You can use brandedtoken.js to interact with BrandedToken contracts.
- ABIs and BINs are now accessed as a dependency on brandedtoken-contracts (#117)
- Mosaic.js version is upgraded to beta-4 (#115)
- Mosaic contract interacts are now exposed (#114)
- New economy setup simplifies deployment (#112)
- Facilitator and Staker now uses contract interacts (#105)
- Added contract interacts for branded token, gateway composer, utility branded token contracts (#99, #103)
- Replace mosaic-tbd with mosaic.js (#74)
- Readme (#72)
- License Update and repo alignment as per eslint configuration (#71)
- Illustrate reject stakeRequest flow in integration test (#62)
- Updated package.json and npm run alignment (#65)
- Integration test files cleanup (#60)
- Use docker geth instance for testing (#58)
- Directory structure improvements (#54)
- Documentation improvements (#53)
- Interaction for Staker.requestStake and Facilitator.acceptStakeRequest (#50)
- Interaction for bounty approval (#47)
- Index.js update with StakeHelper interfaces (#42)
- Interaction for approve for ValueToken (#40)
- EIP712 signer integration with AcceptStakeRequest (#33)
- Interaction for GatewayComposer AcceptStakeRequest in StakeHelper (#37)
- Updated BrandedToken contracts ABI/BIN files (#32)
- Test case added for RegisterInternalActor (#29)
- Interaction for GatewayComposer.RequestStake (#30)