- (sbormann) Minor fixes.
- (sbormann) Added option to allow widgets to adjust height of device tile and enhanced JSON-Table-Widget and Device-Counter-Widget to do so.
- (sbormann) Added seconds from alive and seconds from connection to counter conditions of lists.
- (sbormann) Removed start_url from manifest.json to allow multiple instances as home-screen app.
- (sbormann) Minor enhancements and bugfixes.
- (sbormann) Abort button now works in preview mode.
- (sbormann) Fixed counting of logs.
- (sbormann) Lists are now saved as readonly and with ack=true.
- (sbormann) Fixed glow.
- (sbormann) Enhanced sorting of JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) Added option to define, how the parent name of lists is determined.
- (dirkhe, sbormann) Added save-button to dialogs.
- (dirkhe) Added preview mode.
- (sbormann) Added option to define toolbar selected icon background color.
- (sbormann) Compatibility to new ioBroker websocket established.
- (sbormann) Enhanced datapoint-recognition in json-table-widget.
- (sbormann) Fixed INFO A/B icon brightness-setting for dark mode.
- (sbormann) Introducing a powerful new feature: Lists and Counters.
- (sbormann) The JSON-Table-Widget accepts now simple lists (for example an array of data points).
- (sbormann) Added configurable font to JSON-table widget.
- (sbormann) Added column-sorting to JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) Added heading and border-color-option to JSON-table widget.
- (sbormann) Added Device-Counter-Widget.
- (sbormann) Added option to show POWER as state.
- (sbormann) Added preview of tile appearance when setting tile colors.
- (sbormann) Added scrollbar-settings for firefox.
- (sbormann) Added option to adjust height of tile to the size of BACKGROUND_VIEW.
- (sbormann) Added option to change and invert INFO_A/B-Symbols.
- (sbormann) Added option to invert color of INFO_A/B icons for dark-mode.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide indicator icons if inactive, active or enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added import and export function to device options.
- (sbormann) Added widget-replaceurl to widgets, which allows creation of simplified widget-presets, as preparation for further development.
- (sbormann) Added option to media-player to disable forced reload of cover-image on TITLE-change.
- (sbormann) Adjustmets for ALTERNATIVE_COLORSPACE.
- (sbormann) Added widget-replaceurl as a widget configuration parameter.
- (sbormann) Changed behaviour of min/max/ignore-min-max-settings of FLOT-Chart-Widget.
- (sbormann) Added export and import function to devices.
- (sbormann) Fixed border-radius for big mode.
- (sbormann) Added configurable values for 'closed' and 'locked' for 'Door with Lock'
- (sbormann) Fixed targetValues for Admin 5.
- (sbormann) Added the ability to globally change the default icons.
- (sbormann) Introducing icon sets and fluent icons.
- (sbormann) Added option to change badge font and color.
- (sbormann) Fixed setting of font family.
- (sbormann) Fixed LayoutViewDeviceInactiveHoverOpacity.
- (sbormann) Added option to change the icons for BATTERY, UNREACH and ERROR.
- (sbormann) Enhanced viewport height scaling for collapsibles.
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Updated type-detector.
- (sbormann) Some minor code adjustments.
- (sbormann) Added option to set colors for JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) Fix for periods with role value.time.
- (sbormann) Enhanced reconnection process when reopening the web app.
- (sbormann) Prevent endless loop for Party-Mode if objects do not exist.
- (sbormann) Minor design adjustments for dark-mode.
- (sbormann) Fix for ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS rendering only once.
- (sbormann) Added release-script by AlCalzone.
- (sbormann) Set setState for postMessage to forced send.
- (sbormann) Enhanced handling of states set by widgets.
- (sbormann) Fixed collapsible not opening if initial closed.
- (muuulle, sbormann) Enhanced Analog-Clock-Widget to be able to display the time of a datapoint.
- (sbormann) Enhanced json-table-Widget to recognize parentNames of data points, transpose and convert json-data and some styling-options.
- (sbormann) Enhanced styling of ADDITIONAL_INFO.
- (sbormann) Fixed variables with special chars not working.
- (sbormann) Enhanced json-table-widget with datapoint recognition, which allows to see values and toggle data points in the list.
- (sbormann) Fixed view rendering problems with thermostats without CONTROL_MODE.
- (sbormann) Added the ability to widgets, to create widgetStates that contain a variable (for example to create distinct instances of a widget with own data points).
- (sbormann) The map widget has been extended with a instance-option to create multiple maps with own data points.
- (sbormann) Added option to close collapsible subheaders, if others open.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing subheaders if new line option was activated.
- (sbormann) Added option to define new section spacing.
- (sbormann) Minor design enhancements to dark mode, ADDITIONAL_INFO and JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) Added more options to configure cols of JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) Redesigned CONTROL_MODE of Thermostats to be a fieldset instead of a dropdown.
- (sbormann) Overwrite step for HomematicIP-Temperature sensors with wrong min and max values.
- (sbormann) Added option to send state-values when clicking on play, pause and stop to media.
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Added sections to widget options.
- (sbormann) Added option to show state and level divided for device type value.
- (sbormann) Removed some unnecessary horizontal lines in dialog.
- (sbormann) Added option to edit caption of STATE or LEVEL.
- (sbormann) Enhanced ADDITIONAL_INFO list (you can go back to old style via option) and added optional columns.
- (sbormann) Added some polyfills for older browsers.
- (sbormann) Fixed a bug that prevented certain options from being applied correctly.
- (sbormann) Removed prevention of injection for iframes.
- (sbormann, sandro_gera) Preventing injection of code into states.
- (sbormann) Sub-Headers can now contain variables.
- (sbormann) Added option to make sub-headers collapsible.
- (sbormann) BACKGROUND_VIEWs are now lightened up in dark-mode.
- (sbormann) Fixes for ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS.
- (sbormann) Some minor enhancements for handling of Date and Time.
- (sbormann) Added option to custom to hide period of date and time values.
- (sbormann) Some design adjustments for dark-mode.
- (sbormann) You can now freely configure all colours for dark-mode.
- (sbormann) Added previous and next buttons to views-tab.
- (sbormann) Fixed conversion error #199.
- (sbormann) Added option to set ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS to half width.
- (sbormann) Enhanced uploading of font files.
- (sbormann) Added getOptions to postMessage-Communication for widgets.
- (sbormann) Added Dark-Mode to JSON-Table-Widget.
- (sbormann) You can now upload own font files.
- (sbormann) Admin tab is now linked to the iqontrol-administration page instead of frontend.
- (sbormann) Fixed mkDir for redis.
- (sbormann) Enhanced enlarge button for large screens.
- (sbormann) Added Dark-Mode.
- (sbormann) Added new configuration options for click on tile/icon behaviours - WARNING: Old configuration is automatically converted to the new settings. It is recommended to create a backup of your config BEFORE doing the update, as the new settings are not backwards-compatible and in case of conversion errors.
- (sbormann) Added option to link color of lamp to OVERLAY_ACTIVE_COLOR.
- (sbormann) Added option to define caption of button for external URLs.
- (sbormann) Added JSON-Table Widget (Displays JSON-Data as table).
- (sbormann) Enhanced device copy dialog with option to set new name and to replace data points.
- (sbormann) You can now copy devices directly from the device list.
- (sbormann) Entries with empty values in Arrays of INFO_A/B are now hidden.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide UNREACH if device is inactive.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing general options for device link to other view.
- (sbormann) Fixed admin page not working in safari.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide name for buttons in ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS.
- (sbormann) Some design-adjustments for react-ui.
- (sbormann) Keep track of ioBroker object changes in admin.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash if active view has no devices.
- (sbormann) Removed old conn.js from admin.
- (Einstein2002, sbormann) Added HomematicIP-Thermostat.
- (sbormann) Enhanced max-height of dialog.
- (sbormann) Fixed up, down and stop button for blinds.
- (sbormann) Changed some log messages.
- (sbormann) Enhanced FLOT-Chart-Widget to set axis options.
- (sbormann) Some design-adjustments for react-ui.
- (sbormann) Fixed admin-tab for react.
- (sbormann) Added compatibility to new react-ui of admin-adapter.
- (sbormann) Fixed uploading of larger files.
- (sbormann) Changed background-images in auto-create views function.
- (sbormann) Internal definition and handling of device options changed.
- (sbormann) The directories
are now automatically created, if not existant. - (sbormann) Some design-adjustments for react-ui.
- (sbormann) Fix to work with Admin v5.0.3 (renaming files and folders will only work with the upcoming next admin-update).
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Added option to show name of INFO_A/B.
- (sbormann) Added combobox as possible option type.
- (sbormann) Added Date and Time as new device for dates, times and periods (durations).
- (sbormann) Added time-format and time-display-format to custom settings of data points.
- (sbormann) Added time-picker for every STATE datapoint and ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS - of role
. - (sbormann) Enhanced blind to better show opening and closing, even if level is 0 or 100.
- (sbormann) Added STOP_SET_VALUE for blinds.
- (sbormann) You can now use variables in device-names, button-captions and headings of ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS.
- (sbormann) Fix for double admin page.
- (sbormann) If you change the device-specific option 'Return to OFF_SET_VALUE after [ms]' of buttons to 0, the button toggles now.
- (sbormann) Fixed noZoomOnHover for device icon on large screens.
- (sbormann) The options of the change device-options-function are now sorted alphabetically.
- (sbormann) Added option to configure appearance of VALVE_STATES for thermostats.
- (sbormann) Fixed recognition of blank icon for device-filling states and added padding, if badge is present.
- (sbormann) Added option to INFO_A/B to define the number of digits to be rounded to.
- (sbormann) Added option to customs-dialog to define the number of digits to be rounded to.
- (sbormann) Now also numerical values are treated as strings, if
is string (before it was converted to level). - (sbormann) Now empty values on a value-list are no longer ignored.
- (sbormann) Some fine adjustments to panel.
- (sbormann) Updated type-detector.
- (sbormann) Added edit button to views.
- (sbormann) INFO_A/B will be hidden if value is empty.
- (sbormann) Added select id dialog to change-device-states function.
- (sbormann) Added match-list to change device-options-function.
- (sbormann) Added change device-states-function to options.
- (sbormann) Fixed comparing to 0 for tile active conditions.
- (sbormann) Enhanced speed of admin ui.
- (sbormann) Enhanced rendering of badge to avoid color flickering.
- (sbormann) Added option clickOnIconToggles and clickOnIconOpensDialog to all devices. The logic is now:
- If clickOnIconToggles is true => toggle
- else if clickOnIconOpensDialog is true => open dialog
- else if linked view is given => open link to view
- else do nothing
- (sbormann) Fixed slider sometimes not working after swiping.
- (sbormann) Prevent scrolling and flickering of background when dialog is opened.
- (sbormann) Lights without hue but with active option linkGlowActiveColorToHue now glow in a slightly yellow.
- (sbormann) Fixed sentry error in main.js.
- (sbormann) Reworked shuffle-process.
- (sbormann) Fixed can't scroll to bottom issue.
- (sbormann) Added possibility to change many icons and options at once (under options, change device-options).
- (sbormann) Changed standard badge-color to red, 20% transparency.
- (sbormann) Added optional glow-effect for tiles.
- (sbormann) Fixed edit-dialog of device not opening under some circumstances.
- (sbormann) Added type icon and type datapoint to widget-URL-parameters.
- (sbormann) Added option to show badge value without unit.
- (sbormann) Badge has now a maximum-width and uses marquee-effect.
- (sbormann) Added toggle by icon for garage door (after optional confirmation).
- (sbormann) Fixed not to open Dialog if clickOnTileOpensDialog is set to false.
- (sbormann) Added new device: Info-Text, which can be used to display plain Text on views, therefore some new options were created (stateHeightAdaptsContent, stateFillsDevice, stateBigFont).
- (sbormann) Text on transparent tiles is now white (can be configured).
- (sbormann) When converting to bool, "off" is interpreted as false now.
- (sbormann) Added option to center device name and/or state.
- (sbormann) Fixed option font-size for sub-header.
- (sbormann) Moved option, to show toolbar in one single line, into the options-tab.
- (sbormann) Added option, to invert Error Icon.
- (sbormann) Rearranged device options for a better overview.
- (sbormann) Added option noZoomOnHover for Icon (in device-options, section tile-behaviour (general) and, for all devices, in settings, section tile).
- (sbormann) Added delay to visibility of badge to allow color-change happen before it appears.
- (sbormann) Fixed min/max/step for number of URL-parameters of widgets (which fixed range for FLOT-Chart).
- (sbormann) Added PANEL_HIDE and the corresponding option Invert PANEL_HIDE to panel.
- (sbormann) Added manifest.json.
- (sbormann) Fixed saving values of color-picker.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing
object. - (sbormann) Fixed INFO_B position for short tiles.
- (siedi) Added option clickOnTileOpensDialog to all devices. The logic is now:
- If clickOnTileToggles is true => toggle
- else if clickOnTileOpensDialog is true => open dialog
- else if linked view is given => open link to view
- else do nothing
- (sbormann) Fixed FLOT for short tiles.
- (sbormann) Fixed toolbar hiding issue if popup with additional controls is closed early.
- (sbormann) Fixed ALTERNATIVE_COLORSPACE only working after opening the view a second time.
- (sbormann) Added badge.
- (sbormann) Added predefined wallpapers to dropdown for devices background images.
- (sbormann) Redesigned dropdown for toolbar-icons to show thumbnails and added ability to add custom icons.
- (sbormann) Added option to show toolbar in one singe line.
- (sbormann) Added HHSSBB for Tuya to ALTERNATIVE_COLORSPACEs.
- (sbormann) Added historyInstance to options of FLOT-Chart-Widget.
- (sbormann) Fixed changing commonRole breaks symbolic links.
- (sbormann) Added optional headings to ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS, the appearance can be controlled by an option.
- (sbormann) Added "No caption" to the option that controls the appearance of ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS-Section.
- (sbormann) The ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS-Section has been reordered to appear higher up.
- (sbormann) Virtual enlarge-switch from widgets was renamed from switch to enlarge.
- (siedi) Fix for remote control not appearing if REMOTE_CHANNELS was the only used datapoint.
- (sbormann) Reposition popup, if ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS are present.
- (sbormann) Added info if demo-view is loaded.
- (sbormann) Enhanced widget FLOT_CHART to be able to use an external datapoint.
- (sbormann) Added homeButton for BACKGROUND_VIEWs, if view has changed to return to home view.
- (sbormann) You can now edit widget-settings by clicking the pencil icon.
- (sbormann) Fix for black-colour-options-bug for new instances.
- (sbormann) Added pressure sensor.
- (sbormann) Design-Adjustments for iPhones without home button and devices with notch and rounded corners.
- (sbormann) Prevent opening of context menu when closing app.
- (sbormann) Added URL-parameter noPanel.
- (sbormann) Changed fetching-method of ioBroker Objects.
Older Changelog: (klick to open)
- (sbormann) Added Flot-Chart widget.
- (sbormann) Enhanced adding of widgets with a new settings dialog.
- (sbormann) Added some new options for widget-developers (the meta-tag URL-data points was enhanced for example to ask for a color with a color-picker, postMessage-answeres now contain the id of the original datapoint).
- (sbormann) Removed space when using new-line-option.
- (sbormann) Added role "button" in custom dialog.
- (sbormann) Enhanced timing of repositioning dialogs after loading.
- (sbormann) Added noToolbar to URL-parameters.
- (sbormann) Added BACKGROUND_VIEW, to define a view which will be displayed as background of a tile.
- (sbormann) Added the option 'Open linked view in parent instance, if this view is used as a BACKGROUND_VIEW' and the option 'close panel after opening link' for links to other views.
- (sbormann) Added a panel which can be placed on left side of the screen and display a BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML and is widely configurable.
- (sbormann) Added showing of swipe goals (can be hidden via option in options/miscellaneous/swiping).
- (sbormann) Fixed crash when enlarging a hidden tile.
- (sbormann) Reworked some borders and scrolling parameters.
- (sbormann) Fixed comboboxes (selecbox with progressbars in admin).
- (sbormann) Padding bottom is only applied when minimizing a tile to give enough room for scrolling to tile`s top.
- (sbormann) Fixed setState to false for postMessage-Communication.
- (sbormann) Added option to define border-radius (rounded corners) of tiles.
- (sbormann) Added option to define text-shadow-color of toolbar.
- (sbormann) Added fallback to loading iframe content for non-fitting mime types.
- (sbormann) Fixed drag-sorting or tables and usage of combo-boxes on mobile (touch) devices.
- (sbormann) Enhanced demo for new instances.
- (sbormann) Enhanced auto-create views function.
- (sbormann) Added Autocreate views, which will help you create entire configurations out of ioBroker lists (for example rooms or functions).
- (sbormann) Added state ENLARGE_TILE, which can be used to trigger enlargement of tile via external datapoint.
- (sbormann) Enhanced dynamic zoom for BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML to be more accurate when resizing the tile.
- (sbormann) Drag-Sort of lists should now work on touch devices too.
- (sbormann) Added option for transparent background.
- (sbormann) Enhanced handling of temporary states for color lights.
- (sbormann) Added option for dynamic zoom for BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML.
- (sbormann) Fixed creating of widget-data points.
- (sbormann) Fix for line 6034 (capitalize).
- (sbormann) Added clock widget.
- (sbormann) Added ability to create symbolic links instead of real copies of devices.
- (sbormann) Added options to hide INFO_A and INFO_B if device is inactive/active/enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added optional delay of cover reload for media.
- (sbormann) Added new size option for tiles (full width with aspect ratio but limited to screen height).
- (sbormann) Added option to center tiles (options / tiles / general / tiles centered).
- (sbormann) Changed scrollbar layout.
- (sbormann) Fixed scrolling to top when clicking on a large dialog.
- (sbormann) Fixed colour lights if using
. - (sbormann) Added blank symbol.
- (sbormann) Removed up/down arrows from lists (because of sort-by-dragging not necessary anymore, and they broke symbolic links).
- (sbormann) Added option to apply padding to BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML.
- (sbormann) Enhanced recognition of tilted state for windows.
- (sbormann) Added backup and restore of settings and user files (under options / backup and restore).
- (sbormann) Fixed applying of widget-options for newly devices that haven't been saved before.
- (sbormann) Enhanced postMessage-Communication to deliver the complete stateObject if a state is requested.
- (sbormann) Added postMessage-Communication commands getWidgetDeviceState, getWidgetDeviceStateSubscribed and setWidgetDeviceState.
- (sbormann) Drop-Down-Menus in admin-page are now bigger.
- (sbormann) Added Auto-create Widget to devices tab.
- (sbormann) Added more meta-tags for widgets.
- (sbormann) Added icons to REMOTE_ADDITIONAL_BUTTONS of remote control.
- (sbormann) Added REMOTE_CHANNELS to display channel buttons inside remote control.
- (sbormann) Enhanced positioning of dialog if URL/HTML is set.
- (sbormann) When writing data to an iframe replace encoded cr chars.
- (sbormann) Added option to remove overlay of tile, if device is enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added possibility to add and edit
files to folder/userwidgets
. - (sbormann) Withdrawn changes to blank icons (now they catch mouse events again) - but for that added an option to optionally ignore mouse events for icons.
- (sbormann) Added option which sections of remote are opened at start.
- (sbormann) Added new postMessage-communication options for widgets and allow widgets to create data points unter iqontrol.x.Widgets by using a meta-tag inside html-code.
- (sbormann) Breaking change: completely removed presssure detection and replaced it by long clicks to open context menu.
- (sbormann) Blank icons don't catch mouse and touch-events anymore.
- (sbormann) Added option to disable virtual datapoint (switch) for widgets.
- (sbormann) Fixed URL-parameter home.
- (sbormann) Added collapsible sections to device options.
- (sbormann) Enhanced channel detector for auto-create devices function.
- (sbormann) Enhanced dropdown-menus on admin-page to work better on mobile devices.
- (sbormann) Added ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS as universal datapoint to define an array of additional control items that will be displayed inside dialog.
- (sbormann) Added possibility to renderViews and openDialogs via popup-buttons and postMessage-commands for iframes.
- (sbormann) Changed behaviour of URL-parameter home (this will now also change the link of the first toolbar entry) and added new URL-parameter renderView.
- (sbormann) Scroll to element when deactivating fullScreen.
- (sbormann) Enhanced picture selection drop-down and rearranged some images - maybe you need to clear cache to get this working.
- (sbormann) Added INFO_A and INFO_B to display additional information in the tile.
- (sbormann) Added possibility to hide views name.
- (sbormann) Added possibility to upload html, css and js files and added drop down menu for these files for URL- and BACKGROUND_URL-State.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide icon, if device is enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added option set visibility of BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML, if device is enlarged.
- (sbormann) Fix for iOS 14 touch callout.
- (sbormann) Added option to show big icons if device is inactive, active or enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added forced reload to cover images.
- (sbormann) Added more tile sizes.
- (sbormann) Added options to hide device, name or state if inactive, active or enlarged.
- (sbormann) Added option direct mouse events to the tile instead to the content of BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML.
- (sbormann) Added postMessage-Communication to allow widget-websites to send commands to iQontrol and receive messages from iQontrol.
- (sbormann) Added option to disable swiping.
- (sbormann) Ignore readonly for enlarge.
- (sbormann) Always show enlarge button, if tile is enlarged.
- (sbormann) Enhanced some styles and marquee detection.
- (sbormann) Added URL-parameter to open a specified dialog on loading the page.
- (sbormann) Changed the way cover images are loaded.
- (sbormann) Added option to start with new line for devices.
- (sbormann) Tiles with no link to other view now open dialog by default.
- (sbormann) Added mouse cursor styles depending on tile actions (open dialog, toggle, link to view, external link, ...).
- (sbormann) You can now choose caption and appearance (always visible, collapsible closed, collapsible opened) of ADDITIONAL_INFO.
- (sbormann) Now it will be automatically scrolled to tile that is switched to Screen Size.
- (sbormann) New options to set tile size for an enlarged state, which can be toggled via a new enlarge-button and via the pressure menu (both needs to be turned on in options).
- (sbormann) Modified the widget-device to use the new enlarge-button and use a blank icon by default.
- (sbormann) Enhanced TileActiveConditions to even work, if STATE is not defined.
- (sbormann) Added option to rename section 'Additional Buttons' for remote.
- (sbormann) Arrays like REMOTE_ADDITIONAL_BUTTONS are now sortable.
- (sbormann) Enhanced handling of BACKGROUND_VIEW/URL/HTML.
- (sbormann) Added options to change caption of UP, STOP and DOWN for blinds.
- (sbormann) Disabled scrolling to top by reconnection.
- (sbormann) Added more tile size options (full width with different aspects and full screen).
- (sbormann) Fixed a bug where frontend could crash in endless loop.
- (sbormann) Added Widget to devices.
- (sbormann) If STATE in Dialog contains (valid) HTML-Code, it is now rendered as HTML and - if state is not readonly - a HTML-Editor is shown.
- (sbormann) Added option to disable zoom-effect on mouse-over (for HTML-Widgets the zoom-effect may be disturbing).
- (sbormann) Remote is only shown, if one of the remote data points are defined.
- (sbormann) Added polyfill for older browsers for Array.from in shuffle.js.
- (sbormann) Introducing different tile sizes, they can be configured in options for active and inactive state.
- (sbormann) Added BACKGROUND_URL and BACKGROUND_HTML as universal states to all devices, to display webpages as background of tiles (for FLOT, weather, security-cameras,...).
- (sbormann) Again better animations for shuffle.js.
- (sbormann) Reordered remote control sections.
- (sbormann) Bug-fixing shuffle.js (better animations, fixed hideIfInactive-Option).
- (sbormann) Made HTML/URL-iFrame resizable (can be turned off by option).
- (sbormann) Bug-fixing remote control.
- (sbormann) Added option to configure conditions for active battery-empty-icon.
- (sbormann) Dialog is now repositioned and bigger when phone is rotated to horizontal view.
- (sbormann) Breaking Change: Using now shuffle.js to reposition the tiles after resizing or orientation change. For now it is only a nice effect, but this opens possibilities for future development with different tile-sizes.
- (sbormann) Added option to remote to show vol and ch +/- inside pad.
- (sbormann) Fixed calculation of blind level.
- (sbormann) Fixed opening of external links.
- (sbormann) Prevented selection of elements on long click for actual iOS version.
- (sbormann) Bug-fixing tile active conditions for media.
- (sbormann) Renamed Media-Player to Media-Player / Remote-Control.
- (bluefox) The compatibility to socket.io 3.0.13 provided
- (sbormann) Prevented accidentally sorting of tables when clicking buttons.
- (sbormann) Added option to define explicit conditions for a tile to be active.
- (sbormann) Added wrench icon to edit array dialog.
- (sbormann) Added universal remote control including a track-pad to media-device.
- (sbormann) Device-Options are now sorted in categories.
- (sbormann) Collapses like additional information are animated now.
- (sbormann) Added option for the device button to change the caption of the button in the dialog.
- (sbormann) Added option to open URL in new window instead of box inside dialog.
- (sbormann) Made toggling of a state more fault-tolerant if the type is not set correctly (iQontrol presumes now, it is a switch).
- (sbormann) Enhanced popup with the ability to add buttons and confirmation messages.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash on some toolbar specifications.
- (sbormann) Enhanced rendering of color-lights with alternative colorspace.
- (sbormann) Added rounded corners to iframe.
- (sbormann) Added sans-serif as standard font-family to iframe (may overwrite your settings - you can overwrite this by marking your own font-family css with
). - (sbormann) Added sentry plugin.
- (sbormann) Improved long press and forced touch handling.
- (sbormann) Added URL-Parameters
- (sbormann) Added some roles to recognize water and fire sensors more reliable.
- (sbormann) Added a block to blockly to send popup messages to iQontrol.
- (sbormann) Set option "Always use time instead of pressure" as standard - if you want to use ForcedTouch, disable this option.
- (sbormann) Updated some dependencies.
- (sbormann) Made dialog movable by dragging title.
- (sbormann) Added LEVEL to fan.
- (sbormann) Fixed flickering of SVG-Background change on some devices.
- (sbormann) Changed the way popup-iframes are created to allow execution of code inside them.
- (sbormann) Added the possibility to chose progressbar as icons and background-images for devices.
- (sbormann) Added progress-circle of remaining display-time to popup.
- (sbormann) Added popup message (toast-message).
- (sbormann) Enhanced scenes to be able to toggle (added option to always send true, if you need the old behaviour).
- (sbormann) Compatibility enhancements for repeat function of Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Made value-list and target-value-list sortable.
- (sbormann) Made sortable lists only draggable in y-axis.
- (sbormann) Added option to enter own value for value-lists.
- (sbormann) Added PLAY_EVERYWHERE to Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Some fixes, styling and enhancements for Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide play, pause and stop icon for Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Added function repeat one to Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Made restarting, if the value of a state has really changed.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash when some ids of linked views were missing.
- (sbormann) Added targetValues to custom configuration, which allows to send changes of a state to different target-data points.
- (sbormann) Added Media-Player.
- (sbormann) Fixed month for timestamps.
- (sbormann) You can now choose if values are linked states or constants.
- (sbormann) Added the ability to use variables in device-names.
- (sbormann) Added a few captions to admin.
- (sbormann) Prevent pressure menu when scrolling and after opening menu.
- (sbormann) Corrected a few translations.
- (sbormann) Added icons for top-light and tilted to window and enhanced window to recognize tilted position.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash when using some thermostats.
- (sbormann) New gulpfile and fixed translations.
- (sbormann) Further improvement of connection speed.
- (sbormann) Disabled context-menu on long/right-click.
- (sbormann) Revised pressure/forced touch and added option to always use time instead of pressure.
- (sbormann) Major change using socket.io without conn.js which leads to a much faster initial connection.
- (sbormann) Improved loading and scrolling for popups.
- (sbormann) Added more options to timestamp.
- (sbormann) Added fallback to variables
- (sbormann) Added option to add timestamp to state
- (sbormann) Added variables to icons and background images (see readme)
- (sbormann) It is now possible to remove toolbar (the first view is then the home view)
- (sbormann) Fixed device readonly for toggle state.
- (Sebastian Bormann) Fixed devices with same name.
- (sbormann) Removed some old code from version <0.3.0.
- (sbormann) Fixed loading toolbar with no entries on linked view.
- (sbormann) Fixed views with quotes in name.
- (sbormann) Fixed Flood-Sensor.
- (sbormann) Breaking change: The complete configuration is no longer stored in ioBroker channels and states, but is fetched as one complete object, thus saving the configuration is much faster than before.
- (sbormann) Views, devices and toolbar entries are now sortable via drag- and drop in the configuration dialog.
- (sbormann) After saving the configuration the instance ist now yellow until the configuration is completely written.
- (sbormann) Added invert UNREACH to device options.
- (sbormann) Added Flood-Sensor.
- (sbormann) Enhanced auto-creation-feature by using ioBroker-Type-Detector by bluefox.
- (sbormann) Enhanced hue-lights when using alternative colorspace without white-values and changing ct.
- (sbormann) Enhanced hue-lights when using alternative colorspace to keep uppercase if needed.
- (sbormann) If value for POWER is greater than 100, it is rounded without decimal places.
- (sbormann) Bug fixed invert-function with custom min and max.
- (sbormann) Added reload-link to loading page.
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Updated dependencies.
- (sbormann) Added option to open dialog by clicking on tile for View, Window, Door, Fire, Temperatur, Humidity, Brightness and Motion.
- (sbormann) Added option to hide device, if it is inactive (handle with care, as you may not be able to switch it on again).
- (sbormann) Fixed custom step for heating control.
- (sbormann) Fixed universal popup which was displayed, even when empty.
- (sbormann) Added svg as possible image to upload.
- (sbormann) Made URL and HTML universal for nearly all devices, to display custom html code or content of an url inside the dialog (this could be used e.g. to display FLOT-graphs related to the device inside the dialog).
- (sbormann) Fixed disabled custom values with admin 3.7.6+ and js-controller <2.2.
- (sbormann) Fixed icon-switching for thermostats.
- (sbormann) Improved the return after time method.
- (Bluefox) Fixed translations in custom-dialog.
- (sbormann) Improvement of homematic-thermostat for controler 2.0 compatiility.
- (sbormann) Rewritten pincode-section to work with older browsers.
- (sbormann) Pincode now works for buttons as well.
- (sbormann) Modified the return after time function to work with older browsers.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing entrys in long pressure menus in iOS 13.
- (Sebatian Bormann) Enhanced PIN-Code to view a num-pad when using an alphanumeric PIN.
- (sbormann) Added optional PIN-Code to custom datapoint-configuration dialog (wrench icon).
- (sbormann) Added option to return to a view after a settable time of inactivity to settings.
- (sbormann) Further improvement of index.js for controller 2.0 compatibility.
- (sbormann) Fixed popup_width and popup_height.
- (sbormann) Further improvement of main.js and index.js for controller 2.0 compatibility.
- (sbormann) Added option showState for Button and Program.
- (sbormann) Processing the plain text of values is now done after rounding a number value.
- (sbormann) Removed Icon_on for Button.
- (sbormann) Modified main.js for controller 2.0 compatibility.
- (sbormann) Adjusted handling of pressure menu for iOS 13.
- (sbormann) Added Buffer for rendering a view while pressureMenue is being created.
- (sbormann) Added POWER and VOLTAGE to battery.
- (sbormann) Further enhancement of control-mode handling for Homematic-thermostat.
- (sbormann) Minor bugfixes.
- (sbormann) Further enhancement of control-mode handling for Homematic-thermostat.
- (sbormann) Added handling of alternative states-property-syntax.
- (sbormann) Enhanced handling of control-mode for Homematic-thermostat for more compatibility.
- (sbormann) Reduced rate of sending when moving slider for blinds and thermostats.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash of Backend (interchanged index_m.html and custom_m.html).
- (sbormann) Added slats level to blind.
- (sbormann) Added step to custom dialog, which allows to define the resolution of value-sliders.
- (sbormann) Values with unit % and a range from min to max of 0-1 are now scaled to 0-100.
- (sbormann) Fixed conversion to alternative colorspace for hue lights.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing dropdown-menus for images after sorting or adding items to tables.
- (sbormann) Level-Sliders will have a higher resolution for data points with small value ranges.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash of frontend.
- (sbormann) Security updates.
- (sbormann) Added width and height to options for popup.
- (sbormann) Added option to define free CSS-code to modify frontend.
- (sbormann) Infotext-values are now displayed as plain text or rounded if numbers.
- (sbormann) Added 'Close dialog after execution' to device options for scenes, programs and buttons.
- (sbormann) Bugfix for chrome opacity transition bug.
- (sbormann) Added placeholder for default values for text inputs on options page.
- (sbormann) Added placeholder for default icon and blank icon to device options.
- (sbormann) Extended thermostat CONTROL_MODE by type switch.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash when using thermostat with set-point a non Homematic-devices.
- (sbormann) Added min and max to custom dialog.
- (sbormann) Now you can set none as a devices background image for active devices (formerly this was copied from inactive devices for backward-compatibility-reasons).
- (sbormann) You can now define different units if value is zero or if value is one in custom dialog.
- (sbormann) When changing an image via the new drop-down, save button will be activated now.
- (Sebastian Bormann) Added option, to remove overlay of tile, if device is active or inactive.
- (sbormann) Enhanced conversion function when converting boolean to number.
- (sbormann) Fixed renaming of image files (links to used images are now also correctly renamed).
- (sbormann) Fixed handling of spaces in image filenames.
- (sbormann) Modified cache manifest to remove EISDIR-errors from log.
- (sbormann) Fixed toggle-entry in pressure menu.
- (sbormann) Added multiple file upload to images tab.
- (sbormann) Added check for dead links to other views when saving settings.
- (sbormann) You can now assign external urls to background images and icons (for example to add a weather-live-map).
- (sbormann) Removed options clickOnIconOpensDialog and clickOnTileToggles for Values and Programs as they are not switchable.
- (sbormann) Added OFF_SET_VALUE and the option 'Return to OFF_SET_VALUE after [ms]' to button.
- (sbormann) Further improvements on connecting over iobroker.pro.
- (sbormann) COLOR_BRIGHTNESS and WHITE_BRIGHTNESS are now displayed, if LEVEL is not defined on hue lights.
- (sbormann) Added thumbnail-previews of fonts.
- (sbormann) Added clickOnIconOpensDialog and clickOnTileToggles to device options.
- (sbormann) Added font-family, -size, -weight and -style to options for toolbar, headers, device-name, device-state and device-info-text.
- (sbormann) Added icon-size, icon-background-size and icon-background-corner-size to options for toolbar.
- (sbormann) Next try to connect via iobroker.pro
- (sbormann) Added validation to options.
- (sbormann) Extended alarm with CONTROL_MODE-datapoint and icons for disarmed, armed and triggered.
- (sbormann) To save memory, only used states are saved in local memory (before all used AND all updated states were saved).
- (sbormann) Optimized socket-connectionLink to try to connect via iobroker.pro.
- (sbormann) Optimized fading of tiles.
- (sbormann) Added toggle-button to blind, if no up/down button is defined.
- (sbormann) Added detection of protocol for socket in admin.
- (sbormann) Added confirm-flag inside custom datapoint configuration dialog to enable asking user to confirm before changing values.
- (sbormann) Added toggle-button to garage door.
- (sbormann) Added separate background image for active devices.
- (sbormann) Fixed background-options (color and opacity) for active and inactive device tiles.
- (sbormann) Added more space to views bottom.
- (sbormann) Fixed invert level for blinds.
- (sbormann) Organized options in collapsible layout.
- (sbormann) Added FAVORITE_POSITION (with configurable button caption) and SET_VALUE for UP, DOWN and FAVORITE_POSITION to Blinds.
- (sbormann) Added 'No Icon' as option to icon configuration.
- (sbormann) Added icon to 'Link to other view'.
- (sbormann) Added a bunch of new standard-icons.
- (sbormann) Added user icons.
- (sbormann) First stable release.
- (sbormann) Added show timestamp to device options to chose default behaviour and a small timestamp-icon in the dialog to show and hide timestamps.
- (sbormann) Fixed readonly handling of control mode for Homematic Thermostats.
- (sbormann) Added common type and common role to custom dialog.
- (sbormann) Added pressure menu for toolbar.
- (sbormann) Datapoint BATTERY can now be a level - the battery-empty-icon will be shown if value is less than 10%.
- (sbormann) Added additional color spaces for hue lights (RGB, RGBW, RGBWWCW, RGBCWWW, Milight-Hue, RGB Hue Only).
- (sbormann) Added Garage Door.
- (sbormann) Added targetValueId inside custom datapoint configuration dialog which allows to have different data points vor actual value and for target value.
- (sbormann) Added invert-flag inside custom datapoint configuration dialog.
- (sbormann) Added options to device configuration dialog.
- (sbormann) Added readonly-flag to device options.
- (sbormann) Added invert color temperature flag to device options for lights.
- (sbormann) Added invert flag to device options for blinds.
- (sbormann) Devices are now zoomed to fit screen (configurable under options).
- (sbormann) Fixed incomplete loading of admin page with some settings.
- (sbormann) Added datapoint-configuration via custom-dialog.
- (sbormann) Changed initialization of socket.io to an asynchronous process to wait for connection before trying to use file-operations.
- (sbormann) Added general datapoint ADDITIONAL_INFO to display additional data points at the bottom of the info-dialog.
- (sbormann) Fixed value list type conflict.
- (sbormann) Adjusted paths of demo-files.
- (sbormann) Major Change: The location of the uploaded user images has changed, so the images can be accessed by backup-function of iobroker - the images will be moved to the new location automatically - please open admin-page for ALL instances and save the settings to adjust the filenames of used images automatically.
- (sbormann) Inverted color-temperature-scale for hue-lights (now it uses the mired-scale = micro reciprocal degree-scale instead of kelvin).
- (Ansgar Schulte) Added Up and Down Buttons to Blinds.
- (sbormann) When creating a directory it will be entered.
- (sbormann) Added Effect-Section to Light
- (sbormann) If a state is not set yet, a standard value will be used
- (sbormann) Appended missing conn.js in admin-folder.
- (sbormann) Now file-operations in admin should work (file and directory renaming and deleting).
- (sbormann) Added Image-Popup in admin.
- (sbormann) Renamed demo-images.
- (sbormann) Again changes to forced touch for gained compatibility.
- (sbormann) Some more little changes to forced touch.
- (sbormann) Added option to open a view via url by adding 'home=' to url-parameters.
- (sbormann) Added compatibility for some android devices to forced touch.
- (sbormann) Changed the way hue and ct is displayed for better compatibility to some devices.
- (sbormann) Fixed crash of frontend, if a device has no role and added info to admin to choose a role.
- (sbormann) Removed filtering of states in select-id-dialog for auto-create.
- (sbormann) Further improvements of forced touch with force-indicator and hopefully a better compatibility with more devices.
- (sbormann) Added forced touch menu (press hard or press long on unsupported devices), which will give more room for extended features in the future.
- (sbormann) Linked Views can now be set for all roles and are available in the dialog and by a forced touch.
- (sbormann) Added timestamp for Window, Door, Fire, Temperature, Humidity, Brightness and Motion.
- (sbormann) Fixed issue 49 (state for role switch if type is number).
- (sbormann) Added WINDOW_OPENING_REPORTING to thermostat and Homematic-thermostat.
- (sbormann) Fixed marquee not always starting correctly.
- (sbormann) Added Battery.
- (sbormann) Heaters are displayed as inactive, if set-value is at its minimum.
- (sbormann) Added
object to allow backup of user uploaded files via iobroker backup. - (sbormann) Added check for existence of
before rendering view.
- (sbormann) Fixed some typos.
- (sbormann) Enhanced color-mixing of light with separate brightness-data points for color and white.
- (sbormann) Rewritten rendering of view as preparation for further enhancements.
- (sbormann) Rewritten rendering of dialog as preparation for further enhancements.
- (sbormann) Added option to colorize Device-Texts.
- (sbormann) Fixed io-package.json
- (sbormann) changed parts of the code to be backward-compatible to older browsers like ie 11.
- (sbormann) Now it is possible to define a value list for a data point under .native.states which will have a greater priority than a value list under
. - (sbormann) Updated dependency for axios to 0.0.19 to fix a security issue.
- (sbormann) Added datapoint POWER to switch, fan and light.
- (sbormann) Fixed marquee for small info texts in the upper right corner at big screen sizes.
- (sbormann) Added more options for configuring header-colors and device-colors (experimental state). Text-color ist not configurable yet.
- (sbormann) Added marquee (scrolling text) for long states and device names (can be configured in options).
- (sbormann) Added more toolbar-options.
- (sbormann) Enhanced handling of value lists.
- (sbormann) Disabled swiping when dialog is opened.
- (sbormann) Added brightness to motion-sensor.
- (sbormann) Added options tab. You can now configure colors of toolbar.
- (sbormann) Fixed rendering of constants.
- (sbormann) Resized the demo-wallpapers for faster loading.
- (sbormann) Added motion-sensor.
- (sbormann) Added description, how the frontend works: Operating Principle of Frontend.
- (sbormann) Added dialog for editing constants like SET_VALUE, URL or HTML.
- (sbormann) Changed the way arrays are stored.
- (sbormann) Added submit-button for values of type string.
- (sbormann) Added saturation to hue-lights.
- (sbormann) Better icons for color-temperature and brightness-sensor.
- (sbormann) Fixed jittering on Safari while scrolling (was related to Pull2Refresh).
- (sbormann) System language of iobroker will be loaded and used.
- (sbormann) Rewrote how constant values (instead of linkedStates) are handled - this is a requirement for further development.
- (sbormann) Fixed Pull2Refresh on android devices / chrome.
- (sbormann) Added external links
- (sbormann) Added popups with iframes
- (watcherkb) Improved german translation.
- (BramTown) Improved german translation.
- (sbormann) Short after another coming reconnect-events (<5s) are ignored now.
- (sbormann) Added Pull2Refresh on mobile devices - reloads whole page when pulling down on homepage, otherwise only the actual view is reloaded.
- (sbormann) Improved reloading on reconnect (hopefully to get it finally good working on iOS 12.2).
- (sbormann) New trial to get it working in iOS 12.2.
- (sbormann) Improved reloading of page in new PWA-Mode of iOS 12.2.
- (sbormann) Improved fetching of VALVE_STATES.
- (sbormann) Changed Button Icon.
- (sbormann) Added Loading-Spinner if disconnected.
- (sbormann) Due to new iOS 12.2 PWA-Mode added visibility-check and connectivity-check.
- (sbormann) Added role-icons to role-selectbox in edit device dialog.
- (sbormann) Fixed missing value-list for states of the type string.
- (sbormann) Changed description of slider (level/dimmer/value/height).
- (sbormann) Role of device is displayed in devices-table.
- (sbormann) VALVE_STATES is now editable via GUI (show opening of valves associated with a thermostat in percentage).
- (sbormann) Added Role 'Button': You can define a constant SET_VALUE which will be written to the ID that is linked with STATE if the button is pressed.
- (sbormann) Rewritten parts of front-end to guarantee better compatibility. Boost-Mode for Homematic-Thermostat should work now.
- (sbormann) Added state BOOST_STATE for Homematic-Thermostat - ability to display remaining boost-time if in boost-mode.
- (sbormann) Added description of roles and corresponding states.
- (sbormann) Temperature und Humidity-Sensors can now display a STATE at bottom of device, and both, TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY, in small in the upper right corner.
- (sbormann) Better handling of Auto-Create of Temperature- und Humidity-Sensors.
- (sbormann) German translation: 'geöffnet' lower case.
- (sbormann) Zigbee humidity and temperature added to auto-creation.
- (sbormann) Fixed not scrollable selectbox at devices tab.
- (sbormann) Improved check for value type of states.
- (sbormann) Improved slider-tooltip to lower font-size at large numbers.
- (sbormann) Doors and Windows now force true/false to be translated to opened/closed.
- (sbormann) Double Entries on WelcomeScreen/Overview removed.
- (sbormann) States are now set with the correct value type.
- (sbormann) Changed recognition of state types. I hope there are no new bugs now!
- (sbormann) Check for un-allowed chars in object names.
- (sbormann) Check for duplicates in view names.
- (sbormann) Level fires a slider in dialog - even when it has a state list (HUE again :)).
- (sbormann) Added Blinds (Homematic) - please test it, I don't have one to test.
- (sbormann) Added compatibility for edge and firefox.
- (sbormann) Again Hue bugfixes.
- (sbormann) Removed Tooltip from Toolbar.
- (sbormann) Added ColorTemperature. Hopefully HUE works now? Can't test ist, because i do not own any hue lamp :)
- (sbormann) Philips HUE added to auto-create (colortemp is not working yet!).
- (sbormann) LinkedView now also works on windows, doors and fire-sensor.
- (sbormann) Added translation (thanks
- (sbormann) Added icons to image selectboxes.
- (sbormann) Changed order of tabs
- (sbormann) Auto-create for shelly should work now (i hope so, can't test it here)
- (sbormann) Improved speed of select id and autocreate
- (sbormann) Set filter to channel on autocreate
- (sbormann) Bugfix: creation of many devices should work now
- (sbormann) Bugfix: copy device created just a reference to old object
- (sbormann) Added Toolbar-Icons
- (sbormann) various bugfixes
- (sbormann) first partly running version
- (sbormann) initial release