All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- (dependabot) bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 - (e2058b6) - dependabot[bot]
- Update Terragrunt - (6b09fbf) - Rob Lazzurs
- Testing time change for run - (d60f140) - Rob Lazzurs
- Fix trivy action - (84d8ab3) - Rob Lazzurs
- Update terragrunt to latest - (b4465a8) - Rob Lazzurs
- Adding to ignore list. - (c18213e) - Rob Lazzurs
- Removing weird CHANGELOG file - (c932e33) - Rob Lazzurs
- Syntax error in the cocogitto config. - (fe21aac) - Rob Lazzurs
- Try and fix the cocogitto config. - (bc6d827) - Rob Lazzurs
- Adding autogenerated changelog - (c0fd574) - Rob Lazzurs
- Upgrade pre-commit versions. - (a91574f) - Rob Lazzurs
- Adding cocogitto config - (60af472) - Rob Lazzurs
- Upgrades - (1808617) - Rob Lazzurs
Changelog generated by cocogitto.