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This is a most popular repository list for Lua sorted by number of stars

32761 4267 388 6 minutes ago kong/1 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
24493 2612 141 a month ago waifu2x/2 Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
18825 1440 50 12 hours ago SpaceVim/3 A community-driven modular vim/neovim distribution - The ultimate vimrc
18256 2779 321 5 years ago neural-style/4 Torch implementation of neural style algorithm
14479 3591 10 2 years ago openface/5 Face recognition with deep neural networks.
11602 765 1 14 hours ago NvChad/6 An attempt to make neovim cli functional like an IDE while being very beautiful, blazing fast startuptime ~ 14ms to 67ms
11327 1906 50 2 years ago CycleGAN/7 Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
11203 1027 459 5 hours ago koreader/8 An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices
10914 2488 109 6 years ago char-rnn/9 Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch
10047 1230 100 2 days ago LunarVim/10 An IDE layer for Neovim with sane defaults. Completely free and community driven.
9943 1871 397 14 hours ago apisix/11 The Cloud-Native API Gateway
9092 1620 82 2 years ago pix2pix/12 Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets
6983 686 348 a month ago sysdig/13 Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers
6917 490 142 10 hours ago telescope.nvim/14 Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
6699 395 18 4 years ago dockercraft/15 Docker + Minecraft = Dockercraft
6592 315 108 1 year, 7 months ago lite/16 A lightweight text editor written in Lua
5773 958 114 2 years ago VeryNginx/17 A very powerful and friendly nginx base on lua-nginx-module( openresty ) which provide WAF, Control Panel, and Dashboards.
5370 1318 40 8 hours ago nvim-lspconfig/18 Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP
5016 531 510 5 days ago awesome/19 awesome window manager
4978 438 157 a month ago lsyncd/20 Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
4788 571 224 34 minutes ago ntopng/21 Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
4486 1059 29 7 months ago DenseNet/22 Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award).
4260 301 2 4 days ago AstroNvim/23 AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
4086 813 137 5 years ago fast-neural-style/24 Feedforward style transfer
3786 635 16 11 months ago fairseq-lua/25 Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit
3740 168 260 2 days ago packer.nvim/26 A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config
3595 1406 79 6 years ago ngx_lua_waf/27 ngx_lua_waf是一个基于lua-nginx-module(openresty)的web应用防火墙
3574 185 105 a day ago nvim-cmp/28 A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua.
3528 368 80 3 months ago luvit/29 Lua + libUV + jIT = pure awesomesauce
3408 776 12 6 days ago dotfiles-public/30 My personal dotfiles
3347 819 36 a month ago openresty-best-practices/31 None
3184 789 99 a month ago Neovim-from-scratch/32 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable
3130 328 77 a day ago nvim-tree.lua/33 A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua
3115 763 4 3 months ago articles/34 🔖My Learning Notes and Memories - 分享我的学习片段和与你的回忆
3106 532 48 3 years ago deepmask/35 Torch implementation of DeepMask and SharpMask
2962 342 1308 7 days ago tarantool/36 Get your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.
2843 305 208 a month ago snabb/37 Snabb: Simple and fast packet networking
2828 185 182 1 year, 5 months ago moonscript/38 🌙 A language that compiles to Lua
2749 123 151 3 days ago lite-xl/39 A lightweight text editor written in Lua
2709 482 16 11 months ago nmap-vulners/40 NSE script based on API
2648 496 0 24 days ago awesome-copycats/41 Awesome WM themes
2647 601 7 5 months ago vulscan/42 Advanced vulnerability scanning with Nmap NSE
2609 76 65 4 days ago neorg/43 Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
2599 291 249 8 days ago CorsixTH/44 Open source clone of Theme Hospital
2557 399 215 a month ago luarocks/45 LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language.
2420 365 6 5 years ago neuralart/46 An implementation of the paper 'A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style'.
2391 507 112 5 years ago torch-rnn/47 Efficient, reusable RNNs and LSTMs for torch
2380 346 2 a month ago dotfiles/48 vim, zsh, git, homebrew, neovim - my whole world
2373 117 49 9 days ago z.lua/49 ⚡ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
2369 1573 533 2 days ago PathOfBuilding/50 Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
2361 497 84 16 days ago ZeroBraneStudio/51 Lightweight Lua-based IDE for Lua with code completion, syntax highlighting, live coding, remote debugger, and code analyzer; supports Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, LuaJIT and other Lua interpreters on Windows, macOS, and Linux
2356 475 47 2 years ago OpenNMT/52 Open Source Neural Machine Translation in Torch (deprecated)
2346 270 31 2 days ago lualine.nvim/53 A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
2246 568 72 17 days ago orange/54 OpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management.
2220 140 11 3 days ago yoru/55 夜 - Yoru
2164 1073 943 2 years ago PathOfBuilding/56 Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
2150 529 11 8 months ago Algorithm-Implementations/57 Share, discuss and learn about algorithm implementations!
2148 675 61 2 years ago fb.resnet.torch/58 Torch implementation of ResNet from and training scripts
2144 305 13 2 months ago siggraph2016_colorization/59 Code for the paper 'Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification'.
2097 91 17 an hour ago nvim-dap/60 Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim
2080 143 10 1 year, 8 months ago the-glorious-dotfiles/61 A glorified personal dot files
2024 85 83 3 months ago trouble.nvim/62 🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
1990 131 31 6 days ago nvim-lsp-installer/63 ⚠️ Further development has moved to!
1968 551 91 4 years ago crnn/64 Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition.
1965 151 57 7 months ago tokyonight.nvim/65 🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish.
1957 343 19 3 years ago art-DCGAN/66 Modified implementation of DCGAN focused on generative art. Includes pre-trained models for landscapes, nude-portraits, and others.
1938 718 131 28 days ago luci-app-vssr/67 HelloWorld是一个以用户最佳主观体验为导向的插件,它支持多种主流协议和多种自定义视频分流服务,拥有精美的操作界面,并配上直观的节点信息。
1924 80 36 2 days ago gitsigns.nvim/68 Git integration for buffers
1896 128 3 5 hours ago lspsaga.nvim/69 neovim lsp plugin
1848 389 47 2 days ago null-ls.nvim/70 Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.
1846 164 108 1 year, 6 months ago lua-resty-auto-ssl/71 On the fly (and free) SSL registration and renewal inside OpenResty/nginx with Let's Encrypt.
1842 53 17 28 days ago indent-blankline.nvim/72 Indent guides for Neovim
1839 297 10 2 years ago ResNeXt/73 Implementation of a classification framework from the paper Aggregated Residual Transformations for Deep Neural Networks
1814 541 23 4 years ago DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner/74 The original code from the DeepMind article + my tweaks
1803 100 31 3 months ago luafun/75 Lua Fun is a high-performance functional programming library for Lua designed with LuaJIT's trace compiler in mind.
1765 780 17 3 months ago q_algorithm/76 棋牌的胡牌算法,包括麻将、跑胡子、扑克。实现 lua 、c++ 、c# 、golang 、js 、java 、python 版本。( Mahjong algorithm )
1755 77 126 3 months ago which-key.nvim/77 💥 Create key bindings that stick. WhichKey is a lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that displays a popup with possible keybindings of the command you started typing.
1755 596 26 6 months ago lua-resty-http/78 Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
1755 388 14 2 years ago MemNN/79 Memory Networks implementations
1745 247 202 6 months ago luakit/80 Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua.
1743 434 70 5 months ago lua-resty-redis/81 Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
1657 283 46 3 years ago luacheck/82 A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code.
1636 69 66 2 hours ago orgmode/83 Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.7+.
1618 179 4 a month ago keyboard/84 ⌨ Toward a more useful keyboard
1600 164 124 4 hours ago lua-language-server/85 A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua
1581 71 77 3 days ago neogit/86 magit for neovim
1566 75 20 a day ago bufferline.nvim/87 A snazzy bufferline for Neovim
1559 229 30 10 days ago Penlight/88 A set of pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling (such as reading configuration files), functional programming (such as map, reduce, placeholder expressions,etc), and OS path management. Much of the functionality is inspired by the Python standard libraries.
1554 221 72 a month ago awesome-wm-widgets/89 Widgets for Awesome Window Manager
1536 49 5 7 months ago Anycomplete/90 The magic of Google Autocomplete while you're typing. Anywhere.
1520 68 49 24 days ago hop.nvim/91 Neovim motions on speed!
1503 51 20 5 hours ago mason.nvim/92 Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
1503 2 0 3 years ago KikiAuth/93 CommonsNet KikiAuth for OpenWrt
1490 80 15 10 days ago toggleterm.nvim/94 A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
1473 182 3 7 months ago middleclass/95 Object-orientation for Lua
1440 41 66 5 days ago nProbe/96 Open source components and extensions for nProbe
1432 23 8 10 hours ago nvim-notify/97 A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim
1426 56 54 2 years ago nvim-colorizer.lua/98 The fastest Neovim colorizer.
1414 352 20 13 days ago lua-protobuf/99 A Lua module to work with Google protobuf
1400 158 9 11 days ago rime/100 Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼)
1375 413 42 3 years ago dcgan.torch/101 A torch implementation of
1361 319 15 2 years ago json.lua/102 A lightweight JSON library for Lua
1354 1767 115 2 days ago eggs/103 Service eggs for the pterodactyl panel
1346 287 23 3 years ago multipathnet/104 A Torch implementation of the object detection network from "A MultiPath Network for Object Detection" (
1329 53 8 12 hours ago Comment.nvim/105 🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more
1311 971 172 4 years ago nn/106 None
1305 58 6 10 months ago nvim-compe/107 Auto completion Lua plugin for nvim
1287 69 55 11 hours ago tl/108 The compiler for Teal, a typed dialect of Lua
1277 218 12 4 years ago Faster-High-Res-Neural-Inpainting/109 High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-Scale Neural Patch Synthesis
1276 156 20 3 months ago rime-settings/110 接近原生的鼠须管 Rime 配置
1275 47 7 an hour ago kanagawa.nvim/111 NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
1271 185 15 4 years ago AdaIN-style/112 Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization
1262 72 4 2 years ago BYTEPATH/113 A replayable arcade shooter with a focus on build theorycrafting.
1251 352 94 5 years ago vlsub/114 VLC extension to download subtitles from
1241 79 326 23 hours ago sile/115 Simon’s Improved Layout Engine
1235 521 61 6 days ago minetest_game/116 Minetest Game - The default game for the Minetest engine []
1229 286 25 3 years ago wide-residual-networks/117 3.8% and 18.3% on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
1218 31 4 a day ago vim-illuminate/118 illuminate.vim - (Neo)Vim plugin for automatically highlighting other uses of the word under the cursor using either LSP, Tree-sitter, or regex matching.
1210 282 14 5 years ago seq2seq-attn/119 Sequence-to-sequence model with LSTM encoder/decoders and attention
1209 227 42 4 years ago texture_nets/120 Code for "Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images" paper.
1204 202 7 2 days ago .dotfiles/121 None
1202 24 14 2 days ago diffview.nvim/122 Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev.
1196 122 40 2 days ago LuaSnip/123 Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua.
1196 55 28 14 days ago barbar.nvim/124 The neovim tabline plugin.
1194 71 10 5 days ago nvim-autopairs/125 autopairs for neovim written by lua
1191 37 1 a month ago nelua-lang/126 Minimal, efficient, statically-typed and meta-programmable systems programming language heavily inspired by Lua, which compiles to C and native code.
1187 201 3 20 days ago nginx-lua-prometheus/127 Prometheus metric library for Nginx written in Lua
1166 71 5 15 days ago nightfox.nvim/128 🦊A highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins.
1165 192 10 5 years ago grad-cam/129 [ICCV 2017] Torch code for Grad-CAM
1148 83 2 a day ago nvim/130 🍨 Soothing pastel theme for NeoVim
1135 348 13 1 year, 1 month ago UnityMMO/131 an unity mmo demo, base on ecs(game play), xlua(ui)
1121 448 22 1 year, 9 months ago waf/132 使用Nginx+Lua实现的WAF(版本v1.0)
1110 170 53 2 hours ago busted/133 Elegant Lua unit testing.
1103 54 24 7 days ago octo.nvim/134 Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor
1102 407 3 10 months ago openstar/135 lua waf,nginx+lua,openresty,luajit,waf+,cdn,nginx
1097 82 48 6 days ago rust-tools.nvim/136 Tools for better development in rust using neovim's builtin lsp
1078 172 11 4 years ago awesome-hammerspoon/137 awesome configuration for Hammerspoon.
1074 265 38 5 years ago fbcunn/138 Facebook's extensions to torch/cunn.
1071 25 14 9 days ago lsp_signature.nvim/139 LSP signature hint as you type
1071 177 8 4 months ago inspect.lua/140 Human-readable representation of Lua tables
1070 160 74 23 days ago plenary.nvim/141 plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice.
1066 57 19 10 days ago refactoring.nvim/142 The Refactoring library based off the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler
1062 431 9 2 months ago luci-app-shadowsocks/143 OpenWrt/LEDE LuCI for Shadowsocks-libev
1060 90 2 2 days ago dashboard-nvim/144 vim dashboard
1053 75 50 17 days ago conjure/145 Interactive evaluation for Neovim (Clojure, Fennel, Janet, Racket, Hy, MIT Scheme, Guile)
1037 87 55 14 days ago harpoon/146 None
1036 66 14 21 days ago github-nvim-theme/147 Github's Neovim themes
1026 443 38 2 months ago hawkthorne-journey/148 Digital Estate Planning: The Game
1023 153 11 2 months ago SNKRX/149 A replayable arcade shooter where you control a snake of heroes.
1022 32 47 7 months ago todo-comments.nvim/150 ✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects
1020 199 18 3 months ago im2markup/151 Neural model for converting Image-to-Markup (by Yuntian Deng
1014 379 8 5 months ago nebula/152 "星云"业务风控系统,主工程
999 306 42 a month ago LuaPanda/153 lua debug and code tools for VS Code
994 29 0 3 years ago lsofgraph/154 lsof to graphviz
993 196 3 4 years ago torchnet/155 Torch on steroids
980 77 81 10 months ago completion-nvim/156 A async completion framework aims to provide completion to neovim's built in LSP written in Lua
979 271 9 11 months ago awesome-streamerrc/157 Dotfiles for various streamers on Twitch.
979 175 14 7 months ago lor/158 a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty
978 548 14 7 months ago courseplay/159 Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2019
977 66 35 19 hours ago LIKO-12/160 LIKO-12 is an open source fantasy computer made using LÖVE
971 200 8 19 days ago cimgui/161 c-api for imgui ( Look at: for other widgets
964 127 32 7 months ago doomrl/162 D**m, the Roguelike
961 47 44 6 days ago symbols-outline.nvim/163 A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages.
946 332 2 2 years ago Codes-for-Lane-Detection/164 Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation (ICCV 2019)
937 32 7 3 days ago ArkLights/165 明日方舟速通 arknights
930 317 78 4 years ago rnn/166 Recurrent Neural Network library for Torch7's nn
923 220 57 4 days ago WeakAuras2/167 World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen.
920 350 1 9 months ago lua-nginx-redis/168 🌺 Redis、Lua、Nginx、OpenResty 笔记和资料
912 199 35 a month ago lain/169 Awesome WM complements
912 345 0 16 days ago Grasscutter_Resources/170 Combined Resource Folder from Multiple Sources of certain anime game
911 238 0 a month ago Soldier76/171 PUBG - 罗技鼠标宏
908 264 18 4 years ago NAMAS/172 Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Summarization
904 251 400 17 days ago Questie/173 Questie: the vanilla quest helper
901 211 73 4 months ago MoonGen/174 MoonGen is a fully scriptable high-speed packet generator built on DPDK and LuaJIT. It can saturate a 10 Gbit/s connection with 64 byte packets on a single CPU core while executing user-provided Lua scripts for each packet. Multi-core support allows for even higher rates. It also features precise and accurate timestamping and rate control.
901 154 14 1 year, 5 months ago hump/175 LÖVE Helper Utilities for Massive Progression
899 202 1 4 hours ago nvimdots/176 A well configured and structured Neovim.
890 233 0 10 months ago jxwaf/177 JXWAF(锦衣盾)是一款开源web应用防火墙
880 202 30 5 years ago icml2016/178 Generative Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis
877 128 46 7 months ago sailor/179 A Lua MVC Web Framework.
876 20 1 4 days ago impatient.nvim/180 Improve startup time for Neovim
872 285 56 5 years ago luadec/181 Lua Decompiler for lua 5.1 , 5.2 and 5.3
868 377 1 6 months ago nmap-nse-scripts/182 My collection of nmap NSE scripts
863 187 4 6 months ago OpenWRTInvasion/183 Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C...
862 186 5 5 years ago bAbI-tasks/184 Task generation for testing text understanding and reasoning
861 151 8 2 years ago CNNMRF/185 code for paper "Combining Markov Random Fields and Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Synthesis"
859 46 2 16 days ago feline.nvim/186 A minimal, stylish and customizable statusline for Neovim written in Lua
855 739 213 6 days ago garrysmod/187 Sandbox mod for the Source Engine
858 240 9 5 years ago treelstm/188 Tree-structured Long Short-Term Memory networks (
850 211 5 4 years ago 2D-and-3D-face-alignment/189 This repository implements a demo of the networks described in "How far are we from solving the 2D & 3D Face Alignment problem? (and a dataset of 230,000 3D facial landmarks)" paper.
848 230 2 3 years ago Crepe/190 Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
848 199 12 7 months ago lua-resty-template/191 Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty.
844 245 1 6 years ago resnet-1k-layers/192 Deep Residual Networks with 1K Layers
838 46 28 19 days ago nvim-treesitter-context/193 Show code context
837 194 146 3 years ago ComputerCraft/194 Programmable Computers for Minecraft
836 218 15 5 years ago Neural-Dialogue-Generation/195 None
835 517 116 5 years ago telegram-bot/196 UNMAINTAINED - A Telegram Bot based on plugins
826 242 29 4 years ago XNOR-Net/197 ImageNet classification using binary Convolutional Neural Networks
825 187 2 6 days ago ArknightsGameData/198 《明日方舟》游戏数据
817 225 14 6 years ago lstm-char-cnn/199 LSTM language model with CNN over characters
814 28 10 15 days ago lush.nvim/200 Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere.
814 30 10 a day ago mini.nvim/201 Neovim plugin with collection of minimal, independent, and fast Lua modules dedicated to improve Neovim (version 0.5 and higher) experience
812 202 50 2 years ago context-encoder/202 [CVPR 2016] Unsupervised Feature Learning by Image Inpainting using GANs
811 54 14 Unknown awesome-dotfiles/203 Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment
807 195 3 Unknown neovim-init.vim/204 🏮 A hybrid Neovim configuration for productive developers who want a functional yet aesthetic Vim experience 🏮
781 36 3 Unknown CodeArt/205 Use NeoVim as general purpose IDE
779 356 26 Unknown neuralconvo/206 Neural conversational model in Torch
774 208 37 Unknown lua-resty-openidc/207 OpenID Connect Relying Party and OAuth 2.0 Resource Server implementation in Lua for NGINX / OpenResty
773 9 2 Unknown nvim-bqf/208 Better quickfix window in Neovim, polish old quickfix window.
768 45 10 Unknown navigator.lua/209 Source code analysis & navigation plugin for Neovim. Navigate codes like a breeze🎐. Exploring LSP and 🌲Treesitter symbols a piece of 🍰. Take control like a boss 🦍.
764 27 4 Unknown nvim-dap-ui/210 A UI for nvim-dap
761 118 64 Unknown galaxyline.nvim/211 neovim statusline plugin written in lua
761 79 11 Unknown bump.lua/212 A collision detection library for Lua
759 176 13 Unknown MobDebug/213 Remote debugger for Lua.
756 192 22 Unknown tiefvision/214 End-to-end deep learning image-similarity search engine
755 192 14 Unknown DeepStack-Leduc/215 Example implementation of the DeepStack algorithm for no-limit Leduc poker
750 71 20 Unknown lume/216 Lua functions geared towards gamedev
743 15 7 Unknown nvim-surround/217 Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with ❤️ in Lua.
741 13 1 Unknown instant.nvim/218 collaborative editing in Neovim using built-in capabilities
736 155 31 Unknown lua-resty-limit-traffic/219 Lua library for limiting and controlling traffic in OpenResty/ngx_lua
729 261 61 Unknown lua-resty-kafka/220 Lua kafka client driver for the Openresty based on the cosocket API
728 34 28 Unknown vim-be-good/221 vim-be-good is a nvim plugin designed to make you better at Vim Movements.
728 78 24 Unknown nvim-web-devicons/222 lua fork of vim-web-devicons for neovim
725 309 0 Unknown icsmaster/223 ICS/SCADA Security Resource(整合工控安全相关资源)
716 157 24 Unknown nvim-basic-ide/224 This is my attempt at a basic stable starting point for a Neovim IDE.
713 52 4 Unknown fzf-lua/225 Improved fzf.vim written in lua
712 224 71 Unknown SCNN/226 Spatial CNN for traffic lane detection (AAAI2018)
711 87 72 Unknown monstercat-visualizer/227 A real time audio visualizer for Rainmeter similar to the ones used in the Monstercat videos.
711 119 3 Unknown awesome-config/228 Awesome WM config
704 35 1 Unknown dotfiles/229 Dotfiles for unix, managed by GNU stow.
704 141 9 Unknown videogan/230 Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics. NIPS 2016.
701 250 65 Unknown lua-resty-core/231 New FFI-based API for lua-nginx-module
700 91 6 Unknown config_manager/232 My configuration files and tools
704 142 0 Unknown FluidNet/233 Accelerating Eulerian Fluid Simulation With Convolutional Networks
697 226 36 Unknown redis-lua/234 A Lua client library for the redis key value storage system.
696 33 9 Unknown nvim-ts-rainbow/235 Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter. preferred
691 90 18 Unknown doom-nvim/236 A Neovim configuration for the advanced martian hacker
689 144 122 Unknown docker-alpine/237 Official Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism!
688 153 30 Unknown cmder-powerline-prompt/238 Custom prompt for Cmder on Windows
680 107 34 Unknown Simple-Tiled-Implementation/239 Tiled library for LÖVE
677 23 10 Unknown lspkind.nvim/240 vscode-like pictograms for neovim lsp completion items
677 23 26 Unknown fidget.nvim/241 Standalone UI for nvim-lsp progress
676 50 31 Unknown neo-tree.nvim/242 Neovim plugin to manage the file system and other tree like structures.
663 229 50 Unknown lua-resty-mysql/243 Nonblocking Lua MySQL driver library for ngx_lua or OpenResty
662 75 7 Unknown game-engine-2d/244 Planimeter Game Engine 2D - LÖVE-based game engine for Lua
659 87 170 Unknown Beyond-All-Reason/245
657 73 49 Unknown lua-http/246 HTTP Library for Lua. Supports HTTP(S) 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0; client and server.
653 50 8 Unknown CosmicNvim/247 CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development, specifically designed to provide a 💫 COSMIC programming experience!
650 38 28 Unknown alpha-nvim/248 a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim
650 54 8 Unknown NeuralKart/249 A Real-time Mario Kart AI using CNNs, Offline Search, and DAGGER
648 31 8 Unknown luastatic/250 Build a standalone executable from a Lua program.
644 255 16 Unknown material-awesome/251 Material and Mouse driven config for AwesomeWM 4.3
642 94 10 Unknown sketch_simplification/252 Models and code related to sketch simplification of rough sketches.
638 32 5 Unknown glow.nvim/253 A markdown preview directly in your neovim.
637 85 15 Unknown classic/254 Tiny class module for Lua
638 296 11 Unknown lstm/255 None
634 48 7 Unknown go.nvim/256 Modern Go plugin for Neovim, based on gopls, treesitter AST, Dap and a variety of go tools.
630 54 2 Unknown 1808/257 None
629 348 43 8 years ago protoc-gen-lua/258 Google's Protocol Buffers project, ported to Lua
628 40 22 a month ago bling/259 Utilities for the awesome window manager
626 147 29 7 days ago Courseplay_FS22/260 Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2022
623 136 2 6 years ago mario-ai/261 Playing Mario with Deep Reinforcement Learning
620 138 9 4 years ago NTIRE2017/262 Torch implementation of "Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution"
618 879 53 1 year, 11 months ago pong/263 Atari's 1972 classic, implemented in Lua with LÖVE
618 182 63 4 years ago fblualib/264 Facebook libraries and utilities for Lua
618 9 9 3 days ago nvim-ufo/265 Not UFO in the sky, but an ultra fold in Neovim.
613 151 167 2 months ago LDoc/266 LDoc is a LuaDoc-compatible documentation generator which can also process C extension source. Markdown may be optionally used to render comments, as well as integrated readme documentation and pretty-printed example files.
606 11 6 a day ago dressing.nvim/267 Neovim plugin to improve the default vim.ui interfaces
605 16 14 2 days ago neotest/268 An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim.
604 232 25 3 days ago nvim/269 My neovim config
602 221 8 5 months ago luci-app-dockerman/270 Docker Manager interface for LuCI
601 139 1 1 year, 11 months ago DeepDeblur_release/271 Deep Multi-scale CNN for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
600 147 3 6 years ago eyescream/272 natural image generation using ConvNets
598 10 6 17 days ago true-zen.nvim/273 🦝 Clean and elegant distraction-free writing for NeoVim
597 24 33 1 year, 2 months ago stackline/274 Visualize yabai window stacks on macOS. Works with yabai & hammerspoon.
595 55 16 10 months ago picolove/275 PICO-8 Reimplementation in Love2D. Chat:
593 15 9 13 days ago nvim-ts-autotag/276 Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag
593 22 8 a month ago neoscroll.nvim/277 Smooth scrolling neovim plugin written in lua
590 69 13 18 days ago formatter.nvim/278 None
589 60 2 5 months ago nmap-nse-vulnerability-scripts/279 NMAP Vulnerability Scanning Scripts
587 89 8 1 year, 11 months ago luajit-lang-toolkit/280 A Lua bytecode compiler written in Lua itself for didactic purposes or for new language implementations
585 104 6 2 years ago Moses/281 Utility library for functional programming in Lua
581 33 9 2 months ago dotfiles/282 The ArchLinux and AwesomeWM configs. 📂
580 24 0 4 days ago dotfiles/283 My desktop and WSL configuration files
578 77 11 5 months ago debugger.lua/284 A dependency free, embeddable debugger for Lua in a single file (.lua or .c)
574 41 1 10 days ago MPV-EASY-Player/285 MPV-EASY Player - An easy to use, modern video player based on mpv (一个基于MPV,易于使用,现代化的视频播放器)
573 93 0 5 years ago torch-Video-Tutorials/286 Light your way in Deep Learning with Torch 🔦
572 116 32 2 years ago Jumper/287 Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use pathfinding library for grid-based games
571 56 1 3 days ago nvim/288 neovim configuration written in lua
568 65 1 4 days ago material.nvim/289 🔱 Material colorscheme for NeoVim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins
567 73 18 2 months ago MIDI2LR/290 An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller
565 89 11 4 months ago UniversalStyleTransfer/291 The source code of NIPS17 'Universal Style Transfer via Feature Transforms'.
565 226 2 4 years ago x-waf/292 适用于中小企业的云waf
563 203 35 3 months ago Nginx-Lua-Anti-DDoS/293 A Anti-DDoS script to protect Nginx web servers using Lua with a HTML Javascript based authentication puzzle inspired by Cloudflare I am under attack mode an Anti-DDoS authentication page protect yourself from every attack type All Layer 7 Attacks Mitigating Historic Attacks DoS DoS Implications DDoS All Brute Force Attacks Zero day exploits Social Engineering Rainbow Tables Password Cracking Tools Password Lists Dictionary Attacks Time Delay Any Hosting Provider Any CMS or Custom Website Unlimited Attempt Frequency Search Attacks HTTP Basic Authentication HTTP Digest Authentication HTML Form Based Authentication Mask Attacks Rule-Based Search Attacks Combinator Attacks Botnet Attacks Unauthorized IPs IP Whitelisting Bruter THC Hydra John the Ripper Brutus Ophcrack unauthorized logins Injection Broken Authentication and Session Management Sensitive Data Exposure XML External Entities (XXE) Broken Access Control Security Misconfiguration Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Insecure Deserialization Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities Insufficient Logging & Monitoring Drupal WordPress Joomla Flash Magento PHP Plone WHMCS Atlassian Products malicious traffic Adult video script avs KVS Kernel Video Sharing Clip Bucket Tube sites Content Management Systems Social networks scripts backends proxy proxies PHP Python Porn sites xxx adult gaming networks servers sites forums vbulletin phpbb mybb smf simple machines forum xenforo web hosting video streaming buffering ldap upstream downstream download upload rtmp vod video over dl hls dash hds mss livestream drm mp4 mp3 swf css js html php python sex m3u zip rar archive compressed mitigation code source sourcecode chan 4chan 8ch infinite chan 8kun anonymous anon tor services .onion darknet dark net deepweb deep web darkweb dark web mirror vpn reddit adobe flash dreamhack hack hacked hacking hacker hackers hackerz hackz hacks code coding script scripting scripter source leaks leaked leaking cve vulnerability great firewall china america japan russia .gov government http1 http2 http3 quic q3 litespeedtech litespeed apache torrents torrent torrenting webtorrent bittorrent bitorrent bit-torrent cyberlocker cyberlockers cyber locker cyberbunker warez keygen key generator free irc internet relay chat peer-to-peer p2p cryptocurrency crypto bitcoin miner browser xmr monero coinhive coin hive coin-hive litecoin ethereum cpu cycles popads pop-ads advert advertisement networks banner ads protect ovh amazon steampowered valve steamcommunity thepiratebay lulzsec antisec xhamster pornhub xvideos xnxx popads popcash cpm ppc
562 3 28 19 days ago distant.nvim/294 🚧 (Alpha stage software) Edit files, run programs, and work with LSP on a remote machine from the comfort of your local environment 🚧
557 108 11 1 year, 4 months ago FairyGUI-Editor/295 A Professional UI Editor
557 21 9 23 days ago nvim-spectre/296 Find the enemy and replace them with dark power.
556 11 3 5 days ago nvim-ts-context-commentstring/297 Neovim treesitter plugin for setting the commentstring based on the cursor location in a file.
551 43 33 20 days ago project.nvim/298 The superior project management solution for neovim.
550 12 15 1 year, 18 days ago twilight.nvim/299 🌅 Twilight is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that dims inactive portions of the code you're editing using TreeSitter.
548 69 4 7 months ago anim8/300 An animation library for LÖVE
548 7 13 19 days ago hydra.nvim/301 Create custom submodes and menus
547 122 5 2 days ago prosody/302 IMPORTANT: due to a drive failure, as of 13-Mar-2021, the Mercurial repository had to be re-mirrored, which changed every commit SHA. The old SHAs and trees are backed up in the vault branches. Please migrate to the new branches as soon as you can.
547 23 15 14 days ago auto-session/303 A small automated session manager for Neovim
546 116 32 10 months ago torch-autograd/304 Autograd automatically differentiates native Torch code
545 56 12 4 months ago luaradio/305 A lightweight, embeddable software-defined radio framework built on LuaJIT
544 169 31 11 hours ago MineOS/306 Home of MineOS and it's software for OpenComputers mod
542 109 1 a month ago learn-neovim-lua/307 Neovim 配置实战:从 0 到 1 打造自己的 IDE
540 141 3 12 days ago rime-wubi86-jidian/308 86五笔极点码表 for 鼠须管(macOS)、小狼毫(Windows)、中州韵(Linux:Ubuntu) 五笔输入法
540 57 47 2 years ago mpv_thumbnail_script/309 A Lua script to show preview thumbnails in mpv's OSC seekbar, sans external dependencies
540 92 5 1 year, 11 months ago siggraph2017_inpainting/310 Code for the paper 'Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion'.
539 138 37 a month ago Discordia/311 Discord API library written in Lua for the Luvit runtime environment
534 80 7 22 days ago gruvbox.nvim/312 Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme
533 48 1 a day ago nvim/313 A non-minimal Neovim config built to work most efficiently with Frontend Development - React & Vue.js
533 6 1 21 days ago venn.nvim/314 Draw ASCII diagrams in Neovim
531 80 3 3 months ago chat-censorship/315 Data related to the investigation of realtime censorship
527 12 6 3 days ago nui.nvim/316 UI Component Library for Neovim.
527 31 9 2 months ago neogen/317 A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions.
526 20 23 2 months ago sidebar.nvim/318 A generic and modular lua sidebar for Neovim
526 105 16 1 year, 2 months ago surreal/319 Learning from Synthetic Humans, CVPR 2017
525 53 26 2 years ago typedlua/320 An Optional Type System for Lua
523 72 60 10 months ago nvim-lspinstall/321 Provides the missing :LspInstall for nvim-lspconfig
522 184 877 2 days ago Zero-K/322 Open source RTS game running on the Spring engine
522 27 12 13 hours ago aerial.nvim/323 Neovim plugin for a code outline window
521 11 23 9 months ago zen-mode.nvim/324 🧘 Distraction-free coding for Neovim
519 170 0 10 hours ago GameTracking-Dota2/325 📥 Game Tracker: Dota 2
514 153 4 5 years ago dqn/326 Lua/Torch implementation of DQN (Nature, 2015)
514 11 15 2 months ago kommentary/327 Neovim commenting plugin, written in lua.
513 251 1 a month ago homies/328 My configuration files (.screenrc, .vimrc, .weechat, .bashrc, .gitconfig, etc)
512 66 33 5 hours ago VSCode-EmmyLua/329 Lua IDE/Debugger Plugin for VSCode
507 30 4 29 days ago nvim-gdb/330 Neovim thin wrapper for GDB, LLDB, PDB/PDB++ and BashDB
505 41 17 21 days ago lsp-status.nvim/331 Utility functions for getting diagnostic status and progress messages from LSP servers, for use in the Neovim statusline
505 61 14 4 days ago onedark.nvim/332 One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles
497 55 2 1 year, 9 months ago tiny-ecs/333 ECS for Lua
496 80 5 3 months ago mari0/334 Mario + Portal platformer
495 97 17 3 years ago SFTGAN/335 CVPR18 - Recovering Realistic Texture in Image Super-resolution by Deep Spatial Feature Transform
494 10 9 2 months ago nvim-lightbulb/336 VSCode 💡 for neovim's built-in LSP.
493 86 35 2 years ago turbo/337 Turbo is a framework built for LuaJIT 2 to simplify the task of building fast and scalable network applications. It uses a event-driven, non-blocking, no thread design to deliver excellent performance and minimal footprint to high-load applications while also providing excellent support for embedded uses.
489 177 0 2 months ago http_study/338 follow me to study http
489 70 10 3 years ago slimming/339 Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming, In ICCV 2017.
489 111 13 2 years ago slardar/340 Updating your upstream list and run lua scripts without reloading Nginx.
489 36 24 6 years ago moonshine/341 A lightweight Lua VM for the browser
488 123 59 14 days ago norns/342 norns is many sound instruments.
488 98 62 9 years ago kindlepdfviewer/343 (DEPRECATED, please use KOReader instead) A PDF (plus DJVU, ePub, TXT, CHM, FB2, HTML...) viewer made for e-ink framebuffer devices, using muPDF, djvulibre, crengine
488 95 3 6 years ago neural-vqa/344 ❔ Visual Question Answering in Torch
481 32 9 3 years ago WireHub/345 🌍 Decentralized, peer-to-peer and secure overlay networks
481 81 1 4 days ago neovim-lua/346 Neovim KISS configuration with Lua
478 14 13 a month ago nvim-neoclip.lua/347 Clipboard manager neovim plugin with telescope integration
478 107 16 5 days ago RDN/348 Torch code for our CVPR 2018 paper "Residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution" (Spotlight)
477 76 4 6 years ago tween.lua/349 Tweening/Easing/Interpolating functions for lua. Inspired on jQuery's animate method.
476 107 19 4 years ago word-rnn/350 Recurrent Neural Network that predicts word-by-word
475 24 0 4 months ago dotfiles/351 My Awesomewm dotfile
474 26 16 30 days ago paq-nvim/352 🌚 Neovim package manager
474 29 21 2 days ago telescope-file-browser.nvim/353 File Browser extension for telescope.nvim
473 317 50 2 days ago wire/354 Garry's Mod add-on that allows users to wire up components in order to make more elaborate automatic and user-controlled contraptions.
471 23 0 5 years ago micro-auth/355 A microservice that makes adding authentication with Google and Github to your application easy.
470 58 40 16 days ago iron.nvim/356 Interactive Repl Over Neovim
468 31 15 2 months ago filetype.nvim/357 A faster version of filetype.vim
467 121 2 6 years ago learning_to_execute/358 Learning to Execute
463 74 14 2 years ago RxLua/359 Reactive Extensions for Lua
463 39 25 2 days ago rest.nvim/360 A fast Neovim http client written in Lua
462 102 31 5 months ago lua-resty-websocket/361 WebSocket support for the ngx_lua module (and OpenResty)
460 23 19 4 months ago VimMode.spoon/362 Adds vim keybindings to all OS X inputs
460 98 7 3 years ago MSDNet/363 Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Resource Efficient Image Classification (ICLR 2018 Oral)
460 49 0 6 months ago Winshark/364 A wireshark plugin to instrument ETW
459 116 4 2 months ago Rime_collections/365 All collections for Rime IME
458 72 11 3 months ago serpent/366 Lua serializer and pretty printer.
457 125 44 16 days ago lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck/367 Health Checker for Nginx Upstream Servers in Pure Lua
453 22 11 2 months ago lazygit.nvim/368 Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim.
452 124 7 9 days ago luaunit/369 LuaUnit is a popular unit-testing framework for Lua, with an interface typical of xUnit libraries (Python unittest, Junit, NUnit, ...). It supports several output formats (Text, TAP, JUnit, ...) to be used directly or work with Continuous Integration platforms (Jenkins, Maven, ...).
451 154 6 2 months ago trashnet/370 Dataset of images of trash; Torch-based CNN for garbage image classification
454 78 1 5 years ago Stochastic_Depth/371 Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
448 16 11 10 days ago registers.nvim/372 📑 Neovim plugin to preview the contents of the registers
447 144 115 5 days ago EmptyEpsilon/373 Open source bridge simulator. Build with the SeriousProton engine.
447 137 10 2 months ago betaflight-tx-lua-scripts/374 Collection of scripts to configure Betaflight from your TX (currently only supported in OpenTx)
444 15 4 a month ago FTerm.nvim/375 🔥 No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim 🔥
444 27 18 2 months ago playground/376 Treesitter playground integrated into Neovim
443 74 2 4 years ago Autoencoders/377 Torch implementations of various types of autoencoders
442 184 2 1 year, 6 months ago AfenarUI/378 World of Warcraft User Interface
440 130 13 5 years ago sent-conv-torch/379 Text classification using a convolutional neural network.
440 30 16 4 years ago moonshine/380 Postprocessing effect repository for LÖVE
439 107 3 2 years ago hammerspoon-config/381 🔨🥄 Laziness constitute the primary productive force.
438 15 6 a day ago hologram.nvim/382 👻 A cross platform terminal image viewer for Neovim. Extensible and fast, written in Lua and C. Works on macOS and Linux.
438 73 8 5 years ago gvnn/383 gvnn: Geometric Vision with Neural Networks
437 21 9 3 months ago lua-dev.nvim/384 💻 Dev setup for init.lua and plugin development with full signature help, docs and completion for the nvim lua API.
436 34 4 10 days ago neovim/385 Soho vibes for Neovim
435 30 24 5 days ago telekasten.nvim/386 A Neovim (lua) plugin for working with a markdown zettelkasten / wiki and mixing it with a journal, based on telescope.nvim
434 25 11 1 year, 8 months ago love-release/387 💌 Lua script that makes LÖVE game release easier
434 338 2 21 hours ago FrackinUniverse/388 1.4.4 SB release version of FrackinUniverse
433 26 8 a month ago spellsitter.nvim/389 Treesitter powered spellchecker
433 58 14 1 year, 4 months ago ledge/390 An RFC compliant and ESI capable HTTP cache for Nginx / OpenResty, backed by Redis
432 92 13 4 years ago soundnet/391 SoundNet: Learning Sound Representations from Unlabeled Video. NIPS 2016
432 19 2 a month ago nvim-lsp-ts-utils/392 Utilities to improve the TypeScript development experience for Neovim's built-in LSP client.
431 150 5 2 years ago Activity-Recognition-with-CNN-and-RNN/393 Temporal Segments LSTM and Temporal-Inception for Activity Recognition
431 43 2 3 years ago termtris/394 A text-based game inspired by tetris.
431 58 15 11 days ago nord.nvim/395 Neovim theme based off of the Nord Color Palette, written in lua with tree sitter support
428 299 83 2 years ago GroupButler/396 This bot can help you in managing your group with rules, anti-flood, description, custom triggers, and much more!
428 143 62 2 hours ago lua-filters/397 A collection of lua filters for pandoc
427 0 0 7 years ago ptex2pdf/398 convert Japanese TeX documents to pdf
426 15 8 a month ago nvim-navic/399 Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context
425 154 8 4 years ago LuaMemorySnapshotDump/400 Lua memory snapshot dump utility, used for memory leak detection。
425 97 1 6 months ago hw/401 Official Hedgewars mirror for GitHub!
424 49 8 1 year, 6 months ago pandoc-scholar/402 Create beautiful and semantically meaningful articles with pandoc.
423 2 3 a month ago nvim-hlslens/403 Hlsearch Lens for Neovim
423 73 27 2 months ago opm/404 OpenResty Package Manager
423 83 1 10 days ago Rime/405 鼠须管配置
423 102 15 2 years ago nginx-google-oauth/406 Lua module to add Google OAuth to nginx
422 54 76 7 months ago ljsyscall/407 LuaJIT Unix syscall FFI
421 207 100 8 days ago WolfHUD/408 Payday 2 HUD
420 179 12 3 years ago sceneparsing/409 Development kit for MIT Scene Parsing Benchmark
416 134 7 21 days ago istore/410 一个 Openwrt 标准的软件中心,纯脚本实现,只依赖Openwrt标准组件。支持其它固件开发者集成到自己的固件里面。更方便小白搜索,下载插件。The iStore is a app store for OpenWRT
415 38 4 6 years ago LuaNode/411 Asynchronous I/O for Lua
414 68 16 3 years ago suit/412 Immediate Mode GUI library for LÖVE
412 9 0 an hour ago fullmoon/413 Fast and minimalistic Redbean-based Lua web framework in one file.
414 70 3 4 years ago mrrescue/414 Arcade-style fire fighting game
410 82 131 a month ago FS22_AutoDrive/415 FS22 version of the AutoDrive mod
408 111 64 2 months ago roact/416 A view management library for Roblox Lua similar to React
404 14 15 3 years ago titan/417 The Titan programming language
402 50 17 2 months ago VapourNvim/418 A NeoVim config for THE ULTIMATE vim IDE-like experience.
402 56 15 2 years ago Autoplugin/419 Autoplugin for PSVITA
400 103 169 4 years ago CQUI_Community-Edition/420 Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
400 18 4 3 months ago nvimux/421 Neovim as a TMUX replacement
399 93 5 3 years ago style-swap/422 code for "Fast Patch-based Style Transfer of Arbitrary Style".
398 60 13 46 minutes ago nvim-lint/423 An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support.
398 700 3 18 days ago DarkRP/424 DarkRP, a non-serious roleplay gamemode for Garry's Mod.
396 86 2 2 years ago patoolkit/425 PA Toolkit is a collection of traffic analysis plugins focused on security
395 99 12 2 months ago lua-resty-lrucache/426 Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI
395 52 5 4 years ago adaptive-softmax/427 Implements an efficient softmax approximation as described in the paper "Efficient softmax approximation for GPUs" (
394 49 26 4 days ago lspsaga.nvim/428 The neovim language-server-client UI
392 27 25 7 months ago LuaGB/429 A gameboy emulator written in pure Lua. Work in progress.
396 68 1 3 years ago learning-to-communicate/430 Learning to Communicate with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
392 21 9 13 days ago focus.nvim/431 Auto-Focusing and Auto-Resizing Splits/Windows for Neovim written in Lua. A full suite of window management enhancements. Vim splits on steroids!
391 138 28 8 months ago lua-resty-string/432 String utilities and common hash functions for ngx_lua and LuaJIT
391 94 1 1 year, 2 months ago grab_beacon_config/433 None
389 61 15 12 years ago underscore.lua/434 A utility library for Lua
389 248 96 3 years ago kong-oidc/435 OIDC plugin for Kong
389 23 3 6 days ago nvim-jdtls/436 Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for
388 163 35 5 years ago imagenet-multiGPU.torch/437 an imagenet example in torch.
387 203 63 3 years ago mtk-openwrt-feeds/438 mtk-openwrt-feeds
386 7 5 7 hours ago legendary.nvim/439 🗺️ A legend for your keymaps, commands, and autocmds, with which-key.nvim integration
384 164 15 1 year, 4 months ago nodemcu-httpserver/440 A (very) simple web server written in Lua for the ESP8266 firmware NodeMCU.
382 25 47 2 months ago pallene/441 Pallene Compiler
382 59 90 7 months ago community-a4e-c/442 The Community Repo for A-4E-C and its Official Submods
377 18 16 6 months ago nvim-lsputils/443 Better defaults for nvim-lsp actions
377 81 11 1 year, 6 months ago dotfiles/444 Various configuration files for programs that I use
377 133 8 a month ago push/445 A simple resolution-handling library for LÖVE
377 167 15 6 years ago stnbhwd/446 Modules for spatial transformer networks (BHWD layout)
376 54 11 22 days ago rime-pure/447 【rime 小狼毫\trime 同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文 四叶草 九宫格 拼音方案\四叶草拼音\四叶草地球拼音\小鹤双拼\极品五笔\QQ五笔\徐码\郑码】
373 55 6 6 days ago apioak/448 Full Lifecycle Management API Gateway.
373 50 10 5 years ago 30log/449 30 lines library for object orientation in Lua
373 11 34 20 days ago snap/450 A fast finder system for neovim.
371 158 10 a month ago stellaris_cn/451 Stellaris 群星 汉化 Mod
371 50 16 30 days ago openwisp-config/452 OpenWRT configuration agent for OpenWISP Controller
371 3 12 2 months ago vgit.nvim/453 Visual git plugin for Neovim
370 79 4 5 years ago BayesianRNN/454 Code for the paper "A Theoretically Grounded Application of Dropout in Recurrent Neural Networks"
369 44 1 5 days ago dotfiles/455 $HOME sweet $HOME
369 8 0 3 months ago tabout.nvim/456 tabout plugin for neovim
369 117 20 4 months ago lua-resty-upload/457 Streaming reader and parser for http file uploading based on ngx_lua cosocket
369 10 17 3 months ago nvim-code-action-menu/458 Pop-up menu for code actions to show meta-information and diff preview
368 86 9 23 days ago iproute2-cheatsheet/459 iproute2 command reference
366 65 1 4 years ago cat-generator/460 Generate cat images with neural networks
366 73 0 5 days ago wow-ui-source/461 git mirror of the user interface source code for World of Warcraft
365 104 18 5 days ago Lmod/462 Lmod: An Environment Module System based on Lua, Reads TCL Modules, Supports a Software Hierarchy
365 2 3 6 months ago stylish.nvim/463 Stylish UI components for Neovim
365 141 4 6 days ago BlizzardInterfaceCode/464 None
364 11 16 8 months ago cheatsheet.nvim/465 A cheatsheet plugin for neovim with bundled cheatsheets for the editor, multiple vim plugins, nerd-fonts, regex, etc. with a Telescope fuzzy finder interface !
364 102 34 3 years ago lua-websockets/466 Websockets for Lua.
364 19 1 5 years ago intermission/467 intermission helps you perform zero down time application maintenance
362 12 26 24 days ago marks.nvim/468 A better user experience for viewing and interacting with Vim marks.
360 21 3 1 year, 6 months ago Celeste2/469 Celeste Classic 2 for PICO-8!
359 84 2 8 months ago dota2ai/470 Dota2 AI Framework
359 24 17 1 year, 7 months ago awesome-wm-nice/471 An Awesome WM module that add MacOS-like window decorations, with seamless titlebars, double click to maximize, and window shade feature
360 130 14 6 years ago VQA_LSTM_CNN/472 Train a deeper LSTM and normalized CNN Visual Question Answering model. This current code can get 58.16 on OpenEnded and 63.09 on Multiple-Choice on test-standard.
358 79 27 5 months ago magick/473 Lua bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFI
358 41 4 5 years ago deepmark/474 THE Deep Learning Benchmarks
358 12 13 5 months ago colorbuddy.nvim/475 Your color buddy for making cool neovim color schemes
357 26 0 2 days ago factorio-data/476 Tracks changes of the lua prototype definitions in factorio inbetween releases.
357 109 4 3 years ago gbc-core/477 GameBox Cloud Core - The Game Server Framework based on Lua and OpenResty.
356 103 3 a month ago OPQ/478 OPQ RST UVW XYZ
356 94 9 4 years ago sparse-to-dense/479 ICRA 2018 "Sparse-to-Dense: Depth Prediction from Sparse Depth Samples and a Single Image" (Torch Implementation)
355 60 65 24 days ago lgi/480 Dynamic Lua binding to GObject libraries using GObject-Introspection
354 32 18 8 days ago flutter-tools.nvim/481 Tools to help create flutter apps in neovim using the native lsp
354 13 21 a month ago presence.nvim/482 Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
352 50 53 3 years ago weechat-matrix-protocol-script/483 A WeeChat script in Lua that implements the chat protocol
352 44 1 11 months ago HC/484 General purpose collision detection library for the use with LÖVE.
352 2 3 a month ago yode-nvim/485 Yode plugin for NeoVim
351 11 5 a month ago goto-preview/486 A small Neovim plugin for previewing definitions using floating windows.
351 95 34 6 months ago guidanceSteering/487 Guidance Steering (AutoTrack) for Farming Simulator 22.
351 42 0 15 days ago nv-ide/488 Neovim custom configuration, oriented for full stack developers (rails, ruby, php, html, css, SCSS, javascript)
351 4 8 7 months ago vimpeccable/489 Neovim plugin that allows you to easily map keys directly to lua code inside your init.lua
349 139 6 6 years ago Redpoint/490 Digital Bond's ICS Enumeration Tools
351 307 28 5 years ago demos/491 Demos and tutorials around Torch7.
348 35 1 3 years ago knife/492 A collection of useful micro-modules for Lua.
348 6 4 10 months ago lsp-colors.nvim/493 🌈 Plugin that creates missing LSP diagnostics highlight groups for color schemes that don't yet support the Neovim 0.5 builtin LSP client.
348 18 6 2 days ago git-blame.nvim/494 Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua
346 140 30 6 years ago dp/495 A deep learning library for streamlining research and development using the Torch7 distribution.
346 89 14 5 years ago ENet-training/496 None
345 15 7 3 days ago iswap.nvim/497 Interactively select and swap function arguments, list elements, and more. Powered by tree-sitter.
343 163 60 5 years ago cudnn.torch/498 Torch-7 FFI bindings for NVIDIA CuDNN
343 52 5 5 years ago fast-neural-doodle/499 Faster neural doodle
343 10 16 a month ago nvim-scrollbar/500 Extensible Neovim Scrollbar
341 102 45 2 years ago cardpeek/501 Automatically exported from
341 32 21 5 months ago neuron.nvim/502 Make neovim the best note taking application
341 377 0 9 months ago otservbr-global-archived/503 Archived, read-only repository. New repository:
338 59 4 5 years ago nips2016/504 Learning What and Where to Draw
337 24 24 7 months ago mpv_sponsorblock/505 mpv script to skip sponsored segments of YouTube videos
335 52 25 4 months ago dap-buddy.nvim/506 🐞 Debug Adapter Protocol manager for Neovim
335 155 2 9 months ago meta-learning-lstm/507 This repo contains the source code accompanying a scientific paper with the same name.
335 105 14 3 years ago dd-punch/508 基于『触动精灵』的钉钉自动打卡脚本
335 19 13 7 days ago hammerspoon-shiftit/509 A ShiftIt like Hammerspoon window management configuration
335 13 0 a month ago windline.nvim/510 Animation statusline, floating window statusline. Use lua + luv make some wind
334 41 0 7 years ago pacpac/511 A lua-based Pac-Man clone.
334 74 9 3 months ago Knit/512 Lightweight game framework for Roblox
333 15 24 11 days ago telescope-frecency.nvim/513 A telescope.nvim extension that offers intelligent prioritization when selecting files from your editing history.
333 34 33 16 days ago telescope-project.nvim/514 None
332 113 38 3 months ago Spoons/515 The official repository of Spoon plugins
332 131 25 3 years ago FloorplanTransformation/516 Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation
331 49 5 8 months ago nse-log4shell/517 Nmap NSE scripts to check against log4shell or LogJam vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-44228)
331 42 11 4 years ago windfield/518 Physics module for LÖVE
330 90 0 5 years ago MIXER/519 Mixed Incremental Cross-Entropy REINFORCE ICLR 2016
329 10 6 5 months ago nvim-remote-containers/520 Develop inside docker containers, just like VSCode
329 115 36 6 months ago FrskyTelemetryScript/521 A LUA telemetry script and widget for the Horus X10(S),X12 and Taranis X9D+,X9E,QX7 and X-Lite radios using ArduPilot frsky passthru protocol
328 68 21 2 days ago lua-debug/522 Lua Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code
328 19 1 a day ago .dotfiles/523 There's no place like ~ !
327 98 0 3 years ago nse_vuln/524 Nmap扫描、漏洞利用脚本
327 6 5 2 years ago croissant/525 🥐 A Lua REPL and debugger
325 13 4 18 days ago nvim-dap-virtual-text/526 None
325 98 28 4 years ago nqg/527 neural question generation for reading comprehension
324 7 1 5 months ago numb.nvim/528 Peek lines just when you intend
324 20 4 16 days ago textadept/529 Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and remarkably extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers.
322 95 11 6 years ago cvpr2016/530 Learning Deep Representations of Fine-grained Visual Descriptions
322 2 0 22 days ago nvim-regexplainer/531 Describe the regexp under the cursor
322 122 1 2 years ago ICS-pcap/532 A collection of ICS/SCADA PCAPs
321 23 3 3 months ago g3d/533 Simple and easy 3D engine for LÖVE.
321 65 9 5 months ago lua-lockbox/534 A collection of cryptographic primitives written in pure Lua
320 4 2 a month ago nvim-luapad/535 Interactive real time neovim scratchpad for embedded lua engine - type and watch!
320 117 75 2 months ago ElvUI/536 ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a)
320 15 3 3 months ago lsp-format.nvim/537 A wrapper around Neovims native LSP formatting.
319 18 5 3 months ago cmp-nvim-lsp/538 nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client
318 99 46 10 months ago lite-plugins/539 Plugins for the lite text editor
318 7 7 5 days ago nvim-scrollview/540 📜📶 A Neovim plugin that displays interactive vertical scrollbars.
316 88 17 4 years ago pose-hg-demo/541 Code to test and use the model from "Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation"
317 68 1 7 months ago lua_missions/542 Lua Koans, minus the Zen stuff
317 11 5 an hour ago heirline.nvim/543 Heirline.nvim is a no-nonsense Neovim Statusline plugin designed around recursive inheritance to be exceptionally fast and versatile.
316 40 15 6 months ago miro-windows-manager/544 Intuitive and clever mechanism for moving windows using only arrows, even resizing windows by thirds or quarters! For OSX
315 765 25 2 days ago qb-core/545 FiveM RP Framework Core 💪
315 93 10 1 year, 5 months ago luci-app-kcptun/546 LuCI support for kcptun
315 171 19 5 days ago VehicleControlAddon/547 Farming Simulator 22: Smoother steering with the key board and more...
312 40 22 5 years ago pflua/548 Packet filtering in Lua
312 130 14 5 years ago SpellLibrary/549 Repo for recreating the original dota skills
311 54 2 a month ago vicious/550 Vicious is a modular widget library for the "awesome" window manager.
311 2 6 2 months ago dial.nvim/551 enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim.
322 53 17 8 years ago metalua/552 The metalua programming language
307 239 16 9 hours ago MythicDungeonTools/553 World of Warcraft AddOn for planning and optimizing Mythic+ dungeon runs
307 27 24 2 years ago mpv-youtube-quality/554 A userscript for MPV that allows you to change youtube video quality (ytdl-format) on the fly
306 1 0 24 days ago gesture.nvim/555 Mouse gesture plugin for neovim
304 633 7 6 years ago TeleSeed/556 A Telegram-CLI Administration Telgram bot in Lua
305 56 61 2 days ago Fusion/557 A modern reactive UI library, built specifically for Roblox and Luau.
305 14 1 3 years ago wireshark-ntop/558 Extensions for Wireshark
305 15 4 4 years ago l2l/559 Lisp is Lisp. Lua is Lua. Lisp and Lua as One.
305 2 0 a month ago stabilize.nvim/560 Neovim plugin to stabilize window open/close events.
303 31 6 a month ago kickstart.nvim/561 A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
303 31 11 1 year, 11 months ago pegasus.lua/562 🚀 Pegasus.lua is an http server to work with web applications written in Lua language.
303 34 12 3 days ago mpv-playlistmanager/563 Mpv lua script to create and manage playlists
302 93 0 1 year, 7 months ago multistreamer/564 [discontinued] A webapp for publishing video to multiple streaming services at once.
304 132 0 5 years ago wow-ui-source/565 git mirror of the user interface source code for World of Warcraft
300 66 2 4 years ago HammerSpoon/566 😌HammerSpoon config file, 💻Window Management, 🎵VOX, VIM-binding #KillThe🐁
300 9 5 6 days ago nabla.nvim/567 take your scientific notes ✏️ in Neovim
300 24 0 9 hours ago dotfiles/568 The best and strongest dotfiles. Editor: Neovim; Shell: zsh(zinit, powerlevel10k); Terminal: tmux, wezterm; Desktop: i3-gaps/sway, rofi, dunst; OS: ArchLinux, (Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS)
300 56 13 4 years ago apigateway/569 A Performant API Gateway based on NGINX and Openresty
298 85 28 1 year, 4 months ago DungeonTools/570 Fork of Nnoga's Mythic Dungeon Tools addon to restore mob data and improve upon the base code!
298 18 21 6 months ago Shade.nvim/571 An Nvim lua plugin that dims your inactive windows
297 65 3 4 years ago face-generator/572 Generate human faces with neural networks
297 19 5 14 days ago nvim-comment/573 A comment toggler for Neovim, written in Lua
296 103 15 4 months ago lua-resty-dns/574 DNS resolver for the nginx lua module
295 29 0 1 year, 5 months ago luajit io framework
294 35 8 6 years ago flux/576 A fast, lightweight tweening library for Lua
294 9 0 4 days ago lsp-zero.nvim/577 A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim.
296 96 28 5 years ago nngraph/578 Graph Computation for nn
292 16 7 2 months ago melange/579 🗡️ Warm colorscheme for Neovim and beyond
292 62 123 3 months ago tch-nginx-gui/580 Modified file to apply to a stock technicolor GUI
293 30 0 3 years ago shake-shake/581 2.86% and 15.85% on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100
290 11 1 11 hours ago onedarkpro.nvim/582 🎨 OneDarkPro theme for Neovim. Completely customisable colors, styles and highlights. Supports custom highlights by filetype!
289 74 11 10 months ago lua-resty-balancer/583 A generic consistent hash implementation for OpenResty/Lua
288 55 7 2 years ago MGANs/584 Precomputed Real-Time Texture Synthesis with Markovian Generative Adversarial Networks
288 6 11 9 months ago specs.nvim/585 👓 A fast and lightweight Neovim lua plugin to keep an eye on where your cursor has jumped.
288 222 11 7 months ago FS19_AutoDrive/586 FS19 version of AutoDrive - Developer Version
287 50 2 2 months ago chromium-ipc-sniffer/587 A tool to capture communication between Chromium processes on Windows
287 77 8 2 months ago lua-resty-lock/588 Simple nonblocking lock API for ngx_lua based on shared memory dictionaries
287 69 3 5 years ago Mio/589 API statistics/summary and health datas in NGINX based on OpenResty/ngx_lua, just like NGINX Plus
286 30 3 5 days ago AutoPlugin2/590 Next AutoPlugin 2
286 33 30 7 months ago git-worktree.nvim/591 None
286 73 2 7 days ago dotfiles/592 using vim
285 100 28 1 year, 1 month ago libmoon/593 libmoon is a library for fast and flexible packet processing with DPDK and LuaJIT.
284 84 5 6 years ago ConvLSTM/594 Spatio-temporal video autoencoder with convolutional LSTMs
284 35 2 1 year, 9 months ago lovetoys/595 🍌 a full-featured Entity-Component-System framework for making games with lua
284 60 2 2 years ago lua-state-machine/596 A finite state machine lua micro framework
283 93 29 7 months ago lua-resty-session/597 Session library for OpenResty – flexible and secure
283 94 66 1 year, 22 days ago Fate-Grand-Order_Lua/598 Fate Grand Order auto battle script - no root needed, for Android use only
282 18 0 3 days ago dotfiles/599 My dotfiles: Experimental, ongoing configuration files, development environment and scripts for various Unix-like systems, text-based command-line applications and interfaces.
282 45 9 5 years ago optimize-net/600 OptNet - Reducing memory usage in torch neural nets
281 19 3 4 months ago scumm-8/601 A PICO-8 demake of the SCUMM engine that powered most of the classic LucasArts adventure games, such as Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion.
281 59 5 5 years ago fbnn/602 Facebook's extensions to torch/nn.
280 142 27 2 days ago xmake-repo/603 📦 An official xmake package repository
280 64 7 3 months ago docker-dst-server/604 Don't Starve Together dedicated server in Docker!
279 83 3 4 years ago SeqMatchSeq/605 None
279 141 2 7 months ago md5.lua/606 MD5 sum in pure Lua, with no C and no external dependencies
276 56 2 6 years ago torch-ntm/607 A Neural Turing Machine implementation in Torch.
278 92 12 4 years ago lua-pb/608 Lua Protocol Buffers
276 152 69 7 days ago APIcast/609 3scale API Gateway
275 11 2 5 days ago mason-lspconfig.nvim/610 Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim
275 13 2 8 months ago kyoto.nvim/611 kyoto.nvim is a functional, beautiful, and highly customizable neovim configuration
274 10 11 25 days ago litee.nvim/612 A framework for building Neovim plugins
274 8 0 3 months ago nvim-lspfuzzy/613 A Neovim plugin to make the LSP client use FZF
273 70 13 3 days ago clink-completions/614 Completion files to clink util
271 57 9 1 year, 5 months ago LuaTelemetry/615 FrSky SmartPort(S.Port), D-series, F.Port and TBS Crossfire telemetry on all Taranis and Horus transmitters
271 28 26 1 year, 8 days ago mpv-scripts/616 Various scripts for mpv
271 41 13 16 days ago vscode.nvim/617 Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code
270 269 18 4 years ago logitech-pubg/618 PUBG no recoil script for Logitech gaming mouse / 绝地求生 罗技 鼠标宏
270 12 0 6 days ago dotfiles/619 pls help
269 62 16 6 days ago repo-base/620 None
269 76 0 a day ago cfadmin/621 A lua web network framework.
269 19 14 3 hours ago uosc/622 Minimalist cursor proximity based UI for MPV player.
269 49 4 1 year, 2 months ago NoobHub/623 🌐🔥 Network multiplayer and messaging for CoronaSDK, Moai, Gideros, LÖVE & Defold
268 4 2 8 days ago crates.nvim/624 A neovim plugin that helps managing dependencies
267 167 9 3 years ago json4lua/625 JSON (Javascript Object Notation - encoding / decoding module for Lua, and very basic JSON RPC module (requiring socket 2.0).Module requires compat-5.1 if using Lua 5.0.This repository was converted from a CVS repository on on Jan. 20, 2010.
266 17 9 9 months ago popup.nvim/626 [WIP] An implementation of the Popup API from vim in Neovim. Hope to upstream when complete
266 22 15 1 year, 9 months ago lua-lsp/627 A Lua language server
266 37 1 8 years ago love-tile-tutorial/628 A tutorial for making tile-based games with LÖVE
266 89 17 9 months ago BinaryNet/629 Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1
264 18 0 a month ago onenord.nvim/630 🏔️ A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes for a more vibrant programming experience.
264 17 1 a day ago dotfiles/631 Config files for my setup
262 32 10 17 days ago auto-save.nvim/632 🧶 Automatically save your changes in NeoVim
262 3 1 a month ago fine-cmdline.nvim/633 Enter ex-commands in a nice floating input.
262 3 1 20 days ago syntax-tree-surfer/634 A plugin for Neovim that helps you surf through your document and move elements around using the nvim-treesitter API.
262 31 0 2 years ago layout-demo/635 Various Layouts Of CSS
261 90 6 4 years ago arc-robot-vision/636 MIT-Princeton Vision Toolbox for Robotic Pick-and-Place at the Amazon Robotics Challenge 2017 - Robotic Grasping and One-shot Recognition of Novel Objects with Deep Learning.
261 104 7 a month ago luci-app-diskman/637 Disk Manager for LuCI
260 42 7 1 year, 3 months ago luject/638 🍹A static injector of dynamic library for application (android, iphoneos, macOS, windows, linux)
259 74 16 5 years ago deepspeech.torch/639 Speech Recognition using DeepSpeech2 network and the CTC activation function.
259 73 15 4 years ago Atari/640 Persistent advantage learning dueling double DQN for the Arcade Learning Environment
259 15 13 3 months ago nvim-treesitter-refactor/641 Refactor module for nvim-treesitter
259 247 4 2 years ago Punishing_GrayRaven_Tab/642 《战双:帕弥什》游戏数据
258 12 11 5 hours ago gh.nvim/643 A fully featured GitHub integration for performing code reviews in Neovim.
258 10 11 a month ago sqlite.lua/644 SQLite LuaJIT binding with a very simple api.
257 26 0 14 hours ago mpvacious/645 Adds mpv keybindings to create Anki cards from movies and TV shows.
257 11 2 8 days ago git-conflict.nvim/646 A plugin to visualise and resolve merge conflicts in neovim
256 25 13 8 years ago Tir/647 A Simple Lua Web Framework For Mongrel2
256 25 7 5 years ago lovebird/648 A browser-based debug console for LÖVE
256 35 9 3 months ago cpml/649 Cirno's Perfect Math Library: Just about everything you need for 2D/3D games. Hopefully.
256 14 2 1 year, 2 months ago awesome-shell/650 This is a collection of awesome wm configuration files
257 63 0 5 years ago VAE-Torch/651 Implementation of Variational Auto-Encoder in Torch7
258 46 0 4 years ago PixelDTGAN/652 A torch implementation of "Pixel-Level Domain Transfer"
255 84 2 7 years ago practical6/653 Practical 6: LSTM language models
254 9 0 a month ago nvim-fzf/654 A Lua API for using fzf in neovim.
254 30 11 4 years ago lua-stdlib/655 General Lua libraries
253 41 5 4 years ago pro/656 Awesome Pro themes
253 215 28 3 years ago HUD-GTAVRP/657 HUD based Features for FiveM Roleplay servers
254 47 1 5 years ago torch-twrl/658 Torch-twrl is a package that enables reinforcement learning in Torch.
252 83 14 9 months ago titus-awesome/659 Custom AwesomeWM Theme
252 50 1 17 days ago ltheory/660 Limit Theory
252 3 4 2 days ago SchemaStore.nvim/661 🛍 JSON schemas for Neovim
251 93 33 2 days ago pfUI/662 A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC
250 53 10 4 years ago FSRNet/663 Demo code for our CVPR'18 paper "FSRNet: End-to-End Learning Face Super-Resolution with Facial Priors" (SPOTLIGHT Presentation)
251 42 5 3 years ago bodynet/664 BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes, ECCV 2018
251 67 10 2 years ago lua-resty-checkups/665 Manage Nginx upstreams in pure Lua.
257 57 4 6 years ago ggnn/666 Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks
249 14 5 4 months ago nvim-cursorline/667 A plugin for neovim that highlights cursor words and lines
249 55 24 27 days ago luacov/668 LuaCov is a simple coverage analyzer for Lua code.
248 19 10 2 years ago safespaces/669 3D/VR Desktop built for Arcan
248 13 16 9 months ago gifine/670 Quickly record and edit gifs and videos of your desktop
248 88 91 4 months ago lime-packages/671 OpenWrt packages composing LibreMesh meta-firmware for wireless mesh networking
251 112 8 5 years ago Chatbot-AI/672 Chatbot AI for Machine Learning for Hackers #6
247 50 7 3 years ago unsupervised-video/673 [CVPR 2017] Unsupervised deep learning using unlabelled videos on the web
247 25 15 8 months ago nlua.nvim/674 Lua Development for Neovim
247 5 13 a month ago dirbuf.nvim/675 A file manager for Neovim which lets you edit your filesystem like you edit text
246 50 10 7 months ago dst-dedicated-server/676 Don't Starve Together dedicated server guide for all platforms (Linux, Mac, Windows) with Docker. Extensive documentation covering mods installation, server config and performance, world generation and setting up admins.
246 27 29 4 months ago tex4ebook/677 Converter from LaTeX to ebook formats (epub, mobi). Using tex4ht and texlua scripts.
246 93 28 23 days ago LunaUnitFrames/678 Unit Frames for WoW Classic
246 36 2 10 days ago nvim-base16/679 Neovim plugin for building a sync base16 colorscheme. Includes support for Treesitter and LSP highlight groups.
246 40 14 3 months ago love-api/680 The whole LÖVE wiki in a Lua table.
246 81 0 6 years ago kaggle-cifar10-torch7/681 Code for Kaggle-CIFAR10 competition. 5th place.
245 740 3 6 months ago NoPixelServer/682 NoPixel Full Server Files working
245 79 4 6 years ago log.lua/683 A tiny logging module for Lua
245 81 9 3 years ago KPRN/684 Reasoning Over Knowledge Graph Paths for Recommendation
244 20 4 2 years ago STALKER-X/685 Camera module for LÖVE
244 27 9 5 years ago luash/686 Tiny lua module to write shell scripts with lua (inspired by Python's sh module)
243 14 11 22 days ago tmux.nvim/687 tmux integration for nvim features pane movement and resizing from within nvim.
242 140 1 5 years ago HttpGuard/688 prevent cc attack
242 71 0 8 years ago moochine/689 MOOCHINE - A simple and lightweight web framework based on OpenResty(ngx_lua,
241 9 2 4 months ago nvim_context_vt/690 Virtual text context for neovim treesitter
241 19 13 a month ago gitlinker.nvim/691 A lua neovim plugin to generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) for several git web frontend hosts. Inspired by tpope/vim-fugitive's :GBrowse
242 51 9 4 years ago MazeBase/692 Simple environment for creating very simple 2D games and training neural network models to perform tasks within them
240 29 8 30 days ago publisher/693 speedata Publisher - a professional database Publishing system
240 92 40 2 days ago NevermoreEngine/694 ModuleScript loader with reusable and easy unified server-client modules for faster game development on Roblox
240 9 4 a month ago pretty-fold.nvim/695 Foldtext customization and folded region preview in Neovim
240 45 9 5 years ago luajson/696 JSON parser/encoder for Lua Parses JSON using LPEG for speed and flexibility. Depending on parser/encoder options, various values are preserved as best as possible.
239 57 30 5 years ago threads/697 Threads for Lua and LuaJIT. Transparent exchange of data between threads is allowed thanks to torch serialization.
239 12 17 1 year, 11 months ago snippets.nvim/698 None
238 66 1 a month ago dota2ai/699 This project is a improved Dota2 Bot script based on Valve's default AI. Relase on steam workshop as Ranked Matchmaking AI. This script has more than 1 million current subscribers on Steam Workshop.
238 47 1 2 years ago freevulnsearch/700 Free and open NMAP NSE script to query vulnerabilities via the API.
236 53 2 5 years ago SNLI-attention/701 SNLI with word-word attention by LSTM encoder-decoder
237 32 379 11 hours ago CommandPost/702 Workflow Enhancements for Creatives
236 25 7 2 years ago lurker/703 Auto-swaps changed Lua files in a running LÖVE project
238 40 1 6 years ago neural-animation/704 Implementing neural art on video
236 184 44 2 months ago vRP/705 FiveM ( RP addon/framework
235 51 3 11 years ago lua2c/706 convert Lua source code into an equivalent C source code written in terms of Lua C API calls
235 11 4 7 days ago lir.nvim/707 Neovim file explorer
235 11 21 10 days ago djot/708 A light markup language
235 92 7 2 months ago lua-resty-rsa/709 RSA encrypt/decrypt & sign/verify for OpenResty/LuaJIT
233 41 1 5 years ago struct-attn/710 Code for Structured Attention Networks
234 17 6 8 months ago nvim-nonicons/711 Icon set using nonicons for neovim plugins and settings
238 27 12 8 years ago ufo/712 Portable distribution of LuaJIT with precompiled binaries, libraries and FFI bindings
234 12 5 17 days ago nvim-treehopper/713 Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter
233 77 0 a month ago LuaTableOptimizer/714 simple readonly lua table optimizer
233 33 0 11 months ago DDLC-LOVE/715 An unofficial Doki Doki Literature Club port to Lua for the PS Vita and other game consoles
233 22 5 a month ago AdrenalineBubbleManager/716 Create and organize your direct adrenaline bubbles.
233 35 7 15 hours ago dracula.nvim/717 Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua
232 40 17 3 years ago lightroom-google-photo-plugin/718 None
232 33 30 an hour ago Wyrmsun/719 Strategy game based on history, mythology and fiction
230 29 0 1 year, 7 months ago parler-grab/720 Archiving Parler.
232 36 1 19 days ago dotfiles/721 My dotfiles for my dev environment, compromising of tmux, vim, zsh and git.
232 10 6 19 days ago copilot.lua/722 Lua plugin for starting and interacting with github copilot
231 67 4 8 years ago LuaAssemblyTools/723 Lua Assembly/Bytecode Tools. Has functions for virtually all aspects of LASM, including reading/writing, verifying, stripping debug info, LASM decompilation, and LASM parsing.
231 43 0 2 months ago zephyr-nvim/724 A dark neovim colorscheme written in lua
231 33 4 6 years ago gin/725 A LUA fast, low-latency, low-memory footprint, web JSON-API framework with Test Driven Development helpers and patterns.
230 17 18 2 months ago nvim-cokeline/726 👃 A Neovim bufferline for people with addictive personalities
230 55 0 2 days ago awesome-wm-config/727 awesome window manager config with persistent dynamic tagging
230 70 2 2 months ago tunm/728 game server for Rust + Lua
229 63 31 a day ago Cmdr/729 Extensible command console for Roblox developers
228 123 42 3 years ago torch-hdf5/730 Torch interface to HDF5 library
228 28 4 7 years ago bamboo/731 Bamboo is the web framework of Lua based on Mongrel2, ZeroMQ and NoSQL database.
228 3 1 a month ago winshift.nvim/732 Rearrange your windows with ease.
227 7 3 4 months ago better-escape.nvim/733 Escape from insert mode without delay when typing
226 9 8 2 months ago scrollbar.nvim/734 scrollbar for neovim
226 6 3 3 months ago telescope-ui-select.nvim/735 None
225 37 0 9 hours ago neovim-config/736 Neovim configuration
225 9 0 28 days ago tokyodark.nvim/737 A clean dark theme written in lua for neovim.
225 57 2 6 years ago Visualizing-and-Understanding-Neural-Models-in-NLP/738 None
223 58 11 8 months ago PyraNet/739 Code for "Learning Feature Pyramids for Human Pose Estimation" (ICCV 2017)
224 15 24 1 year, 9 months ago diagnostic-nvim/740 A wrapper for neovim built in LSP diagnosis config
224 29 7 4 months ago LuLPeg/741 A port of LPeg 100% written in Lua.
224 35 0 2 months ago defold-games/742 Collection of simple games made with Defold
223 89 5 2 years ago Nmap-Tools/743 SpiderLabs shared Nmap Tools
222 74 7 10 months ago neturl/744 URL and Query string parser, builder, normalizer for Lua
222 162 11 a month ago Game-Server-Configs/745 A repo of game server configuration files used by LinuxGSM
222 44 9 3 years ago LuaMinify/746 Lua source code minifier.
222 108 25 7 months ago AIVehicleExtension/747 AIVehicleExtension
221 34 21 2 months ago xrnx/748 The official Renoise Lua Scripting repository
220 8 8 5 months ago 3DreamEngine/749 3DreamEngine is an awesome 3d engine for LÖVE.
219 8 6 4 days ago cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help/750 cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help
219 68 2 3 years ago visdial/751 [CVPR 2017] Torch code for Visual Dialog
219 21 12 a month ago lsp_extensions.nvim/752 Repo to hold a bunch of info & extension callbacks for built-in LSP. Use at your own risk 😉
218 24 7 4 months ago rotLove/753 Roguelike Toolkit in Love. A Love2D/lua port of rot.js
218 11 7 20 days ago nvimpager/754 Use nvim as a pager to view manpages, diffs, etc with nvim's syntax highlighting
218 2 1 3 months ago bufdelete.nvim/755 Delete Neovim buffers without losing window layout
218 204 38 2 months ago masakhane-mt/756 Machine Translation for Africa
218 24 1 a day ago nvim/757 Straight forward and pure Lua based Neovim configuration for my work as DevOps/Cloud Engineer with batteries included for Python and Golang
217 20 0 5 years ago pkgbuilds/758 Apps and files for the development of the arkOS distro
217 128 10 5 years ago barebones/759 🍖 A starter Dota 2 custom game with useful hooks, settings, and libraries.
216 51 10 11 days ago nvim-metals/760 A Metals plugin for Neovim
216 66 8 1 year, 1 month ago lua-resty-redis-connector/761 Connection utilities for lua-resty-redis
216 42 0 8 days ago vim/762 None
215 55 5 4 years ago fastSceneUnderstanding/763 segmentation, instance segmentation and single image depth
215 16 0 5 days ago dotfiles/764 ~ 🍭 ~
215 13 11 2 years ago nvim-miniyank/765 killring-alike plugin for neovim and vim 8 with no default mappings
215 82 10 6 years ago DeepKnowledgeTracing/766 source code for the paper Deep Knowledge Tracing
222 47 1 9 months ago date/767 Date & Time module for Lua 5.x
214 5 6 27 days ago incline.nvim/768 🎈 Floating winbar statuslines for Neovim
214 18 1 6 months ago cdn-up-and-running/769 CDN Up and Running - an introduction about how modern CDNs works
213 65 5 16 days ago SSOwat/770 A simple SSO for NGINX, written in Lua
213 29 10 7 months ago i18n.lua/771 A very complete i18n lib for Lua
213 16 10 3 months ago cmp_luasnip/772 luasnip completion source for nvim-cmp
213 10 71 10 days ago HDoujinDownloader/773 An easy-to-use manga and dōjinshi downloader supporting 800+ different websites
212 52 16 4 years ago deep-ed/774 Source code for the EMNLP'17 paper "Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation with Local Neural Attention",
212 8 1 3 months ago renamer.nvim/775 VS Code-like renaming UI for Neovim, writen in Lua.
212 73 7 1 year, 3 months ago binary-human-pose-estimation/776 This code implements a demo of the Binarized Convolutional Landmark Localizers for Human Pose Estimation and Face Alignment with Limited Resources paper by Adrian Bulat and Georgios Tzimiropoulos.
212 56 5 2 years ago dxbc_reader/777 easy to read hlsl asm shader code. parse dxbc text and export hlsl like for read
211 19 15 1 year, 4 months ago shine/778 A Shiny Lua Dialect
211 192 13 a month ago otxserver/779 OTX Server from:
211 78 0 a day ago nndefaccts/780 nnposter's alternate fingerprint dataset for Nmap script http-default-accounts
213 66 16 1 year, 3 months ago end2end_neural_el/781 None
211 45 24 5 days ago queue/782 Create task queues, add and take jobs, monitor failed tasks
211 47 0 5 years ago dc-ign/783 The Deep Convolutional Inverse Graphics Network
210 61 3 5 years ago CommNet/784 Neural network model, suitable for multi-agent learning.
210 4 2 a month ago modes.nvim/785 Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user
210 16 7 12 days ago mkdnflow.nvim/786 Fluent navigation and management of markdown notebooks
210 31 0 2 months ago quick.nvim/787 A very fast Lua based Neovim configuration that uses coc.nvim for intellisense
210 2 2 6 months ago nvim-luadev/788 REPL/debug console for nvim lua plugins
209 49 3 5 years ago lsgan/789 This is the project for LS-GAN (Loss-Sensitive GAN)
209 122 4 11 months ago vrn-docker/790 🐳 Docker files for Large Pose 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image via Direct Volumetric CNN Regression
209 22 12 29 days ago cmp-path/791 nvim-cmp source for path
209 228 52 6 days ago oaa/792 A really great Dota 2 game mode.
209 57 13 2 years ago wifidog-ng/793 Next generation WifiDog implemented in Lua.
208 13 1 4 days ago awesome_config/794 config for AwesomeWM
208 75 12 a day ago MOOSE/795 Mission Object Oriented Scripting Environment (MOOSE) for lua mission scripting design in DCS World
207 9 1 17 hours ago lua-async-await/796 Async Await in 90 lines of code.
207 38 1 4 days ago lvim/797 🧑‍🚀 Bloated LunarVim 🚀
207 16 24 7 months ago Slab/798 An immediate mode GUI for the Love2D framework.
207 74 8 a day ago Hydroxide/799 Penetration testing tool for games developed on the Roblox game engine.
206 110 0 10 days ago ShestakUI/800 User Interface for World of Warcraft
206 27 0 1 year, 9 months ago CVE-2020-16898/801 CVE-2020-16898 (Bad Neighbor) Microsoft Windows TCP/IP Vulnerability Detection Logic and Rule
206 46 3 6 years ago torch-gan/802 None
206 15 0 22 days ago deoplete-lsp/803 LSP Completion source for deoplete
206 46 9 4 years ago mnmlUI/804 A date and clock collection
206 22 3 1 year, 4 months ago chouxianghua/805 🤡‍🐘🌸‍抽象话生成器网页/tg版,一键生成抽象话
206 2 0 a day ago nnn.nvim/806 File manager for Neovim powered by nnn.
206 8 2 a month ago headlines.nvim/807 This plugin adds horizontal highlights for text filetypes, like markdown, orgmode, and neorg.
205 26 0 3 years ago AdamW-and-SGDW/808 Decoupled Weight Decay Regularization (ICLR 2019)
208 71 6 3 years ago LoRaWanGateway/809 A LoRaWan Gateway in LUA
205 63 7 2 months ago lua-resty-memcached/810 Lua memcached client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
205 59 12 27 days ago AeroGameFramework/811 AeroGameFramework is a Roblox game framework that makes development easy and fun. The framework is designed to simplify the communication between modules and seamlessly bridge the gap between the server and client.
205 33 0 2 months ago PLoop/812 Prototype Lua object-oriented program system and frameworks.
205 19 0 3 months ago dotfiles/813 my dotfiles
207 19 7 9 months ago light_world.lua/814 A lighting model made for love 2d
204 5 1 18 days ago searchbox.nvim/815 Start your search from a more comfortable place, say the upper right corner?
204 5 9 10 months ago nest.nvim/816 None
204 17 27 3 years ago radical/817 An extensible menu subsystem for Awesome WM
204 40 16 5 years ago captcha.irctc/818 Reading irctc captchas with 98% accuracy using deep learning
209 70 9 5 years ago 3dcnn.torch/819 Volumetric CNN for feature extraction and object classification on 3D data.
204 51 59 a month ago lit/820 Toolkit for developing, sharing, and running luvit/lua programs and libraries.
204 50 45 3 years ago torch-opencv/821 OpenCV bindings for Torch.
204 5 5 18 hours ago pounce.nvim/822 Incremental fuzzy search motion plugin for Neovim
203 148 0 a day ago Girellu/823 Make Assetto Corsa suck less.
203 54 7 10 months ago xml2lua/824 XML Parser written entirely in Lua that works for Lua 5.1+. Convert XML to and from Lua Tables 🌖💱
202 51 1 7 months ago CVE-2021-21985_PoC/825 None
202 143 20 12 days ago ZeroBranePackage/826 Packages for ZeroBrane Studio (
202 64 35 7 months ago ValyriaTear/827 Open Source J-RPG (Based on the Hero of Allacrost engine)
202 114 5 5 years ago skynet_sample/828 A sample for skynet
209 54 7 5 months ago ID-CGAN/829 Image De-raining Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
202 16 7 18 days ago neovim-session-manager/830 A simple wrapper around :mksession
202 5 25 1 year, 2 months ago pears.nvim/831 Auto pair plugin for neovim
201 42 5 4 years ago pose-hg-3d/832 Code repository for Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach
201 10 7 10 days ago JSFX/833 A bundle of JSFX and scripts for reaper.
201 34 26 2 years ago tyrannical/834 Dynamic tagging configuration system for awesomeWM
201 26 0 4 months ago mpv-settings/835 basically my settings for MPV
201 63 13 5 years ago Photo-Realistic-Super-Resoluton/836 Torch Implementation of "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network"
201 13 14 14 days ago cmp-buffer/837 nvim-cmp source for buffer words
200 10 5 6 years ago tulip/838 None
200 12 3 a month ago zk-nvim/839 Neovim extension for zk
199 40 87 2 days ago Techmino/840 Techmino:方块研究所唯一官方仓库(Github)
199 43 2 6 months ago dot-hammerspoon/841 My personal Hammerspoon configuration - mirrored from GitLab
199 14 1 a month ago crylia-theme/842 A theme for AwesomeWM
199 36 8 4 years ago argparse/843 Feature-rich command line parser for Lua
198 33 16 1 year, 7 months ago lustache/844 Mustache templates for Lua
198 20 1 1 year, 26 days ago gamera/845 A camera system for LÖVE
198 7 0 a month ago clangd_extensions.nvim/846 Clangd's off-spec features for neovim's LSP client. preferred
197 139 5 2 years ago Luat_2G_RDA_8955/847 Luat 2G开源项目,适用于Air202、Air800、Air201等,持续维护
197 94 1 15 days ago openresty-web-dev/848 openresty web demo
197 37 1 30 days ago lua-bgfx/849 Yet another bgfx lua binding
196 68 37 6 months ago Roblox/850 Scripts and stuff I wrote for Roblox. Documentation is little to none as these are just stuff I took from my game that I thought I could share.
196 59 4 a month ago oUF/851 WoW AddOn - Unit frame framework.
196 19 15 8 months ago express_line.nvim/852 WIP: Statusline written in pure lua. Supports co-routines, functions and jobs.
196 33 6 5 years ago torch-rnnlib/853 This library provides utilities for creating and manipulating RNNs to model sequential data.
199 59 5 3 years ago charades-algorithms/854 Activity Recognition Algorithms for the Charades Dataset
195 17 1 3 years ago mpv-stats/855 Display file statistics in mpv.
194 25 10 a month ago lspcontainers.nvim/856 Neovim plugin for lspcontainers.
194 10 5 9 days ago durden/857 Desktop Environment for Arcan
193 155 31 4 years ago optim/858 A numeric optimization package for Torch.
193 15 2 a month ago onedark.nvim/859 Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua
193 40 44 2 months ago aux-addon/860 Auction House addOn for Classic (1.13) IMPORTANT: The folder name must be "aux-addon" IMPORTANT: The Vanilla (1.12) version moved here
193 79 2 5 years ago char-rnn-chinese/861 Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, GRU, RNN) for character-level language models in Torch. Based on code of Support Chinese and other things.
192 31 4 4 years ago lua-promises/862 A+ promises in Lua
192 45 2 3 months ago lua-htmlparser/863 An HTML parser for lua.
192 11 1 1 year, 5 months ago hhtwm/864 hackable tiling window manager for macOS and Hammerspoon
192 10 22 19 days ago package-info.nvim/865 ✍️ All the npm/yarn commands I don't want to type
192 79 17 4 months ago sysbench-tpcc/866 Sysbench scripts to generate a tpcc-like workload for MySQL and PostgreSQL
192 145 36 a day ago BigWigs/867 Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
192 11 5 5 years ago wssdl/868 Wireshark-Specific Dissector Language
192 81 16 5 years ago dpnn/869 deep extensions to nn
190 63 1 3 years ago lc_kicad_lib/870 kicad production symbol and footprint library auto convert from JLC's integrate Altium Designer library
190 21 61 3 years ago ceu/871 The Programming Language Céu
190 97 8 5 months ago h264extractor/872 wireshark plugin to extract h264 or opus stream from rtp packets
190 13 5 11 months ago cheovim/873 Neovim configuration switcher written in Lua. Inspired by chemacs.
190 50 7 3 years ago router.lua/874 A barebones router for Lua. It matches urls and executes lua functions.
190 65 12 1 year, 2 months ago luci-app-frpc/875 LuCI support for FRPC
189 75 2 4 years ago mj_ai/876 麻将AI算法(包含全概率估算、局部概率估算、深度学习版本)
191 27 1 1 year, 11 months ago yarntown/877 yarntown game
191 24 0 2 months ago CParser/878 A compact C preprocessor and declaration parser written in pure Lua
188 9 0 4 days ago cosynvim/879 a modern structure neovim config template write in lua
188 7 1 21 days ago staline.nvim/880 A modern lightweight statusline and bufferline plugin for neovim in lua. Mainly uses unicode symbols for showing info.
188 5 9 6 months ago mapx.nvim/881 🗺 A better way to create key mappings in Neovim.
187 33 10 1 year, 8 months ago lua-requests/882 Requests for Lua!
187 43 2 1 year, 10 months ago spynet/883 Spatial Pyramid Network for Optical Flow
187 14 4 7 months ago gruvbox-flat.nvim/884 Another attempt of a flat Gruvbox theme for Neovim
186 41 2 6 years ago grid-lstm/885 Torch7 implementation of Grid LSTM as described here:
187 72 2 5 years ago 17moncn/886 IP地址归属地查询多语言版
187 390 85 2 days ago Lua/887 Lua Addons and Scripts
187 26 2 11 days ago gooi/888 LÖVE GUI Library
187 125 109 a month ago otclientv8/889 Clean, ready to use version of OTClientV8 - Alternative, highly optimized Tibia client
186 93 0 a month ago kong-plugin/890 Simple template to get started with custom Kong plugins
186 17 4 3 years ago etlua/891 Embedded Lua templates
186 55 3 2 years ago lua-resty-rabbitmqstomp/892 Opinionated Lua RabbitMQ client library for the ngx_lua apps based on the cosocket API
186 51 41 9 years ago rapanui/893 High level API for MOAI framework
195 16 4 4 months ago goluwa/894 game engine and framework written in luajit
186 67 6 2 years ago RillServer/895 skynet game server
186 7 11 8 days ago tabby.nvim/896 A minimal, configurable, neovim style tabline. Use your nvim tabs as workspace multiplexer.
186 71 12 5 years ago lua-resty-http/897 Lua http client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
186 12 1 7 years ago luajit-libuv/898 LuaJIT FFI binding for libuv
185 37 5 5 years ago online-neural-doodle/899 Feedforward neural doodle
185 50 3 5 months ago roblox-lua-promise/900 Promise implementation for Roblox
185 5 10 6 months ago nvim-tree-docs/901 Code documentation built with treesitter
185 61 5 9 years ago powerarrow/902 powerarrow theme for Awesome WM 3.4.x
188 31 14 2 years ago Luapress/903 📰 Static site/blog generator written in Lua.
184 43 4 5 years ago TripletNet/904 Deep metric learning using Triplet network
183 38 4 5 years ago VQAbaseline/905 Simple Baseline for Visual Question Answering
184 42 3 14 hours ago My-Linux-Config/906 👏 Modern neovim configuration based on coc.nvim
184 20 28 19 days ago cmp-cmdline/907 nvim-cmp source for vim's cmdline
182 39 4 6 years ago algorithm-learning/908 None
184 7 12 2 months ago bubbly.nvim/909 Bubbly statusline for neovim
183 13 2 5 years ago LuaInLua/910 A self-hosting compiler for the Lua language.
183 24 6 a month ago batteries/911 Reusable dependencies for games made with lua (especially with love)
183 61 3 2 days ago copas/912 Copas is a dispatcher based on coroutines that can be used by TCP/IP servers.
183 16 8 9 hours ago nlsp-settings.nvim/913 A plugin for setting Neovim LSP with JSON or YAML files
183 9 8 9 days ago NobleEngine/914 A li'l game engine for Playdate.
183 11 3 2 days ago code_runner.nvim/915 Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow
182 118 14 7 hours ago ReaScripts/916 Community-maintained collection of scripts for REAPER
182 35 3 4 years ago GAN-weight-norm/917 Code for "On the Effects of Batch and Weight Normalization in Generative Adversarial Networks"
182 4 5 1 year, 7 days ago HighStr.nvim/918 🦎 A NeoVim plugin for highlighting visual selections like in a normal document editor!
182 29 10 7 years ago Advanced-Tiled-Loader/919 Imports Tiled maps into Lua for the LÖVE game engine. (NO LONGER IN DEVELOPMENT)
182 50 1 2 years ago GMVAE/920 Deep Unsupervised Clustering with Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders
182 112 18 1 year, 2 months ago Civ6-YnAMP/921 Yet (not) Another Maps Pack for Civilization VI
182 18 11 1 year, 1 month ago mpv-image-viewer/922 Configuration, scripts and tips for using mpv as an image viewer
181 4 2 5 months ago virtual-types.nvim/923 Neovim plugin that shows type annotations as virtual text
181 55 0 a day ago NDui/924 NDui for World of Warcraft
182 57 3 4 years ago review_net/925 Review Network for Caption Generation
180 17 2 7 years ago srv-router/926 OpenResty (nginx+lua) that discovers upstream servers from SRV records
180 19 4 15 days ago PhotoStation-Upload-Lr-Plugin/927 Photo StatLr (aka PhotoStation Upload) is a Lightroom Publish and Export Service Plugin that enables the export /publishing of photos and videos from Lr to a Synology Photo Station. It uploads the photos/videos and all required thumbnails. It can download comments and ratings and do a real two-way synch of various metadata (tags, ratings, labels).
182 57 23 4 years ago DeepHoldem/928 None
180 16 3 9 days ago rime-ice/929 Rime 配置,全拼方案,及长期维护的简体词库。
180 12 9 16 days ago cmp-git/930 Git source for nvim-cmp
180 35 1 5 years ago SnapshotEnsemble/931 Snapshot Ensembles in Torch (Snapshot Ensembles: Train 1, Get M for Free)
179 5 2 8 days ago lsp-setup.nvim/932 A simple wrapper for nvim-lspconfig and mason-lspconfig to easily setup LSP servers.
178 34 0 3 years ago awesome-themes/933 themes for the current version of awesome-wm
178 19 3 7 days ago dotfiles/934 🏡 /.dotfiles
178 5 12 a month ago neoline.vim/935 Status Line for Neovim focused on beauty and performance ✅🖤💙💛
178 16 1 3 days ago cmp-tabnine/936 TabNine plugin for hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
178 9 2 9 days ago MyRice/937 🍚 Beras
178 15 2 13 hours ago nvim/938 Blazing fast neovim setup with 140 plugins.
178 45 0 7 years ago cloudfire/939 CloudFIRE – Decentralized Open-Source Replacement for Cloudflare + Pubnub
177 123 67 5 months ago Remotes/940 None
177 12 1 27 days ago dotfiles/941 .
177 28 3 8 years ago Love2d-samples/942 Playground for love2d games and applications
177 28 0 7 years ago Lust/943 Lua String Templates
177 51 1 a day ago nvim/944 Structure, documented, super fast neovim configuration. 可能是翻斗花园最好用的 neovim 配置[^1]。
176 6 2 3 months ago Navigator.nvim/945 ✨ Smoothly navigate between neovim splits and tmux panes ✨
176 13 0 3 months ago dotfiles/946 My dotfiles.
176 104 92 23 days ago mesecons/947 Mod for minetest that adds digital circuitry [=Minecraft redstone]
177 25 9 2 months ago StackTracePlus/948 StackTracePlus provides enhanced stack traces for Lua.
176 8 0 a month ago nvim-transparent/949 Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent
176 37 1 a month ago monokai.nvim/950 Monokai theme for Neovim written in Lua.
175 15 3 5 years ago MarioKart64NEAT/951 NEAT implementation in Lua for Mario Kart 64 and the BizHawk emulator
175 43 9 a month ago rodux/952 A state management library for Roblox Lua inspired by Redux
175 22 12 1 year, 1 month ago mpv-autosub/953 Fully automatic subtitle downloading for the MPV media player
174 2 5 13 days ago copilot-cmp/954 Lua plugin to turn github copilot into a cmp source
174 45 3 1 year, 4 months ago lua-resty-nettle/955 LuaJIT FFI bindings for Nettle (a low-level cryptographic library)
177 40 5 1 year, 9 months ago robot-actuator-esp32-v8/956 This is the repo for the robot actuator v8 based on an ESP32 as the brains of each robot arm actuator.
174 18 0 11 hours ago lvim/957 LVIM IDE is a modular Neovim configuration written in LUA with full customization.
174 51 3 10 hours ago DBM-Retail/958 The ultimate encounter helper (for Retail) to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to do about it.
176 71 6 8 years ago nginx-lua-fastdfs-GraphicsMagick/959 nginx+lua+fastdfs+GraphicsMagick 动态生成缩略图
173 4 6 2 months ago key-menu.nvim/960 Key mapping hints in a floating window
173 13 0 3 months ago dotfiles/961 🏡 dotfiles
174 29 0 4 years ago NPMT/962 Towards Neural Phrase-based Machine Translation
172 6 1 28 days ago cmp-rg/963 ripgrep source for nvim-cmp
172 23 26 4 years ago lua-fmt/964 lua-fmt is pretty-printer for Lua code
172 45 0 5 years ago DeepQNetwork/965 A modification of Google's Deep Q-Network to learn to play Super Mario Bros.
172 7 5 3 months ago yabs.nvim/966 Yet Another Build System/Code Runner for Neovim, written in lua
171 38 2 6 years ago Unsupervised-Capsule-Network/967 Capsule network with variations. Originally proposed by Tieleman & Hinton :
171 31 3 4 months ago FS22_EnhancedVehicle/968 FS22. Farming Simulator 22. LS22. Landwirtschafts Simulator 22. Track assistant, parking brake, differential locks, wheel drive modes and better hydraulics controls for your vehicle. Shows more vehicle details on HUD.
171 220 11 19 hours ago ox_inventory/969 Slot-based inventory with metadata.
171 11 3 23 hours ago dotfiles/970 Me confeegs.. me precious confeegs.
171 8 1 a month ago KwesomeDE/971 A desktop environment made in AwesomeWM
171 19 5 6 years ago lua2go/972 Easy access to your Go (Golang) modules from Lua and NGINX!
171 28 4 5 years ago graphql-lua/973 GraphQL implementation in Lua
174 23 6 5 years ago lua-resty-repl/974 Interactive console (REPL) for Openresty and luajit code
171 82 151 a month ago pac3/975 advanced avatar customization for garrysmod
171 14 5 8 days ago OpenDiablo2/976 An implementation of Diablo 2 in AbyssEngine.
170 42 5 1 year, 3 months ago QiskitBlocks/977 Game that teaches quantum computing using Qiskit ( in a Minetest ( block world. Works on Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD, and Android. QiskitBlocks are leveraged in the Quantum Computing Workshop with QiskitBlocks (web-based slides
170 43 2 3 months ago lua-resty-worker-events/978 Cross Worker Events for Nginx in Pure Lua
169 116 1 2 months ago otouto/979 A Lua-based Telegram bot with plugins.
170 8 5 6 months ago telescope-command-palette.nvim/980 Create key-bindings and watch them with telescope 🔭
170 10 2 a month ago layout-machi/981 AwesomeWM manual layout with an interactive editor
170 1334 0 2 months ago Jeva/982 All scripts and code used through videos/tutorials on Jeva. Maintained by @thatziv
170 17 5 8 days ago themer.lua/983 A simple, minimal highlighter plugin for neovim
170 14 8 a month ago godot-lua-pluginscript/984 Godot PluginScript for the Lua language, currently based on LuaJIT's FFI
170 77 12 5 years ago cifar.torch/985 92.45% on CIFAR-10 in Torch
169 21 3 3 years ago binser/986 Customizable Lua Serializer
169 62 4 9 months ago ProfileService/987 Universal session-locked savable table API
168 23 13 6 years ago starlight/988 A Lua to ES6 transpiler.
168 56 7 4 years ago torch-opencv-demos/989 Torch7+OpenCV+ConvNets
168 57 4 4 years ago SCRNNs/990 This is a self contained software accompanying the paper titled: Learning Longer Memory in Recurrent Neural Networks:
167 6 7 2 years ago luapak/991 Easily build a standalone executable for any Lua program
169 50 5 8 months ago pose-attention/992 Code for "Multi-Context Attention for Human Pose Estimation " (CVPR 2017)
167 13 0 5 months ago hs._asm.undocumented.spaces/993 Spaces Module for Hammerspoon
167 22 2 7 years ago gazelle/994 A system for creating fast, reusable parsers
167 13 2 5 days ago gruvbox-baby/995 Gruvbox theme for neovim with full 🎄TreeSitter support.
167 21 8 15 days ago mpv-scripts/996 This repository contain scripts I have made for mpv media player...
167 61 4 4 years ago Autoencoders_cf/997 None
167 456 6 14 hours ago luci/998 LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface
166 47 5 4 years ago zsdx/999 This repository was moved to GitLab:
166 6 1 20 days ago hlargs.nvim/1000 Highlight arguments' definitions and usages, using Treesitter