ITM Build Tools shall help to ease and harmonize e.g. the coding style in our ITM projects.
We use Checkstyle to enforce certain coding style guidlines. Checkstyle can be executed with Maven.
In your POM add the following sections:
Generate a report on the command line:
$ mvn checkstyle:checkstyle site
This generates a checkstyle reportand a HTML page. Using the target site
we assure, that all css-Files, etc. are avaiable. The html page(s) is(are) located at ${module}/target/site/checkstyle.html
If you are only interested in the plain report, you can leave out the site
More info can be found at: Checkstyle Project and Maven Checkstyle Plugin.
Here are some examples how this situation can be handled:
Example 1: Conditions in if-statments
if (authenticationManager.getSecretAuthenticationKeys() != null
&& !authenticationManager.getSecretAuthenticationKeys().isEmpty()) {
Example 2: Long method signatures
public List<SecretReservationKey> makeReservation(final String rsEndpointUrl,
final List<SecretAuthenticationKey> secretAuthenticationKeys,
final ConfidentialReservationData confidentialReservationData)
throws AuthenticationException, ReservationException {
Example 3: Constructors with many arguments
public ReservationEditPresenter(final WiseUiGinjector injector,
final EventBus eventBus,
final ReservationEditView view,
final ReservationServiceAsync service,
final ReservationManager reservationManager,
final ReservationMessages messages) {
Example 4: Long assignments
final SecretReservationKey secretReservationKey
= new SecretReservationKey(data.getUrnPrefix(), data.getSecretReservationKey());
Example 5: Long class signatures
public class SimpleSerialPortConnection extends AbstractConnection
implements SerialPortConnection, SerialPortEventListener {