This is my vim config that I use in my everyday work.
Note that my mapleader is ,
- stop search highlighting<F2>
- go over line numbering modes (numbers, relative numbers, none)<F3>
- toggle NerdTree window<F4>
- toggle TagList window<F5>
- puts vim in 'paste' mode (used to paste text without formatting)<Leader>.
- go to next buffer<Leader>m
- go to previous buffer<Leader>2
- switch indent to 2 spaces<Leader>4
- switch indent to 4 spaces<Leader>f
- display all lines with word under cursor and ask which one to jump to<Leader>a
- run ack in current directory with word under cursor as argument<Leader>b
- unload and delete current buffer<Leader>w
- exit saving changes<Leader>s
- save changes (also force readonly files)<Leader>q
- exit without saving<Leader>h
- vertically split current window<Leader>v
- horizontally split current window<Leader>c
- close current window<Leader>fc
- find merge conflict markers<Leader>ev
- edit .vimrc<Leader>e
- open an edit command with the path of currently edited file filled in<Leader>ml
- append modeline to the end of file<Leader><Space>
- clear whitespace with confirmation<Leader>df
- clear ^M from dos file formatctrl + h
- Normal Mode: move cursor to window left of current one; Insert Mode: move cursor leftctrl + j
- Normal Mode: move cursor to window below of current one; Insert Mode: move cursor downctrl + k
- Normal Mode: move cursor to window above of current one; Insert Mode: move cursor upctrl + l
- Normal Mode: move cursor to window right of current one; Insert Mode: move cursor rightgf
- open file under cursor in new window