To edit an election, you should be a user who gains admin access for CiviCRM and follow these steps:
- Name and Description: to edit the name and description of the election.
- Visible Start Date: to edit the date and time when user can start seeing it in the election section.
- Visible End Date: to edit the date and time when the admin wants to hide the election from the election page.
- Nomination Start Date: to edit the nomination start date. This date should be after Visible Start Date and before Visible End Date
- Nomination End Date: to edit the nomination end date. This date should be after Nomination Start Date and before Visible End Date
- Advertise Start Date: to edit advertise start date. This date should be after Nomination End Date and before Visible End Date
- Voting Start Date: to edit voting start date. This date should be after Advertise Start Date and before Visible End Date
- Voting End Date: to edit voting end date. This date should be after Voting Start Date and before Visible End Date
- Results Start Date: to edit results start date. This date should be after Voting End Date and before Visible End Date