelle"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Delete Category"
-msgstr "Supprimer Catégorie"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-msgstr "CLiquez ici pour Supprimer la catégorie actuelle et tous les tangrams qu'elle contient"
-#: DataAnimals
-msgctxt "DataAnimals"
-msgid "Animals"
-msgstr "Animaux"
-#: DataLetters,Numbers,Signs
-msgctxt "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs"
-msgid "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-msgstr "Lettres, chiffres, signes"
-#: DataPeople
-msgctxt "DataPeople"
-msgid "People"
-msgstr "Personnages"
-#: DataGeometrical
-msgctxt "DataGeometrical"
-msgid "Geometrical"
-msgstr "Formes Géométriques"
-#: DataUsualObjects
-msgctxt "DataUsualObjects"
-msgid "Usual Objects"
-msgstr "Objets usuels"
-#: DataBoats
-msgctxt "DataBoats"
-msgid "Boats"
-msgstr "Bateaux"
-#: DataMiscellaneous
-msgctxt "DataMiscellaneous"
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Divers"
-#: DataRandom
-msgctxt "DataRandom"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Aléatoire"
-#: Dataswan
-msgctxt "Dataswan"
-msgid "swan"
-msgstr "Cygne"
-#: DataCat
-msgctxt "DataCat"
-msgid "Cat"
-msgstr "Chat"
-#: DataBird
-msgctxt "DataBird"
-msgid "Bird"
-msgstr "Oiseau"
-#: DataCrow2
-msgctxt "DataCrow2"
-msgid "Crow 2"
-msgstr "Corbeau 2"
-#: DataRabbit
-msgctxt "DataRabbit"
-msgid "Rabbit"
-msgstr "Lapin"
-#: DataHorse
-msgctxt "DataHorse"
-msgid "Horse"
-msgstr "Cheval"
-#: DataCamel
-msgctxt "DataCamel"
-msgid "Camel"
-msgstr "Chameau"
-#: DataWhale
-msgctxt "DataWhale"
-msgid "Whale"
-msgstr "Baleine"
-#: DataVulture
-msgctxt "DataVulture"
-msgid "Vulture"
-msgstr "Vautour"
-#: DataCatLying
-msgctxt "DataCatLying"
-msgid "Cat Lying"
-msgstr "Chat couché"
-#: DataKangaroo
-msgctxt "DataKangaroo"
-msgid "Kangaroo"
-msgstr "Kangourou"
-#: DataCrow
-msgctxt "DataCrow"
-msgid "Crow"
-msgstr "Corbeau"
-#: DataMoonfish
-msgctxt "DataMoonfish"
-msgid "Moonfish"
-msgstr "Poisson-Lune"
-#: DataBear
-msgctxt "DataBear"
-msgid "Bear"
-msgstr "Ours"
-#: DataSparrow
-msgctxt "DataSparrow"
-msgid "Sparrow"
-msgstr "Moineau"
-#: DataDog
-msgctxt "DataDog"
-msgid "Dog"
-msgstr "Chien"
-#: DataTurtle
-msgctxt "DataTurtle"
-msgid "Turtle"
-msgstr "Tortue"
-#: DataPigeon
-msgctxt "DataPigeon"
-msgid "Pigeon"
-msgstr "Pigeon"
-#: DataCrab
-msgctxt "DataCrab"
-msgid "Crab"
-msgstr "Crabe"
-#: DataRat
-msgctxt "DataRat"
-msgid "Rat"
-msgstr "Rat"
-#: DataButterfly
-msgctxt "DataButterfly"
-msgid "Butterfly"
-msgstr "Papillon"
-#: DataElephant
-msgctxt "DataElephant"
-msgid "Elephant"
-msgstr "Éléphant"
-#: DataTurkey
-msgctxt "DataTurkey"
-msgid "Turkey"
-msgstr "Dinde"
-#: DataHeron
-msgctxt "DataHeron"
-msgid "Heron"
-msgstr "Héron"
-#: DataLetterA
-msgctxt "DataLetterA"
-msgid "Letter A"
-msgstr "Lettre A"
-#: DataLetterB
-msgctxt "DataLetterB"
-msgid "Letter B"
-msgstr "Lettre B"
-#: DataLetterC
-msgctxt "DataLetterC"
-msgid "Letter C"
-msgstr "Lettre C"
-#: DataLetterD
-msgctxt "DataLetterD"
-msgid "Letter D"
-msgstr "Lettre D"
-#: DataLetterE
-msgctxt "DataLetterE"
-msgid "Letter E"
-msgstr "Lettre E"
-#: DataLetterF
-msgctxt "DataLetterF"
-msgid "Letter F"
-msgstr "Lettre F"
-#: DataLetterG
-msgctxt "DataLetterG"
-msgid "Letter G"
-msgstr "Lettre G"
-#: DataLetterH
-msgctxt "DataLetterH"
-msgid "Letter H"
-msgstr "Lettre H"
-#: DataLetterI
-msgctxt "DataLetterI"
-msgid "Letter I"
-msgstr "Lettre I"
-#: DataLetterJ
-msgctxt "DataLetterJ"
-msgid "Letter J"
-msgstr "Lettre J"
-#: DataLetterK
-msgctxt "DataLetterK"
-msgid "Letter K"
-msgstr "Lettre K"
-#: DataLetterL
-msgctxt "DataLetterL"
-msgid "Letter L"
-msgstr "Lettre L"
-#: DataLetterM
-msgctxt "DataLetterM"
-msgid "Letter M"
-msgstr "Lettre M"
-#: DataLetterN
-msgctxt "DataLetterN"
-msgid "Letter N"
-msgstr "Lettre N"
-#: DataLetterO
-msgctxt "DataLetterO"
-msgid "Letter O"
-msgstr "Lettre O"
-#: DataLetterP
-msgctxt "DataLetterP"
-msgid "Letter P"
-msgstr "Lettre P"
-#: DataLetterQ
-msgctxt "DataLetterQ"
-msgid "Letter Q"
-msgstr "Lettre Q"
-#: DataLetterR
-msgctxt "DataLetterR"
-msgid "Letter R"
-msgstr "Lettre R"
-#: DataLetterS
-msgctxt "DataLetterS"
-msgid "Letter S"
-msgstr "Lettre S"
-#: DataLetterT
-msgctxt "DataLetterT"
-msgid "Letter T"
-msgstr "Lettre T"
-#: DataLetterU
-msgctxt "DataLetterU"
-msgid "Letter U"
-msgstr "Lettre U"
-#: DataLetterV
-msgctxt "DataLetterV"
-msgid "Letter V"
-msgstr "Lettre V"
-#: DataLetterW
-msgctxt "DataLetterW"
-msgid "Letter W"
-msgstr "Lettre W"
-#: DataLetterX
-msgctxt "DataLetterX"
-msgid "Letter X"
-msgstr "Lettre X"
-#: DataLetterY
-msgctxt "DataLetterY"
-msgid "Letter Y"
-msgstr "Lettre Y"
-#: DataLetterZ
-msgctxt "DataLetterZ"
-msgid "Letter Z"
-msgstr "Lettre Z"
-#: DataOne
-msgctxt "DataOne"
-msgid "One"
-msgstr "Un"
-#: DataTwo
-msgctxt "DataTwo"
-msgid "Two"
-msgstr "Deux"
-#: DataThree
-msgctxt "DataThree"
-msgid "Three"
-msgstr "Trois"
-#: DataFour
-msgctxt "DataFour"
-msgid "Four"
-msgstr "Quatre"
-#: DataFive
-msgctxt "DataFive"
-msgid "Five"
-msgstr "Cinq"
-#: DataSix
-msgctxt "DataSix"
-msgid "Six"
-msgstr "Six"
-#: DataSeven
-msgctxt "DataSeven"
-msgid "Seven"
-msgstr "Sept"
-#: DataEight
-msgctxt "DataEight"
-msgid "Eight"
-msgstr "Huit"
-#: DataNine
-msgctxt "DataNine"
-msgid "Nine"
-msgstr "Neuf"
-#: DataZero
-msgctxt "DataZero"
-msgid "Zero"
-msgstr "Zéro"
-#: DataArrow
-msgctxt "DataArrow"
-msgid "Arrow"
-msgstr "Flèche"
-#: DataArrow2
-msgctxt "DataArrow2"
-msgid "Arrow 2"
-msgstr "Flèche 2"
-#: DataTripleArrow
-msgctxt "DataTripleArrow"
-msgid "Triple Arrow"
-msgstr "Triple Flèche"
-#: DataDoubleArrow
-msgctxt "DataDoubleArrow"
-msgid "Double Arrow"
-msgstr "Double Flèche"
-#: DataSkater
-msgctxt "DataSkater"
-msgid "Skater"
-msgstr "Skateur"
-#: DataOffering
-msgctxt "DataOffering"
-msgid "Offering"
-msgstr "Mendiant"
-#: DataBeSitting
-msgctxt "DataBeSitting"
-msgid "Be Sitting"
-msgstr "Assis"
-#: DataDriver
-msgctxt "DataDriver"
-msgid "Driver"
-msgstr "Conducteur"
-#: DataWaiter
-msgctxt "DataWaiter"
-msgid "Waiter"
-msgstr "Serveur"
-#: DataGoalkeeper
-msgctxt "DataGoalkeeper"
-msgid "Goal keeper"
-msgstr "Gardien de but"
-#: DataLady
-msgctxt "DataLady"
-msgid "Lady"
-msgstr "Dame"
-#: DataJump
-msgctxt "DataJump"
-msgid "Jump"
-msgstr "Sauteur"
-#: DataDayDreamer
-msgctxt "DataDayDreamer"
-msgid "Day Dreamer"
-msgstr "Rêveur"
-#: DataRunner
-msgctxt "DataRunner"
-msgid "Runner"
-msgstr "Coureur"
-#: DataNurse
-msgctxt "DataNurse"
-msgid "Nurse"
-msgstr "Infirmière"
-#: DataKicking
-msgctxt "DataKicking"
-msgid "Kicking"
-msgstr "Buteur"
-#: DataAngler
-msgctxt "DataAngler"
-msgid "Angler"
-msgstr "Pêcheur"
-#: DataSprinter
-msgctxt "DataSprinter"
-msgid "Sprinter"
-msgstr "Sprinteur"
-#: DataDancer
-msgctxt "DataDancer"
-msgid "Dancer"
-msgstr "Danceur"
-#: DataHorseRider
-msgctxt "DataHorseRider"
-msgid "Horse Rider"
-msgstr "Cavalier"
-#: DataSitting
-msgctxt "DataSitting"
-msgid "Sitting"
-msgstr "Assis"
-#: DataSoccer
-msgctxt "DataSoccer"
-msgid "Soccer"
-msgstr "Footaballeur"
-#: DataAcrobat
-msgctxt "DataAcrobat"
-msgid "Acrobat"
-msgstr "Acrobate"
-#: DataJockey
-msgctxt "DataJockey"
-msgid "Jockey"
-msgstr "Jockey"
-#: DataFreeflyer
-msgctxt "DataFreeflyer"
-msgid "Freeflyer"
-msgstr "Parachutiste"
-#: Datasquare
-msgctxt "Datasquare"
-msgid "square"
-msgstr "Carré"
-#: DataHexagon
-msgctxt "DataHexagon"
-msgid "Hexagon"
-msgstr "Hexagone"
-#: DataTrapezoid
-msgctxt "DataTrapezoid"
-msgid "Trapezoid"
-msgstr "Trapèze"
-#: DataIncompleteParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteParallelogram"
-msgid "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Parallélogramme Incomplet"
-#: DataParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataParallelogram"
-msgid "Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Parallélogramme"
-#: DataDataConcavePolygon
-msgctxt "DataDataConcavePolygon"
-msgid "Concave Polygon"
-msgstr "Polygone Concave"
-#: DataTriangle
-msgctxt "DataTriangle"
-msgid "Triangle"
-msgstr "Triangle"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle2"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle2"
-msgstr "Triangle 2 Incomplet"
-#: DataIncompleterectangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleterectangle"
-msgid "Incomplete rectangle"
-msgstr "Rectangle Incomplet"
-#: DataPentagon
-msgctxt "DataPentagon"
-msgid "Pentagon"
-msgstr "Pentagone"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare"
-msgid "Incomplete Square"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet"
-#: DataOctagon
-msgctxt "DataOctagon"
-msgid "Octagon"
-msgstr "Octogone"
-#: DataPentagon2
-msgctxt "DataPentagon2"
-msgid "Pentagon 2"
-msgstr "Pentagone 2"
-#: DataHexagon2
-msgctxt "DataHexagon2"
-msgid "Hexagon 2"
-msgstr "Hexagone 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare2"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 2"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare3"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 3"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet 3"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare4
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare4"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 4"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet 4"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare5
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare5"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 5"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet 5"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare6
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare6"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 6"
-msgstr "Carré Incomplet 6"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle"
-msgstr "Triangle Incomplet"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle3"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-msgstr "Triangle Incomplet 3"
-#: DataShirt
-msgctxt "DataShirt"
-msgid "Shirt"
-msgstr "T-Shirt"
-#: DataCandle
-msgctxt "DataCandle"
-msgid "Candle"
-msgstr "Bougie"
-#: DataTeapot
-msgctxt "DataTeapot"
-msgid "Teapot"
-msgstr "Bouilloire"
-#: DataIron
-msgctxt "DataIron"
-msgid "Iron"
-msgstr "Fer à repasser"
-#: DataShoe
-msgctxt "DataShoe"
-msgid "Shoe"
-msgstr "Chaussure"
-#: DataKey
-msgctxt "DataKey"
-msgid "Key"
-msgstr "Clé"
-#: DataPinwheel
-msgctxt "DataPinwheel"
-msgid "Pinwheel"
-msgstr "Toupie"
-#: DataSpanner
-msgctxt "DataSpanner"
-msgid "Spanner"
-msgstr "Clé"
-#: DataUrn
-msgctxt "DataUrn"
-msgid "Urn"
-msgstr "Urne"
-#: DataWaterPistol
-msgctxt "DataWaterPistol"
-msgid "Water Pistol"
-msgstr "Pistolet à eau"
-#: DataBowl
-msgctxt "DataBowl"
-msgid "Bowl"
-msgstr "Bol"
-#: DataDagger
-msgctxt "DataDagger"
-msgid "Dagger"
-msgstr "Dague"
-#: DataChair
-msgctxt "DataChair"
-msgid "Chair"
-msgstr "Chaise"
-#: DataWrench
-msgctxt "DataWrench"
-msgid "Wrench"
-msgstr "Clé à molette"
-#: DataWateringCan
-msgctxt "DataWateringCan"
-msgid "Watering Can"
-msgstr "Arrosoir"
-#: DataBoot
-msgctxt "DataBoot"
-msgid "Boot"
-msgstr "Botte"
-#: DataTrowel
-msgctxt "DataTrowel"
-msgid "Trowel"
-msgstr "Truelle"
-#: DataVase
-msgctxt "DataVase"
-msgid "Vase"
-msgstr "Vase"
-#: DataCrown
-msgctxt "DataCrown"
-msgid "Crown"
-msgstr "Couronne"
-#: DataLaboratoryFlask
-msgctxt "DataLaboratoryFlask"
-msgid "Laboratory Flask"
-msgstr "Fiole de laboratoire"
-#: DataKettle
-msgctxt "DataKettle"
-msgid "Kettle"
-msgstr "Bouilloire"
-#: DataHelmet
-msgctxt "DataHelmet"
-msgid "Helmet"
-msgstr "Casque"
-#: DataGlass
-msgctxt "DataGlass"
-msgid "Glass"
-msgstr "Verre"
-#: DataSchooner
-msgctxt "DataSchooner"
-msgid "Schooner"
-msgstr "Goélette"
-#: DataSampan
-msgctxt "DataSampan"
-msgid "Sampan"
-msgstr "Sampan"
-#: DataTugboat
-msgctxt "DataTugboat"
-msgid "Tugboat"
-msgstr "Remorqueur"
-#: DataTrawler
-msgctxt "DataTrawler"
-msgid "Trawler"
-msgstr "Chalutier"
-#: DataSubmarine
-msgctxt "DataSubmarine"
-msgid "Submarine"
-msgstr "Sous-marin"
-#: DataDestroyer
-msgctxt "DataDestroyer"
-msgid "Destroyer"
-msgstr "Destroyer"
-#: DataBarge
-msgctxt "DataBarge"
-msgid "Barge"
-msgstr "Barge"
-#: DataAirboat
-msgctxt "DataAirboat"
-msgid "Airboat"
-msgstr "Hydroglisseur"
-#: DataGundalow
-msgctxt "DataGundalow"
-msgid "Gundalow"
-msgstr "Gundalow"
-#: DataOilTanker
-msgctxt "DataOilTanker"
-msgid "Oil Tanker"
-msgstr "Pétrolier"
-#: DataCoble
-msgctxt "DataCoble"
-msgid "Coble"
-msgstr "Coble"
-#: DataCabinCruiser
-msgctxt "DataCabinCruiser"
-msgid "Cabin Cruiser"
-msgstr "Bateau de croisière"
-#: DataNarrowboat
-msgctxt "DataNarrowboat"
-msgid "Narrowboat"
-msgstr "Péniche"
-#: DataFishingBoat
-msgctxt "DataFishingBoat"
-msgid "Fishing Boat"
-msgstr "Bateau de pêche"
-#: DataRunabout
-msgctxt "DataRunabout"
-msgid "Runabout"
-msgstr "Bateau à moteur"
-#: DataPagoda
-msgctxt "DataPagoda"
-msgid "Pagoda"
-msgstr "Pagode"
-#: DataMountain
-msgctxt "DataMountain"
-msgid "Mountain"
-msgstr "Montagne"
-#: DataPlane
-msgctxt "DataPlane"
-msgid "Plane"
-msgstr "Avion"
-#: Datahelicopter
-msgctxt "Datahelicopter"
-msgid "helicopter"
-msgstr "Hélicoptère"
-#: DataHeart
-msgctxt "DataHeart"
-msgid "Heart"
-msgstr "Coeur"
-#: DataApple
-msgctxt "DataApple"
-msgid "Apple"
-msgstr "Pomme"
-#: DataHelicopter3
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter3"
-msgid "Helicopter 3"
-msgstr "Hélicoptère 3"
-#: DataStairway
-msgctxt "DataStairway"
-msgid "Stairway"
-msgstr "Escalier"
-#: DataHelicopter2
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter2"
-msgid "Helicopter 2"
-msgstr "Hélicoptère 2"
-#: DataStar
-msgctxt "DataStar"
-msgid "Star"
-msgstr "Étoile"
-#: DataIgloo
-msgctxt "DataIgloo"
-msgid "Igloo"
-msgstr "Igloo"
-#: DataBridge
-msgctxt "DataBridge"
-msgid "Bridge"
-msgstr "Pont"
-#: DataGateway
-msgctxt "DataGateway"
-msgid "Gateway"
-msgstr "Passerelle"
-#: DataMusicalNote
-msgctxt "DataMusicalNote"
-msgid "Musical Note"
-msgstr "Note de musique"
-#: DataTree
-msgctxt "DataTree"
-msgid "Tree"
-msgstr "Arbre"
-#: DataShoppingCart
-msgctxt "DataShoppingCart"
-msgid "Shopping Cart"
-msgstr "Chariot de supermarché"
diff --git a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/template.pot b/activities/Tangram.activity/po/template.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index b512bcc4c..000000000
--- a/activities/Tangram.activity/po/template.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1513 +0,0 @@
-#. extracted from ../locale.ini
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: Sat May 08 2021 22:23:04 GMT+0200 (heure d’été d’Europe centrale)\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
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-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: ini2po 0.0.1\n"
-#: SecondsAgo
-msgctxt "SecondsAgo"
-msgid "Seconds ago"
-msgstr "Seconds ago"
-#. Do not translate {{time}}
-#: Ago
-msgctxt "Ago"
-msgid "{{time}} ago"
-msgstr "{{time}} ago"
-#: Minutes_one
-msgctxt "Minutes_one"
-msgid "minute"
-msgstr "minute"
-#: Minutes_other
-msgctxt "Minutes_other"
-msgid "minutes"
-msgstr "minutes"
-#: Hours_one
-msgctxt "Hours_one"
-msgid "hour"
-msgstr "hour"
-#: Hours_other
-msgctxt "Hours_other"
-msgid "hours"
-msgstr "hours"
-#: Days_one
-msgctxt "Days_one"
-msgid "day"
-msgstr "day"
-#: Days_other
-msgctxt "Days_other"
-msgid "days"
-msgstr "days"
-#: Weeks_one
-msgctxt "Weeks_one"
-msgid "week"
-msgstr "week"
-#: Weeks_other
-msgctxt "Weeks_other"
-msgid "weeks"
-msgstr "weeks"
-#: Months_one
-msgctxt "Months_one"
-msgid "month"
-msgstr "month"
-#: Months_other
-msgctxt "Months_other"
-msgid "months"
-msgstr "months"
-#: Years_one
-msgctxt "Years_one"
-msgid "year"
-msgstr "year"
-#: Years_other
-msgctxt "Years_other"
-msgid "years"
-msgstr "years"
-#: Anytime
-msgctxt "Anytime"
-msgid "Anytime"
-msgstr "Anytime"
-#: Today
-msgctxt "Today"
-msgid "Today"
-msgstr "Today"
-#: SinceYesterday
-msgctxt "SinceYesterday"
-msgid "Since yesterday"
-msgstr "Since yesterday"
-#: PastWeek
-msgctxt "PastWeek"
-msgid "Past week"
-msgstr "Past week"
-#: PastMonth
-msgctxt "PastMonth"
-msgid "Past month"
-msgstr "Past month"
-#: PastYear
-msgctxt "PastYear"
-msgid "Past year"
-msgstr "Past year"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserJoined
-msgctxt "UserJoined"
-msgid "{{name}} joined"
-msgstr "{{name}} joined"
-#. Do not translate {{name}}
-#: UserLeft
-msgctxt "UserLeft"
-msgid "{{name}} left"
-msgstr "{{name}} left"
-#: Network
-msgctxt "Network"
-msgid "Network"
-msgstr "Network"
-#: View
-msgctxt "View"
-msgid "Play/Setting View"
-msgstr "Play/Setting View"
-#: Random
-msgctxt "Random"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Random"
-#: Timer
-msgctxt "Timer"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: DifficultyLevel
-msgctxt "DifficultyLevel"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Difficulty Level"
-#: Category
-msgctxt "Category"
-msgid "Tangrams Category"
-msgstr "Tangrams Category"
-#: NewCategory
-msgctxt "NewCategory"
-msgid "Create new category"
-msgstr "Create new category"
-#: Hint
-msgctxt "Hint"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Hint"
-#: Tutorial
-msgctxt "Tutorial"
-msgid "Tutorial"
-msgstr "Tutorial"
-#: Fullscreen
-msgctxt "Fullscreen"
-msgid "Fullscreen"
-msgstr "Fullscreen"
-#: Unfullscreen
-msgctxt "Unfullscreen"
-msgid "Unfullscreen"
-msgstr "Unfullscreen"
-#: Stop
-msgctxt "Stop"
-msgid "Stop"
-msgstr "Stop"
-#: HintsUsed
-msgctxt "HintsUsed"
-msgid "Hints Used"
-msgstr "Hints Used"
-#: Score
-msgctxt "Score"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TotalScore
-msgctxt "TotalScore"
-msgid "Total Score:"
-msgstr "Total Score:"
-#: TotalTime
-msgctxt "TotalTime"
-msgid "Total Time:"
-msgstr "Total Time:"
-#: NewTitle
-msgctxt "NewTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "New Category"
-#: Confirm
-msgctxt "Confirm"
-msgid "Confirm"
-msgstr "Confirm"
-#: Cancel
-msgctxt "Cancel"
-msgid "Cancel"
-msgstr "Cancel"
-#: Title
-msgctxt "Title"
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "Title"
-#: Rank
-msgctxt "Rank"
-msgid "Rank"
-msgstr "Rank"
-#: User
-msgctxt "User"
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "User"
-#: NoTimer
-msgctxt "NoTimer"
-msgid "No Timer"
-msgstr "No Timer"
-#: EasyLevel
-msgctxt "EasyLevel"
-msgid "Easy Level"
-msgstr "Easy Level"
-#: MediumLevel
-msgctxt "MediumLevel"
-msgid "Medium Level"
-msgstr "Medium Level"
-#: Easy
-msgctxt "Easy"
-msgid "Easy"
-msgstr "Easy"
-#: Hard
-msgctxt "Hard"
-msgid "Hard"
-msgstr "Hard"
-#: ValidPuzzle
-msgctxt "ValidPuzzle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle"
-#: InvalidShape
-msgctxt "InvalidShape"
-msgid "Invalid Shape"
-msgstr "Invalid Shape"
-#: InvalidName
-msgctxt "InvalidName"
-msgid "Invalid Name"
-msgstr "Invalid Name"
-#: TangramDifficulty
-msgctxt "TangramDifficulty"
-msgid "Tangram Difficulty"
-msgstr "Tangram Difficulty"
-#: MyTangram
-msgctxt "MyTangram"
-msgid "My Tangram"
-msgstr "My Tangram"
-#: TutoPrev
-msgctxt "TutoPrev"
-msgid "Prev"
-msgstr "Prev"
-#: TutoNext
-msgctxt "TutoNext"
-msgid "Next"
-msgstr "Next"
-#: TutoEnd
-msgctxt "TutoEnd"
-msgid "End"
-msgstr "End"
-#: TutoExplainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoExplainTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Activity"
-msgstr "Tangram Activity"
-#: TutoExplainContent
-msgctxt "TutoExplainContent"
-msgid "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-msgstr "Welcome into the Tangram Activity. Tangram is a famous classical chinese game in which the goal is to rearrange the seven separate pieces into a complete image of various shapes"
-#: TutoAboutTitle
-msgctxt "TutoAboutTitle"
-msgid "Game modes"
-msgstr "Game modes"
-#: TutoAboutContent
-msgctxt "TutoAboutContent"
-msgid "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-msgstr "You can play the game in single player or multi player mode. In Single player mode, you have an option to enable/disable timer while in multi player mode, the timer is always enabled. When timer is disabled, you will have one puzzle or question per game, while when timer is enabled, you will have more than one puzzle or question per game"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle"
-msgstr "Puzzle"
-#: TutoEachPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEachPuzzleContent"
-msgid "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-msgstr "In Each Puzzle or question, you will be given a target shape or tangram. Using the 7 pieces ( can only be used once each and should be non-overlapping ) you have to form the target shape"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Tangram Category"
-msgstr "Tangram Category"
-#: TutoTangramCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCategoryContent"
-msgid "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-msgstr "These are the various categories you choose for the tangrams you want to solve"
-#: TutoBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardTitle"
-msgid "Board"
-msgstr "Board"
-#: TutoBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardContent"
-msgid "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-msgstr "This your game board. You have your 7 tans or pieces here and also your target shape. You can drag and drop the piece to move it. You can click or tap on the piece to rotate it. "
-#: TutoKeyBoardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardTitle"
-msgid "KeyBoard Controls"
-msgstr "KeyBoard Controls"
-#: TutoKeyBoardContent
-msgctxt "TutoKeyBoardContent"
-msgid "You can control tans using keyboard also.Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-msgstr "You can control tans using keyboard also.Select or Deselct Tans Move Tans Rotate Tans "
-#: TutoRefreshTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshTitle"
-msgid "Refesh"
-msgstr "Refesh"
-#: TutoRefreshContent
-msgctxt "TutoRefreshContent"
-msgid "Click to Refresh the game tans position and move them back to their initial positions"
-msgstr "Click to Refresh the game tans position and move them back to their initial positions"
-#: TutoPassTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPassTitle"
-msgid "Pass"
-msgstr "Pass"
-#: TutoPassContent
-msgctxt "TutoPassContent"
-msgid "If you are unable to solve the puzzle you can pass the current puzzle and move to another one"
-msgstr "If you are unable to solve the puzzle you can pass the current puzzle and move to another one"
-#: TutoSettingViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewTitle"
-msgid "Setting View"
-msgstr "Setting View"
-#: TutoSettingViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoSettingViewContent"
-msgid "You can Edit / Delete the particular tangram puzzle or category from the list. You can also create new tangram Puzzle or category and add the same to your puzzle set"
-msgstr "You can Edit / Delete the particular tangram puzzle or category from the list. You can also create new tangram Puzzle or category and add the same to your puzzle set"
-#: TutoScoreTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreContent"
-msgid "If you solve the puzzle, you will get the calculated score. You should try to maximize the score. It will depend upon:
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-msgstr "If you solve the puzzle, you will get the calculated score. You should try to maximize the score. It will depend upon:
A. Points on Solving Puzzle
B. Time Taken
If you solve the puzzle under 1 min, You will get bonus (depending upon time taken to solve the puzzle).So the quicker the you solve the puzzle, the higher the score will be.C. Tangram Puzzle Difficulty
Tangrams puzzles can be easy or hard depending upon the number of outer outlines points of the tangram
D. Game Difficulty
Game Difficulty can Be Easy or Medium i.e filled or unfilled target puzzle
E. Number of Hints Used
Less hints taken gives more Score
score = A+max(0,15-B/4)+C+D-E
-#: TutoHintTitle
-msgctxt "TutoHintTitle"
-msgid "Hint"
-msgstr "Hint"
-#: TutoHintContent
-msgctxt "TutoHintContent"
-msgid "Click this to get a hint from the computer. WARNING!! There will be a penalty on using hint. If you use hints for all six or seven tans then you will get 0 score"
-msgstr "Click this to get a hint from the computer. WARNING!! There will be a penalty on using hint. If you use hints for all six or seven tans then you will get 0 score"
-#: TutoLevelTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLevelTitle"
-msgid "Difficulty Level"
-msgstr "Difficulty Level"
-#: TutoLevelContent
-msgctxt "TutoLevelContent"
-msgid "Choose the Difficulty level. There are two Levels:- Easy where All the outlines and inner outlines of all the tans would be visible and Medium where only silhouette of the target tangram would be visible"
-msgstr "Choose the Difficulty level. There are two Levels:- Easy where All the outlines and inner outlines of all the tans would be visible and Medium where only silhouette of the target tangram would be visible"
-#: TutoTimerTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTimerTitle"
-msgid "Timer"
-msgstr "Timer"
-#: TutoTimerContent
-msgctxt "TutoTimerContent"
-msgid "Choose Timer. You can disable/enable the timer here"
-msgstr "Choose Timer. You can disable/enable the timer here"
-#: TutoGameActionsTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsTitle"
-msgid "Game Actions"
-msgstr "Game Actions"
-#: TutoGameActionsContent
-msgctxt "TutoGameActionsContent"
-msgid "Here you have Game Actions buttons like \"Restart\", \"Pass\", \"Refresh\". \"Refresh\" will move back all of your tans to initial positions"
-msgstr "Here you have Game Actions buttons like \"Restart\", \"Pass\", \"Refresh\". \"Refresh\" will move back all of your tans to initial positions"
-#: TutoViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoViewTitle"
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "View"
-#: TutoViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoViewContent"
-msgid "Click To Change The view i.e. Play/Setting view"
-msgstr "Click To Change The view i.e. Play/Setting view"
-#: TutoRandomPlayTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayTitle"
-msgid "Random Play"
-msgstr "Random Play"
-#: TutoRandomPlayContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomPlayContent"
-msgid "Click To Play With Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Click To Play With Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoRandomButtonTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonTitle"
-msgid "Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoRandomButtonContent
-msgctxt "TutoRandomButtonContent"
-msgid "Click To Generate Random Tangrams"
-msgstr "Click To Generate Random Tangrams"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle Indicator"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle Indicator"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleIndicatorContent"
-msgid "This will indicate if the puzzle you created is valid or invalid"
-msgstr "This will indicate if the puzzle you created is valid or invalid"
-#: TutoResultTitle
-msgctxt "TutoResultTitle"
-msgid "Results screen"
-msgstr "Results screen"
-#: TutoResultContent
-msgctxt "TutoResultContent"
-msgid "On this screen you can see Solutions of the puzzles you have attempted in Timer Mode"
-msgstr "On this screen you can see Solutions of the puzzles you have attempted in Timer Mode"
-#: TutoTangramCardTitle
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardTitle"
-msgid "Puzzle Card"
-msgstr "Puzzle Card"
-#: TutoTangramCardContent
-msgctxt "TutoTangramCardContent"
-msgid "Each Card will show you the info about the puzzle you have encountered in the game.If You have solved the puzzle then you will see your solution of the puzzle otherwise you will see computer's solution"
-msgstr "Each Card will show you the info about the puzzle you have encountered in the game.If You have solved the puzzle then you will see your solution of the puzzle otherwise you will see computer's solution"
-#: TutoClockInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoTitle"
-msgid "Time taken"
-msgstr "Time taken"
-#: TutoClockInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoClockInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the time taken to solve the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "This will show the time taken to solve the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoScoreInfoTitle
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoTitle"
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Score"
-#: TutoScoreInfoContent
-msgctxt "TutoScoreInfoContent"
-msgid "This will show the score you got in the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "This will show the score you got in the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoRestartTitle
-msgctxt "TutoRestartTitle"
-msgid "Restart"
-msgstr "Restart"
-#: TutoRestartContent
-msgctxt "TutoRestartContent"
-msgid "Click here to restart the game"
-msgstr "Click here to restart the game"
-#: TutoPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the puzzle number you are at and the total puzzles you have attempted. You can move to next/previous puzzles by the controls given"
-msgstr "This will show the puzzle number you are at and the total puzzles you have attempted. You can move to next/previous puzzles by the controls given"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationTitle"
-msgid "Pagination"
-msgstr "Pagination"
-#: TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardPaginationContent"
-msgid "This will show the page number of the leaderboard rankings you are at. You can move to next/previous rankings by the controls given"
-msgstr "This will show the page number of the leaderboard rankings you are at. You can move to next/previous rankings by the controls given"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainTitle
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainTitle"
-msgid "Leaderboard screen"
-msgstr "Leaderboard screen"
-#: TutoLeaderboardMainContent
-msgctxt "TutoLeaderboardMainContent"
-msgid "Here you can see the rankings and score of the users competiting with you"
-msgstr "Here you can see the rankings and score of the users competiting with you"
-#: TutoGoBackTitle
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackTitle"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Go Back"
-#: TutoGoBackContent
-msgctxt "TutoGoBackContent"
-msgid "Go Back"
-msgstr "Go Back"
-#: TutoPlayViewTitle
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewTitle"
-msgid "Play View"
-msgstr "Play View"
-#: TutoPlayViewContent
-msgctxt "TutoPlayViewContent"
-msgid "You can click on any puzzle to solve the same"
-msgstr "You can click on any puzzle to solve the same"
-#: TutoNewCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryTitle"
-msgid "New Category"
-msgstr "New Category"
-#: TutoNewCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Create New Category"
-msgstr "Click here to Create New Category"
-#: TutoBoardEditorTitle
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorTitle"
-msgid "Editor board"
-msgstr "Editor board"
-#: TutoBoardEditorContent
-msgctxt "TutoBoardEditorContent"
-msgid "This is the Editor board where you can arrange the pieces together to form a Valid tangram"
-msgstr "This is the Editor board where you can arrange the pieces together to form a Valid tangram"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Valid Puzzle"
-msgstr "Valid Puzzle"
-#: TutoValidPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoValidPuzzleContent"
-msgid "For a puzzle to be a valid puzzle:
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-msgstr "For a puzzle to be a valid puzzle:
1) No any two tans or pieces should be overlapped to each other.
2) Every tan should be connected or joined to atleast one other tan
3) The width and height of the tangram created should not be more than the width and height of the square box present on the board
4) Tangram Name should not be empty"
-#: TutoCategoryNameTitle
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameTitle"
-msgid "Category Name"
-msgstr "Category Name"
-#: TutoCategoryNameContent
-msgctxt "TutoCategoryNameContent"
-msgid "Enter the name of your new category"
-msgstr "Enter the name of your new category"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "New Puzzle"
-msgstr "New Puzzle"
-#: TutoNewPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoNewPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to create new tangram puzzle"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Edit Puzzle"
-msgstr "Edit Puzzle"
-#: TutoEditPuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditPuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to edit the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleTitle"
-msgid "Delete Puzzle"
-msgstr "Delete Puzzle"
-#: TutoDeletePuzzleContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeletePuzzleContent"
-msgid "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-msgstr "Click here to delete the particular puzzle"
-#: TutoEditCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Edit Category"
-msgstr "Edit Category"
-#: TutoEditCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoEditCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Edit current Category"
-msgstr "Click here to Edit current Category"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryTitle
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryTitle"
-msgid "Delete Category"
-msgstr "Delete Category"
-#: TutoDeleteCategoryContent
-msgctxt "TutoDeleteCategoryContent"
-msgid "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-msgstr "Click here to Delete the current category and all of its puzzles"
-#: DataAnimals
-msgctxt "DataAnimals"
-msgid "Animals"
-msgstr "Animals"
-#: DataLetters,Numbers,Signs
-msgctxt "DataLetters,Numbers,Signs"
-msgid "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-msgstr "Letters, Numbers, Signs"
-#: DataPeople
-msgctxt "DataPeople"
-msgid "People"
-msgstr "People"
-#: DataGeometrical
-msgctxt "DataGeometrical"
-msgid "Geometrical"
-msgstr "Geometrical"
-#: DataUsualObjects
-msgctxt "DataUsualObjects"
-msgid "Usual Objects"
-msgstr "Usual Objects"
-#: DataBoats
-msgctxt "DataBoats"
-msgid "Boats"
-msgstr "Boats"
-#: DataMiscellaneous
-msgctxt "DataMiscellaneous"
-msgid "Miscellaneous"
-msgstr "Miscellaneous"
-#: DataRandom
-msgctxt "DataRandom"
-msgid "Random"
-msgstr "Random"
-#: Dataswan
-msgctxt "Dataswan"
-msgid "swan"
-msgstr "swan"
-#: DataCat
-msgctxt "DataCat"
-msgid "Cat"
-msgstr "Cat"
-#: DataBird
-msgctxt "DataBird"
-msgid "Bird"
-msgstr "Bird"
-#: DataCrow2
-msgctxt "DataCrow2"
-msgid "Crow 2"
-msgstr "Crow 2"
-#: DataRabbit
-msgctxt "DataRabbit"
-msgid "Rabbit"
-msgstr "Rabbit"
-#: DataHorse
-msgctxt "DataHorse"
-msgid "Horse"
-msgstr "Horse"
-#: DataCamel
-msgctxt "DataCamel"
-msgid "Camel"
-msgstr "Camel"
-#: DataWhale
-msgctxt "DataWhale"
-msgid "Whale"
-msgstr "Whale"
-#: DataVulture
-msgctxt "DataVulture"
-msgid "Vulture"
-msgstr "Vulture"
-#: DataCatLying
-msgctxt "DataCatLying"
-msgid "Cat Lying"
-msgstr "Cat Lying"
-#: DataKangaroo
-msgctxt "DataKangaroo"
-msgid "Kangaroo"
-msgstr "Kangaroo"
-#: DataCrow
-msgctxt "DataCrow"
-msgid "Crow"
-msgstr "Crow"
-#: DataMoonfish
-msgctxt "DataMoonfish"
-msgid "Moonfish"
-msgstr "Moonfish"
-#: DataBear
-msgctxt "DataBear"
-msgid "Bear"
-msgstr "Bear"
-#: DataSparrow
-msgctxt "DataSparrow"
-msgid "Sparrow"
-msgstr "Sparrow"
-#: DataDog
-msgctxt "DataDog"
-msgid "Dog"
-msgstr "Dog"
-#: DataTurtle
-msgctxt "DataTurtle"
-msgid "Turtle"
-msgstr "Turtle"
-#: DataPigeon
-msgctxt "DataPigeon"
-msgid "Pigeon"
-msgstr "Pigeon"
-#: DataCrab
-msgctxt "DataCrab"
-msgid "Crab"
-msgstr "Crab"
-#: DataRat
-msgctxt "DataRat"
-msgid "Rat"
-msgstr "Rat"
-#: DataButterfly
-msgctxt "DataButterfly"
-msgid "Butterfly"
-msgstr "Butterfly"
-#: DataElephant
-msgctxt "DataElephant"
-msgid "Elephant"
-msgstr "Elephant"
-#: DataTurkey
-msgctxt "DataTurkey"
-msgid "Turkey"
-msgstr "Turkey"
-#: DataHeron
-msgctxt "DataHeron"
-msgid "Heron"
-msgstr "Heron"
-#: DataLetterA
-msgctxt "DataLetterA"
-msgid "Letter A"
-msgstr "Letter A"
-#: DataLetterB
-msgctxt "DataLetterB"
-msgid "Letter B"
-msgstr "Letter B"
-#: DataLetterC
-msgctxt "DataLetterC"
-msgid "Letter C"
-msgstr "Letter C"
-#: DataLetterD
-msgctxt "DataLetterD"
-msgid "Letter D"
-msgstr "Letter D"
-#: DataLetterE
-msgctxt "DataLetterE"
-msgid "Letter E"
-msgstr "Letter E"
-#: DataLetterF
-msgctxt "DataLetterF"
-msgid "Letter F"
-msgstr "Letter F"
-#: DataLetterG
-msgctxt "DataLetterG"
-msgid "Letter G"
-msgstr "Letter G"
-#: DataLetterH
-msgctxt "DataLetterH"
-msgid "Letter H"
-msgstr "Letter H"
-#: DataLetterI
-msgctxt "DataLetterI"
-msgid "Letter I"
-msgstr "Letter I"
-#: DataLetterJ
-msgctxt "DataLetterJ"
-msgid "Letter J"
-msgstr "Letter J"
-#: DataLetterK
-msgctxt "DataLetterK"
-msgid "Letter K"
-msgstr "Letter K"
-#: DataLetterL
-msgctxt "DataLetterL"
-msgid "Letter L"
-msgstr "Letter L"
-#: DataLetterM
-msgctxt "DataLetterM"
-msgid "Letter M"
-msgstr "Letter M"
-#: DataLetterN
-msgctxt "DataLetterN"
-msgid "Letter N"
-msgstr "Letter N"
-#: DataLetterO
-msgctxt "DataLetterO"
-msgid "Letter O"
-msgstr "Letter O"
-#: DataLetterP
-msgctxt "DataLetterP"
-msgid "Letter P"
-msgstr "Letter P"
-#: DataLetterQ
-msgctxt "DataLetterQ"
-msgid "Letter Q"
-msgstr "Letter Q"
-#: DataLetterR
-msgctxt "DataLetterR"
-msgid "Letter R"
-msgstr "Letter R"
-#: DataLetterS
-msgctxt "DataLetterS"
-msgid "Letter S"
-msgstr "Letter S"
-#: DataLetterT
-msgctxt "DataLetterT"
-msgid "Letter T"
-msgstr "Letter T"
-#: DataLetterU
-msgctxt "DataLetterU"
-msgid "Letter U"
-msgstr "Letter U"
-#: DataLetterV
-msgctxt "DataLetterV"
-msgid "Letter V"
-msgstr "Letter V"
-#: DataLetterW
-msgctxt "DataLetterW"
-msgid "Letter W"
-msgstr "Letter W"
-#: DataLetterX
-msgctxt "DataLetterX"
-msgid "Letter X"
-msgstr "Letter X"
-#: DataLetterY
-msgctxt "DataLetterY"
-msgid "Letter Y"
-msgstr "Letter Y"
-#: DataLetterZ
-msgctxt "DataLetterZ"
-msgid "Letter Z"
-msgstr "Letter Z"
-#: DataOne
-msgctxt "DataOne"
-msgid "One"
-msgstr "One"
-#: DataTwo
-msgctxt "DataTwo"
-msgid "Two"
-msgstr "Two"
-#: DataThree
-msgctxt "DataThree"
-msgid "Three"
-msgstr "Three"
-#: DataFour
-msgctxt "DataFour"
-msgid "Four"
-msgstr "Four"
-#: DataFive
-msgctxt "DataFive"
-msgid "Five"
-msgstr "Five"
-#: DataSix
-msgctxt "DataSix"
-msgid "Six"
-msgstr "Six"
-#: DataSeven
-msgctxt "DataSeven"
-msgid "Seven"
-msgstr "Seven"
-#: DataEight
-msgctxt "DataEight"
-msgid "Eight"
-msgstr "Eight"
-#: DataNine
-msgctxt "DataNine"
-msgid "Nine"
-msgstr "Nine"
-#: DataZero
-msgctxt "DataZero"
-msgid "Zero"
-msgstr "Zero"
-#: DataArrow
-msgctxt "DataArrow"
-msgid "Arrow"
-msgstr "Arrow"
-#: DataArrow2
-msgctxt "DataArrow2"
-msgid "Arrow 2"
-msgstr "Arrow 2"
-#: DataTripleArrow
-msgctxt "DataTripleArrow"
-msgid "Triple Arrow"
-msgstr "Triple Arrow"
-#: DataDoubleArrow
-msgctxt "DataDoubleArrow"
-msgid "Double Arrow"
-msgstr "Double Arrow"
-#: DataSkater
-msgctxt "DataSkater"
-msgid "Skater"
-msgstr "Skater"
-#: DataOffering
-msgctxt "DataOffering"
-msgid "Offering"
-msgstr "Offering"
-#: DataBeSitting
-msgctxt "DataBeSitting"
-msgid "Be Sitting"
-msgstr "Be Sitting"
-#: DataDriver
-msgctxt "DataDriver"
-msgid "Driver"
-msgstr "Driver"
-#: DataWaiter
-msgctxt "DataWaiter"
-msgid "Waiter"
-msgstr "Waiter"
-#: DataGoalkeeper
-msgctxt "DataGoalkeeper"
-msgid "Goal keeper"
-msgstr "Goal keeper"
-#: DataLady
-msgctxt "DataLady"
-msgid "Lady"
-msgstr "Lady"
-#: DataJump
-msgctxt "DataJump"
-msgid "Jump"
-msgstr "Jump"
-#: DataDayDreamer
-msgctxt "DataDayDreamer"
-msgid "Day Dreamer"
-msgstr "Day Dreamer"
-#: DataRunner
-msgctxt "DataRunner"
-msgid "Runner"
-msgstr "Runner"
-#: DataNurse
-msgctxt "DataNurse"
-msgid "Nurse"
-msgstr "Nurse"
-#: DataKicking
-msgctxt "DataKicking"
-msgid "Kicking"
-msgstr "Kicking"
-#: DataAngler
-msgctxt "DataAngler"
-msgid "Angler"
-msgstr "Angler"
-#: DataSprinter
-msgctxt "DataSprinter"
-msgid "Sprinter"
-msgstr "Sprinter"
-#: DataDancer
-msgctxt "DataDancer"
-msgid "Dancer"
-msgstr "Dancer"
-#: DataHorseRider
-msgctxt "DataHorseRider"
-msgid "Horse Rider"
-msgstr "Horse Rider"
-#: DataSitting
-msgctxt "DataSitting"
-msgid "Sitting"
-msgstr "Sitting"
-#: DataSoccer
-msgctxt "DataSoccer"
-msgid "Soccer"
-msgstr "Soccer"
-#: DataAcrobat
-msgctxt "DataAcrobat"
-msgid "Acrobat"
-msgstr "Acrobat"
-#: DataJockey
-msgctxt "DataJockey"
-msgid "Jockey"
-msgstr "Jockey"
-#: DataFreeflyer
-msgctxt "DataFreeflyer"
-msgid "Freeflyer"
-msgstr "Freeflyer"
-#: Datasquare
-msgctxt "Datasquare"
-msgid "square"
-msgstr "square"
-#: DataHexagon
-msgctxt "DataHexagon"
-msgid "Hexagon"
-msgstr "Hexagon"
-#: DataTrapezoid
-msgctxt "DataTrapezoid"
-msgid "Trapezoid"
-msgstr "Trapezoid"
-#: DataIncompleteParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteParallelogram"
-msgid "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Incomplete Parallelogram"
-#: DataParallelogram
-msgctxt "DataParallelogram"
-msgid "Parallelogram"
-msgstr "Parallelogram"
-#: DataDataConcavePolygon
-msgctxt "DataDataConcavePolygon"
-msgid "Concave Polygon"
-msgstr "Concave Polygon"
-#: DataTriangle
-msgctxt "DataTriangle"
-msgid "Triangle"
-msgstr "Triangle"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle2"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle2"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle2"
-#: DataIncompleterectangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleterectangle"
-msgid "Incomplete rectangle"
-msgstr "Incomplete rectangle"
-#: DataPentagon
-msgctxt "DataPentagon"
-msgid "Pentagon"
-msgstr "Pentagon"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare"
-msgid "Incomplete Square"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square"
-#: DataOctagon
-msgctxt "DataOctagon"
-msgid "Octagon"
-msgstr "Octagon"
-#: DataPentagon2
-msgctxt "DataPentagon2"
-msgid "Pentagon 2"
-msgstr "Pentagon 2"
-#: DataHexagon2
-msgctxt "DataHexagon2"
-msgid "Hexagon 2"
-msgstr "Hexagon 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare2
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare2"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 2"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 2"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare3"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 3"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 3"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare4
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare4"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 4"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 4"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare5
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare5"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 5"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 5"
-#: DataIncompleteSquare6
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteSquare6"
-msgid "Incomplete Square 6"
-msgstr "Incomplete Square 6"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle"
-#: DataIncompleteTriangle3
-msgctxt "DataIncompleteTriangle3"
-msgid "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-msgstr "Incomplete Triangle 3"
-#: DataShirt
-msgctxt "DataShirt"
-msgid "Shirt"
-msgstr "Shirt"
-#: DataCandle
-msgctxt "DataCandle"
-msgid "Candle"
-msgstr "Candle"
-#: DataTeapot
-msgctxt "DataTeapot"
-msgid "Teapot"
-msgstr "Teapot"
-#: DataIron
-msgctxt "DataIron"
-msgid "Iron"
-msgstr "Iron"
-#: DataShoe
-msgctxt "DataShoe"
-msgid "Shoe"
-msgstr "Shoe"
-#: DataKey
-msgctxt "DataKey"
-msgid "Key"
-msgstr "Key"
-#: DataPinwheel
-msgctxt "DataPinwheel"
-msgid "Pinwheel"
-msgstr "Pinwheel"
-#: DataSpanner
-msgctxt "DataSpanner"
-msgid "Spanner"
-msgstr "Spanner"
-#: DataUrn
-msgctxt "DataUrn"
-msgid "Urn"
-msgstr "Urn"
-#: DataWaterPistol
-msgctxt "DataWaterPistol"
-msgid "Water Pistol"
-msgstr "Water Pistol"
-#: DataBowl
-msgctxt "DataBowl"
-msgid "Bowl"
-msgstr "Bowl"
-#: DataDagger
-msgctxt "DataDagger"
-msgid "Dagger"
-msgstr "Dagger"
-#: DataChair
-msgctxt "DataChair"
-msgid "Chair"
-msgstr "Chair"
-#: DataWrench
-msgctxt "DataWrench"
-msgid "Wrench"
-msgstr "Wrench"
-#: DataWateringCan
-msgctxt "DataWateringCan"
-msgid "Watering Can"
-msgstr "Watering Can"
-#: DataBoot
-msgctxt "DataBoot"
-msgid "Boot"
-msgstr "Boot"
-#: DataTrowel
-msgctxt "DataTrowel"
-msgid "Trowel"
-msgstr "Trowel"
-#: DataVase
-msgctxt "DataVase"
-msgid "Vase"
-msgstr "Vase"
-#: DataCrown
-msgctxt "DataCrown"
-msgid "Crown"
-msgstr "Crown"
-#: DataLaboratoryFlask
-msgctxt "DataLaboratoryFlask"
-msgid "Laboratory Flask"
-msgstr "Laboratory Flask"
-#: DataKettle
-msgctxt "DataKettle"
-msgid "Kettle"
-msgstr "Kettle"
-#: DataHelmet
-msgctxt "DataHelmet"
-msgid "Helmet"
-msgstr "Helmet"
-#: DataGlass
-msgctxt "DataGlass"
-msgid "Glass"
-msgstr "Glass"
-#: DataSchooner
-msgctxt "DataSchooner"
-msgid "Schooner"
-msgstr "Schooner"
-#: DataSampan
-msgctxt "DataSampan"
-msgid "Sampan"
-msgstr "Sampan"
-#: DataTugboat
-msgctxt "DataTugboat"
-msgid "Tugboat"
-msgstr "Tugboat"
-#: DataTrawler
-msgctxt "DataTrawler"
-msgid "Trawler"
-msgstr "Trawler"
-#: DataSubmarine
-msgctxt "DataSubmarine"
-msgid "Submarine"
-msgstr "Submarine"
-#: DataDestroyer
-msgctxt "DataDestroyer"
-msgid "Destroyer"
-msgstr "Destroyer"
-#: DataBarge
-msgctxt "DataBarge"
-msgid "Barge"
-msgstr "Barge"
-#: DataAirboat
-msgctxt "DataAirboat"
-msgid "Airboat"
-msgstr "Airboat"
-#: DataGundalow
-msgctxt "DataGundalow"
-msgid "Gundalow"
-msgstr "Gundalow"
-#: DataOilTanker
-msgctxt "DataOilTanker"
-msgid "Oil Tanker"
-msgstr "Oil Tanker"
-#: DataCoble
-msgctxt "DataCoble"
-msgid "Coble"
-msgstr "Coble"
-#: DataCabinCruiser
-msgctxt "DataCabinCruiser"
-msgid "Cabin Cruiser"
-msgstr "Cabin Cruiser"
-#: DataNarrowboat
-msgctxt "DataNarrowboat"
-msgid "Narrowboat"
-msgstr "Narrowboat"
-#: DataFishingBoat
-msgctxt "DataFishingBoat"
-msgid "Fishing Boat"
-msgstr "Fishing Boat"
-#: DataRunabout
-msgctxt "DataRunabout"
-msgid "Runabout"
-msgstr "Runabout"
-#: DataPagoda
-msgctxt "DataPagoda"
-msgid "Pagoda"
-msgstr "Pagoda"
-#: DataMountain
-msgctxt "DataMountain"
-msgid "Mountain"
-msgstr "Mountain"
-#: DataPlane
-msgctxt "DataPlane"
-msgid "Plane"
-msgstr "Plane"
-#: Datahelicopter
-msgctxt "Datahelicopter"
-msgid "helicopter"
-msgstr "helicopter"
-#: DataHeart
-msgctxt "DataHeart"
-msgid "Heart"
-msgstr "Heart"
-#: DataApple
-msgctxt "DataApple"
-msgid "Apple"
-msgstr "Apple"
-#: DataHelicopter3
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter3"
-msgid "Helicopter 3"
-msgstr "Helicopter 3"
-#: DataStairway
-msgctxt "DataStairway"
-msgid "Stairway"
-msgstr "Stairway"
-#: DataHelicopter2
-msgctxt "DataHelicopter2"
-msgid "Helicopter 2"
-msgstr "Helicopter 2"
-#: DataStar
-msgctxt "DataStar"
-msgid "Star"
-msgstr "Star"
-#: DataIgloo
-msgctxt "DataIgloo"
-msgid "Igloo"
-msgstr "Igloo"
-#: DataBridge
-msgctxt "DataBridge"
-msgid "Bridge"
-msgstr "Bridge"
-#: DataGateway
-msgctxt "DataGateway"
-msgid "Gateway"
-msgstr "Gateway"
-#: DataMusicalNote
-msgctxt "DataMusicalNote"
-msgid "Musical Note"
-msgstr "Musical Note"
-#: DataTree
-msgctxt "DataTree"
-msgid "Tree"
-msgstr "Tree"
-#: DataShoppingCart
-msgctxt "DataShoppingCart"
-msgid "Shopping Cart"
-msgstr "Shopping Cart"