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Releases: goharbor/harbor-operator


07 Dec 02:14
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v1.4.0-rc1 Pre-release


Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.4.0-rc1


Per issue #960, we need to use kubectl create to install harbor-operator and kubectl replace to upgrade harbor-operator.


02 Jul 13:33
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  • support harbor v2.5.x
  • support offline scan option in trivy
  • fix reconcile issues after changing harbor spec
  • support specify ingressClass name
  • bump up minio-operator v4.4.22
  • upgrade postgresql helm chart 10.14.3 in Makefile
  • upgrade redis helm chart 15.7.0 in Makefile
  • upgrade kustomize and other tools in Makefile


  • 656ed7c doc(tutorial): add warnings for ingress class
  • b199404 fix: Ignore the status check for the registryctl cr in harbor controller
  • ae23ba2 release v1.3.0

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0
  • docker pull

Deployment manifests

  • kubectl apply -f (install harbor-operator)
  • kubectl apply -f (install full stack sample)

known issue

  • #914 minio can't upgrade in-place for helm chart installation


16 Jun 09:26
Choose a tag to compare
v1.3.0-rc3 Pre-release


Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0-rc3


15 Jun 00:35
Choose a tag to compare
v1.3.0-rc2 Pre-release


Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0-rc2


02 Jun 12:15
Choose a tag to compare
v1.3.0-rc1 Pre-release


  • 576a1a5 Doc/update doc 1.2 (#832)
  • 5c925d3 Doc/update related docs (#609)
  • e5e4d2f Docs/tutorials registry (#606)
  • 3553e9c Feature/add ingress class (#800)
  • e4f467a Fix readme (#831)
  • 9e31638 Initial movement of the day2 code (#807)
  • d54eaeb add POSTGRES_SECRETS_TEMPLATE in container ENV (#718)
  • 852a3d0 add contour support (#651)
  • 112e363 add harborcluster validator
  • 92439b6 add kustomize
  • 87c4e7a add makefile for chart.lock
  • 2c80a32 add mutation
  • 1a3f4a0 add prefix folder for chartmuseum
  • 9084bb8 add v1beta1 sample
  • cb123f6 bump up redis-operator v1.1.1
  • b088d17 ci(rbac): add OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement in kind cluster, to simulate openshift cluster (#822)
  • 53ca0ac doc(Development): Remove cert-manager deployment (#735)
  • 021bb30 doc(README): update for 1.2 GA (#851)
  • 36567d3 doc(README):update README to reflect latest changes (#740)
  • 598dbdb doc(README):update release plan
  • 047072b doc(Readme): add release plan sections
  • a560052 doc(backup):add notes to the backup docs (#632)
  • c9ead7d doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
  • 58cf14a doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
  • f8a9f57 doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
  • 1f6d18f doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
  • ba4e811 doc(console):add doc for enabling minio console (#618)
  • ae550eb doc(day2 config): remove day2 realted content out (#852)
  • 563fdc1 doc(day2 doc): fix doc lint error
  • 9b2fa07 doc(installation):add doc for custimizing storage,db and cache (#623)
  • b2b0fd7 doc(pg) add postgres backup doc (#534)
  • 7737964 doc(readme): update versioning and compatibility matrix (#675)
  • d65f275 doc(tutorial): update the out-of-date info
  • 2b3aae4 doc(tutorial):update the outdated guides info
  • 8fc120d fix RELEASE_VERSION in docker image
  • cbcfec0 fix core token when using "https://IP:port" as the external URL
  • 6c77851 fix dependency build
  • cca0a85 fix doc
  • c17f9cc fix gcs config (#830)
  • 5abfbdc fix go version in CI charts
  • e190077 fix goreleaser
  • f80845d fix json unmarshal bug (#747)
  • d3d7cac fix k8s version (#709)
  • 5a15876 fix kubebuilder download url
  • 7069994 fix md lint
  • a6aad76 fix minio annotation
  • aa495a2 fix release docker build go version
  • 73e7a17 fix typo in chart.yaml (#869)
  • 3e675aa fix webhook with azure field
  • 29d71db fix zz_generated.deepcopy.go
  • 7e1acc4 fix(Makefile): Set default ingress class when installing nginx-ingress with helm (#775)
  • 6195bc8 fix(Makefile): fix kubebuilder installation
  • f5054e8 fix(ci) image in kustomization.yaml
  • 599e7a1 fix(ci) support certmanager 1.4 (#697)
  • 0592321 fix(config):handle empty redis password (#625)
  • 69527e6 fix(configuration): clean status reason when reconcile success (#752)
  • 8e3ad45 fix(configuration): missing extended fields (#746)
  • ac6d4d1 fix(controller): use update instead of patche (#876)
  • 6a67475 fix(crd) remove useless EncryptionKeyRef
  • 0f24976 fix(crd) remove useless samples (#614)
  • 055b6b5 fix(database) set ref pg secret owner (#662)
  • fcda8e2 fix(database,redis): fix harbor
  • afac1ef fix(expose): fix go-lint
  • be9c358 fix(expose): make ingress required.
  • 05328e4 fix(expose): make ingress required.
  • c4208eb fix(expose): remove generate code
  • 7d71e58 fix(expose): remove generate code
  • 008767f fix(harborcluster): don't allow users to switch type between incluster and external (#820)
  • 991031a fix(helm): crds
  • 7bace1d fix(ingress): fixes: #823
  • f344706 fix(ingress): ingress nil panic
  • 7205231 fix(openshift): add support for openshift
  • 74aba7e fix(openshift): fix issue 698 (#721)
  • eb5f440 fix(sample) minimal_stack_fs.yaml
  • 8481e68 fix(samples):revise errors in sample manifest (#624)
  • 241271d fix(storage): add s3 swift
  • 12815e6 fix(version) notaryserver.go (#656)
  • f61ba21 fix: Allow for empty S3 SecretKeyRef
  • db72477 fix: add fileSystem
  • cc9952e fix: add missing component spec copy for exporter
  • f19ac81 fix: add redis cluster role patch to be compatible with openshift
  • 35056b4 fix: adjust the update logic of deprecated configmap day2 configuration (#835)
  • 5b19aab fix: append slash to the end of ingress path (#702)
  • 2afa9df fix: debug is optional
  • 678182a fix: helm charts
  • c6e2642 fix: let backend port in notary ingress depend on internal tls (#744)
  • af83486 fix: let jobservice of exporter be optional (#722)
  • 75575ac fix: registry deployment debug port should match the spec
  • 77a5ec5 fix: registry log enum
  • daeb48b fix: remove the scale subresource for registry resource (#628)
  • 89ee304 fix: remove ttl for job of creating bucket (#694)
  • 255b55b fix: typo in registry config template (#878)
  • a0db41f optimization of log consist (#689)
  • 6dcbdc9 refactor: create the minio bucket by the job (#620)
  • 5821ef3 refactor: migrate configuration controller harbor client to goharbor go-client (#821)
  • eee0d9f refactor: refact crd based harborconfiguration (#748)
  • 9e417c3 remove dependency build
  • 1565a88 remove dns name from externalURL in tokencert
  • 6e2b2c2 remove push_cnab test in CI
  • f1b7b44 replace postgres operator chart repo
  • 7ebb561 replace spotahome/redis-operator by szlabs/redis-operator (#804)
  • 13b3663 revert(lb) revert loadblance from 1.0
  • 63a8292 support azure blob storage
  • 6208eb3 sys(stale): add stale configurations
  • 95ff926 tools(kind): upgrade kind (#897)
  • 7c279ce update generate file
  • 544d673 update kustomize and other tools (#882)
  • 95a56f3 update minio-operator 4.4.9
  • 90b16b1 update monitor logs
  • c9d380d update storage config
  • df98067 update version 1.3.0-rc1
  • 0a03139 upgrade certmanger (#665)
  • de9c415 upgrade kind
  • 96639f9 upgrade minio operator to v4.4.9 (#841)
  • 648ae48 upgrade minio to latest version
  • bc62875 use fix postgresql/redis image in go tests
  • c664c8f use harbor v2.4.1 as default sample
  • 1f931f5 use spotahome redis-operator

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.3.0-rc1


31 Mar 06:48
Choose a tag to compare


  • support harbor v2.4.x
  • put registry and registryctl into one pod
  • support Azure backend storage driver
  • support Google Cloud backend storage driver
  • make the deployment of Portal optional
  • export ingress class name annotation
  • support k8s 1.23
  • bump up minio-operator v4.4.9
  • bump up redis-operator v1.1.1
  • bump up postgres-operator v1.6.3
  • bump up control-runtime v0.11.0
  • bump up client-go v0.23.0
  • refine s3 redirect spec
  • enhance support for strict k8s like openshift


6c53deb release v1.2.0
also refer v1.2.0-rc1, v1.2.0-rc2, v1.2.0-rc3

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.2.0
  • docker pull

Deployment manifests

  • kubectl apply -f (install harbor-operator)
  • kubectl apply -f (install full stack sample)

known issue

  • #833 minio-operator upgrade fail, need to increase worker nodes or delete old statefulset
  • #829 change secret and configmap doesn't trigger owner reconcile
  • #825 Trivy scanner not removed after remove trivy component.
  • #743 apply failed after changing internal tls from false to true
  • #641 ncp ingress not accessable when internal tls enabled


25 Mar 14:53
Choose a tag to compare
v1.2.0-rc3 Pre-release


72d851f update version 1.2.0-rc3
7bce278 update minio-operator 4.4.9

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.2.0-rc3


22 Mar 02:00
Choose a tag to compare
v1.2.0-rc2 Pre-release


2e77528 update generated files
d6d6d5d update version 1.2.0-rc2
0be9ef9 update yaml files
6d5aa25 use harbor v2.4.2 as default sample

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.2.0-rc2


22 Mar 02:00
Choose a tag to compare
v1.2.0-rc1 Pre-release


576a1a5 Doc/update doc 1.2 (#832)
5c925d3 Doc/update related docs (#609)
e5e4d2f Docs/tutorials registry (#606)
3553e9c Feature/add ingress class (#800)
e4f467a Fix readme (#831)
9e31638 Initial movement of the day2 code (#807)
d54eaeb add POSTGRES_SECRETS_TEMPLATE in container ENV (#718)
852a3d0 add contour support (#651)
112e363 add harborcluster validator
92439b6 add kustomize
2c80a32 add mutation
1a3f4a0 add prefix folder for chartmuseum
9084bb8 add v1beta1 sample
cb123f6 bump up redis-operator v1.1.1
b088d17 ci(rbac): add OwnerReferencesPermissionEnforcement in kind cluster, to simulate openshift cluster (#822)
53ca0ac doc(Development): Remove cert-manager deployment (#735)
021bb30 doc(README): update for 1.2 GA (#851)
36567d3 doc(README):update README to reflect latest changes (#740)
598dbdb doc(README):update release plan
047072b doc(Readme): add release plan sections
a560052 doc(backup):add notes to the backup docs (#632)
1f6d18f doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
58cf14a doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
c9ead7d doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
f8a9f57 doc(by-helm-chart):update image version
ba4e811 doc(console):add doc for enabling minio console (#618)
ae550eb doc(day2 config): remove day2 realted content out (#852)
563fdc1 doc(day2 doc): fix doc lint error
9b2fa07 doc(installation):add doc for custimizing storage,db and cache (#623)
b2b0fd7 doc(pg) add postgres backup doc (#534)
7737964 doc(readme): update versioning and compatibility matrix (#675)
d65f275 doc(tutorial): update the out-of-date info
2b3aae4 doc(tutorial):update the outdated guides info
8fc120d fix RELEASE_VERSION in docker image
cbcfec0 fix core token when using "https://IP:port" as the external URL
cca0a85 fix doc
c17f9cc fix gcs config (#830)
5abfbdc fix go version in CI charts
f80845d fix json unmarshal bug (#747)
d3d7cac fix k8s version (#709)
7069994 fix md lint
a6aad76 fix minio annotation
91ed56b fix release docker build go version
3e675aa fix webhook with azure field
29d71db fix zz_generated.deepcopy.go
7e1acc4 fix(Makefile): Set default ingress class when installing nginx-ingress with helm (#775)
6195bc8 fix(Makefile): fix kubebuilder installation
f5054e8 fix(ci) image in kustomization.yaml
599e7a1 fix(ci) support certmanager 1.4 (#697)
0592321 fix(config):handle empty redis password (#625)
69527e6 fix(configuration): clean status reason when reconcile success (#752)
8e3ad45 fix(configuration): missing extended fields (#746)
6a67475 fix(crd) remove useless EncryptionKeyRef
0f24976 fix(crd) remove useless samples (#614)
055b6b5 fix(database) set ref pg secret owner (#662)
fcda8e2 fix(database,redis): fix harbor
afac1ef fix(expose): fix go-lint
05328e4 fix(expose): make ingress required.
be9c358 fix(expose): make ingress required.
7d71e58 fix(expose): remove generate code
c4208eb fix(expose): remove generate code
008767f fix(harborcluster): don't allow users to switch type between incluster and external (#820)
991031a fix(helm): crds
7bace1d fix(ingress): fixes: #823
f344706 fix(ingress): ingress nil panic
7205231 fix(openshift): add support for openshift
74aba7e fix(openshift): fix issue 698 (#721)
eb5f440 fix(sample) minimal_stack_fs.yaml
8481e68 fix(samples):revise errors in sample manifest (#624)
241271d fix(storage): add s3 swift
12815e6 fix(version) notaryserver.go (#656)
f61ba21 fix: Allow for empty S3 SecretKeyRef
db72477 fix: add fileSystem
cc9952e fix: add missing component spec copy for exporter
f19ac81 fix: add redis cluster role patch to be compatible with openshift
35056b4 fix: adjust the update logic of deprecated configmap day2 configuration (#835)
5b19aab fix: append slash to the end of ingress path (#702)
678182a fix: helm charts
c6e2642 fix: let backend port in notary ingress depend on internal tls (#744)
af83486 fix: let jobservice of exporter be optional (#722)
daeb48b fix: remove the scale subresource for registry resource (#628)
89ee304 fix: remove ttl for job of creating bucket (#694)
a0db41f optimization of log consist (#689)
6dcbdc9 refactor: create the minio bucket by the job (#620)
5821ef3 refactor: migrate configuration controller harbor client to goharbor go-client (#821)
eee0d9f refactor: refact crd based harborconfiguration (#748)
1565a88 remove dns name from externalURL in tokencert
6e2b2c2 remove push_cnab test in CI
7ebb561 replace spotahome/redis-operator by szlabs/redis-operator (#804)
13b3663 revert(lb) revert loadblance from 1.0
63a8292 support azure blob storage
6208eb3 sys(stale): add stale configurations
7c279ce update generate file
90b16b1 update monitor logs
c9d380d update storage config
afbe9b3 update version 1.2.0-rc1
0a03139 upgrade certmanger (#665)
de9c415 upgrade kind
96639f9 upgrade minio operator to v4.4.9 (#841)
648ae48 upgrade minio to latest version
bc62875 use fix postgresql/redis image in go tests
c664c8f use harbor v2.4.1 as default sample
1f931f5 use spotahome redis-operator

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.2.0-rc1


06 Mar 15:41
Choose a tag to compare


325e405 fix: Allow for empty S3 SecretKeyRef
6162be9 update version 1.1.2
7f932c8 use fixed postgresql/redis image in go tests
04bfd22 use harbor v2.3.5 as default sample

Docker images

  • docker pull goharbor/harbor-operator:v1.1.2
  • docker pull

Deployment manifests

  • kubectl apply -f (install harbor-operator)
  • kubectl apply -f (install full stack sample)