All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed import
- Made slexy's timeout configurable (#121)
- Fixed typo in 1.4.0 (Thanks @cham423!)
- Added some error state checks and retry logic to pastebin scraping (#116)
- Refactored paste inputs to use a base class
- Support for (#95)
- Additional unit tests (pytest still has some issues with import paths on travis)
Minor patch fixing error in email yara regexp
- Tweaked base64.yar to ignore data uris that contain numbers
- Improved error handling around missing pastes (404s)
- Fixed slexy timeout/rapid requests
- Began ignoring CSS (.css), SASS (.scss), and Unreal asset (.uasset) files by default for GitHub
- Fixed github filename blacklist being ignored
- GitHub now uses file blob hashes instead of commit ids for paste_id. This is to prevent collision for commits with multiple matching files
- Reduced false positives returned from password_list rule
- Removed email_list rule (superseded) by email_filter
- HTTP Output (#104)
- move config file to ~/.config
- move custom yara rules
- refactor yara rules location
- Changelog
- travis CI
- PyPi Installation
- FilePaths to enable pip