If you would like to randomly select an email template, you may toggle this feature on. You can choose one or more email template groups to select the template from. The selection is done automatically before the invites are sent out.
Survey Routers Random email templates may be an option if you send panelists through a survey router. As the target survey is generally unknown, you have an option to automatically use a random template from a large pool of pre-crafted invitations. Using multiple templates ensures that all outgoing emails stay engaging with varied use of subject lines, imagery, and content
IMPORTANT If you are sampling over multiple sub-panels, please ensure that the sub-panels all contain a template group with the same name. For example, if you select a template group with the name GENPOP, you must have the template group with the same exact name in all sub-panels. Otherwise, the MASTER template is used!
It is always better to personalize your email invitations when you can and give a little bit of information about the study.