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File metadata and controls

221 lines (185 loc) · 9.12 KB



The message duplication issue that was happening on slow network connections has been mitigated, however it was it a rather hacky fashion. The issue was that for some reason, the cache was not getting correctly rolled back, causing the optimistic response version of the message to remain when the client got a response from the server. I believe the cause of the issue lies somewhere in the implementation of Apollo cache, possibly something to do with the @connection directive. The issue was mitigated by performing a check in the messageReducer found in /components/chat/MessageList.tsx to ensure that no messages in the list have the same message id. While this means that the user no longer sees the issue, the duplicated messages still exist in the apollo cache, we are just ignoring them. As noted in the reducer, a better solution should be found as the check may cause performance issues (as the whole message array has to be iterated over).


  • Update React types from React.SFC to React.FunctionComponent
  • Investigate the following issue:
      • Two users are logged in
      • The users are not friends
      • One of the users adds the other as a friend
      • The same user then creates a chat with this new friend
    • ISSUE
    • The user that did not create the chat does not get their chat list updated with this new chat


  • Implement pagination
  • Better document development and production deployments of both client and API including using seperate staging environments for the prisma service
  • Figure out a way to duduplicate cache storage due to race condition. This is explained more at the top of components/layout/ChatList.tsx.
  • Extract out common code in new chat components
  • Extract out Remove and Add buttons in friends lists
  • Extract out common code between new chat page and friends page (into root /utils folder)
  • Add more features to chat page
    • Will require modifying Layout component to accept arbitrary component
    • Button and popup to change chat title
    • List of current members
      • Ability to add and remove users
  • Look at the following links for handling the scrolling of the chat page:
  • Make is so that on forms, only allow submittion if fields are valid (entered)
  • Make toast errors stack and dismissable like on
  • Type component data props better
    • Implement Apollo CLI codegen workflow to automatically creates types for query and mutation responses
  • Look into more
    • Had problem in _app.js where apollo was not being accepted as a prop by TypeScript
    • Would be useful to add becuase from the looks of things, it provides a 0C way to fetch the page data before it is sent to the user (Would be even more useful is the application server and the web server were on the same host).



  • React (Using a high level context provider to give login info)
  • Next.js (For file based routing and easy SSR)
  • Apollo client (To interface with the API)
  • Styled Components (For Styling and theming)


  • Node
  • Prisma
  • GraphQL Yoga (Or possibly Apollo server 2.0 when it comes out of RC)
  • JWT token creation and verification for login
  • GraphQL Subscriptions (For live message updates)
    • For both currently viewed contact and all contacts to show in sidebar


  • Typescript
  • TSLint
  • Jest

Route Plan

If a user attempts to visit any page (That is not the login or signup pages) when they are not logged in, (checked through a boolean passed down by a context provider that checks local storage) they will be redirected to the login page (/login). The login page will also provide a link to the signup page (/signup).

If a user tries to access either the login or signup pages when they are already logged in, they with be redirected to / (which will then redirect them to their most recent chat as described below).


Redirect to most recent chat (/chat/:chatId where :chatid is the id of the user's most recent chat).


(Not logged in) Show a login page with email and password fields as well as a link to signup page.


(Not logged in) Show a signup page with email, name and password with double check. Also with a link to login page.

  • email must be unique
  • name does not have to be unique as it going to have a first and last name with people could share
  • password must meet some security requirements (possibly using an existing lib), for example:
    • Minimum length
    • requires at least 1 number


When a user is logged in, shows a settings page where the user can change their details. The following list shows what the user will be able to change for this page:


Redirect to /.


Shows the chat that has an id of :chatId. This could be a chat between two people or a group chat. The user requesting to view this chat must be one of the chats members.

Data Plan

Shown in api/__schema.gql written in GraphQL SDL.

Feature Plan

Base Feature Set

  • Allow users to create and login to their accounts
  • Allow users to add friends by searching for their email
    • Allow users to remove friends as well
    • Start by not requiring other user added to accept
    • Eventually switch so that searched by name + image
  • Allow users to create chats with user that are their friends
    • Can be with one or more people (possibly limit)
  • Allow users to create messages within a chat
    • Messages that are sent by the user themselves are put on the right side of the screen in a blue bubble to indicate that they sent it
    • Messages that are sent by users other than themselves are put on the left side of the screen in a grey bubble along with their name above the message. If a user sends consecutive messages, collect them together and only display their name at the top of the first message in the consecutive list.
  • Allow users to change their settings (name, email etc.)
    • Eventually require them to verify
      • Name change requires password verification
      • Email + password change requires email sent link + password verification
  • Make is so that chats and sidebar live update when other chat member has sent a message
  • Make it so that the user can change theme (Light / dark mode), changing:
    • Background color
    • Possibly icon colors
    • Text
    • Bubble colors
  • Implement paging, both for sidebar and chat
    • In sidebar, load first 15 / 20 chats
      • When user scrolls down, load the next 10 / 15 / 20 chats
    • In chat, load first 20 / 25 messages
      • When user scrolls up, load previous 20 / 25 message
  • When another user sends a message in a chat, if a user is already scrolled to the bottom of the chat, scroll the user to the bottom of the chat when the message has been recieved. Do not scroll the user when they have scrolled to somewhere that is not at the bottom.
    • Do the same for the sidebar, if they are at the top of the sidebar and someone in another chat sends a message, move the sidebar location to the top so that the user can see that a new message has been sent.
  • Allow the user to search in the sidebar (with an search bar at the top) for chats. This will search for the chat title / the members of the chat.
  • When a user sends a message, use optimistic updates to add new message to chat, then add some kind of indicator to tell the user that the message was actually sent (bubble color change / check mark etc.)
  • In sidebar, if most recent message in a chat was posted by you, prepend "You:" to the start of the message

Extra Feature Set

  • Allow users to reset password without being logged in if they have forgot it
    • Requires email sent link verification
  • Allow users to reset email without being logged in if they have forgot it
    • Requires more checks to be made to ensure that it is them
    • Maybe security questions?
    • Maybe recovery email that added during signup phase
  • Add 'seen' message when another member has seen a message
  • Allow users to create their own themes
  • Add voice / video calls (with WebRTC)
  • Allow people to add people / remove themselves from a chat
    • Handle case where only two people are in a chat
    • Possibly implement chat admins (Can remove / add anyone)
      • Regular users would only be able to remove themselves
  • Make a block list
    • Other users cannot create a chat with you if you have blocked them
    • Blocking a user will automatically remove them from a users friends list
    • You will not be able to see them when searching for new friends
  • Allow searching in a chat
  • Make chat bold in sidebar when the user has not read the message
  • Make the friendship system work like Facebook
    • Where when a user goes to add a friend, they make a request
    • The user they made a request to can either accept or decline it
    • If they accept it, a friendship is created
    • This means that for both of them, the other user is added to their friends list
    • Create new Prisma type of Friendship that has the following fields:
      • id: ID! @unique
      • friend1Id: ID!
      • friend2Id: ID!