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2018-05-17 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:pre: .pre} {:table: .aria-labeledby="caption"}
{: #managing-device-access}
To access and manage the details for a specific device, you must have the right permissions granted to your user account. After the account administrator grants your user account access to a device, you can view the device details by using the {{}} or by using the API. The information or action that you see depends on the device type, as well as the permissions that are granted to your user account. {:shortdesc}
Note: If your account has devices to which you have not been granted access, you will see an "Unknown Device" name when you try to access those devices.
You can assign device access to any users on your account, but not to yourself. Only an account's administrator has access to all devices on their customer account and can set access for all other users on their account.
You must have the following permissions to access the device details for public virtual servers or dedicated virtual servers.
View Virtual Servers details
Allows you to view the IP addresses, operating system type, passwords, and more for a given virtual server. It also allows you to update virtual server passwords in the portal. A user must have this access to view public instances, dedicated instances, and dedicated host instances.
View Virtual Dedicated Host Details
Allows you to view the IP addresses, operating system type, passwords, and more for a given dedicated host. It also allows you to migrate dedicated instances to a different dedicated host. A user must have this access to view dedicated hosts.
Use the following steps to add View Virtual Server Details permissions for any of your child users. Only an account's administrator can grant permissions to other users on their account.
- Access the {{}} {: new_window} by using your unique credentials.
- Select Account > Users from the Navigation Bar to access the Users screen.
- Click the relevant user name to access the User Profile.
- Click the Portal Permissions icon to access the Portal Permissions screen.
- On the Device tab, select View Virtual Server Details to add this permission to the user’s profile.
To provide access at a specific device level, continue to the following steps.
- Click the Device Access icon to access the Device Access screen.
- Click the Quick Access tab. Note: Another option is to select an individual device instead.
- From the Device Type drop down list, select All virtual servers.
- Select the Automatically grant access when new devices are added check box if the associated user should always have access to this device type.
- Verify the correct devices are selected.
- Click Update device access.
Use the following steps to add View Virtual Dedicated Host Details permissions for any of your child users. Only an account's administrator can grant permissions to other users on their account.
- Access the {{}} {: new_window} by using your unique credentials.
- Select Account > Users from the Navigation Bar to access the Users screen.
- Click the relevant user name to access the User Profile.
- Click the Portal Permissions icon to access the Portal Permissions screen.
- On the Device tab, select View Virtual Dedicated Host Details to add this permission to the user’s profile.
To provide access at a specific device level, continue to the following steps.
- Click the Device Access icon to access the Device Access screen.
- Click the Quick Access tab. Note: Another option is to select individual devices instead.
- From the Device Type drop down list, select All dedicated hosts.
- Select the Automatically grant access when new devices are added check box if the associated user should always have access to this device type.
- Verify the correct devices are selected.
- Click Update device access.
Note: You can also use the SoftLayer_User_Customer::addBulkDedicatedHostAccess API service to give a user access to one or more dedicated hosts. For more information, see Adding Bulk Dedicated Host Access {: new_window}.
User permissions are updated immediately after the changes are submitted. If permissions have been granted, the user can view or interact with the selected features. If permissions have been removed, the user can no longer view or interact with the selected features. Permissions can be updated again at any time.