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ndi (development version)

ndi v0.1.6.9014

New Features

New Functions

  • Added duncan_cuzzort() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Absolute Centralization (ACE) based on Duncan, Cuzzort, & Duncan (1961; LC:60007089) and Massey & Denton (1988)
  • Added hoover() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Delta (DEL) based on Hoover (1941) and Duncan, Cuzzort, & Duncan (1961; LC:60007089)
  • Added james_taeuber() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Dissimilarity Index (D) based on James & Taeuber (1985)
  • Added lieberson() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Isolation Index (xPx*) based on Lieberson (1981; ISBN-13:978-1-032-53884-6) and and Bell (1954)
  • Added theil() function the aspatial racial or ethnic Entropy (H) based on Theil (1972; ISBN:978-0-444-10378-9) and Theil & Finizza (1971)
  • Added white_blau() function to compute an index of spatial proximity (SP) based on White (1986) and Blau (1977; ISBN-13:978-0-029-03660-0)
  • Thank you for the feature suggestions above, Symielle Gaston
  • Added denton() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Relative Clustering (RCL) based on Massey & Denton (1988)
  • Added denton_cuzzort() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Relative Concentration (RCO) based on Massey & Denton (1988) and Duncan, Cuzzort, & Duncan (1961; LC:60007089)
  • Added duncan_duncan() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Relative Centralization (RCE) based on Duncan & Duncan (1955b) and Massey & Denton (1988)
  • Added massey() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Absolute Clustering (ACL) based on Massey & Denton (1988)
  • Added massey_duncan() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Absolute Concentration (ACO) based on Massey & Denton (1988) and Duncan, Cuzzort, & Duncan (1961; LC:60007089)
  • Added morgan_denton() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Distance-Decay Interaction Index (DPxy*) based on Morgan (1983) and Massey & Denton (1988)
  • Added morgan_massey() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Distance-Decay Isolation Index (DPxx*) based on Morgan (1983) and Massey & Denton (1988)

New Function Capabilities

  • Added geo_large = 'place' for census-designated places, geo_large = 'cbsa' for core-based statistical areas, geo_large = 'csa' for combined statistical areas, and geo_large = 'metro' for metropolitan divisions as the larger geographical unit in atkinson(), bell(), bemanian_beyer(), denton(), denton_cuzzort(), duncan(), duncan_cuzzort(), duncan_duncan(), hoover(), james_taeuber(), lieberson(), massey(), massey_duncan(), morgan_denton(), morgan_denton(), morgan_massey(), sudano(), theil(), and white(), white_blau() functions.
  • Added census block group computation for anthopolos() by specifying geo == 'cbg' or geo == 'block group'
  • Added holder argument to atkinson() function to toggle the computation with or without the Hölder mean. The function can now compute A without the Hölder mean. The default is holder = FALSE.
  • Added crs argument to anthopolos(), bravo(), and white_blau() functions to provide spatial projection of the distance-based metrics
  • The gini() function now computes the aspatial racial or ethnic Gini Index (G) based on Gini (1921) as the main outcome. Arguments geo_large, geo_small, subgroup, and omit_NAs were added and argument geo was deprecated. The gini() function still retrieves the original output of the aspatial income Gini Index (G) at each smaller geography and is moved from the g output to g_data output.
  • Specifying census block groups in geo or geo_small arguments is now 'block group' or 'cbg' to match internal get_acs() function from the tidycensus package


Bug Fixes

  • bell() function computes the Interaction Index (Bell) not the Isolation Index as previously documented. Updated documentation throughout.
  • Fixed bug in bell(), bemanian_beyer(), duncan(), sudano(), and white() functions when a smaller geography contains n=0 total population, will assign a value of zero (0) in the internal calculation instead of NA
  • Fixed bug in atkinson() function to properly compute the income Atkinson Index
  • Renamed AI as A, DI as D, Gini as G, and II as xPy* to align with the definitions from Massey & Denton (1988). The output for atkinson() now produces a instead of ai. The output for duncan() now produces d instead of ai. The output for gini() now produces g instead of gini. The output for bell() now produces xPy_star instead of II. The internal functions ai_fun(), di_fun() and ii_fun() were renamed a_fun(), ddd_fun() and xpy_star_fun(), respectively.
  • 'package.R' deprecated. Replaced with 'ndi-package.R'

New Dependencies

  • tigris and units are now Imports

Updated Documentation

  • Split up vignette into three separate vignettes: 'ndi1', 'ndi2', and 'ndi3' for the NDI, racial or ethnic residential segregation, and additional socioeconomic disparity indices, respectively
  • Consolidated DESCRIPTION
  • Reformatted functions for consistent internal structure
  • Re-formatted code and documentation throughout for consistent readability
  • Renamed 'race/ethnicity' or 'racial/ethnic' to 'race or ethnicity' or 'racial or ethnic' throughout documentation to use more modern, inclusive, and appropriate language
  • Updated documentation about value range of V (White) from {0 to 1} to {-Inf to Inf}
  • Added examples for atkinson(), duncan_cuzzort(), duncan_duncan(), gini(), hoover(), james_taeuber(), lieberson(), massey(), massey_duncan(), morgan_massey(), theil(), and white_blau() functions in vignettes and README
  • Added example for holder argument in atkinson() function in README
  • Reordered the contents of 'ndi-package.R' thematically
  • Reordered the README examples alphabetically
  • Reordered the vignette examples to group the racial or ethnic residential segregation indices
  • Updated examples in vignettes to showcase a larger variety of U.S. states
  • Updated examples in functions to better describe the metrics
  • Updated documentation formatting of metric names in all functions

ndi v0.1.5

New Features

  • None


  • 'DescTools' is now Suggests to fix Rd cross-references NOTE
  • Fixed 'lost braces in \itemize' NOTE for anthopolos(), atkinson(), bell(), bemanian_beyer(), bravo(), duncan(), krieger(), messer(), powell_wiley(), sudano(), and white() functions
  • Fixed 'Moved Permanently' content by replacing the old URL with the new URL
  • Fixed citation for Slotman et al. (2022) in CITATION

ndi v0.1.4

New Features

  • Added atkinson() function to compute the aspatial income or racial or ethnic Atkinson Index (A) based on Atkinson (1970) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Added bell() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Interaction Index (xPy*) based on Shevky & Williams (1949; ISBN-13:978-0837156378) and Bell (1954)
  • Added white() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Correlation Ratio (V) based on Bell (1954) and White (1986)
  • Added sudano() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Location Quotient (LQ) based on Merton (1939) and Sudano et al. (2013)
  • Added bemanian_beyer() function to compute the aspatial racial or ethnic Local Exposure and Isolation (LEx/Is) metric based on Bemanian & Beyer (2017)


  • car is now Imports
  • Fixed bug in reverse dependency check failure for anthopolos() and bravo() functions removing returnValue() when data are not missing
  • Thank you, Roger Bivand, for the catch. Relates to ndi Issue #5
  • Updated duncan(), gini(), krieger(), messer(), and powell_wiley() for consistency in messaging when data are not missing
  • Updated tests for anthopolos() and bravo() if Sys.getenv('CENSUS_API_KEY') != ''
  • Added omit_NAs argument in duncan() function to choose if NA values will be included in its computation
  • In duncan() function, if any smaller geographic unit has zero counts the output for its larger geographic unit will be NA
  • Fixed bug in duncan() function for multiple subgroup and subgroup_ref selections
  • Updated documentation throughout
  • Added GitHub R-CMD-check
  • Updated citation style for CITATION file

ndi v0.1.3

New Features

  • Added duncan() function to compute the Dissimilarity Index (D) based on Duncan & Duncan (1955a) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Thank you for the feature suggestion, Jessica Madrigal
  • Added 'utils.R' file with internal di_fun() function for duncan() function


  • Fixed bug in bravo() function where ACS-5 data (2005-2009) are from the 'B15002' question and 'B06009' after
  • Fixed bug in missingness warning for all metrics
  • utils is now Imports
  • Updated vignette and README with new features
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated tests
  • Updated CITATION with new citation for the additional metric
  • Updated maintainer contact information

ndi v0.1.2

New Features

  • Added krieger() function to compute the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE) based on Feldman et al. (2015) and Krieger et al. (2016) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Thank you for the feature suggestion, David Berrigan
  • Added df argument for the messer() and powell_wiley() functions to specify a pre-formatted data set input for the NDI computation
  • Added round_output argument for the messer() and powell_wiley() functions to provide raw output as the default and rounded output as optional.
  • Thank you for the suggested enhancements, Chris Prener
  • Added DCtracts2020 a testing data set for the ndi package and its documentation


  • Fixed bug in powell_wiley() function where the internal PCA will now run properly if only one factor has an eigenvalue above 1
  • Optimized the code to calculate missingness in all functions
  • Thank you for the suggested bug fixes, Jacob Englert
  • Fixed bug in powell_wiley() function where 'PctNoPhone' before 2015 is 'DP04_0074PE' and 'DP04_0075PE' after
  • Thank you for alerting this issue, Jessica Gleason
  • Relaxed year argument in functions to include any year after 2009 or 2010 for the indices
  • Cleaned-up output formatting in functions
  • usethis is now Suggests and LazyData is set to 'true'
  • Updated tests for the df argument in messer() and powell_wiley() functions
  • Updated vignette and README with new features
  • Fixed typos throughout documentation
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION and fixed typos
  • Updated 'package.R' with new details
  • Updated CITATION with new citations for the additional metric

ndi v0.1.1

New Features

  • Added anthopolos() function to compute the Racial Isolation Index (RI) based on based on Anthopolos et al. (2011) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Added bravo() function to compute the Educational Isolation Index (EI) based on based on Bravo et al. (2021) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Added gini() function to retrieve the Gini Index (G) based on Gini (1921) for specified counties/tracts 2009 onward
  • Thank you for the feature suggestions, Jessica Madrigal


  • Matrix and sf are now Imports
  • Updated vignette and README for new features
  • Fixed typos throughout documentation
  • Updated Description in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated 'package.R' with new details and section
  • Updated CITATION with new citations for the additional metrics

ndi v0.1.0

  • Fixed invalid URL and typos in package

ndi v0.0.1

  • Initial CRAN submission