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Code Climate Test Coverage

This is the official repository for platform project.

Fab labs provide widespread access to modern means for invention. They began as an outreach project from MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), and became into a collaborative and global network. You can find more information about Fab Labs on the Fab Foundation Website.

If you are a Fab labs entusiast and/or you would like to contribute to the project please feel free to get in touch by opening a new issue.

Getting started

The platform is built with Ruby on Rails. We recommend reading the guide.

You can develop locally, or by using docker-compose (advanced).

  1. Start by creating the config file and edit as needed
    • cp .env.example .env

Local development (recommended)

We recommend using rbenv to handle different Ruby versions, and nvm to handle Node versions.

Install dependencies and create a database:

  1. npm i

  2. bundle

  3. rake db:setup

  4. rails s

  5. Visit http://localhost:3000

Setup on MacOS

On MacOS to have the exact Ruby version, use a version manager. Default MacOS Ruby is incompatible. See example article how to setup on mac

With chruby installed, you can do something like this:

  1. ruby-install 2.6.10
  2. chruby 2.6.10
  3. gem install bundler:2.3.26 (check Gemfile.lock file)
  4. bundler install (optional: bundle config set --local without 'test')
  5. nvm use (setup NodeJS with )

Trouble shooting Issue with bundle install and postgress a. brew install libpq () a. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/lib/pkgconfig"


Run tests with:

bundle exec rake

Using docker-compose (optional, for advanced users)

  1. Start the project:

    docker-compose up app

  2. Create database (only the first time):

    docker-compose exec app rake db:setup


    docker-compose exec app rake db:schema:load

    If npm does not successfully install do:

    docker-compose exec app npm i

  3. Add this to your /etc/hosts:   www.fablabs.local   api.fablabs.local
  4. Visit http://www.fablabs.local:3000

  5. API is served on http://api.fablabs.local:3000

  6. Add test users and data with

    docker-compose exec app rake db:seed

    This will create a normal user (email=[email protected], password=password) and an admin user (email=[email protected], password=password)

  7. Run tests with

    docker-compose exec app rake db:setup RAILS_ENV=test

    docker-compose exec app rake spec

  8. If you make changes to the code, rebuild the app and deploy the new image

    docker-compose build

    docker-compose up -d

  9. Backup your db at any time with the included script:

  10. Other:

    docker compose exec app bundle update --patch

  11. Access Postgress database:

    docker exec -it fablabsio_db_1 psql -d fablabs -U postgres

Getting an API Token

  1. Login to
  2. Go to the developer console (on the upper-right menu)
  3. Create a New application, or edit an existing one.
  4. Fill in the form, Redirect URI can be ''
  5. Submit

Copy the Personal access token

Verify the token is working with the following terminal command:

curl -X GET '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_personal_token>'
curl -X GET ''  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your_personal_token>'

Production notes

If you are running in production:

  • you need to setup the SSL hosts and .env vars from the docker-compose.yml

  • you must define Amazon S3 env vars, all thumbnails and images depend on this:
S3_KEY=<amazon key>
S3_SECRET=<amazon secret>
S3_REGION=<amazon region code>
  • you need to run the assets pipeline to update public/assets

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake tmp:clear

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake assets:precompile

docker-compose restart app

Pull requests

All PRs are tested on Github Actions. Make sure the tests run.

Languages and translation

The project is now on Crowdin

Use the i18n-tasks normalize before submitting language changes


There is a minimal styleguide on http://localhost:3000/styleguide

Use it and update it if you add new reusable classes


Currently using this tool to manually handle versioning:

Use this command to update the VERSION file + create a git tag

bump patch --tag

Then push the git tag with:

git push --tags


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL) - see the file for details.