This release of CPA contains following features:
- Create oc cli connection to OpenShift/Kubernetes using Kubeconfig
- Determine Prometheus url, bearerToken for OpenShift
- If Prometheus url, bearerToken already included in the yaml, use that
- Create yaml format for queries, and expected outcomes (Use a struct to read that in)
- Spwan go routine to run queries and analyze results
- Spwan goroutine to receive notification when a query yields "False" value
- Update to latest go and recompile
- Add CLI to the program
- Add a parameter to read different query files in config dir
- Add parameter for clearing/not-clearing screen
- Add Parameter for timeout
- Add a Makefile
- File logging the output
- Print output to screen even when logging enabled - simultaneously
- Let user decide query frequency
- Slack Notification
- Notify/Do Something(e.g. Pause/Kill benchmark jobs to preserve cluster) when results don't match conditions
- Spawn goroutines to keep running queries and evaluating results to handle scale - e.g. when we have very large number of queries in the yaml file, we can divide and concurrently run queries
- If slack config is not set, it is ignored and no attempts will be made to notify via slack
- debug/verbose mode
- Enhance log files to include uuid/time
- Use env vars
- RFE: come up with a basic "cluster health" profile that anyone can use. Operator monitoring + some best practice monitors from the dittybopper dashboards