- Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5
- Getting proper changelogs for beautifulsoup4 PyPi package again
- Getting proper changelogs for synapse PyPi package again
- Stopped using bumpversion
- Added a pypi/map.txt file to add custom URLS more easily
- Added a bunch of custom URLS: - pytest-flake8 - cornice.ext.swagger - python-social-core - python-social-auth - cx-oracle - plotnine - django-hijack - pyinvoke - gitpython - python-memcached - appenlight-client
- Added a bunch of custom parser:
- robozilla
- websocket-client
- pep8-naming
- py-trello
- synapse
- django-haystack
- libsass
- lazy-object-proxy
- Added a bunch of custom parser:
- flake8
- pyyaml
- six
- factory-boy
- jinja2
- docutils
- sphinx-rtd-theme
- whitenoise
- numpy
- beautifulsoup4
- mccabe
- django-braces
- alabaster
- cffi
- django-coverage-plugin
- newrelic
- pandas
- twine
- pep8-naming
- django-storages-redux
- pbr
- The changelog finder now checks repo URLs if they contain the given project name. This should
make it easier to identify false changelogs.
- Fixed a couple of internal errors on edge cases.
- Added custom parsers for: - graphene - beautifulsoup4
- Added support for GitHub release pages
- Added experimental support for git commit log parsing
- Fix issue with custom parsing of packages with different case.
- Catch errors from launchpad.
- Add support for changing project name when switching vendors.
- Add support for finding URLs in the project description.
- Add support for ex code.google.com projects, now moved to github.
- Add support for parsing sourceforge repos.
- Added custom parser: - alembic - genshi - imapclient - mako - pyinotify - python-ldap - redis - uwsgi - pyaudio
- added custom parser: - mysqlclient, thanks @alexkiro
- added custom launchpad backend, thanks to @alexkiro
- added custom parsers - cheroot - pyparsing - gunicorn - sqlalchemy - djangorestframework
- tweaked the get_head function
- added flake8 special parser
- tweaked the parser, included tests for openpyxl
- include docs-src as docs candidate
- add better support for NPM packages
- fix packagin error (hopefully)
- use modules for custom imports, for packaging
- the find_changelogs and get_urls functions now also return the repo URLs
- allow to swap in the find_changelogs function
- added support for rubygems
- added support for npm
- First release on PyPI.